Home Trees and shrubs The best universities in Britain. Catalog of selected universities in the UK. UK university enrollment

The best universities in Britain. Catalog of selected universities in the UK. UK university enrollment

It's no secret that medicine is very limp in last years in our country. There are many reasons for this. For example, poor funding, weak management apparatus, corruption of officials and doctors themselves, lack of necessary equipment and medicines. The faith of the people in state medicine is fading faster and faster. But the health of the nation is supported not only by state finances. One of the issues facing an edge is the quality of personnel.

Demand for the profession

Where do workers, specialists, professionals in their field come from in any sphere of society? From institutes, universities, other institutions for obtaining and advanced training. In most cases, the professionalism and competence of employees are determined precisely by the process and quality of training. Medical institutes in Moscow should raise a new generation of worthy doctors. This profession is in great demand. Not everyone is able to do this kind of work because of the temperament and nervous system, as well as the duration and complexity of training. So, if you decide to join the ranks of doctors, help people, save lives and health, you need to choose a decent medical institute. In this regard, Moscow offers extensive prospects.

Why is it better to study in Moscow

Moscow is the capital of a vast state, a city of great opportunities. Millions of people flock here. She is not always friendly to visitors, and this is precisely the first difficulty. Medical institutes in Moscow imply greater competitiveness of applicants, the selection will be more stringent, and the quality of education will be higher. The capital has no right to dishonor itself with low-quality personnel. And the passage of a difficult life school far from home will only strengthen the character and the desire not to give up. Especially if some stages have already been passed.

Directions of study

Medical institutes in Moscow offer about seven areas of study for future specialists. These include "Medicine" - the main form, the basis for the entire classification of the personnel of any hospital or clinic. The duration of study is six years. "Medical biophysics" refers to the specialty of a physician capable of performing radiation, ultrasound diagnostics and therapy, conduct examinations with modern electronic devices, and so on. The term of study is also six years. Medical biochemistry and cybernetics, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy - all this is also offered by the first medical institute. Moscow, as the capital, is famous for its higher educational institutions and professorial staff.

Medical institutes in Moscow

Moscow boasts six higher educational institutions that teach various areas of medical science. All of them are known. Education in them is prestigious and has high value when looking for a job. Most Respected Institute medical technologies(Moscow) - First Moscow State medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. Already by the name it is clear that this institution is under the patronage of the government apparatus. In second place is Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The third one is the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Next - Research Medical University. Pirogov. Fifth - Maimonides State Classical Academy. And the last one is the University of Medicine and Dentistry.

What is needed for admission

For applicants for different specialties, there are different conditions for admission, different passing scores and exams. So for "Biophysics" you will need to pass Russian, physics and biology (chemistry). The passing score of the USE is 35-70. For "Biochemistry" Russian, mathematics and biology (chemistry) surrender. The passing score here is 48-97. For "Cybernetics" it is important to pass exams well in Russian, mathematics and biology or physics. The passing score is from 42 to 73.

Of course, the higher it is, the more chances you have to enter, get ahead of your competitors for a place of study. General medicine, pediatrics and dentistry will require you to know the Russian language, chemistry, biology (or physics) with an average passing score of at least 35. Of all these areas, General Medicine and Biochemistry are the most popular among applicants. There will be a lot of competition for these specialties. Of the eleven thousand who wished to enter last year, only three and a half thousand applicants entered the Sechenov First Medical Institute. This means that the competition for a place is three to four people. To protect yourself from missing a whole year, apply to several universities at once. Training is quite long, and therefore every year is worth its weight in gold. In the future, you will have to undergo an internship for several years. In order to take a high position in the field of medicine, you need to work hard and study for many years. Good knowledge in this structure is too important.

