Home Potato Abu Bakr the first caliph. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him. War with the Roman Empire and the Sassanid state

Abu Bakr the first caliph. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him. War with the Roman Empire and the Sassanid state

The name of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, is Abdullah bin Uthman bin Amir bin Amr Ibn Ka'b bin Sa'd bin Taym bin Murra. Murrah was also the ancestor of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in the sixth generation.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called Abu Bakr “Siddiq” (the most truthful) after the night journey and ascension, when he believed what the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, while the polytheists declared his words to be a lie .
It is reported that after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was carried at night to the Outermost Mosque (al-Masjid al-Aqsa), people began to talk about it. Some of those who believed in the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and believed his words, apostatized from the faith, came to Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and said: “Do you believe the statements of your friend about that he was carried to Jerusalem at night?” (Abu Bakr) asked: “Does he say so?” They answered: “Yes.” (To this Abu Bakr) said: “If he said so, then it is so.” (These people) asked: “And do you believe that in one night he reached Jerusalem and returned before morning?!” (In response to them, Abu Bakr) said: “Yes, moreover, I believe him in what is more than this! I believe the news from heaven (which he brings) morning and evening.” This is why Abu Bakr received the nickname “Siddiq”. (This hadith is reported by al-Hakim)
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was born in Mecca two years later than the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and grew up in this city.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, immediately responded to the call of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is considered the first man to embrace Islam. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, mentioned that when Allah sent him to the people, they considered his words a lie, and Abu Bakr believed him. It is reported that one day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah sent me, and you said: “You are lying!” - and Abu Bakr said: “He speaks the truth!” - and he supported me and (did not spare) his money for me!” (And then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, twice (said): “Will you stop offending my companion?!” (This hadith is reported by al-Bukhari)
Abu Bakr accompanied the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, during his migration to Medina, about which the following verse was revealed: “Even if you do not help him, then Allah has already helped him when those who disbelieved drove him out . (Being) one of the two in the cave, he said to his companion: “Do not be sad, (for) verily, Allah is with us!” Then Allah sent him peace (from) Himself, and supported him with warriors whom you did not see, and made the word of those who did not believe the lowest, and the highest is the Word of Allah; Allah is Almighty, Wise." (“Repentance”, 40)
Abu Bakr, who constantly maintained communication with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), sold clothes. By the time he converted to Islam, his capital was forty thousand dirhams ( silver coin weighing up to 3.9 grams), and he spent all this money on the cause of Islamic call, devoting Special attention freeing Muslim slaves. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who had the opportunity to manage Abu Bakr’s money as if it were his own, said about the benefits of this for Islam: “No one’s money has brought me as much benefit as Abu Bakr’s money.” (This hadith is reported by Ahmad)
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, pleased him with the news of Paradise, ordered him not to leave any unlocked doors in the mosque except the door of Abu Bakr, ordered him to lead common prayers during his illness, consulted with Abu Bakr and became related to him, taking to marry his daughter Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her.


Appearance. Abu Bakr's daughter, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with them both, described him as follows: “He was fair-skinned, thin in face and body, and stooped. He had deep-set eyes, a prominent forehead and a sparse beard on his cheeks, and there was no hair on his fingers.”
Moral qualities. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, sighed often, was distinguished by great modesty and piety, was demanding of his relatives and preserved his honor and dignity. There is no indication that he ever worshiped idols, but there is ample evidence of his good behavior.
All Sunnis are unanimous in the opinion that the most worthy of people after the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was Abu Bakr, then Umar, then Uthman, and then Ali, may Allah be pleased with them.
Abu Bakr was wise man, whose wisdom and self-control were especially evident in his behavior when the Muslim community was shocked by the news of the death of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. In addition, his strength of personality and political experience were put to good use at the meeting under the canopy of the Bani Said clan.
After his election as caliph, Abu Bakr behaved extremely modestly and was distinguished by abstinence. Addressing the people who took the oath to him, he, in particular, said: “I received power over you without being the best of you.”
Despite his excellent knowledge of the Koran and Sunnah, his deep understanding of the goals and principles of the Sharia, and the fact that Abu Bakr himself issued fatwas, he often turned to other companions for advice. Abu Bakr was generally inclined to show mercy, as exemplified by his advice not to execute the Quraysh captured during the Battle of Badr, but to accept a ransom from them.

OATH TO ABU BAKR, may Allah be pleased with him
After the death of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the Ansars gathered under the canopy of the Bani Said clan in order to choose a caliph from among them. Several Muhajirs were also present at this meeting, including Abu Bakr, Umar bin al-Khattab and Abu Ubaidah Amir bin al-Jarrah, may Allah be pleased with them. Taking the floor, Abu Bakr noted the merits of the Ansar and said: “I would like you to choose one of these two, so take the oath to whichever of them you wish,” after which he took the hands of 'Umar bin al-Khattab and Abu' Ubaid bin al-Jarrah. Then Umar said: “O Ansar, don’t you know that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, ordered Abu Bakr to conduct prayers with the people? So which of you will agree to take a place above Abu Bakr? In response to this, the Ansar said: “We resort to the protection of Allah from desiring this!”
Thus, having reminded the people that during his illness the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered Abu Bakr to conduct prayers with the people, Umar bin al-Khattab used this as evidence of Abu Bakr's priority right to become caliph. Umar then asked Abu Bakr to extend his hand to swear the oath to him. Then he took the oath, and the Muhajirs and Ansars followed his example, not one of whom refused this after Umar pointed out to them the advantages of Abu Bakr over other companions, and they all swore allegiance to him. The next day, Abu Bakr climbed onto the minbar in the mosque, and everyone else swore an oath to him.

Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, announced what the methods of his rule would be in a short speech with which he addressed the people in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Having praised and thanked Allah, he said:
“I gained power over you without being the best of you. If I do the right thing, help me, and if I do the wrong thing, correct me. Truthfulness manifests itself in fidelity, and lying is treachery. Each weak one of you will be strong for me until I, with the permission of Allah, return to the weak what is rightfully due to him, and each strong one of you will be weak for me until, with the permission of Allah, I take what is due from him. If people refuse jihad in the path of Allah, He will certainly leave them without help, and if corruption spreads among people, Allah will certainly strike them all with disaster. Obey me as long as I myself obey Allah and His Messenger, but if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you will have the right to disobey me.” In this speech, Abu Bakr outlined the main directions of his policy, which boiled down to the following:

1. He equated himself with all other people, declaring that he was subject to the same laws as them.
2. He stated that he would adhere to the principle of interaction based on fairness.
3. He called for adherence to truthfulness and a declaration of war on lies.
4. He stated the need to suppress oppressors and bring justice to the oppressed.
5. He called for jihad in the path of Allah.
6. He called on people to prevent the spread of debauchery in society.
7. He called on people to obey him only as long as he himself did not violate the commandments of Allah.
Abu Bakr accomplished great things and achieved many important goals. The days of his life were full of good deeds, but he ruled only for two years and three months. The most important of his cases are listed below:

1. Shortly before his death, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, prepared an army for a campaign against Muta, at the head of which he placed Osama bin Zayd, may Allah be pleased with him. Osama was ordered to move to the borders of Sham (the old name for the territories in which countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine are now located.) and became a camp in al-Jurf, where he was joined by the most prominent companions, among whom was Umar bin pl-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. However, this army did not leave Medina due to the illness of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and remained in their camp until his death and the coming to power of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him.
When news of the first manifestations of apostasy reached Medina, Osama considered that it was necessary to wait until the situation became clearer, especially given the fact that many authoritative persons were with him. However, Abu Bakr, who insisted that Osama should go where he was told, rejected all proposals and said: “ The best start for me it will be to fulfill the command of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and it is better for the birds to carry me away than for me not to fulfill it! After this, he asked Osama to leave Umar to him. Osama allowed Umar to stay and then set off.
Osama headed to the borders of Sham. During this campaign, he defeated the apostates from the Quda tribe, who fled to Dumat al-Jandal, while Osama continued the campaign until he reached the outskirts of Muta. There he successfully completed his task and after 40 days returned safely with the spoils.

2. Military action against apostates. News of the apostasy reached the capital of the Islamic state (Medina). The apostates were divided into three groups. The first included those who returned to idolatry. The second included people who followed those who claimed to be prophets. The third included those who continued to profess Islam, but denied the obligatory nature of zakat, arguing that it was obligatory only during the life of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
To negotiate with the caliph, representatives of the third group sent a delegation to Medina, whose members stayed with all influential companions, with the exception of al-Abbas bin Abd al-Muttalib, may Allah be pleased with him. Some of these companions, including Umar bin al-Khattab, Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, Abu Huzaifa's freedman Salim and others, agreed with the envoys' proposals and began to discuss the issue with Abu Bakr. However, Abu Bakr did not accept their proposal and uttered the words that became widely known:
“I swear by Allah, even if they refuse to give me the camel fetters that they used to give to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, I will certainly fight with them because of (these fetters)!”
There is a hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari in which it is reported that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:
- When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, died and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, became (caliph), and some of the Arabs returned to disbelief, Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, asked (Abu Bakr) : “How can you fight these people?! 1After all, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “I was ordered to fight these people (meaning polytheists) until they say: “There is no god, except Allah,” and whoever utters (these words, thereby) will protect his property and his life from me, unless (he does something for which he can be deprived of property or life) by right2, and then (only) Allah will settle accounts with him!” (In response to this, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I swear by Allah, I will certainly fight with those who separate prayer from zakat,3 because it is obligatory to take zakat from property! And, I swear by Allah, if they refuse to give me at least the goat that they gave to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, I will fight them because of this!
This was the opinion of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, who viewed Islam as a single and indivisible whole, due to which he did not consider it possible to make a distinction between one or another religious obligation. Zakat is an essential element of Islamic economic system, one of the pillars of Islam and one of the types of worship. This religion cannot be practiced partially, fulfilling only some of its provisions and not caring about others. However, some Companions believed that in in this case It's better to be gentle.
Umar said: “O Caliph, seek the favor of these people and show kindness towards them!” To this Abu Bakr replied: “I hoped for your help, but you came to leave me without support! Is it possible that the one who was powerful during the time of Jahiliyya has become weak in Islam? Revelations from above have ceased, for this religion has become perfect, so will it really decrease while I am alive?! Didn't the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say that one can practice Islam only by doing what the testimony requires? Witness requires performing prayer and paying zakat, and I swear by Allah, even if all the people leave me, I will fight them myself!”
After this, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, wrote a general message to all the apostates and sent it to all parts of Arabia with messengers followed by troops. These messengers were to read his message to the people in order to give them the opportunity to return to the truth, reflect on the current situation and fulfill their duty to Allah before hostilities began and things came to bloodshed.
As a result, several clashes occurred between Muslim troops and apostates, as well as false prophets. The Muslims spared no effort in carrying out these fighting and their faith showed the best way. Less than a year had passed before they managed to completely stop the spread of unrest and return the apostates to the fold of the religion that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, brought to them.

3. Gathering holy quran. The idea of ​​​​the need to collect the Koran came to the mind of Umar bin al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. In Sahih al-Bukhari, there is a hadith in which it is reported that Zayd bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him, said:
“After the extermination of the apostates from Yamama4, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, sent for me (when I came to him) it turned out that he had Umar bin al-Khattab. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Umar came to me and said: “For the reciters of the Koran (meaning people who knew the Koran from memory), the battle in Yamama was difficult. I fear that the reciters will die in other battles, as a result of which much of the Koran will be lost, and I believe that you should order the Koran to be collected together,” and Umar repeated this to me until Allah enlightened me and I agreed with his opinion "
After this, Abu Bakr gave orders to Zayd, and he began to collect the Quran, (copying what was written down) on bare palm branches and flat white stones, and writing down what people memorized.

