Home Fruit trees Electrical installation company where to start. Marketing plan of the project. Equipment and work transport

Electrical installation company where to start. Marketing plan of the project. Equipment and work transport

Electricity has entered our life so much that no one can imagine their existence without it. Considering that the construction of various facilities is increasing every year in the country, the demand for electrical work will only grow. In this situation, it makes sense to think about how to open electrical installation company.

How does the opening of a company begin?

At the first stage of opening a company to provide such services, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for an electrical installation company. Its writing begins with a market research to determine which electrical work is more in demand. Better to choose a less competitive niche, offering the maximum wide range services. At the same time, it is worth monitoring the ability of buyers to pay for your work. You also need to find out about all potential developments in the area where you plan to open a company.

Having answered these questions, you can proceed to the choice of the type of electrical work. There are two directions of such work. The first is the provision of services to the population, including the repair and installation of various household appliances. Technique for today is diverse, requiring special knowledge. Therefore, organizations that carry out such work can receive high incomes with a minimum of costs. In this case, you can promote your services through stores. household appliances, distribution of leaflets, their distribution to mailboxes. The second direction is more serious. It involves the development of electrification of facilities, installation and maintenance of these networks. Such work brings more substantial income to the organization.

The documentary side of the issue

Next, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or create an LLC. The first option is easy to organize, collect documents and prepare. But the second option is preferable if you plan to develop and work with large customers. To organize the registration of an LLC you will need start-up capital the size of not less than 10 thousand rubles. and an impressive package of documents. You can collect them yourself or by contacting a law firm.

Previously, such work could be carried out only if you had special permit... Now such permission is not required, but such organizations are required to be members of self-regulatory organizations. Membership in such an organization costs a lot of money, but opens up wide opportunities in finding orders, working on large-scale industrial production... If the activity of your organization is aimed at serving the population, you do not need such a membership.

For work on large commercial properties every time you will have to take a permit to carry out electrical work, which must be obtained from the local energy supervision. To obtain a permit, you will be required to have a power supply project. Usually the customer has it. But if it is not there, the firm for carrying out electrical work can additionally offer such services. For the company it is Additional income, plus to the image of the company, and for the customer - saving nerves and time.

Electrical installation business plan

To organize work of any scale, you will need a warehouse for storing cables, stairs and tools. If you do not have your own garage, the premises will have to be rented. But at the initial stages, you can save on office space... All orders can be taken directly at the facility. Other employees may well work from home.

But what is not worth saving on is a car for the company's employees. It will often have to carry not only tools, building materials, but also workers. Therefore, the car must be roomy. Objects can be located outside the city. You need to be sure that your car will pass through difficult roads.

A high-quality tool is not only the image of the company, but also competently carried out work. To do this, you will need:

  • voltage indicator device;
  • punchers;
  • hand drills;
  • insulating tape;
  • gray-haired;
  • hammer;
  • assembly knife;
  • nippers;
  • pliers;
  • set of wrenches;
  • chisel;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriwer set.

Please note that the rotary hammer and drills are desirable to run on batteries. Also, the right move would be to dress workers in branded overalls. This way you will take care of the image of the company and of your employees.

Personnel and advertising

The prosperity of your company depends on the staff. These must be workers with special education and admission. III group on electrical safety. But even this is not a guarantee of the employee's conscientiousness and the ability to find mutual language with whimsical clients. Therefore, it is desirable good employees search according to the recommendations of friends. Don't forget to have your own or outsourced accountant.

Of course, most the best advertisement customer reviews will become, but you shouldn't refuse additional ones either. Engage the media, building yards, specialty stores. If you plan to work with private clients, consider the seasonality of repairs and construction. As a rule, such work is carried out in the warm season, that is, in winter, the off season may come for an electrical installation company. It can be avoided by working with large objects.

In general, the business is quite profitable, but the first few months will have to work at a loss. Therefore, it is better to open a company at the beginning of the year, so that by the next tax reporting period you have time to promote the business.

