Home Useful Tips How to find a missing thing at home: a traditional problem. How to find a lost item at home

How to find a missing thing at home: a traditional problem. How to find a lost item at home

Often in our life there are such troubles as the loss of things that can be stolen, we can lose them or put them in such a prominent place so that later we can easily find it, but it was not there - it would be nice to remember what kind of prominent place it is, where the thing was put! Sometimes, it is a pity to be lost, especially if the thing is dear, loved and necessary. How can you find it? Who or what can help us in such cases? Of course, magic, which has already helped out more than once in different situations... Conspiracy on lost thing will certainly help us get her back.

Searching for a missing item is a serious business that will require maximum effort and energy. In order for the ritual to be carried out successfully, and the positive result is not long in coming, you need, first of all, to concentrate. You can do a meditation that will give you the right mood. During the reading of the conspiracy, no one should interfere. In the room, except for the ceremony, there should be no one. Be sure to turn off your phone, doorbell, and turn off all sound sources. You can use a conspiracy only in order to find a lost thing, and not take revenge on the one who stole it. Let the Higher powers deal with retribution.

Variants of conspiracies to be lost in the house

How to find a lost item? If a thing is lost at home, then the following rituals can be used to find it:

  • sit on a chair, concentrate and read the conspiracy on the lost object:

“Damn - a joker, a thief, stop joking, let me (name of the object) find a thing. Deal in deed, word for word, come true everything I said. Lord, help me find what I have lost! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen! Now and forever and forever and ever. "

After reading, you can start searching. Soon you will find your loss;

  • you can find the missing thing by contacting a housekeeper for help. Often, suspicions fall on him. To placate the brownie, you need to put a cup of milk somewhere in the corner of the room, around which to lay out seven yellow coins and say the words:

"Brownie-brownie, he took my thing for himself, played with it - give it to the owner, and he will welcome you!" After the ceremony, you will leave the house for a while, as you return, you will immediately find the lost object;

  • if the brownie does not live in your house, then a thread will help to find the lost item. Before going to bed, you need to measure a thread the length of your height, fold it in three, and when folding it, visualize how you find your loss. Then the thread is folded seven more times and two not very tight knots are tied. What comes out of the thread is put under the pillow. At night, you will have a dream in which the place where the thing you need is located will be indicated. If there is no sleep, then in the morning, as you wake up, begin to untie the knots of the thread. By untieing, you will remember where you put the missing item;
  • the thing that is definitely in the house, and not stolen by a thief, can be found with the help of herbs. Put any dry herbs in a cast-iron skillet and set fire to. It is necessary to bypass all the rooms in this way. Soon you will stumble upon the loss. During fumigation, the prayer "Our Father" is recited;
  • a match will help to find the lost, which is lit and extinguished in half. Then they draw a cross with it on right palm... After that, you need to sit for a while, doing nothing and without thinking about anything, and then the cross is washed off with a milk-containing product and the words are said:

“Everything that I have lost is close to me. The Lord sees everything, and will not let anything get away from me. Even (the name of the thing) will be found soon, and I will be happy again ”;

  • Archangel Chamuel will help to find the lost, to whom they turn to in such cases with the following prayer:

“Archangel Chamuel, it seems to me that I have lost (name the subject). I know that it is truly impossible to lose it, for the Lord is omnipresent and knows where it is. Please guide me so that I can find what I am looking for. Thank you, Chamuel. "

All these simple but effective rituals will help you quickly find your lost item at home.

Have you encountered a home "poltergeist" when something disappears, but there is practically no chance of finding an item? Everyday situation that people face all the time. However, this usually happens at the wrong time. And everyone is wondering how to find lost things, is there a universal recipe. The loss itself is found when the need for it disappears. Is it possible to get out of the situation in an irrational way, since standard searches do not give a result? Let's figure it out.

Even before magic

It is not recommended to immediately grab onto conspiracies and prayers. It is likely that the answer to the question of how to find lost items lies on the surface. You just need to streamline the thoughts in your head. To help the confused person, they made up a kind of training manual. Thus, losses can be divided into three categories based on the "communication" feature. The first group is a contact group, which includes items that are constantly in use. The second is those that are needed from time to time. The third is non-contact items. It is recommended that when figuring out how to find lost things, proceed from a similar classification. Then the task will be greatly simplified, since, having decided on the category, you can apply the already existing search algorithm.

