Home Beneficial properties of fruits Household Appliance Repair Business Plan

Household Appliance Repair Business Plan

Not suitable for everyone. To operate successfully in this area, you need specific knowledge and experience. If you plan to open a small service center, you can additionally attract people who are versed in technology.

For repair household appliances will not be required serious investment. The main cost item will be tools and components. We will consider the features of work in this area in more detail in the article.

Selecting the right format

Household appliance repair as a business has several directions. If the master himself wants to work in this area, then he has the following options for work:

  1. Private home repairs. The cost of services will be low, but it will be possible to significantly save on costs in the form of rent. You won't need spare parts for household appliances here either - you can buy them as needed. True, not all components are easy to find.
  2. Collaboration with the service center. The point is to receive orders. The businessman himself is not involved in promoting and finding clients. And for the provision of relevant services, he pays the service center a certain percentage or a fixed amount.
  3. Opening your own service center . But here the entrepreneur will have to do his business from scratch, faced with the problems of finding clients, personnel, using effective methods advertising.

Is it profitable or not to open your own repair shop? This niche covers a fairly large market volume - it accounts for about 20-25% of the service sector. The level of income received does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, weather or the income of citizens, because broken equipment must be repaired in order to be able to use it in the future.

It is also worth deciding whether the organization will repair equipment from a specific company or all brands existing on the market at once.




Mono-brand company

These are subsidiaries in essence. They are representatives of a certain brand and provide repairs and warranty service only for branded equipment.

Assistance in promotion from the parent company, collecting a customer base. High cost of service, fairly high income. Possibility of concluding an agreement with the parent company on the purchase of components at low prices.

A narrow circle of consumers, determined by the number of owners of branded equipment. Dependence on the parent organization (at least in that the demand for goods will directly proportionally affect the volume of services provided by the company). The need to make deductions for work under the brand of the main company.

Multi-brand company

Repairs equipment from various brands.

High profitability, wide range of services, coverage of a large number of clients.

The need to start from scratch business reputation, lower cost for the services provided.

Monobrand companies, in turn, are divided into two categories:

  1. affiliated (in close cooperation with the parent company);
  2. independent (they are equal partners of the parent organizations).

If a businessman does not have serious work experience, then it makes sense to start working with a mono-brand company as an affiliate, and only later work in new directions.

Beginning entrepreneurs often don’t know where to start a home appliance repair business. Here it is necessary to clearly define the list of services provided and to whom they can be provided.

If you plan to open a small workshop at home, then it is better to focus on serving ordinary citizens. If the company has a sufficient number of qualified personnel, then it is possible to establish work with organizations. You can sign contracts with them for equipment maintenance or work on a one-time basis. The first option will provide a guaranteed income. Working with legal entities is also promising because they often use elite equipment, the repair of which is quite expensive.

It is necessary to decide on a clear list of services. As a rule, service centers repair refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers. It is not necessary to stop only at working with household appliances. You can expand your range of services:

  • Appliances;
  • video and audio equipment;
  • office equipment;
  • repair of heating systems.

To attract as many clients as possible, you should focus on the following features of your work:

  1. quality;
  2. speed of troubleshooting;
  3. warranty service;
  4. home visit.

What is required to open a repair shop?

For a household appliance repair business to be truly successful, you need to think through all the nuances in advance. To work you will need:

  • Specialized tools and other equipment. You need soldering irons, testers, screwdrivers, power supplies. It will not be possible to do without specialized tools. Their purchase will require about 30-40 thousand rubles. If there are several employees in the organization, then it is better to purchase several sets of tools at once.
  • Repair parts. It's better to find a company that delivers them in bulk. This will significantly speed up the repair process, which is a definite plus for the job. Additionally, you can sell spare parts at retail, which will allow you to earn additional profit.
  • Room. This will be required if the company will not carry out home visits. You may also need a place to resuscitate equipment that could not be quickly repaired in the client’s apartment. You will need to store tools and components somewhere. Renting a small space to start with will be quite enough. Subsequently, you will need to think about opening an office and hiring a secretary.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option involves a simpler registration procedure. You will also have to choose a taxation system. It is most profitable to pay UTII in the field of repairing household appliances. At the same time, you don’t have to buy a cash register - it will be enough to fill out the forms strict reporting(BSO). When working with legal entities, you can choose the taxation system and the simplified tax system.