4. Muslim conquests. After the power of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, was strengthened, the rebellions of the apostates were suppressed and all matters were in order, Abu Bakr took up what is supreme goal Islam, that is, by exalting the testimony that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and leading people with the help of this testimony from darkness to light. The time has come to spread the Islamic call beyond the Arabian Peninsula.
During Abu Bakr's lifetime, Muslim conquests were carried out on two fronts. The first was east direction, where Muslims were opposed by Iran. After Khalid bin al-Walid finished fighting the apostates, Abu Bakr sent troops under his command to Iraq to fight the Persians, who had rejected islamic call. The first was the Battle of Kazim. The Persians were defeated, their commander died, and the Muslims captured rich booty. After this, the Muslims won victories in several other battles, after which, as a result of military operations or peace negotiations, they subjugated most of the regions of the country west of the Euphrates, making Hira the center of the conquered lands.
In the month of Safar 13 AH. Abu Bakr ordered Khalid bin al-Walid to take part of the army and head to Sham to assist the Muslims fighting the Byzantines. Al-Musanna bin Harisa was appointed governor of Iraq.
The second was the northern direction, where the Muslims fought with the Byzantines. Abu Bakr sent an army to Sham under the command of Khalid bin Sa'id bin al-'As, who set up camp at Tayma and met with the Byzantines, after which he sent a message to Abu Bakr asking for help. In response to this, Abu Bakr equipped four detachments. The first, commanded by Amr bin al-'As, was sent to Palestine; a second detachment under the command of Shurahbil bin Hassan was sent to Jordan; the third, under the command of Yazid bin Abu Sufyan, was sent to Balqa, and the fourth, under the command of Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, was sent to Hims.
Muslim detachments reached Sham and Palestine at the beginning of 13 AH. At first the matter was limited to minor skirmishes, followed by major battles and great conquests.

Battle of Ajnadayn (13 AH) After the first skirmishes between the Muslims and the Byzantines, the Byzantine emperor Heraclius assembled a large army to fight them.
The Muslims turned for help to Abu Bakr, who ordered Khalid bin al-Walid, may Allah be pleased with them both, to leave Iraq with part of the troops. Khalid bin al-Walid crossed the desert surprisingly quickly and joined the Muslim forces at Sham. He took overall command and carried out an excellent reorganization of the army, after which all the Muslim troops moved to join Amr bin al-'As, who was confronting a large Byzantine force at a place called Ajnadayn in Palestine. After this, a battle began in which the Byzantines suffered a major defeat.

Battle of Marj al-Suffar (13 AH) This battle with Byzantine troops that came from the northern location of Hims took place south of Damascus. Khalid and Abu ‘Ubaida were behind the ranks of soldiers and together with them moved towards the army sent by Heraclius. The Byzantines had enough strength to save the garrison of Damascus, besieged by Muslims. The Muslims were forced to come out to meet the Byzantines, whose number reached 10,000 people. The Muslims met them on the plain of Marj al-Suffar, and when Khalid bin al-Walid saw the enemy, he hastened to form his troops in the same way as on the day of the Battle of Ajnadayn. After this, a battle began in which the Byzantines were defeated. Many of them died, the rest fled, and the Muslims captured their camp.
ILLNESS AND DEATH OF ABU BAKR, may Allah be pleased with him
Abu Bakr fell ill after swimming on a cold day. He developed a fever that lasted 15 days, during which he did not go out for general prayer and ordered Umar bin al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with both of them, to conduct prayers with people. All this time that he spent at home, people visited him, and Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, did not leave Abu Bakr at all while he was sick.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, died on Tuesday night, eight days before the end of the month of Jumada al-Akhir, 13 AH. His reign lasted 2 years 3 months and 10 days.
According to Abu Bakr's will, his wife Asma bint Umays was to wash his body. According to some sources, his body was wrapped in two shrouds, and according to others, in three. Funeral prayer Umar bin al-Khattab read it, after which Abu Bakr was buried next to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. May Allah be pleased with Abu Bakr and may He reward him with the best reward!

“Follow my Sunnah and the example of the righteous Caliphs” - the saying of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

It is said in the Holy Kur`an (Sura “Al-`Ahzab”, Ayat 23):
this means: “Allah the Almighty created among the members of the community of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, people who make every effort to protect Islam and they confirm the truth of everything that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, said (in words and deeds). They are among the God-fearing and follow the True Path."

