Home Flowers Body fat. Why is fat deposited in certain places?

Body fat. Why is fat deposited in certain places?

Among women different types figures. Many have body fat in different areas of the body: someone has lush hips, someone has problems in the abdomen. Of course, there is a genetic predisposition, but experts believe that there are arguments that indicate that the storage of fat in a particular area indicates certain disorders in the body.

Heavy hips and bolsters on the back

Fat folds on the back look very unaesthetic. It is not easy to find a beautiful one with them. underwear and wear tight clothing. In most cases, this indicates a carbohydrate craze, as a result of which the body produces an excess amount of insulin. The problem can be solved by replacing "fast" carbohydrates with healthy ones - vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread.

Chubby knees and problem calves

If fat accumulates in the lower part of the legs, then this does not greatly harm the ability to dress beautifully, but it imposes a number of restrictions, in addition, there is a feeling of heaviness. In most cases, this indicates that there is excess fluid in the body, that a person consumes a lot of carbohydrates, water, sweet and salty foods that retain it. There is only one way out - to try to reduce in the diet all foods that provoke the problem.

Upper arms, chest

If fat accumulates in these areas, it often indicates an excess of the hormone estrogen. Perhaps the woman is taking oral contraceptives, which are the reason for her oversupply, so you need to talk to the doctor about the selection of new contraceptives.

Fat on the sides

Fat folds that "float" out of jeans and skirts sometimes indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, when thyroid hormones induce fat to be deposited in these areas. You also need to pay attention to the consumption of heavy metal salts, which can be contained in toothpaste, tap water, and try to remove them from the body.

Belly fat

Very often after difficult period when a person is immersed in stressful situation, he notices that his tummy has become more plump. This is not surprising: in this state, the body tends to produce an excess amount of the hormone cortisol, which ultimately leads to fat deposits in this area. To get rid of the excess, it is necessary, firstly, to put in order the nervous system, and secondly, to do cardio workouts in order to improve metabolism.

Every person has a certain amount of body fat. This can be due to genetic or other factors, even an article (for example, women accumulate fat on the hips and abdomen), as well as our habits affect the figure.

In this article, we'll show you what to do for each area of ​​the body where fat is stored.

Why does fat accumulate?

Each part of the body stores fat differently.

When you gain weight, this is what happens: the number of fat cells increases from the thigh and down, whereas fat cells from the waist and above they increase in size. It affects every part of the body differently.

Fat is a way by which the body stores energy, but it is all "stored" in more than one place. There are three types of fat:

subcutaneous fat

This fat is located closer to the surface of the skin and is the first to be lost during physical exercise... Genetics and hormones play key role in determining where fat is stored in the body.

This fat is located deeper in the body and accumulates around the organs. It becomes dangerous in excessive quantities.

Usually excess visceral fat accumulates even before subcutaneous fat... Therefore, the stomach should not be allowed to grow too large.

intramuscular fat

This fat is stored between muscle fibers although it is not as common as the other two types. This happens when a person has a lot excess weight or obesity, and can lead to insulin resistance, which is the main cause of diabetes.

4 areas where fat accumulates

The body is controlled by hormones. Their level is determined by the state of health. Some are responsible for mood and others for energy.

Research shows that they also determine where you store fat. Pay attention to the most common hormonal disorders and their effect on your figure:

Fat on the chest and arms: testosterone

When the level of this hormone is lower than normal, it causes the arms and chest to increase in size, but not as a result of exercise. Androgens are another type of male hormone that can also cause this.

To solve this problem, you need foods that contain healthy, non-hydrogenated fats, vitamins, and proteins. Combine them with chest exercises and strength training.

Thigh fat: insulin

An imbalance in this hormone causes a build-up of sugar, which is subsequently converted to fat. This type of weight gain is common among sweet lovers.

The solution is to reduce your intake of desserts, sweets and carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index.

Abdominal fat: estrogen

Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible for the accumulation of fat on the thighs in women (pear-shaped).

The metabolism is affected by excess estrogen, which requires the liver to work hard to filter it. Eat foods high in folic acid, B6 and B12.

Targeted exercises for each area of ​​the body

We show you 5 different ways accumulation of body fat.

Slim figure with a bulging belly

This type of figure is the result of overeating. People with this body type are always a little nervous. Even with diet, the stomach does not decrease in size. The accumulation of fat in this area can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

The best exercises for this type of fat are:

  • moderate aerobics 3-4 times a week
  • crunch press
  • stretch marks
  • yoga or meditation

Pear shape

When the body is smaller than the waist, it takes a lot of effort to shed the excess fat that builds up around the hips and legs.

