Home Trees and shrubs Tasks in the Russian language oge year. OGE dates in Russian. In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible

Tasks in the Russian language oge year. OGE dates in Russian. In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible

The Unified State Examination (USE) has undergone many changes since its introduction, and innovations at one time concerned the procedure for conducting the test, the rules for testing, and the composition of tasks.

The testing system had to be finalized several times, especially with the arrival of new people in the leadership of the Ministry of Education. It is not surprising that schoolchildren and their parents track the latest legislative initiatives in this matter every year.

What will changes in the exam 2018 it is not yet known exactly, but from the existing statements of representatives of the Ministry of Education, several future innovations can be distinguished.

Will the USE 2018 be canceled

AT recent times The USE is often criticized by both teachers and students.

The main complaints relate to too high requirements for students, the often encountered absurdity of assignments and the lack of thought of the entire system as a whole. Because of this, rumors about the abolition of the exam often appear, and some deputies even prepare relevant bills. However, the position of the Ministry of Education on this issue remains unchanged - there is no question of the abolition of the USE.

Representatives of the department say that a lot of money and effort have been invested in the testing system, so it is not advisable to stop halfway and cross out all efforts. In addition, despite all the shortcomings, the exam has established itself as the most efficient system assessment of graduates' knowledge.

At the same time, the ministry agrees that many of the nuances of the USE need to be reviewed and improved. The exam will be reformed, but gradually, to make it easier for students to adapt to innovations.
Thus, the abolition of the exam in 2018 is not worth waiting for, but there will be changes in the exam.

Changes to the list of required exams

The main question that worries future graduates is what will be the list of compulsory subjects in 2018. Even earlier, Dmitry Litvinov, being the Minister of Education, stated that the list of disciplines that would be included in the Unified State Exam would expand to 6. As conceived by the then head of the Ministry of Education, in 2017 one more mandatory exam should have been added, and already in 2018 three at once - one required and two optional.

When the department was headed by Olga Vasilyeva, plans for the Unified State Examination changed: the new leader turned out to be an adherent of smooth reforms and refused to drastically transform the system. According to her plan, in the 2016-2017 academic years, schoolchildren will, as before, take an exam in three disciplines, two of which are mandatory and one is optional. This approach is due to the fact that it takes a lot of time to develop tasks for new subjects.

Teachers and graduates should know in advance which subjects they need to prepare for. However, already in 2018, the list of mandatory exams is planned to be supplemented with one more subject, although it is not yet known which one. Experts believe that, most likely, the exam in history will be the third one, because it is this discipline that is singled out as necessary for the education of patriotism in the future generation.

Another candidate for inclusion in the list of required exams is social studies. An analysis of the results of last year's USE showed that graduates most often prefer to take this particular subject. There is an opinion that students make such a choice because of the relative simplicity of the discipline, but if it is added to the list of mandatory exams, then the tasks will become much more difficult.

It is possible that graduates, along with mathematics and the Russian language, will have to take physics. Various deputies have repeatedly spoken out in favor of orienting education towards exact sciences in which they are supported by representatives of engineering universities. But such a choice is quite controversial, because not all students can learn physics at high level, and not really a large number of plans to receive graduates higher education in the engineering field.

What other changes can we expect in 2018?

From the interview with Olga Vasilyeva, it is clear that the changes will primarily affect the literature exam, which causes perhaps the most debate among teachers and students. Thus, the Ministry of Education plans to exclude tasks with short answers, which are aimed at testing knowledge of terminology. According to the idea, the exam should become more creative, so the main focus will be on writing an essay.

Schoolchildren will be offered not three, but four or even five essay topics to choose from, which should make life easier for graduates. At the same time, the volume of the essay will be increased from 200 to 250 words.

The department also intends to facilitate the task of analyzing the work. Now the students have to compare the text presented in the task with two others that they must remember. After the changes have been made, students will need to provide only one text as an example.

The Ministry of Education will introduce grades for essays, instead of the current criteria of "passed" and "failed". In 2018, this task will be evaluated on a five-point scale.

Summing up, we can say that some changes are waiting, but they will not be as dramatic as many feared. The current composition of the Ministry of Education has embarked on a gradual reform USE systems, and each innovation will be brought to the attention of the public. This allows us to hope that the ministry will listen to the opinion of experts in the field of education and the wishes of students, as a result of which the USE will become a truly objective and useful exam.