Moscow medical institutes: tuition fees

Education is not a cheap pleasure. However, without it, our life is nowhere. Let's take a look at the rates at medical schools. So, a year of study at the Sechenov First Medical Institute will cost from 67,500 rubles. This is for one year. Lomonosov University charges students an amount of 325,000 rubles for one year of study. Pirogov University will cost students at least 120,000 per year of listening to lectures. Maimonides Classical Academy will charge you 125,000 rubles. Russian University Friendship of Peoples estimated training services at 70,000 rubles per year. And this is the minimum. The final amount depends on the specific specialty.

An enviable constancy - just like last year, the leading positions in terms of the level of preparation of first-year students who have chosen medicine for themselves are occupied by regional universities. The first place in the ranking with an average score of 85.3 belongs to the Bashkir State Medical University. It is followed by: Voronezh State medical Academy them. N.N. Burdenko (85.2) and Kuban State Medical University (84.6) from Krasnodar.

As for the three Moscow medical universities, only one of them entered the top five - the Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MGMSU), whose applicants scored an average of 84.3 points per subject. The other two universities, namely, the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov - GPA according to the Unified State Exam 83.3) and the former Russian State Medical University, and now the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov (Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov - 74.8) took the seventh and ..... thirty-second place in the ranking, respectively.

No. p / p The name of the university USE scores among those enrolled in the competition Total accepted for budget places, people
Average USE score USE score of the weakest by competition for olympiads on benefits by target set
1 Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa 85,3 71,7 179 1 46 251
2 Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko 85,2 73,7 166 0 47 179
3 Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar 84,6 65,3 171 0 62 166
4 St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov 84,4 59 373 0 77 142
5 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry 84,3 55 284 0 66 0
6 Stavropol State Medical Academy 84,1 74,7 175 1 46 167
7 First State Moscow Medical University. I.M. Sechenov (Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov) 83,3 50,7 578 1 129 282
8 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy 82,8 71,7 192 0 35 100
9 Dagestan State Medical Academy, Makhachkala 81,9 65,3 344 0 81 59
10 Izhevsk State Medical Academy 81,5 74,7 185 0 15 122
11 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky 80,7 73,7 162 0 47 129
12 Samara State Medical University 80,4 51,3 261 0 24 235
13 Ryazan State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov 80,2 64,7 121 0 28 191
14 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy 80 46 346 0 0 93
15 Astrakhan State Medical Academy 79,9 65,3 121 0 36 145
16 Rostov State Medical University 79,8 67 235 0 36 284
17 Tver State Medical Academy 79,1 67,3 162 0 29 151
18 Kazan State Medical University 79 53 200 3 21 174
19 Smolensk State Medical Academy 78,3 51,7 149 0 20 138
20 Yaroslavl State Medical Academy 78,2 68,3 170 16 17 160
21 Saratov State Medical University 78,1 56,7 318 0 25 239
22 Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy 77,8 55,7 303 0 16 116
23 Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy 77,7 69,7 191 0 6 73
24 North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz 77,5 52,7 135 0 0 136
25 Orenburg State Medical Academy 77,1 61,3 179 0 25 0
26 Kursk State Medical University 76,3 45 246 2 32 137
27 Novosibirsk State Medical University 75,3 61 279 0 54 102
28 St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy 75,3 51 244 0 10 18
29 St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. I.I. Mechnikova 75,1 62 322 0 10 216
30 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk 75 53,7 363 0 47 131
31 Volgograd State Medical University 74,8 54,3 405 1 43 158
32 Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova (Russian State Medical University), Moscow 74,8 41,3 846 15 82 141
33 Ivanovo State Medical Academy 74,5 65,7 136 1 21 122
34 Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg 74,5 60 281 1 22 57
35 Altai State Medical University, Barnaul 74,4 66,3 182 6 29 215
36 Omsk State Medical Academy 74,3 63 179 0 23 168
37 Kirov State Medical Academy 74,2 64,3 179 0 8 150
38 Tyumen State Medical Academy 73,9 62 194 0 11 146
39 Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy 73,4 63,3 169 0 2 0
40 Kemerovo State Medical Academy 70,8 61,3 299 0 27 125
41 Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk 70,8 44,3 240 0 20 138
42 Irkutsk State Medical University 70,7 59,3 246 0 21 151
43 Chita State Medical Academy 69,9 36 161 0 0 159
44 Khanty-Mansiysk State medical institute 69,5 64 83 0 2 15
45 Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk 68,9 53 180 0 17 108
46 Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology them. K.I.Skryabina 68,4 45,7 134 0 26 134
47 Perm State Medical Academy 65,2 38,7 277 0 8 167
48 Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveshchensk 64,8 55,7 240 0 15 31
49 St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine 64,8 40 290 0 22 16
50 Vladivostok State Medical University 63,9 46,7 233 0 9 73
51 Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Troitsk 52,6 35,7 194 0 0 15

