Home Fruit trees What to do if ballot stuffing occurs. Ermoshina about the attempt to stuff ballots: the observer committed a malicious violation

What to do if ballot stuffing occurs. Ermoshina about the attempt to stuff ballots: the observer committed a malicious violation

At a polling station during the 2018 presidential election, a bunch of ballots fall right out of the bag and are stuffed into a ballot box. The section is still closed, Moscow section. While no one is there, the elections have not started, we need to cram in more ballots. And then there is such a completely fawned woman. He takes the pack from his bosom and puts it in the trash bin while no one is looking.

Another case of ballot stuffing

A candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation discovered stuffing of ballots of another candidate in the 2018 presidential election, thereby replacing votes. 3 packs of blank, unstamped ballots. The unwillingness of the chairman of the polling station commission to fulfill his duties and the collusion with election observers make it impossible to conduct fair elections without ballot stuffing and fraud. The video was published by the Open Channel on YouTube video hosting.

We hope that government bodies will take actions to suppress and prevent cases of stuffing.

Azat Gabdulvaleev lives in Kazan and works as a furniture assembler. And in his free time from work he is engaged in elections. He even managed to “infiltrate” himself into a voting member of the precinct election commission. At Kazan site No. 142, where Gabdulvaleev worked on September 18, “ United Russia"received 427 votes, which is 42.91%. Azat considers these results to be absolutely reliable, calculated in strict accordance with the law. But in neighboring polling stations the turnout turned out to be “abnormal”, and the result of United Russia was almost twice as high as in the “standard” polling station.

After the forum, Gabdulvaleev stopped by the editorial office of Novaya. He was pleased with his trip to Moscow. He managed to speak and talk about the Tatarstan know-how of thimble makers in the election commissions. But not only. The Kazan activist met with member of the Russian Central Election Commission Maya Grishina and gave her evidence of total election fraud in Kazan. With video recordings, screenshots from these recordings. Grishina listened attentively, promised to bring the information to the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia, Ella Pamfilova, and to work for the head of the Central Election Commission to receive the activists of the coalition “For Fair Elections.”

Now Kazan activists are waiting for the date and time of the meeting with Ella Pamfilova. They have something to tell and show to the head of the Russian Central Election Commission.

Chamber falsifications

Physicist Sergei Shpilkin discovered signs of falsification of the results of the Duma elections in Tatarstan back in September, immediately after the final vote count protocols appeared. But abnormal voter turnout and abnormally high figures for United Russia in Tatarstan, calculated mathematically, are not yet evidence of fraud.

Two months after the elections, members of the coalition “For Fair Elections” managed to find evidence of fraud. According to recordings from CCTV cameras installed by decision of the Russian government at all polling stations in Kazan as a city with a population of one million.

The Central Election Commission of Tatarstan delayed for a long time in providing these video recordings. Perhaps there was an expectation that the activists would calm down, calm down, and lose interest. Not lost. We achieved it. We downloaded the records from all the sites onto our own media and began to painstakingly review them.

The first thing the activists did was count the number of Kazan residents who came to the polling stations and cast ballots in the ballot boxes. And then they compared the obtained figures with the data of the final protocols.

At polling station No. 89, according to the final protocol, there were 1,700 more ballots than voters voted. At 1700! This is despite the fact that less than a thousand voters actually took part in the voting - ​962 Kazan residents.

Precinct No. 115 lagged far behind the record holder, where the turnout was inflated “only” by one and a half times, and there were 573 more voters who “voted” according to the protocol than were recorded by video surveillance cameras.

At PEC No. 14 there were 434 “extra” voters.

At PEC No. 87-312.

At PEC No. 292-222.

At PEC No. 1-258.

And so on for almost all areas, video recordings from which have already been viewed and studied. Today there are already about a hundred polling stations. The study of the video recordings continues.