You can not even say with what excitement they are waiting USE graduates. Every year the system of the Unified state exam is undergoing changes.

And the fact that the next innovations are coming in 2018 was known for a long time - a couple of years ago former minister Education Dmitry Litvinov spoke for the first time about big changes in the USE system.

Probably the most main question, which is of interest to both graduates with teachers and parents - what will be obligatory USE exams in 2018 year?

Second, but no less important issue even today's eighth-graders ask themselves - will the Unified State Exam be cancelled? But the Ministry of Education and Science has invested too much effort and money into the state examination system to abandon it.

Compulsory disciplines in 2018

Since the introduction of the Unified State Exam, several heads of the Ministry of Education and Science have changed, and the test sheets themselves have undergone, and more than once, transformations and all sorts of improvements. Yes, and the process of passing the exam has become more stringent than at the very beginning of its "path".

Teachers and, first of all, parents rang all the bells, calling on the FIPI to revise the system, pointing out the inadmissibility of the requirements and the absurdity of the tasks.

The exam was finalized, reorganized and redrawn in every way. But, with all this, the abolition of the state exam was never approved, and the USE continues to be practiced in all general education schools Russia.

On the this moment the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as FIPI, include only a slight adjustment of the mandatory exams that will be submitted for testing.

According to the latest data provided by the ministry, the list of disciplines for which graduates should prepare in an enhanced manner looks like this:

  • Russian language;
  • Maths;
  • Story;
  • Social science;
  • Physics;
  • Geography.

The two compulsory disciplines were and remain the Russian language and mathematics. But in 2018, a third exam will be added to them, which graduates will have to take in without fail. Many experts are inclined to believe that this will be history.

The ministry is sure that it is necessary to educate the youth in the spirit of patriotism and selfless love for the Motherland. Exceptional knowledge of the history of one's state makes a person spiritually rich.

Please note that this list is not yet common truth in the last instance. They can still replay and give out a completely different list of requirements. High school students should adhere, nevertheless, to the main principle in today's realities - hope for the best, but prepare yourself for the worst.

However, the closer graduation class, the more you need to immerse yourself in your studies, paying attention to the smallest subtleties, trying to figure out the most confusing task or the most incomprehensible rule.

USE in a foreign language

FIPI and the Ministry of Education and Science decided that in 2018 foreign language will not be included in the number of required exams. Although discussions on this subject are still ongoing, the final decision authorized persons have not yet arrived.

And in vain, modern society knowledge of a foreign language (primarily we are talking about English) helps young people to start successfully in their careers. Even in dealing with foreigners, boys and girls will feel more bold and free.

But after 2022 English language confidently enter the number of compulsory subjects when passing the exam. At the moment, eleventh-graders can choose a foreign language as a voluntary discipline in the USE. In this case, one of the following languages ​​can be submitted for certification:

  • English language;
  • French;
  • German;
  • Spanish;
  • Chinese.

It was included in the list of possible items for delivery only in 2016. Quite a lot of schoolchildren study Chinese. The Ministry hopes that this innovation will help young people apply their knowledge and increase the chances of realizing their potential.

How will the exam 2018 be held

Graduates of the eleventh grade should be mentally prepared for the first grand test of this kind in their lives. In 2018, there are unlikely to be any significant in terms of the organization of the process.

The duration of the exam in one discipline depends on which subject the students are taking. On average, the exam lasts 3.5-4 hours.

Upon entering the classroom, graduates are subjected to screening for the presence of cheat sheets and recording information devices. Such control, of course, puts pressure on the psyche of schoolchildren that has not been fully formed and often leads to stress.

As a rule, exactly Negative influence on the state of mind child and increased nervous tension represent the main obstacle to the successful passing of the exam.

The experts noted the positive dynamics of the USE results after the rejection of its test part. In 2018, which is of interest to us, there will be no return to tests. In addition, the ministry plans to introduce oral part exam in Russian.

How to prepare for the exam

by the most an important factor quality preparation for the Unified State Exam is nothing more than timeliness. Even a schoolboy understands that it is simply impossible to prepare for such a serious knowledge test overnight. It is highly desirable to start preparing for the exam long before graduation.

