Home Potato Games and competitions for the company. Competitions for adults. New Year's feast: games under the tree

Games and competitions for the company. Competitions for adults. New Year's feast: games under the tree

Hi all! Recently my husband had a birthday and I thought for a long time what to give him. Then I found a gift and wanted to somehow give it in an original way. I rummaged through the internet and found such an option as a quest game. I liked the idea and I took up the design of the quest. To begin with, I’ll say that I decided to put the gift itself in the freezer (I put a letter from this word in each envelope so that at the end of all tasks the husband would make up the word where the gift is), but in order for my husband to find it himself, I issued several search steps with tasks. Next, I'll tell you more. For those who are interested, stay on the page.... At the end I will show the gift itself and the materials that I used.

So, let's begin...
I printed out the envelope and letterhead

I glued the envelope, wrote the letter by hand, because this is the only way letters are written. The letter itself was cut as if into a puzzle, so that the husband would put it together and read it.
The inscription on the envelope:
From whom - From his beloved wife
From - From the heart
To - My beloved spouse
Where - Personally in hand
The text of the letter itself (suddenly someone will come in handy) - My dear husband, on this day I want to wish you so much! Please, always remain the most wonderful husband in the world! And I will do everything to make you happy when you come home and go to work in the morning. I love you very much, my dear. Happy birthday my wonderful husband!
“I have prepared a gift for you, but I will not give it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!
Kohl on all my riddles
Can you find the answer
That gift you will receive
Or rather, you will find it yourself!

I threw the letter into mailbox and then she told her husband to pick up the mail, well, or it was possible to hand it over personally or send him an SMS that he had received a letter.
The husband's reaction - he opened the envelope, saw that the letter was in disarray, smiled, folded everything and carefully read it with a smile, then said, well, wow. how interesting you cut the letter.
And I put the first envelope in the washing machine.

1. Envelope in the washing machine
The task is to connect the picture by dots and guess where the next clue is.
We have a picture in the house, collected long ago from a children's puzzle with the image of a cat, on reverse side pictures I secured the second envelope.
Husband's reaction - Oh, what a muzzle, whom? I drew it quickly, but did not immediately understand where it was, he said, we don’t have animals at home.

2. Envelope behind the picture
Task - You will always find a hint, where water splashes noisily (Answer - Bathroom)
In the bathroom, I fixed the 3rd envelope behind the mirror, so that one corner stuck out a little, in my opinion it was more successful.
The reaction of the husband - he quickly guessed and stomped into the bathroom, said that he had seen something colored in the mirror :)

3. Envelope in the bathroom behind the mirror
Task - a verse about a razor
The next envelope was in the drawer of his shaving cabinet.
The reaction of the husband - "I wonder if this is not a hint?"

4. Envelope in the compartment with her husband's shaving things
Assignment - a verse about a microwave
Husband's reaction - Oh, I hope I don't have to turn it on to warm up the prompt? :)

5. Envelope in the microwave
Task - Collect the picture in right order and on the reverse side to collect a word from the letters seen.
I printed out a picture of a car (a drawing in pencil - since my printer is only black and white) and cut it into several parts, gluing letters to some of them - the word BALCONY
The next clue was attached to the balcony door.

The reaction of the husband - at first he did not understand what was required of him, after a few seconds he realized and quickly assembled the picture, turned each fragment in turn and made up a word, of course, after thinking a little.

6. Envelope in the balcony door
The task is a riddle about a chair.
We have a stool on the balcony, with the help of it I hang things on ropes, my husband made them high and therefore the following envelope was attached to the seat of the chair from the inside.
The reaction of her husband - did not immediately realize that he needed to look under the seat. He said that on the balcony you can hide the envelope anywhere.

7. Envelope under the chair seat
The task is to find Everest in the apartment.
The reaction of my husband - he looked at me, asked where to go - is Everest a closet in the room or kitchen cabinets? I didn't have time to answer, he dragged a chair and looked at the top of the closet in the room.
And sure enough, there was the next envelope.

8. Envelope on the cabinet
Last envelope. All the letters found for the word-finding the gift itself were scattered in each envelope-task and now they had to be combined into a word.

