Home Potato Relative height of Elbrus. Elbrus - the highest peak in Europe

Relative height of Elbrus. Elbrus - the highest peak in Europe

The two-headed Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. Stratovolcano with a height of 5642 meters is included in the list of "Seven main heights of the world." According to geologists, Elbrus is the cone of an extinct volcano. Elbrus acquired its modern appearance with two peaks (the height of the eastern one is 5621 meters, the western one is 5642 meters) more than a million years ago. By the way, there is still a lot of controversy about volcanic activity the mountains. Some scientists argue that the volcano is not extinct, but asleep. As an argument, the fact is used that hot masses have been preserved in the bowels of the mountain, heating thermal springs up to +60 degrees.

The climate of the surroundings of the Elbrus region is mild, with low humidity, which makes it easy to endure frosty weather. But on Elbrus itself, climatic conditions are close to arctic with heavy rainfall and strong piercing winds. The air temperature at the top of the mountain can reach -40 degrees. AT summer time at an altitude of 4000 meters the temperature does not rise above -10 degrees.

Climbing Elbrus

The first documented conqueror of Elbrus (its eastern peak) was the Kabardian K. Khashirov, who accompanied the Russian expedition of 1829. The rest of the expedition members were able to climb only 5300 meters. The western peak of Elbrus was conquered by travelers only in 1879. Its first tourists were members of the English expedition, led by climbers F. Grove and accompanied by Kabardian A. Sottaev.

The latter became one of the most famous conquerors of Elbrus. Being a hunter and a lover of mountains, he climbed Elbrus 9 times, and his last ascent was made at the age of 120!

AT Soviet time Elbrus has become one of the most popular places for mountaineering. The so-called "alpiniades" were repeatedly held here. The 1967 alpiniade became the most massive - almost 2,500 mountaineers took part in it.

Modern classical routes of climbing Elbrus are not very difficult, even for beginners in mountaineering they can do it. There are 3 main routes:

  • Climbing from the south side of the mountain starts at the foot, but, often, tourists use the cable car lift to the Bochki shelter, which is located at an altitude of 3750 meters. The shelter for tourists is equipped with recreation centers, cafes and bars.
  • north rise passes in the footsteps of the first conquerors of the mountain. The ascent is also not very difficult for people of average physical fitness, but, unlike the south side, there is no tourist infrastructure here - the entire ascent is carried out without the help of a cable car and other benefits of civilization.
  • Eastern rise more extreme. It passes along a lava flow, naturally, long frozen. The most beautiful panoramas on the route open from the Akcheryakol lava flow.

Most ascents take place in summer period– from May to October, as this is the most auspicious time with the most comfortable weather (by local standards). All routes are built taking into account the time for acclimatization - after the morning ascent, you need to go down for an overnight stay.

Ski resorts in the Elbrus region

The Elbrus region has been one of the most popular places for skiing in Russia for several decades. In total, about 35 kilometers of ski slopes have been laid in the Elbrus region. skiing and snowboards (mileage increases every year) and equipped with 12 kilometers of cable cars.

Among the surrounding mountains, Mount Cheget is the most popular, equipped with both cable-chair and cable-pendulum lifts. The tracks of Cheget are suitable for both beginners and professionals. Also on the slopes of the mountain and in its surroundings, there are plenty of entertainment for relaxing after active skiing (apres-ski) - cafes, bars and restaurants, cozy chalet hotels and spa hotels.

For professionals, there is a “high-mountain taxi” that delivers skiers and snowboarders on snowcats to the Pastukhov rocks, at a height of 4800 meters.

The longest track is located in the Stary Krugozor resort - its length is 2 kilometers, and the height difference reaches 650 meters.

The ski season in the Elbrus region lasts from November to April (with a delay in snow cover, the season is extended until early May).

In summer, horse riding and mountain biking are organized along the paths with panoramic views, trekking and paragliding are offered. For an impressive amount, you can order heli-skiing - skiing with "delivery" to the top by helicopter.

Camp sites

Currently, Elbrus is not a wild and harsh area, but a mecca for mountaineering enthusiasts. Therefore, the slopes of the mountains are equipped with numerous recreation centers and mountain shelters. Most of the tourist infrastructure is concentrated on the southern slope, at an altitude of 3750 meters - in the Bochki shelter. The mountain shelter is equipped with heated cabins and a kitchen.

