Home Potato Ilya Lagutenko family. Singer Ilya Lagutenko: creative biography, wives, children - photos. Personal life of Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko family. Singer Ilya Lagutenko: creative biography, wives, children - photos. Personal life of Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Igorevich Lagutenko. Born on October 16, 1968 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader of the Mumiy Troll group.

Father - Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, architect.

Mother - Elena Borisovna Kibitkina, fashion designer.

Has a sister - Maria Kibitkina.

His paternal grandmother, Veronika Iosifovna Tur, taught at Moscow University. Grandfather - Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko - Belarusian by nationality, architect, Hero of Socialist Labor, author of the famous project of residential buildings of the K-7 series (also known as “Khrushchev buildings”).

Has Polish roots. His great-grandfather, a Polish nobleman, emigrated from Poland to Russia during the First World War, and twenty years later was shot by the Bolsheviks on charges of “Japanese-German-Polish espionage” in the seaside town of Artyom in 1937. In memory of his great-grandfather, Ilya keeps silver cufflinks. My maternal great-grandmother is also from a Polish family that moved from China to the Far East; after the war they lived in Magadan. His grandmother was born in Magadan, as was his mother.

Sister - Maria Kibitkina.

The boy was not yet a year old when his father tragically died during an unsuccessful operation to remove appendicitis. After the death of his father, he and his mother moved to her homeland - Vladivostok.

“Although I was born in Moscow, Vladivostok is the first thing I remember... My mother was a young and beautiful blonde student. And my father, Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, was an architect. When he died, I was only six months old. After after his death, I was taken to Vladivostok, where our family lived at that time, and my grandmother put a lot of effort into ensuring that I developed properly,” he recalled.

Studied at secondary school No. 9 with in-depth study Chinese language, demonstrated success. He sang in a children's choir, in which he toured extensively around the country.

As a child and youth, he was fond of rock, in particular, his favorite bands were Queen, Genesis and Pink Floyd.

Already in school years Ilya Lagutenko founded his first music group- "Boney P."

After school I entered the Far Eastern State University, having graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies with a degree in Regional Studies (Oriental and African Studies). He defended his thesis on the topic “Development of the border economy between Russia and China.”

In 1983 he organized a rock band "Moomin Troll", later renamed to "Mummy Troll".

Served in the ranks of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet.

Trained and worked in China and Great Britain as a translator and consultant for commercial companies. Thus, from 1991 to 1996, Lagutenko was a commercial advisor in China and London.

The Mumiy Troll group resumed its activities in the late 1990s. On April 24, 1997, the album “Morskaya” was released. The album became one of the best-selling albums of 1997.

Songs such as “Leak Away”, “Girl”, “Vladivostok 2000” became hits.

Mumiy Troll - Vladivostok 2000

Building on their success, the Mumiy Troll group released the album “Caviar,” which was also well received by the public.

Ilya Lagutenko also re-recorded his early songs from the 1980s, releasing a disc called “Shamora” in 1998. This is how the hits “Alien Guest”, “Hello, Pops!”, “Do Me Exactly, Mom” and others appeared.

Many of the group's songs have been translated into English language and published in the USA in mini-album format.

Ilya Lagutenko also works in cinema - as a musician (“Book Thieves”, “Dunno and Barrabass”) and as an actor (“ The night Watch»).

Mumiy Troll - S clean slate

In 2009, Ilya co-wrote the music for the track “Intentions” and, as a vocalist, took part in the recording of the second album of Automatons - an American electronic artist / sound producer of the Universal Music Group company, Svoy. The album was released in the United States and Japan, where it charted on the Billboard Top Independent Albums chart. In 2010, the album won several categories at the Independent Music Awards in the United States.

At the beginning of 2013, Ilya Lagutenko was awarded the Order of Merit for Vladivostok, first degree. Also in 2013 he founded a new international festival V-ROX (Rock of Vladivostok), designed to bring our native Vladivostok to a new musical international level.

Special style in the clothes of Ilya Lagutenko, he was repeatedly noted by the glossy magazines Glamor and GQ.