One of those who provided great support to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, in the spread of Islam was the first Caliph - Abu Bakr As-Siddyk.
The real name of Abu Bakr is ‘Abdullah ibn abu Kuh afa ‘Uthman ibn ‘Amr Al-K uraishy. It is also reported that his former name was ‘Abdul-Ka’bah, but the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, called him ‘Abdullah. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, and Abu Bakr have common ancestor, named Murrah ibn Ka'b. Abu Bakr’s mother’s name was Ummul-Hair Salma (Leila) bintu Sah ribn ‘Amr. She was the daughter of Abu Bakr's father's uncle. The first Caliph was born 3 years after the year of the Elephant. He had fair skin, a thin build, and a large forehead.
Abu Bakr was the first man to accept the Call of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, and agreed with everything that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, said and did. Therefore, they began to call him “As-Siddyk”. Abu Bakr accepted Islam when he was 37 years old. After that he lived another 26 years.
How did Abu Bakr accept Islam?
When Abu Bakr went to the countries of Sham (the territory of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine) he saw in a dream that the moon and the sun descended on him. He took them and hid them under his clothes. In order to find out what his dream meant, Abu Bakr went to a dream interpreter. He asked Abu Bakr where he came from. He replied that he was from Mecca. Then he was asked what he did. Abu Bakr replied that he was a merchant. The interpreter said: “During your lifetime, a man named Muh ammad, peace be upon him, will appear from the line of Bani Hashim, who will be the last of the Prophets, and you will adhere to his religion, help Him and will be the Caliph after Him. I found mentions of Him in the Torah and the Psalter.” When Abu Bakr returned to Mecca, he saw the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, became attached to Him and began to listen to His words. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, told Abu Bakr to accept Islam. After this, Abu Bakr pronounced the Islamic Testimonies (the words “La `ilaha `illa-llah, Mukh ammadu-r-Rasul-llah” (There is no deity except the One God, Mukh ammad (Abul-Gasim) - the Messenger of God) and became a Muslim. In that day he had 40 thousand dirhams, which he immediately gave in favor of the Islamic Community. It is reported that the first Caliph, both before and after the adoption of Islam, never drank alcohol, Abu Bakr, the chief of the Community of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. , after Him. He was one of those ten people whom the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, during his lifetime pleased with the news of their entry into Paradise. Through Abu Bakr, five of them accepted Islam: 'Uthman ibn 'Affan, Talha ibn 'Ubaydillah, Az. -Zubeir ibn Al-'Auu am, Sa'd ibn abu U akk as and 'Abdurrah man ibn 'Auf. Abu Bakr accompanied the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, during all military battles (Badr, Ukh ud, Tabuk), campaigns. and others important events. Abu Bakr was one of the most important and most wise people in the Kuraish tribe. He had great patience, strength, courage and generosity, and was forgiving towards others. It is said that Abu Bakr was the bravest of the Sah aba (companions of the Prophet). He was the best and smartest of them. When they read K ur'an, his eyes always filled with tears. One day, Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, asked Sah aba to give money for the benefit of the Community. ‘Umar ibn Al-Kh attab came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, and gave half of his money. ‘Umar thought that he gave more than anyone. Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, asked about what he left for his family. He replied that half the money. Then Abu Bakr came and gave all his money. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, asked what he left for his family. The first Caliph replied: “Love for Allah and His Messenger.” Abu Bakr accompanied the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, during the Great Migration (Hijr) from Mecca to Medina and was with him in the cave of Sau r. During the Migration, Abu Bakr was the first to enter this cave to find out if there was danger there. There he saw many cracks and holes in which snakes, scorpions and spiders could hide and covered them with pieces of his clothing. But he didn't have enough fabric to cover the last gap, and without thinking, he closed it with his heel. At night, a scorpion stung him on this heel, but Abu Bakr endured the pain and did not say anything to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him. In the morning his leg was swollen. The Messenger of Allah saw this, as well as the fact that Abu Bakr did not have part of his clothes and asked where they were. He replied that he covered the holes and cracks that he noticed in the cave with his clothes. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, read the Du'a so that Abu Bakr would be with Him in Paradise, smeared his injured leg with his saliva and the swelling subsided. During the Hijra, a number of unusual events occurred. When the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, and His companion Abu Bakr stopped in the Sau r cave, Allah created a tree that closed the entrance to the cave with its branches, and ordered two wild pigeons to build a nest and lay eggs, and a spider to cover the entrance to the cave with a web.

When the pagans who were pursuing the Prophet, peace be upon him, approached the cave at a distance of 40 cubits and saw a tree growing at its entrance, pigeons, eggs in their nest and a cobweb, they thought that there had been no one in the cave for a long time, and left this place . This event is described in the Holy Kur`an (Sura “At-Tauba”, Ayat 40). this means: “Although you, the inhabitants of Mecca, did not support Muh ammad, peace be upon Him, but Allah supports Him. When the Prophet Mukhammad left Mecca, and He and his companion (Abu Bakr) were in the cave, he told him: “Do not be sad, Allah is with us!” (that is, “Allah supports us”)!” Then another unusual event occurred. Suraka ibn Malik, having learned that the Quraish had promised a large reward for the capture of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr, decided to go after them. He knew the terrain well, so he knew which way they could go, and set off after the Prophet, peace be upon Him, and Abu Bakr. When Suraka found himself in close proximity to them, Abu Bakr, worried about the Messenger of Allah, warned Him about this. The Prophet, peace be upon Him, answered: “Don’t worry, don’t be sad: Allah is with us” (that is, he supports them and grants them victory). At the same moment, Suraki’s horse got stuck in the sand up to his stomach, and he, frightened, fell off it. Prophet Muh Ammad, peace be upon him, passed away on Monday, the 12th of the month of Rabi'ul-au Wal, in the 11th year of Hijri. Abu Bakr, ‘Umar ibn Al-H attab and some Sah Aba gathered and began to decide who would lead the Community after the death of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him. ‘Umar told Abu Bakr to give him his hand. He then swore allegiance to Abu Bakr, and all those present followed his example. The next day, all the companions of the Prophet swore allegiance to Abu Bakr. After this, Abu Bakr said: “O Muslims, today I have become the most important of you, but I am not the best of you (he said this out of modesty), Allah sent down the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught us that , what is best and desirable for us. The best thing is fear of God, and the one who commits sins and oppresses others does bad. Let the oppressed turn to me and I will restore justice. And the oppressor who thinks himself strong will understand that he is weak. I will follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, and follow His path. If I act fairly, help me; if I’m wrong, correct me.” It is known that after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, some people committed apostasy and some refused to give Zakat, but Abu Bakr equipped an army and restored order. During the reign of Abu Bakr, Musailima Al-Kazzab, who imagined himself to be a Prophet, was killed. In those same years, Islam spread in the Sham countries.
Abu Bakr fell ill and died in the year 13 Hijra, at the age of 63. He was Caliph for 2 years, three months and 13 days. He was buried in the house of ‘A’isha, next to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, because Abu Bakr bequeathed to bury himself next to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him. All Muslims were very saddened by the death of the first Caliph. 'Ali ibn abu Talib approached Abu Bakr and said, turning to him: “May Allah forgive you, you were the first to accept the Call of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, you always defended the Messenger of Allah and supported Him when many refused to do so, and you were named by the Almighty with the honorary title “As-Siddyk”. This is stated in the Holy Kur`an, in Surah “Az-Zumar”, Ayah 33:
Abu Bakr left behind children: ‘Abdullah, ‘Asma, ‘Abdurrah man, ‘Aisha, Mukh ammad and Umm Kulthum. This short description life of the first Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq a.