At an altitude of 3912 meters there is a mountain hotel "Liprus", with a capacity of 48 people. Its hulls are made in a futuristic style and resemble space stations.

The highest mountain hotel on Elbrus is the Shelter of the Eleven Hotel at an altitude of 4050 meters. The hotel was built in the middle of the 20th century and for a long time bore the title of "the highest mountain hotel in the USSR". The main building burned down 20 years ago, but at present the hotel has been rebuilt on the basis of the preserved boiler house.

The plans of the authorities of the region include the construction of a shelter at an altitude of 5300 meters. Construction works are already underway, but the opening dates are constantly pushed forward due to difficult weather conditions.


The gorges and glaciers of Elbrus and the Elbrus region are the main attractions of these places. Going to the Elbrus region, it is worth visiting:

  • Baksan gorge. It originates in the glaciers of Elbrus and represents picturesque mountains with snow caps, green valleys, caves with traces of ancient people and rusty earth due to the abundance of iron in its composition.
  • Djily-Su tract. The place is known primarily for its hot springs. Bathing in natural pools has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, mineral waters treat skin diseases and allergies. In addition to the springs, there are mighty waterfalls in the vicinity. The height of the largest of them is 25 meters.
  • Elbrus Defense Museum. The highest mountain museum in the world is located at the Mir station. The local exposition tells about the North Caucasian battles during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Chegem Gorge. This is a picturesque area with centuries-old pine trees, deep canyons and rocky waterfalls.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

Elbrus is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess republics. The nearest airport is located in the city of Nalchik, 130 km from the foot of the mountain, you can also fly to Mineralnye Vody, located 200 km away. Then go through Pyatigorsk and Nalchik to Terskol with transfers by bus. Travel time will be from 3 to 5 hours, depending on the point of departure. Many expeditions and excursion groups depart from Terskol.

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A report about Mount Elbrus will tell you what Mount Elbrus is known for and where it is located.

Message about Mount Elbrus

Elbrus- stratovolcano in the Caucasus - the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, included in the list of the highest peaks of the parts of the world "Seven Summits".

In the 19th century began Scientific research tops. The exact height and location was determined only in 1913. The goal of the first expedition in 1829 was to reach the top of the Elbrus volcano. It included such great scientists as Kupfer, Lenz, Minetrier. Having reached a height of 2400m, the group went further. Above the mark of 4800 m, only 5 people reached, and only three people reached the saddle of Elbrus. They could not go further because of the very softened snow.

The first to conquer the peaks of Elbrus was Ahiya Sottaev, when he was already over 40 years old. After the first ascent, he climbed the mountain 8 more times. Moreover, Sottaev made the last ascent at the age of 121.

Elbrus mountain where is located?

Elbrus is not only the highest point in Europe, but also a place of pilgrimage. It is located between Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, and the peoples living there have created many legends. For example, about the origin of the name. From the Iranian "Aytbares" means high Mountain, from the Georgian "Yalbuz" means ice and storm. According to another theory, the name of the mountain is composed of three words: "El" - settlement, "Bur" - twist, "Us" - character.

Mount Elbrus description

Elbrus height above sea level is 5642 m. Moreover, the height of the western peak is 5642 m, and the eastern peak is 5621 m. Between them there is a saddle, inferior in height to only 300 m. There are more than 80 glaciers on the mountain, the largest are Bolshoy Azau, Irik and Terskol . They give rise to many rivers Malka, Terek, Baksan and Kuban.

Below the location of the glaciers are alpine meadows and coniferous forests. The slopes are rocky. Mountains formed over a million years ago, and at first Elbrus was an active volcano. Today, scientists are still arguing about whether the volcano is sleeping or is extinct. The "sleeping" version is favored by the fact that hot masses are preserved in its depths, which heat up local thermal springs up to +60°C.

The mountain itself consists of layers of tufa, ash and lava. The last eruption was recorded in 50 AD.


