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The autumn period for Taurus is a time of personal realization, a time of love, a time when children may be born or pets will appear in the house. At the end of the month you will have a chance to realize your plans. In October, for many representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign, the time will come to rethink spiritual values, and this can be a very important period for the soul.

Taurus in October 2016 They tend to be emotional and worrying, and sometimes this will cause them inconvenience and self-doubt.

October, will increase your financial condition. Relationships are of no small importance for Taurus in their work. Many representatives of this sign have leadership skills and the talent of the organizer, which will be noticeable during this period. Taurus may well occupy higher positions.

In the second half of the month, additional cash rewards and bonuses are possible that will improve your financial condition.

There is no need to radically change anything during this period; you need to approach every issue carefully and thoughtfully. If you are planning to change jobs, then think about the future and analyze everything.

The influence of stars in the first period of time will have positive influence on love and relationships. Couples in love will develop mutual understanding and trust in each other, perhaps love journey. And for lonely Taurus, October portends a successful meeting of their soulmate.

Important events in love relationships are possible in the second half of October; your significant other will show more initiative and activity in the relationship, which will give them brightness and richness. Also, quarrels and scandals with your loved one are not excluded, but after a while everything will fall into place, and peace and harmony will come to your home again.

Love couples who are already married will not have any global changes, quarrels and disagreements are also not expected. Personal life of the zodiac sign Taurus for October 2016 the year will flow as usual.

Any serious problems with health in the October period, Taurus will not have any problems. At the beginning of the month, it is worth devoting time to your body, doing fitness, swimming. At the end of the month it is possible to visit a medical sanatorium.

Favorable days for Taurus will be: 3, 6, 11, 20, 25.

The following days will be less favorable: 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 23.

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Inga Polonskaya.

From 1 to 10 October. The ability to negotiate with people will allow you to even act as a mediator and peacemaker. Personal initiative is encouraged in building relationships. However, current everyday issues, the resolution of which will require joint energetic efforts, will bring some discord into your partnership. True trust in a relationship will arise from October 7 to October 9, when you will be able to feel the mood of your chosen one as your own. After October 9, thanks to the transit of Mercury, your success in love sphere will increase significantly, as will the activity of meetings and events.

From 11 to 20 October. In love, there will be a period of improved mutual understanding. This will be felt especially clearly by those who are ready to take on additional responsibilities. Your relationship will reach a new level of responsibility. From October 16 to 20, you will understand how much your loved one helps you develop. After October 17, Venus will make sure that you are guided not only by feelings, but also take a practical approach to all the nuances life together. On October 18, the idea may arise to legitimize your union.

From 21 to 31 October. This is a time of active communication, profitable acquaintances, pleasant dates, fascinating heartfelt experiences. Happy moments will fill you with inspiration and creative ideas, embodying which you will demonstrate your wealth. inner world. And your loved one will be happy to help you. The period from October 27 to October 31 will be darkened due to sudden quarrels with people close to you.

Family horoscope

You will be ready to actively transform your home, but your and your partner’s views on home Comfort will not coincide. Until mid-October, your family will face troubles, numerous trips and not entirely pleasant communication with relatives and neighbors. It is better to leave your spouse alone during the Libra period, since he energy potential practically equal to zero. And now is the time for the younger generation to learn how to plan their budget.

Health horoscope

The condition of your body this astrological month will require active intervention and professional assistance from doctors. From October 3 to October 12, the conflict of planets will increase the dependence of your ailments on emotional state. After October 15, hypertensive patients will be at risk. However, the effectiveness of treatment procedures will also increase.

Horoscope of work and money

From 3 to 8 October - good days for purchase household appliances, listen to the advice of your friends. From October 3 to October 13, the situation at work and the atmosphere in the team can make a depressing impression on you. This is also a low season for solving career issues and employment. But starting from mid-October, the support of like-minded people will help fix everything. In October, previously concluded agreements will begin to bring you real benefits.

Horoscope for October 2016 for Taurus men

Love. Your darling will be serious about development and deepening partnerships and will try to demonstrate this to you with care and gifts. From our own everyday problems and inner doubts, he will protect you.

Tone. Warm communication with people, and especially with his beloved, remains the main source of his energy. However, Taurus should take care of his well-being, get examined, stick to a diet and daily routine. After October 15, acute attacks and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the liver and kidneys.

