Home Potato Did you dream about a clairvoyant? The best description of a dream about a clairvoyant. Dream Interpretation Psychic Why do you dream of a psychic in a dream?

Did you dream about a clairvoyant? The best description of a dream about a clairvoyant. Dream Interpretation Psychic Why do you dream of a psychic in a dream?

1. my dream.
2. Why do you dream about a psychic?
3. Why do you dream about a psychic? (values ​​by day)
4. Why does a psychic woman dream?
5. Why does a psychic man dream?
6. Why do you dream of being a psychic?

1. my dream.

What kind of dreams do you usually have? Do you remember them? Have you ever seen anything unusual in your dream? I saw it. And not just anyone, but a real psychic! It was as if I had come for fortune-telling, or a prediction - whatever you want to call it. I came into some dark room, its surroundings were completely otherworldly - magic balls, candles, curtains drawn, twilight. I came holding my photograph, one candle and a small fee, everything as we agreed. I found myself at a small table and began to wait. I thought a gypsy would come in now, brightly made up and wearing a colorful scarf. But no! A handsome red-haired guy appeared in front of me, a little thin and wearing dark fashionable clothes that fitted him slim figure. He had red-golden hair and was completely pale skin. And the eyes seemed to be pure amber, if you have ever seen amber. It is golden orange, fading to copper and dark brown. These are the eyes the psychic looked at me with. I opened my mouth and wanted to speak, but he smiled at me. And at that very moment it seemed to me that he was able to penetrate my mind, read all my thoughts, my whole life. There was absolutely no need to tell or say anything. He already knew everything.

2. Why do you dream about a psychic?

It was with this feeling of incomprehensible kinship with a psychic that I woke up. I've definitely never seen anything like this! Of course, I immediately hurried to find out what this could mean, what should I expect after such a dream. And the meanings were just right!

A psychic in a dream often means some kind of riddle, a dark secret. Something very secretive and incomprehensible to us. The dreamer may also find out someone's secret. In this case, he should keep his mouth shut - the secret he told cannot be told to anyone.

Also, a meeting with a magician in a dream can also mean a meeting with a psychic and real life. Something will happen in the dreamer’s life, something will force him to turn to the one who knows magical secrets. Questions or hardships, doubts about choice or the unknown will push the dreamer to take real meeting with a magician.

And some dream books claim that if a person was able to see such a dream, then he himself has the prerequisites to become a magician. Some extrasensory abilities may be observed in the dreamer. He cannot control them, or he doubts himself, or maybe even just afraid.

One way or another, if you feel unearthly abilities and some kind of magical talent in yourself, but are afraid to admit it, or do not know how to control it, such a dream tells you that the time has come. It's time to find yourself a mentor. Find a wise one and experienced magician, which will help develop your skills and enlighten you in matters of the unknown.

3. Why do you dream about a psychic? (values ​​by day)

The day of the week on which you dreamed of meeting with the magician is also of great importance.

  • See a psychic on Monday night - a completely mystical event will happen to you, secret meaning which will be revealed to you only after 5 years.
  • I dreamed of a psychic on Tuesday night - do not talk to fortune tellers in the coming days - it may end badly.
  • On Wednesday a psychic can warn you in a dream - don’t let them into the house strangers- they will leave you with real damage!
  • I saw a magician on Thursday night — be more careful with gifts and presents. Not all things should be taken from another person's hands.
  • The psychic has appeared on Friday night - may appear in your life new woman, and take a closer look - is she a witch?
  • Mage in a dream on Saturday night can come to those people who want to receive support and support in life. They have no confidence, they need a strong ally.
  • Psychic on Sunday night can be interpreted as the source of a person’s future unlimited wisdom, new strong knowledge and power.

4. Why does a psychic woman dream?

If the psychic in the dream was a woman, it means that the dreamer may face some difficulties in life. And only the people closest to a person can help cope with them. Best friends, siblings, your parents - this is who you should immediately go to for help and help if any trouble occurs. Native spouses will help a hundred times better in any matter than experienced craftsmen, if a real disaster happens, this is what a psychic woman talks about in a dream. Don't delay or hesitate if you find yourself in trouble. Put aside embarrassment and bashfulness and immediately tell your family about the trouble that has occurred. This is the only way you can quickly resolve this situation without losing your face.

5. Why does a psychic man dream?

But if the magician in your dream was a man, then expect to meet a strong patron in your life. The man you meet will not only be able to stand up for you, but will also be able to provide you with a comfortable existence. He will also be endowed with a special gift to read your thoughts, he will always know what you need, will always come to the rescue and be able to give necessary advice. If you saw a male psychic in your night dreams, then know that you will have a fateful meeting with strong man. This person will delight you and frighten you at the same time. But its attraction for you will be enormous. Follow this man - he will show you another world where you will be absolutely happy.