Mumiy Troll was the first in Russia to support the PSI organization to fight AIDS. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Batani Foundation.

Ilya Lagutenko is the representative of Russia in the International Tiger Coalition.

The musician also writes books. In particular, he published a trilogy for family reading, Tiger Stories. “I grew up in the Far East, and the tiger is our main totem animal. In Vladivostok there is Tigrovaya Street, and urban legends say that these animals sometimes walk along our streets. So all Primorye residents treat tigers with respect. The Mumiy Troll group "There is an album called "Amba", which is in the language of Udege, one of the indigenous peoples Far East, means “tiger”,” he explained his interest in tigers.

Height of Ilya Lagutenko: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Ilya Lagutenko:

First wife - Elena Troynovskaya(born May 5, 1963), ichthyologist by profession. Married from 1987 to 2003.

On May 17, 1988, the couple had a son, Igor Ilyich Lagutenko, rugby player, coach, music tour manager, and producer.

Second wife - Anna Zhukova(born 1979) gymnast and model. We got married in the winter of 2008.

The couple had two daughters: Valentina-Veronika Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in October 2008), her family name is Vivi, and Letitia Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in June 2010).

He lives in Los Angeles with his second wife and two daughters.

Filmography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2002 - Azazel - song performance
2004 - Night Watch - vampire Andrey
2004 - Book Thieves, musician, music
2004 - Dunno and Barrabass - music
2005 - Day Watch - music
2006 - Space flight - music
2006 - Signs of Love - music
2006 - Peter FM - music
2007 - Paragraph 78 - song performance
2008 - Radio Day - cameo
2008 - Kung Fu Panda - Russian voice acting, Master Monkey
2008 - More Ben - music
2008 - S.S.D. - cameo, music
2009 - Margosha - music
2009 - Love in big city- music
2009 - At the game - music
2010 - Diamond Arm 2 - cameo, music
2010 - Love in the Big City-2 - music
2013 - Ku! Kin-Dza-Dza - music

Dubbing by Ilya Lagutenko:

2016 - Moana - sea crab Tamatoa

Discography of Ilya Lagutenko:

1985 - New Moon April
1990 - Do Yu Yu
1997 - Marine
1997 - Caviar
1998 - Shamora
2000 - Exactly mercury aloe
2002 - Meamurs
2004 - Book Thieves
2005 - Merger and Acquisition
2007 - Amba
2008 - 8
2010 - Rare Earths
2012 - Vladivostok
2013 - SOS to the sailor
2015 - Pirated copies
2016 - Moana

Bibliography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2009 - “Book of Wanderings. My East"
2012 - “Vladivostok-3000. A film story about the Pacific Republic" (co-authored with V. Avchenko)
2012 - “Tiger Stories”

Because of cheap show-off, Mumiy Troll broke his collarbone. And he broke up with his first woman after a shameful drunken betrayal

Because of cheap show-off, Mumiy Troll broke his collarbone. And he broke up with his first woman after a shameful drunken betrayal

He burst onto the Russian scene in the early 90s with the memorable refrain “Dear one beats, blazing in ecstasy, Vladivostok-2000.” Thus, forcing the country to doubt that the main forge of rock musicians is in the Urals or St. Petersburg. However, in fact, Ilya rarely and reluctantly remembers his small homeland. He visits the Primorsky Territory no more often than other cities during tours. Our special correspondent Asya CHEPURINA enjoyed visiting the places of the rocker’s broken youth, where she learned a lot of interesting things about Ilyusha.

School No. 9 in-depth study Chinese does not give the impression of being elite. Primary schoolchildren run in circles along the dilapidated corridors, plaster is falling from the ceiling, the walls have long been in need of major repairs. This is where I spent 10 years of my life Ilya Lagutenko. On the honor board there are photos of completely different characters - mostly officials of the Vladivostok administration, who also graduated from this alma mater. Although the “mummy” is, of course, remembered here.

