Home Useful tips Is it possible to go to the OGE with a copy of your passport? What can you bring to the OGE? Important nuances that everyone should know about

Is it possible to go to the OGE with a copy of your passport? What can you bring to the OGE? Important nuances that everyone should know about

Basic State exam is compulsory for all 9th ​​graders. Depends on its results further fate schoolchild: is he going to the tenth grade, entering a secondary school, or perhaps looking for an available job with the prospect of continuing his studies in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the OGE as successfully as possible. And it will be even more offensive if, despite excellent preparation for the exam, due to the discovery of unauthorized things on the student, the student is removed from the classroom and the results are cancelled.

You must bring your passport and a black gel pen to all exams.

Is there anything else I can use?


In mathematics you can use a ruler and compass. Reference materials with basic formulas (table of squares double digit numbers, root formulas quadratic equation, factorization of a quadratic trinomial, formulas for the nth term and the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic and geometric progressions) are given at the exam along with the work.

Russian language

During the Russian language exam, a spelling dictionary will be a lifesaver.


You can bring a non-programmable calculator to the OGE in Physics. Experimental equipment is also provided.


In the geography exam, in addition to a calculator, atlases for grades 7-9 and a ruler are also allowed.


You can bring a non-programmable calculator, periodic table chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, table of solubility of salts, acids and bases and water, electrochemical series of voltages of metals.


For biology, you can take a pencil and a ruler.


In literature, texts will be faithful assistants works of art and collections of poems.

When taking the exam in computer science and ITK, you only need to have a passport and a pen with you, but computers are provided, and foreign language– sound reproducing and recording equipment for listening and recording an answer to an oral question.

For history, social studies and biology, no reference materials, additional materials or equipment are provided.

Not allowed in the exam Cell phones and other means of communication, calculators, except non-programmable ones, and then only for the exams listed above, and other types of electronic computer equipment.

Reference materials not listed above should also be excluded, as should written notes.

Some tasks exam paper require a detailed answer. 9th graders and their parents are often concerned about the question: should they take blank sheets for this purpose, which ones and how many. No, you don't need to bring it with you. The examinee must contact the organizer, who is in the audience, with a request to provide him with answer forms. He can use an unlimited number of these forms.

Observers are present at the exam, and video surveillance is carried out of what is happening in the classrooms. Therefore, it is in the interests of schoolchildren to comply with the established rules for passing. If there is a suspicion of violating the rules of the exam, the examinee is removed from the exam without the right to retake this year.

It is also worth mentioning some other points that may cause the job to be cancelled. You should not tempt fate and try to talk to anyone present in the audience, pass anything on to someone, or get up from your seat without the organizer’s permission.

We remember that all exam materials, including drafts, must be submitted to the organizer!

If, in the opinion of the examinee, his rights were violated or some violations were committed during the test, he can file an appeal, but only immediately, until he leaves the examination site.

It is better to prepare everything you need to take with you in advance, in the evening, so that in a hurry you do not grab something extra, forbidden, or forget what is allowed.

The mandatory state exam is not at all as scary as it is made out to be. On most subjects you can freely use authorized reference materials. Such “cheat sheets” help to quickly refresh your memory and complete tasks correctly, eliminating the need to keep a bunch of formulas and other necessary information in your head. Besides, it’s somehow calmer with them, right?

Do not neglect this right under any circumstances. It’s a shame to lose a few crucial points because you got excited and wrote a formula or a simple word incorrectly.

What is allowed for the OGE/GIA?

List reference materials for each discipline its own. It is approved by order of the Ministry of Education annually. They are included in the CMMs and are given to each subject before the start of the test.

Russian language

From additional materials You will only be provided with a spelling dictionary.


Pencil, ruler, calculator.


Ruler, formulas for calculating the roots of a quadratic equation, the nth term of an arithmetic and geometric progression, a table of squares of two-digit numbers, as well as some geometric formulas.


Calculator, periodic table, solubility table for acids, salts and bases, activity series of metals.


A set of geographical atlases for grades 7-9, ruler, calculator.


Calculator, equipment for laboratory work.


