Home Helpful Hints Fights, threats, extortion and other scary stories about taxi services. What's going on with UBER

Fights, threats, extortion and other scary stories about taxi services. What's going on with UBER

Svetlana Shmeleva

34 years old, tutor at the School of Civic Education

Service: Uber
What happened: fight with the driver

“My husband and I came across a taxi driver who from the very beginning behaved very impudently: cut off other motorists, sharply turned around through a solid line. In addition, music was blaring throughout the salon. I asked several times to turn it off and be careful on the road, but in response he only got rude to me. We were just passing the industrial zone when he suddenly stopped the car and dropped us off halfway. Considering the conflict and inappropriate behavior of the driver on the road, we were even glad of this. When we got things out of the trunk, the taxi driver abruptly backed off, almost running over us. I hit the car with my hand to stop it. The car really slowed down, but the driver jumped out and started beating my husband. I screamed, but that didn't stop him. Then I took out my phone and, although there was no memory on it, I pretended to be filming what was happening on the camera. It was only then that the taxi driver finally left her husband, jumped into the car and fled.

We were so shocked that we didn’t call a new taxi and went home already on foot, although there were still 30 minutes to go. We complained to Uber, after a while they called back, apologized and stated that this driver no longer works for them.

Platon Ogarev

30 years old, student

Service: Uber
What happened: did not return the forgotten iPhone

“I was returning home on the morning of January 7, a nice girl named Anna was driving. She herself asked me to play music and connected my phone to her cord, as she was "tired of listening to her Oksimiron." I soon forgot about it, as she turned the music on to the minimum volume, and we talked all the way. However, I don't think it was such a cunning plan.

At home, I found that I forgot my iPhone in the car. I dialed the number, but the phone was already disconnected, but through the Uber website I was able to contact Anna. She had the iPhone, she put it on charge, asked not to worry and promised to give it back the next day. At 4 pm I already called my number, some man picked up the phone and assured that Anna would call me back later, as she was sleeping now. From that moment on, no one answered the calls, and it was not possible to contact the driver.

I corresponded with the technical support of the company for several days. In the end, they managed to contact Anna, but she stated that she did not find anything in the car. Apparently, she changed her mind or this man advised not to return the iPhone. After that, I realized that it makes no sense to continue the dialogue with the service - now I'm going to go to the police, but for this I need to get the serial number of my phone, and this is a problem.

Most of all in this story, the reaction of Uber was unpleasant, or rather, its complete absence. I have no complaints against them - I am aware that they provide intermediary services. It just turns out that if, for example, I were beaten by a driver, then I would also have to prove myself that it was he who beat me. The driver, meanwhile, will continue to carry other passengers. However, I got off lightly: I often ride in a taxi with expensive filming equipment that I rent, so I could get into much more serious.

What they say about emergency situations in Uber

Irina Gushchina

Uber Communications Director in Russia and the CIS

“Drivers connected to the Uber platform are not employees of the company, our partners are legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Before starting cooperation, we conduct a thorough check of our potential partners. Uber has a set of rules that partners are made aware of before joining the platform. In case of their violation, the driver is disconnected from the system. Reconnection can only be possible after completing a course to improve the quality of service in the Uber training center.

Among the main reasons for disabling: low rating, giving a car not under your account (that is, the information about the driver and the car in the application does not correspond to what it really is), malicious violation Traffic rules, extreme driving. Also, any form of aggression, the presence of unauthorized persons in the cabin, threats against passengers, attempts to get a larger fare than the one calculated by the application are unacceptable. Uber has its own blacklist. In case of a gross violation of the rules of cooperation with the platform, the driver's account in Uber is permanently blocked.

As for lost items, in August 2016, Uber introduced an additional option for app users who left their items in the car: just go to the “Help” section in the Uber app and use the “I left things with Uber” option. The system by phone will connect the user with the driver in whose car there are things left. Return lost thing you can also go to the site: you must enter the phone number to which the user is ready to receive a call, and the system will connect the user with the driver within a few seconds. In the event that the driver does not respond, the user can write to Uber support through the application in the "Report Lost Item" menu section.

Lyubov Arsent'eva

19 years old, student

What happened: lost passport

“That time I was in a hurry and forgot my passport in the car. Soon, Yandex operators called me and said that the taxi driver had left the document. They gave me the driver's number so I could arrange how to pick up my passport. With the operator, we decided that I would pay the driver as for a normal trip around the center - 350-400 rubles. We met the taxi driver the next day. I had a homecoming day, so a taxi driver pulled up to my former school. I went down to him, having with me only 400 rubles. The driver opened the window, held out my passport, I reached for it, and at that moment he suddenly removed his hand and asked in an impudent tone: “Do you even know how much it costs to restore a passport? 2000 rubles. Plus I wasted gas and lost customers. Pay the amount that you agreed with the administrator, and 2000 rubles on top. I told him that I didn't have more money, to which he replied: “Since there is no money, I will throw out your passport during the journey or do something more interesting with it.” I'm already hysterical. My friend was just leaving the school, from whom I asked for another 500 rubles, but even this was not enough for the taxi driver. He was about to leave, but then he changed his mind and, taking 1000 from me, threw me my passport.

After that, I called Yandex.Taxi, whose employee explained in a sweet voice that Yandex does not have its own drivers, but hires them from separate companies and is not responsible for them. I was given the contacts of the company for which this taxi driver worked - they assured me that they would definitely figure it out and call back within half an hour. Nobody called me back, I tried to contact them myself 20 times, but in the end no one picked up the phone. The police offered me to write a statement about extortion, but I had a session, and there was no time for that.