In Moscow, for some reason, it seems to everyone that the whole of Vladivostok should know how Ilya studied here, how he hung out,” our hero’s former class teacher began from the doorway Lidia Kolyagina. - And Ilya was not in childhood noticeable child. I studied so-so, I didn’t have enough stars from the sky. True, he knew Chinese well, which is why he entered the institute to study oriental studies. Frankly speaking, I don’t remember him composing poetry or music as a child. Except that he always sang in the boys' choir - he really liked it. But even there he never played solo. It's a pity that Ilya doesn't come to visit us. I really want him to help his native school, at least buy desks for the children. We taught this poor student here for 10 years. And now he’s building mansions for himself, but he doesn’t remember us at all...

Yes, the musical career of the future rock star began with a children's choir. One of the most memorable experiences for young Ilya was a trip to the Baltic states. There, by the way, he experienced the first sexual experience in his life. Their teacher, Nikolai Nikolaevich, took the boys to swim, but out of ignorance they wandered into a crowd of nudist beaches. Former neighbor and friend of Ilya, Pavel Mentyukov, said that this adventure became the main topic of discussion for several months.

Toad on a diet

Do you know who raised Lagutenko? Grandfather Anatoly Ivanovich Savchenko! His father, alas, died early - after an unsuccessful operation to remove the appendix. Even before Ilya could remember it.

Grandfather was the rector of the Far Eastern Institute of Technology(now Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service). From this position in the distant 70s, he was transferred to a teacher because of the parents of one student, who gave someone a bribe for the admission of their unlucky offspring.

As they remember at school, grandfather came to everything parent meetings and helped Ilya with mathematics, physics and chemistry, with which the guy was not friends. But in physical education Ilyusha had straight A's. And he was very worried when in the ninth grade he broke his collarbone and was exempted from classes for three quarters. He was injured due to his fashionable hobby - skateboarding. One day, while performing another trick in front of girls batting their eyelashes in admiration, the future rock idol fell on his back so that his grandfather had to urgently take him to the emergency room.

I don’t know what the girls saw in him... He was as tall as a bird, had a huge mouth, and was not erudite. The boys and I called him a toad on a diet,” shared Valery Priluga, who studied with Lagutenko in a parallel class. - He wasn’t offended at us - he just laughed. Another would have cleaned his face long ago, but this one just chuckled into his fist.

...the guy is doing promotion. And he’s just as funny as dad. Photo: Facebook.com

In high school, one beauty fell in love with Ilya. She was a little older than us and such a girl... with experience, as they say. She approached Lagutenko competently, but he didn’t react to her very well - he had someone else. Elka. I didn’t hold a candle, but it seemed like she was his first woman,” childhood friend Pavel Mentyukov told me. - One day that girl called us New Year note. We arrive: a luxurious table with various salads and fried chicken. And Tanya herself (I think that was her name) is in an erotic miniskirt and a translucent blouse, under which her huge breasts sway. She was hoping for a romantic night, apparently. And Ilyukha and I did not come empty-handed, but with a crowd of friends. Lagutenko also pinned down Elka. It’s clear that everyone was a little drunk and noisy. In general, Tanka soon kicked us all out of the house. After freezing in the yard for about an hour, we returned. And we partied like adults. In the morning, Tanya and Elya found their idol on some red-haired car, which somehow ended up in that hut. Of course, this did not have a positive effect on their attitude towards Ilya.

And after a while Lagutenko met Lena Troynovskaya, who soon became his first wife.

He himself was not eager to go to the registry office. The second course is the most haymaking, you know,” the rocker’s former friend smiled meaningfully Stas Vorobiev. - But the girl’s parents insisted on marriage. When we saw Ilya off to the army, Lena was already walking with a stroller in which little Igor was lying.

Lagutenko calls his daughters Letitia and Vivi princesses. Photo: Facebook.com

Mother-in-law is not offended

Ilya's first marriage collapsed with the beginning musical career. Lagutenko's love of love infuriated his wife wildly. And when a Moscow party girl appeared in his life Nadya Skazka, and newspapers began to write about it, Elena filed for divorce. Soon, however, he left Fairy Tales for a model Anya Zhukova. They have been together with her for nine years. The couple has two daughters - seven-year-old Valentina-Veronica and five-year-old Letitia).