Climatic conditions near the slopes are mild. Humidity here is low, so frosts are tolerated quite easily. But above, on the volcano, the climate is already harsh, similar to the Arctic. At the foot of the mountain, the average winter temperature ranges from 10 0 C to -25 0 C, and at the top it reaches -40°C. On Elbrus, precipitation is abundant and frequent, mainly in the form of snow. The air warms up in summer to +10°C at an altitude of 2500 m, and even higher in July the temperature barely reaches -14°C. The weather is characterized by instability - a windless clear day can be replaced by a snowy storm with strong wind gusts.


The climate at the foot of the mountain is varied: many gorges, stony placers. And on the slopes, even in summer, you can see melting snowflakes. On the surface of Elbrus there are glaciers with an ice thickness of 400 m. Glacial water forms streams that fall down like waterfalls. Starting from a height of 3500 m, moraine, cirques, and glacial lakes are common.

Flora and fauna

Velvet greenery, pine forests, trees and shrubs grow on the meadows of Elbrus. Flora has 3000 species. It includes pine, alder, mint, celandine, sea buckthorn, thyme, fennel, wormwood, wild rose, St. John's wort and coltsfoot.

The animal world is represented by a tour, a mountain goat, a gopher, raccoon dog, wild boar, chamois, jackal, roe deer, foxes, wolves, wild cat, lynx, squirrels and bears.

Vultures, eagles and kites, golden eagles, saker falcons, titmouses, bullfinches, thrushes, woodpeckers conquered the heavenly expanses.

  • The local population calls Elbrus "Mingi-tau", which means "Mountain of the Thousands". The name emphasizes its height and size.
  • This is a very difficult mountain to climb. In winter, it is generally forbidden to climb it.
  • Elbrus is mentioned in the works of Herodotus. The ancient Greek historian pointed out that to her god Zeus chained Prometheus because he gave fire to people.

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Mount Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe and Russia in particular. It is included in the catalog of the seven highest objects on the planet Earth. But this is not the only characteristic of this point in the Caucasus Mountains. It is a stratovolcano or, in other words, a layered volcano, which is formed by multi-layer hardening of lava, ash and tephra.

Such peaks are characterized by high height and steep slopes. This is due to the properties of lava masses, which have a viscous and thick consistency. And eruptions from stratovolcanoes are explosive in nature, while the lava quickly solidifies and does not spread over the relief over long distances.

The height of Mount Elbrus

This volcano has two peaks with different heights. The western one is 5642 m, and the eastern one is a little lower - 5621 m. The distance between them is 3 km, and if measured along the mountainside - 5200 meters. On this saddle between the peaks of the volcano, the highest alpine shelter in Europe for climbers and mountain climbers was built. And there are more than enough people who want to climb to such a height, starting with the first ascent to the eastern peak on July 22, 1829 by Khilar Khachirov. This is a local guide, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, who knows these places well. The western peak was conquered somewhat later, in 1874, by the English climbers F. Grove, F. Gardner, H. Walker, P. Knubel and the local guide A. Sottaev. After that, thousands of people from all over the world try to climb to the height of Mount Elbrus, coming to the Elbrus region every year.

controversial issues

Often on the pages of the World Wide Web you can see controversial dialogues about Elbrus, where it is, in which country. The mountain is located on the border of several territorial units, although most of is nevertheless located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which occupies the northern slope Caucasus mountains.

But the mountain itself is located at the junction of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, its image is on the emblems of both of these regions. However, North Ossetia, Georgia, and the Stavropol Territory are very close. Therefore, in the Elbrus region there is a whole complex of resorts belonging to different republics of Russia and Georgia.

Also, disputes on the issue of Elbrus (where it is located, in which country) are also being conducted by geographers who cannot agree on a common opinion. Doubts are raised by assumptions that this volcano is located in Europe. Some argue that this is already the territory of Asia. The border between the continents runs just in the middle of the Main Caucasian Range.

mountain name

Depending on the location of Elbrus (where it is, in which country) local residents the volcano is also called differently. In Iran, it is called Aitibares, which means "sparkling or shining". This name is very appropriate appearance peaks, when the eternal snows reflect the bright rays of the sun.

In Georgia, they call the mountain Yalbuz, which means: yal - "storm", buz - "ice". It can be seen that the inhabitants of this country have repeatedly witnessed the raging elements on the slopes of the mountain.

The Armenian name is closely phonetically related to the Georgian version. Sounds like Alberis. Many believe that this name comes from the word Alps.