Polina Istomina

20 years old, student

Service: Gett
What happened: forgotten wallet

“The incident happened to my young man in Perm - he left his wallet in a Gett taxi with cards, documents and large sum cash on the seat. A few hours later, together we began to call Dmitry, the taxi driver, but he did not answer. He did not respond to SMS with a request to return the wallet for a fee. He got in touch only after a message with threats from our side - he called and said that he was 200 kilometers from Perm and that he could not come because he had drunk. My young man offered to come himself, but Dmitry got nervous and promised to call back. When he dialed us again, it turned out that in fact he was 30 kilometers from the city. While we were driving to him, he called again and said that he had counted the money in his wallet and wanted to know how much he would receive as a reward. Arriving at the driver's house and taking the wallet, my young man gave him a thousand rubles, which greatly angered Dmitry.

Two days later, the taxi driver's wife began to write to us. According to her, Dmitry acted like a human being with us, and we have not an ounce of conscience. The girl demanded to give 25% of the amount that was in the wallet. When we threatened her with an extortion article, she, in turn, stated that, according to the article, we should give her family up to 20% of the money from the wallet. The law does indeed have this, but paragraph 3 of this very article states that the right to remuneration does not arise if the finder did not report the find or tried to hide it. We were ready to give them more money if Dmitry and his wife hadn't tried to hide from us, didn't lie and put their hands in other people's wallets. In the end, we just blacklisted them on our phones so they wouldn't try to contact us again. We did not manage to contact Gett support, as their phone number is not available in our city. We still use the service, because before that we had no complaints - there are good drivers there, just once we were not lucky.

Daria Shatalova

18 years old, student

What happened: driver was beaten on the road

“I was returning home from the station at night, a man of oriental appearance was driving. While driving, he cut off another car, and so sharply that I was frightened. The driver of that car showed the taxi driver a sign to stop at the curb. They slowed down and got on the road. The man we cut off started insulting the taxi driver, including on a national basis, the taxi driver in response clumsily swore in Russian. Then he began to beat the taxi driver, and he answered him uncertainly. I watched all this from the window, not knowing what they do in such situations. All this lasted about 10 minutes exactly, I was about to call the dispatcher, but then a third car and a third driver appeared, who separated them. After that, the taxi driver, slightly soiled with mud, got back into the car and drove off as if it had been planned that way. I didn’t hear any apologies or explanations.”

Lilia Sotova

27 years old, simultaneous interpreter

What happened: threats

“The driver immediately seemed very strange to us, as if stoned or on the loose - this was manifested in slow speech and in the way he focused on the road. During the trip, someone called him, he answered and, while talking, ignored the instructions of the navigator. We told him that we were going in the wrong direction, but he did not react to it. At some point, we asked to be stopped and released. As soon as I got out of the car, I gave the taxi driver 1 star and wrote a negative review. We started looking for a second car, when suddenly the driver of the first one appeared with threats and screams, why did we rate him so low professional quality. We ran away from him, he ran after us. He could not catch up with us, since we ran into the underpass, and his car remained open. Then for some time the taxi driver called me with threats and said that he would achieve his goal. I did not go to the police, because all this was said out of anger and frivolously. It is enough that after my request to the support service, he was immediately found and disconnected from the system.

Diana Kurnakova

20 years old, graphic designer

What happened: pestering the driver

“I stayed up late at the restaurant, called the car. I tried to sit back, but the taxi driver insisted that I move forward, which I did out of stupidity. At first he joked strangely and laughed with a creepy accent. Then he put his hand on my knee, began to slow down the car and move off the route. I removed his hand from my knee and asked him to stop. The driver started yelling that everything would be fine and asking why I was so nervous. He climbed towards me with his hands - I screamed for him to stop the car. I took the bag and opened the door, he grabbed my hand and tried to return it, but I managed to wriggle out and run away.

There was a convenience store nearby, whose staff called the police at my request. The police officers who arrived questioned me, I went home, and later they found the driver. After some time, they called me again and hinted that this matter would not go anywhere further and nothing would happen to the taxi driver. Like, she’s a fool herself, there’s nothing to hang around until late anywhere, and then order a taxi in the middle of the night. I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Although the case against the taxi driver was not brought, but, as I understand it, he should have been excluded from the Yandex service. By the way, fun fact, later the service sent me an SMS with the amount that I had to pay for the trip. Naturally, I didn't."

What they say about emergency situations in Yandex.Taxi

Tatiana Komarova

PR-manager "Yandex.Taxi"

“Drivers are hired by a taxi company, with which Yandex.Taxi cooperates. The park is responsible for the selection and verification of drivers, as well as for the quality of services provided. In order to improve the quality of service for our customers, we additionally train and examine all drivers who fulfill orders in Moscow. Drivers undergo an hour-long training course, where they analyze service standards in detail, receive recommendations on working with clients, learn how to work with software. Drivers then pass a mandatory test.

I went to Moscow on business on Monday. Of course, I traveled a lot by taxi. In fact, Moscow is the same city, because of which FZ-69 was adopted. Because no matter what, taxis in Moscow are bad.

In the photo: exit from the Kazansky railway station. A lot of cars. Legal and not so much. It is still a hot spot for taxi drivers.

I highlight several problems that, if desired, can be transformed into opportunities, and I conclude whether it has become better with the introduction of the law:
1) Illegal taxis, bombers.
There are still a lot of illegal taxis in Moscow, but much less. Previously, every first car was illegal. Now they are about 30% in my opinion. Cause? Very tough, downright draconian measures on the part of regulatory authorities. Very strict checks, a lot of checks, constant attention to this problem of the authorities. Therefore, the people are reluctantly, but legalized.
Conclusion: It seems to be getting better. But we are not in a hurry - item 2

In the photo: one of the exits from metro station Teply Stan. Legal board with migrants at the wheel. And there are simply no others!

2) The dominance of illegal migrants behind the wheel.
But this 100% remained and even became more. Due to the fact that a simple private trader is essentially squeezed out of the market, taxi companies came to him. Everything is as I predicted in my book back in 2011. History has confirmed my case: it is difficult for a private trader to cope with the law. A legal entity with a lawyer, papering, contracts, leasing schemes - it is, of course, better adapted to the new conditions. In Moscow, firms and firms have bred, renting cars (yellow, legal, with permission!) to the same Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, etc. in leasing. For example, SALT.
Therefore, although there are many legal cars, labor migrants are still behind the wheel. Who do not know the Russian language, do not know the city, do not know the rules of traffic rules!
Conclusion: a taxi in Moscow has not become more cultured, it is the same village.