I will never believe that Ilya could change. “He gets carried away very quickly and just as quickly loses interest in women,” Mentyukov confidently states. - So it was and so it will always be. I am absolutely sure that with Anya the story will not last a lifetime. He's an unpredictable guy.

Before meeting Ilya, my daughter dated a Moldovan athlete,” she once told Express Gazeta. Valentina Zhukova, mother-in-law "mummy". - A nice guy, such a strong fighter. It seemed to me that he good couple for Anya. And then the daughter announced that she was marrying Lagutenko. My brother-in-law is a busy man, and it would be stupid to be offended by him. I respect my daughter’s choice, because she is an accomplished adult. I am a happy grandmother and mother. Besides Anyuta, I have three more children. All my boys play sports. I am a gymnastics coach. And my husband, who, unfortunately, died very early, was a world champion, winner of the Cup Winners' Cup in volleyball. And Anyuta achieved good results V rhythmic gymnastics. She was a member of the national team. At the age of 13 she won the open championship France. She never had to work hard: she was a focused, hardworking child. In addition, what is important for the athlete, she has never had problems with being overweight.

According to Valentina Vladimirovna, her eldest daughter got into the modeling business by accident. Allegedly, while studying in St. Petersburg, she and her sister Nina were noticed at some event by the head of the Art Model agency and offered to try it.

Ideal husband

The career of the Zhukov sisters developed rapidly. First Nina, and after her Anya, went to work in Paris. The girls lived in a tiny apartment on the outskirts of the fashion capital and participated in prestigious fashion shows.

Anya had to deal with the hostility of envious colleagues more than once. Sometimes comic situations happened. For example, at one of the shows Naomi Campbell came out onto the podium in a skirt Anya accidentally grabbed, and Zhukova had to stomp after the mulatto in only a bikini. And another time she suffered from a Ukrainian model. Khokhlushka allegedly accidentally put on her lace panties. And Anya went out in public in ordinary knitted underwear.

At that time, Zhukova complained that the agency gave each model only 500 francs per week ($70). It was not easy to live on this money in Paris, and when there was no work, I had to limit myself in everything.

From time to time, Anya visited St. Petersburg, where she continued to study at the Academy. Lesgafta, and did not refuse any hack work. In May 2005, for $500, she starred in the video of the group “Tea for Two” for the song “You are not alone.” Immediately there was a rumor that the lead singer of the group Stas Kostyushkin had his eye (and not only) on a charming girl. Gossips said that Kostyushkin was seen with Zhukova even before filming. They met on a plane flying to New York.

When Ilya and Anya started living together, they immediately agreed that the past is the past. And period!

I'm the most best husband and father. Ideal. Honestly! - Ilya likes to repeat to journalists with his signature mysterious smile.


In childhood Lagutenko wrote fantastic tales about alien monsters and adored the band Kiss.


* The rocker's great-grandfather is from an intelligent Polish family. Emigrated during the First World War from Poland to Russia. And in 1937 he was shot on charges of “Japanese-German-Polish espionage.” In memory of his great-grandfather, Ilya keeps his silver cufflinks.

Ilya Lagutenko is a rock performer, frontman of the Mumiy Troll group. He has the title of Honored Owner of the Order of Merit for Vladivostok. His songs became soundtracks for popular films: “Day Watch”, “Peter FM”, “Love in the City”, etc. In addition, in the films “Radio Day” and “S.S.D.” Ilya appeared with his group as a guest star.

He was born on October 16, 1968 in the capital Moscow, but a year later, after the death of his father, the whole family moved to Vladivostok. All family members were intelligent people. His father, like his grandfather, were architects, his mother was engaged in artistic modeling, and his grandmother taught at Moscow University.

IN adolescence Ilya graduated high school No. 9 with a Chinese twist. He was active child: sang in a choir, with whom I saw many cities in Russia. Already as a child, Ilya tried to found his first group, which was called “Boni Pi”.

As a young man, he graduated from the Faculty of Regional Studies at the Far Eastern State University.