Finance. Cooperation, business partnerships, as well as the wife's income can add up to a good start-up capital for him. Conclusion of contracts, employment contracts will protect his financial interests. October is the time to resolve banking issues. Profit will come from foreign cooperation, long-distance business trips, and research activities.

Job. You need to be patient and just get through the hustle and bustle of work. Despite the intrigues, he has enough reliable assistants. From October 3 to October 16, he should consult with his partners. After October 14, there will be an opportunity for career development.

Friends. Jupiter will continue to help expand his circle of acquaintances and useful connections. With faithful comrades, Taurus will be inseparable. After October 7, differences of views and possible dishonesty will bring coolness to friendly relations.

Leisure. In October, small repairs around the house will be a way to distract yourself. In the first half of October, your hero and free time will improve skills. After October 15th he will prefer active species recreation.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for October 2016:

The planet Taurus - Venus will be in the sign of Scorpio until October 18. Related to this is the desire of Taurus to pursue their hobbies and self-realization this month. Taurus in October 2016 may be overly emotional, have empty experiences, which will cause some inconvenience and even interfere with achieving high goals.

General horoscope for October 2016 Taurus

After Venus moves into Sagittarius on October 18, Taurus may be given serious responsibility for large projects.

The October 2016 horoscope for Taurus recommends that on the days of the new moon - October 1 and 2 - representatives of the sign try to find time only for themselves, think about good things, and dream. At this time, it will be favorable to think about personal relationships, work and your health.

In October 2016, Taurus needs to try to control their thoughts and actions on the day of October 6: at this time the Black Moon is most active, which can lead to unwanted stressful situation. But on the 13th, 21st and 31st, Taurus may have unnecessary worries, unnecessary stress that has no serious basis. Therefore, in October 2016, Taurus need to try to pull themselves together, think positively and constructively, and not succumb to provocations.

Career and money horoscope for October 2016 Taurus

In October 2016, it is most promising for Taurus to engage work activity paired with. Plan your work time Taurus is best at the beginning of the month - October 1-2. The most effective activities at this time are those based on communication with people: from providing consultations and making calls to holding events and joint evenings with the team. Through close interaction and teamwork, Taurus will be able to achieve success and advance in their career.

At the same time, on October 20, 21 and 29, Taurus may experience cancellation of projects or arrears in wages.

Starting from October 18, after Venus moves into the sign of Sagittarius, Taurus may be offered new promising projects, the implementation of which will require inspiration and faith in their own strengths.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in October 2016 for Taurus: October 1, 2, 18 - 20.

Love horoscope for October 2016 Taurus

The October 2016 horoscope for Taurus warns of the powerful influence of the Black Moon on days 3–4, 6, 13, 21 and 31 October. During this period, representatives of the sign need to be very careful. Thus, while expressing their own thoughts and emotions, Taurus may simply not be understood by their other half, which can cause misunderstandings and minor quarrels.

In October 2016, Taurus should pay attention to the day of October 30, when the new moon will occur. At this time, representatives of the sign need to think positively about personal relationships, about their partner, about plans. The influence of the planets will be so strong that even the dreams of Taurus may come true soon.

In October 2016, Taurus may be given an excellent opportunity to resolve issues of promotion at work, financial security, as well as health with a partner who has weight in society. Such topics may be raised on October 7–9, further discussed on October 15 and 16, and implemented between October 17 and 19.

Taurus in October 2016 may have bright and memorable events in his personal life. Representatives of the sign can admire not only the appearance of their partner, but also the support he provides. The spiritual kinship that arises at this time can become the beginning of long-term and trusting relationships. love relationship Taurus.

In October 2016, Taurus needs to really look at their personal relationships, behave naturally, and not make a deity out of their partner - then everything will fall into place and lovers will be able to understand each other better.

Favorable days for love relationships in October 2016 for Taurus: October 17 - 19.

Health horoscope for October 2016 Taurus

October 2016 for Taurus is the most the right time to solve accumulated health issues, as well as to prevent diseases in the autumn-winter period. Taurus will have powerful energy, they need this month.

In October 2016, it is favorable for Taurus to study his body, practice yoga and other eastern techniques.

The October 2016 horoscope for Taurus warns of the possibility of health situations arising on October 15 and 16 that require financial investments. Before agreeing to a particular examination or treatment, it is best for Taurus to consult several specialists. This will not only allow you to choose the most correct course of treatment, but also save money.

