Home Trees and shrubs Secrets of solar flares and their impact on the earth. Why are flashes in the sun dangerous for people?

Secrets of solar flares and their impact on the earth. Why are flashes in the sun dangerous for people?

At the beginning of the last century, it was noticed that solar activity has a direct impact on the Earth, as well as on all living and inanimate objects on it. And one of the most significant manifestations solar activity are solar flares. Today, this phenomenon is being studied by scientists in dozens of research centers and institutes located in different corners the world. What is the reason for flares on the Sun, and what effect do they have on our life? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Causes of solar flares

Like any other star, the Sun is a huge ball of gas. This ball rotates on its axis, but it does not do it like our planet or another solid... Rotational speed different parts this star is different. The poles move more slowly and the equator moves faster. As a result, the magnetic field of the Sun, together with the plasma, is twisted in a special way and is amplified to such an extent that it begins to rise to its surface. In these places, activity increases and outbreaks appear.

In other words, the rotation energy of the luminary is capable of converting into magnetic energy. And in places where too much of this energy is released, flashes occur. This process is easy to imagine using the example of an ordinary light bulb plugged into a network. If the voltage in the network rises excessively, the lamp burns out.

What happens during solar flares

During outbreaks, it is released great amount energy. During each of them, billions of kilotons of TNT are released. The amount of energy from one solar flare is more than can be obtained from burning all explored on this moment oil and gas reserves on Earth.

As a result of flares, a large number of plasma, which forms the so-called plasma clouds. Driven by the solar wind, they are directed towards the Earth and cause geomagnetic storms that have a strong impact on our planet.

How solar flares affect technology

Scientists have identified the direct impact of solar flares and subsequent geo magnetic storms recruiting various technical devices... And it is truly grandiose. Unfortunately, solar flares can only negatively affect human-made devices.

Often during these periods, radar devices fail or work intermittently. During solar flares, communication with ships and submarines is often lost. Great danger represents this type of solar activity for airplanes. During outbreaks, the navigation devices of airliners sometimes stop working. If this happens during take-off or landing, there is a direct threat to the lives of passengers and crew members.

Ground equipment also suffers during outbreaks. First of all, this applies to devices that transmit and receive GPS signals. Therefore, due to solar flares, they may work incorrectly or not work at all. car navigators, Cell Phones and other GPS-enabled devices.

How solar flares affect the human body

For the first time, the famous scientist Chizhevsky spoke about the effect of outbreaks on living things, including humans, at the beginning of the 20th century. However, at that time his arguments were ridiculed as pseudoscientific. And only after many decades, researchers discovered a strong influence solar flares on human body... Unfortunately, as in the case of technology, this type of solar activity is extremely unfavorable for people.

First of all, children and the elderly, as well as sick and weakened people, suffer from the consequences of solar flares. But everyone else, one way or another, feels their influence on themselves, even if they do not think about it.

So, for example, every healthy adult can surely recall moments when he experienced a clear breakdown without any apparent reason... Of course, this condition can occur in different cases. But very often it is caused by flares on the Sun or geomagnetic storms that arise after them.

Scientists have found that during this period the blood thickens. In this regard, solar flares are especially dangerous for people suffering from hypertension or prone to blood clots. Anyone who has similar health problems should definitely monitor the forecast of geomagnetic storms. During the period of their onset, you must always have the necessary medicines on hand.

Solar flares have an adverse effect on the human cardiovascular system. For this reason, during them, the number of heart attacks and strokes increases. People suffering from any chronic diseases, during outbreaks, exacerbations sometimes occur. And those who are completely healthy sometimes experience unreasonable fatigue, apathy, and loss of strength.

Impact on the human psyche

These phenomena have Negative influence on the human body, both at the physiological and psychological levels. So, even absolutely healthy people at this time, they often experience increased irritability and nervous excitability - or, on the contrary, lethargy and depression.

Scientists have found that during solar flares, people's attention deteriorates and the speed of reaction to external stimuli decreases. For this reason, at such times, the number of road accidents increases. In addition, during these periods, the number of industrial accidents increases, the cause of which is the human factor.