At the age of 15, Ilya organized his own group, Mumiy Troll, which is still popular to this day. He named it in honor of his favorite hero, Moomintroll. The guys recorded ten songs and called the album “New Moon of April”, which blew up all the venues in Vladivostok. The group managed to give their first concert in 1987. It was both a success and a complete failure, as the group was called dangerous to society. After that the guys disappeared for a long time. And this is not because their music remained ununderstood, but because Ilya was taken to serve in the navy. Being an educated person and knowing English and Chinese, Ilya had good prospects in life, but they did not relate to music.

Ilya needed to change a lot of jobs in order to finally understand what he really wanted. In 1996, he decided to bring the group back and began distributing demo tapes to record companies. One of the producers finally responded. It was Alexander Shulgin. At the end of the 90s, the group returned to the stage, and in 1997 its first album, Morskaya, was released. “Mumiy Troll” was a huge success, fans simply “torn” the musicians, and subsequent albums produced new hits that are still sung not only by all of Russia, but also by other foreign countries.

In addition to studying music, Ilya devotes a lot of time to books. He writes them. In 2009, the performer began working on “The Book of Wanderings,” in which he talks about traveling with the group. A year later, the book was already published.

Despite the enormous success, Mumiy Troll broke up at the end of 2013. It existed for 16 years, and will still exist, just not like before. Soon Ilya promised to start a solo career.

Personal life of Ilya

In 1987, Ilya met his first wife, Elena Troynovskaya, who worked as an ichthyologist. Elena gave birth to Ilya's son Igor in 1988. He remained married to Elena until 2003.

The second wife was Anna Zhukova, a gymnast and model. Ilya lived with her from 2007 to 2009.

Ilya has 2 daughters: Valentina-Veronica or Vivi, who was born in 2008, and Letitia, born in 2010.

In contact with


Ilya Lagutenko is a Russian singer, musician, whose name is known to almost every resident of Russia. One has only to look at the 2000 ruble banknote, which depicts Vladivostok. I immediately remember the words from famous song"Vladivostok 2000..."

It’s hard to believe, but on October 16, Ilya Lagutenko celebrated his 50th birthday! He still behaves like a mischievous boy with the smile of a March cat!

Ilya either makes films, or writes some kind of alien music, or draws incredible landscapes, or writes a book, or protects Amur tigers, or sails the sea on a huge sailboat... At the same time, he remains a prudent businessman, an excellent organizer and a reliable father of the family. Yes, he is a child, but very responsible!

Trying to delve into the lyrics of his songs, experts only shrug their shoulders: it is not clear what fans find in his work. But there is no logical explanation for this - people just like it!

Lagutenko grew up in Vladivostok - and that says it all. There is the sea, there is the wind, there is the smell of freedom everywhere. But he ended up in this city thanks to chance. Although the word “thanks to” is not entirely appropriate here.

Childhood, Lagutenko family

Ilya was born into a respected Moscow family. Mom is a fashion designer, dad and grandfather are architects. By the way, it was my grandfather who was the author of the project on the basis of which the Khrushchev buildings were built. Soon, my father died after surgery to remove appendicitis, and then my grandfather passed away. Mom decided to return home to her family. Ilya was only six months old when he crossed the country and found himself at its farthest edge: “Although I was born in Moscow, Vladivostok is the first thing I remember...”.

Instead of lullabies, my grandmother sang to him songs from her revolutionary childhood and youth - from “A detachment was walking along the shore” to “The Hills of Manchuria”; Grandfather took me for a walk to the sea. There were few toys, and they did not differ in variety. Ilya, who inherited a talent for drawing from his parents, made them himself from cardboard: “My world was the characters I drew. Sometimes I even staged a semblance puppet theaters with fantastic characters drawn on cardboard – from astronauts to rock musicians.”

Lagutenko claims that he was a restless and mischievous child (today he would be called hyperactive), but one day, when he was five years old, everything changed. “I still remember this moment, how the Voice from above said: “Ilyusha, look: all the people around you love you very much and care about you - mother, grandmother, grandfather. It’s not easy for them in this life, and please don’t be a stupid, incomprehensible child, understand them, appreciate and respect their attention and love.” Since then, there has been peace and harmony in our family.”