Medicine consistently leads the list of “dream professions”. The most responsible high school graduates strive to spend most of their lives in a white coat. sociological research show that a consistently high demand for medical specialties is not manifested in all subjects of the country. Among the graduates of Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, there are fewer people willing to make a career in the doctoral field, while stability is observed within the professional community of doctors in these cities.

The regions are another matter: provincial youth still have a great desire to get one of the doctoral professions. And if there is a sufficient amount of knowledge for this or a bet is made on paid education, then one question remains on the agenda - which university or Academy to apply to.

Perhaps, initially thinking about entering a medical university, boys and girls are more obsessed with the idea of ​​being enrolled in the 1st year. Nevertheless, the quality of education should be a fundamental factor in evaluating an educational institution. People who understand this try to enter prestigious universities- of course, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The winners of the All-Russian, International Olympics and another "gold" contingent eligible for admission out of competition.

Reference: health care is the only area of ​​non-humanitarian education where the average USE score exceeds 70. In Russia, more than 75 universities of the Ministry of Health impose excessive quality requirements basic knowledge at the applicants. This speaks of the continuing prestige of the medical profession.

In the field of paid education, places were distributed as follows:

  • 32 thousand applicants in 2016 preferred economic specialties;
  • 20 thousand people leaned towards management;
  • 15.5 thousand are future doctors.

Composition of the Higher Medical School of Russia

In 2019, in the Russian Federation, 89 higher education institutions are accepting applicants educational institutions and faculties of the Ministry of Health - of which:

  • 48 head state institutions;
  • 4 branches of state universities;
  • 7 non-state accredited educational institutions;
  • 2 branches of non-state universities.

Among them, 23 leading medical universities in 2015 passed complete procedure accreditation.

How medical universities look against the background of the overall rating from Expert RA

The application of the fundamental principles of methodological research and impartiality in the assessment are two good reasons to consider the ratings of medical universities RAEX (Expert RA) as one of the most reliable. Opinion about educational institutions health care sector consisted of 3 characteristics:

  • the quality of education;
  • research work;
  • demand by employers.

The group of respondents among whom the survey was conducted included graduates, students, teachers representing the scientific and academic board, and employers.

In the top hundred in 2016, there were 16 best medical universities. As a result, the ranking of medical universities in Russia 2019 in terms of the quality of education and other criteria is as follows:

No. p / p No. in the rating university
1 22 First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University)
2 23 St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova (St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov)
3 27 Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova (Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov)
4 32 Kazan State Medical University (KSMU).
5 34 Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU, Tomsk)
6 46 Northwestern State Medical

university. I. I. Mechnikova (North-Western State Medical University, St. Petersburg)

7 49 Voronezh State Medical

academy. N. N. Burdenko (VSMA).

8 51 Samara State Medical University (SamSMU).
9 62 Ural State Medical Academy
10 70 Omsk State Medical Academy
11 73 Volgograd State Medical

University (VolgGMU).

12 79 Ryazan State Medical University

them. Academician I.P. Pavlov (RyazGMU).

13 81 Kursk State Medical University
14 83 Altai State Medical University
15 87 Saratov State Medical

Razumovsky University

16 95 Tyumen State Medical Academy

Judging by the results of the ratings compiled by the Expert RA agency over the past 4 years, the quality of education in medical universities has improved slightly, but has improved. In 2014, for example, in the TOP-100 there were 11 institutions graduating certified doctors, and 2 years later, the list of leaders was replenished with four new names.