People with mental illness and deviations during solar flares, exacerbations are often observed. In addition, it has long been noticed that at such moments the number of suicides increases.

Although solar flares do not bring anything good for our planet and its inhabitants, do not forget that this star gives us warmth and light. We hope that the information given in our article will help meteosensitive people to act correctly during solar flares and geomagnetic storms.

Source: Gazeta.Ru

How solar flares affect people and the economy

The beginning of this autumn is accompanied by a whole series of powerful solar flares. The next, already the fourth in a row, took place on September 10. Scientists have assigned it to class X, the highest of five possible. The flash activity index reached this time 9,8 points out of 10 possible.

According to scientists from the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun Institute of Physics RAS named after Lebedev, referring to data from the GOES-15 satellite, the new explosion on the Sun belongs to the highest class X with a score of X8.2. For comparison, on Wednesday, September 6, there was the most powerful outbreak in 12 years with a score of X9.3.

The first two powerful outbreaks occurred on September 6th. The next outbreak, which was assigned the highest activity class - X9.3, occurred on September 7 in the evening. Another one is already on Friday, September 8, at 11 am Belarusian time.

Solar flares are catastrophic phenomena on the surface of the Sun caused by reconnection (reconnection) of magnetic field lines "frozen in" into the solar plasma. At some point, the extremely twisted magnetic field lines break off and reconnect in a new configuration, releasing a colossal amount of energy.

Depending on the intensity of solar flares, they are classified, and in in this case we are talking about the most powerful flashes - the X-class. The energy released by such flares is equivalent to the explosions of billions of megaton hydrogen bombs.

The strongest solar flare recorded in modern era, occurred on November 4, 2003 and was classified as X28. But its consequences were not catastrophic, since the release was not directed directly to Earth.

Extreme solar flares can be accompanied by powerful outbursts of matter from solar corona, the so-called coronal mass ejections. For the Earth, it can be both more and less dangerous - depending on whether the release is directed directly to our planet. In any case, the consequences of these emissions are felt in 1-3 days. It is about billions of tons of matter flying at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

This time, a huge mass of matter was just on the way to Earth. This was evidenced by data from solar coronagraphs observing the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. As expected, the extreme activity of the Sun has already caused the strongest magnetic storm on Earth, which was assigned the fourth level on a five-point scale.

Source: Gazeta.Ru

Danger of solar flares

Right off the bat, one can name only one sector of the economy that clearly benefits from solar cataclysms - the media industry. Because when an event is in the spotlight, the media always make money on it.

But some other industries are doing much worse. The current series of solar flares may cause malfunctions in space technology, as well as communication systems. This warning was made by the head of the Center space weather Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Gaidash.

Already on Wednesday, when the first two outbreaks occurred, they caused disruptions to radio communications and reception. GPS signals on the daytime side of the Earth, lasting about an hour. However, the earthlings this time, one might say, got off easy.

In early 2017, the World Economic Forum, in its Global Risks Report, identified weather issues as more important than the influx of migrants and dependence on technology. According to Forum experts, the weather can significantly damage the economy, and a solar storm can lead to a worldwide catastrophe.

The fact that a powerful solar storm could lead to a serious collapse in the global economy, said in a report published in the magazine Space Weather. Scientists have described four scenarios for the impact of massive solar flares on Earth's infrastructure - even with the most prosperous of them, the US economy, for example, will lose about $ 6.2 billion per day, 15% of daily GDP.

And in the worst-case scenario, the United States will lose $ 41.5 billion per day - everything that the country's economy produces during the same time.

The authors of the report warn that the consequences of the blackout massive power outages- this is only direct economic damage, and indirect, which is usually not taken into account, costs about the same amount (and sometimes more).

In the latest Global Risk Report, prepared by the World Economic Forum, natural disasters and extreme weather named more dangerous and probable events than social stratification and dependence on information technologies(only the use of weapons will have a greater effect mass destruction, but the likelihood of this event is extremely small).