The name of the mountain, invented by the Alans, sounds very beautiful. These are residents of Karachay-Balkaria. "Mingi-Tau" is translated as "the eternal mountain of consciousness and wisdom."

The world-famous name of the volcano - Elbrus - also has a local origin. Consists of several words. "El" is translated as a settlement or nationality, but "bur" is a word familiar to Russian-speaking people, meaning to twist, turn back. The last particle of the word "mustache" is translated as temper, behavior.

Based on the meaning of the word Elbrus (where it is located, in which country, we found out), a name was coined, you can understand the nature and properties of this famous volcano, which in sunny weather reflects the sun's rays with a bright brilliance, in bad weather threatens travelers with a strong snowstorm with a spinning wind freezing rain and snow. Climbers who want to conquer the summit always remember the danger of such a hike.

Glaciers of the Caucasus Mountains

Elbrus last time erupted over two thousand years ago. Since then, the temperature has always been very low at the top, which does not rise above 0 degrees even in the summer heat. The glaciers that cap the mountain cover 134.5 km, which is 10% of all such formations of the Caucasus Mountains. There are only 23 glaciers on Elbrus.

The largest and most famous are Big and Small Azau, Irik, Kokurtly, which occupy vast areas of valleys and slopes. But there are also very picturesque ice ones hanging from the cliffs. These are blocks of such glaciers as Kogutai, Terskol, Garabashi. Especially a lot eternal ice located on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus at an altitude of over 3850 meters.

The water formed after the melting and fall of these accumulations of ice fills the river flows of the mountain rivers of Stavropol, such as the Kuban, Malka and Baksan.

The climate on the mountain

The mountain range always has changeable weather. So in Kabardino-Balkaria, Elbrus is distinguished by the frequent change of good warm weather to bad, with precipitation and winds. It is connected with mountainous terrain, which forms the circulation of air masses by season.

Summer in the Elbrus region is cool, with high humidity. More than a week of good weather is not necessary to observe. The maximum thermometer showed + 35 degrees at an altitude of 2 km, even higher, at around 3 km, and even less, a maximum of + 25.

After this mark winter weather starts from October. There is a lot of precipitation. The height of the snow cover on average reaches 50-80 cm. The higher to the top, the deeper the snow. More snow covers are located on the north side. Southern thickness of snow cannot boast.

Spring comes to the territory of Elbrus only at the beginning of May. The top is covered with snow all year round. Due to them, the mass of ice in glaciers is constantly growing.

Winter lasts for a long time, and at an altitude of 3 km the temperature drops to -12 degrees, the lowest temperature recorded at this point was -27 degrees.

ski resort

The largest ski resort "Elbrus Azau" was built in 1969 on the Azau glade, which is located at the foot of the majestic mountain. For the convenience of skiers, there are two cable cars: the old pendulum with 20-seater cabins and the new gondola, taking 8 people on board. Lift tickets can be purchased as a one-time or for the whole day. They also sell season tickets for the entire period of skiing (from 2 to 8 days). The cost also varies depending on the season. One ascent - 550 rubles, descent - 500. The most expensive subscription for 8 days will cost 12,700.

Ski slopes

There are 11 slopes on Elbrus for skiers of all levels: from beginners to professionals. The blue slopes are wider and gentler. The reds and blacks are for experienced riders, but they also fade into the blue, gentle slopes. A subscription to skiing from the mountain will cost from 500 to 850 rubles per day.

Perfectly organized holiday for children. For them there is a separate drag lift for 300 meters. An experienced instructor conducts classes with beginners, fun competitions and contests are often organized. Works ski school where the child will be taught all the subtleties of the correct and safe descent.

Infrastructure of the complexes

On the territory of the complex there are 38 hotels, cafes, restaurants, baths and saunas, ski equipment rental. There are shops and even a club. You can pay in cash or bank cards. Everything is done for the convenience of vacationers.

For conquerors of peaks there is an interesting complex called "Barrels". There, climbers can go through acclimatization, warm up, relax after a hard climb, have a snack and sleep.

It is located at an altitude of 3750 meters, at the end station of the Garabashi chairlift. Each "barrel" is designed for 6 people. There is everything you need: toiletries, bedding, warm blankets.

How to get there?