What specialties are taught in the best medical universities of the state and what is the cost of education received on a commercial basis - we present information on the top five leaders:

No. 1: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

No. 2: PSPbGMU im. acad. I.P. Pavlova

No. 3: RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov

No. 4: KSMU (Kazan)

No. 5: Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)

Budget or commerce - will determine the USE scores

Points earned by USE results, are still a criterion that determines the quality of an applicant's knowledge. Cherished figures are taken as the very threshold value, to step over which means on September 1 to officially step beyond the threshold of the selected university. Candidates who do not get the necessary “points” will have to choose between paid education at the same institution, enrollment in another university with a more loyal scoring policy, or make another attempt to enter the “dream university”, but in a year.

  1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
  2. RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov.
  3. SpbGPMU.
  4. SPbGMU im. Academician I.P. Pavlova
  5. NSMU, Novosibirsk.
  6. RyazGMU.
  7. VolgGMU.
  8. Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
  9. KrasSMU, Krasnoyarsk.
  10. Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don.

Best Among Paid Medical Universities

Most high level education show educational institutions of healthcare in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver. In these cities, the profession of a doctor is taught for a fee, while even applicants with the most high scores USE. The information was obtained as a result of monitoring carried out on the initiative of the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency and the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Introducing the top ten universities paid branches which are difficult to get because of the inflated competitive points:

  1. PSPbGMU im. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  2. VSMA them. Burdenko.
  3. MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimov.
  4. KSMU.
  5. SpbGPMU.
  6. KubGMU, Krasnodar.
  7. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
  8. SamGMU.
  9. TSMU, Tver.
  10. Nizhny State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod.

By tradition, the most popular specialties with the corresponding competition are:

  • dentistry
  • medical business
  • pediatrics
  • pharmacy.

It is impossible to get the profession of a doctor in absentia. There are a number of faculties in Russian universities where this form of education is acceptable, but, firstly, their number is gradually reduced to zero, and secondly, they train here not future therapists and dentists, but specialists with a conditional medical profile - for example, nursing with a focus on management.

How highly valued is a diploma of a Russian medical university abroad

Today, no body in the world has the authority to award international qualifications in the field of medicine. Given this fact, the low status of the diploma Russian university and its inconvertibility should be taken as a false and unsubstantiated proposition. With a similar myth earlier, in Soviet times, government officials and interested structures tried to block the road to the west for qualified specialists.

On the quality of education in institutions high school, as well as the prestige of the institution itself, it is not entirely correct to judge by the awarded awards and regalia. The most objective evaluation factor is practicing graduates - their work, career and achievements. Hold high status is possible only with a constant presence on the market and progress in all areas, including research work and cooperation with "abroad".

US law, for example, allows the employment of doctors with university degrees registered with the WHO and with the IMED-FAIMER agency (a body authorized by the state). Employers should not care what institution the applicant graduated from - Harvard or State Medical University in Krasnodar. The focus is not on the place of obtaining a diploma, but on professionalism and personal abilities. If the name of the institution is not on the WHO list, the vacancy should not be considered. Specifically, the name of the medical university should be mentioned in the Avicenna catalog (contains an extensive list of educational institutions of the world working for healthcare and other areas of activity) and in the WHO WorldDirectory of Medical-Schools.

On the same basis, one should choose an institution for education: if its name is not listed in the WHO catalogs, it loses its attractiveness among applicants and cannot claim prestige.

Registration of medical universities in WHO is carried out on the basis of an application submitted by government agency competent in such matters. In Russia, this authority is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The registration procedure itself is carried out automatically, but this process is sometimes artificially delayed for reasons known to the representatives themselves. international organization. An example of this is Faculty of Medicine Petersburg State University: the year of its foundation is 1995, and officially it appeared on the WHO lists only in 2003, and in 2006, after a request from the administration, it was included in the IMED list.

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