Shortly before his death (632) it seemed firmly established, after his death a large part of the Arabs fell away from the new religion. New prophets began to appear in Arabia who wanted to play the role of Muhammad, and among the followers of Islam themselves, dissatisfaction with the tax established in favor of the poor was discovered. The most dangerous thing for the new religion was the renewal of ancient rivalry between individual Arab tribes, who each wanted to obey only the leader who belonged to their clan. Not only most of The inhabitants of Mecca were ready to fall away from the new teaching, but even between the most faithful adherents of Muhammad, dangerous enmity almost arose on the occasion of the appointment of his successor. The prophet's closest relatives were: Abu Bakr (Abu Bekr), the father of his wife Aishi, and Ali, son of Abu Talib, adopted by Muhammad. Both of them came from a family Quraish, and therefore the people of Mecca were on their side. The Medinians wanted to have a person from their tribe as ruler, but they disagreed with each other about the election and therefore did not achieve their goal.

How cousin and the son-in-law of the prophet, Ali, in the opinion of many, not only had more rights to succeed Muhammad, but also deserved this more than other Muhammadans by the superiority of his character and way of thinking. A truly noble and pious man, he was distinguished by extraordinary meekness and philanthropy. Muhammad himself, hinting at his Old Testament brother Moses, called him mine Aaron, brother in this and future life and the gates of the abode of science. In one collection of sayings that has come down to us, Ali outlined his noble rules and views on life, although it is not entirely reliable that the compilation of this collection actually belonged to him. He proved his nobility even more with his life. But when choosing a successor to Muhammad, it was not these advantages that decided the matter; it depended rather on energy and dexterity. Everything that concerned faith and morals was firmly established and completed by the prophet once and for all. Now it was necessary to strengthen, and in some respects re-create the state that arose as a result of reform activities Muhammad. For this purpose, the noble, enthusiastic and meek Ali was not as suitable as the prudent and cunning old man Abu Bakr. That is why all the elder Muslims immediately recognized Abu Bakr caliph , i.e., the successor (or “deputy”) of the prophet. In alliance with them, it was not difficult for him to overcome the weak opposition of the Medinians who disagreed with each other. Ali himself recognized his power, despite the fact that he had many ardent followers, and one of the oldest companions of the prophet even drew a sword for him. Immediately after the election of Abu Bakr, Omar was sent to take possession of the house of Ali, who calmly came to meet him and recognized his opponent as caliph.

Having received power, Abu Bakr ordered the army assembled under the command of Osama to set off on the campaign to the Syrian border that had been proposed by Muhammad. During this trip, in a short time and happily ended by Osama, the Caliph Abu Bakr himself was engaged in war with some rebel tribes in the vicinity of Medina, and on the return of Osama sent all the troops ready to march, under the command of eleven generals, to conquer the more distant revolted tribes. After many hard battles, the rebel tribes were gradually pacified and some of them are severely punished. Khalid, one of the eleven generals, was especially distinguished by his cruelties, which dishonored his victories.

Places of battles between Muslims and Arab tribes that had fallen away from Islam (632)

After the conquest of rebellious Arabia, Caliph Abu Bakr began to strive for conquests outside of it, to spread Islam beyond the borders of his fatherland. For this purpose, he sent Khalid to the nearest province of Persia. Khalid, at the very beginning of the war, defeated the enemy in a battle known as chain battles. The origin of this name is explained by the fact that the Persian commander-in-chief, not trusting one part of his army or wanting to keep it from fleeing before the battle, ordered it to be chained. With several other victories, Khalid paved his way into the Persian region of Iraq on the Euphrates, and from there he went to the city of Hira, located near ancient Babylon and former capital Christian Arab state subject to the Persians. After the conquest of this state, some other rulers subject to Persia also submitted to the victorious commander of the Arabs. He soon won several more victories over the Persians and their Arabian auxiliaries, and extended the caliph's rule to the lower Euphrates, but was recalled among his victories by Abu Bakr.

Khalid ibn al-Walid's invasion of Iraq (634)

On the orders of the caliph, another Arab army attacked the Byzantine province of Syria, but was repulsed by the Greek commander Sergius. Then Abu Bakr decided to temporarily suspend his conquests in the East and direct all his forces to the northwest, against Syria. On Khalid's arrival, things really took a different turn; but this turn occurred already during the reign of Abu Bakr’s successor.

Invasion of Syria by the armies of Amr ibn al-As, Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan, Shurahbil and Abu Ubaida

The elderly Abu Bakr died in 634, after ruling the state for two years (632-634). Having left the conduct of the war to younger men, he rendered another important service to the state by ordering the compilation of a collection of all the revelations of the prophet, both written down and transmitted orally; with this he gave the religion of Muhammad solid foundations, and at the same time a set of laws for the new state. In other words, Caliph Abu Bakr put limits on the spread of lies and unreliable traditions, strengthening the new Arabian state with laws that, like the sayings of the prophet, were irrevocable, and therefore for some time saved Muhammadan from disastrous shocks. Abu Bakr gave the young man Islamic State yet another service, appointing a successor for himself before his death. Without this order, the Muslims may have flared up civil war, which would have been all the more disastrous for them since at that time they were fighting wars with two states. However, the election of Abu Bakr's successor was determined by itself. Omar, with whose assistance Abu Bakr achieved the caliphate, could not be bypassed, despite his enmity with Khalid, because Abu Bakr, during his illness, appointed him imam, that is, the reader of prayers and the spiritual head; in addition, Omar constantly had enormous influence on management. So Ali was bypassed for the second time; this time it was even easier to eliminate him, because the spiritual title was considered an essential attribute of the Commander of the Faithful, and, therefore, Omar, as an imam, had an advantage on his side.