Here is what you need to strictly follow in order to drink good results:

  • responsible approach to the study of the school curriculum;
  • systematic homework;
  • independent work on the study of mandatory and additional items with the connection of benefits, teaching materials etc.;
  • visits to tutors.

You should not get hung up on studies and constantly “cook” in negative expectations from the upcoming passing the exam. It is important to take breaks in class and be sure to pay attention proper nutrition, daily routine and physical activity. Do not neglect outdoor walks.

The main wave of the USE - 2018 has begun. The exam will be taken by 731,000 people, including 645,000 graduates of previous years. Who will be allowed to retake the exam? Why can they get kicked out of the exam? Can I buy online real tasks and answers? Will they influence USE scores for grades in the certificate? Head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov answered questions from the hotline.

My son will take two USE level in mathematics (basic and profile). If he does not pass the profile level, but passes the basic level, will he be able to retake the mathematics of the profile level? Can I retake the exam to improve my scores? What would be the actual result in this case?

Sergey Kravtsov: If you have not scored the required points for compulsory USE, and this is basic mathematics and the Russian language, then you can retake the exam this year on a reserve day. If it didn't work out again, then in September.

Elective subjects can only be retaken on next year. And when applying to a university, you can use any result that has not expired. Probably you will choose the best one. If your son took the exam in mathematics at both levels at once and passed one of the exams, for example, the basic one, then it is possible to retake profile mathematics in a year.

Will the points received for the USE in subjects affect the mark of the certificate?

Sergey Kravtsov: USE results the mark in the certificate is not affected. But if you do not score the required minimum in compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, you will not be able to get a certificate. But in the 9th grade OGE results affect the marks in the certificate.

If you did not score the required scores on the mandatory USE, you can retake the exam this year

Where and when can I find out the results of the exam in the 9th grade?

Sergey Kravtsov: At my school. Processing and verification examination papers takes no more than ten working days after the day of the exam.

For a cheat sheet, we will be kicked out of the exam and allowed to pass in a year. And in France - in five years. A photo: deposit photos

Now on the Internet there are offers to "-buy" the exam, supposedly there are ready-made answers to all test options. Is the leak of answers or of the KIMs-2018 before the Unified State Examination real? How is it tracked?

Sergey Kravtsov: Information security measures at all stages of preparation and delivery of examination materials exclude the possibility of tasks and correct answers leaking. All the alleged task options and correct answers that appear on the Internet turn out to be fakes. Therefore, all offers about the opportunity to buy options with the correct answers are nothing more than a banal fraud. New technology eliminates the influence human factor. By the way, the problem of additional forms for exam participants is also gone, the time is reduced USE checks. Last year, for the first time, we checked all the works not in 14 days, but in 10.

Some universities require USE certificate where to get it?

Sergey Kravtsov: Certificates have long since been cancelled. There are no paper certificates for the exam. Report on " hotline"Rosobrnadzor, which universities require a certificate. We'll figure it out.

Sergey Kravtsov: On appeal, points can either be added or reduced. A photo: Arkady Kolybalov/ RG

If a graduate of the 11th grade does not agree with the points given, what needs to be done so that the result is reviewed?

Sergey Kravtsov: You can file an appeal for disagreement with the points awarded within 2 working days from the date of the announcement of the results. The graduate submits an appeal at the school or to the conflict commission. The conflict commission either satisfies the appeal or rejects it. But you need to understand that on appeal, points can either be added or reduced.

I applied for the Unified State Examination, in which I indicated four subjects (mathematics profile, Russian language, physics and computer science), but by mistake only three subjects were added to the database (all except computer science). What to do?

Sergey Kravtsov: The decision to supplement or change the selected subjects for passing the exam is made by the state examination commission of the region. You should apply there in writing. If it is confirmed that the operator made a mistake when entering the data, the commission will make a decision and add desired subject into the information system.

Will they remove USE participant from the exam if a mobile phone is found at the end of the exam?

Sergey Kravtsov: It is forbidden to carry any means of communication at the examination point. In case of violation of this requirement, the person will be removed from the exam, and his results will be canceled. And it doesn't matter when the phone was discovered - at the end of the exam or at the beginning.