In the photo: another exit from Teply Stan. Another diaspora of the same migrants. The cars, apparently, are registered with the Moscow Region, so they are not yellow.

3) The dominance of Caucasians on the "points".
Left. On the metro Teply Stan, on Vykhino - in principle, there are no people who are not from the diaspora. When you try to take a taxi, a 100% legal yellow Hyundai Accent with an Azerbaijani is waiting for you. And there won't be another! And the prices will be cosmic: from Teply Stan to Food City 600 rubles! Moreover, my driver did not know the city so much that he brought me to Nikolo-Khovanskoye, then dodged, then drove back through the traffic jam on the Kaluga highway. I was 40 minutes late for the meeting.
Conclusion: nothing has changed. Caucasians are on duty in the same place, but already in yellow cars (if they are not yellow, it means that permission was received in the Moscow region).
4) Exodus of professionals.
The saddest thing in this whole business. The pros leave. Look at You-Tube ordeals of a professional, taxi driver Pirat (Marat in the world). Fines of 50,000 rubles, blocking work at the airport, proceedings with order aggregators. I am sure that anyone in his place would have spat and would have left the market. And so it happens.

Yandex-Taxi: there are no cars of their own, but there are great desire take over the passenger taxi market in the hipsters, clerks, plankton segment.

The last straw became the policy of Yandex-Taxi. This company has nothing to do with taxis, does not maintain a park, but collects orders for distribution. And someone at Yandex came up with a bright idea: to reduce the price of trips to 199 rubles in Moscow (a trip of up to 10 minutes). Despite the fact that usually it is at least 300 rubles, sometimes landing is a plus, etc. What is 199r in Moscow traffic jams? Repairs, permits, depreciation, fines, parking, gasoline, profit - how to fit this into 199r? After all, you have to live on this money!
As a result, the Slavs began to leave the industry. And who came to replace them? See point 2 - after all, a Tajik needs less money to live in Moscow. Therefore, he goes to a taxi, not knowing Russian.
Do you know how they drive? They put a phone with Google voice search under your nose, you say the address into the phone - and the communicator plots the route itself. The driver drives strictly along the route, even if there is a repair on the street and you can only drive along tram tracks(not those that are flush, but real - with sleepers!)
Conclusion: taxi in Moscow is not developing, it is degrading.
The good intentions of the authorities did nothing to improve this market. Those who wanted to work well and honestly (Millennium taxi 727-28-28) work well and honestly. They are more expensive (10 minutes for 340 rubles), but the driver is Russian, knows the city, does not swear, does not call a relative in the Caucasus while driving, issues a check for the trip.
And those who wanted to bomb - they took leasing cars and bombed. Unfortunately, there are many more...
It's a pity that many honest people this law ruined my life. After all, when you call a board through Yandex-Taxi, and a guy from Samarkand arrives, boom-boom in Russian, this already says a lot.

As a result, for those who want to work in this area in Moscow, there is only one way out:

1) It makes no sense to tax yourself. All the same, fines, all the same, low tariffs for aggregators, all the same, Azeris at points.

2) But it makes sense to buy Accents, Logans, Focuses and Getses on lease in order to stupidly rent them out to the same labor migrants. And sign them for unthinkable fines in case of violations. Their lack of education allows them to do this, no matter how cruel it may sound.

And then the taxi market in Moscow will seem completely different to you ...

Friends, let's not get lost on the Internet! I suggest that you receive notifications by email when my new articles are published, so you will always receive all new articles. , please.

We all know that time is money, so if you need a squeeze useful information on the topic, and read the entire site once I recommend purchasing a book « » .
The book contains and systematizes all the information on how to make money by renting a car for a taxi, taxiing yourself or creating a control room. Only experience and practice, no water.

Society, 13:20

In Moscow, two passengers died when a taxi collided with a pole ... , the accident happened around 08:00 Moscow time on Bratislava street. "Driver Taxi lost control and crashed into a city lighting mast ... noted that two passengers became victims of the accident. At the same time, the driver Taxi, who turned out to be a native of Kyrgyzstan, serious injury not received. In August last year in the north-west of Moscow Taxi crashed into a city lighting mast, after which the car caught fire, and ...

Business, 06 Mar, 19:00

Gett announced a possible IPO before the end of the year Israeli company - order aggregator Taxi Gett is preparing for a potential IPO. Gett CEO Dave...

Technology and media, 26 Feb, 21:29

The Yandex.Taxi and Uber services failed ... reestablish. The failure occurred on Tuesday evening in the work of Yandex. Taxi and Uber. Users complained about the problems on Twitter. The problem was confirmed ... users could experience problems with the order for about an hour Taxi. The service is currently operating normally. We apologize for... disruptions to on-call services Taxi. Then there were problems with the call Taxi through the Yandex. Taxi”, Uber, Gett and Citymobil. Yegor Governors...

Society, 18 Feb, 16:56

In Moscow, a taxi driver shot a passenger with a traumatic pistol Driver in the center of Moscow Taxi shot at a passenger from a traumatic pistol, RBC was told in the press ... happened on the night of February 17. When boarding passengers Taxi there was a conflict, while the passengers, according to the taxi driver, were drunk ... source. In January, the police detained a resident of Moscow, who beat the driver Taxi and stole his car. The woman attacked the driver after...

