Home Roses Religious rites and customs of Christians. The main rituals that are characteristic of the most widespread world religions

Religious rites and customs of Christians. The main rituals that are characteristic of the most widespread world religions

A ritual is a specific sequence of actions that together have a symbolic meaning.

If you look closely at the etymology of the word “rite”, you can see another important feature rituals - stereotyping, alternation of actions in a certain order. “Rite” - putting in order, ordering.

Religious rituals are a special group of symbolically significant sequences of actions, an expression of beliefs and mystical aspirations of a person. God is abstract, and it is man’s inability to imagine the Invisible Interlocutor that leads to the emergence of ritual as a specific way of establishing communication.

Types of religious rites

Christian rituals

The Church constantly turns to God and the saints for help in specific life situations- therefore, the main ritual in Christianity is prayer. It is typical for prayer rituals to use a special language (for Catholics - Latin, for Orthodox Christians - Church Slavonic language) and special formulas for turning to God.

In addition, prayer is supported and strengthened by fasting - fasts can be one-day (Wednesday and Friday - as days of remembrance of the betrayal of Jesus and His death on the Cross, some mournful holidays, like the day of the beheading of John the Baptist), and multi-day - they usually precede great holidays (Easter, Christmas, Memorial Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Assumption Day Holy Mother of God). Fasting consists of limiting one's flesh and pacifying passions, carried out with the goal of bringing the soul closer to the Lord.

In general, any meaningful action in the process of worship, to one degree or another are a ritual. Christians call the ritual “the visible part of the sacrament.” Sacrament is a deeper, more spiritual concept. Religious rituals are what the eye sees, and the sacrament is that process of internal, spiritual rebirth and modification that occurs at the same time.

Types of rituals

Christians call a ceremony, for example, a wedding. The linking of two destinies in heaven is accompanied by a colorful and beautiful action - this is asking for consent to marriage, and exchanging rings, and drinking wine from the same cup - the scenario of the civil ceremony was completely copied from the wedding ceremony.

A funeral (the so-called funeral service) is a popular and often used rite, each action in it symbolically indicates the return of a person, created by the Power of the Lord from the earth and inspired by Him, back to the earth.

The ritual says: without the Spirit God's man- not a person, but only the dust of the earth.

Amazing Christianity

Rare ceremonies abound with unusual rituals - for example, the election of a pope. So, the candidate must be tested, no matter how trivial it may sound, for masculinity. In the most literal sense - a special chair with a slot is used for testing. Through the slit you need to feel the primary sexual characteristics of the potential dad.

History is silent about how willingly candidates for pontiff agree to such a test.

The tradition was allegedly started after the precedent of a woman occupying the papal throne.

The method of burying monks on one of the Greek islands is no less unusual - the soil there is rocky and poor, so the deceased brothers are buried in the ground only for a while. Then they dig them up, wash them with honey and wine, and if the color of the bones is pale honey, the bones are placed in a special room in the monastery - the brass. If the bones are dark, they are buried again, and the prayer for the deceased intensifies. It is believed that this is the only way to help cleanse the spirit of the deceased.

World cults and rituals. The power and strength of the ancients Matyukhina Yulia Alekseevna

Religious rites and rituals

Religious rites and rituals

At the dawn of mankind, all peoples were pagans: they believed in the powers of the spirits of nature, worshiped them, sacrificed animals and even people. First religious rituals appeared already in the Stone Age, when priests or wise men performed cults and led the process of sacrifices and prayers. Later, Buddhist brahmins performed religious rituals on the lands of Hindustan, and a few centuries later the first Christians and Muslims appeared, and religious rituals acquired a completely new meaning - they contained a symbol of worship of the one God. Since then, over the course of many centuries, people have changed, the names of states have changed, even the climate on our planet has changed, but religious rituals - one of the most conservative phenomena on earth - are performed as before. Instead of ancient wise men, sorcerers and priests, priests conduct church rituals, and instead of pagan temples, temples, mosques, and cathedrals serve as venues for rituals.

The main goal of a religious ritual is to convey prayers to the one God, faith in Whom helps many generations of people to live on Earth. Ritual objects - icons, candles, censers, crosses - help in performing rituals and therefore have such great sacred significance.

Rituals of modern Hinduism

The rituals of Hinduism have changed significantly over the centuries, as has the religion itself. The basis of Hinduism is the belief in the connection of man with secret forces. The rituals of this religion were in close connection with the world of stars, with the periods of full and new moons, with changes in nature. Like other ancient religions, Hinduism had many rituals aimed at establishing a closer connection between man and the forces of nature. The features of ancient Hindu rituals are recorded in works of ancient literature - the Vedas and Upanishads, dating back more than 2.5 thousand years. According to the Vedas, the ancient priest, the Aryan, sacrificed an animal to appease the deity. The sacrifice was performed using fire, sacred to the Hindus.