Taurus horoscope October 2016.

The fact is that in October 2016, too often Taurus will be overwhelmed by the desire to change something in their life. Moreover, you will be “sausaged” both in the professional sphere and in your personal life. Some Taurus will think about whether they should change jobs, others will think about whether they should change their phone to a new, more fashionable one, and still others will think about whether they should change something in their personal life, Well, for example, get a cat. This is why Taurus needs to ask themselves the question as often as possible: “Why do I need this?” So that you don’t look for change, for the sake of change, and don’t change your flaw for soap, or your sixth iPhone for iPhone 7. Therefore, don’t make decisions alone. Consult with friends, relatives, or, as a last resort, with people on the Internet whom you have never met. In order not to get into a situation where the grandmother, having seen how wonderfully the remote control was preserved in the bag, decided to extend the life of her cat in the same way, but it turned out the other way around.

Therefore, Taurus, when in October 2016 you are very strongly drawn to start “ new life", try to start it carefully and thoughtfully. And for a “new life” this month is really suitable. So you can safely get rid of bad habits and “harmful” people. Everyone has a moment when, in order to become someone, an indifferent aunt, life, ties the umbilical cord. October 2016 will be similar to this very moment. You yourself know that if you are decisive, energetic, efficient, don’t get distracted by nonsense, don’t chew snot and don’t pick your brain, then you can make a huge number of stupid mistakes even in one month. So Taurus, forward to October and to a new life!

Horoscope for October 2016 Taurus favorable days - 1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 19, 21, 24, 28.

Horoscope for October 2016 Taurusunfavorable days- You don’t think that all the wisdom of life takes a break on unfavorable days? Therefore, the stronger your desire to avoid something, the higher the likelihood of getting it, so there is no need to plan unfavorable days.

Horoscope for October 2016 Taurus career, work and business. But in the professional sphere, October 2016 will not be easy for Taurus. Moreover, even if you yourself do not provoke the situation, and “starting a new life” in the professional sphere, the month will be quite difficult. In this regard, many Taurus will try to shift some of the volume, some of the work, some of the responsibility, and some of the problems onto other shoulders. And if the shoulders of your colleagues will somehow withstand this decision of yours, then the shoulders of your superiors may not understand this. Therefore, try to respect both the chain of command and areas of responsibility.

Since one of the most common misconceptions that everyone has to face at work is the phrase “Well, we’re all smart people here...”, then try not to be associated with “everyone”, or even with “not stupid”. But when defending your own point of view, again do not forget about the chain of command and areas of responsibility.

The career horoscope for October 2016 warns Taurus that next month a trail of some old problems, unresolved issues, or simply unfinished work may be trailing behind you. So even if you decide to change jobs in October 2016, you will have to go back and finish or correct something from the past.

The main thing is that Taurus do not bring the situation in their professional sphere to such a point that later you will have to tell them that you started your life so many times with clean slate that the sheets are over. And you had to start with the cover. Don’t forget, even when changing jobs, the cover, like your reputation, is the most important thing for a successful career.

Horoscope for October 2016 Taurus Finance. Wise people claim that Life is a sport in which those who break the rules win. So in October 2016, those Taurus who are not afraid to break the rules will earn the most. Although in any case a month in financially promises to be quite stable.

Well, October 2016 will go differently for lonely Taurus. For Taurus women, it will be more like April-May and the height of spring, so keen will you be on the search for new novels. And if you told me earlier that when your boyfriend hugs or kisses you, you run to a psychologist, because you don’t have a boyfriend. Then in October 2016 you will go on dates, or look for these same dates, since you will have a quite favorable month for making new acquaintances. So some Taurus women in October 2016 may even have a choice - which date to go on. But for single Taurus men, everything will be much simpler. You won’t have much choice, and in October 2016, women will most likely make the choice for you.

Well, Taurus, did we really scare you? Do you remember how, as a child, a friend or girlfriend comes up to you and says: “And your mother was looking for you.” And this coming feeling of panic and understanding that you are 3.14zdets is incomparable to anything! So, although October 2016 will sometimes give you similar “Z.14” feelings, in fact everything will be fine, just like in childhood. After all, in 99% of cases when your mother was looking for you, she just wanted to feed you and make sure you put on your hat. So October 2016, despite all the experiences, common goal will have - to feed you, and make sure that you put on your hat!

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