This applies to many women and is the result of biology and evolution, namely the preparation of the body for pregnancy.

This body type is more susceptible to cellulite and fluid retention. The good news is that the risk of heart or metabolic problems is lower.

Best exercises:

  • aerobics
  • resistance exercises (swimming, cycling)
  • dancing
  • tai chi

Cylindrical shape

There is no difference in the proportions of the waist, hips and body. The fat is evenly distributed throughout the abdomen and thighs. This fat is easier to lose.

People with this body type may experience sudden metabolic changes. We recommend a continuous training regimen:

general training (aerobics, localized and weightlifting)
endurance exercises (running, jumping rope, cycling)
crunch press

Large building

In this body type, fat does not accumulate proportionally. The risks in this group are associated with self-esteem, because high and big people difficult to fit in.

Exercises that give the best results for this type:

  • endurance exercises (swimming, cycling, walking)
  • dance and movement
  • stretch marks


In this case, the woman's hips are expressive, and the waist is narrow along the hips and body. Fat accumulates in the breasts and thighs in equal proportions.

Weight is easy to put on but hard to build muscle. This type is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and an increase in life expectancy.

Exercises for this type:

  • (running, cycling, orbit track)
  • power training

You have certainly noticed that the figures overweight people differ from each other and each has its own characteristics and problem areas. Just as everyone is equally happy, and everyone is not happy in their own way, so in the fight against overweight, each fat man or donkey has its own troubles and problem areas, prone to the accumulation of body fat. Fat accumulates in different parts body, in today's article, we want to tell you about what problems and disorders in the body indicates a particular place of accumulation of fat folds.

  1. Fat folds on the sides.

    If you notice the folds of fat that have appeared on the sides, immediately consult an endocrinologist, as they directly indicate a malfunction. thyroid gland... The fat on the side is caused by thyroid hormones. In order to prevent this violation and the continuation of the accumulation of fats in this place, a regular diet will not help you, you need the help of a doctor and a diet that excludes heavy metals, which are found not only in foods, but also in untreated water from the tap and in some dental pastes. In addition to a diet that excludes the ingress of heavy metals into the body, you need to choose a cleansing diet or procedure for their speedy removal from the body.

  2. Fat deposits in the abdomen.
    Pay attention, flat, pumped up tummy very rare, even slender people have fat on their belly. The problem is that belly fat is gained as a result of stress and nervous shocks, which is not surprising given the current rhythm of life. Therefore, before embarking on exercises and diets, owners of a chubby belly, it is necessary to eliminate the reason forcing fat to accumulate in this place. You need to balance your condition and calm your nervous system. In a normal situation, just drink the soothing herbal teas and fees, for example: mint, lemon balm, chamomile or valerian root infusions. At severe depression and in excess of depressed conditions, see your doctor for more powerful sedatives or even antidepressants. Only by adjusting the work nervous system, you will get rid of belly fat.
  3. Fat folds in the back and thighs.

    This is a very problematic area if lovers of women with full and curvy hips to find and not difficult, then lovers of fat rolls, ugly hanging on the back, which cannot be hidden under a dress and blouse, it is unrealistic to find. I inform the whole world and their owner that these extra weights of fat are very fond of fast carbohydrates, she mercilessly uses sweets for herself and her body, flour products and brought the level of insulin production by the body to the maximum. Removing the bolsters on the back and reducing the volume of the hips, only excluding carbohydrates from the menu, a complete rejection of sugar and sugar-containing foods and drinks will help you. All sweets you are allowed are honey and a red apple, and buns, buns, a loaf and White bread are replaced with a slice of whole grain bread.

  4. Accumulation of fat on calves and knees.

    Fat deposition on calves, knees and thighs, women special attention usually do not pay, feel, of course, heaviness, but write off this defect on the hereditary features of the figure, and successfully hide it under trousers. Heredity has nothing to do with it, and if everyone in your family has such thick calves, this once again indicates wrong and not balanced diet in your family. The culprit for the accumulation of fat in the calves, thighs and knees is the excess fluid accumulated there. Excessive consumption of salty, smoked and sweet foods prevents the withdrawal of excess fluid. To have slender legs, you need to remove excess fluid and the fat will go away by itself, for this, give up the salty seams, moderate the consumption of sugar and sweet foods, which less interferes with the removal of water from the body, alcohol. Avoid salted and smoked fish and meat, make yourself salt-free days, and best of all, learn how to cook dishes, replacing salt with dry or fresh parsley.