Nowadays, gifts are brought to the Hindu deity, puja, in the form of wreaths of flowers and fruits, incense sticks, delicious dishes. Services are held near the image of the deity, ritual songs and dances are held.

For almost 3 thousand years, rituals have been performed by Brahmin priests; their role in Indian society is quite large. Even common household rituals among Hindus are performed with the desirable participation of a priest called a purohita. To this day, India still has a caste of untouchables who do not have the right to go to temples and invite priests home. IN last years the movement of untouchables for their rights has intensified, primarily for permission to participate in religious life. Many Hindus from the untouchable caste perform rituals according to the ancient Vedas, when there was no strict division into castes and, accordingly, prohibitions on performing rituals.

Buddhism and its rituals in the modern world

Buddhism, unlike most other religions, has never had a church organization or centralized government. Buddhists are united in one thing: they preserve three basic values ​​- Buddha, dharma and sangha. At the same time, Buddha is a special being who has reached the heights of possible life on earth; dharma - the law discovered by Buddha and explaining everything that happens around; sangha is a community of equals.

Currently, in many Asian countries and in Russia (Kalmykia, regions near Mongolia) Buddhism is preached, although in very different forms and manifestations. Thus, the most exotic secular rituals take place in Japan, and in the rest of Asia, Buddhism is widespread in numerous monasteries.

In 1956, in the year of celebrating the 2500th anniversary of Buddhism, Indian Minister of Justice B. R. Ambedkar called on Indians of the untouchable caste to preach Buddhism, which does not recognize caste in principle. In one day, more than 500 people converted to Buddhism, and the minister was declared a bodhisattva after his death. Many people began to preach Buddhism in the following years, and the Indian government allocated sums of money for the development of Buddhist institutes.

In Burma at the end of the twentieth century. there were about 25 thousand monasteries and temples. Very often, people become Buddhist monks for a period of time, for example, 2–3 months. Having entered the sangha, monks strictly perform all rituals (mainly meditation) and perform all spiritual practices. It is believed that in this way a person earns a special merit for himself, a lunya, which will help later produce a happy reincarnation. More than 80% of Burma's population are practicing Buddhists.

Tibet is famous for its monasteries with secret rituals and traditions. Until the middle of the twentieth century. Every family in Tibet sent one (and sometimes two) sons to become monks; every seventh resident was a monk in Tibetan society.

In China, several have survived to this day. Buddhist monasteries of a unique direction - the rituals in them combine Buddhist meditation with shamanic rituals.

All Buddhists shave their heads bald, wear special clothes and most often observe the laws of celibacy.


Great Christian holiday, which has roots in the pagan past of our people, is one of the most beloved holidays of the year. Throughout Easter week, Christians prepare special dishes, paint eggs, visit and receive guests, glorifying the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The ancient Slavs, like many other peoples of the world, many centuries ago revered egg as a sacred object, often making it a fetish and offering it as a gift to deities. The egg contains the eternal mystery of the continuation of life.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', a red-painted egg as a symbol of new life, a sign of the sun, became the main attribute of Easter, the great spring holiday. Millions of people around the world exchange colored eggs, not thinking about the mysterious symbolism of the egg, but attributing this tradition to late Christian ones.

U Eastern Slavs An integral attribute of Easter are Easter cakes, which are a symbol of ancient breads offered as gifts to the pagan gods. Long before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs baked tall breads from coarse flour in ancient ovens and sour milk, decorated them with fruits and took them to the temple during the most important rituals. Later, this tradition of gift-giving was adopted and reworked by the Christian Church, and now all believers consecrate Easter cakes in churches, like other Easter dishes.

Using the example of Great Easter, the process of transformation of ancient pagan cults into Christian cults is clearly traced. This process also affected other Russian holidays: Christmastide, Ivan Kupala, Elijah's Day, Parent's Day and many others. Christian church, having only slightly modified the ancient cult customs, erected in their place their own rituals, quite understandable to believers, since they are built on traditional Russian beliefs.

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Many centuries best heads tried to find a reasonable version of the reason for the generation of a person’s paranormal inference and understand religion as a model public opinion. Having arisen at the initial stage of human progress and matured for centuries on the basis of incorrect reconstruction in the mind of true phenomena in nature and society, religious beliefs and rituals distorted the perception of the universe and otherworldly existence and clouded minds. Strengthened in the memories of generations, the belief became part of the cultural reserve of the public. In the process of improvement, religions arose not only of the people from whom the Seer emerged. New faiths filled the souls of the population of different states: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism became world beliefs.

