Home Useful tips All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the German language. Where can I find standard tasks for the Olympiad? What subjects are included in the Olympiad list?

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the German language. Where can I find standard tasks for the Olympiad? What subjects are included in the Olympiad list?

It is a whole system of Olympiads in subjects included in the compulsory curriculum of the country’s general education institutions. Participation in such an Olympiad is an honorable and responsible mission, because this is a student’s chance to show his accumulated knowledge, defend the honor of his educational institution, and in case of victory, also the opportunity to receive financial incentives and earn a privilege when entering the best universities in Russia.

The practice of holding subject Olympiads has existed in the country for more than a hundred years - back in 1886, representatives of educational authorities initiated competitions between young talents. During the Soviet Union, this movement not only did not cease to exist, but also received an additional impetus for development. Since the 60s of the last century, intellectual competitions on an all-Union and then all-Russian scale began to be held in almost all major school disciplines.

What subjects are included in the Olympiad list?

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the country's schoolchildren will be able to compete for prizes in several categories of disciplines:

  • in the exact sciences, which include computer science and mathematics;
  • V natural sciences, which include geography, biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry and ecology;
  • in the field of philology, including Olympiads in German, English, Chinese, French, Italian, as well as Russian language and literature;
  • in the field humanities, consisting of history, social studies, law and economics;
  • in other disciplines, which include physical education, world artistic culture, technology and life safety.

In the Olympiad tasks for each of the listed disciplines, there are usually two blocks of tasks: a part that tests theoretical preparation, and a part aimed at identifying practical skills.

Main stages of the 2017-2018 Olympiad

Conducting the All-Russian school Olympiad includes the organization of four stages of competitions held at various levels. The final schedule of intellectual battles between schoolchildren is determined by representatives of schools and regional educational authorities, however, you can focus on such periods of time.

Schoolchildren will have 4 stages of competition different levels difficulties
  • Stage 1. School. Competitions between representatives of the same school will be held in September-October 2017. The Olympiad is held between parallel students, starting in the fifth grade. Development of tasks for holding subject Olympiads in in this case entrusted to the members of the city-level methodological commission.
  • Stage 2. Municipal. The stage, where competitions take place between the winners of schools in the same city, representing grades 7-11, will be held from December 2017 to January 2018. The mission of compiling Olympiad tasks rests with the organizers regional level, and local officials are responsible for issues related to the provision of a place and ensuring the procedure for the Olympiads.
  • Stage 3. Regional. The third level of the Olympiad, which will be held in January-February 2018. At this stage, schoolchildren who received prizes at the city Olympiad and those who won the regional selections last year take part in the competition.
  • Stage 4. All-Russian. The highest level of subject Olympiads will be organized by representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in March-April 2018. Regional winners and the guys who won last year are invited to attend. However, not every winner of the regional selection can become a participant in this stage. The exception is schoolchildren who received 1st place in their region, but are behind in points from the winners at the level of other cities. The winners of the All-Russian stage can then go to international competitions that take place in the summer.

Where can I find standard tasks for the Olympiad?

Of course, to perform well in this event, you need to have a high level of preparation. The All-Russian Olympiad is represented on the Internet by its own website - rosolymp.ru - on which students can familiarize themselves with tasks from previous years, check their level with the help of answers to them, find out specific dates and requirements for organizational matters.

The German Language Olympiad from MDG “Mega-Talent” is an educational event of international level, which can be a good incentive to improve performance in the subject. All participants have the opportunity to receive a prize diploma I-III degrees with the proper level of preparation. The rest of the participants are guaranteed to receive certificates, and the teachers receive certificates and gratitude.

Talent Development Center "Mega-Talent" through the eyes of statistics:

  • The list of Olympiads has been expanded to 47 subjects.
  • More than 400 Olympiads have been held.
  • more than 9,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries have already demonstrated their knowledge and talents in German language Olympiads.
  • 98% of teachers become our permanent partners.

5 principles of solidarity

We try to meet teachers halfway to the extent possible. That's why we:

  1. We provide access to all sets of assignments for all classes after confirmation of the application;
  2. We update reward materials seasonally;
  3. We compensate organizational expenses;
  4. We reward the most active organizers;
  5. We make sure that no support request goes unanswered.

What are distance Olympiads?

Any teacher, together with the Mega-Talent MDG, can become the organizer of a distance Olympiad on the basis of their educational institution. Olympic tasks comply with the school curriculum and Federal State Educational Standards standards. The format of distance Olympiads allows you to reduce tension during educational events. In a familiar environment, participants often perform very well.

The set of tasks for each category of participants consists of 15 test questions different types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Questions on exclusion and correlation of two data series.
  • Test tasks for working with illustrative sources.

Cost of participation in German language olympiads

The basis for participation in the Olympiad is the payment of the registration fee. You keep up to 30% of the registration fee to compensate for organizational expenses. The more participants in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation. You can find out more about how compensation is calculated after registration .

We love our teacher partners, and therefore every month and every half-year we reward leadersrating table valuable prizes. All Olympiad organizers are participants in the rating.

How often do we hold German language Olympiads?