  5. Accumulation of fat on the sternum, upper arms and inside thighs.

    All of the above places of accumulation of fat, hormone-dependent, here you cannot do without a doctor, your blood contains a lot of estrogen, the so-called female hormone. A gynecologist-endocrinologist will help you, who will prescribe you a hormonal medication course of drugs that will stabilize your hormonal background and after that, he will prescribe a diet that suits you.

Struggling with excess fat, you are pursuing not only aesthetic goals, excess weight threatens you serious consequences health disorders, this is osteoporosis, which destroys and turns into a sponge your bones, and cholesterol-clogged blood vessels, leading you to stroke, shortness of breath, heart attacks and hypertension.
We introduced you to the most likely causes of the accumulation of body fat in one place or another, and after reading the article, you learned how to deal with them. Deposits excess fat in several or even all of the listed places, indicates a whole complex of problems in your body, the solution of which must be approached, also in a comprehensive manner.

Salts that enter the human body with the food and drink we consume should come out with sweat and urine, but not always and not everyone's body copes with this task. Excess salt builds up, disrupting

So, I will try to answer this question, to be honest, the information that I will publish below is collected from various sources on the Internet, and therefore, let everyone who reads very critically assess how suitable this information exactly to him.

Before you start reading the description of the places of accumulation of fat, zones of fat, I want to say. what I think about it.

If we take psychosomatic diseases, and excess weight can be safely attributed to a disease, then you can safely rely on the data that your own body, and begin to deal with these issues, that is, sort out your own troubles in relation to the world, yourself and others.

So here we go - fat zones:

Why is fat deposited on the arms, shoulders, and at the withers?

Upper body - shoulders, arms, "withers", double chin

For some women, excess weight is most noticeable in the shoulders and upper back.

The second chin is pronounced, the so-called "withers" stand out from behind, lush full hands, in the area of ​​the shoulders - a dense massive ridge. as a rule, such women take excessive responsibility for other people.

By nature, they are caring, responsive, active, always striving to help others and even solve all problems for them.

They say about such people: "Everything is on her shoulders." Unbearable load leads to fatigue.

The body tries to take a break from the exploits of self-sacrifice of its mistress and covers itself with a layer of fat so that the burden does not seem so heavy.

Another reason for the accumulation of excess weight in the area of ​​the shoulders and back is the "load" from the past. A person “pulls on himself” emotions and experiences that it is high time to discard and forget, again and again returns to memories.

Double chin

The second chin is the result of constant understatement and attempts to embellish your speech. A sort of half-lie, half-truth, as a rule, out of fear of offending or being punished.

In this case, unspoken, but already ready to escape from the lips, words seem to fall into a kind of energy bag, which leads to the formation of a double chin. To prevent him from becoming, you need to allow yourself to say what you think, and stop being complex about this.

Why is fat stored on my back?

He talks about the lack of protection and support, rejection of his past, problems with his father. Fat pillows under the armpits - shame, skeletons in the closet. "

The problem is solved by an honest look into the past, at your life, realizing its uniqueness and forgiving yourself for everything. You can establish a connection with your father, whatever he may be (often one mental appeal is enough: "Dad, I am your daughter, thank you for the life that you gave me"), and allow yourself to accept support.

Why does fat accumulate on the sides?

Fat on the sides- dissatisfaction with one's surroundings, trauma, deep dissatisfaction with oneself, which most often results in unfounded claims and irritation. It's time to stop criticizing and blaming others for your troubles, and think about what exactly you can do to improve your life and your society. At least do the cleaning!

Why is fat stored on the belly?

It arises as a way to deal with your fears, anxiety, or anxiety. May also indicate problems between mother and children.

Loose, big belly- a sign of causeless concern. "Bear disease" and bloating with gases - winding yourself up. It also happens with creative personalities, "Forever pregnant" with some idea - to open a salon to write a book ... To get rid of it, learn to accept the world as it is. In short, you need to stop worrying and finally start living!

I do not quite agree with this point of view, I have an article with detailed description which causes a big belly -

Fat ring around the waist

This is a belt of protection and excessive pity for people.

It happens with people who too often take on other people's problems on themselves.

Not out of responsibility, but out of pity and sympathy.

These people are "professional vests" in which everyone is ready to cry. This is not to say that such people are victims of circumstances, to be a "vest" is their choice, but they pay for it with an ugly fat belt at the waist.

Fat triangle in the sacrum area

Suppressed desires, ban on pleasure and satisfaction of true needs. As a rule, it occurs in people who live according to the principle "you have to pay for everything." It leaves when a person finally realizes the importance of his desires and begins to do at least something for himself, his beloved.