6. Why do you dream of being a psychic?

Or it may also happen that you will see how you yourself have become a psychic and predict someone’s fate. They may come to you for answers, they may expect magical actions and dark skills from you. In fact, this dream tells that someone really needs your help. But at the same time, the person does not open up to you, remains silent and suffers. If you saw such a dream where you were a real magician, then remember - has the behavior of any of your friends or colleagues changed? Is anyone walking around looking a little sad or somehow preoccupied? Is someone looking at you furtively and then looking away in shame? Remember all your loved ones and think hard - who might need your help? The person is very shy and does not want to cause you some inconvenience with his problems, but one way or another, only you can help him out. It is only in your power and ability to help this unfortunate person. You must truly show miracles of intuition and all your feelings in order to identify this shy friend and tactfully question him, offer your help, lend a friendly shoulder.

What a dream, I tell you. I would never have looked for the meaning of the dream myself, but here is such a topic that curiosity got the better of me. Moreover, the dream promises me a meeting with someone who can literally read my thoughts! My skin gets goosebumps as soon as I think about it! However, all this is so exciting and mind-boggling that I’m already looking forward to my meeting with fate!

Seeing a psychic - someone’s secret will soon be accidentally revealed to you, be noble, do not use the information received to your advantage, otherwise you will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation;
being a psychic means failure in a relationship with a loved one;
you, having psychic abilities, conduct a treatment session - some worthy person will really need your help, but he believes that you yourself should take a step towards him.
Also see Clairvoyance, Fortune Teller.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do Psychic dreams mean?

Seeing a psychic - you will learn the bitter truth about a loved one or you will become an unwitting witness to a secret explanation between your loved one and your rival. To be a psychic means you will be entrusted with a secret that will be very difficult to keep.

Imagine that the psychic is you or that this gift is being given to you. You know all the secrets human soul, however, you are in no hurry to use your gift.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Psychic

Make an appointment with a psychic or agree with him about the next visit - soon you will have a meeting with influential person who can provide you with effective assistance.

A unique healing is performed by a healer or psychic - an unexpected surprise awaits you or some kind of change in circumstances awaits you.

To see a good wizard - you have to find a very simple solution to a rather complex problem.

Visited a psychic and felt relief - wait a good relationship and mutual understanding at work and at home.

Becoming a psychic in a dream is a harbinger of future changes; if you do not make a mistake, then better side.

A psychic or healer performs miracles - expect an unexpected surprise or some kind of change in circumstances that suits you.,.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sometimes a person dreams of a psychic who will make a lasting impression on the dreamer. However, there will be no talk of friendship with him, he will simply leave, as quickly as he appeared. But the sleeper will remember it for a long time, and return to this event again and again. If a person dreamed that he came to see a psychic and he told him about his future, then this dream should not be ignored. It is best to immediately write it down on a separate piece of paper or in a notebook, since perhaps this information will be useful in the future, and the dreams will come true one to one. After all, people often have prophetic dreams, but they quickly forget about them. By doing this, they only harm themselves, since the subconscious gives them the key to their salvation, but they stubbornly do not see it. Killing a psychic in a dream means experiencing fear for your life in reality. In this case, you must take control, otherwise everything will turn out very badly. To go to an appointment with a psychic, but not get there, in reality you will have to make enormous efforts to solve the problem that will arise in the near future. You won’t have to count on your friends for support, since they will be powerless in this, but it’s better to still ask them for help, perhaps someone will be able to help in some way.

If you dreamed about a psychic, then this indicates the dreamer’s insecurity, so he needs to take measures to correct this situation. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible, since enemies can easily take advantage of this and plunge another knife into his back. If a woman thought that she was a psychic and was healing people, then in reality someone would require her help. She should not refuse to help, because she too may find herself in a similar situation.

Seeing a psychic walking down the street means that in reality a person will experience fatigue and loss of energy. Perhaps this is due to stressful work, and you need to take a vacation, otherwise it will happen breakdown. Trying to quickly find the address of a good psychic, in fact, the dreamer will need urgent help, but not all friends will want to provide it, so it’s better to rely on your own strength.

To see a dream in which a psychic predicts the future for a stranger means that in reality you will encounter an obstacle that cannot be overcome without outside help. For a woman, such a dream promises contention with her husband over trifles, so it will be better if she remains silent once again.

A married girl had dreams that she promised to sort out with a man, the cause of which would be the dreamer’s incontinence and inability to keep a sharp tongue behind her teeth. What you dream about seeing a psychic woman in the distance expresses great danger for the dreamer. Perhaps ill-wishers or a rival turned to the witch for magical support.

Otherworldly phenomena present in our lives are often a reason to seek help from a fortune teller or magician. So why do you dream of meeting a psychic in a dream? According to dream books, having a dream indicates that soon the sleeping person’s cherished secret will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a clairvoyant - you are confused in love relationships, a quick unforeseen situation will help to unravel them, you will save the relationship. If you saw clairvoyants in a dream, there is a lot of gossip and speculation around you, reconsider your behavior.