Society, 05 Feb, 03:42

Chechen authorities responded to taxi drivers' complaints about Yandex.Taxi ... businesses. We helped as much as we could when Yandex. Taxi", - he said. The spokesman added that the issue of cooperation between the aggregator and ... . In December 2018, ChGTRK Grozny conducted an investigation into the activities of aggregators Taxi in Chechnya. On the air of the TV channel, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic Ruslan Ataev ... one of the regional taxi companies did not agree to work with Yandex. Taxi". It was noted that the service continued to cooperate with private drivers without a license... In Moscow, a taxi passenger beat the driver and stole his car Police officers detained a 27-year-old resident of Moscow, who beat the driver Taxi and stole his car. This was reported by the press service of the capital ... law enforcement officers, the incident occurred in Arms Lane. The woman approached the car Taxi Hyundai driven by a 52-year-old local resident. After... HSBC predicted the transformation of "Yandex.Taxi" into a drone operator ... leading analyst HSBC Masha Kan, ​faster than in Russia, unmanned Taxi should appear in China, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and the USA ... ways to monetize the technology: the company can become the operator of its own fleet of unmanned Taxi or sell the technology to manufacturers of vehicles or their components. Any of ... moreover, the appearance of such cars could increase the potential market for Yandex. Taxi”: those who still ... Taxi driver knocked down three people at a bus stop in Perm In the Dzerzhinsky district of Perm, the driver Taxi Renault Logan drove into a bus stop and hit three people. ... Cosmonauts in the direction of Milchakova Street. The police added that the driver Taxi was born in 1988. “It has been established that in the area of ​​​​house number 49 ... Minibus crashed into a tree at VDNKh ... of the Books pavilion at VDNKh (Prospect Mira, 119, building 79). Route Taxi Ford Transit crashed into a tree after the driver became... Smart greenhouses, taxis and subscription dinners: three startups in 2018 "Smart" greenhouses iFarm Project, Taxi-Taxify aggregator and dinner service under the Food Party subscription. RBC selected three startups that became successful in 2018. Ekaterina Sevallos, Alexander Grachev Ilya Nosyrev, Ksenia Melnikova In Moscow, a taxi driver dragged a policeman with his hand clamped by a window regulator ... in Yekaterinburg, a taxi driver injured a woman's hand and dropped her out of Taxi because he didn't have change. He scolded the woman... Clients complained about failures in the Yandex.Taxi and Gett services ... -Petersburg complained about failures in the work of the main services on order Taxi. Yandex and Gett admitted that there were problems, and said ... December, social network users began to complain about problems with the call Taxi through the Yandex. Taxi”, Uber, Gett and Citymobil. Messages began to appear about ... users could experience problems with the order for about an hour Taxi. The service is currently operating normally. We apologize for... The State Duma approved the law on the rules for taxi aggregators The State Duma in the first reading adopted a bill on the activities of aggregators Taxi, according to which, taxi drivers' cars must have a color scheme and ... issue orders to taxi drivers who do not have permission. The press service of Yandex. Taxi"Told RBC that they are participating in the working group of the State Duma on the preparation ... the transfer of orders to the driver without permission for a car, insurance in the field Taxi and simplification of conditions for the self-employed. Yandex emphasized that these... In Omsk, three people were injured when a taxi entered the underpass Three people were injured after the car Taxi in Omsk partially drove into the underpass. This was reported ... Moscow on November 16, an accident occurred on Kutuzovsky Prospekt involving Taxi Hyundai Solaris and a Maybach car. One person died, another... Government experts have calculated the safety of taxi rides ... 700 thousand people, according to the study. Average annual car mileage Taxi while also increasing. Deputy Head Analytical Center under the government ... - the wrong choice of distance and non-observance of the order of travel. "Social portrait" of the driver Taxi, often getting into an accident, according to the Moscow government, is as follows: the average ... Moscow authorities made a portrait of a taxi driver who got into an accident ..., Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan. 79% at the time of an accident while driving Taxi were citizens of Russia, follows from the materials. From the materials of the mayor's office it follows ... often those who are driving get into accidents Taxi citizens of Russia. In particular, an expert on Taxi of the Blue Buckets society, Elena Grashchenkova believes that ..., analyzed data from permits for the transportation of those who got into an accident Taxi. “Permits could be issued for legal entities registered as Russians. But... Rogozin apologized for publishing a video of experiments with a dachshund ... cosmonauts,” Rogozin said. According to the head of Roskosmos, shooting an experiment with dachshund"It turned out to be completely out of place." “I apologize that the footage got in and became ... the development of the Foundation advanced research, including the liquid breathing system. dachshund immersed in a container with an oxygen-containing liquid and after a while ... a wave of criticism arose on social networks. After that, the head of Roskosmos promised to take dachshund himself, and FPI spokesman Andrei Veduta told RBC that ... MegaFon and Mail.Ru Group gave up control over Citymobil service City-Mobile company developing the call service of the same name Taxi, announced that it had closed the first round of investments, the start of which was... "Yandex.Taxi" asked the traffic police for access to the database of driver's licenses Service "Yandex. Taxi” asked the traffic police to provide an opportunity to automatically check the rights of ... with the participation of the heads of the traffic police of the regions, the development director of Yandex. Taxi” in Russia and Belarus, Alexei Fedotov, RIA Novosti reports. "We... Taxi services opposed the ban on regulating travel prices ... . We believe that if they are accepted, then the Russian market Taxi in its development will be thrown back 15 years,” it is emphasized ... to the draft of a new law on Taxi. According to the initiative of officials, the right to determine tariffs will be transferred to carriers. Aggregator press secretary Taxi Maxim Pavel Stennikov explained to the newspaper that in this moment pricing... The media learned about plans to transfer the regulation of taxi fares to carriers ... , according to which currently regulating fares for travel in Taxi aggregators will be prohibited from doing so. The right to determine tariffs, according to the initiative... Sergei Libin. In accordance with additional amendments to the draft on Taxi, which is preparing to make the metropolitan deptrans, carriers, as the representative indicated to the newspaper ... will study the initiative. Currently the largest online and telephone aggregators Taxi, as Kommersant points out, are the Lucky companies (brands Saturn, Red Taxi ... "Yandex.Taxi" bought the food delivery service "Party Edo" ... in a message from the Yandex press service, received by RBC. "Yandex. Taxi” will receive a share in the Party of Food company in the amount of 83.3 ... .7% will remain with the three co-owners of the delivery service. At the same time, Yandex. Taxi"will have the right to redeem the remaining share within a few years ... available to millions of people," the words of the operating director of Yandex. Taxi» Daniil Shuleiko. It is noted that after the deal is closed, the Food Party will remain... How the Co-Founder of Qlean Came up with “Uber for Elderly Care” ... the cleaning market before Qlean. Or like a market Taxi before Uber and Yandex. Taxi". Perhaps a vulgar comparison, but the situation is very similar ... Helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to the scene of an accident with 13 dead near Tver The rescue helicopter flew to the scene of the accident with a route Taxi and a bus in the Tver region, in which at least ... the center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations died to evacuate the victims. Collision between a regular bus and a shuttle bus Taxi happened on the morning of October 5 in the area locality Nekrasovo in ... preliminary data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the car accident occurred due to the departure of the driver of the route Taxi to the opposite lane. In the Moscow taxi depot they told about the trip of the alleged GRU agent ... seized from the alleged agent of the Main Directorate of the General Staff (former GRU), who ordered Taxi from the headquarters of the department to the Sheremetyevo airport. “Yes, this is ours ... - the conference of the military department was shown photographs of passports and a payment receipt Taxi from the building associated with the GRU to Sheremetyevo Airport, where the customer ...