Not a single species can do without electricity modern activities... Wiring is needed in residential buildings, in trade and entertainment centers, wherever it appears modern man... Electrical installation brings a solid income to electricians and business organizers. A detailed business plan of an electrical installation company with calculations and estimates is presented below. An example is suitable for organizing work in a large regional center.

Legal data

Focus: the company is engaged in electrical installation.

Premises: small office and a changing room for workers. total area- 40 sq. m. Form of ownership - rent.

Daily execution of from 1 to 5 orders (the number depends on the complexity and scope of the technical project).

Working hours:

Monday - Friday: 8: 00-19: 00.

Saturday, Sunday: closed.

In the presence of urgent orders, employees go to work on weekends in shifts (overtime are paid).

Company Services:

  • Electric wizard at home.
  • Electrician service.
  • Maintenance and repair of household electrical wiring.
  • Industrial electrical installation.
  • Maintenance and repair of the crane block.
  • Installation of a frequency converter of electric current.
  • Installation and replacement of the electricity meter.
  • Installation and replacement of electrical wiring.
  • Laying and routing of cables in rooms and facades of buildings.
  • Laying and fixing the cable gland.
  • Installation of an electrical panel.
  • Wiring and electrical connections from the pole to the house.
  • Installation of sockets and switches.
  • Installation of lighting devices.
  • Installation of the ground loop.
  • Electric heating wiring.

How Additional services the company can offer (if it has its own design department):

  • Development and calculation of a technical plan.
  • Drawing up estimates for the electrical installation of the premises.
  • Paperwork.

Company registration form: LLC.

Tax form: simplified taxation system (STS).

Service price

After analyzing the prices of competitors in a large regional center at the beginning of 2017, it is proposed to use the following price list for basic services:

Type of service offered unit of measurement price, rub.
Calling the master home (repair work) hour. 350
Drawing up and calculating an estimate for a specific object PCS. from 1500
Electrical panel installation PCS. internal 1600
consignment note 800
Meter installation (220/380 V) PCS. 550/750
Installing the breaker (single-pole / double-pole / three-pole) PCS. 110/140/160
RCD installation (two-pole / four-pole) PCS. 300/400
Earthing bus installation PCS. 100
Drilling a hole for a socket (concrete, brick, wood) PCS. 190/130/110
Installation of the socket (internal / surface-mounted) PCS. 150/120
Replacing an old socket or switch in the same place PCS. 150
Junction box installation PCS. 190
Installation of a TV or telephone socket PCS. 300
Wall chipping for electrical wiring m 100-250
Installation of the cable in the shtrabu m 60-100 (depending on the section)
Installation of a spotlight PCS. 250
Chandelier installation PCS. 550
Powering the electric stove, washing machine PCS. from 1200
Dismantling work 300-500

Six months warranty for work. Minimum call cost: 1,200 rubles. An employee can complete 2-3 points per day, costing from 3,500 rubles / point. As a result, one electrician per day can bring the company from 15,000 rubles. Consumables are purchased at the expense of the client and paid separately.

Investment in the project

An approximate estimate of a business plan for an electrical installation company includes the following costs:

It is possible to reduce the estimate if a personal car is used in the work or employees with their own car are hired. You can also not join an SRO and work only with end users (or under a subcontract with a large construction company).

The money in the estimate for maintaining the project until it reaches profitability can be contributed by the founders, as necessary, in equal shares. The size of the share is prescribed in the charter. The presented business plan of an electrical installation company with calculations is suitable for organizing small company for 5-7 employees.

Implementation of the idea and launch of the project

It is planned to spend 2 months on the implementation of the business plan (from October 1 to December 1). Until spring, the company will gain momentum and for a while construction works has every chance of getting profitable and large orders. Each stage of implementation is planned for a certain number, in more detail in the table:

Each stage is controlled by the project organizer. The tool is purchased in a trusted place with a guarantee. Each process is detailed by numbers, this will help control the process and keep up with the schedule.

