Home Helpful Hints It turns out to get root rights. How to get root rights: step by step instructions

It turns out to get root rights. How to get root rights: step by step instructions

    Root is the main administrator account. If you have access to this profile, a number of features appear that are not available in normal operation.

  1. Namely:
  2. ✔ Change system files, themes, remove standard applications.
  3. ✔ Run Linux executables.
  4. ✔ launch applications that expand the capabilities of the SuperUser smartphone, etc.
  5. ✔ Take screenshots using apps like ShootMe.
  6. ✔ Back up the system, for example, using the Titanium Backup program
  7. ✔ Install applications on a memory card, transfer browser cache, delete built-in applications and games, etc.
  8. Types of Root rights:
  9. Full Root - full and permanent Root without restrictions.
  10. Shell Root - without access to change the system folder.
  11. Temporary Root - temporary Root (After a reboot, superuser rights disappear).
  12. Some devices have NAND lock, this function does not allow you to make changes to the system partition, therefore it does not make it possible to install the SuperUser program. On such devices, you cannot get Root, but only Shell Root or Temporary Root.
  13. Getting Root rights:
  14. You can get root rights with many utilities designed for this, I will give a list of the most common:
  15. 1. FRAMEROOT
  16. 2. KINGROOT
  17. 3. 360ROOT
  18. 5. ROOT GENIUS
  19. 6. ROOT MASTER
  20. 7. ROOT DASHI
  22. 9. BAIDU ROOT
  24. NECESSARILY! Before installing rooting utilities on your smartphone, do backup photos, contacts and other data you need that you need to work. In the process of obtaining root, there is the possibility of losing them if something goes wrong. Also, you do everything at your own peril and risk, remember this, the author or the site is not responsible for your devices and actions.


    FRAMEROOT Compatibility with Smartphones:

    If you found your device in the list above, then proceed to install Framaroot:
  25. We do as it is written below, point by point, there is nothing complicated, we just perform actions one by one.
  26. 1.) Download and install framaroot. Download from the official site! At the end of the article I will give all the links to the described resources in this article.
  27. 2.) Run the downloaded FRAMAROOT and select the application responsible for managing the superuser: Superuser or SuperSU.
  28. 3.) After that, choose one of the characters you like, for example Boromir.
  29. 4.) We are waiting for the information of rutting.
  30. 5.) We reboot the smartphone or tablet.
  31. Using the Superuser or SuperSU program, depending on which one you chose at the beginning of the installation, we do necessary actions under root. If none of the programs are installed, then you can download and install them yourself.
  32. Video instruction on getting root using FRAMEROOT.

  33. I think there is no more detailed instruction on getting root using Framaroot, if it is not clear, write in the comment below.
  34. Links to FRAMAROOT


    KINGROOT also does not require a connection to a PC.
  35. KingRoot is a utility that does not require a connection to a computer and performs getting a super user in two clicks. If you got root using this program, then don't forget to download a utility with which you can perform manipulations using the super user. Remember these utilities are called Superuser, SuperSU, they were mentioned in the example above. No matter how you get root, you will need these utilities to perform the tasks you need as root. The tasks and manipulations of the system under root were discussed above at the very beginning of the article, such as deleting or moving programs or games, and so on, for which you actually need root.
  36. 1.) Download the program from the official website.
  37. 2.) Run the downloaded file and click on getting root.
  38. 3.) We are waiting for the program to connect to the cloud database of smartphones, find your device and get root.
  39. 4.) After a successful root, the program will notify you, reboot the device. In 60% of cases, device users get root access.
  40. After the reboot, you download programs to perform manipulations on the device under the root user, which I wrote about more than once above.
  41. Links to KINGROOT


  42. Supports over 1000 brands, 20000 models mobile phones and as the developers say getting root in 90% of cases. Below, look at your smartphone or tablet model, you saw, try to get root if you need it. Also, this program can work without connecting to a computer, but if you need or you can not do without it, there is a version for Windows.
  43. Supported Models:
  44. To get root, just click one button called "Get Root". Next, the program will find files for your device and start gaining super user access. You just have to wait and if everything works out, you will see the message "Root received"
  45. If you do not get root, then the program will write that the root is not received, try downloading the program for the computer and connecting your smartphone to the PC, get access to the super user. First, enable usb debugging on your smartphone, install all the drivers on your computer to connect your smartphone, tablet to your computer.
  46. Links 360ROOT