Technology and media, 10 Sep 2018, 19:43

In Britain showed the test of a prototype of a flying electric taxi ... flights between cities. In Britain, for the first time showed tests of a prototype electric Taxi with vertical takeoff and landing. This is the first such development in... will receive approval from the authorities responsible for flight safety. As planned, Taxi will be able to operate under existing flight regulations, as it will use ... a video published on the Vertical Aerospace YouTube channel showing prototype testing Taxi. Several people roll out the device from the hangar at the Cotswolds airport, after...

Society, 03 Sep 2018, 16:38

The Federal Antimonopoly Service recognized as unreliable the Yandex.Taxi advertisement about trips for 30 rubles. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia caught Yandex. Taxi"in the distribution of false advertising from March to May 2018 ... Kursk stickers on cars of service partners reported in large print: "Yandex. Taxi"from 30 rubles." and in small print: "Price per serving at... . “We will study the motivational part of the FAS decision when we receive it. "Yandex. Taxi"strives to inform users in detail about the services provided," RBC was told in... Yandex announced the launch of Europe's first unmanned taxi ... RBC Tatarstan. After that, the Republican leader personally drove an unmanned Taxi. “I am convinced that an unmanned vehicle is more reliable than a driver who ... unmanned a vehicle in Moscow. “Now, when we launch such a route Taxi unmanned, it may seem that quite a few years will pass before ... "Yandex" in Russia Elena Bunina. According to Bunina, the launch of an unmanned Taxi in Innopolis is "a real technological breakthrough". "First time in Europe... Test rides of unmanned taxis with passengers launched in Tokyo ... is the business center of the Japanese capital and nightlife. Total drone Taxi will make four round trips. “Based on the results... in a company statement. Hinomaru Traffic noted that such unmanned Taxi can solve the problem of lack of drivers. In March, it was reported that an unmanned vehicle that belonged to a search service Taxi Uber hit a woman in the US state of Arizona. As stated in... Uber announces plans to use electric scooters and bicycles On call service Taxi Uber wants to offer its customers electric bikes and electric scooters for short... In Moscow, a passenger burnt out after hitting a taxi pole was hospitalized In the northwest of Moscow Taxi crashed into a city lighting mast, after which the car caught fire, and ... in addition to the driver, there was a passenger. Both managed to get out of the car on their own. " Taxi Nissan brand crashed into a city lighting mast, the car burned down completely ... returned to the scene of an accident, from where he was hospitalized. According to the driver Taxi He fell asleep at the wheel, which caused the accident. "Seven days... Politics, 03 Aug 2018, 16:09 Lithuanian intelligence agencies suspect Yandex.Taxi of data transfer to Russia ..., especially to officials and employees of the country's Ministry of Defense. The press service of Yandex. Taxi RBC commented on these accusations. They stressed that "they never hid ...", the press service added. They also reminded that the Yandex. Taxi» Lithuania is operated by Yandex.Taxi BV, registered in the Netherlands... number of data. In the previous statement, it was emphasized that “these requirements of Yandex. Taxi"may create conditions for illegal collection and accumulation of data." Then... Lithuanian Ministry of Defense recommended residents not to use Yandex.Taxi ... . The Ministry of Defense of Lithuania recommended that citizens of the country not use the Yandex. Taxi". This is stated in the message on the website of the department. According to...BV. The Seimas of Lithuania announced the threat of Yandex. Taxi"national security of the country" Service "Yandex. Taxi» in Lithuania is managed by our parent company Yandex.Taxi ... . Earlier, a member of the Lithuanian Seimas, Audronius Azubalis, said that the activities of Yandex. Taxi» threatens the national security of the country. In his opinion, “in the context of a hybrid... The Seimas of Lithuania announced the threat of "Yandex.Taxi" to the national security of the country ... democrats of Lithuania" Audronius Azubalis said that the activities of the Russian service "Yandex. Taxi» may threaten the national security of the country. This is reported on the site ... ERR, he is waiting for a response from the intelligence agencies. “If they report that Yandex. Taxi” does not pose a risk to national security, then I will have to ... , it must be carried out. Earlier it became known that "Yandex. Taxi» plans to start work in Lithuania at the end of July. In 2018... A resident of Yekaterinburg complained about a taxi driver after a hand injury ... at the age of 18–19, she called a car through the Yandex. Taxi". After arriving at the destination, it turned out that the driver had no ... Taxi The police are investigating this incident, E1 notes. As RBC was informed in the press service of Yandex. Taxi”, On July 13, the support service actually received such a complaint about ... Communication for rent: how to make money by renting gadgets to taxi drivers ... of his teachers Tatyana Bada, - the entrepreneur recalls. - Then the market began to develop Taxi-aggregators, and I thought: why not start on it ... Taxium 177) - I bought economy class cars and started renting them to drivers Taxi. The entrepreneur invested about 4 million rubles in starting the business. personal... with the help of bank loans and private investors. The taxi fleet cooperated with Taxi-aggregators: first with Gett, and then with Uber and Yandex... The driver and two passengers of a taxi died in an accident in the south-east of Moscow Three people died after the car Taxi Hyundai crashed into a lamppost in the south-east of Moscow. About...

