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Tower Bridge in London: description, history, features and interesting facts. Tower Bridge: history, exhibition, interesting facts

Adjustable suspension bridge over the Thames in central London. Tower Bridge is perhaps the main attraction of the British capital. The name of this symbol of the city comes from the nearby Tower of London. Tower Bridge is one of several London bridges owned by the City Bridge Trust, a charitable organization run by the City of London Corporation.

The bridge consists of two towers, connected at the upper level by two horizontal passages, opposing the horizontal forces directed from the suspended sections of the bridge to the left and right. The vertical component of forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reaction from two transitions is compensated by two stable towers. The centers of the movable trusses of the bridge and the control mechanisms are located at the base of the towers. It acquired its current colors in 1977, when it was painted white, red and blue before the Queen's Silver Jubilee celebrations. Prior to that, it was chocolate brown.

Sometimes mistakenly confused with London Bridge, located upstream of the Thames. According to a famous urban legend, in 1968 Robert McCulloch purchased the old London Bridge and later shipped it to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, mistaking it for the Tower Bridge. This version was refuted by both McCulloch himself and Ivan Luckin, the seller of the bridge.

Tower Bridge (London) today

Tower Bridge (London)- still a busy and vital crossing of the Thames: more than 40,000 people (motorists and pedestrians) cross it daily. The bridge is on the London Inner ring road, on the eastern border London congestion zone. (Drivers do not pay toll).

To preserve the integrity of the historic structure, the City of London Corporation has imposed the following restrictions on vehicles crossing the bridge: speed up to 20 miles per hour (32 km/h) and weight less than 18 tons.

Bridge crossing speed Vehicle is measured by a complex system of security cameras, which uses a license plate recognition system to impose an appropriate fine on drivers who have exceeded the speed limit.

With the help of another system (inductive loop detector and piezoelectric sensors), parameters such as weight, chassis height above ground level and number of vehicle axles are monitored.

River navigation across the Tower Bridge (UK)

Mobile trusses are raised about 1000 times a year. Although the intensity of river navigation through Tower Bridge (UK) now greatly diminished, it still predominates over road traffic. Currently, the need to raise the bridge must be notified 24 hours in advance. In 2008, bridge controllers began using Twitter to help communicate the bridge's drawdown schedule and clearance.

In 2000 it was installed computer system for remote control breeding and bringing together movable trusses of the bridge. Unfortunately, it turned out to be less reliable than expected. Only during 2005 did the bridge get stuck in the extended or retracted position several times until its sensors were replaced.

Tower Bridge: photos and sights

The high-altitude passages between the towers, which received the notorious refuge of prostitutes and pickpockets, were closed in 1910. They were re-opened in 1982 as part of an exhibition now housed in its twin towers, skyscrapers and engine rooms. Victorian era. The crossings amaze with a bewitching view of the Thames and many famous London sights and serve as observation deck more than 380,000 tourists annually. The exhibition also features films, photographs and interactive materials explaining why and how it was built. Tower Bridge, photo which are available for viewing below. In the building at the south end of the bridge, visitors can view the steam engines that once powered the bridge's trusses.

In London - one of the most recognizable in the world. The roots of its Victorian Gothic style lie in the law that forced the developers to create a structure that harmonizes with the nearby Tower.


Tower Bridge is both drawbridge and suspension. It crosses the River Thames, is located not far from which it is named, and has become a symbol of the city.

The bridge consists of two towers connected by two horizontal walkways designed to balance the horizontal forces exerted by the suspension parts on the ground sides. The vertical part of the forces in the suspension sections and the vertical reactions of the two transitions are borne by two massive towers. lifting axles and working equipment located at the base of the towers. Current color scheme The bridge dates back to 1977, when it was painted red, white and blue to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. It was originally blue and green.

The nearest London Underground station is Tower Hill on the Circle and District lines, and the nearest LRT station is Tower Gateway.

Contrary to popular belief, the song "London Bridge Is Falling Down" has nothing to do with Tower Bridge in London.

History of the building

Plans were drawn up around 1876 when East London became densely populated. The bridge over the Thames in this area seemed very important. The main problem was that it was necessary to let ships with high masts pass to the port facilities between the bridge and the Tower. It took another eight years and many design discussions before construction began.

So, to solve the problem of crossing the river in 1877, a Special Committee of Bridges and Tunnels was formed under the leadership of Sir Albert Joseph Altman, and a public competition for projects was announced. Over 50 applications were submitted, including by civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The appraisal of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by the city architect Horace Jones in collaboration with John Woolf Barry was approved.

