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Fatima's daughter. Righteous women: Asiya bint Muzahim, Maryam bint Imran and Fatima bint Muhammad. Honor bestowed upon the Female Slave

A Brief Review of the Life of Her Ladyship the Prophet's Daughter (DBAR)

Her Ladyship's names: Fatima, Siddyqa, Mubarak, Tahira, Zakiya, Razia, Marziya, Muhaddisa, Zahra.

Epithets: Ummul Hassan, Ummul Hussein, Ummul Muhsin, Ummul Aimma, Umm Abiha.

Some of her most famous titles are: Zahra, Batul, Syddykatul Kubra, Mubarak, Azra, Tahira, Sayidatun-Nisa.

Father: The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, the great Prophet of Islam (may Allah bless him and his family!).

Mother: Khadija Kubra, the first woman to convert to Islam.

Birth: Mecca, five years after prophetic mission.

Martyrdom: city ​​of Medina, 11 AH, two and a half months after the death of the Prophet.

Burial place: according to the will of Saint Fatima (DBM), as well as according to political reasons She was buried secretly at night by Imam Ali, and to this day her burial place is not known.

Children of Her Ladyship Fatima: Imam Hasan Mujtaba, Imam Hussein Seyyidush-Shuhada, Zeinab Kubra, Umm Kulthum and Muhsin, who died without being born.

Birth of light

On Friday, the 20th of the month of Jamadi al-Sani, five years after the beginning of the prophecy, in the house of divine revelation, under the holy sky of Hijaz, at the foot of the rocky mountains of Mecca, in front of the holy Kaaba, where His Lordship the Messenger of Allah (SAW) read the Qur'an , radiating the light of the divine word around, a girl was born. It was in the house of the Prophet, which was very familiar to the angels, where prayers were held day and night, in the house that was hope for orphans and the needy, a refuge for slaves, in the house of Muhammad (DBAR) and Khadija (DBM) that Fatima was born .

About Saint Fatima, the Messenger of Allah (DBAR) said: “She is from me, and from her I inhale the smell of divine paradise. Such a statement by the Prophet (SBAR) about Saint Fatima is not surprising, because she is one of the great people of humanity. After all, Allah Almighty speaks about her great position in the Koran:

انما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس اهل البيت و يطهركم تطهيرا

“Verily, Allah wants to remove impurity only from you, the family of His house and purify you complete cleansing" Sura 33 verse 33.

Her Grace Fatima Zahra (DBM) embodied the qualities of the Prophet (DBAR). Sanctified by divine light life path Saint Fatima, is one of the signs of wise divine predestination. Saint Fatima is God's chosen one among the women of the world.

Mother of Her Ladyship Fatima

Her Ladyship Fatima (DBM) spent five years of her childhood under the upbringing of her mother Khadija, who is the first woman to embrace Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said about Khadija: “Khadija is one of best women this ummah."

Aisha says: “The Messenger of Allah always remembered Khadija, and so often that I could not stand it and said: “Oh, Messenger of Allah! Khadija was just old woman. Allah gave you a better wife than her.”

The Prophet (DBAR), angry, said: “I swear by Allah! Khadija was the best. She believed while others remained in disbelief. She supported me when others rejected me, she placed her property at my disposal when no one else did the same. And Allah Almighty continued my lineage through her...!”

The great personality of Saint Fatima

Undoubtedly great personality Saint Fatima (DBM), who is one of the fourteen immaculates and is the mistress of all women, is beyond our limited understanding. It is our religious duty to seek the favor and guidance of Her Ladyship Fatima, as well as her family. She is a woman whose anger and displeasure is the anger and displeasure of Allah. While we are limited in speech, is it possible to describe her comprehensive and extraordinary spiritual personality?

Therefore, we offer you sayings about Fatima (DBM) from the immaculate leaders:

His Grace the Messenger of Allah said: “An angel, by order of Allah, descended to me and told me the good news that Hasan and Hussein are the leaders of the youths of paradise, and Fatima is the mistress of all women in paradise. The Messenger of Allah said: “The greatest women in the world are: Maryam - the daughter of Imran, Khadija - the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatima - the daughter of Muhammad and Asiya - the daughter of Mazahim (wife of Pharaoh).”