To characterize the new Arab state and its first rulers, we note that Abu Bakr, despite the rich booty sent to him by his generals, did not leave the simple shepherd life and did not tolerate the splendor that, according to Eastern concepts, is necessary for the external environment of royal dignity. Having become caliph; he even continued to engage in trade for some time and tend his own herds.

Abu Bakr al-Siddiq is the first “righteous caliph” of Islam.

He was the closest person to the Prophet Muhammad, his faithful companion, and later his father-in-law: Abu Bakr gave him his daughter Aisha as his wife.

In Islam, the figure of Abu Bakr is perhaps the most important after Allah and Muhammad. He is considered the first person to accept Islam from Muhammad.

Thanks to his preaching new religion Other companions of Muhammad also accepted:

  • Talha ibn Ubaydullah;
  • Uthman ibn Affan;
  • Usman ibn Mazun - and a number of other figures.

Thus, Abu Bakr was the first bearer and main disseminator of the Muslim faith in the early Arab Caliphate.


Abu Bakr was born in 572 in Mecca. His parents were famous residents cities - Usman and Salma. Subsequently, Abu Bakr became one of the richest merchants of Mecca, making a large fortune for himself through trade. Abu Bakr was also a judge in his hometown.

This man was highly respected, he knew well the history of his tribe (of course, the Quraish, from which Muhammad and all the most important people in the Arab world came), and in addition knew how to interpret dreams - in pre-Islamic times, the Arabs gave dreams a very important mystical meaning.

At the same time, Abu Bakr was distinguished by a very gentle and friendly character, which he did not change later when he became caliph. Thanks to this, he knew how to win over those around him and could interest them in new religious teachings. Probably they adopted Islam from him more people than from other companions of Muhammad.

Abu Bakr did not want glory for himself and did not abuse the power given to him. This rich man early years donated large sums of money for the spread of Islam, redeemed Muslims from slavery. IN late period As they say, he led a very modest lifestyle and was content with a small land plot and a modest salary.

During Muhammad's flight to Medina, Abu Bakr accompanied him relentlessly. In Medina, he became even closer to him when he gave his daughter to him; Aisha has since become the most beloved wife of the prophet. In the city, which became the new refuge of the first Muslims, Abu Bakr also became famous for his deeds and earned fame among the local residents.

When Muhammad died, the Ansars - honorary residents of Medina who had converted to Islam by that time - began to decide who to choose as caliph. Initially, the choice fell on Sada ibn Ubad, but then the majority of votes were given to Abu Bakr. However, not everyone agreed with this decision of the elders.

It is believed that Abu Bakr illegally took over the power that should have passed to Ali. Some Shia sources report that Ali and his supporters did not swear allegiance to the new caliph for six months; however, these stories may be an invention of the Shiites. Anyway, first righteous caliph became Abu Bakr - the person closest to Muhammad, who understood the new doctrine better than others and had certain organizational abilities.

Fight against apostates

When the founder of the Islamic religion died, some peoples and tribes that had previously accepted the new faith began to fall away from it. The first rebel actions began on the Arabian Peninsula. However, Abu Bakr was in no hurry to take tough measures, since he was carried away by campaigns against Byzantium. However, the apostates became more and more furious and bold and eventually invaded Medina.

Abu Bakr managed to defeat them, and this raised the spirit of the Muslims. Then Abu Bakr undertook campaigns to distant lands, where he also successfully fought with the apostates. He also managed to deal with Tulaikha, a false prophet who intended to organize a major rebuff to the Muslim state.

The defeated Tulaikha subsequently repented, returned to the “bosom of Islam” and was forgiven. It is noteworthy that the meek and gentle caliph laid the foundation for the famous Arab conquests. Under his rule, the Arabs conquered Syria and Iraq.


Abu Bakr died in 634, two years before the Battle of Yarmouk. Before his death, he chose his successor, who became Umar ibn al-Khattab. The first caliph was buried next to the Prophet Muhammad.