Promotion methods

The customer base directly affects the company's income level. To attract people you need to use correct methods advertising. “Word of mouth” in this case will allow you to promote truly high-quality services completely free of charge. You can use the following methods yourself:

  • placing information in local newspapers;
  • posting advertisements;
  • making a billboard (if you have an office);
  • distribution of leaflets, business cards, discount coupons;
  • Internet promotion (including creating a group).

Financial results

Repairing household appliances is a profitable and profitable business, capable of generating a monthly income of 50-100 thousand rubles according to the most conservative estimates. Its payback ranges from several weeks to 2-3 months. When opening large enterprise It may take longer to return your investment because start-up capital will be significantly higher.

The proposed business plan for the repair of household, video, audio and office equipment is an example ready-made business plan and can be used by you in the future to develop your own business plan for an equipment repair shop.

Business plan for a repair shop for household, video, audio and office equipment

The purpose of the business plan is to substantiate the financial and economic feasibility of creating a workshop for the repair of household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment.

The study showed the presence of a potential market for services, in particular the repair of household, TV, video, audio and office equipment. It should be noted that the provision of repair services, as a rule, is carried out by organizations that represent one manufacturer and are not interested in expanding the range of services provided.

This business plan for a workshop for the repair of household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment involves the creation of an additional market for services by expanding the range of serviced products and providing after-sales service technical means at home at the client's request. At the initial stage, one workshop was opened, and subsequently it is planned to open a network of workshops throughout Moscow.

The project is low-budget and therefore quite mobile, which avoids many risks. At the same time, a workshop for repairing household, video, audio and office equipment quickly pays for itself and brings a fairly high profit. The income received from the repair of technical equipment is stable, since it does not depend on the season and other natural factors. This is one of the reasons for choosing a business area.

The services are designed for residents of areas close to the location of the repair shop. A technician can be called to any area of ​​the city. The main consumers are individuals (about 90%), and the rest (10%) are legal entities.

Size authorized capital 10,000 rub.

Organizational and legal form - limited liability company.
Form of ownership - private.

During the development of the business plan, an analysis of possible risks was also carried out and efforts were made to reduce them.

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Business plan for a repair shop for household, video, audio and office equipment
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Technology surrounds us very closely in everyday life and simplifies manual labor, making it a comfortable and enjoyable experience. But even the most expensive and modern models of household appliances can break down. Buying new ones is not always profitable, but it is reasonable to repair old equipment so that it can serve for another couple of years. Therefore, the demand for repair services has always been and will be in demand in cities with any population size. Below is a business plan for a household appliance repair shop. The example was calculated for a regional center.

Information about the company

Main activity: repair of large and small household appliances. The workshop is expected to perform Maintenance, adjustment and warranty service under an agreement with a local retail chain of household appliances.

Legal form: individual entrepreneurship.

The main consumers should be residents of the city and nearby settlements of another region or republic. This may be explained by the fact that residents of neighboring areas have the easiest time getting to the city than other major cities. settlements. In addition, the city has regular bus services to neighboring regions of the republic.

Goal: within a year, the workshop must withstand the onslaught of competitors, gain the trust of consumers, pay off debts accumulated during the founding of the project: for rent, purchase of equipment, spare parts, furniture and many other costs.

Over the next 2-3 years, the workshop should become one of the best and respectable workshops in the field of consumer services and repairs on the equipment repair market. But to achieve the maximum goal, it is necessary to gain the trust and respect of consumers. Service quality indicators must be such that clients are responsive and loyal to their provider.