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Paradise awaits four women: Maryam - the daughter of Imran, Asiya - the wife of Pharaoh, Khadija - the daughter of Khuwaylid, the wife of the Prophet and Fatima - the daughter of Muhammad."

He also said: “Allah is angry with the anger of Fatima, and is pleased with her contentment.”


In the second year of Hijri, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) married Fatima to the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (DBM). They were created for each other, and as our immaculate leaders say, except Ali, no one could be worthy of Fatima.

The Messenger of Allah said: “Fatima’s marriage depends on the order of Allah.”

When Ali came to the Prophet to ask for Fatima’s hand, the Messenger of Allah said: “Even before your arrival, an angel told me that Allah ordered Fatima to be given in marriage to you.”

Abu Dharr says: “One day the Messenger of Allah asked me to bring Ali to him. When I came to Ali and called him, no one answered me. My attention was drawn to a hand mill that was grinding grain by itself. I called Ali again, he heard and came out to me. And we went together to the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet talked to Ali, at the end of their conversation I said: “In Ali’s house I saw a hand mill that was grinding grain by itself. And it really surprised me." The Messenger of Allah said: “My daughter Fatima is such that Allah purified her heart with purification, gave her true faith. After all, Allah is aware that it is difficult for her and therefore the Almighty helps her in household chores. Don’t you know that Allah has angels who are appointed to help the family of the Prophet?”


  • Fatima (Arabic: فطم ‎‎) - Protected from evil and the fire of hell
  • Az-Zahra (Arabic: الزهرة ‎‎) - Illuminating
  • Siddiqa (Arabic: صديقة ‎‎) - Truthful
  • Kubra (Arabic: كبرى ‎‎) - Exalted
  • Mubarak (Arabic: مباركة ‎‎) - Blessed One
  • Tahira (Arabic: طاهرة ‎‎) - Pure
  • Zakiya (Arabic: زكية ‎‎) - Chaste
  • Radiya (Arabic: راضية ‎‎) - Satisfied with the fate predetermined by Allah
  • Mardiyya (Arabic: مرضية ‎‎) - Praised One

Relationship with father

Fatima and her father treated each other with great love and warmth. Fatima was the first whom the Prophet Muhammad greeted upon returning from the campaign, and the last to whom he said goodbye when going out.

Apart from Fatima, I have never seen a person whose appearance, seriousness, and manner of getting up and sitting down were so much like the prophet. Every time Fatima entered the room, the Messenger of Allah came to meet her, kissed her and sat her in his place, and when Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah) entered the room, Fatima rose from her place, approached him, kissed him and yielded to him own place

Sahih Tirmidhi, vol.2, p.319

Birth and first years of life

Fatima was born in the fifth, or according to some sources in the first, year after the beginning of the prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. Her birth fell during the period when the Quraish began to fiercely oppress Muslims. During childbirth, Khadija's maids abandoned her and refused to help her, and she had to give birth on her own. In accordance with the tradition of the Arabs, Khadija gave all children to wet nurses from among the nomadic Arabs to remove them from the centers of diseases common among settled Arabs, as well as to study pure Arabic. Fatima was raised by Khadija herself from birth.

The first years of Fatima's life coincided with the period when the Quraish used economic blockade against the Muslims, their access to food and trade was blocked, and the Muslims suffered from hunger for three years, concentrating in the Abu Talib quarter. In the 10th year of the prophecy, Fatima's mother and her grandfather Abu Talib die, after which the oppression of Muslims intensifies, and Fatima witnesses the humiliation and violence carried out against her father and his followers.


After Fatima reached the age of marriage, many noble and rich suitors came to her to woo her. Among them were such companions as Abu Bakr and Umar. However, Muhammad, with the consent of Fatima, married her to his cousin Ali. This happened in or 623.

The mahr given to Fatima amounted to 480 (500 in some sources) dinars, received by Ali from the sale of his chain mail. The wedding ceremony was held modestly, as is welcomed in Islam.

Their marriage lasted 10 years and ended with the death of Fatima. And although polygamy was allowed in Islam, Ali never took a second wife during Fatima’s lifetime.

Family life

Many hadiths talk about the hard work and diligence of the prophet’s daughter:

...Fatima ground the grain herself, which is why calluses appeared on her hands. She herself carried water home in leather skins, which left marks on her chest. She cleaned the house herself, and her clothes became dusty, she lit the fire in the stove so much that her clothes became black with soot...