Meet. ASAP transport company operating in Moscow under the NEXI taxi brand.

In terms of transport, it is represented by the Grandee brand, serving VIP customers on Hyundai Equus business class cars and NEXI itself, serving customers on Hyundai Solaris, Ford Focus"(station wagon) and "Ford Focus" (minivan).

Structurally, the company is divided into several LLCs, which are called Alpha LLC, Beta LLC, Gamma LLC, and so on ... Well, to make it more convenient not to pay taxes.

All the company's cars are leased from an unidentified office, with which, obviously, the company has its own hidden agreements to extract some profit and further cut it. The same can be said about OSAGO insurance. Most likely, there are also some agreements with the insurance company on illegal money laundering. Why? Judge for yourself.

The company's website states that the company owns 2,500 vehicles in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Impressive number, isn't it? However, in fact, the declared number does not match the reality. Why? Here's why.

For example, let's take the company's site located at Tyumensky proezd, 5, Moscow. At the taxi rank, located on an area of ​​more than two hectares, hundreds of taxi cars of the company stand almost “forever laid up”. Mostly these are faulty and beaten cars. It would seem that this is not normal, because with the declared rental price of an average of 1,800 rubles per day, the company's lost income is about 540,000 rubles per day and 16.2 million rubles per month from three hundred cars (in fact, there are more cars parked ). Let's add here the still lost income in the form of interest from each order completed by the taxi driver, and the amount of lost income will rise to at least 20 million rubles a month. Can you imagine that the owner (owners) of the company, being in a sober mind and good health, will give up an income of 20 million rubles a month, or - even more impressively - from 240 million rubles a year? So what's the deal? And everything is explained simply: it is obvious that the company makes money on something else. These others can only be income received from fraud with leasing and OSAGO, in collusion with a leasing and insurance company. What exactly is fraud - the case of the investigating authorities and the prosecutor's office. Our task is only to point out that there is a clear discrepancy between the company's declared ambitions and the facts, which entails far-reaching consequences affecting the safety of transportation, the payment of drivers and other employees of the company.

Now let's move on to personnel policy companies. It dynamically changed with the development of the company from the word "good" to the word "terrible". And, if at the beginning of their activities, professional drivers went to the company, mostly Muscovites, sitting behind the wheels in compliance with the dress code ( White shirt, dark trousers), then NEXI cars are currently driven by natives of all regions of Russia, including such as Buryatia and the Caucasus. What's the dress code! Today's NEXI drivers are dressed in torn, faded T-shirts, sweatpants and worn sneakers. They are unshaven, with disheveled hair, not getting enough sleep. Why?

Yes, because the working conditions in the company have changed, the deception of drivers has begun, theft of money from their balance, unreasonable fines for the slightest offense have become more frequent. Coupled with the reduction in travel prices from the Yandex.Taxi aggregator, under which NEXI willingly lay down and spread its legs, drivers' earnings fell significantly, and drivers living in Moscow and the Moscow region considered it good to leave the taxi. The company was flooded with visitors from the regions.
Previously, drivers worked in the company according to two schemes.
1. Drivers rented a car at the rates: for Hyundai Solaris 1,500 rubles per day, for Ford Focus 1,800 rubles per day and for Ford Galaxy 2,000 rubles per day. plus during the first three months drivers were kept money for the so-called deductible (accumulative money written off for damage to the car due to the fault of the driver) in the amount of 200 rubles per day. The total franchise amount was 18,000 rubles. Accordingly, for the rental of the same cars, drivers paid 1,700, 2,000 and 2,200 rubles, respectively, during the first three months. To date, the cost of car rental has increased by 200 rubles and no one is talking about a franchise. Drivers are simply deducted 1,700, 2,000 and 2,200 rubles for rent all the time. A good move to replenish the owner's wallet.
2. Drivers got a job on the percentage, which was 50/50. They worked with partners, or alone, but the plan had to be fulfilled in the amount of 6,000 rubles per day, 3,000 of which went to the driver (minus fuel purchased at the expense of the driver), and 3,000 to the company. Everything on top went into the pocket of the driver. Today the company revised percentage, and now it looks like 40/60, of which 60% goes to the company. And the plan increased to 8,000 rubles per day. But, tariffs have been reduced, fuel has risen in price, there are fewer customers, and the driver has to barely collect 4,000 rubles to pay off the company. And more fuel!

When applying for a job, drivers are presented with rosy and promising pictures of their "fabulous" earnings. In practice…

The driver was involved in a minor accident and his car had a slightly scratched front bumper. From the driver, they begin to deduct a daily deductible in the amount of 400 rubles. It would seem that there are accumulated 18,000 rubles, which are used for repairs. But ... Why are they writing off a double franchise? To the legitimate question of the driver: “Where is my accumulated 18,000 rubles?” company employees represented by the head of the column or his deputy answer: “They have reset to zero.” There is no other answer, it is not worth looking for. 18,000 rubles were simply stolen.

One fine day, the driver discovers that 2,000 rubles were deducted from his balance sheet twice, allegedly for renting a car. What is a double write-off? The driver calls the control room and hears the answer “An error has occurred. The company's specialists are working on this problem. “Working on the problem” is delayed for three weeks, after which 2,000 rubles are returned to the driver’s balance. It turns out that the “erroneous” write-off occurred not for one, but for several hundred drivers. Interesting mistake. If at the same time, say, three hundred drivers were charged 2,000 rubles each, this means that NEXI simply stole 600,000 rubles from them. Not a bad sum in order to plug a company's sudden financial gap, within three weeks spinning money.