Over the past few weeks, in order to prepare for our series of conversations about Abu Bakr As Siddiq, may there be
Allah is pleased with him, I had to read books about Abu Bakr As Syddik, may Allah be pleased with him. We all know,
that Abu Bakr As Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, is the second great man after Anbiy Allah Azza wa
It’s a shame, but for some reason we always have such a special love for Omar ibn al Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. All
amazed by the personality of Omar ibn al-Khattab, his power and strength, he is the one who is al-Farooq. Therefore, sometimes we don't
We are doing a lot of research about As Syddik, may Allah be pleased with him.
Over the past few weeks, I've had the chance to see and get to know his personality. And Subhana Allah,
His character traits are amazing. And whenever you take a sheet of good deeds, you will find the name of Abu Bakr on
first place. He was the first Muslim, the first Caliph, he was the first and only person who was with
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, during the Hijrah. He is the first in iman. Messenger
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, says that: “Abu Bakr’s Iman is greater than the entire ummah.”
He was the first even in actions that seem simple to us. Once the Messenger of Allah, may he bless him
Allah bless him, sat in the mosque, and asked the Sahabah: “Who is fasting on this day?”, Abu Bakr As Siddiq
said: “I”, “Who visited the sick?”, Abu Bakr As Siddiq said: “I visited”, “Who took part in
Janaza?”, Abu Bakr As Siddiq said: “I accepted”, “Who gave sadaqa on this day?”, Abu Bakr As Siddiq said: “I
gave.” And everyone in the mosque is looking around and the only hand that is raised is Abu Bakr.
Another narration says that this happened after al-Fajr prayer ( morning prayer). Messenger of Allah,
May Allah bless him and greet him, after the morning prayer he talked with his companions. For example, they could
talk about dreams and other things. It is said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked: “Who
took part in janaza?” Omar ibn al-Khattab said: “Have we just begun our day?” “Who on this day gave
sadaka? Omar ibn al-Khattab said: “Have we just begun our day?” Abu Bakr replied: “When I went to the mosque, I
met a poor man and I gave him sadaka,” “Who visited the sick man? " Omar ibn al-Khattab: "We have just begun our
day?" Abu Bakr As Siddiq said: “I heard that Abdur Rahman ibn Auf was sick and before I came to the mosque, I visited
Every time the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked a question, yes
Allah will be pleased with him, answered: “I did.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
said: “If
If these deeds are collected in a person, then that person will enter Paradise.” And again, no matter what sheet you look at,
first place you will find Abu Bakr. Ali ibn abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, says: “He was the first, and every
times when we competed with him in good deeds, he came first.”
And we all know the story of how Omar ibn al-Khattab tried to compete with Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them. AND
remember that competition in good is good, competition in good deeds this is a good thing. In Islam we do not compete
V worldly affairs, The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Fear Allah and treat
calm down to the dunya.” Relax, be calm in matters of dunya. Allah Azza wa Jal in the Quran about Jannah
says: "Sabiku" rush, "Sa'riu" hurry, so when it comes to Jannah, you must compete as in
racing because Gianna has special levels.
According to the hadith in the Sahih of Muslim, out of every 1000, only one will enter Paradise. Allah Azza wa Jal will say to A'dam (peace
him) “Bring out a portion of your children who will enter hell.” A'dam (peace be upon him) will say: “What portion of my children
will they go to hell? Allah Azza wa Jal will say: “For every thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine.”
Abu Bakr As Syddik, may Allah be pleased with him, was always ahead, and you will notice this throughout his life. AND
The most amazing thing is that Abu Bakar did it, it seemed that he was not competing with anyone, everything was natural. Other
tried to compete with him, Omar ibn al Khattab is trying, Ali ibn Abu Talib is trying. But Abu Bakr As Siddiq simply
does this, even if he lives alone, he will still do the same. This was his natural path
as the poet says: “How can I compete with you when you walk confidently and calmly and yet come first” then
Yes, it doesn’t look like you’re in a hurry.
Therefore, I think it is best to begin these series with the statement of Ali ibn Abu Talib: “He was the first.”
I ask myself “how did he do it?” That is, being a person, there is something that is against you, your age, your
mental abilities, body health. But it is clear how Abu Bakr could ignore all these challenges. In these episodes, we don't
we will only talk about events in his life, we will try to understand him inside, try to live with him, therefore
try to imagine. Because with these people, with these sahaba, the more you learn about them, the more you
love them.
They are not like some historical figures from the bad and from the good side, Sahabah, may Allah be pleased with them,
no matter how much you dig, everything you find will always be good. As Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said about
Abu Bakr: “He was all good.” The Sahaba were different. Abu Bakr As Siddiq was gentle and compassionate, Omar ibn
al Khattab was strict and persistent. In our series of conversations you will notice that when we talk about Abu
Bakr, together with him we talk about Omar, and when we talk about Omar, together with him we talk about Abu Bakr. One
pulling the other as if they were two wings of Islam.
When people met the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), they always saw Abu Bakr nearby with
on one side and Omar on the other. Ali bin Abu Talib says: “The Messenger of Allah left with Abu Bakr and
Omar, and returned with Abu Bakr and Omar." Abu Bakr As Siddiq represents gentleness and mercy, while
Omar ibn al-Khattab, represents Allah's punishment and disaster, may Allah be pleased with them. Omar ibn al-Khattab was
the worst obstacle for Satan. Every time the shaitan saw Omar ibn al-Khattab, his day became
bad. Therefore, when Omar ibn al-Khattab chose one road, the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and
greets, said: “...shaitan chooses another road.” Shaitan avoided him because Omar ibn al-Khattab
reminded him about bad days Shaitan.
Osman ibn Affan represents shyness, Ali ibn Abu Talib represents the warrior, may Allah be pleased with them.
Of the wives of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, represents
curiosity, which always asks something, which strives to learn a lot. Just like that you can notice
it's with young people.
And Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, represented the character of a mature woman who supported the Messenger
Allah psychologically. Every time the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) needed someone
Khadija was always there to rely on, may Allah be pleased with her.
Abu Dharr al Ghifari, he is alone. There is even a narration that says: “He became a Muslim alone, he will die
one and on the Day of Judgment one will be resurrected.” Abu Dharr al Ghifari grew up in Ghifar. In Ghifar people are not
businessmen like in Mecca, they were more into agriculture and farming like the people of Medina. How did they make money from
life? They raided caravans, that was their business. Because of the stupidity of his people, Abu Zarr al Ghifari,
had to leave them. He moved to the desert and became a Muslim alone.
Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent him back to his people for dawa. He
achieved success and all his people became Muslims. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, knew
qualities of Abu Dharr al Ghifari, also knew other qualities and therefore told him: “Never take