Of course, I placed the letters out of order, but in a word, for intrigue.
The husband added letters for about three minutes, watched him, he was already eager to receive a gift.
And finally, going to the refrigerator, he said "so, there are three compartments in the freezer ...."

And then I got a wrapped gift.
Mug-thermos Regent Inox "Gotto" is convenient for use in everyday life, camping and travel. Perfectly keeps the temperature of the drink. Versatile for hot and cold drinks. Protects hands from burns, the outer wall does not heat up. Compact, easy to use. The polished surface is easy to clean. Reliable and durable. Environmentally friendly.
Volume 520 ml. An ordinary teaspoon is too small for such a mug, and I found a way out, bought a cocktail spoon, elongated.
Husband was very pleased. The mug is durable, just right for the workplace, because often the ceramic mugs were beaten, and the induced tea cooled down without waiting for it. Now the problem is solved.

"Home Quest" is a win-win and very simple way to entertain your family and friends at home or in the country. With a script home quest you can, for example, congratulate the birthday man on his birthday in an original way. The quest can be held for almost any event or even without an event. This game is a sequential chain of tasks, decorated on bright cards. Each card is hidden in certain place. The player or players find the corresponding card at each stage of the game, solve the puzzle, and the answer they receive points them to the place where the next task is hidden. After going through this whole chain, they find a hidden gift or congratulation.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are presented in several versions with different answers. You can use our quest scheme or create your own. In this case, you will need to carefully consider all its stages and choose from our list of involved places that suits you. List of items involved and places where you can hide clues (tasks):

Sofa/cup, rug/book, bag/spoon, battery/balcony, chest of drawers/shelf/bucket, blanket/chair/magnet, iron/box/tray, watch/mirror, toothpaste/toothbrush/pan, fruit/music, glass/door, fridge/oven/TV, lamp/shoes, computer/candy/picture, flower/magazine/mug, table/chair/cupboard and any other places or objects that you can enter into the quest using our special templates. Through "/" the answers relating to one task are specified.

Description of tasks

Below is short description each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. Compose a word

A simple task for warming up: the letters are written on the card, from which you need to make keyword.

2. Task "Sports crossword puzzle"

By the icons of sports, you need to determine their names and decipher the word.

3. Task "Extra word"

In several groups to be found unnecessary words. This will help you get a hint on where to go next.

4. Task "Song"

There are missing words in the famous birthday song. You need to remember them, and then they will help to decipher the clue word.

5. Task "Cities and countries"

It is necessary to match the names of cities and countries in which they are located.

6. Task "Writers and works"

Knowledge of famous domestic literary classics and their works will help to solve this problem.

7. Task "Rebus"

Several interesting puzzles from which you can choose one or use all at will.

8. Question

An interesting question for knowledge and erudition.

9. Task "Philward"

It is necessary to find a few words in the fillword and understand what they are all associated with.

10. Task "Origami"

Interesting puzzle, in which you need to fold the card in a special way to read the secret word.

11. Task "Numeric sequence"

12. Task "Curly code"

Interesting cipher of figures.

13. Task "Postman" For the tasks "Make a word", "Cities and countries", "Origami", "Postman", "Puzzle with matches" and "Assemble the square" there are templates that you can fill out yourself by coming up with your own answer option, and, accordingly, the search location next task.

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates that you can fill in with your own tasks.

Having studied all the materials available on the site, I started planning the quest. To begin with, I made a map of the apartment, thought out the place where the gift would be, as well as places and objects where fragments of the map could be hidden. Then, I determined the tasks that I will use at various levels. And finally, I made a binding of each task to a specific place. As a result, I got a completely logical quest plan, where each level smoothly flows into the next. To go to the next level, a keyword was written on the back of each map fragment. As a code word, one could use some numbers, or any other words, but I decided not to bother, and used the words associated with the celebration: anniversary, cake, candles, champagne, etc.

The process of creating a quest directly on the site did not cause any difficulties. For each level, I picked up pictures and music that fit the theme. On the appointed day, I sent my husband and child to the Amusement Park, because the day before we had new windows put in, and I did the cleaning until late. Accordingly, there was no time to decompose the clues. But during the absence of my husband and son, I managed to prepare everything necessary, inflate balloons, hide envelopes with fragments, etc.