Then there was a school with in-depth study of the Chinese language. By the way, scientists have proven that practicing calligraphy and studying hieroglyphs change the worldview of Europeans - the ability to concentrate increases, and a love of contemplation appears. Ilya sang in the choir with pleasure, but with music school it didn’t work out: in a small apartment there was simply nowhere to put a piano, and the button accordion offered instead turned out to be too bulky for him - Ilya was the smallest in the class. And I quickly got tired of boring solfeggio.

Group “Mumiy Troll” and Ilya Lagutenko

He never received a musical education - maybe that’s why his music is so “wrong.” This did not stop him from independently mastering the guitar and keyboards, and then forming a group with the children’s name “Moomin Troll”. Moreover, Janson Lagutenko did not know anything about the funny characters of the writer Tove: he just saw the words on the cover, and he liked them.

Ilya Lagutenko and the group “Mumiy Troll”

At the age of 15 he was already a frontman professional group with a full repertoire. At 19, Ilya was called up to serve in the navy, so he had to forget about concert activities for a while. For two years Lagutenko surfed Pacific Ocean, and in the meantime new melodies were born in my head.

After completing his service, Ilya returned to the Faculty of Oriental Studies, majoring in regional studies at the Far Eastern University, and interned at different companies China and Great Britain. To obtain higher education It took him five years to finally be convinced that he liked composing music and rocking on stage much more than negotiating in the office. In 1996, Lagutenko returned to music. He changed one letter in the name of the group - from now on it was called “Mumiy Troll”. He explained that his colleagues reminded him of lifeless mummies.

While working in London, Ilya acquired connections in the music world and, to the envy of all domestic musicians, recorded the album “Morskaya” in one of the best British studios. Thanks to the super hits “Leak Away” and “Vladivostok 2000” next year was a breakthrough. " The best group", "Best Album", "Discovery of the Year"…

The team has received many awards. But Ilya still remembers how at the beginning of the year he visited radio stations and heard everywhere the contemptuous “Neformat!” Critics called Mumiy Troll a fly-by-night group, and colleagues said to their faces: “A year or two will pass, and we will find you in some drug treatment clinic.” WITH looking smart Lagutenko was offered to write different texts and different music, dress differently and behave differently on stage. But where are these critics today and where is he?..

Ilya is sure: success is achieved by those who do what they like - sincerely and with soul. Even if only a few people came to the concert, play as if there was a whole stadium of fans in front of you! He didn't try to break himself. As a result, they quickly got used to his peculiar appearance and manners, and moreover, they began to imitate him.

The second component of success - money - should not be an end in itself and make your head spin. Having started earning money, Ilya quickly found a use for his banknotes: he became involved in charity work, in particular, he financed the rescue of Amur tigers.

The third point is to always be in search of: new sensations, new skills, new people... Oneself, in the end.

And the most important thing: success comes only to those who have someone to share it with.

Ilya Lagutenko: biography of personal life

They met Lena Troynovskaya at university and got married in their second year. In May 1988, a son, Igor, was born, and Lagutenko left for the army as a young father. Together the couple went through thick and thin, but did not pass the test copper pipes. Ilya became mega-popular, crowds of fans followed the group on tour, and he allowed himself to relax away from his family. Journalists added fuel to the fire by passing off innocent hugs as a whirlwind romance. The wife endured for a long time, but in 2003 she finally filed for divorce...

Russian rock musician, leader of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Igorevich Lagutenko was born on October 16, 1968 in Moscow in the family of fashion designer Elena Borisovna and architect Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko. After the death of his father in 1969, six-month-old Ilya and his mother moved to her hometown Vladivostok, where he spent his entire childhood.

He studied at a school with in-depth study of the Chinese language. He sang in a children's choir, with which he traveled halfway across the country. In 1981, Ilya Lagutenko, together with his group "Boney P", made the first recording. In 1982, the group broke up. A year later, in October 1983, he founded a rock band called Moomin Troll. In 1984, the band recorded their first magnetic album, “New Moon of April.”