At polling station No. 174 of the Moskovsky district of Kazan, where there were 319 “extra” ballots, video cameras recorded stuffing - twice. The recording clearly shows that the chairman of the precinct commission, Evgeniy Okhremenko, is personally directing the stuffing process. And they throw in four “unidentified persons” who have been playing observers all day. A piquant detail. Both stuffings took place in front of not only all members of the election commission, but also a police officer.

Closed before the throw-in front door and did not notice that a woman was filling out a ballot in the booth. We had to take her out through the emergency exit.

Towards evening they climbed under the ceiling and redirected the CCTV camera. Apparently, they thought that they were now invisible, and repeated the injection.

Silence SK

Regarding this polling station, Igor Veselov, an activist of the coalition “For Fair Elections”, contacted the Tatarstan department of the Investigative Committee with a “statement of crime”, in which he wrote: “At polling station No. 174 on September 18, 2016 at 11:45 minutes 30 seconds and at 18 hours 24 minutes 30 seconds, accomplices in the crime from among the present observers made a stuffing..."

Veselov drew the attention of the Investigative Committee to the discrepancy between the actual number of voters who voted at polling station No. 174 and the figures included in the final protocol: “... the number of voters who approached the stationary ballot boxes and dropped off ballot papers is 934 people... In the stationary ballot boxes 1253 ballot papers were found. The discrepancy is 319 people.”

Veselov attached a disc with a video recording to his statement. But, despite the obviousness and video evidence of falsification, a reply was received from the Investigative Committee, saying that the application “does not contain information containing signs of a crime” and therefore it was sent to the Central Election Commission of Tatarstan “for consideration and resolution.”

Igor Veselov was not surprised by the answer.

And in this, the activists of the coalition “For Fair Elections” seem to be right. If, under the supervision of video surveillance cameras, members of election commissions did not hesitate to falsify the election results, how voting took place in Tatarstan villages, one can only guess.

That is why Azat Gabdulvaleev, Igor Veselov and other members of the Kazan coalition “For Fair Elections” are looking forward to meeting with the Chairman of the Russian Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, to tell her the technology for obtaining anomalous election results in Tatarstan. Kazan activists still believe that Pamfilova simply doesn’t know any of this...

On November 13, an observer at polling station No. 37 of Brest-Eastern District No. 3, Yuri Voshchenchuk, filmed an attempt to put a whole stack of ballots into a ballot box. The girl in the video was soon identified: her name is Anastasia Kulichkova, she works as a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten, which is located 50 meters from the polling station, writes Nasha Niva.

The head of the same kindergarten, Tatyana Mosina, heads the election commission at polling station No. 37.

On the evening of November 13, Nasha Niva contacted Tatyana Mosina - she found her at her workplace in a kindergarten.

Tatiana Mosina

But the woman refused to comment. "We have Parent meeting“I can’t talk,” Mosina said and hung up. A few minutes later, school employees reported that Mosina had already left work.

“Nasha Niva” contacted Voshchenchuk today so that he could tell the details of what happened at the site.

Observer Yuri Voshchenchuk

“Yesterday this girl quietly left. The chairman of the commission, Mosina, did nothing, did not try to stop the girl, figure out what happened or call the police. We had a short conversation with her, Mosina stated that she was in no way involved in what happened. Then I didn’t know that the girl was Mosina’s subordinate,” says Yuri Voshchenchuk. — This all happened at about noon. And after lunch, a notice was posted at the site: “Video filming can only be done with the permission of the chairman of the commission.” That's all the gratitude for the fact that I prevented ballot stuffing.

In general, Mosina behaves strangely. She doesn't want to talk to me. Although she herself is present at the site, it is as if she is not there. Then he sits in the rest room, right next to him. It comes in the morning for an hour, then disappears. Sometimes she appears for two or three hours... It is impossible to discuss any work issues with her.

Right now, during our conversation, Mosina is not at the station.