Definition of the term

Religious rite - a sacred rite performed according to established rites by a priest, is a manifestation inner essence traditions in external expression. The ceremony sends blessings on all life and spiritual moments human existence, has an illuminating, strengthening and renewing effect on the soul and body, aimed at achieving a goal to accomplish or prevent events and natural disasters.


Religious rituals can be divided into three types:

  1. Liturgical services are a sacrament that is an integral element of the church liturgy: illumination of bread and water, removal of the holy shroud, communion, etc.
  2. Symbolic - an action expressing various general religious concepts that open the way to communication with God. For example, sign of the cross, being a symbol of Christ’s torment on the cross, at the same time serves as a means of protection from the infernal forces of secrecy.
  3. Performing religious rituals for human needs - approval for teaching, travel, commemoration of the dead, lighting of premises and things.

What are rituals?

Religious rites and rituals originated in ancient times, some have survived to this day. The difference between a ritual and a rite is that the same requirement is performed periodically to achieve union with God. The purpose of the rituals was to help with various events humanity. So, among primitive tribes there was an order based on luck. Before hunting, they hit painted animals with spears. Around the same time, the ritual of burying the dead appeared, which involved a sequence of actions that ensured communication with the afterlife. Over time, rituals were modernized, all religions developed actions of a single, daily, and some of a calendar nature.

In any faith, the sacrament is divided according to the degree of value and importance, while simple objects acquire supernatural functions. Regular bread after transubstantiation it becomes the Body of Christ and the bearer of grace. At the same time, there are rituals that do not provide for such a mission; they are ostentatious. For example, Baptists perceive baptism as an illustration of Christ's death to save people, where the participant is regenerated through public repentance.

What are the rituals?

Rituals are divided according to functionality:

  • effective - penetration into the reality of divine power;
  • illustrative - demonstration of past episodes or abstract dogmatic facts;
  • mandatory - divided into simultaneous and non-simultaneous.

How are rites and rituals related to religion?

Ancient people tried to understand the cause-and-effect relationship natural phenomena, asked questions about why it rains and the sun rises. They animated the surrounding reality, believed that the world was ruled by good and evil spirits, worshiping them as gods.

There are many interpretations of the term “paganism”; scientists believe that it is a religion, others interpret it as a way of life of a certain nationality, and others interpret it as a folklore element. The belief was widespread, but was especially cultivated in Rus' and Scandinavia. In the Ancient Slavic world, governance was carried out by the gods. It should be noted that they were not separated. The gods formed a structured system in a hierarchical ladder, where each performed their own functions, they were subordinate to the supreme Creator. In Christianity, the term is used to contrast the faith of many gods with monotheism.

What happened with the advent of Christianity?

In the 1st century AD e. Christianity was born. Religious scholars recognize the fact that more than 2000 years ago a boy was born in Nazareth, who later became a preacher. Followers of Jesus accept the version of the virgin Mary's virgin birth from the Holy Spirit and honor him as the Messiah. The essence of religion is the worship of one Deity.

The emergence of Christianity had an ideological basis; Judaism became the ideological source. There was a rethinking of the teachings of Judaism about monotheism and messianism. The Old Testament tradition has not lost its significance and has received a new interpretation. For Christians, the Bible serves as an indisputable authority. Jesus was the founder of a code of moral rules that became the basis for the worldview of a new generation.

Religious rituals among ancient people were very different and depended on conditions and lifestyle. Trying to understand and use nature, people inhabited it with spirits and deities and hoped, through rituals, to establish a connection with these creatures to solve pressing problems.

The rituals were accompanied by everyone important events in a person’s life – birth, transition to adulthood, marriage, . Many rituals were magical - people believed that words, objects and phenomena were supernaturally connected. Therefore, they hoped that by influencing one object during the ritual, they would change another in the desired direction.

When did religious practices begin?

Over 40 thousand years ago. The burials of that time speak about this. The remains of animals lie randomly, and people are clearly buried in accordance with some kind of rituals. Traces of paint and jewelry are found on their remains; weapons, dishes, human figures are neatly placed nearby, and toys are found in children’s graves.

From this it is clear that ancient people believed that the dead would live in another world.

To which gods were human sacrifices made in ancient times?

Most often these were the most important deities. The Scythians, who were constantly at war, included the god of war, Ares. Special sanctuaries were erected only for him. They looked like huge mounds of brushwood, and Ares himself was symbolized by an iron sword stuck on the top. Livestock and captives were donated to him.

The ritual was impressive. From every hundred captive men, one was selected, his head was washed with wine and he was stabbed to death so that the blood flowed into a vessel. The container was tipped over the sword. And the lifeless victims were also beheaded right hand, threw it into the sky, and only then the ritual was completed.