The bridge was completed in 1894. Five contractors - Sir John Jackson (foundation), Baron Armstrong (hydraulics), William Webster, Sir H.H. Barlet and Sir William Eroll, as well as nearly 450 workers, were involved in the construction of the bridge. It took 11,000 tons of steel to build the arches. At the time, many people did not like its Victorian Gothic design, but over time the bridge has become one of London's most famous symbols. It was officially opened on June 30, 1894 by the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VIII) and his wife, the Princess of Wales (Alexandra of Denmark).

bridge connected iron gate on the north bank of the river with Horsleydown Lane on the south, now known as the driveway tower bridge and Tower Bridge Road respectively. Before opening tower bridge the subway - 400 meters to the west - was the shortest way to cross the river from Tower Hill to Tooley Street in Southpark. Opened in 1870, the Tower Subway was one of the world's earliest subway lines.

When Tower Bridge opened in London, most of foot traffic has switched to it due to lack of usage fees. The tunnel was closed in 1898 due to low profitability.

Tower Bridge in London is one of five London bridges now owned and maintained by Bridge House Estates, a non-profit partnership overseen by the City of London Corporation. This is the only partnership bridge that does not link the City of London to the Southpark shore; its northern exit leads to Tower Hamlets.


The proximity of the bay and the location in the direction of the sea required the ability of the bridge to pass large ships. Hence the decision to create a movable structure that can be opened to allow the movement of boats. The mechanism is hidden in two towers. Until 1976, when it was electrified, steam power was used to pump water into hydraulic accumulators that powered the engines.

The entire bridge is 800 feet (244 m) long and the towers built on piles are 213 feet (65 m) high. The central span, 200 feet (61 m) long, is divided into two equal slabs. Each of them is more than 30 meters wide and weighs 1000 tons and can open at an angle of 83 degrees. In the open position, the bridge has a rise of almost 45 m. Today it rises to the height necessary for the passage of a particular vessel; the exception is the passage of the ship carrying the monarch. In this case, parts of the structure rise completely. Previously, the bridge was opened almost fifty times a day, but today it is only 1,000 times a year. The drawdowns are planned in advance (for cruise ships, etc.) so guests can go to the bridge site and see when it will be raised and lowered. There is no lift fee.


Although the bridge is undoubtedly a landmark, professional critics in the early 20th century were skeptical of its appearance. “He represents the vice of bad taste and pretentiousness, falsification of the real facts of the structure,” wrote H.Kh. Statham, and Frank Brangwyn argued that "a more absurd structure than the Tower Bridge was never thrown across a strategic river."

Bridge visit

Numerous tourists are constantly photographed against the backdrop of this grandiose structure. You can also go inside the bridge, from where you will have a magnificent view of London from the transition between the two towers. At one time they earned an unpleasant reputation as a shelter for prostitutes and pickpockets. Accessible only by stairs, they were rarely used by ordinary pedestrians and were closed in 1910. The re-opening took place in 1982 during the Tower Bridge Exhibition, a display housed in the bridge's towers, walkways and Victorian engine rooms. Here you can also see the Tower Bridge from the inside, photos, films telling about the history of the amazing structure. Special interest call real steam engines. There is a fee to enter the exhibition.


In April 2008, it was announced that the Tower Bridge would undergo a £4m facelift. The job consisted of stripping old paint down to bare metal and repainting blue and White color a. Each section was surrounded by scaffolding and protective plastic to prevent old paint from falling into the Thames and polluting the river. Beginning in mid-2008, contractors worked on a maximum of a quarter of the bridge at a time to avoid problems, but sometimes road closures were unavoidable.

The painting process was completed in 2009. Work was also carried out to replace the lighting system of the bridge. A multi-purpose lighting system designed by Eleni Shiarlis is installed inside the crossings, as they are used for exhibitions and other purposes. All elements are installed modern way without the aid of drilling. With the help of illumination, the bridge acquired a stunning view at night.

The upgrade of the four suspension chains was completed in March 2010 using the latest paint system requiring up to six different coats.

In the article you can see the modified Tower Bridge, the photo of which shows the structure in all its splendor.

There is a legend that the bridge was almost bought in 1968 by American businessman Robert McCulloch to be moved to This fact they, however, are denied.

In May 1997, the presidential cortege was divided as a result of the opening of the bridge.

One of London's most recognizable landmarks is Tower Bridge, built in 1894 by order of the Prince of Wales, later known as Edward VII.

For quite a long time, London Bridge (London) remained the only bridge across the Thames, but the development of London as the capital of the kingdom contributed to the emergence of several more bridges. However, they were all built to the west.