Today I tried to talk to her, tell her about the violations at the site. She refused, even called a policeman to drive me away, saying that I was in the way, not allowing me to pass. And then Mosina calmly left.”

After the video with the attempted stuffing appeared, a question arose during its discussion on social networks: how did Voshchenchuk start filming at exactly the right moment? Yuri explained this.

“I heard individual ballots falling - the sound was strange, and I began to suspect that stuffing was happening. I began to closely monitor everything. And when the girl entered the voting booth, I, of course, did not see what was happening there. But I heard very well that she was taking something out of her purse. So, just in case, I started filming, went up to her and asked what was in her hands. If I had made a mistake, I would have apologized and deleted the video. But it turned out to be what it turned out to be,” says Voshchenchuk.

Kulichkova yesterday briefly commented on her action to the local Brest City portal: they say that in her hands she did not have a stack of ballots, but only one, folded in three. Voshchenchuk is sure this is a lie.

“She definitely had in her hands more than one piece of paper folded several times. There were about 20 ballots there. I am sure that these were ballots, I saw it with my own eyes.

And one more nuance - the ballot box has such a hole that an A4 sheet does not fit there; the ballot must be folded in half. And the girl knew in advance that the ballots needed to be folded. This is weird. Most of those who came to vote are a little lost near the ballot box, asking for help from members of the commission, asking how to cast the ballot. And this girl already knew what to do, she folded the pile in advance so that she could put it in the trash can,” says Voshchenchuk.

By the way, on election day - November 17 - Voshchenchuk will celebrate his 36th birthday. Yuri plans to hold it at the site.

“For me this is fundamental. I saw what a bacchanalia there was during the previous elections. This doesn't suit me at all. I am a citizen, and I have my own position,” says Voshchenchuk.

A week before the election of precinct members election commissions in St. Petersburg, they instructed how to throw in ballots for the desired candidate without attracting the attention of voters and observers. Novaya Gazeta reports this, with reference to an audio recording made in the premises of the Primorsky District Election Commission.

The publication’s interlocutor said that a man of about 30 came to the school, where four PECs are located, greeted everyone, but did not introduce himself. He conducted an hour-long training session for representatives of four commissions, during which he explained how to stuff ballots.

In the middle of the seminar, one of the listeners excitedly asks: how can they do all this if there are video cameras all around? This, the lecturer says, is not a problem.

“The Central Election Commission and everyone else can release the video for replay only by court decision,” he answers the excited listener. - The court decision is a complaint to the City Election Commission. Reasonable. All complaints will be rejected. We had everything covered last time. This time we also prepared, but I think that this will not be necessary. The main thing is what observers see,” the lecturer said.

As the publication writes, for last years scandalous observers learned a lot of election techniques and became adept at interfering with commissions. But the political strategists were not asleep either - and they became adept at interfering with observers. Moreover, the cheerful man notes that in the upcoming elections, work will be easier than in the presidential elections. That’s when the goal was “50/70” (turnout/result).

“In some areas, 50, 70 were thrown in at the last moment,” the “missionary” shares with the listeners, and they seem to be hearing about this for the first time. - And the pack was heavy, the ballots were large, they had to be folded. Now there is no such high bar, the main thing is 50% plus one vote,” says the instructor.

The speaker proposes to organize the “backlog” with the help of home voting. At the same time, there is no need to go with ballot boxes only to those who have submitted an application themselves, this is done differently.

“You will take these lists at home,” he points to the target PEC at the prepared sheets. - Based on the turnout, we look maximum amount: can we work as required or can’t. We choose the oldest. There is a small chance, the lecturer notes, that observers will “run to check whether these “oldest” people voted or not” at home.

“I wouldn’t want them to make [calls] to non-existent apartments,” he warns. - We assume that this will not happen, and they will not understand. But it’s better to take real phones.”

“Observers can follow a group that has gone to homeworkers.” In such cases, the lecturer invites colleagues to divide into groups. Let all the brawlers leave with the first, then the second can be sent without interference in about twenty minutes.