Location: semi-basement in a large residential area of ​​the city. The workshop area will be about 120 square meters. m. It includes a reception area, workstations for mechanics, separate room for the director, a warehouse of repaired and accepted household appliances.

Let's look at the table of workshop premises areas:

Form of ownership of the premises: lease, confirmed by a rent agreement.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 19:00, including weekends. The schedule was chosen based on the standard workday for office workers, until 17:00. Most clients will be able to get to the workshop after their working day. On weekends, clients from suburban areas will be able to visit the workshop.


The IP form was selected for registration. But if you plan to work as an authorized service center for large manufacturers and retail chains, an LLC is formed. There is less trust in the individual entrepreneur, and getting an agreement for service maintenance it will be more difficult. There are no manufacturers of household appliances in the selected city. An agreement was concluded with a local store to service their goods. According to the agreement, the workshop carries out repairs free of charge during the warranty period, in cases specified in the warranty agreement (3 months). Further, clients are served at full cost.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Photocopies of the passport and TIN are certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of a type of activity. When filling out, indicate the main (mandatory) type of activity and two additional ones. Even if you do not want to immediately expand your business, we recommend that you indicate additional types of activities. When the application is first considered, registration additional types activities are free, with further expansion you will have to pay extra. The application shall indicate OKVED: 95.21 “Repair of electronic household appliances”, 95.22 “Repair of household appliances and garden equipment”, 95.22.1 “Repair of household appliances”.
  • A receipt from any bank branch confirming payment of the state duty.

Competition and pricing

Competition plays big role in the development of the enterprise, since each company tries in every possible way to attract as many customers as possible. There are many ways to attract, we have chosen the following: home service, providing discounts for regular customers, WWII veterans, Afghan war, Chechen war, disabled people, orphans and elderly people; delivery of repaired equipment, provision warranty repair upon repeated failure.

In addition, competition improves the quality of repairs, adjustments, customer service, and reduces repair time and price.

Currently, the cost of repairs for a certain type of equipment fluctuates. This means that you need to choose a price so that the company does not incur losses.

In addition, the cost should correspond to the quality of the repair, and not vice versa.

Price list for workshop services:

Such prices are suitable for the normal development of the workshop, since they are 10% lower than competitors, but will not lead to bankruptcy.

Repair company equipment

To organize a small workshop, the following equipment and furniture are purchased:

Additionally, craftsmen will need Consumables: solder, screws, nuts, glue, etc. It is planned to spend from 25,000 rubles per month on consumables.

Personnel formation

In the workshop, the administrative and management personnel include the director and accountant. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. In addition to the financial part, the accountant takes on the role of administrator.

Company administration salary and bonus:

Craftsmen are hired as working personnel. The number of craftsmen is at least 4 people, since the work will be carried out in shifts, according to the schedule: two days after two. Each employee is responsible for repairing a specific device. Workers are interchangeable during vacations and excused absences.

A cleaning lady is hired as support staff. The work schedule of support staff is 2 hours from 10:00 to 12:00. Responsibilities include wet cleaning and general cleaning of the premises once a month.

Salary and bonus of working and support staff:

Summary statement of the number of workers:

Total, on wages staff and contributions to funds will need a monthly amount of 201,700 rubles. You can safely add it to the initial capital, since for the first few months you will have to pay salaries out of your own pocket.

Implementation stages

The household appliance workshop project can be completed in 2 months. The table below shows the schedule from September 1 to November 1. Seasonality does not affect profitability, so you can open a workshop at any time of the year.

Workshop opening schedule:

All stages are planned for specific periods of time. This will help control processes and launch the workshop on time with less loss of time.

Investments and income


To open a small household appliances workshop, you will need the following initial investments:

You can reduce costs by purchasing a used tool, but then they will increase monthly costs for its depreciation and replacement. And this will increase the total consumption. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a quality tool with warranty service.