Was there a ritual in ancient times similar to the modern funeral?

There was, although it did not always pass in great sadness. The Slavs have a well-known ritual of funeral feasts. The deceased was washed, dressed, decorated, relatives and friends sat near him at night, wailing and singing songs. In the morning, the wall was dismantled to remove the body (“so that the dead man could not return”).

At the burial site there was a feast, good songs, dances, war games - to drive away evil forces. They drank honey mash, ritual food was porridge-kutya, jelly, pancakes. After taking a walk, they burned the deceased on a high wooden platform. Then the bones were selected from the ashes, placed in a vessel and placed on a pole near the road. Scientists consider this to be echoes of more ancient rite when buried on a tree or in its trunk.

Often the body was transported to the burial site on a sleigh - at any time of the year! A sleigh is an ancient, solid transport without shaking. It happened that the body was interred by building a mound over the grave.

Why did ancient people depict animals in caves and on rocks?

It’s unlikely that it’s just “for beauty.” Otherwise, why would artists climb into dark, distant and inaccessible nooks and crannies to do this? Most likely, the drawings were necessary for a hunting ritual.

The paintings usually depict large animals (bison, deer, wild boars) struck by arrows, spears, and axes. The stone retained traces of blows from sharp weapons during the ritual. Having accurately hit the drawn animal, the hunter expected to do the same during the hunt.

Now our weddings last two or three days: feast, toastmaster, dancing, games. How did this happen in ancient times?

For example, among the Aztecs, the inhabitants of Mexico, the marriage ceremony was similar to the series. Let's retell it briefly, omitting the details (matchmaker, soothsayers, change of costumes, etc.).

The main ritual began in the bride’s house - from noon to evening she was congratulated, given farewells, and given gifts. At night, a singing column of relatives and friends of the bride went with torches to the groom's house. She herself, decorated with bright feathers and flowers, was carried (!) by one of the older women on her back. Having met at the threshold, the young people fumigate each other with incense.

The newlyweds were seated by the fireplace, the mother-in-law gave a cloak and other clothes to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law gave a blouse to the daughter-in-law. The matchmaker tied the cloak with the blouse - this moment was the “registration of marriage.” Then the young people were obliged to eat a plate of special pies, feeding each other pieces. Then there were songs, dances, food, drinks.

The couple was sent to a separate room, where they lived for four days, ... offering prayers at the altar and not allowing themselves anything “like that.” Only on the fourth night was a bed made for them for two, and feathers and jade stones were placed in it - symbols of future offspring.

On the fifth day, a priest came in the morning and sprinkled the newlyweds with blessed water; the relatives also sprinkled water on them four times, then with diluted alcoholic drink pulque The guests arrived again, the gifts came again, everyone ate, drank, sang, and danced.

Many existing religious rituals, customs and ceremonies exist very for a long time, because they came to us from ancient times, when people used them as a kind of energy support and assistance in various everyday situations.

Ancient rituals and ceremonies

It is no secret that in ancient times people hunted and thus obtained food for themselves. However, the hunt was not successful every time, and in order to avoid starvation, people tried to summon good luck with signs: for example, they painted animals on the rocks and then hit them with spears, symbolizing a successful outcome.

At the same time, for example, the ritual of human burial began to take shape. Flowers, weapons and objects that a person used during life were supposed to be placed in the grave. As a rule, all rituals denote actions that connect a person with the other world.

Later, a special person began to appear in the tribe to conduct rituals and ceremonies, who was called a magician or sorcerer. They performed all the actions themselves and taught others to perform them. Slavic rituals and rituals may differ from the rituals of other peoples, since they all have their own specifics.

Religious rites and rituals: then and now

In each era, rituals became more and more complex. People found new ways to ask the gods for what they wanted. Nowadays, each religion has its own rites and rituals, which can be daily (for example), calendar (for example, rites and rituals for Christmas) or single - for example, baptism.

As in our days, a person could pray alone, or by coming to a special temple. In those days, each person had his own small altar at home, at which he was also supposed to pray.

Tribes have lived on Siberian soil since ancient times northern peoples, who had shamans in their tribe who were engaged exclusively in rites and rituals. According to myths, the shaman was chosen by the spirits themselves - the person who was supposed to become him was taken to another world, taken apart and created anew, in a new capacity. Such a person knew how to walk between worlds, could heal people, energy protection, influence the weather. Traditionally, their rituals used music - the ringing of a tambourine.

It’s interesting, but the Buryats and other peoples of the north, who have preserved their culture today, still have shamans who actually own amazing abilities: Can cast and remove a curse or tell fortunes.

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