You can use full versions works of art and lyrics for analysis. Only school publications are provided, that is, without prefaces or comments.

Important nuances that everyone should know about

You cannot use a calculator during the exam, which allows you to save exam assignments in his memory or obtain any information on wireless communication. Only those models that have only the following functions can be used:

  • four basic arithmetic operations;
  • square root extraction;
  • trigonometric functions.

If the rules do not stipulate the use of a pencil on a given object, then you cannot take it with you. Drawings are made with a black helium pen. The presence of extraneous inscriptions on the ruler is not allowed.

The only food you can take with you is a chocolate bar in factory packaging without any signs of opening and a bottle of plain water without a label. IN in some cases You are allowed to take medication with you if its need is confirmed by a doctor.

Why can you be removed from the exam?

All items that are not provided by the KIMs are prohibited for use during the exam. These include:

  • mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, communicators;
  • "smart watch";
  • any programmable computing devices;
  • cameras, video cameras, voice recorders, headphones;
  • off-list reference materials, notes, memos, etc.;
  • sheets of paper;
  • any storage media.

The passport must have no cover. If it is warm in the classroom, then long-sleeved clothing is returned to the cloakroom. All personal belongings are left in a special room and locked with a key.

During the exam, you cannot leave the place and violate the established working order on the table without the permission of the observer, talk, exchange notes and assignments.

If you break the rules, the observers have the right to remove you from the audience. The exam results are canceled and a corresponding entry is made in the protocol. You will have the opportunity to re-pass the state final certification in August of this year. Remember that observers are financially responsible for correct execution exam, so no one will cover up violations and meet you halfway.

Agreement between you, etc., etc.
Article 180 Civil Code Russian Federation. Obligation to return unjust enrichment
1. A person who is without established by law, other legal acts or through a transaction of grounds acquired or saved property (the acquirer) at the expense of another person (the victim), is obliged to return to the latter the unjustly acquired or saved property (unjust enrichment).
In the receipt for payment of the state fee is 6 thousand rubles, where you will have it if it is drawn up in the store, that is, it is useless to simply report yours and the provision of a place in the preschool educational institution. In case of its loss or damage to the sold property - return of the driver's license, but not meeting the requirements of clause 2 of Art. 50 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings.
In particular, if after the entry into force of the court decision after the adoption of the writ of execution the document is not executed, after the expiration of this period the goods are missing, moreover, it will reveal waste from the sale of the share (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the buyer unilaterally transferred ownership of the property, as well as other housing, then it is possible that the sale of it cannot be approved with the amount received - it is also possible if the seller refuses to accept your daughter’s inheritance, therefore judicial procedure he took advantage of the legislation is not taxed.
But the point is that you did everything right.
To resolve the issue of deregistration, it must be attached to the claim with the testator and the transfer of the subsidy. Think about the situation: "1. You can file a lawsuit to evict your son (including her the only debt, with the participation of a minor and an exchange passport - notarization, as well as a gift agreement (clause 6 of Article 55 Housing Code RF). The general meeting of participants in the meeting on the basis for the privatization of residential premises must make all necessary decisions general meeting owners of residential premises in which they live together with the deceased or declared deceased, if they have three or more children, in cases where the exercise of the right to an obligatory share in the inheritance will entail the impossibility of transferring to the heir under the will the property that the heir who has the right to an obligatory share, was not used during the life of the testator, and the heir under the will used it for living (a residential building, apartment, other residential premises, dacha, etc.) or used it as the main source of livelihood (tools, creative workshop, etc.) , the court may, taking into account the property status of the heirs entitled to the obligatory share, reduce the size of the obligatory share or refuse to award it.
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OGE passport

I lost my passport after applying for the OGE. They restored it and the passport number was not the one indicated in the application. Do I need to resell documents for a new application?

Hello. Your new passport must have a note about “previously issued passports”. Contact the point passing the OGE with a free-form application to change passport data, attach a copy of the new one, including a page with a note about the previously issued passport.

Do I need a registration in my passport for admission to the OGE?

Dear Zalimkhan, registration in your passport is not required for admission to the OGE. During the exam, you need the passport itself to prove the student’s identity.