In 1876, the City authorities decided that a bridge had to be built in the eastern part of the city due to rapid growth population in this area. But first, a number of problems had to be solved:

  • The Thames is a navigable river, and it was necessary to prepare a design for a bridge that would not interfere with the passage of ships.
  • The bridge was supposed to be located in the historical part of the city, so it had to fit into its appearance, and not destroy it.

To do this, a competition was opened for best project, which was attended by the most eminent architects and engineers. The organizers received over fifty works (These projects are now available for review in the Tower Bridge exhibition hall).

Construction of Tower Bridge

The best project was recognized as a bridge designed in neo gothic style and equipped with adjustable elements. Its authors were architect G. Jones and engineer J. V. Barry. Construction began in 1886 and lasted 8 years. To erect such a large-scale and beautiful structure (its length is 244 meters, and the central span, 61 meters long, is divided in two), five contractors were involved, and 432 people worked on the construction.

Multi-ton concrete piers serve as the foundation of the Tower Bridge, on which two steel towers are installed, 65 meters high. In the 19th century, they actively served as a haven for whores and thieves, until they were finally sealed in 1910. The towers are now part of the Tower Bridge Experience exhibition, opened in 1982. Inside, there are stairs leading to the top of the bridge, which offers a stunning view of London. The towers also serve as a "holder" for suspension bridges 82 meters long.

Tower Bridge at the time of its construction was recognized as the most difficult drawbridge, equipped with a hydraulic steam engine to drive giant pumps. But at the same time, its design made it possible to raise multi-ton bridge elements to 86 ° in just 5 minutes.

Tower Bridge is still raised by hydraulic motors, but since 1976 the pumps have been powered by electricity instead of steam. Old hydraulic steam pumps and boilers have replenished the number of exhibits.

Some facts from the history of the Tower Bridge

  • As a basis for the construction of the bridge, a pedestrian tunnel under the Thames was used, which served as a passage for telecommunication cables.
  • Unlike most movable bridges, the Tower Bridge is bred according to a special schedule compiled by the bridge staff for the passage of large vessels. It is not subject to adjustment even for the passage of VIPs.
    There are two known events associated with this feature of the bridge:
    • In 1952, a red London double decker was on the bridge at the time of its breeding. The driver accelerated and was able to jump from one edge to the other of the resulting one-meter gap.
    • In 1997, American President Ball Clinton's motorcade was split in two by the Tower Bridge. Then a lot of people wrote about it.

  • In 1968, at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Royal Air Force, a fighter jet flew between the towers of the bridge.
  • Also that year, a Missouri businessman purchased London Bridge, which was about to be demolished, confusing it with Tower Bridge.
  • In 1977, in honor of the celebration of the silver jubilee of the reign of Elizabeth II, it was painted blue, white and red.
  • Previously, Tower Bridge was bred fifty times a day, now it happens many times less.

Exhibition "Tower Bridge Experience"

Your visit to the Tower Bridge Experience begins with a short film about the history of the Tower Bridge. Next, visitors are allowed to climb the pedestrian gallery, which offers stunning views of London.

The exhibition features many exhibits from the history of the bridge, including the Victorian engine room, glass and oriental walkways.

Tower Bridge- drawbridge over the Thames in central London. Tower Bridge is perhaps the main attraction of the British capital. The name of this symbol of the city comes from the nearby Tower of London. Tower Bridge is one of several London bridges owned by the City Bridge Trust, a charitable organization run by the City of London Corporation.

The bridge consists of two towers, connected at the upper level by two horizontal passages, opposing the horizontal forces directed from the suspended sections of the bridge to the left and right. The vertical component of forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reaction from two transitions is compensated by two stable towers. The centers of the movable trusses of the bridge and the control mechanisms are located at the base of the towers. The bridge acquired its current colors in 1977, when it was painted white, red and blue before the Queen's Silver Jubilee celebrations. Prior to that, it was chocolate brown.

Tower Bridge is sometimes mistakenly confused with London Bridge, located upstream of the Thames. According to a famous urban legend, in 1968 Robert McCulloch purchased the old London Bridge and later shipped it to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, mistaking it for the Tower Bridge. This version was refuted by both McCulloch himself and Ivan Luckin, the seller of the bridge.

UFO video over Thayer Bridge

Tower Bridge today

Tower Bridge is still a busy and vital crossing over the Thames, with over 40,000 people (motorists and pedestrians) crossing it daily. The bridge is located on the London Inner Ring Road, on the eastern border of the London toll zone. (Drivers do not pay to cross the bridge).