A short guide to help the lost

It was found that the hardest part is when looking for items from the first group. Imagine how a woman feels who has lost a thing at home. How to find it among painfully familiar objects? The hostess knows exactly where she has what lies. And here is such an embarrassment. It is recommended to remember when you saw the loss in last time... Go through the places where she could potentially get. Experts say that if you have lost a thing, take it easy and take a look at the place of its permanent habitation. Most of objects do not disappear anywhere, we just do not see them due to nervous excitement. For example, the brush has disappeared. So maybe she rolled under the cosmetics box? The overwhelming majority of the “lost” rests where you put them, without making independent attempts to “escape”. Therefore, the first and main answer to the question of how to find lost things is to count to a hundred and calm down. Objects disappear not from their location, but from our field of vision. Purely psychological effect.

Magic: how to find a lost thing

In the case when the item is really lost, but is definitely at home, you can try alternative ways his search. This happens much less often than blurring of vision, and requires a more serious approach. Often, objects disappear due to carelessness and haste. At the last use of it, a person was distracted, thoughtful and put it somewhere, and then he is sure that he has lost the thing. Sometimes there is even a certainty that it was stolen by a brownie, a bogeyman or another entity, specifically to harm the owner of the room. In principle, a loss appears, but, rather, a moral one, since quarrels between household members arise on the basis of disappearance. This should not be allowed. Conspiracies or prayers will help to pacify the situation. For example, any grandmother, if she lost a thing, did not ask how to find it. Instantly a saying flew from her lips: "Damn it, damn it, play and give it back." And surprisingly, things were found!

What Prayers Help Find Loss

When you have come to the conclusion that the usual search does not help, you should take a short break. Even if you are in a hurry, stop. And "Our Father" will help you to come to your senses. The Lord's Prayer will interrupt the whirling of various scraps in the head, which cannot be called thoughts.

Try to achieve a state where the loss has already ceased to look like a disaster. Now go to the place where the item was the last time you used it. Read the following text: “Lord, help me find (item name)! Remove the veil of the devil from your eyes! Word to action, jokes away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!" Now go on with your business calmly. It is likely that prayer will resolve the question of how to find the lost thing almost instantly. Sometimes it is recommended to contact a guardian angel. For this, the house must have its icon and the text of the corresponding prayer.

The Old Way Based on Faith

There is a slightly different interpretation of the loss search method. The fact is that a believer in the process of true prayer passes into a different state. In this case, other connections are formed in the brain. That is, thoughts begin to flow in a different way. This may well lead to a sudden insight, a person remembers what was inaccessible. Read "I Believe" - ​​here is the answer to the question of how to find a lost thing. This prayer declares your trust in the Almighty, shows humility. It affects thoughts like a cold shower on a heated debate. When you turn to God, you move away from the problem. Usually this is enough to remember where you yourself hurt the loss. Believers say that the loss is found instantly.

About rituals and traditions

The people have created many rituals that recommend how to find the thing that has been lost. One of the most common is the rite of passage to the housekeeper. It is believed that this prankster knows exactly where the object touched. Sits in a corner and chuckles at your comical annoyance. It is "counterproductive" to be angry with him. As you know, the brownie does not like scandals and aggression.

Once the Boss has decided to play a joke, then he needs to play along. Take woolen thread... Tie to a table leg. Say: “Brownie-brownie, stop joking! Give back what you took (name)! " Sometimes it is advised to just clap your hands, asking the Master to return the loss. They also say that the brownie does not like disorder. If it does not help you in your search, then turn over and place a cup or glass on the table. It is believed that the thing will be found immediately. Basically, all these mini-rituals are aimed at switching attention. Broke away from the search, naturally, the brain begins to work in a different direction, gets lost from the wave. At this moment, a picture may flash in my head, demonstrating the events associated with the loss.

Search with conspiracies

When you do not know if a thing is lost or stolen, it is recommended to conduct a special ceremony. You will need a candle, preferably a red one. Unfortunately, the ritual will not help to instantly solve the problem. It is spent at night. But you are guaranteed to receive an answer about the strange loss. Light a candle in the bathroom, read it seven times: “The red candle burns, my pain boils with a bright light, my sorrow glows, grief drives me on. It burns me, jars, torments and smokes, where did (name) disappear, orders me to give an answer. If a thief is wound up in the house, then he will not sleep, he will not know the world until he turns back the loss, for my joy, for my relief. Amen!" Put out the light with your fingers, and throw the candle away at the nearest intersection. After a while, if you don’t find the missing item, you will at least find out who took it. This is how a conspiracy works. To find a lost thing, you can "twist" with matches. Take a bowl of water, boxes. Light one match at a time, when they burn out, throw it into the water, repeating: “The devil is joking, it makes it dark, he is a big master of merrymaking. Stop, roll over, return the loss. May it be so!"