According to National Center information about environment The USA (National Centers for Environmental Information, NCEI), in general, weather-related problems in 2016 cost the American economy $ 46 billion. The greatest damage was caused by floods, in particular in August in Louisiana and on the entire East Coast after Hurricane Matthew: on elimination of the consequences of each of them required $ 10 billion. In addition, every year the weather is getting warmer, and scientists urge those who manage the economy to pay attention to this.

The consequences of a severe solar storm can be different - for the worse - even from the most powerful floods. For example, coronal mass ejections can affect all satellites in the global positioning system, causing car navigators and many others to stop working. electronic services... However, the most vulnerable will not even be satellites, but ground electrical network: overloading it will damage the transformers, which are difficult and expensive to replace at the same time. Many high-voltage transformers can simply explode due to changes in the magnetic field, and it will take about five months to replace each one.

Source: Gazeta.Ru

Sunny weather forecast

A study published in November 2016 by the Cambridge Center for Risk Research estimates the damage to the global economy from a solar storm at $ 140-613 billion over the next five years, depending on the power of the emissions. A world without electricity - due to damaged transformers - will plunge into economic stagnation.

Such expensive equipment is difficult to repair and replace for short term... The inability of the system to cope with the loss of these assets will lead to instability and a cascade of catastrophic problems in infrastructure systems - transport, communications, medicine - around the world, the authors of the study note.

It is impossible to prevent or avoid a solar storm, but the authorities of different countries can direct funds to develop early warning systems for powerful solar flares. This has already been done by governments such as the United Kingdom and the United States. In November, a project was completed in Europe to combine collected data from more than 20 laboratories across the continent - this should also improve forecasting.

In addition, the ministers of the European Union countries approved the allocation of $ 478 million to finance the development of a satellite that will monitor outbreaks right in space. However, this device will go into orbit no earlier than 2023.

“We are lucky that we haven’t been touched by something really powerful yet. But it will definitely happen, the only question is when, ”warns Juha-Pekka Luntama from the European Space Agency.

Astrologers claim that the two main luminaries, the Moon and the Sun, not only illuminate and warm our earth, but also have a direct impact on the inhabitants of the entire planet.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

How the Sun affects a person: the secrets of astrology

The sun is both a friend and an enemy to all of humanity. If you deal with the Sun correctly, then it will greatly help you to strengthen your health, cheer you up, and charge you with positive energy. The sun and the moon have a huge impact not only on the earth, but also on humanity and other living microorganisms.

Do not underestimate the role of heavenly bodies in our Everyday life because they make a huge difference. For example, the phase of the moon can determine our well-being, success, the results of the working day. Astrologers distinguish several phases into which the moon enters: full moon, new moon, waning moon and waxing. Each period gives people certain inconveniences or joys.

What is influenced by the position of the Moon and the Sun, you may ask? It's easier to say what these huge and such important celestial bodies do not affect. They can change your health, how you feel, and set the tone for your day. Astrologers determine which periods are best to start. new job, do operations, cut hair, pick mushrooms, fish and so on. And all this directly depends on the Moon and the Sun. Also these celestial bodies have just a huge impact on the climate of our planet. The position of the sun affects not only the time of day, but also the weather.

Even in ancient times, people realized that the sun's rays can be an excellent medicine for various ailments. So, some patients and those whose body was very weakened were prescribed walks, sunbathing. This kind of therapy had a positive effect on the human body. The sun's rays, which contain ultraviolet light, promote the production of vitamin D in the human body, and the vitamin, in turn, strengthens the human skeletal system. But any medicine becomes harmful if used excessively. Probably, even babies know that the sun can affect the skin both negatively and beneficially. This is not a joke: everyone can burn skin in a matter of minutes, but burns have very unfavorable consequences. Therefore, every self-respecting person tries to protect himself from the scorching sun rays.

Frequent and thoughtless exposure to the sun contributes to the fact that the skin ages faster, fine wrinkles appear and even the risk dangerous diseases... It is not recommended to sunbathe in the Sun during rush hour (from 11 am to noon). Although at every time of the year, at different countries this period may be indicated by other numbers. Try not to go without protective clothing when the Sun is baking, do not forget about hats and high quality Sunglasses... UV rays have tremendous power, therefore, it is better to use it only for good. Take care of yourself, do not abuse the sun's rays, even if they only heal you, but in no case harm you.