Accommodation and equipment

A small electrical installation firm will require a small office. Its location should be as comfortable as possible for visitors. For this, the following factors are taken into account:

  • There should be a small parking area near the office.
  • You can get to the company by any means of transport from anywhere in the city.
  • The room has a separate entrance.

The office can be located on any floor of the building. The main thing is that your customers can easily find you.

For an office, a room of 40 sq. m. Divided into the following zones:

  • 15 sq. m - a place for receiving visitors.
  • 10 sq. m - a locker room for electricians.
  • 10 sq. m - a place for design and budgeting.
  • 5 sq. m - toilet room.

The rental price depends on the distance from the city center, on average 25,000 - 45,000 rubles / month.

The office is equipped with the following equipment:

In the office, organizational work is planned, the calculation of estimates and the preparation of technical plans.

For electricians, you need to purchase the following tools and equipment:

  • Signaling device (4 pcs.) - 300 rubles.
  • Single-pole voltage indicator (4 pcs.) - 200 rubles.
  • Two-pole voltage indicator (4 pcs.) - 400 rubles.
  • Perforator (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
  • Electric drill (2 pcs.) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Electric screwdriver (2 pcs.) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Wall chaser (2 pcs.) - 20,000 rubles.
  • Hand tools (screwdrivers, hammers, pliers) - 45,000 rubles.
  • Stepladder (2 pcs.) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Overalls (4 sets) - 5,000 rubles.

For the initial equipment of two teams of electricians of two people, each will need at least 125,900 rubles.

The equipment and equipment of a small office requires the amount of 200,000,600 rubles. If the number of employees increases, then the amount for tools and equipment increases. But electrical work will be carried out on a larger scale.

Personnel policy

The office of the electrical installation company will employ:

  1. Administrator or manager (this could be a business owner).
  2. Power engineer-designer.
  3. Support staff: part-time cleaning lady or under a contract with a cleaning company.

Two teams of two people - electricians - are planned for the exit. There is a cleaning lady as support staff.

Calculation of employee salaries per month:

The organization will spend 266,000 rubles a month on wages to its employees. The employees are calculated twice a month: advance payment - 5,000 rubles. and calculation. Electricians receive 3% of the cost of completed orders in addition to their basic salary. It is also recommended to make calls for finishing work through the fault of the master at his expense. This will increase the motivation to do quality work the first time, and the company's revenue will increase. Bonuses at the end of the year are paid at the discretion of the founders of the LLC.

Monthly expenses

The company will have monthly expenses that consist of the following components:

  • Premises rental - 45,000 rubles.
  • Payment of utility bills, telephone, Internet - 15,000 rubles.
  • Salaries to employees and payments to funds - 266,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of missing tools, repair or replacement of broken ones - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 40,000 rubles.

You can see on the chart percentage each part of monthly expenses:

Every month for small firm for electrical installation of seven workers, 381,000 rubles will be needed. We add this amount to the basic estimate and we get the initial capital that is needed to organize the work of a small electrical installation company in a large regional center - 1,590,000 rubles. Costs are reduced by hiring workers with a private car.

Income and return on investment

For a day of work, two teams will bring an average of 25 thousand rubles. Of this amount, 3% will go to allowances to wages employees. The amount of proceeds per month will be: 600,000 - 18,000 = 582,000 rubles. In the summer and spring, income per month will increase to 850,000 rubles. This is due to seasonal construction sites. Total for summer time you will be able to earn at least 2,550,000 - 76,000 = 2,474,000.

The company will receive net profit per year: 5 million 238 thousand rubles. + 2 million 474 thousand rubles. = 7 million 712 thousand rubles. The following will be spent per year for the needs of the company: 4 million 572 thousand rubles. Total net income of the company per year will be around 3,140,000. This, on average, is 260,000 rubles. net profit per month.