Sahih Abu Daoud, vol. 33, section “On tasbih before bedtime”

However, Fatima devoted most of her time to worshiping Allah; she spent many nights in prayer and namaz.

Children of Fatima

  • Umm Kulthum
  • Muhsin.

Death of Fatima

Fatima died a few months after her father, as he told her before his death, in the year 11 AH. She bequeathed that Ali would wash her body. For political reasons, Ali buried Fatima secretly; the location of her grave is still unknown.


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    See what “Fatima (daughter of the prophet)” is in other dictionaries: Fatima Zahra

    - Fatima bint Muhammad (فاطمة بنت محمد) Birth name: Fatima bint Muhammad ibn Abdullah Gender: Female. Birth: 605 Mecca Death: 632 Medina Nationality: Arab Father: Muhammad ibn Abdullah Mother ... Wikipedia Fatima bint Muhammad - (died in 11/633) daughter of the prophet Muhammad and Khadija. She was born in Mecca, presumably five years after her father's prophetic mission, and survived him by several months. Fatima was the wife of Ali ibn Abu Talib and the mother of his sons - ... ... Islam..

    encyclopedic Dictionary Fatima (disambiguation) - Fatima is a polysemantic term. Female name Fatima (“weaning”, according to another version “weaned child”) female name

    . Famous bearers: Fatima, fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hassan and Hussein. Fatima... ...Wikipedia Fatima - (about 605,633) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. The Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alids traced their genealogy to Fatima and her husband, Muhammad’s cousin, Caliph Ali...

    . Famous bearers: Fatima, fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hassan and Hussein. Fatima... ...Wikipedia Historical Dictionary - (Arabic فاطمة‎‎ “fair-faced”) is a popular Arabic female name, common among many nations professing Islam. Female form

    the words “Fatimun” (((fair-faced). Personalities Fatima is the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother ... ... Wikipedia Fatima (name) - This term has other meanings, see Fatima. Fatima (فاطمة) Arabic Gender: feminine Etymological meaning

    . Famous bearers: Fatima, fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hassan and Hussein. Fatima... ...Wikipedia- (about 605 or 606, Mecca, – 633 or 632, Medina) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiite imams (see Shiism) and many dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam traced their genealogy to F. and her husband, Muhammad’s cousin Caliph Ali... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    . Famous bearers: Fatima, fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hassan and Hussein. Fatima... ...Wikipedia- (more precisely Fatyma) the daughter of the prophet Mohammed from his first wife Khadija. Aliy (later the 4th Caliph) married her, and she gave birth to Hassan (Hasan) and Hossein (Husein), the founder of the Alid dynasty, of which the Fatimids proclaimed themselves members... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    FATIMA- (c. 605 633) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries where Islam spread (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alidis traced their genealogy to F. and her husband, Muhammad’s cousin, Caliph Ali... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Whatever direction of Islam a person adheres to, he must inevitably face the question: why? only daughter The Prophet (S) was buried at night in deep secret, and the place of her grave remains unknown? What secret is contained in this? What circumstances led to this tragic state of affairs, and what message does it convey?

It is true that Fatima Zahra (A) herself, before her martyrdom made such a will, but why did she make it, what made her want to bury herself secretly and what message did she want to convey to the ummah?

Why did the man who was the caliph of that time, that is, according to his own statement, the “successor” of the Prophet (DBAR), not attend her funeral and did not read prayer over the daughter of the one whose successor he called himself?

Fatima (A) bequeathed to bury herself secretly, so that none of those who caused her oppression could be present at this funeral. This testament in itself is for every reflective Muslim the best proof that Fatima Zahra (A) left the near world oppressed and angry at her oppressors.

Funeral of Fatima (AS) at night and its reason, according to Sunni sources:

1. Buhari leads:

وَعَاشَتْ بَعْدَ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سِتَّةَ أَشْهُرٍ فلما تُوُفِّيَتْ دَفَنَهَا زَوْجُهَا عَلِيٌّ لَيْلًا ولم يُؤْذِنْ بها أَبَا بَكْرٍ وَصَلَّى عليها

“And she lived after the Prophet (SAW) for six months, and when she died, her husband Ali buried her at night and did not inform Abu Bakr about it.”