To preserve the integrity of the historic structure, the City of London Corporation has imposed the following restrictions on vehicles crossing the bridge: speed up to 20 miles per hour (32 km/h) and weight less than 18 tons. The speed of vehicles crossing the bridge is measured using a complex system of security cameras, using a license plate recognition system to impose an appropriate fine on speeding drivers.

With the help of another system (inductive loop detector and piezoelectric sensors), parameters such as weight, chassis height above ground level and number of vehicle axles are monitored.

river navigation

Mobile trusses are raised about 1000 times a year. Although the intensity of river navigation has now been greatly reduced, it still prevails over road traffic. Currently, the need to raise the bridge must be notified 24 hours in advance. In 2008, bridge controllers began using Twitter to help communicate the bridge's drawdown schedule and clearance.

In 2000, a computer system was installed to remotely control the opening and closing of the movable trusses of the bridge. Unfortunately, it turned out to be less reliable than expected. Only during 2005 did the bridge get stuck in the extended or retracted position several times until its sensors were replaced.

Tower Bridge exposition

The high-altitude passages between the towers, which received the notorious refuge of prostitutes and pickpockets, were closed in 1910. They were reopened in 1982 as part of the Tower Bridge Exposition, now housed in its Victorian-era twin towers, skywalks and engine rooms. The crossings offer breathtaking views of the Thames and many of London's famous landmarks and serve as an observation deck for more than 380,000 tourists annually. The exhibition also features films, photographs and interactive materials explaining why and how the Tower Bridge was built. In the building at the south end of the bridge, visitors can view the steam engines that once powered the bridge's trusses.

During a pre-booked indoor tour, visitors can descend into the bridge's movable truss sections and view the bridge's sailing control center for ships to pass.

Repair 2008-2012

In April 2008, it was announced that a £4 million "light facelift" of the bridge would be taking place over 4 years, removing the old paint from the bridge and repainting it blue and white. Each section will be insulated to prevent old paint from getting into the Thames. Starting from mid-2008, only one-fourth of the bridge has been carried out at a time, which has minimized disruption to traffic, although even then a road closure is unavoidable. Until the end of 2010 the bridge will be open, then it will be closed for several months. It is planned that the result of these repairs will be preserved for 25 years.

We all know from school that the most famous bridge in London is the Tower Bridge. Unusual appearance makes it easily recognizable: two Gothic-style towers stand on imposing river pillars, which are connected by drawbridges and pedestrian galleries.

Its main difference from other bridges is that it is drawable and the lowest located over the Thames. It got its name due to its proximity to the Tower, which is located on the north side.

Short story

For a long time, the Thames was crossed by one London Bridge. However, the sharp economic recovery and population growth that began in the 19th century showed the need for the construction of additional bridges, which were supposed to help solve transport problem capital Cities.

Within a few years, more than one bridge was built, but the problems with the traffic flow did not decrease. Soon a committee was created that studied dozens of projects, and only in 1884 was the project approved by John Wolf Bury and Goras Jonsan.

More than 400 workers worked on the construction of the bridge for 8 years. The opening took place on June 30, 1894, the event was attended by Prince Edward of Wales and his wife Princess Alexandra.

The bridge was made in the Gothic style, but with a number of innovative developments. Thanks to the presence hydraulic system, just a couple of minutes is enough to provide free passage to a sailing vessel. Until 1974, the bridge was raised due to the work steam engines, in the furnaces of which coal was burned, which powered the pumps. They pumped water into tanks, storing energy. But progress did not stand still, and the entire mechanism was replaced by an electro-hydraulic system, which significantly saved time and costs. Now the bridge was raised not according to the schedule, but out of necessity.

Over the years, Tower Bridge, along with Big Ben, have become real symbols and one of the main attractions of London.

To date, Tower Bridge is one of the most visited attractions in England. Many tourists, coming here, consider it an honor to take a walk through the legendary building, especially since many London hotels are sent on very informative and comprehensive city tours.

Information for visitors

Address: Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2UP, United Kingdom

You can walk along the Tower Bridge:

  • in the summer season (from April 1 to September 30) - from 10:00 to 18:30 (last entry at 17:30);
  • in the winter season (from October 1 to March 31) - from 09:30 to 18:00 (last admission at 17:00).

Ticket price:

How to get there

The nearest metro station is Tower Hill (Circle and District lines). It can also be reached from the Tower Pier.

Tower Bridge on London map

We all know from school that the most famous bridge in London is the Tower Bridge. Its unusual appearance makes it easily recognizable: two Gothic-style towers stand on imposing river pillars, which are connected by drawbridges and pedestrian galleries.

Its main difference from other bridges is that it is drawbridge and the lowest located above Te..." />

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