The company's profitability will be divided into shares:

  1. Equipment depreciation and maintenance - 10%.
  2. The main fund is 40%.
  3. Expansion and growth investments - 15%.

For return on investment in the amount of 1,590,000 rubles. 35% remains (91,000 rubles). The company will pay off in 17.5 months. The firm for electrical work will come out on profit in the first year of operation. Project profitability - 24%.

By dividing net income into component parts, the company will be able to develop, expand its staff and increase its material base.

The profitability will remain subject to the availability of clients. To increase interest in the company, a system of discounts is offered:

  • Wholesale 5% discount on projects over 100 sq. m.
  • Free travel and budgeting for projects over 50 sq. m.
  • Discount construction companies – 10%.

Marketing developments

To work with large construction companies will require participation in state auctions for a tender. For newbies, it is recommended to start by advertising their company through the following sources:

  • Group in social networks.
  • Ads in periodicals and on the radio in your region.

You can offer cooperation to large construction companies on mutually beneficial terms. You will be able to work at their facilities under a subcontract agreement by paying a percentage of the order. This industry is effectively promoting companies employing people who are familiar with electrical engineering. The main components of success are responsibility for the result and the quality of the work performed. If it is, there is no need to be afraid of competition.

As an addition, it is proposed to give a guarantee for the work performed from 6 to 12 months. This will increase customer confidence, and the company will quickly acquire regular customers.


To open a small firm for the provision of electrical services, you will need to find an office space of 40 sq. m and the initial capital in the amount of 1,590,000 rubles. The company will come to profit on the 5-6th month of operation, but only on condition of availability large clients... The project will pay off in 1-1.5 years. During this time, part of the net income will be spent on the expansion and growth of the company. This will increase your income by 25-30%. The company's profitability will be 20-24%, which indicates the success of the project in a large regional center with low competition.

Despite the global crisis, the construction of not only industrial facilities, but also cottage settlements, shops, offices and just private houses is increasing in Russia. In this regard, electrical work is in great demand. Without electricity, a person becomes helpless and vulnerable. Judge for yourself, all human activity is associated with electricity: water in the plumbing, lighting, cooking, the operation of various household appliances and much more. A business built on electrical work is an indicator of the well-being of the entire region.
But, starting any business, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons, to study the market, and the business plan of the electrical installation company helps in this.

The business plan of the enterprise is the basis of the work of any company.

What is the benefit of having a business plan?

Before starting any business, and even more so a business, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. It is necessary to outline goals and ways to implement them. By composing it, you will once again be able to look at the future organization of work as if from the outside.

When studying the market, you need to understand what electrical installation services are missing. You should not fight with competitors at the initial stage. Ideally, if in the type of work that you are going to offer, you have no direct competitors. If there are competitors, it is advisable to offer a wider range of services than theirs.

When drawing up a business plan for electrical work, it is extremely important to study the purchasing opportunities of your settlement... Will people be able to pay for the services offered? At this stage, it is important to study the work of large companies in your locality. It is also helpful to learn about future construction projects, large and small.

Only on the basis of all these data can a business plan for organizing work on electrical installation be drawn up.

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Choosing the direction of electrical work

There are two main options for organizing electrical work.

The first way is easier and does not require large material costs. It consists of providing services to the population for the installation, repair and maintenance of various household appliances. Today, this can bring good income, since the equipment is offered very diverse and its installation requires professional knowledge.

For example, advertised hobs, various built-in kitchen appliances require a special connection. They cannot be brought home and plugged in. If you correctly place advertisements in household appliances stores, make advertisements in the form of leaflets in mailboxes and much more - it is quite possible to get good income.

The second way is more costly, complicated, but also more interesting and creative. The work consists in organizing the development of electrification systems for construction projects, directly in electrical installation work and subsequent maintenance.

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Business organization legal regulations

You will have to choose from only two options: to become an individual entrepreneur or to organize a limited liability company (LLC).