Drivers are systematically charged with higher percentages for a completed order, or money is deducted for an order that they did not complete at all, or an indistinct series of numbers appears in the taximeter calculation table with the adjustment of payment for completed orders. The result is the same - the driver is missing from ten to a couple of hundred rubles. We take a hundred rubles, multiply it by a thousand drivers, we get 100,000 rubles in the pocket of the NEXI company. Again, a good addition to the net "profit".

Previously, a driver could accept an order if he had more than a hundred rubles on his balance sheet. Now the company's management has introduced an innovation - an order can be accepted only if there is more than 1,000 rubles on the balance sheet. That is, the driver fell additional expenses. In other words, an additional thousand on the balance sheet is an indirect increase rent. There is no such thing in any company, in any dispatching service.

The driver is obliged, contrary to the lease agreement (six days a week to pay rent, one day off without payment), to fulfill either 60 orders per week, or to generate orders worth 27,000 rubles per week. If the driver does not comply with this requirement, then the money for rent and on the day off is written off from him.

The delay in receipt of payment on the balance of the taximeter from the fulfillment of UBER orders is from one hour to two hours. The delay in receipt of payment on the balance of the taximeter from the execution of Gett orders is from six hours to twelve hours. All these moves are aimed at one thing - the ability to "twist" cash belonging to drivers for company purposes.

Parked the car near the office wrong - a fine of 500 rubles. In just a month, the company robbed drivers of more than 200,000 rubles for parked “wrong” cars.

Let's add to the rather impressive list of methods of deceiving drivers constant fines for late arrival for a weekly technical inspection of the car, for the lack of a fire extinguisher, hook, cable, compressor, warning triangle (which the company should actually provide), smoking, eating, customer complaints …

A separate song was the epic with fines from the traffic police for unauthorized installation of light boxes on cars. According to the rules, if a light box is installed on the roof of the car, then a note about this must be in the registration certificate vehicle(STS) in the "Special Marks" section. However, the company did not attend to this. And every month, weekly, and on the days of traffic police raids, almost daily, drivers were issued fines for “arbitrarily installed advertising structures on the roof of a car” in the amount of 500 rubles. Further, the algorithm was as follows: the driver must pay 50% of the fine in the amount of 250 rubles, then bring the decision and receipt of payment to the head of the column, who writes a request for the return of 250 rubles to the driver. Sometimes this amount was returned to the driver's balance, sometimes not. But, often the driver simply did not have time to go to Sberbank to pay, go to the company's office, sit and wait in line for an appointment with the head of the column. That is, in fact, drivers from their own pocket paid for the violation of traffic rules by the company.

In our opinion, the ASAP transport company operating under the NEXI brand is on the verge of bankruptcy. Here are the signs of the impending end of the company:

1. Of the three sites and offices in Moscow, only one remained in Tyumensky Proyezd.
2. Sometimes mechanics and company vehicles are not allowed into the parking area and vehicle inspection area for non-payment of rent.
3. The company refused the services of emergency commissioners who went to each accident and represented NEXI in insurance companies.
4. The company refused the services of authorized dealers "Rolf" and "Genser", in which the cars passed the required maintenance and repairs of all levels. Now both repairs and maintenance are carried out by the company itself in a car service station on Tyumensky proezd. Car service works around the clock, so many faulty cars
5. The company's cars are stopped at stationary traffic police posts, the numbers are turned off and the STS is confiscated. The reason is the arrest of the car by the leasing company for late lease payments.
6. There are no elementary spare parts in the company's car service. As a result, even after maintenance, cars leave the line with non-working lamps of dimensions, brake lights and backlighting of numbers (there are no new cartridges for lamps, and the old ones have become unusable). And these are the smallest drawbacks.
7. The company shifts to the drivers the solution of their financial problems (described above).
8. The parking lot on Tyumensky Proyezd is crammed with hundreds of cars, most of which are either out of order, or broken, or completely beyond repair. There is not enough money to repair them.
9. There are almost no drivers living in Moscow and the region. The overwhelming majority are visitors, including those from distant regions: Altai, the Urals, Buryatia, Rostov, the Caucasus ... With a corresponding ignorance of the city and region.
10. Office staff - rabble, not understanding what they are doing absolutely.
11. Mechanics releasing mechanics are rabble who don't know how to change a light bulb.
12. Video screens, video cameras do not work in cars, tablets issued to drivers working according to the 40/60% system are faulty.
13. Cars operating on the line often work with various malfunctions, and far from minor ones.
14. From forty to eighty new drivers are hired daily, and the same number are fired. Terrible flow. If earlier preference was given to drivers with experience in taxis, now this requirement has been replaced by “Training is provided for those with no experience”. Which suggests that all professional taxi drivers, having eaten shit from NEXI, bypass it.

Another point that we cannot ignore is the legal deception of drivers. It boils down to the fact that a copy of the car rental agreement belonging to the driver is fraudulently confiscated from drivers at the stage of filling out paperwork in the rental department when issuing a car. That is, in the event of illegal actions against the driver by NEXI, he will never be able to prove to anyone not only his right, but also the fact that he generally had any legal relationship with the company.
To this should be added the abolition of the daily medical examination of drivers before entering the line. Waybills are issued to the driver in the form of blank forms with seals, which the driver is forced to fill out himself. That is, the driver tritely forges the signatures of dispatchers releasing mechanics, doctors and column chiefs. This is done so that in the event of any accident (minor or with serious consequences), all the blame for the accident is shifted to the driver.

Unfortunately, we do not have statistics on the number of accidents involving NEXI vehicles, including accidents resulting in injury or death to drivers and passengers. But, judging by some cars standing on the site and not subject to restoration, the number of such accidents has increased.