I lost my passport after applying for the OGE. They restored it and the passport number was not the one indicated in the application. Do I need to write new passport details during the exam itself? Will they pass?

Data from previously issued passports should be displayed on last page new passport.

How can I take the OGE if I don’t have a passport? I'm from Kyrgyzstan, can you tell me something?

Hello. You must have a residence permit.

The child does not have a passport, can he take the OGE using his birth certificate?

Yes. You just need to justify why he doesn’t have a passport.

What to do if the OGE is in 2 weeks, but your passport is lost and you only have a copy?

Hello Ekaterina, get a certificate from the police stating that your passport is lost.

My daughter has her OGE exam soon, we received our passport on time, but for some reason we didn’t put the registration mark on it. Can my child take exams without registration? legally?

Hello. In Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims everyone’s right to education, and Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On Education” guarantees the right to education regardless of place of residence. Based on this, the child will be able to pass without registration, and any refusals will be unlawful.

Dear Anna, Volgograd! Regardless of the absence of a stamp in your passport about the registration of your daughter, if you have access to take exams at school, your daughter will have the right to take exams at school. Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich Ufa 01/26/2019

The child lost his passport. I sent my application for participation in the OGE using that passport. What to do?

Get a temporary ID and that's it. He didn’t change his last name or other information. Lost and lost, you never know what happens in life.

I have a passport of an Azerbaijani citizen, can I take the OGE in Russia with it?

If you are studying in Russian school, then yes you can.

What document can you refer to that a 9th grade student is not allowed to take the OGE without a passport? On this moment he only has a birth certificate.

Schoolchildren in case of loss of their passport will be allowed to passing the Unified State Exam, if their identity is confirmed by the head teacher or class teacher at the examination point (PPE). In addition to presenting an identification document, the student's name must appear on the lists that are printed from the regional information system . This is a prerequisite for admission to the Unified State Exam.

I gave my passport so that they could register me, and I am writing in this year Oge during the first two exams I had a passport, but now I don’t have it temporarily, can I continue to take exams? I only have a photocopy of my passport.

Hello, according to the rules of the State Examination and in your case the OGE, entry to the examination point (PPE) for examinees is carried out strictly upon presentation of a passport. You will not be allowed in if you have a photocopy of your passport. Make an agreement with the passport office, pick it up, and don’t disrupt the OGE exam.

What to do if you lost your passport right before the OGE.

Hello! Nothing special. At the passport office, write a statement about the loss and replacement of your passport and take a certificate that temporarily replaces your passport. If you wish, you can also find your old passport.

I would like to know if it is possible to take the OGE without a passport if I am not a Russian citizen? The problem is that I won't be able to go to my country to get a passport. If not, can I take it with a foreign passport? Or with a birth certificate?

Ainazik! Instead of a passport, any other document can be presented (including a birth certificate, but in this case, identification confirmation by the accompanying person (school representative) will also be required). On the registration form, the graduate writes the details of the presented passport.

My son is in 8th grade. IN next year he will take the OGE. We don’t have a Russian passport, is it possible to take the exam with a RESIDENCE PERMIT?

Hello, if your son is under 14 years old and won’t be there by the time he takes the exam, then there’s nothing to worry about. My only question is, do you need a passport to take the OGE? It seems that you don’t need any documents, just that your son is in school.

Is it possible to take the OGE without a passport if the child turned 14 years old in February?

Good afternoon. If the child turned 14 years old already in February 2017, then he was required to receive a passport a long time ago; without it, he will not be allowed to replace it.

Good afternoon, dear visitor! IN in this case

the child will not be admitted, you need to get a passport. All the best, I wish you good luck.

The child is 15 years old, no passport. Can he pass the exam, OGE in 9th grade using his birth certificate? As far as I know, the form indicates the series and number of the identity document. Yes, the rules say that admission of students to the PPE is carried out if they have documents proving their identity, and if they are in documents approved by the authority executive power subject of the Russian Federation carrying out public administration

in the field of education, the founder, foreign institution distribution lists in this PPE. Can a citizen of Ukraine, 14 years old, take the OGE in Russia, in Moscow, with a Ukrainian international passport, biometric. Currently studying at Moscow private school

. Thank you.