How do solar flares affect humans?

Solar flares are one of the natural phenomena, which has been of interest to scientists for many years. This phenomenon has a strong enough effect on the earth, therefore, it is of great interest. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the sun's activity consists of eleven cycles, and it is very difficult to predict the next flash. Analysis of solar magnetic fields has shown that these phenomena are quite unstable, they are not constant.

No one doubts that the sun affects the weather. There is no need to explain that if it is a sunny day in summer, then it will be not only warm, but also hot, and at the moments when the Sun is hidden behind clouds, you need to take warmer clothes. We also know that in winter period The sun can shine, but not warm, because it is very far from the earth.

In the same way, solar flares affect our planet and us. They are very dangerous for astronauts, because at the moment of their action it rises significantly, and if a person is exposed to radiation, this will have dire consequences for him in the future. Although, I must say that solar flares have a huge impact on health and well-being. ordinary people that have nothing to do with space flights.

Scientists have long tried to find out whether the processes taking place on the Sun affect the peaceful inhabitants of the earth. They were able to prove that this is really so, it even turned out what exactly the outbreaks affect and which groups of people are most at risk.

For example, on days when active processes take place on the Sun, accidents and catastrophes more often occur on the earth, in which it is the person who is guilty. This is due to the fact that during this period people have a very weakened brain activity, dull concentration of attention, it becomes difficult for them to think and think soundly. Solar flares are also known as magnetic storms.

People often say that during this period they do not feel well, complain of headaches. The following groups of people are especially sensitive:

  • those with weakened immunity;
  • people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, those who suffer from frequent pressure drops, migraines;
  • mentally unbalanced;
  • those who from time to time suffer from insomnia, loss of appetite, poor sleep;

It was found that various chronic diseases are exacerbated precisely during the period when regular outbreaks occur on the Sun. This has not been scientifically proven, but in practice there have been cases more than once that during magnetic storms old wounds began to hurt again, scars, broken bones or joints worried.

It is recommended that you regularly visit medical specialists to know if you are healthy, and if chronic diseases are found, you should at least try to protect yourself during magnetic storms. It would be possible to prepare in advance for a deterioration in health and always have the necessary medications on hand.

In our century, there is no longer any doubt that the Sun really has an effect on the human body. But this does not mean at all that if one person had a splitting head during magnetic storms, then the same symptoms will accompany everyone else. Not at all, everything here is purely individual, and today you can suffer from solar flares, and your work colleagues will still feel great.

Scientists do not give up and still try to find the maximum The right way to more accurately predict the next outbreak. This is a rather difficult task, but still there are small successes. Some experts are trying to determine in the smallest detail the behavior of the sun before flares, someone has been studying for many years physical mechanisms solar flare. It may be worth combining both methods (synoptic and casual) to get the most reliable results.

Solar flares can negatively affect children, especially those who are prone to various diseases.

In principle, it is not difficult to explain why magnetic storms so affect the well-being of people. Basically, our body is made of water, and water, as you know, is an excellent conductor. So it turns out that when certain processes occur in the atmosphere, bursts of energy and so on, our body reacts in a certain way.

It is not at all mythical that the sun also affects male sperm. Vitamin D is of great importance in the conception of children. Employees of the University of Copenhagen conducted an interesting study, during which they concluded that the representatives of the stronger sex, who good level vitamin D in the blood, sperm are more motile. So you need to be more often sunflower rays if you want to continue your race in the near future.

The phenomenon of fish biting is also dependent on the sun. It would seem, how can a heavenly body influence a fish? But experienced fishermen know when fish bite best. For example, you need to catch carp before sunrise.

Since we live on planet Earth, we should be more attentive to the world around us. Do not overestimate or underestimate the role of the sun and moon in our lives. In fact, everything is natural, everything is going as it should, so you just need to listen to those mysteries of nature that humanity has already been able to unravel.