Will a child be allowed to take the exam if he was late for the exam or forgot his passport?

Sergey Kravtsov: If a person is late for the exam, he is allowed to take the exam, but the end of the exam is not extended and no one will conduct a second general briefing. A graduate of the school, who for some reason came to the exam without a passport, is allowed to the examination point after the accompanying person from the school confirms his identity in writing. Graduates of previous years without a document are not allowed.

In what cases can they not be allowed to pass the exam?

Sergey Kravtsov: They will not be allowed to take the exam if the graduate has not received a “credit” for the final essay. There is one more requirement: only those students who have completed in in full curriculum or individual curriculum and having annual marks in all academic subjects for each year of study is not less than satisfactory.

Is the school obligated to organize the transportation of GIA participants to the examination point if it is located several kilometers from the place of study?

Sergey Kravtsov: Delivery will be arranged if the school or municipality is able to do so.

How long are the results of the exam valid for?

Sergey Kravtsov: The results are valid for five years - in the year of passing the exam and the next four years.

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USE-2018 Schedule

How to pass profile mathematics for 100 points

Ivan Yashchenko, director of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence:

The demo has evaluation criteria. Pay attention to them. If the problem is not completely solved, transfer it to a clean copy anyway, you can get points. Problem number 19 is not an Olympiad, but of increased complexity. Do not be afraid of such tasks, try to solve. The answer can be very short and beautiful. Recent assignments in the Unified State Examination - for those who want to get more than 80 points and go to leading technical universities. Calculate your strength. It may be enough for an economist to reach the 17th problem and solve it. It is just with an economic plot - credit, optimization ... no special knowledge is needed, you only need to translate the problem into mathematical language. I would also advise a future engineer to solve the 18th problem. In tasks where there are items: "find, calculate, determine ...", all items are evaluated independently of each other, and you can get points for each. We do not ask you to indicate the names of the theorems and do not try to do so, so as not to confuse something. And one more thing: if, for example, in the 15th task in the exam on Far East there were logarithms, this does not mean at all that in Voronezh or Perm there will also be logarithms in this task.

The early stage of passing the exams is scheduled for March 22 - April 6. Geography and computer science will be the first subjects to be taken at early stage. It should be noted that at least 1-2 days will pass between exams. From April 9, students will be able to retake one of the subjects, or finish the one that was delivered on the same day as another exam being passed. The main stage is scheduled for May 28 - after last call on Saturday the 26th. Pass exams according to the preliminary USE schedule 2018 students will start with geography. Then, on May 30 - basic mathematics. After the base, graduates will pass tests in physics, specialized mathematics, Russian language and other subjects. On the last days the schedule includes oral exams in foreign languages. And here is the timetable reserve days the main stage has shifted to July itself. Now the last reserve day is scheduled for July 29th. It will be possible to retake the necessary items on September 4 and 7.


Information about the changes begins to appear on official websites. It:

  • The test part and questions with a short answer will be reduced or removed altogether;
  • The number of complex tasks and tasks of increased complexity will increase;
  • The total number of tasks will decrease;
  • There will be more tasks with graphs and tables.
  • Literature

Changes should be expected in the exam in literature. It is planned to reduce or remove tasks with a short answer, focused on knowledge of terminology. Emphasis will be placed on creative tasks- writing an essay, for example. But there will be more topics for writing - not three, as in previous years, but four or even five. This will greatly facilitate the writing of essays for graduates. But you should not rejoice too much - the volume of the essay will also be increased. Previously, the volume was 200 words, and now 250. In the analysis of the work, the text presented to schoolchildren will now need to be compared with only one other, which they must remember on their own, and not with two, as it was before.

  • Foreign

As for foreign languages, English will soon become mandatory. But selective remain Spanish, German and French. But due to the demand for the Chinese language, trial exams on Chinese, and already in 2018 it can be included in the number of selective ones. The same goes for Italian and Japanese.

  • Biology

In the exam in biology there will be no tasks with a choice of answers. But the number of tasks with diagrams, graphs and tables will increase to 11. Previously, there were only 4. The part with increased complexity tasks - instead of 1 difficult task there will be three. Total number assignments will decrease from 40 to 28. Graduates are not at all happy about this.