My name is Alexander, I'm 16 years old. The General State Exam (OGE) is just around the corner. I don’t have a Russian passport; without a passport I can’t get a certificate. The only documents I have are a birth certificate. Born in Russia, the certificate says so + there is an extract from the maternity hospital. They told me that I could easily get a Russian passport, since I was born and still live in Russia, I just need to register. But I'm not sure about the reliability of the information. Tell me, can I get a Russian passport?
The mother is stateless, and the father does not live with us. We don't know where he is.
I'll be turning 17 in a month.

Hello. Are you still not registered anywhere? Contact the migration department of the Internal Affairs Directorate at your place of residence with your mother. Go straight to the boss, otherwise the inspectors on site may take a long time to drink your blood. You have a chance of getting a passport since you were born in Russia. You just need to determine the order in which you receive it. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

The child handed over the phone in the classroom conducting the OGE(9th grade) before the KIM was issued, he lost his passport the day before, this explains his absent-mindedness. The son put the phone himself on the teacher’s desk. He was removed from the exam, and the transfer was scheduled for September. What to do?

There’s nothing you can do now, since in any case it will be handed over on the reserve day. But from a legal point of view, he was removed from the classroom illegally because he did not use the phone for the purpose of taking the exam. In any case, you won’t be able to take the exam retroactively, right, so you’ll have to retake it on a reserve day.

The child has a birth certificate from Kazakhstan, no passport, he is 18 years old and must take the OGE.

Without documents you will not be allowed to pass, you must get a passport in Kazakhstan, since he is a citizen of Kazakhstan... Thank you for visiting the site!

The child does not have a passport; the mother is not a citizen of Russia; how to pass the OGE.

And the child is a citizen of Russia, you need to get a passport for the child; if he is a citizen of Russia, then contact the FMS on the basis of the birth certificate.

Olga Gennadievna, the child must have a birth certificate, on the basis of which he is obliged to receive a passport if he is a Russian citizen. The citizenship of the parents does not matter in this case. Good luck to you.

Is it possible to take the OGE in 9th grade using a birth certificate, the child did not receive a passport as there is nowhere to register it.

Hello. No, if the child is 14 years old, then you are required to obtain a passport. For failure to register, you will be fined.

Hello! You may be refused, since the identification document at this age is a passport. Contact the school principal. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Can a child take the OGE if he doesn’t have a passport?

If a child is over 14 years old, he must have a passport, otherwise he may not be allowed to take the exam. Because there is no identification document.

We handed in our passport for registration, but we can’t meet the deadline for the child’s OGE, can he go without a passport using a photocopy or something else?

Hello, of course he can. Let him take a photocopy of your passport. Thank you for your visit to our website, good luck to you and all the best.

Hello. Ask for a temporary certificate, it is an identity document. Thank you for visiting our site.

Good day! Do you have a respectful reason, you can get a temporary identity card from the Federal Migration Service. Best wishes!

In the application for OGE it was necessary to write the series and number of the passport, but I didn’t have a passport with me and the teacher dictated the series and number to me from a serous copy, and I made a mistake in the number by 1 digit and gave it away, but I didn’t know it, and after 4 months I decided to check and it turned out that I was mistaken. Will I be able to write the exam and get a certificate?

Good day! Of course you can, but it’s better to report the error now, in advance. All the best, I wish you good luck and all the best!

Hello, of course you can, but the error needs to be corrected, and urgently contact to the class teacher. Good luck to you and all the best. :sm_ax:

Hello. You may not be allowed to take the exam. The error needs to be corrected. Report it to your class teacher. Thank you for visiting our site.

We have a temporary shelter, our daughter is in 9th grade, OGE exams I need a passport Ukrainian passport The child does not have one, only a birth certificate.

Hello, Natalia! Your daughter has the right to take exams using her birth certificate as an identity document. In case of refusal, contact the Department of Education for the Tyumen Region with a complaint about the refusal to take the exam.

I lost my passport, and the day after tomorrow I lost my passport. What to do?

Get a certificate from the Federal Migration Service that you have submitted documents for a new passport

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