How would you like to summarize this post?
Appeal to drivers. Drivers, run headlong from NEXI, do not work for thieves and scammers. Run before something bad happens to you and NEXI makes you a scapegoat.
Addressing clients. Customers, refuse services transport company ASAP operating under the NEXI brand. Remember that if you got into a NEXI taxi car, then you are driven by a sleepy, hungry, impoverished, disenfranchised and deceived by the employer driver.

The transport company ASAP, operating under the NEXI brand, should be outlawed and cease to exist. What we wish her with all our hearts!

Moscow taxi drivers from February 13 to 15 are on strike against Uber, GetTaxi and Yandex-Taxi. More than one and a half thousand drivers will not work at all or will not accept orders through online services. According to the plans announced by drivers at a specialized forum, they will first hold a "warning silent strike." If the authorities do not hear the taxi drivers, they are ready to start a week-long strike from March 16.

Why are taxi drivers unhappy?

Drivers don't like the fact that by lowering travel prices for consumers, transportation services leave the same commissions for drivers. In fact, this means a serious decrease in income, which makes the taxi driver business unprofitable. The head of the Interregional Transport Union, Oleg Amosov, told the Yod publication that aggregators like Uber are lowering the price of a trip for passengers and at the same time increasing the commission for services for drivers. It can be a fifth of the order amount. Strike committee coordinator Marat Bedretdinov told Zuckerberg Will Call that " mobile applications, having nothing to provide direct taxi services to the population, began to dictate the tariff. Thus, they went into open confrontation with taxi drivers. The conversation is conducted from the position “if you don’t like it, we will turn you off.”

As Bedretdinov told Apparat, he and his colleagues demand that dispatch services be part of taxi companies. They do not like that third-party companies are engaged in the distribution of orders. And we are talking not only about Yandex.Taxi and GetTaxi, but also about Uber, which works with uncertified drivers. The striking taxi drivers are also dissatisfied with too low tariffs: “Why set tariffs in order to get from home to the metro? Are we having problems with public transport? Bedretdinov says. — Yes, GetTaxi say they compensate drivers for trips that are too cheap. What for? This means that the tariff is initially unacceptable for drivers.” In addition, according to the organizer of the strike, due to low tariffs, now taxi drivers are forced to cover the additional costs imposed on them by the authorities, not at the expense of customers, as they had previously been promised by the management of Deptrans, but on their own. Finally, according to Bedretdinov, the rules of transportation services infringe on the rights of some taxi drivers: “They weed out cars older than five years or those who offer inappropriate prices. As a result, these drivers go to cooperate with offices in the shadow business segment.”

Is it impossible to call a taxi via the Internet in Moscow?

No. Yandex.Taxi claims that the number of drivers on the lines has not actually changed due to the strike. In GetTaxi, there are no problems with the call either. This is how the map with free cars in the center of Moscow looks like as of 18:15 on February 13th.

Despite the strike, you can still call a car via GetTaxi

Are there many protesters?

Unclear. Bedretdinov, in a conversation with Apparat, speaks of 1,500 protesters. Alexei Smirnov, deputy chairman of the Interregional Transport Trade Union, speaks of 4,000 drivers in the capital who have turned off apps. Chairman social movement"Taxi Forum" Oleg Amosov counted eight thousand strikers in Moscow alone. Yaroslav Shcherbinin, chairman of the Taxi Driver Interregional Trade Union of Public Transport Workers, told BFM that the scale of the strike is exaggerated and only 30 people will not go to work. The Department of Transport of Moscow even talks about 15 protesters.

Do the authorities support them?

It is hard to say. Bedretdinov told Apparat that they are in contact with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, but the FAS has not yet taken any specific action against carrier companies. The head of the Department of Transport of Moscow, Maxim Liskutov, held a meeting with carriers in early February, following which he said that large taxi companies would not participate in the strike and it was generally unclear who was going to strike. “The inter-regional transport union, which announced the strike, could not definitely answer how many drivers it represents. The action is actually supported by only seven to ten people, while 65-70 thousand legal taxi drivers are now working in Moscow, ”Liskutov said at the time. At the same time, back in September, the deputy of the lower house from the Liberal Democratic Party, Alexander Starovoitov, Vladimir Putin, banned Uber in Russia. Reason - low prices, which the company provides, because of which the entire legal transportation market may collapse.

Meanwhile, on a taxi driver forum, its users share a screenshot allegedly from the management of one of the transportation services, in which drivers are threatened with dismissal for participating in a strike.

The authenticity of the screenshot this moment not officially confirmed

What do they say in the services themselves?

Yandex (Yandex.Taxi) told Zuckerberg will call that the price cut helped increase the number of orders. “After the introduction of new tariffs, the number of orders in Yandex.Taxi increased by 30%, which means that taxi drivers who were idle before received orders,” said Elina Staviskaya, a representative of the company. These data are also confirmed by Vitaly Krylov, general director of the Russian representative office of GetTaxi. According to him, “the main problem for Moscow and St. for a long time there remained a shadow market for taxis, bombillas, with which official carriers could not compete on price for short trips. At the same time, according to Krylov, his company pays drivers extra for trips that are too cheap.

What did similar precedents lead to in other countries?

In the West, taxi drivers are also on strike. Their main enemy is Uber, and especially its service UberPop, in which drivers often work without a proper license for less money and thus effectively deprive legitimate transportation services of income. Protests against Uber are taking place all over the world. Western Europe, in most cases, the authorities went to meet the strikers.

So, in early December, the court of the Kingdom of the Netherlands banned UberPop in the country after the protests of taxi drivers. Other Uber services continued to operate in the Netherlands. In August Uber Pop german court following a lawsuit filed by the German Taxi Fleet Association Taxi Deutschland. They considered competition from Uber unfair. Association taxi drivers must follow strict German laws, and Uber drivers ignore these rules. In Britain, Uber has not yet been blocked, but there have been the most serious driver protests. On June 11, more than ten thousand cars blocked the city center. In January, Chinese taxi drivers opposed the company.

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