The most powerful outbreaks in the past 12 years have occurred

On September 6 and 7, the Sun experienced the most powerful flares in the last 12 years. Astronomers argue that such cosmic phenomena provoke disruptions in technology and telecommunications systems. Realnoe Vremya examined whether solar flares affect human health by interviewing specialists in various fields of medicine.

A rare event

September 6 on the Sun as a result of the merger of two largest groups sunspots have experienced the most powerful outbreak in the past 12 years. The flash was awarded the highest class X9.3. Each solar flare is an explosion with a capacity of several tens of billions of megatons in TNT equivalent, reports Lenta.ru. The next day, September 7, a second powerful outbreak occurred.

The sunspot group has produced the strongest solar flare of the current 24th solar cycle. The previous one, even more grandiose, with a capacity of X17, took place exactly 12 years ago, on September 7, 2005, - said the senior Researcher Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy KFU Almaz Galeev. - After the explosion on the Sun, a stream of charged particles headed in our direction, the fastest of which usually reach the Earth in 20-25 hours. Over the next two or three days, auroras are likely to be observed, power grids may malfunction, which can provoke failures in telecommunication systems, Galeev says.

According to Roman Zhuchkov, these outbreaks are almost impossible to predict, especially now, during the period of minimum solar activity. Photo kpfu.ru

As Roman Zhuchkov, associate professor of the Department of Astronomy and Space Geodesy of the Kazan Federal University, told Realnoe Vremya, it is almost impossible to predict these outbreaks, especially now, during the period of minimum solar activity:

Similar flares are expected near the maximum solar energy, although flares of such strength during these periods are only a few per cycle, - says Roman Zhuchkov. - Then you can still predict what they will be, but when exactly - no. The solar activity cycle is 11 years, now we are near the minimum, when such flares are rare enough. Such things are actively covered by the press - there are more advantages than disadvantages in this. After all, we need to know what kind of world we live in.

It's all about self-hypnosis

Can it cosmic phenomenon to influence human health, "Realnoe Vremya" was told by the chief cardiologist of the Republic of Tatarstan, head of the republican center for cardiovascular diseases of the ICDC Albert Galyavich:

There is no convincing scientific evidence that magnetic storms affect human health. But this fact can have a psychogenic effect - an additional stress factor, because the people are very impressionable and amenable to suggestion as a whole, - the professor says. - I can say for sure - magnetic storms do not affect human health in any way. But when people read that today there are magnetic storms, they focus on their health and begin to instill in themselves: yes, magnetic storms, and I will feel bad, - Galyavich is sure.

An indirect confirmation of these words was the fact that at the Kazan ambulance station, Realnoe Vremya was informed that the number of calls these days has not increased and the doctors are working as usual.

Albert Galyavich: “There is no convincing scientific evidence that magnetic storms affect human health. But this fact can have a psychogenic effect - an additional stress factor, because the people are very impressionable and amenable to suggestion as a whole. " Photo by Maxim Platonov

"It is impossible to exclude the psychological effect"

Professor-psychiatrist of KSMU Vladimir Mendelevich is of the opposite opinion - that any geomagnetic changes have an impact on human health. But self-hypnosis as a factor of ill health recognizes:

This reaction is usually in the field of vegetative nervous system- wobble blood pressure and other changes related to vegetation, ”Mendelevich told Realnoe Vremya. - At the same time, if people know that there is a solar flare or some geomagnetic changes, then here it is impossible to exclude the psychological effect. People who are suggested and irrational will have a more pronounced effect. The placebo effect is approximately 40%, and it can be said that information about solar flares or magnetic storms can negatively affect health. This effect is complex - in reality, a person may simply experience discomfort, but not attach any importance to it. And a person who expects that his condition may worsen may experience more serious experiences or sensations, says the psychiatrist.

According to Mendelevich, during periods of solar activity, the frequency of referrals to him as a specialist does not increase.

There are biological regularities associated with the season - "spring-autumn", but there is no such thing about geomagnetic storms, - says the professor of KSMU.