Monthly expenses

Planning income

The profitability of the workshop will not be affected by seasonality, so the main factors on which profit depends are traffic and advertising. There are no competitors near the workshop, so 1 master will bring in at least 120,000 rubles per month. The monthly revenue will be from 480,000 rubles.

Let's calculate net income by subtracting monthly expenses from revenue:

480,000 – 276,700 = 203,300 rubles.

In total, the company brings net income per year: 203,300 x 12 = 2,439,600 rubles.

We calculate profitability:

(203,300 / 827,900) x 100% = 24.55%.

Until the entrepreneur returns the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 5% – non-production expenses (payment for trips to the client’s home, unexpected expenses).
  • 10% – main fund.
  • 45% – return on investment.
  • 40% – expansion.

Since only 45% will be spent on return on investment monthly, which is 91,485 rubles, we can calculate the return on investment of the project:

827,900 / 91,485 = 9 months. Taking into account all the risks, the payback of the project is 1 year.


This business plan for a household appliance repair shop with calculations can easily be adjusted to suit any region. You need to invest at least 828,000 rubles in the project. But the payback, if there is a constant flow of customers, will be only 9 months. At the same time, savings funds for business expansion were taken into account in the calculations. In a year, you will be able to open another workshop and increase your income, and thanks to the promotion of the first point, the second workshop will become profitable in 5-6 months.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

In any home today there are many electrical appliances, their users usually do not have the slightest idea about the structure of the equipment, much less how to repair it in the event of a breakdown. Moreover, in most cases, failed equipment can be restored, and repair is much more economically profitable than purchasing a new unit. In this regard, the need for the services of craftsmen among the population is constant; a true professional who can cope with any breakdown will definitely find his client. Building a business in the repair of household appliances is relatively easy, but to do this you need to have the appropriate knowledge, and not every master is a universalist, able to work with absolutely any equipment from any manufacturer. But even in this case, you can build your own successful business, which will have many development prospects.

Most big problem, perhaps, we can call the level of competition in this type of business. Due to the ease of getting started and low costs, there is a market a large number of players who already have an established client base can be found in any area of ​​the city, and competition forces them to constantly reduce prices for their services. Depending on the market situation in the city in which you will work, it can be very difficult to organize your own business, especially if there is already a repair and maintenance workshop nearby. However, thanks to the wide variety of technical products and the differences in their design, many craftsmen do not even compete with each other, but rather collaborate, occupying different niches and offering their clients repairs of various equipment, and a large number of service centers rarely take on the same type of work , one workshop does this. Thus, there is a complete differentiation of the services offered, and competitive fight ceases to be acute.

However, the way you organize your household appliance repair business can be different and has two directions. The first method is a mono-brand salon, which offers repair of equipment from only one specific manufacturer, and does not undertake servicing of equipment from others. Which service center often acts as a partner for a household store and provides warranty service for equipment purchased in this store. This method organization has its advantages and disadvantages. If you run your own mono-brand salon and have cooperation with household appliance stores, you can constantly have orders for service, but in this case the store itself or the device manufacturer will pay for the repair of the equipment.

An exception is buyers who have expired the warranty period, but who want to have their equipment repaired by an official technician. IN in this case you will have to maintain high quality indicators of the work performed, often act on orders from stores, and the range of possibilities is limited to servicing only one manufacturer, which significantly reduces the number of potential consumers. A store that is looking for cooperation with a service center will place high demands on the latter, and often in this case it will be necessary to invest more significant funds in its arrangement. All this must be covered by a stable and big amount orders, but not every manufacturer or store can offer this.