A dream about a psychic attracts attention because of the originality of the image, which gives rise to the idea of ​​the significance of the symbol. If we consider the personality of a clairvoyant as an intermediary between the tangible and secret worlds, in reality we should expect the manifestation of something hidden that influences fate. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember the details: feelings, actions, the presence of faith in the prediction, who acted as a psychic, etc.

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    General value

    A psychic is a symbol of knowledge; it is interpreted as advice not to reject the possibility of learning. The clairvoyant foretells a meeting with the unusual interesting person, and the words heard from him can change the course of your entire life. It is possible that the dream promises the disclosure of something hidden, some kind of secret, in the near future. This is power and risk at the same time, you may have to choose what to do with the information you have.

    Some dream books interpret the vision in such a way that the sleeper has access to the supernatural, subconscious clues, so they need to be interpreted correctly. A common meaning of sleep is the dreamer’s vulnerability to impending events.

    There are different opinions regarding the predictions heard: due to certain mystical circumstances, a dream can be prophetic, and a wise hint is found in the spoken words. But its widespread meaning is that they are trying to lead a person on the wrong trail, to distract him from the truth, and the prediction itself is unrealistic.

    Clairvoyant Personality

    If you dream of a psychic with a crystal ball, there will be a reason for sad thoughts, Difficult choice, treason. It is possible that there is a need for additional information from supernatural sources.

    In the interpretation, it matters who exactly acted in the dream as a psychic:

    Psychic Interpretation
    Woman A number of obstacles will arise that can only be resolved with the help of loved ones
    Clairvoyant Grandmother Mentor. You should listen to the words of the older generation; if she is evil, there are ill-wishers
    Famous psychic TO big changes, important events
    Clairvoyant associated with a negative character To fatigue, loss of strength; if he looked good-natured - to solving problems, a bright streak in life
    Medium conveying the words of the deceased Serious error that requires correction
    Gypsy woman reading tarot To treason; if the fortune teller does not answer the question about the future, problems and discord in the family await
    Witch You shouldn't let life take its course
    Healer If she looked at the aura, then you can’t blindly take people’s word for it
    Saint A call to correct the mistakes made
    Animal psychic It is highly likely that the words he said are true in the literal sense.

    For a girl to see a seer far from herself - in reality there is a danger that ill-wishers will turn to magic in the fight against her; there is a risk of a quarrel with your spouse.

    The nature of the prediction

    Why do you dream of a psychic predicting fate in the following areas:

    What is he talking about? Interpretation
    ABOUT imminent marriage, especially if the question was asked: “When will I get married?” Often a dream means that the intended partner is sincere with the girl, but is not ready to take the relationship to the next level
    About death, if the dreamer died in the future Perhaps the predicted date has something to do with something else and is worth remembering; often the date is the day of fulfillment of desires and the end of a bad streak in life
    About the birth of a child To the emergence of promising ideas; good results; promotion; for a pregnant woman - safe birth, sometimes ahead of schedule
    About fateful events Evidence of the dreamer’s irresponsibility, his susceptibility to the influence of others
    About a meeting with a powerful and rich man There's a lot of work to be done
    About relationships, love fortune telling The betrothed will come into life, but after certain tests: you cannot hastily create relationships with new acquaintances
    About work Warning about emotional burnout, excessive preoccupation with work; you should be vigilant.

    If you dreamed of a clairvoyant who looked into your eyes, this means help from above.


    If a woman dreams that she came to see a psychic for the purpose of recovery, then in reality she will face losses. Sometimes words spoken in the astral plane and describing a disease foreshadow the indicated. If you don't get an appointment, you'll have to deal with big problems regarding current events. If a psychic helps others, then the dreamer pays a lot of attention to others, forgetting about himself. And if help was received, then the dreamer relies more on luck than on his own actions, and this is not always enough for success.

    Sometimes treatment by a psychic should be interpreted as a test of the soul and body through loss of health. For a pregnant woman, this is the loss of the fetus due to physical ailments or nervous fatigue. A healer engaged in healing practices in a dream means that someone will appear in life who will ask for help, which will not be easy to refuse.

    Circumstances of the dream

    Believing a psychic in a dream indicates that the sleeper has a well-developed inner sense that should be trusted. If you happen to consider a clairvoyance expert a deceiver, the interpretation is the opposite: excessive adherence logical arguments does not allow taking into account facts that do not require confirmation; the presence of delusion in life.