  47. 1.) Download the file and run.
  48. 2.) Check the box agreeing to the license.
  49. 3.) Press the Root It button.
  50. 4.) Reboot the device.
  51. 4.) With superuser programs, see getting root.
  52. Obtaining rights using a computer device:
  53. 1.) Go to Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging and enable USB debugging mode
  54. 2.) Download RootGenius for Windows OS
  55. 3.) Connect your device to your computer
  56. 4.) Wait until the device is detected, then accept the user agreement
  57. 5.) Click "Root Get"
  58. 6.) Wait until Genius Root finishes getting a super user on Android device
  59. 7.) Reboot when completed.
  60. 8.) Next, use the superuser administration programs to see if root is obtained.
  61. ROOT GENIUS links
  62. [password for zip file = rootgenius]

  64. It also supports getting Root rights on Android devices without using a computer, just run the program and press the "START" button, wait for the process to complete and reboot the device. That's all, see all the links below:
  65. ROOT MASTER links
  66. [password for rar file = rootmaster]

  68. Chinese developer's program to get root on Android, different ways. ROOT DASHI is different ways rooting, including a cloud service. The program supports many Android models, an Internet connection is required, in principle, as in many other similar programs. Root Dashi is an improved Baidu super root program.
  69. More details with installing and getting root so that there are no questions. Download the file and run after installation in running program press root:
  70. During the receipt of Root, you will be prompted to install additional utilities, select one of the installers and then refuse to install:
  71. After the reboot, Root will be obtained:
  72. While granting Root to applications, click the "Authorize" button
  73. Everything is very simple, below is the link to the official website and download apk file but.
  74. Links ROOT DASHI


  75. An improved version of the Chinese program for obtaining root rights Root Dashi as I wrote above in the example. Like its predecessor, the BAIDU SUPER ROOT app supports a large number of android models and without using a computer. Internet connection is required, as the program uses cloud technologies. Getting root in two clicks, launch the Baidu Super Root application itself and click the get root button. The program may ask to be updated immediately after launch, we agree.
  76. Root received, reboot.
  77. If the device was not rebooted on its own, reboot. Next, use programs to administer the super user.
  78. In addition to root rights, there are additional programs:
  79. Your own antivirus;
  80. Root rights management;
  81. Program startup management;
  82. and recommended apps.

Main advantage Android platforms is open source. Thanks to this, the end user of Android devices can find custom firmware, programs and tweaks on the web for almost any gadget model.

In order for these features to become available for the device, you need to get ROOT rights.

Gadget manufacturers have removed "admin rights" from their Android skins for "reliability and security" reasons. This limitation negates possible damage to the device when deleting or modifying system files. If you confident user Android, then it's time to get acquainted with the information: how to get root rights on Android.

What is ROOT rights?

ROOT rights(super user or administrator rights) - give the owner of the Android gadget full control over the system. Thanks to this, you can change, delete, edit system files and folders.

ROOT access is easy to get today. Some programs allow you to do this directly on your Android device, without the participation of a computer. However, the risk of damaging software practically minimal.

Yes it is. When installing root rights on Android, there is a risk of harming the system or turning the device into a "brick" (it will not be able to start).

If this is your first time trying to root your Android, don't worry, a lot of popular rooting software does the job just fine. Therefore, we can say with confidence: "ROOT is right, it's safe."

Advantages and disadvantages

By rooting an Android device, it gains many privileges while sacrificing some features. To understand in detail, consider the advantages of rooting point by point:

  1. Change and remove standard and system applications.
  2. Installation of custom firmware and mods.
  3. Install personal images when the device boots.
  4. Work with applications that require ROOT rights.
  5. Setup and use additional features Android.
  6. Using programs and tweaks to improve the performance and autonomy of the gadget.
  7. Virus removal and advertising banners in applications.
  8. Implementation Reserve copy firmware and data.
  9. Adding Linux executables and more.