The best and closest way to the mountain is from Nalchik. There is an airport, so you can fly from different places. Further from the city to the Elbrus region, you can take a taxi or minibus number 17. Then you also need to go to Terskol by taxi.

On your car from Rostov-on-Don, you need to go along the M-4 highway, and before reaching Nalchik, turn onto A-158. The coordinates of Elbrus, which is described in the article, on the navigator are 43°18"56"N, 42°27"42"E.

Come any time of the year. Skiing is also possible in the middle of summer.

Height (meters): 5642

It is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the side ridge of the Greater Caucasus. The highest point in Europe. Altitude 5642 m, possible routes 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A.

Elbrus - the highest point in Russia and Europe, is included in the list of the highest peaks in the world. It is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Mount Elbrus is an extinct stratovolcano. In the Elbrus region, hot springs still exist, heated by the bowels of the mountain up to 60 ° C. The last eruptions were around 50 AD. Elbrus consists of layers of ash, lava and tuff, alternating with each other. There are more than 80 glaciers on the slopes of Elbrus, the most significant of them are: Terskol, Big Azau, Irik. Elbrus glaciers feed major rivers Caucasus - Baksan, Kuban, Malku. The infrastructure is well developed in the Elbrus region, so every year thousands of tourists, climbers, skiers, tourists, and just vacationers and "adventurers", attracted by the wording "the highest point of Europe", come here. Elbrus has two peaks: Eastern, 5621 meters high, and Western, its height is 5642 meters. The saddle between the peaks is about 5300 meters high, now there is a small rescue hut on it.

Climbing routes

Today, thousands of tourists climb Elbrus, both Russians and foreigners. There are many routes on Elbrus from relatively simple, accessible for a moderately trained person with little climbing experience (1B), to medium-level routes (3A). The easiest route to the mountain is c, its category is 1B, in the season there is a path upstairs, carefully marked with landmarks. The poles are from the annual Red Fox Elbrus Race.
Infrastructure is well developed from the south, up to a height of 3750 meters (Gara-Bashi station) you can climb by cable car. Most climbers start from here, or from the former shelter of the Eleven (altitude 4050 meters). Up to a height of 4800 meters you can climb on a snowcat. Further on a snowmobile you can drive almost to the beginning of the slanting shelf (5000 meters), depending on the state of the route and the courage of the driver. The next most popular route is from. One of the experienced climbers, who has now become a good guide, said: “When I got on the northern slope of Elbrus 30 years ago in autumn, I felt like I was on the moon. reverse side. And now there are a lot of people. Such is life ... " Indeed, climbing Elbrus from the north leaves completely different impressions. It's not only about the much smaller number of people on the route compared to the south. There is a completely different nature and atmosphere. Volcanic landscapes will impress even an experienced traveler. only up to a height of just over 2000 meters.Further climbing is carried out on their own.On the way, at an altitude of 3800 - 3900 meters, you will meet huts of various companies.There are other routes on Elbrus that are technically more interesting and less habitable:,.On these routes, as as a rule, there are no crowds of tourists, there are not so many shelters, and even more so ski lifts and snow groomers, there is only you and the mountain!This is an ideal option to enjoy nature, overcome yourself, find out what you are capable of and truly climb the highest point in Europe.

How to get there

From South

The nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody. By train you can get to the cities of Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nalchik or Cherkessk. Then by car to the villages in the Elbrus region: Baksan, Elbrus, Cheget, or immediately to the Azau glade.

From the north

From the north, under the slope of Elbrus, a new good road can be reached by any vehicle. From Kislovodsk through the village of Kichbalyk, then we pass the Narzan Valley and the Kharbaz River. The road goes to the Jilisu springs, then to base camp on Emmanuel's glade a footpath is about 2 km. Or you can get to the Emmanuel glade itself by off-road vehicles.

from the west

The road to the western slope ends in the village of Khurzuk, then there is a dirt road accessible only to off-road vehicles. It leads to the springs of Dzhilisu (not to be confused with the northern Dzhilisu, these are different sources, but have the same name), from where the walking part of the route begins.

from the east

The route starts from the village of Elbrus. Move along the Irikchat gorge to the eastern ridge, along it the exit to the Eastern peak.