    Depending on the actions in connection with contacting a psychic, there are different meanings dreams:

    Actions Interpretation
    Observe the psychic, but do not talk Good sign. Promises the disappearance of the series unresolved problems in reality thanks to a wise approach and fortunate circumstances
    Chat with him The dream book's advice is to leave your comfort zone and open up to change: this will change your life for the better
    Argue Disagreement indicates a conflict between the mind and feelings; it is not recommended to let the situation take its course
    Be a psychic yourself The image symbolizes inner confidence and loyalty life path. Advice: believe in yourself, do not deviate from your goals. Newest dream book indicates that a person has unusual abilities that will turn his life around. According to another version of the dream books, the plot does not exclude the possibility of deception and troubles in relationships with your significant other
    Don't get help If the problem has not been solved, then the dream encourages you to begin to rely on yourself, and not on someone else’s authority, and to take responsibility yourself, despite the required efforts.

    External factors

    Dream time and interpretation:

    • in the summer - the dreamer takes on maximum worries, which threatens mental breakdown and overwork;
    • in the fall - a difficult period is approaching, the need for help from others is growing;
    • in winter - a relative or friend secretly needs help, it is advisable to provide him with moral or material support;
    • in the spring - a period of quarrels with a partner cannot be avoided; without compromise, disagreements can drag on indefinitely.

    Birth time and interpretation:

    • for those born in January, February, March, April - help will come from the outside strong people;
    • for birthday people in May, June, July, August - you should not overload yourself with other people’s worries, otherwise you will become tired and lose interest in life;
    • for those born in September, October, November, December - you need to strengthen your position in front of the outside world.

    Dream book opinions

    Esotericists interpret the meaning of a clairvoyant in a dream differently:

    Dream Interpretation Interpretation
    • Seeing a psychic in a dream means finding out someone’s secret. It is recommended to show nobility and not use the information in your own interests.
    • Being a psychic yourself means failure in love.
    • Conduct a healing session - someone needs the help of a sleeper, but will not ask for anything
    • Seeing yourself as a psychic who can easily predict events for others is a favorable dream, indicating the return of something valuable and lost.
    • To want to know the future is to avoid making a decision in reality complex issues, be afraid of definitive answers.
    • If a prediction was made in a dream, you should act based on real facts.
    • Observing the work of a psychic from the outside means well-being.
    • A charlatan posing as a clairvoyant promises severe deception on the part of colleagues or trusted persons
    Vasilyeva A psychic foretells a meeting with a deceiver
    Big dream book
    • Seeing yourself as a psychic in a dream means insecurity; to changes in activity; meeting treacherous people.
    • Being at a session means business failures, quarrels with family
    • The image symbolizes melancholy and sadness in life.
    • To be clairvoyant is to experience the collapse of illusions in some matter.
    • To lose a gift is to be saved from possible trouble. The dream encourages you to pay more attention to your loved ones, which will return in kindness many times over.
    Ivanova Needing the help of a psychic promises complicated problems in reality that require the intervention of an expert with a special gift.
    Adaskina Being seen by a psychic means failure in personal affairs and business
    Prozorova To know the ugly truth about loved ones; find out a secret that is not easy to keep. To receive the gift of clairvoyance is to possess necessary qualities, do not rush to apply them
    Dream book of the 21st century
    • Making an appointment with a clairvoyant means meeting a competent person to solve important problems.
    • To witness healing is to receive a surprise, profitable proposition; to good news at home and at work.
    • Seeing a psychic means finding a simple solution to a complex problem.
    • Becoming clairvoyant means changing the situation for the better with the right approach.

    If you received interesting or unusual information from a clairvoyant in a dream, it is worth writing it down, and when you happen to clarify its meaning with a competent person, an explanation may be useful. A heard prophecy can also be prophetic.

Making an appointment with a psychic or agreeing with him about the next visit - soon you will have a meeting with an influential person who will be able to provide you with effective assistance.

A unique healing is performed by a healer or psychic - an unexpected surprise awaits you or some kind of change in circumstances awaits you.

To see a good wizard - you have to find a very simple solution to a rather complex problem.

We visited a psychic and felt relief - expect good relationships and mutual understanding at work and at home.

Becoming a psychic in a dream is a harbinger of future changes; if you don’t make mistakes, it will be for the better.

A psychic or healer performs miracles - expect an unexpected surprise or some kind of change in circumstances that suits you.,.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - The Future

Looking into the future in a dream: most often it is a sign of your worries about own plans or about events that you care about.

The atmosphere of such dreams may hint at how general outline the situation is developing and what you can expect in real life.

A pleasant atmosphere encourages you to relax and trust fate more, while an unpleasant atmosphere invites you to mobilize to solve certain problems. important issues.

One should not expect accuracy of predictions from such dreams, since the future is most often revealed to people in the form of certain trends, without unnecessary details and details, or in the form of associative hints.

Otherwise, fate protects a person from the fact that, having learned his tomorrow in advance, he does not relax ahead of time and inadvertently spoils it.

Interpretation of dreams from

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