So, actually the quest itself and a detailed photo report.

The birthday boy received an envelope with the quest number and website address:


Level 1: "Solving this simple puzzle, you will know where to look for the first piece of the Map and the code word."

The room was decorated balloons, one of which contained the first map fragment:

The son actively helped to pop the balloons.

After entering the code word:

Level 2: “In front of you is a set of words on foreign language. Crossing out words in pairs that are related to each other in meaning, you will find the only word that does not have its own pair. This will be a clue where to look for the second fragment of the Map and the code word;)"

I created this assignment myself. I created a document in Word, using the WordArt function I wrote paired words in Spanish. And saved the document as an image.

The birthday boy didn’t immediately guess what language the words were written in, I had to hint a little: Enrique Iglesias’ song “Balando” was playing in the background - just in Spanish:

The extra word was - "WEDDING". The husband decided that it was related to wedding photos and went looking in the wrong direction:

Not finding the envelope, the hero of the day concluded that it could not be inside the wedding portraits, since it was a lot of trouble to disassemble the portraits, and went in search of disks:

Happy as a cat

After entering the code word:

Level 3: “We complicate the task. This time, you'll have to sweat. Below you will see the phrase translated into Morse code. You will decipher and understand where to find a clue that reveals the location of the next fragment of the Map and the code word =) "

The phrase was encrypted here: "LOOK FOR THE GREEN BALLS." It was about plastic balls, which are used in children's, so-called dry pools. It wasn't hard to guess.

Each green ball had a little note pasted on it, inside of which was either empty or a letter. The son, of course, helps dad:

Moreover, the notes were folded so that it was not clear whether it was empty or not. Therefore, I had to look through all the balls with notes:

Here is what was encrypted:

The husband began to look for the right table. So far it's cold

And it's hot in here!

Third envelope found:

After entering the code word:

Level 4: “Did you get here?! It's for the best, I know for sure that you will not cope with this task. Why? “Because the next clue you should get is sent to a person you don't know. There is only his phone number, but I won’t give it to you just like that. You will have to guess it.

First number: Will Smith's height in cm - take the second number. Next - the year of birth of V.V. Putin - we take 2, 3 and 4 numbers. Fifth digit: Robert De Niro's birth month. The sixth and seventh digits: the year of the film "Saving Private Ryan" - we take the last two digits. We take my year of birth and subtract the year of birth of Alexander Abdulov - we get the eighth and ninth digits. Next, we take Matt Damon's birth number. And finally, we take the year of birth of George Clooney and subtract 1960.

After you collect the number, call this person and ask him for the CODE that came to him email. Good luck:)"

Having called the required phone number, our hero of the day received a hint: "You can find the next fragment at Jules Verne." The husband quickly guessed that it was a book, the fourth envelope was found:

Level 5: “Well, now you have reached the most difficult! You need to decrypt the message. You will learn the key to the cipher from Jules Verne. Do not give up! =)

The birthday boy had a lot of work to do:

Therefore, we decided that “you can’t figure it out without a bottle” and opened champagne !!

A children's riddle was encrypted: "THE HOUSE OF TIN, AND THE RESIDENTS IN IT - NEWS." The hero of the day managed to decipher the phrase, but he used Google to find the answer)))

Of course, this is a mailbox:

In addition to newspapers, a deck of cards was discovered in which another fragment of a card with a code word was hidden:

After entering the code word:

Level 6: "Clubs, Diamonds, Spades and Hearts will tell you what to do next..."

Here it was necessary to fold the cards in a certain sequence so as to read the phrase on the back. Well, what about without a son?? First assistant in playing solitaire:

During decryption:

Here's what happened in the end:

The desired flower was found quite quickly:

Another envelope found:

After entering the code word:

Level 7: “You are almost there, the gift is just a stone's throw away =) But for this you need to complete one more task. Simple. I guessed the subject. You have to guess which one. I will give you clues, when you enter the wrong answer, I can repeat myself - so make sure you hear all the clues.