In exchange for such a rich functionality, you will lose some features, namely:

  1. Loss of warranty from the manufacturer (although root rights can be canceled at any time).
  2. Loss of the ability to update the Android OS over the air from the manufacturer.
  3. Unstable operation of the device in case of damage to system files (but most often the gadget can be revived).

Advice! If you want to root an Android device, read the instructions completely so as not to miss any nuances.

How to get superuser rights?

Before installing ROOT rights in without fail. When rooting a tablet or smartphone, information from the phone's memory may be deleted. Therefore, protect yourself in advance.

And transfer photos, music, videos, documents and other files to an SD card or save it on a computer.

Attention! Perform all further actions at your own peril and risk! You are the only one responsible for your gadget. If you are not sure about anything, contact a specialist!

Programs for root rights

The fastest, most reliable and optimal way to obtain superuser rights is to use specialized applications.

Applications for Android

PC software


Kingo Root



Universal Android

Root Genius

Weak Sauce

king root

king root


Advice! King Root allows you to root devices Samsung, LG, Meizu, Lenovo, HTC, Nexus and many others. In practice, it can be called universal, so we use it as an example.

Installing from Android

The installation process is this:

  1. Download the installation.apk file to the device's memory and enable the " " function.
  2. Install the app, run it, select the settings and root.
  3. Wait for the end of the process.
  4. Install the Root Checker application to check if the device has ROOT rights.

Application example King Root v4.9.6:

Obtaining SuperSU rights

Unfortunately, when this program receives ROOT rights, it puts the superuser KingRoot, instead of SuperSU. If you have KingRoot in the system, not all applications and tweaks will work properly, some programs may not even recognize the presence of ROOT rights. Therefore, you need to replace kingroot to stable and familiar SuperSU:

  1. Download and install the Super-Sume app.
  2. Run, click on the big blue button (first stage).
  3. Run the second stage - the progress bar hangs on the initial process and the application freezes (for a long time).
  4. Press the cancel button and reboot your device.
  5. Set ROOT rights again with King Root.
  6. Launch Super-Sume. It already hangs an invitation to the second stage. After starting, nothing hangs, KingRoot is removed, and SuperSU is successfully installed.
  7. After the operation is completed, remove Super-Sume.

Installation with Windows 10

The installation process is this:

  1. On the Windows computer Disable mandatory driver signing.
  2. Install a rooting program on your PC.
  3. On an Android device.
  4. Run the program and connect the device to the computer via USB.
  5. Root.

There are several ways to disable mandatory signature verification Windows drivers 10:

An example of working with Kingo Root software:

How to delete?

If you want to remove ROOT rights, use the same program that received them. For example, when Android connection gadget to a PC and turning on the Kingo Root program, you can delete ( Remove Root) and reinstall ( Root Again) superuser rights.

At the mention operating system Android we always talk about it being an "open" system. And this "advantage" is always mentioned when compared with another popular mobile operating system. iOS systems. Many users of the “green robot” for some reason believe that this is almost an important criterion that tips the scales in favor of their favorite operating system, in the eternal confrontation between “good and evil”. But, in this article we will not talk about this, but about how to remove the bans in the "open" Android OS.


Yes, they are. AND Google hid the ability to interfere with ordinary users in many processes. This is done so that vital files for work are not accidentally deleted. But, we are not ordinary users, but advanced ones. Therefore, such rights may open up some opportunities for us. About them, and how to get the rights of the "superuser", we will tell in this article.

"Root" is an administrator account built into the operating system. Using the rooting function, the user of devices on the Android OS can remove some restrictions that are set by the manufacturer.

What do root rights give and what are they for?

Superuser rights allow you to work with system files and processes. Having received this opportunity, the user becomes a full-fledged "owner" of his device.

Rooting Benefits:

Very advanced Android users can, after the rooting procedure, run on their gadgets Linux executables.

IMPORTANT: Having root rights will not be able to give your device new features overnight. However, this will open the possibility of "working" with your device in this direction.

Why does Google block access with system files in the first place?

Editing some files of the Android operating system hides great danger. Due to inexperience, many users can not only "kill" the device at the software level, but also at the physical one. With the help of misused "superuser" rights, it is possible to increase the frequency of the processor. Which can lead to the fact that this important part of a smartphone or tablet will fail very quickly.