I would like to advise you to opt for LLC, as in in this case you will have much more opportunities to develop your business. Various tenders, according to inexorable statistics, are won by "LLC".

To register a limited liability company, you need to have capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, the Charter, the minutes of the meeting of all founders, a receipt of the state duty, the required package of documents, an application in the form of R11001, the OKVED code for electrical work - 45.31. You can contact a company that specializes in registration, thus you will save your time and nerves. Bureaucracy in our country is not asleep.

Licensing is no longer required. But this does not mean that everything has become easy and simple. Those firms that are going to engage in electrical installation at construction sites are required to join self-regulatory organizations (SRO).

By joining the SRO, you are guaranteed to get a permit to work, you will not encounter many pitfalls, you will be able to use uniform standards. Only membership in a self-regulatory organization will allow you to work at large industrial facilities and, accordingly, receive good profit... Everything is very positive, but it is not clear why joining an SRO costs a rather large sum? Let's hope this is a temporary misunderstanding.

But if you do not set such goals in your organization of electrical work, if you plan to serve smaller objects: shops, cafes, apartments, cottages, offices and the like, then you do not need any admission.

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Personnel requirements

The staff is the most important factor in any organization, it depends on him whether your business will flourish or fail.

If we approach the selection of personnel by state standards, then a special vocational education... Admission of 3 groups for electrical safety is imperative.

You, as the head of a young company, must understand that it is absolutely forbidden to recruit people from the street according to advertisements in the newspaper! Electrical work is fraught with so many subtleties that you can determine whether the person who came to you has them or not, later, when troubles with clients begin and your nascent reputation creeps down.

Who you will be working with you must think before creating the organization of the electrical work. After all, a strong backbone of reliable professionals is the key to success. Neither diplomas nor work experience will help. Only recommendations from well-known people. Only reviews from the previous place of work. except professional qualities, a person must have tact, consistency, be honest and very responsible.

Do not forget that at any object, be it private house or an office, it is your employee who can face a capricious customer. Who doesn't know what he wants. And how your employee handles such a situation will speak not only in his favor, but also work in the name of your company.

I would like to note that a competent accountant is also necessary.

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Industrial premises and transport

Electrical work requires a warehouse to store cable coils, stairs, light boxes and much more. Any garage is suitable for this. If you or your closest helper have such a room, you will not have to pay rent.

An office is not needed at first. It is always best to talk to customers and prospective clients on their premises. An accountant can work at home. This is a huge cost savings.

But to the choice vehicle worth approaching in all seriousness. It should be not only roomy, but also reliable car... On it you will have to transport building materials and workers. Electrical work often takes place at construction sites, outside the city, in nearby villages and small towns. Therefore, a passenger car is unlikely to suit you, the car needs a reliable and passable one.

People involved in electrical work are thinking about how to open an electrical installation company and make money on their hobby. For many who want to open own business, where it will be necessary to invest a minimum of funds, information on how to properly open an electrical installation company will certainly become relevant so as not to burn out at the initial stage.

Electrical installation company: demand creates supply

Any electrical work is mandatory for all types of buildings, and they are also necessary for any production activity. In the estimate for the implementation of this type of work, a special item is allocated, which in some cases reaches several percent of the total project budget.

A typical order for performing electrical installation is the laying of power lines in the room directly from the power source to points: switches, sockets, automatic machines. With an increase in the area of ​​the premises and an increase in the tasks set, the volume of electrical installation work will increase significantly, which cannot but rejoice the entrepreneur who wants to open an electrical installation company.

An electrical company is serious

Initially, you need to understand why an electrical installation company is needed? What is the point of registering a legal entity, when it is quite possible to carry out electrical work, having personally agreed with the customer? The answers to these questions can be obtained from knowledgeable people.

So, there are many forums that are directly devoted to the opening of electrical companies. Many who do not know how to open an electrical installation company are also interested in the problem of where to find stable orders in a small town.