“If home voting has solved the problem,” the speaker continues, we can then sit quietly, because “we have already done our share.” But there shouldn’t be too many “homeworkers,” the speaker warns. Maximum - 10-15%. And it may happen that in some area this trick won’t work at all.”

“If we can’t send people to home care, then we do everything by counting,” the speaker moves on to the main thing. - Many will do everything while summing up the voting results. If we don’t have a result, we do everything by counting. For example, we already know how much has been thrown in. Or we know that everything has already been done at home voting.”

According to the law, he reminds, the commission must first sort the ballots removed from the ballot box (plus bundles from home workers) by the names of the candidates with a “tick”, and then count the number of sheets in each bundle. But for “correct” results, the lecturer instructs, it is better to sort and count at the same time.

“We have to put everything into packs, and then voice each pack,” he says. “But we do it at the same time and from a common package.” This, the speaker assures, “is not a violation of the law.” If observers are indignant, they need to be explained: they say, they will have to wait an hour and a half for sorting.

One member of the election commission must take out a ballot from the common stack and say out loud the name “with a tick.” Another is to keep a count of “ticks.”

“Prepare two people - a “reader” and a “scribe,” the lecturer teaches. - Everyone watches the “reader” and notices his “ticks”. What does a “scribe” do? Even if you said “Amosov”, he ticks “Beglov”. The ballot paper processed in this way should be placed face down. So that observers do not see where the jackdaw actually stands. Although you may get caught meticulously.”

“Well, they forgot to turn,” he suggests turning on the fool. - No one will care, I assure you. I just don't care. They will demand - well, show it, so be it.”

“If you are being watched by three, four observers, there are many of them, then how many points of control should we have? Several, explains the lecturer. - They (“reader” and “scribe” - ed.) sit at different ends of the table. Everyone is tired and exhausted. The most lively [observers] lost focus. You distribute this focus of attention to several people. Everything should be beautiful here.”

“Beautiful” means saying it out loud and entering into the protocol as a conditional “beglov” of each, for example, the second conditional “Amosov,” the publication writes. The important thing here is to get the desired result, but not to overdo it. Let’s say, in a specific polling station, based on turnout and taking into account “homeworkers,” 300 votes are required for Beglov. The “reader” must keep the target number in mind at all times. Therefore, it is necessary to take on the “most experienced and cold-blooded” member of the commission for his role. For example, this could be the chairman.

The “scribe” can sit next to you, write the numbers: 55, 56, 57, the lecturer advises the supposed “experienced and cool-headed” one. - You say it and see how much he writes. I reached 300 - everything is fine, the result has been achieved, then we can calm down.”

Or, the lecturer suggests, you can even come up with a control phrase, after which everyone can relax and count honestly.

Thus, the speaker concludes, observers simply will not physically be able to keep track of how the counting is going on and compare the records with the final protocols. In the end, by two in the morning the observers will also be tired, want to sleep, and will have no time for observations. Although you can insure yourself in advance.

“Very many... Well, not many, but a whole number of commissions - they negotiate with their observers,” says the lecturer. - Observers have their own task. They came here either ideologically or for money. We asked how much it costs to replace them. As a rule, 3-4 thousand rubles. Nobody pays anymore. For these 3-4 thousand rubles they must sit for the whole day, participate in summing up the results and enter into the protocol. Someone sits with a camera, the rest - according to the situation. Go up to the person and say: listen, here I am giving you five thousand, go and rest quietly, come in the evening for the protocol, we will give it to you.”

Money for these " noble goals”, the speaker reports, are provided for in the “commission’s general budget”.

“If you see that they are ideological, they came as a team, they support each other, then there is no point in negotiating,” the speaker sighs.

Then everything is simple and straightforward: the commission, the lecturer advises, collectively decides not to satisfy any illegal demands. And there is nothing here.