responsibility for even two people and never deal with the financial affairs of orphans.” That is, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) knew him that he was good at certain things and at the same time he told him,
to avoid other things, may Allah be pleased with him.
Abu Darda was an abed, a zahid, on the other hand, Abdur Rahman ibn Auf was a millionaire. Subhanallah, wealth
just flocks to some people. When Abdur Rahman ibn Awf made the hijrah to Medina, he came with nothing.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) brothered him with Saad ibn Ubadah, one of the rich leaders
Al Ansar, may Allah be pleased with them. Saad ibn Ubadah said: “If you want, I will divide my wealth into two, I have
two wives, and I will divorce one and marry you, you choose which one.”
Look at the level of brotherhood and remember that they have only been Muslims for a long time. Abdur Rahman ibn Auf could
accept it, but he said: “May Allah bless your family and wealth. Just show me where the Medina bazaar is.”
After some time passed, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw a yellow
powder on the face of AbdurRahman ibn Auf. This yellow powder was used as a cosmetic for women during
time of jahiliyya. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked him: “Where is this from?”
replied: “I got married.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked him: “What did you pay?
lame?” That is, you just came from Mecca not long ago and you had nothing, he replied: “I gave her gold.” That is,
he was already able to make enough fortune to give gold in mahr.
One day the people of Medina began to feel that the earth was shaking, and they asked: what is this? They answered: “Caravan
Abdur Rahman ibn Auf returned from Ash Shaam.” There were so many camels in this caravan that the ground shook. Like this
Abdur Rahman ibn Auf became rich. Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala blessed his wealth. When he died he divided
his fortune and divided it among family members. But his fortune was so great that he later wrote in his
will that: “I want my fortune to be divided among all the Muslims who fought in the battle
Badr." Those who participated in Badr were still alive, so give them part of my fortune.
Osman ibn Affan was one of the participants of Badr and at that time he was the caliph, but he still accepted part of the fortune
from Abdur Rahman ibn Awf. Osman ibn Affan said: “The wealth of Abdur Rahman ibn Awfa is pure halal.” This is wealth
pure halal, this is the mercy of Allah, so how can I refuse this. He accepted, while Osman ibn Affan
was rich himself.
Therefore, the Sahaba are different, but it is very important to know about them. We are all different, we all have different capabilities, none of us
may be like Abu Bakr As Siddiq or like Omar ibn al Khattab. But you can be like Muaz ibn Jabal - a scientist
or you can be a Mujahid like Khalid ibn Walid. Therefore, it is important to teach about the Sahabah so that you can be equal to them and
try to become like them. You can take one Sahaba as an example for yourself. Look what Sahaba he looks like
your character. Also, sisters, teach about the Mothers of Believers and Companions, try to find an example for yourself.
Our life is simple, usually nothing happens to us, but the day will come that will completely change the direction
your future. In Arabic it is called “moakf”. If this word is translated literally, then this is a position point, these
moments reveal your essence, show who you really are.
These are the trials you will face. Perhaps your every day goes normally, without any changes, but
Once a month or a year something important happens, what will be your position in this case? Allah tests like this
If you look at the biography of Abu Bakr, then we do not have records of Abu Bakr’s entire life, we do not have records of him
everyday life. But we have several points from his life that tell us who Abu Bakr really was
in fact. Some of these points were for seconds and some were long. Life may go by day, month, hour or year, but
just one second can change everything.
Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: “One of you can say one thing
word, because of this word he can rise to Jannah. And one can say a word that
will anger Allah and will be thrown into hell for 70 years.” Just one word, but it's a word, it's moakf. Such points in
There are many life stories of Abu Bakr, but five of them are particularly unique:
The first is His Islam!
IN Arabic There is a saying: “Every horse stumbles at some point.” No matter how flawless the horse is, he is
At some point in life you stumble and fall down. Also with every person who has become a Muslim, who
thought a little, who could have doubted, who thought about it another day, but except for Abu Bakr. At first
the moment he received the message, he said: “Ashhadu anna la ilaha il Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan
rasulAllah.” This is not because he is naive and not because he easily changes his mind. On the contrary, he was very
final in his decisions and this is noticeable especially when he became Caliph. Abu Bakr had the quality of standing
He was firm in his decisions against all the Sahabah and in the end it turned out that he was right.
Second - Al isra wa al miaraj
This is his second point in his life. Now we will talk about this briefly, because ahead we will
talk about this in more detail. When this happened to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
amazing journey, the people of Quraish, who were secularists, materialists who only believed in
their eyes see, what their ears can hear and what their hands can touch, they began to mock
travel. They considered this a chance to bring an end to Islam and that all Muslims would apostatize their religion,
because they will think that their Prophet is crazy.
Abu Jahl was very happy. The Quraysh went to Abu Bakr and said: “Do you know what your friend is saying? He
says that he went to Jerusalem and returned the same night.” What was Abu Bakr's reaction? If Iman
Abu Bakr was weak, he would have said that this was not true and if Abu Bakr had been a person who was easy to deceive,
then he would say yes it is. Since the messenger is one of the kuffars and also Abu Bakr does not want to deny what
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) could say, he answered briefly: “If the Messenger of Allah
If he said that, it means it’s true.”
This statement consists of two parts, the first is that I have to check it, if he was there, then it’s true. And this
manhaj hadith, this is manhaj ulama according to hadith, so we must check first, we do not accept immediately, because
that what was conveyed to us may be weak, check the contents and if it is sahih, then we will not refuse it. We will not say that this is “against logic,” we will not say that this is “against the civilized 21st century,” no, we will accept it. If
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said this, then it is true, this is wahiya from Allah.
Third - This is at the time of the death of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
Historians describe that event as follows: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died, Osman
Ibn Affan was hiding in his house, Omar Ibn Khattab was dragging his sword and saying: “The Messenger of Allah did not die, he left
to meet Allah for forty days, as Musa went to meet Allah and he will return back, and who will say,
that Muhammad is dead, I will cut off his head.” Some Sahabah were in the mosque and crying.”
This is the description they give of Medina after the death of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. This
was such a disaster that they couldn't handle it. Abu Bakr As Siddiq, even when he was closest to
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the one who brought them back. This is Abu Bakr As Siddiq, let him be
Allah is pleased with him who brought them back. This indicates the Sabat (perseverance) and Iman and Yaqin that Abu Bakr As had
Siddiqa, may Allah be pleased with him.

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