Ritual for identifying a thief

When you think how to find a thing lost at home, don't brush aside any possibilities. Sometimes we ourselves leave objects in another room, for example, at work or at a party. Sometimes we come across shameless people. You are looking, you are worried,
you swear and get angry in full confidence that the thing is at home, and it has long been carried away by dishonest acquaintances. If the problem is not resolved, then it is recommended to cast a special spell. To find the lost thing, go to the door, open it and say: “The one who took (the name of the loss) came to the threshold. Big trouble awaits him. He will part with luck forever! To be a beggar thief, to be hungry, to sleep in a cold alley. So be it. Amen!" If there was no robber in the house, then your loss will be found in the near future. And if a dashing person took it away, then information about this will reach you. There are rituals for punishing a thief, but this is a separate topic related to karmic knots.

The strongest rite

They say that a person can find loss in a dream. This is literally the last chance. If something important has disappeared, the search has not led to the desired result, make a special dream. To do this, before going to the side, sit by candlelight, in silence. Draw on a piece of paper what you need to find. Say three times: “Lord, help! Show me the rapids where (name of the item) legs took! Amen!" In a dream, you will have a sign. Sometimes direct information comes about where the thing went. And it happens that you have to decipher the images. For example, if the dream is light, then you will find what is lost. If darkness or fear is seen, then say goodbye to the loss. She will not return to you.

Searching with Magic

The sorcerers also contributed to the search for all kinds of disappearances. According to one of the recommendations, you should use a purple candle. Set it on fire and concentrate on the fire. Present the loss with concentration. Most often, a picture appears in front of a person's mind's eye, indicating who took it or where to look. If nothing happens, then direct your efforts where the flowing wax will indicate. The ceremony, as is clear, should be carried out in the center of the room. And if the wax points to the wall, then go to another room. If all else fails, then before going to bed, take a thread, fold it in seven layers, tie the same number of knots. Place at the headboard. In the morning, the information will already be there. If the dream does not clarify where the loss has gone, then begin to untie the knots.

Pendulum search

When the loss does not respond to either persuasion or magical rituals, then try to attract the energy of your aura. To do this, make a pendulum.

For example, tie a ring to a twine up to fifty centimeters long. This design must first be tested. Ask a simple question with a clear answer. See how the pendulum starts swinging. This direction will mean a positive answer. Now search the house with this instrument... The closer you get to the loss, the more "positive" answers you will receive. Sometimes, in order not to frighten the household, you can use a sketchy image of an apartment, sketched by hand.

Finding missing things could be called art. Only skill or talent will not help in it. But the ability to concentrate, calm down, switch can be exactly the tool that leads to success. Now you know about the methods of achieving the required state of consciousness. This means that he will less often ask his friends: "I lost a thing at home, how to find it?"

Each person faced the following problem: important thing is lost, but there is no way to find her. This is very unnerving, incapacitating and significantly lowers mood, depriving you of luck and strength.

What if you need to find something very urgently, and you don't have much time? There are a few folk methods and rituals that will allow you to find the lost thing in the shortest possible time.

Ask the brownie

Everyone is familiar with brownies who take our things to play from time to time. If you are looking for something, then say a simple conspiracy 3 times: "Brownie-brownie, play, give it back." Soon you will find a thing where you did not expect to find it at all, or where you could accidentally miss it with your eyes.

Persuade a thing to come back

If you need to find, for example, the keys to the apartment, and you are already late for work, or important meeting, you just need to start talking to this thing. Ask her to return to you. From the outside it may not look very ordinary, but at such moments we have little choice. The main thing is not to be nervous.

Fastest methods

  • Turn the cup or plate upside down. This works with all similar kitchen items that sit on the table.
  • Open wider all the doors in the house. Do not touch only the entrance. so that the thing does not "run away" from you forever.
  • Tie a handkerchief to the chair leg and scatter coins on the floor.
  • Magic rituals

    • Pour into a glass cold water and spray it, walking around the house and saying: "My thing, be found, show yourself to my eyes."
    • If you have a pet, pay attention to how it behaves. If it is not calm, then go to it and say: “Show me what I do not see in order to find what belongs to me. Find my thing, put me on the trail, "... It is believed that the animal should go in the direction where the lost item can be found.

    Thread and knot

    Find a long string and have someone tie 7 knots on your wrist. Tie one, then the other, on the opposite side, and so on up to 7 times. This rite ties the lost item back to you.

    Paper and sleep

    Write on paper what you go out to find, and then put it under your pillow. At night, you should have a dream in which you can find out the approximate location of the lost thing.