The geriatrician advises retirees on such days to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of the underlying disease and to be more careful in taking drug therapy. Photo by Maxim Platonov

The chief freelance geriatrician (gerontologist) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, professor of the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of the KSMA Rustem Gazizov also speaks about the unconfirmed effect of solar flares on health:

Deep scientific research not much on this issue. After all, we are still studying the problems that depend on us, and solar flares are what is called Allah sent, ”says Gazizov. - Solar flares do a lot, but basically they change the Earth's magnetic field. WITH magnetic field the state of the cardiovascular system is associated, therefore, in the elderly, with excessive outbreaks, the vascular tone is disturbed, hypertonic disease, ischemic disease heart, the frequency of myocardial infarction increases.

The geriatrician advises retirees on such days to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of the underlying disease and to be more careful in taking drug therapy.

And our patients most often ignore the doctor's prescriptions, - the specialist complains. - Skip treatment, reduce the dosage of their own free will, and so on.

Alexander Shakirov, Rustem Shakirov

Last week, 4 powerful flares occurred on the Sun at once. One of them turned out to be the strongest over the past 12 years and was among largest explosions on the surface of the stars in the entire history of observations. On Earth, these phenomena did not go unnoticed: many people felt unwell, cases of equipment failure were recorded. Astronomer Anatoly Ryabtsev told what flares on the Sun are fraught with, and how you can protect yourself from the consequences of cosmic cataclysms.

Influence of the Sun

Solar flares are invisible to the human eye, however, according to scientists, on the star itself, this phenomenon looks like a huge nuclear explosion... "V sunny atmosphere energy accumulates, - explains the astronomer. "And when there is too much of it, an explosion occurs with the release of a plasma cloud, which can reach a weight of billions of tons and fly at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second."

Most often, these outbreaks last no longer than 10 minutes, and the strongest last several hours. If at the same time the flow is directed towards the Earth, the consequences of the outbreak will be well felt by the population of the planet. When the particles ejected by the Sun reach the Earth at great speed, the flow interacts with its magnetic field and makes its own adjustments not only to the well-being of people, but also to the operation of electronic devices.

Meteosensitive people are at risk

The plasma ejected by the Sun reaches the Earth in the next two to three days after the start of the outbreak. During all this time, magnetic storms will rage on the planet, the power of which depends on the strength of the explosion on the surface of the Sun. So, after the outbreak of September 8 on Earth, there were malfunctions in the work of technology: many noted that their mobile phones stopped receiving signals, and some cable TV channels stopped broadcasting. “Explosions on the Sun also affect telecommunications equipment,” says Ryabtsev. - Powerful flashes can damage not only telephones, but also entire communication satellites and even spacecraft: the blast wave can be so strong ”.

Scientists have proven that during solar activity on Earth, most often occur natural disasters- hurricanes, earthquakes. Solar flares have a great impact on the population of the Earth. First of all, the danger to people is associated with an increase in the level of radiation.

When an explosion occurs on the surface of a star, powerful fluxes of protons are formed, which intensify the radiation around. “So far, radiation from the Sun has not reached the Earth,” says the astronomer. "But astronauts may be at risk."

For common people explosions on the sun are fraught with a deterioration in well-being, especially such outbreaks will affect the health of meteosensitive people. Usually, in the first hours after the explosion, people experience general malaise, which can subsequently turn into severe headache and joint pain, nervous breakdown an increase in blood pressure and a weakening of concentration. “On days of solar activity, various accidents are most likely due to the human factor,” Ryabtsev notes.

How to save yourself from a magnetic storm?

People with chronic illnesses, weakened immunity and sleep disorders are most affected by solar flares. To cope with the effects of magnetic storms, experts advise limiting yourself from bad habits- smoking and alcohol. In addition, it is better to exclude heavy and fatty foods from the diet - fried meat, fast food. “I would recommend not driving during the period of solar activity,” emphasizes Ryabtsev. - On such days, a person's brain activity slows down somewhat, and he cannot make quick decisions on the road. Better to play it safe and take advantage by public transport or walk. "

You need to drink to make the magnetic storm feel less acute. more water and eat berries, fruits and vegetables. “Walk more outdoors, but avoid open sunlight,” the astronomer advises. - Tea with herbs helps many people. If you follow these simple rules, solar flares will pass unnoticed for you! ".

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