During the academic year, 7 distance Olympiads of all-Russian and international format are held. We do All-Russian Olympiads once a season (autumn, winter and spring), and international ones in the intervals between them and at the end of the year.

Thus, whenever you look at a page withschedule of events , you can always take part in one of our Olympiads.

How are Olympiad works checked?

We try to minimize human factor when checking works in order to get rid of subjectivity in assessment. After the organizer enters the participants’ responses into a special table in his personal account, the system will take care of the rest. The results will be processed, and based on them we will prepare personalized award materials, which will be at the disposal of the organizer on the day the results are published.

How to hold an Olympiad in the German language?

  1. Register on the Mega-Talent website.
  2. Go to the schedule and select the German language Olympiad from the list provided.
  3. Indicate the desired number of participants and submit an application.
  4. Make a payment so we can give you access to the tasks.
  5. Download a set of tasks and recommendations for conducting the Olympiad, compiled by our methodologists.
  6. Print out the assignments and answer sheet for each student.
  7. Conduct the Olympics on time.
  8. Upload the answers to the site by entering them into the table in your personal account.
  9. See the correct answers and download rewards on the day of summing up.

How to pay the registration fee to participate in the German Language Olympiad?

Available to you following methods payment:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the German Olympiad?

Our educational events are open to everyone. You only need to understand Russian at a level sufficient to understand the essence of the tasks. If you still have any questions, they will probably be answered


IN GERMAN LANGUAGE 2017–2018 academic year. G.


Section 1. Listening

Gespr ä ch im Reiseb ü ro.

Hören Sie ein Gespräch im Reisebüro.

Was istrichtig ,was istfalse ? Kreuzen Sie an!

Listen to the conversation at the travel agency. Mark if the sentence matches the text you read ( richtig ), if does not match ( false ).

1. Herr Große weiß genau, wohin er im Urlaub fahren will.

2. Herr Große will nicht nach Griechenland fahren, weil es dort zu warm ist.

3. Nach Binz kann er mit dem Auto fahren.

4. Der Preis ist für Übernachtung, Frühstück und Abendessen.

5. Das Dorint-Hotel liegt direkt an der Ostsee.

6. Das Hotel bietet auch einen Reiseleiter.

Section 2. Reading

Lest den Text und macht die Aufgaben zum Text.

Read the text and complete the tasks for the text.


Ich heiße Thomas und bin 10 Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Berlin. Meine Familie ist nicht groβ: Vati, Mutti und kleine Schwester Anika.

Ich gehe in die Schule, in die Klasse 4a. Unsere Schule ist neu und groß. Wir haben vieleFacher*: Mathe, Deutsch, Lesen, Sport, Kunst und Musik. Mir gefällt sehr Mathe, denn ich rechne gern. Deutsch und Lesen machen mir auchSpass*. Sport is Super! Wir laufen, springen, turnen und spielen Ball. Aber die Musikstunden mag ich nicht. Singen istlangweilig* .

In den Pausen spielen wir Fußball oder essenPausenbrot* im Hof. Ich habe viele Freunde in der Schule.Ich gehe gern in die Schule.

Die Facher - school items, lessons:

machen Spass - give a satisfaction;

langweilig - boring;

das Pausenbrot - food that schoolchildren eat during recess.

1. Read the sentence and, if it corresponds to the content of the text, put a tick in the box richtig . And if the sentence does not correspond to the text, then put a tick in the box false .



1. Der Junge heißt Peter.

2. Thomas ist12 Jahre alt.

3. Thomas lernt Englisch in der Schule.

4. Thomas rechnet germ.

5. Thomas singt auch germ.

6. Thomas hat viele Freunde in der Schule.

2. Another task for Thomas’ letter. Connect the beginning and end of the sentence with an arrow.

7. Die Familie von Thomas istA) Mathe.
8. Thomas wohntb)germ.
9. Die Schwester von Thomas heißt c) nicht groß.
10. Thomas gefällt sehr d)Pausenbrot.
11. In den Pausen essen die Kinder e)Anika.
12. Thomas geht in die Schule f) in Berlin.

Chapter 3. Lexico grammatical exercise

Lexikalisch – grammatische Aufgabe.

Task 1. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer.

Das Zimmer meines Freundes.

Mein Freund __(1) Herbert Neumann. Seine Familie ist nicht groβ . Das sind Vater, Mutter und Herbert. Die Familie ___(2) drei Zimmer. Herbert hat ein Zimmer. Ich komme oft ___(3) Herberts Zimmer, um meinen Freund zu besuchen. Jetzt erzähle ich über sein Zimmer. Das Zimmer __(4) nicht besonders groβ , aber es ist schön. Alles ist immer __(5) Ordnung. All ist sauber. Ich frage Herbert: “___ (6) macht dein Zimmer sauber?” Er antwortet: “Ich mache mein Zimmer und die anderen Zimmer sauber.” Ich ____(7) meiner Mutter immer. Und du, Paul? Ich helfe____(8) Mutter auch immer.