    All of the above methods can help both individually and in combination. Try to do everything as correctly as possible so that the lost thing can be found. Special advice from folk sages: if none of the methods helps, but you are sure that the item is at home, try repeating the ritual or looking for the item the next day. Most often, things disappear on the full moon, and best of all are found on the new moon.

    It is very difficult to look for what is hidden from our eyes. Someone thinks that these are brownies hiding our things, someone thinks that these are the machinations of demons and dark forces, and someone blames themselves for everything. One way or another, but do not get upset and undermine your energy, exacerbating the situation. Gather your strength and use the above methods. Good luck with your search, and don't forget to click on the buttons and

    19.04.2016 01:10

    Many people are wary of used things, not wanting to use them. Appears ...

Everyone is familiar with the situation when in a hurry we put things somewhere, so that later we cannot find it. And it's good if it is mobile phone that you can call. And if not, in a panic we begin to rummage in cabinets and on shelves, looking into unexpected places. How to find the lost thing, maybe there are some clever ways?

The "prominent place" secret and other secrets

No matter how trite it is, but it is necessary learn not to lose, to start. For many scattered individuals, this is a whole problem. However, there are several laws and secrets for big confusion:

  • Forget about the "prominent place". Don't put the necessities on it, hoping to find them there when needed. Leave objects where you are used to seeing them, where you will always know that they are.
  • Maintain a clutter that is comfortable for you. Having often put everything on the shelves, we cannot find something later. Although before that everything was at hand. Therefore, let it be as convenient for you in your apartment.
  • So that documents do not run away from you on the street, always put them only in the same pocket, for example. Of course, this is an extra fuss, since you will have to shift them if you need to change clothes. But on the other hand, they will have their own permanent house, and you will immediately discover their absence in it, without feeling the usual heaviness.

And never rummage chaotically in your pockets looking for change to change. Calmly pull everything out of one and immediately transfer to the other. Take what you need, check if everything is in place.

This problem has been known among the people for a long time, even some search methods have appeared, which are based on the inexplicable. But they say they often do help.

For example:

  1. You need to ask the brownie: “Brownie-brownie, I'll play with you. Cold or warm, I'll find what's missing! " Walk around the house now, maybe something has changed.
  2. Make a pendulum. Hang a ring, preferably gold, on a string. Grasp the edge with two fingers, follow its directions and move from place to place. Where it sways stronger, look there.
  3. Talk to the fugitive. Tell us how you need to find it. Ask to come back. Present it as best you can, as vividly as possible.
  4. Go to bed. Maybe you will dream about what you are looking for and where it lies. The main thing is to think before going to bed only about what happened.

All this is difficult to substantiate scientifically, and it is hard to believe that the brownie really could take something from you, and even more so return it if you asked him. But sometimes things are perfectly in unexpected places after you have followed one of the tips. And here already the result is important, not the way to achieve it.

In this video, Islam will tell you which dua you need to read in order to find the lost thing:

How to find a lost thing at home quickly?

Turn on intuition, use logic. Namely:

  • Sit down, calm down, delve into the depths of your memory. Rebuild sequence of events... Where did you see the item you were looking for the last time, under what circumstances. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail.
  • Do some self-hypnosis. Sometimes, pictures that you missed in the hustle and bustle begin to pop up. You remember how you accidentally put your comb in the refrigerator, thinking at that moment what else you need to buy in the store for dinner.
  • Clean up. The frantic searches could only make the situation worse. Throwing everything in different sides, you buried your passport or something else you need. And now the main thing here is not to get lost yourself.

Panic and fuss at such a moment only exacerbate the situation. It is clear that you urgently need to run to work, and the keys have failed. But most importantly: calm down, sit down and think... Then you will find them much faster.

How to find a missing thing in an apartment: conspiracies

If you are not in a hurry, then you can create a conspiracy. And there are some that will help. For example:

  1. Take a match, light it. When it burns out a little bit, put it out and say: “ What burns, it burns, what I lost - will return to me". Watch where the smoke from the match goes, it should lead you to a loss.
  2. For this ceremony, you will need some useful herbs: wormwood and motherwort. Place them in a bowl to burn in. Set it on fire, if it does not burn, drop a drop of alcohol. And say at this moment: “ Grass-assistants, burn, smoke, help me find my loss". Walk around all the premises, saying. Put the dishes on the window, after a while everything will be fine.
  3. Take a long rope, tying knots on it, whisper: “ Lost, attach yourself and show me in my eyes". This can be called a kind of training, performing knots and talking with a lost object, you delve into your subconscious, remember where it went.