The zone of social debts, they grow fat and become loose in people who constantly promise something to themselves and others and do not keep promises.

Having promised, we accumulate not only promises, but also, in fact, condemnation for an unrestrained word. And the buttocks are getting big, as from an everyday flogging.

In order to regain the beauty of the "fifth point", it is better not to promise anything, but what is really needed is just to do,

Why is fat stored on the thighs?

They grow fat when they are not realized in sex, the prohibition on the manifestation of the instincts of power, aggression and creativity.

All together (sex, power, aggression and creativity) are the four basic dominants that distinguish free man from the slave of conventions and society.

This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to be aggressive and intemperate in relationships, quite the opposite. How stronger man tries to convince himself and others that he does not need such "low things", the stronger the tension and fullness of the hips.

The back of the thigh (breeches)

This is a zone of meaningless accumulation, greed. Here is postponed what we all cannot part with, although it is high time.

In order for the stomach to become flat, you can go on a diet, but it is better to combine weight loss with exercise. How to remove upper part belly at home, and what exercises will remove the fat layer as quickly as possible? These are the questions asked by women and men who do not have time to visit sports clubs... Party or morning runs, swinging the press, scissors and bicycle exercises. It is worth remembering that the leading role on the path to a slim body is played by the diet.

How to remove belly at home

Many people ask about how to remove deposits in the upper abdomen as quickly as possible, without resorting to pills or teas for weight loss? To do this, you can choose special diet, which will include low-calorie foods. You can do gymnastics or swim in the pool several times a week. To achieve better result during sports, weights can be worn.

Body fat is affected by mud wraps. Dead sea or blue clay. Cardio will help to remove the belly at home. Motivation will help to achieve the goal, because it encourages a person to take action. The stronger the reason for losing weight, the faster man will achieve results. It is important to remember that for the normal functioning of the body, you need to consume 2 liters per day. pure water.

Proper nutrition

How to remove the upper abdomen without power loads? A special diet for slimming the abdomen, which will be based on a protein diet, will help. It is important to remember that it takes time to lose weight in this way. Meals should be fractional. Alternatively, you can take isolated protein to lose belly fat. it pure product derived from soybeans or whey.

It is free of carbohydrates and fats, the isolate will nourish the body with amino acids. In order for protein to be assimilated, additional energy is needed, which the body consumes due to the breakdown of fat. This protein is used in bodybuilding to maintain a beautiful muscle definition. Isolate is only taken in conjunction with training and individual diet.

Physical exercise

How to remove belly fat so that the sagging fat fold turns into abs cubes? Must be included in the daily routine physical exercise for belly slimming, for example:

  • Lie on the floor with bent knees, put your hands behind your head. Slowly lifting the body from the floor, touch the bent knees with your elbows. Run 20 times.
  • Lying on the floor with raised knees bent, keep your hands behind your head. Having torn the body off the floor, touch your knees with your elbows. Run 40 times.
  • Take a rack for pumping the press, alternately tear off the hind limbs and pull them to the chest. Run 20 times.

How to Lose Upper Belly Fat

The diet in the table is designed for a week, it will help remove fat from the upper abdomen:

Days of the week


Apples - 3 pcs.

White cabbage- 200 g.

Fresh carrots- 5 pieces.

Pears - 4 pcs.

Boiled beets - 200 g.

Bell pepper- 6 pcs.

Orange - 2 pcs.

Boiled broccoli - 200 g.

Apples - 4 pcs.

Grapefruit - 1 pc.

Boiled asparagus - 200 g.

Prunes - 10 pcs.

Grapes - 200 g.

Boiled kohlrabi - 200 g.

Orange - 1 pc., Apple - 1 pc.

Dried apricots - 100 g.

Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Cabbage - 200 g.


Pears - 3 pcs.

Boiled carrots- 5 pieces.

Cucumbers - 3 pcs.

Exercises for the upper abdomen

To take away internal fat and tighten the oblique muscles, you need to do effective breathing exercises to lose weight in the upper abdomen. They affect the visceral physiological processes of the stomach, intestines, circulatory system... They should be done not only for those who are obese, but also for people who are not overweight. Breathing exercises gently massage internal organs abdominal cavity, classes should be performed regularly, several times a day.

These exercises are done on an empty stomach in a ventilated area to remove belly fat. Take away additional types stress is not worth it: body flex or yoga will help to achieve this goal. Exercises tone the muscles, and over time, the tummy will become beautiful. It is important not to restrict fluid intake, because the body should not become dehydrated.

Video: how to pump up the upper part of the press

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