At the first stage, of course, it will be initially unclear why an electrical installation company was needed, since it was possible to continue fulfilling individual orders. But over time, self-respect and solidity will come, and responsibility for their work done. It comes to the understanding that the company does not do trivial work, but performs quality work. Then, serious customers will already catch up with the status, since a person who works from order to order, thus earning money, will never be offered a worthwhile object. He will keep fixing the wiring and changing the sockets all the time.

In fact, only an electrical installation company as a legal entity is capable of claiming contractual relations with medium and large customers.

The first steps

It makes no sense to describe the registration procedure itself, since all the necessary information can be found on the Internet or on our website, the main thing is to initially have a business plan for an electrical installation company. But it's worth turning Special attention to join self-regulatory organizations. This stage is the most expensive. Initially, it will be easier to register the company as a branch, and when the business goes up, it will be possible to separate. It is impractical to look for a parent company in your city, since there is a lot of competition, but it is quite possible to do this among regional centers.

You also need to remember that any electrical installation company needs workers, who, in turn, must have a professional permit for the third group. To get it, you will need to attend special courses. The cost of courses can be about five thousand rubles and more.

Opening an electrical installation company, pay your attention to the equipment and overalls of workers. In order to equip an employee well with everything necessary for the performance of work, you will need about 20-30 thousand rubles. taking into account one employee. Based on the experience of many directors of new electrical installation firms, it can be noted that the break-even point can be overcome in 24-36 months.

Thus, for everyone interested in how to open an electrical installation company, it will be useful information that your company can become quite successful and profitable business for several years.

Entrepreneurial activity in the field of providing construction, repair work is always in demand. When opening a company, it is necessary to assemble a team of specialists and register it with the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. In order to find out how to open a company for electrical work, you need to get advice from a specialized company for registering companies or from the tax office.

Actions for preparing documents

Before opening an electrical installation company, you need to decide on:

  • Organizational and legal form.
  • Company name, address of location and basis for registration(property of the founders, lease) in case of opening a legal entity. For individual entrepreneurs, the data of an individual is used.
  • By size authorized capital and the procedure for its contribution when opening an LLC... The shares of the founders of a legal entity are paid in cash or property. In order to open an electrical installation organization, you need to have or purchase in the future equipment, tools, accessories. A convenient option for creating the authorized capital of an LLC is to determine the shares of the founders by a property contribution.
  • The management structure and the person who will be appointed by the head, which must be indicated in the constituent documents.

Kind of activity

Before starting an electrical installation company, it is required to carefully study the codes of permitted activities. Data is taken from of the OKVED handbook, where this type corresponds to the section of construction 45.31 "Production of electrical work", which clearly indicates the list of activities that fall under this code.

It is necessary to decide whether the specificity of the direction is a licensed type, for example, as in the case of the planned production of installation of support equipment fire safety buildings? Obtaining a license is carried out after it turned out to organize an electrical installation company; to obtain a permit, you must contact the licensed body.

Constituent documents

To find out how to open an LLC for electrical installation and create constituent documents, you need to study the legislation on registration legal entities... On social networking sites, you can get complete information:

  • How to organize an electrical installation company with a single member or a set of founders.
  • What is included in the constituent forms?
  • How are minutes of meetings of founders or decisions drawn up? sole participant?
  • What needs to be documented at the opening (participants, shares, management, etc.)?
  • How to draw up a charter electrical installation organization?
  • Other questions regarding registration.

You can also get information about opening an IP for electrical installation on the Internet, while it should be borne in mind that the actions individual entrepreneur are largely regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since a businessman performs most of the legal relations as an individual.

In the event that there are no necessary knowledge and experience in relation to registration of LLC or individual entrepreneur, the best option will contacting specialized companies for the registration of companies... Otherwise, the registration process may take months, since the IFTS, when registering companies, is very careful about checking documents, any inconsistency leads to the return of papers for revision.

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