From the south, in the region of the Baksan Gorge, the infrastructure is relatively well developed. In the area of ​​the glade Azau, Cheget, Terskol, there are many hotels and hotels. There is no shortage of cafes, canteens, restaurants. Good to Azau glade highway, a cable car leads from Azau to a height of 3750 meters. On the mountain itself, not far from the station "Gara-Bashi" (3750 meters), there is a shelter "Barrels". Currently, this is one of the main starting points for climbers. In 2001, the restoration of the Shelter of Eleven (4050 meters) that burned down in 1996 began. Not far from it, a number of residential 12-seat trailers and a kitchen are installed. In the evenings, a generator runs to supply electricity to the trailers. At the same height, duty workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are located. At an altitude of 3900 meters, the highest mountain hotel in Europe "LeapRus" was built, which can accommodate up to 40 people.

Seasonality and weather conditions

In the Elbrus region, the climate is quite mild, with low humidity. But on the mountain itself, the climate is harsh, arctic. In winter, the average temperature in the area of ​​the summit can reach -40°C, at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters up to -25°C, at the foot of the mountain - 10°C. In addition to this, there may be hurricane-force winds (you are at the highest point in the area!). Above 4000 meters even in summer average daily temperature can drop below -10°C, but it must be understood that there is a significant difference between day and night temperatures. In addition, conditions can vary greatly during the day. You can feel comfortable on the saddle in one thermal underwear in sunny, calm weather, and literally in half an hour, in bad weather, you can tensely fight for life, hiding in all your puffs and masks. At the foot, the average daily air temperature in summer is +10°С. In winter, except for extreme low temperatures and winds, a significant part of the slope above four thousand meters can be covered with hard winter ice which makes climbing even more difficult and dangerous.

Climbing history

The first successful ascent to the eastern peak of Elbrus was made during a military scientific expedition led by General Georgy Emmanuel, it was attended by prominent scientists of the 19th century: Professor Adolf Kupfer - founder of the Main geophysical observatory Petersburg, physicist Emiliy Lenz (author of the "Lenz's law" studied at school), zoologist Eduard Minetrier - founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer (later became academician and director botanical garden Russian Academy sciences), the artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe-Marco) Bernardazzi (who made the first image of Elbrus), the Hungarian traveler Janos Besse. The ascent was carried out from the northern side of Elbrus from the upper reaches of the Malka River. On July 22, 1829, one of the expedition's guides, Killar Khashirov, climbed the Eastern Peak; as proof of visiting the peak, he brought a piece of basalt with greenish veins. Emilius Lenz could only reach a height of about 5300 meters, and stayed at the rocks, later called the Lenz rocks, from where he saw the Balkar guide near the top. The first ascent to the western peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by Florence Grove and guide A. Sottaev, a member of the expedition of General Emmanuel.

Area attractions


There are two ski bases on the slopes of Elbrus: Elbrus-Azau and Cheget. They operate from November to May, and only some trails are open all year round. The complexity of the tracks is varied: from the simplest to the most difficult long tracks for professional athletes. For those who wish, training is provided. In addition to the ropeways, you can use the services of snowcats, they will take you to a height of up to 4800 meters, to the Shelter of Eleven or to the Pastukhov rocks, to admire the amazing views of the Caucasus Range.

Ski complex Elbrus Azau

The ropeways of the complex start at the Azau glade. Currently, two stations are functioning: the old pendulum and the new gondola road. Cableways run parallel to each other in two lines. The third stage of the gondola lift is under construction, sometimes a single-seat cable car operates there.

Ski complex Cheget

The Cheget ski complex is known for its most difficult slopes. Cheget also attracts many skiers and snowboarders with its black slopes, there are truly endless opportunities for freeride and backcountry. There are no snowcats on Cheget, the slope of the tracks is from 20° to 45°. The height of Mount Cheget is 3700 meters, the cable car reaches a height of 3050 meters, the elevation difference on the tracks is 1140 meters.

Lift rates

Subscription for the day - 800 rubles, One-time excursion rise - 500 rubles.

More detailed information about ski resorts can be found on the website

Elbrus is a large stratovolcano composed of layers of lava and volcanic ash. It has a conical shape with two peaks located at approximately the same height. The western peak of Elbrus rises 5642 meters above sea level, the eastern peak is slightly lower, at 5621 meters. The peaks are separated by a gentle saddle with a height of about 5300 meters above sea level and are located three kilometers from each other.