The prompts were as follows:

The item is in this room;

This item is in a conspicuous place;

This item can make sounds;

Well, now you can guess for sure!;

This item was brought from Essentuki;

As my mother would say: "Think again!"

All hints were not needed. The husband, after the phrase: “This item was brought from Essentuki,” immediately guessed that we are talking about the musical birds that we got from my parents as a souvenir:

Another victory:

After entering the code word:

Level 8: “Well, here we are, almost to the most delicious and interesting. Let's have a cup of tea?! And look, be careful! Not all bags are equally good)))) Find the most valuable and get an answer that will allow you to get one step closer to your gift! Have a nice tea!

The birthday boy looked for the envelope both under the teapot and in the refrigerator. I even thought that it could be hidden in the cake. And finally, I thought to look into the closet:

Found in a tea bag last snippet cards and code word:

After entering the code word:

In order for the location of the gift not to be revealed before passing all the tests, the most necessary fragment of the map - with a cross - was all this time in the envelope that I handed at the very beginning))

Here's what happened:

The hero of the day is looking for his well-deserved gift, already warmer, warmer:

Hot hot!!

Well, here it is - a hard-won, long-awaited gift !!

Photo for memory:

P.S.: Young guitarist))

Many thanks to the creator of the site for such a wonderful resource!! Will definitely use in the future and recommend to all friends and family!!

How to turn the usual gift giving into a bright and fun adventure? One of the correct answers is to arrange quest "Search for a gift from notes."

You don't know what it is?

Scrapbook Gift Finder is a one-player birthday or other holiday game in which they need to find their way to a gift by guessing various riddles and ciphers on the scrapbook.

Each note contains a hint on how to find the next one, and so on, until the player solves the whole chain and finds a gift.

How to tell the player what to do?

At the beginning of the quest, the player is given a message that explains the essence of the upcoming entertainment. For example:

"Happy birthday!

We have prepared for you unusual gift. And to find it, you need to solve a few riddles.

Good luck!"

The message could be:




And even an edible inscription on the cake, etc. Imagine how surprised the birthday boy would be when he received such a message.

Birthday quest: tasks

Tasks in the birthday quest are different from other games.They are easier and faster to figure out.

First of all, because the birthday boy on this day fights with riddles alone, without the support of a brave team.

And secondly, the goal of the game is not to check mental capacity, but to give a maximum of positive emotions from the process of solving.

But too simple tasks should not be chosen, otherwise they will not be interesting to solve.

And to make the search for a gift according to the notes even more enjoyable, you can supply each hint with sweets or other mini-surprises.

Here are examples of tasks from specific quests for adults and children.

Such a task can be included in the search for a gift from notes for adults.

This clue could lead to a plate of fruit, a cake, or a breakfast specially prepared for the birthday person.


The next note, pre-packed in a bag, should be placed at the bottom of the plate.

Having consumed the food for its intended purpose, the birthday boy will find the next card and advance one more stage in the quest.

Of course, this task must be done at the very beginning, so that in the midst of the game, the hungry birthday boy does not find the card ahead of time.

I wonder if the birthday boy will understand such a call directly - would he want to gobble up the card itself? :)

An example of a romantic note for a loved one

And such a hint can be found in a romantic quest for a loved one.

The player needs to guess what the beloved girl could not think of as a gift "Sailor in the bedchamber".

And then, put all the cookies in their places.


It is in it that you should look for the next note.

Example of a note for finding a gift for a child

Having sketched the right gifts, the birthday boy will read the word "Window".

This means the next note is waiting for him at the window.

An example of a task for the New Year

And such a hint will meet on the way to gifts from Santa Claus.

If you correctly connect all the bulbs in this Christmas garland, it will become clear where the note lies.

Have you already guessed? Correctly! She is hidden in a chair.

Ready-made scripts for the quest "Search for a gift from notes"

We have several ready scripts such quests.

Some are designed for the fact that the game will take place in an apartment, house, cafe or office. Some are outdoors.

Each of them has 15 clue notes + 5 blank cards. In case you want to add some of your riddles.

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