In addition, Google blocks access to some files, as they are responsible for displaying ads in free apps. And since Dobra Corporation makes money on this, removing ads from such applications is not included in the company's plans.

How to get root rights on Android?

You can become a "superuser" on your gadget in one of several ways. There are also specialized ways to obtain such rights on smartphones and tablets from some manufacturers. Below will be discussed universal ways rooting.

There are three types of root rights:

IMPORTANT: Some manufacturers install the function in their devices NAND lock, which limits the ability to work with the folder \system. In all other cases, the “routing” procedure is very simple. For these purposes, special programs su (superuser) are used.

Most often used for rooting Framaroot program.

What needs to be done before getting Root rights?

Some manufacturers, especially in this regard, have distinguished themselves Sony And HTC, create additional difficulties when opening access to system files. In order to overcome them, you need to unlock Bootloader. All "problem" devices have their own ways of such unlocking. Let's see how to do it on HTC:

1. Register on the HTC DEV website

After a simple registration process on your email mailbox You will receive a letter stating that the procedure was successful. By clicking on the link in this email, you can activate your account on the HTCdev site.

2. On the specified site, we are looking for the Bootloader section

In the drop-down menu, find your gadget or click All Other Supported Models(if not listed). Click Begin to Unlock Bootloader. And confirm this by clicking on the "Yes" button. If everything is done correctly you will get adb personal Identifier Token your HTC.

4. Turn off your smartphone, remove the battery from it and put it back. Then press the power button -> hold the volume down button and the power button and turn off the smartphone. Then, after the menu appears, release the buttons.

In the menu, you need to find the Bootloader item (moving in the menu is done using the volume up and down buttons) and turn it on (on / off button).

5. We connect the smartphone to the PC and:

a) If you choose adb run, then we pass Manual -> adb

b) If you chose ADB, activate "manual login" and the command "fastboot oem get_identifier_token"

After entering this command, a list of characters should appear. Copy it:

And paste it into the HTC webpage:

6. A file should come to your email Unlock.code.bin. It must be copied and moved to a folder C:/adb/progbin if ADB RUN or ADB (c:/adb)

On the smartphone, select the item.

8. Move to position Yes and press the button ON OFF

The smartphone should reboot. After that, it can be used to install root rights.

Root rights installation options

There are several options for setting "superuser" rights on your Android device. This can be done using the Framaroot utility or special programs for desktop PC.

Installing root using Framaroot without a computer:

  1. Download Framaroot and save the apk file of this application to your gadget
  2. Install the Framaroot file downloaded to the memory of your device
  3. We launch the application. A list should appear on the main screen of the device. possible actions. Among it will be obtaining and removing root-rights.
  4. After that, the system will ask you to install SuperSU or Superuser (there is no difference among them)
  5. Select and install. After that, a message will appear on the screen about the successful obtaining of root rights.
  6. We reboot the device and use it with the rights of the "superuser"

Installing root using a PC

Not all devices support the Framaroot utility. Rooting these devices is best done with special applications for personal computer. The most popular of them are: Kingo Android ROOT, VRoot And SuperOne Click.

The very principle of obtaining such rights is identical for all programs. Below, we will describe it.

  • First, go to the settings menu and select "Developer Mode". Then turn on USB debugging.
  • We launch the application, which must first be installed on the PC

IMPORTANT: If an antivirus is installed on the PC, then it can “swear” at this program. Therefore, it is better to turn it off while working with it.

We connect the included device to the PC using a USB cable

  • Turn on the “Install from unknown sources” modes on your smartphone or tablet, "USB Debugging" and uncheck the USB connection from "Camera (RTR)" And "MTR".
  • After the program detects the device, press the button "ROOT".
  • A message should appear stating that "superuser" rights have been obtained
  • Disconnect the device from the PC and reboot

How to check for root rights on Android?

When buying a smartphone from hand, after repair in service center or in other cases, the Android user needs to know if their device is rooted or not. You can do this using one of two options:

  1. Log in with file manager to a folder /system. There you need to find a folder /xbin and find the file in it su. If this was successful, then the rights of the "superuser" on the device are set
  2. Installing the utility Root Checker. With its help, we determine whether root rights are installed or not.