The second way of organizing such a business is opposed to the first, because it involves servicing and repairing a variety of equipment from different manufacturers. Relatively speaking, it is multi-brand, but in fact it does not make any distinctions in the brand of products, but simply troubleshoots. From here the most main difficulty To organize such a business, craftsmen must be generalists, be able to understand any devices, taking into account their features, and often the design of similar products from different manufacturers differs significantly. But in this case, the repair shop acts independently of other structures, has its own policy and has more opportunities to attract a large number of consumers. With this type of organization there is a considerable risk that demand will fluctuate greatly, but this problem should be smoothed out by the constant request of people to repair products of different brands. It is not worth comparing these two methods of organizing a business, because in each specific case one or the other may be preferable. To do this, it is worth studying the offers of household appliance stores and manufacturers, and then making a decision depending on the conditions offered.

Ready ideas for your business

To start your work, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The need to register entity no, you can stay an individual by registering as individual entrepreneur. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then it is better to choose the form of a limited liability company, this will make it possible to use a simplified taxation system, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship. However, registering an individual entrepreneur is much simpler and requires significantly lower costs; an individual entrepreneur is responsible for debts with his own property, but in such a business, as a rule, no serious debts arise. It is also worth choosing the right OKVED code, and the activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 95.2 Services for the repair of personal consumption items and household goods, but this grouping includes many provisions, and almost all of them can be suitable for a business repairing household appliances . For mobile phone repair, the definition of personal consumption goods is more appropriate.

The next stage of organizing your business will be to find premises, and in this case you need to first of all focus on ensuring that there are no competing companies nearby. A significant advantage of organizing a business for repairing small equipment is the ability to work in a very small space, one technician with everything necessary equipment can be placed on an area of ​​no more than 10 m2. This includes mobile phones and all small, compact and easily transportable household appliances. If you have to work with large units (refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.), then you won’t be able to get by with a small area and will have to rent significant spaces for your work. This is due at least to the fact that there will be a need for a place to place equipment, including that which is only in the queue, space for the convenience of the foreman and a platform for unloading and loading equipment. The workshop itself may be located in the city center, especially where there is very good traffic, but an enterprise that is located in residential areas can also be successful. Moreover, in some cases, locating in residential areas is more appropriate than in the city center, where there are practically no residential apartments and houses, and this primarily concerns a workshop for the repair and maintenance of large equipment. But even in this case, there is an opportunity to save on rent if you offer home visits to your clients.

Ideally, the workshop should offer its clients solutions to issues of any complexity, and not all of them can be solved in the client’s apartment, but at first you can limit yourself to only home repair services. In this case, most clients will be able to help, and rent large room it will be possible a little later, when there is enough work customer base. Providing repair services at home almost completely eliminates the need to maintain an office, because if the entrepreneur himself is a master, then he can keep all the equipment at home and accept orders only by phone. For businessmen with limited financial resources, this method of organizing a business is much more preferable, but it is absolutely not suitable in the case of working with stores to provide warranty service for equipment and a specific manufacturer, and is also not very successful in the case of repairing small household appliances and especially mobile phones, because in this case it is assumed that the master takes the equipment to himself. On the other hand, small appliances and phones can be repaired at home.

But even if the business was started by providing services by one person - an entrepreneur, sooner or later in its development it will reach a level where it will require the involvement of additional specialists. In the case of working with large-sized equipment, you will initially have to involve additional forces. Therefore, you need to think about the personnel issue from the very beginning. It is best to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit; only foremen will work directly in the company itself, and all administrative and organizational responsibilities must be performed by the entrepreneur himself. We are looking for experienced and knowledgeable features devices of many products are specialists. Their number is determined by the enterprise level itself, and at first it may be two people, if not one at all.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, when working with large equipment, loaders and a driver are involved; this is only necessary when the work is performed directly on the workshop premises. Moreover, in this case, it is critical to purchase a truck, but the simplest such representative will cost about 200 thousand rubles. This will be a used car Russian production, but for the first time this will be enough to transport equipment. The car body can become in addition and advertising platform, which contains information about the workshop. Considering that the car will move throughout the city, you can count on the fact that a fairly large number of people will learn about the company’s offer.