Herberts Zimmer is hell. Das Zimmer hat ein ___(9) Fenster. Auf dem Fensterbrett stehen Blumen. Am Fenster steht ein Tisch. Das ist ein Schreibtisch. Auf dem Tisch liegen Bücher und Hefte. Hier steht auch eine Tischlampe. Am Tisch macht Herbert seine Hausaufgaben und schreibt Briefe an seine Freunde.

___(10) der Wand links steht sein Bett. An der Wand rechts steht ein Bücherschrank mit vielen Büchern. Herbert liest viele und gern.

1. a)heiβ t b)heiβ en c)heiβ e

2. a) haben b) hast c) hat

3. a) in b) im c)auf

4. a) sei b) bist c) ist

5. a) in b) im c)ins

6. a) was b) wer c) wen

7. a) hilf b) helf c) helft

8. a) meiner b) meine c) meines

9. a) groβes b) groβer c) groβe

10. a) aufb) anc) in

Exercise 2. Read text And insert V omissions missing By sense words .

Ein Mädchen geht in den Wald. Es kommt in ein Haus. Im Haus leben drei ____1____: der Bärenvater, die Bärenmutter und das kleine Bärchen. Die Bären sind im Wald. Das Mädchen sieht im Zimmer einen Tisch. Auf dem Tisch stehen _2__ Teller mit Suppe. Ein Teller ist sehr groβ , der zweite Teller ist nicht besonders groβ , der dritte Teller ist __3__.An dem Tisch ___4___ drei Stühle.Das Mädchen setzt sich auf den kleinen Stuhl und iβ t ___4_____ aus dem kleinen Teller.Im zweiten Zimmer stehen ___5___Betten. Nach dem Essen liegt ___ 6 ________ im kleinen Bett. Die Bären kommen nach Hause. Da sehen sie, das Zimmer ___7___ nicht in Ordnung. Die Bären sind____8_____.Sie fragen: “Wer ist da?” Das Mädchen ist im zweiten Zimmer und antwortet nicht. Die Bären kommen in das zweite _9_ , aber das Mädchen _10_ aus dem Fenster und läuft nach Hause.

Section 4. Country studies

Exercise 1

Choose one is correct answer option in each task.

1. Deutschland liegt im... Europas. A. Zentrum
b. Norden
c. Süden

2. Mecklenburg - Vorpommern ist ... in Deutschland .
a. ein Fluß
b. ein Berg
c. ein Bundesland

3. Deutschland hat ... Bundesländer .
a. sechs
b. sechzehn
c. sechzig

4. Der Main ist... in Deutschland.
a. ein Berg
b. ein Fluss
c. ein Schloss

5. Das Wahrzeichen der Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist... .
a. das Bodemuseum
b. die Nikolaikirche
c. das Brandenburger Tor

6. Am Ende Dezember feiert man... in Deutschland.
a. Fasching
b. Weihnachten
c. Ostern

7. Der Hase bringt den Kindern... .
a. Ostereier
b. gute Noten
c. Weihnachtsgeschenke

8. Deutsch spricht man in ... .
a. Österreich
b. Ungarn
c. Schweden

9. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ist der Klassiker der deutschen... .
a. Music
b. Kunst
c. Literature

10. Richard Wagner ist der berühmte deutsche... .
a. Komponist
b. Dichter
c. Wissenschaftle

Task 2

Knowledge of proverbs and figurative expressions makes speech richer, brighter and more expressive, doesn’t it? Do you know German proverbs? Pick up to every German proverb (indicated by a number) corresponding translation in Russian (indicated by a letter).

1. Ohne Flei ß kein Preis .

A) The end is the crown of the matter.

B) Time for business, time for fun

E) The spool is small, but expensive.

2. Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde.

A) The end is the crown of the matter.

B) Time for business, time for fun

C) You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty

D) Better late than never.

E) The spool is small, but expensive.

F) Whoever gets up early, God bless him.

3. Ende gut - alles gut.

A)End - businesscrown.

B) Time for business, time for fun

C) You can’t take the fish out of the pond without difficulty.

D) Better late than never.

E) The spool is small, but expensive.

F) Whoever gets up early, God bless him.

4. Erst die Arbeit, dann das Spiel.

A) The end is the crown of the matter

. B) Time for work, time for fun.

C) You can’t take the fish out of the pond without difficulty.

D) Better late than never

E) The spool is small, but expensive.

F) He who gets up early, God bless him

5 . Besser später, als nie.

A)End - businesscrown.

B) Time for business, time for fun.

C) You can’t take the fish out of the pond without difficulty.

D) Better late than never

E) The spool is small, but expensive.

F) Whoever gets up early, God bless him.

Section 5. Letter

Here is a letter from Germany. Please read it and write a response. Your answer must be at least 45 words.

Leipzig , den 28. September

Liebe Anna!

Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es gut. Meine Sommerferien sind vorbei und das neue Schuljahr beginnt. Aber bald kommen die Herbstferien. In den Herbstferien machen wir eine Klassenfahrt nach Berlin. Wir besuchen hier den Berliner Zoo.

Und was machst du in den Ferien? Schreibe mir recht bald.

Mit freundlichen Grüβen

dein Michael

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