Well, why not, since everything is already lost, then there is nothing more to lose. So the conspiracy can be read, suddenly it will help.

How to find a thing that you forgot where you put it?

You can not just lose something at home, but hold the need in your hands, and then look around, put it somewhere and immediately forget. These frightening unconscious actions are sometimes insane. When you are not in control of yourself.

  • Stop and unscrew the "tape" in your head back a few steps. Now go back yourself with this picture in your head. And look around, your subject may be very close.
  • Remember what you were thinking at that moment. Perhaps not about what they were doing, therefore, one should look in the wrong place. Search, relying on what you thought about and what around can be connected with it. So, we often see a wallet that we wanted to put in a purse, in washing machine... Apparently, holding it in their hands, they remembered that it was time to wash their dirty laundry.

If your mobile phone suddenly disappears, and at the same time it is in silent mode: turn off the light, close the curtains and call. You will see how the screen glows in the dark. Even if he fell somewhere, you will most likely notice him.

If lost on the street

Harder for those who left documents or keys in public place or dropped on the street. Is there a chance to get the lost one back?

  1. If it is a passport, contact the police. First, you will protect yourself from fraudsters. Secondly, often the one who finds it brings it to the department. And then they will find you faster.
  2. Hang on your page in social network cry.
  3. You should check the lost-and-found. There people post about the disappearance and not only. Leave your request.
  4. There are also such bureaus on social networks.
  5. You can stick flyers in the place where you are sure you have lost.

And of course, if you yourself have found something of value, try to return it to the owner. It will be pleasant for you too, when a person, seeing his loss, will rejoice. After all, it is always nice to hear words of gratitude addressed to you.

So, together with you we tried to figure out how to find the lost thing. And, probably, it doesn't matter whether the conspiracy will help you or the brownie, or maybe the lost property office, the main thing is the result. Indeed, sometimes really valuable items disappear, and it doesn't matter how they come back.

In this video, hypnologist Elena Matrosova will tell you how to find lost things using the mnemonic technique:

Even the largest and most visible things tend to get lost. Sometimes, how to find a lost thing in an apartment is almost impossible to understand. But there are many ways to help cope with this problem. To help you, both banal psychology and folk omens and even magic! The main thing is not to lose hope of finding your loss and not to lose heart.

Our memory does not completely erase anything. And even if you don't know exactly where you put the missing item, you can find it. To do this, it is worth applying several psychological techniques:

  • Try to forget about the thing. You will relax and accidentally remember where it lies;
  • Rebuild the chain of events like Sherlock Holmes. Think about what you did before the item went missing;
  • Look for the missing in unusual places... After all, our searches are usually limited to one room or one place;
  • Do not panic. The more panic, the less chance of a normal search;
  • Postpone the search. Haste confuses thoughts, forcing us to strain and look in the wrong places;
  • Plan your actions. Make a plan of the places to see.

You should also consider if the item might have gotten lost outside the home. Every third thing lost is lost far outside the apartment. But she is looked for directly at home, and of course, to no avail.

How to find a missing thing in a house using magic

In addition to science, you can apply a magical approach. And here are some supernatural ideas for you:

  1. Say "Brownie-brownie, play and give it back" several times. This is a conspiracy against a brownie;
  2. Place an upside-down glass on the table. This folk omen which allows you to search for things;
  3. Talk to the thing. Ask her to come back. This is done by those who believe that everything has a soul;
  4. Light a purple candle in the evening and look for a thing in the side where the wax flows;
  5. Mentally tie yourself and the loss with a silver thread. Then pull on this thread.

You can also try fumigating the apartment with incense or putting a charm under your pillow. In addition, there are many conspiracies on this topic.

But none of this will work without serious concentration. Imagine where you could put the item you are looking for. And sooner or later he will definitely be found.

We are looking for the lost correctly and quickly

In order for your search to be crowned with success, you should look for a thing in the most different places... Inspect not only cabinets, but behind cabinets. Look under the sofa, behind the radiator, in the closet, behind the stove. Often, we automatically put objects where they clearly do not belong.

Ask someone from your family for help in the search. A fresh look will help clarify the situation. This is how many people find lost.

If time permits, then sleep a little or a whole night. Sleep makes a kind of reboot inside us. And this makes it possible to recall many details of the recent loss.

The best option is cleaning. When cleaning an apartment, we look at all possible places. This is how things are found. But it is only necessary to clean carefully and efficiently, otherwise you may not find anything.

Sometimes it is not possible to find a lost thing in an apartment at all. She can get into a place that cannot be reached, for example, under the floor. Face the loss and move on with your life. After all, when we lose something small, we will definitely gain something more significant.

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