Elbrus is considered extinct volcano, but the last eruption occurred not so long ago from a geological point of view - at the beginning of our era, approximately in the first or second century.

There are several versions about the origin of the mountain. According to one of them, "Elbrus" means "high mountain" or "sparkling mountain" in Iranian. Karachays and Balkars, who have lived in the Caucasus in the Elbrus region for a long time, call this volcano Mingi-tau, which translates as "eternal mountain".

Geographic location of Elbrus

The Caucasus Mountains are divided into two parts: the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus Range passes on the border of Russia with other southern countries(Georgia, Azerbaijan) from the Black to the Caspian Sea. The territory of the Greater Caucasus on the Russian side is divided into several republics and regions: these are Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, North Ossetia. Elbrus is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess republics.

A few kilometers south of the foot of the volcano is the border between Russia and Georgia.

The mountain is located in the northern part of the ridge at a distance from the other peaks, so it is perfectly visible from all sides of Ciscaucasia - a two-headed cone is visible even a hundred kilometers away. Elbrus is between the central and western Caucasus. Western part mountain system runs from Elbrus to the Black Sea coast, the central one lies between this peak and Kazbek.

The volcano is surrounded by several gorges - Adylsu, Adyrsu, Shkheldy, glacial massifs and mountains. The area at the foot of Elbrus and in the region of the upper reaches of the Baksan River, which is part of the Terek basin, is called the Elbrus region. This is a resort region protected area with unique natural beauties, sources of medicinal mineral water and excellent opportunities for skiing and hiking.

The borders between Europe and Asia are not precisely defined, and if we consider the Caucasus Range as the border, then Elbrus is the highest point Europe. Otherwise, this title belongs to Mont Blanc in the Alps.

Elbrus is one of the most high mountains in the world, is located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain system, on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. This is the highest peak in Russia, it is often referred to as the highest mountain peaks Europe (the so-called "Seven Peaks" list).

Location of Elbrus

Mount Elbrus is located between the republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The top of the mountain is double, the western one has a height of 5642m, and the eastern one - 5621m.

Elbrus -. The mountain has two peaks, one of which is slightly higher. Scientists believe that in the history of the mountain there were two significant eruptions, and rocks Elbrus, according to research, is about 2 or 3 million years old. Analysis of volcanic ash showed that the first eruption happened about 45 thousand years ago, and the second - about 40 thousand years ago.

Despite the fact that the mountain is very high, climbing it is relatively easy, it does not require exceptional qualifications, as, for example, for, and quite a lot of people are trying to do this. Up to 4 thousand meters, the slopes of the mountain are moderately gentle, but then a serious ascent begins. The steepness of the slopes can reach 35 degrees! Ascents are made to both the Eastern and Western peaks.

How is the ascent

Usually, the ascent starts from the village of Azau, which is located in the upper part of the Beksan valley. Here, tourists spend about a couple of nights in order to acclimatize to the height and not suffer from mountain sickness - mountain sickness associated with rarefied air and unusual atmospheric pressure.

On the first day, people usually go to the Pastukhov rocks, and on the second day, the ascent itself is scheduled. They leave the camp at about 2 am. First they go to the Pastukhov rocks, and then they reach the saddle of the mountain, where the routes are divided in the direction of the Eastern and Western peaks. A short rest in the saddle - and tourists go further to climb one of the peaks of Elbrus.

History of Elbrus

The stunning beauty of the mountain landscapes, as well as the mountain itself - from ancient times, all this served as the reason that people from all over the world came to the Elbrus region. The history of Elbrus climbers is proud of the names of the most worthy climbers, starting from the 19th century. Among them there are both domestic mountain lovers and foreign ones.

The peak of Elbrus's popularity came in the 60s, when mountaineering was especially popular in the USSR. In the Beksan Gorge, the road was even paved, and several climbing and tourist bases were built in the vicinity of the mountain.

Today this place is also popular as ski resort. People make descents from the slopes of Elbrus and Cheget - this is a mountain located nearby, it also belongs to the Greater Caucasus system.

On the territory of the Elbrus region there is a national natural Park, created to preserve the nature of Kabardino-Balkaria. All conditions are created on the territory of the park so that people can have an organized and comfortable rest.

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