How to remove root rights from android?

The presence of root-rights sometimes turns into the appearance of "glitches" in the operation of the device. The system may freeze, spontaneously reboot, etc. It must be said right away that the presence of the rights of the "superuser" cannot negatively affect the operation of the device, but their improper use can lead to problems. You need to solve them not by removing root rights, but by restoring the system.

As for the removal of root rights, very often this solution is resorted to when a device that is under warranty breaks down. The presence of "superuser" rights will void such a guarantee. Therefore, before sending your gadget for repair, you need to remove root rights and forget that they were once installed.

There are several ways to remove such rights:

  • By flashing the device through a computer. After which you need to reset to factory settings
  • If you installed root rights through SuperSU, then remove the "superuser" rights through the settings of this program
  • Using the Root Browser Lite utility. Can be downloaded from Play Master

The last way is the easiest. Downloading and installing the application Root Browser Lite. We go to the section /system/app. Delete the application SuperSu.apk or other application files with which you set root rights.

Now we need to find the folder bin, which is located in the system folder. If it contains files busy box or su, then remove them. Again we go into the system folder and go to the folder xbin. If it contains files or folders busy box or su then we remove them.

Reboot and go to the SuperSu application. Click "Remove Root".

Android 7 Nougat and root rights

In the seventh version of the Android operating system, becoming a "superuser" will become even more difficult. And if earlier blocking extended access to the device in Nougat was more of a rumor, then the other day one of the Google engineers Sami Tolvanen confirmed everything. On the pages of his blog, he said that the company he works for will be more serious about installing third-party software. And in case of suspicious activity, the device will simply be blocked.

Video. 3 ways to get ROOT rights on Android

The Android operating system, by default, has built-in protection against rash user actions that can damage the normal functioning of the device. Such a security mechanism blocks the installation of unwanted software, restricts access to system files, and prohibits changing a number of settings. The average user, not savvy in technical matters, such barriers are only beneficial and, in principle, do not interfere with the normal use of the gadget. But what to do if you want to get full access to the functionality of the system and experiment with all, even hidden, settings. For this, the so-called root-rights, or Superuser rights, are intended.

Why do you need root rights?

So what exactly additional features provide root rights in android system? We list the main ones:

  • Editing any system files;
  • Removing standard applications;
  • Debris removal and junk files previously protected from deletion;
  • Installing applications on a memory card;
  • Installation of modified firmware and mods;
  • Unlimited interface modification (themes, splash screens, icons, fonts);
  • Giving applications full access to the system;
  • Advanced backup;
  • Optimization of work and increase in productivity of the device.

Along with the pros, there are also cons. These include possible failure in warranty service and the risk of device failure due to violation of the integrity of system files.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons, and you definitely want to root your Android, then feel free to proceed to the instructions below.

Methods for obtaining Superuser rights

Today, there are many models of smartphones and tablets on the market, each of which may have its own specific features that affect the rooting procedure. However, in most cases, the expansion of powers is carried out according to the same scheme. Moreover, for Android of any versions (4.4, 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, etc.), the sequence of actions for obtaining root rights is almost the same.

There are two main options for "giving" Android devices special rights:

  • Do it via computer:
  • Carry out the procedure autonomously without using a PC.

We will consider both methods with the cast concrete examples and programs. But before using one of the proposed algorithms, you need to check the current user permissions on your phone / tablet. Perhaps full access to Android functions is already open.

Checking for Extended Rights

You can find out if a particular mobile device has Superuser rights using the application rootChecker. Install it from the Play Market store, and then launch it.

To start the check, click the "Check Root" button.

If the necessary rights are not found, then a red message will appear, if they are already granted, then a green one.

In the absence of authority, we proceed to direct actions to acquire them.

Getting root rights through a computer

This methodology includes the following standard steps:

  1. Downloading and installing a special application on a PC;
  2. Starting the program;
  3. Connecting to a computer via USB port devices running Android;
  4. Enabling USB debugging mode on the device;
  5. Establishing a connection between the application on the computer and the phone / tablet;
  6. Directly launching rutting (usually by pressing just one button in the program window).