After graduating from school and serving in the Pacific Fleet (1987-1989), Ilya Lagutenko entered the Far Eastern State University, from which he graduated in 1992 with a diploma in Oriental and African Studies. In 1990, the group recorded their second album, “Do Yu-Yu,” at the Dekada-Records studio. In the same year, Dekada-Records organized a series of concerts with the participation of Moomin Troll, as well as other Vladivostok groups. The tour turned out to be a failure, since bands performing “social rock” were popular at that time. It was then that the letter “th” was added to the name of the group, forming the final name - “Mumiy Troll”.

© Photo: Michael Muller Group "Mumiy Troll"

From 1991 to 1995, Ilya Lagutenko worked as a consultant for various companies. The work involved numerous trips, including business trips to China and the UK.

In 1996, Ilya Lagutenko revived his group, and at the Dekada-Records studio the group recorded its third album (the first album known to the general public), called “Morskaya”. The album was mixed at Alaska Studios in London. The recording was produced by Chris Bandy, who took part in the recording albums The Cure, Duran Duran, Rolling Stones. The finished recording was sent to Moscow record companies. RecRecords, led by Alexander Shulgin, was the first to respond. It was on this label that the album was released in April 1997, which quickly gained popularity throughout the country. Songs from this disc were played on the radio, and the videos “Cat of the Cat” and “Leak Away” were the leaders of television broadcasts.

Ilya Lagutenko with "caravans, ships, planes"The leader of the Mumiy Troll group is 45 years old today. The musician who coined the term “rockapop” dreamed as a child of becoming a sailor and always being on the move. No one forbids Lagutenko from wearing a vest, and he has plenty of travel in his life. “The desire to go forward and forward and forward again. After all, this, in fact, is the goal of any journey,” he says.

Soon Lagutenko, together with Mumiy Troll, went to London, where the group recorded the disc "Caviar", released on November 21, 1997 on RecRecords. All the group’s concerts at that time were sold out to unprecedented sellouts.

In April 1998, in Moscow, musicians recorded a double album “Shamora (The Truth about Mummies and Trolls)”, which the group does not consider numbered, since it consists of old songs that were included in the first magnetic albums “New Moon of April” and “Do Yu- YU".

On December 1, 1998, the mini-album “Happy New Year, Baby!” was released, containing 10 tracks: live and studio versions of the song “Happy New Year, Baby!”, as well as 8 remixes made by various musicians.

In February 2000, the group released the album "Exactly Aloe Mercury", followed by studio album"Meamurs." Between recording two discs, Ilya Lagutenko, at the head of Mumiy Troll, represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Lady Alpine Blue, which took 12th place.

In 2003, Ilya Lagutenko first tried his hand at cinema, first as the author of music for the films “The Book Thieves” and “Dunno and Barrabas”, and then played a cameo role in Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Night Watch”.

In 2005, Mumiy Troll released the album "Mergers and Acquisitions", in 2007 a release called "Amba" was released, followed by a tour of North America and CIS. On August 8, 2008, a new disc by the Mumiy Troll musicians, “8,” went on sale.

© Photo: Michael Muller Group "Mumiy Troll"

In 2008, Ilya Lagutenko voiced Master Monkey in Russian in the cartoon Kung Fu Panda. In the English original, this character was voiced by Jackie Chan.

In 2009, the Mumiy Troll video was filmed in the USA for the first time. The same year, English-language EP releases Paradise Ahead and Polar Bear were released in the States. As part of the promotional campaign, the group performed on Craig Fergusson's evening show.

In April 2010, Lagutenko and Mumiy Troll presented to the public their ninth studio album, Rare Lands, consisting of compositions written by the group in different time over the past ten years, but previously unpublished.

In July 2011, Ilya Lagutenko his new music project"KETA", created in collaboration with the famous electronics engineer Andrey Antonets aka AndrOID.

In 2012, the Mumiy Troll group recorded the English-language album Vladivostok, which was released in the USA and Great Britain. The group then gave several concerts in London and Manchester, seriously aiming to conquer the Western music market.

© Photo: Dmitry PlavshudinIlya Lagutenko in trip around the world on the sailboat "Sedov"

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