Working with each type of equipment has its own characteristics; what type of business may not be in demand among the population if the craftsmen offer maintenance and repair of milking books, which are easier to replace than to repair. Therefore, servicing systems or other types of equipment may be different from the point of view of economic attractiveness. The most cost-effective undertaking can be called repairing refrigerators, because this large equipment is easy to repair, and even a less experienced specialist can handle its repair. It is relatively easy to learn how to repair refrigerators, and therefore there are no personnel issues. However, such devices are expensive enough to replace even if they are seriously damaged, and many users are much more likely to call a repairman than go to a hardware store. Refrigerators, compared to other equipment, are not so susceptible to obsolescence; they last quite a long time, so even when the warranty expires, the user continues to use the refrigerator for a long time. Among other large-sized equipment, washing machines can also be noted, but they are more difficult to repair, although in most cases it turns out to be somewhat cheaper than purchasing a new one.

With small equipment, everything is much more complicated, because it costs an order of magnitude cheaper, the price of components is often comparable to the price of a new product, and many users prefer to replace such products even in the event of a minor breakdown. The demand for these types of services will be much lower, and consumers who find out the price will often refuse repairs in favor of purchasing a new product. This issue is especially acute with cell phones, because they become obsolete very quickly, and after the warranty expires, the consumer often no longer needs the phone if it breaks down. Even a person on a limited budget can go to a salon instead of having their phone repaired cellular communication and purchase an inexpensive model for a while, which you will use until you save up money for a new modern phone. In this regard, it is better to carry out repairs of small household appliances and mobile phones as a mono-brand service center that operates at the store and offers warranty service for the products. However, even a multi-brand salon can offer its clients simple operations, which are much cheaper than buying a new phone. This includes replacing the display, microphone, speaker, receiver, battery for some models, as well as software flashing and simple services not for repair, but for improving the phone. If you plan to work with mobile phones, then it is not economically profitable to carry out repairs alone, but it is necessary to offer Additional services up to applying drawings to the body or changing the backlight.

Depending on the complexity of the services provided, various equipment is purchased, the cost of which can vary significantly. Repair of small household appliances requires special sets tools, as well as soldering stations, ultrasonic baths and computers with special software for reconfiguration electronic systems. The cost of such equipment starts from about 10 thousand rubles, but can be slightly higher when purchasing a more professional and advanced instrument. At the same time, not all devices can be useful, and for a mono-brand service center you will have to buy the most advanced equipment. To repair large-sized equipment, you will need the same tools, but also special equipment for each type of device. The most important thing is the testing devices electrical system. The amount of such equipment may be small if you buy a standard tool, which self-taught craftsmen use. Also, if you plan to transport equipment, special transport devices will be required. Thus, depending on the complexity of the work and the available funds, the master’s arsenal may be different.

Ready ideas for your business

This type of business is characterized by low profitability, because the main part of the cost of repairs for the client is the price of the components themselves. In this regard, when replacement of any parts is not required, the cost of repair will not be high, otherwise it is often more profitable for the client to buy new technology. In general, the cost of the repair shop services themselves rarely exceeds two thousand rubles, and is often within 500. The craftsmen themselves only engage in simple repairs (all for the same reason: it is often easier to replace than to repair), the most profitable business cost will be when there is a large number of small orders. Study complex work unprofitable for either the master or the consumer.

The repair shop must actively promote itself in the market, because without informing the population there will not be enough orders to survive the business. That's why advertising campaign you should pay special attention, and if necessary, create your own website, which indicates all the services offered and the cost of them. In order to quickly carry out its task, the workshop must have established connections with suppliers and manufacturers of parts; this, of course, is easier to do for a mono-brand salon. This business can be good knowledge for an entrepreneur who is a master himself; otherwise, almost all of your income will go to cover expenses.

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