“One more time,” the lecturer repeats finally. - Summing up is the most fertile moment. You will calmly achieve the result you need.”

The gubernatorial elections will be held in St. Petersburg on September 8. The current head of the city, Alexander Beglov, takes part in them.

"Just victims of the democratic chariot"

The day after the presidential election, two people in the Lyubertsy urban district of the Moscow region woke up notorious for stuffing ballots into a ballot box. This is the mathematics teacher of gymnasium No. 5, Svetlana Kolobaeva, and the physical education teacher of the same educational institution Victoria Bobrovskaya. Two ladies, according to the video surveillance cameras of the gymnasium, which for one day became polling station number 1480, made the stuffing shamelessly and cynically.

The moment of the throw-in recorded by surveillance cameras. Photo: frame from video

“The stuffing took place around nine o’clock in the morning,” said Irina Konovalova, chairman of the Moscow Regional Election Commission. — The chairman of election commission No. 1480 and the voting member of the election commission, who were directly involved in this disgrace, I cannot say otherwise, have been suspended from work.

Victoria Bobrovskaya, who is a member of the local branch of the United Russia party, has difficulty finding the words to comment on her actions:

- This is some kind of misunderstanding. I was present at the site from 8 am as an observer, I don’t know how it happened... - her voice is trembling.

Mathematics teacher Svetlana Kolobaeva. Photo: lubgim5.edumsko.ru

Svetlana Kolobaeva, chairman of the election commission, in turn, said that the data from the surveillance camera is a hoax, video editing, “computer deception.” However, the recording clearly shows how two female figures rushing between the table and the ballot box, enthusiastically throwing ballots. Victoria Nikolaevna's face is not visible. But judging by her figure and clothes, it is very easy for acquaintances to recognize the physical education teacher as a violator. And Svetlana Vyacheslavovna is visible very well, both in profile and frontal. It is curious that at the entrance is the deputy director of the school, Vasily Pavlikov. He teaches law at the gymnasium. Apparently a sentry.

“If you read the inscription “buffalo” on an elephant’s cage, don’t believe your eyes,” Kozma Prutkov said. So the colleagues of the two teachers who had gotten into trouble decided not to believe their own eyes. More precisely, they did not believe in their good will. “They are simply victims of the democratic chariot,” friends of the commission chairman Svetlana Kolobaeva note, confident that the woman was framed. And they remember that shortly before the elections she complained that she was tired of the duties of the chairman of the election commission, which she had been forced to fulfill for the last 15 years, and these elections were her last.

Physical education teacher Victoria Bobrovskaya. Photo: lubgim5.edumsko.ru

But on that day, March 18, as other observers admit, there was a lot of suspicious things at the site. Some members of the election commission needed to vote at other polling stations and were absent at 9 am. Others went to the dining room to drink coffee. Only two women remained in the hall, who ultimately carried out the “crime” itself, and three police officers - 2 sergeants and a major.

By 11 a.m. the flow of voters had increased, but several observers had left again. They went to voters with limited mobility with a portable ballot box. And only at 2 o'clock in the afternoon a commotion began at polling station 1480. Representatives came here local administration and members of other election commissions who began shouting about violations of election laws and threatening criminal liability. They sealed the ballot box where the stuffing was done and installed a new one. All the ballots that were in it were declared invalid. At 20.00 on the same day, the Moscow Regional Election Commission completely annulled the voting results at this polling station.

On the fact of ballot stuffing in Lyubertsy, documents were transferred to investigative committee. Against the backdrop of a demonstration of the CEC’s acute intransigence towards flagrant violations of the electoral process, two teachers, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Falsification of election results”), which provides for up to a maximum of 4 years in prison; real sentences may be imposed.

In Russia as a whole, in six regions - North Ossetia, Krasnodar and Altai territories, Saratov region, Buryatia and Dagestan - a decision was made to cancel the voting results at a total of 13 polling stations.

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