This sequence will be relevant for almost any program, of course, with certain amendments. Which of the applications to use is up to you, we will only list the most common:

  • Kingo Android Root;
  • Super One Click;
  • VRoot;
  • MTKdroidTools.

As an example, let's try to get root rights using Kingo Android Root.

Kingo Android Root

Download the program on the official website www.kingoapp.com and then install it on your computer.

If the application is blocked by an antivirus, which often happens with such software, then the protection will have to be disabled for the duration of the procedure.

Launch Kingo Android Root.

Now we connect the Android device to the PC via a USB cable and immediately set the MTP data exchange mode (transfer and manage files on a PC) in the settings.

The Kingo Android Root application will start connecting with the phone and ask you to enable USB debugging mode.

To do this, you need to go to the Android settings, and then go to the "For Developers" section (Developer Options).

If there is no such item, then go to the "About phone" page and click on the "Build Number" line seven times.

The "For Developers" section should now appear. We go into it and turn on the option "Debugging via USB". A window will appear in which we check the box "Always allow debugging from this computer" and click "OK".

The installation of drivers will begin, after which the "ROOT" button will appear in the window of the Kingo Android Root program on the computer.

Click on it, wait for the procedure to finish and reboot mobile device. If everything went well, you will have extended rights.

How to get root access without using a computer

This method does not require a PC, and all actions are performed exclusively in the interface of the Android device. True, without third party programs here, too, is indispensable. We indicate the most popular:

  • kingroot;
  • oneclickroot;
  • Framaroot;
  • iRoot

If these applications do not suit you, you can find others on the Internet. Interaction with any of them will follow approximately the same scenario:

  1. An apk file is downloaded directly from the official website to the phone;
  2. The program is installed from it (the option “Allow installation of applications from unknown sources” is preliminarily activated);
  3. After starting the program, the device model is determined (or manually selected) and it is rooted.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of obtaining root rights on Android using the KingRoot application.


Download the installation apk file from the official site kingroot.net.

Now we find the saved file in the list of recent downloads of the File Manager or any File Manager.

We initiate the installation.

After the installation is completed, launch the program. In our version of the application, to start rooting, you had to go to the "Complex rights" page and click the "Get root" button.

In other editions, the interface may be slightly different. We are waiting for the completion of the procedure.


As we can see, it is not difficult to install Superuser rights (they are also root rights) on Android without using a computer or with its help. To do this, it is enough to choose the necessary software. The only catch can be that the selected utility will not specifically support your device model. In this situation, you should try another program or use the manufacturer's proprietary application (if any).

If all else fails and root access to Android is still closed to you, you will have to carefully study the information on specialized forums in the threads dedicated to your model. And, of course, to identify problems that prevent obtaining elevated rights, you should definitely pay attention to the text of warning messages and errors that usually accompany the occurrence of different kind malfunctions.

On Android and one of the easiest is to use the Kingo Root application. This program adapts to each device and version of the Android operating system, using their vulnerabilities to hack Android. How to install root on Android using Kingo Root read on Treshbox.

There are two ways to root Android with Kingo Root - using a computer and without it. We will look at both separately.

Attention: You perform operations with the device at your own peril and risk. The editors of the site are not responsible for the possible consequences of following the instructions described in this article. Other than that, Android hack means . Root your gadget only if you are confident in your actions.

Kingo Root without computer

It is worth noting that getting superuser rights through Kingo Root without using a computer is quite difficult, especially if we are talking more or less fresh Android versions. However, many gadgets still lend themselves to this application. Note: Rooting Kingo Root requires some files to be downloaded, so expect the program to consume approximately 10 MB of traffic.


Kingo Root on a computer

Most effective way getting root via KingRoot - by connecting a smartphone or tablet to a computer. It is worth noting that you will need a stable internet connection on your PC.


How to check if you are root

To make sure that you have received root rights, just download the appropriate root application checker:

If rooting was successful, the program will show something like this screen:

The program will show what type of root you managed to install and whether everything is configured correctly. If both methods did not help you, then expect new instructions for obtaining root rights on the Treshbox.

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