  • Informatics

Informatics and ICT will be taken on computers, there will be no tasks of easy complexity - only tasks of medium and high complexity will remain. Passing the exam on computers will provide an opportunity to test graduates on logical thinking, ability to work with schemes, tables and basic programs.

  • Chemistry

As already mentioned in the news for today from Rosobrnadzor, tasks with a short answer, or with a choice of answers, will be removed. This also applies to chemistry exams. The simplest tests are completely removed. The total number of tasks has changed from 40 to 34. Even easy tasks will be worth 2 points. Whether these changes are good or vice versa is a moot point and each graduate decides for himself. By the way, Rosobranadzor is considering an interview for admission to the Russian language exam, and for cheating, increase the non-admission to retake from 1 year to 2.

  • Russian

Not strong changes occurred in the exam in social studies, mathematics and a foreign language. In Russian, in addition to the first part with writing an answer and the second part with writing an essay, it is planned to add a third part. “Speaking” is a real innovation in the Russian language exam. There was nothing like this before, but now graduates have to answer questions asked and justify your answer. This task is aimed at testing the ability to formulate their thoughts and express them correctly. It remains to be seen whether this will make life easier for graduates.

  • Geography

The simplest tests were removed from the exam paper in geography. Most difficult tasks relate to sex and age categories of the population, migration processes. For successful delivery exam in the head should have a lot of knowledge about the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and other areas, as well as knowledge about weather conditions and climates different countries and continents.

  • Physics

The exam in physics has become much more difficult. Previously, graduates could score a sufficient number of points on the test tasks, but now they are not at all. There are more experiences, moreover, graduates must select the equipment themselves, and also understand it. According to science officials, this could "scare off" students who chose technical universities for admission. This information is also available on the FIPI website.


The Minister of Education noted that graduates, having chosen those subjects that they need for admission, abandon other subjects. In this case, between 4-7 subjects passed on average by students and those that do not pass, there is a very large gap in the difference in the knowledge base. The level of knowledge of graduates thereby decreases. Schoolchildren forget that knowledge of all subjects is necessary and, passing one list of subjects, one should not forget about the rest. So, from 2020, a foreign language will be added to the list of compulsory subjects. In the most breaking news tougher measures against cheating were also announced.

Required subjects can be:

  • Story
  • Social science
  • Physics
  • English language

How many exams to take?

An innovation in the USE 2018 is expected in the form of adding history to the required subjects. Although until spring things can still change and social studies or physics in general can be a mandatory exam. But it’s worth waiting for the replenishment of the list of mandatory subjects. In total, 3 compulsory subjects, 2 mandatory electives - 5 subjects will be taken by eleventh-graders in 2018. And this is the minimum.

The previous Minister of Education gave children and their parents a reason to worry - he said that the number of subjects handed over to the Unified State Examination will increase to 6. Of these, 4 will be compulsory and 2 will be optional. At the moment, nothing has been done and no mandatory items have been added. The need for this innovation is also noted by the president, who claims that the level of knowledge of the history of their country among schoolchildren is very weak. If history becomes a compulsory subject in the USE, then both students and their teachers will take it more seriously and pay more attention to it.

History is followed by social science. About a third of graduates choose it to pass as an additional exam. And this is not surprising, society is not the most difficult subject, and there are a lot of areas where an exam in social studies is required for admission. After a series of transformations in the social studies exam, it is no longer possible to say that it is one of the easiest. One thing is for sure - if social science is added to the list of compulsory subjects, the tasks will become much more difficult. Applicants technical universities want to see third compulsory subjects physics, but the Ministry of Education considers this impossible. Physics has always been and remains one of the most difficult subjects, and if some can master it, then it is extremely difficult for others and passing the exam on it seems to be something impossible.


Graduates of 2018 should prepare themselves for passing at least 5 subjects, of which only 2 they can choose for themselves. It is possible that changes in the exam will change the choice of graduates and they will choose completely different subjects for delivery. And, although there is still a whole day before the exam academic year, preparation for the exam 2018 should start as early as possible. Cancellation of the Unified State Examination not worth waiting for at least, the next few years.

Putin speaks about the abolition of the exam:

Anna Mozharova about changes in the exam:

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