(“Sahih” Bukhari, volume 4, p. 1549, hadith 3998).

2. Ibn Qutayba in Tawila Mukhtalifi-l-Hadith gives:

وقد طالبت فاطمة رضي الله عنها أبا بكر رضي الله عنه بميراث أبيها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما لم يعطها إياه حلفت لا تكلمه أبدا وأوصت أن تدفن ليلا لئلا يحضرها فدفنت ليلا

“Fatima demanded from Abu Bakr her father’s inheritance, and when he did not give it to her, she vowed never to speak to him and bequeathed that she should be buried at night, so that he (Abu Bakr) would not be present at her funeral.”

(Ibn Qutayba, “Tavilu mukhtalifi l-hadith”, volume 1, p. 30).

3. Abdurrazzak leads:

عن بن جريج وعمرو بن دينار أن حسن بن محمد أخبره أن فاطمة بنت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دفنت بالليل قال فرَّ بِهَا علي من أبي بكر أن يصلي عليها كان بينهما شيء

“From Ibn Jarij from Amru ibn Dinar from Hasan ibn Muhammad that Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet (DBAR), was buried at night so that Abu Bakr could not read prayer over her, because something happened between them.”

(“Musnaf”, volume 3, p. 521, hadith 6554).

4. Ibn Battal in Sharh Sahiha Bukhari writes:

أجاز أكثر العلماء الدفن بالليل… ودفن علىُّ بن أبى طالب زوجته فاطمة ليلاً، فَرَّ بِهَا من أبى بكر أن يصلى عليها، كان بينهما شىء

“Most scholars gave permission to bury at night... And Ali ibn Abi Talib buried his wife at night so that Abu Bakr could not read prayer over her, because something happened between them.”

(Ibn Battal, Sharh Sahiha Bukhari, vol. 3, p. 325).

5. Ibn Abi Hadid reports from Jahiz:

وظهرت الشكية، واشتدت الموجدة، وقد بلغ ذلك من فاطمة (عليها السلام) أنها أوصت أن لا يصلي عليها أبوبكر

"Fatima's dissatisfaction reached such a degree that she bequeathed that Abu Bakr should not pray over her."

(Ibn Abi Hadid. “Sharh nahj ul-balagha”, volume 16, p. 157).

And elsewhere in the same book:

وأما إخفاء القبر، وكتمان الموت، وعدم الصلاة، وكل ما ذكره المرتضى فيه، فهو الذي يظهر ويقوي عندي، لأن الروايات به أكثر وأصح من غيرها، وكذلك القول في موجدتها وغضبها

“But as for the concealment of her grave, the mystery of her death, the absence of funeral prayer and other things that Murtaza mentions, I accept all this, because the narrations about this are numerous and reliable, as well as Fatima’s anger (against Abu Bakr and Umar).” .

(Ibn Abi Hadid. “Sharh nahj ul-balagha”, volume 16, p. 170).

Funeral of Fatima (AS) at night and its reason, according to Shia sources:

Although the reason for the secret funeral of Fatima (A) is clear among the Shiites, let us point out one important rivayat. Sheikh Saduq reports:

عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ عَلِيِّ بْنِ أَبِي حَمْزَةَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ سَأَلْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ عليه السلام لِأَيِّ عِلَّةٍ دُفِنَتْ فَاطِمَةُ (عليها السلام) بِاللَّيْلِ وَ لَمْ تُدْفَنْ بِالنَّهَارِ قَالَ لِأَنَّهَا أَوْصَتْ أَنْ لا يُصَلِّيَ عَلَيْهَا رِجَالٌ [الرَّجُلانِ‏ ].

Ali ibn Abi Hamza asked Imam Sadiq (A): “Why was Fatima buried at night and not during the day?” He said: “Because she made a will so that those people (Abu Bakr and Umar) would not read the funeral prayer over her.”

(“Ilalu shsharai”, volume 1, p. 185).

So, taking into account Shiite and Sunni sources, we can draw the following conclusion: the reason for the secret night funeral of Fatima (A) was her will, in which she ordered that the oppressors and usurpers of her inheritance could not read prayer over her. The main message to the entire Ummah that she expressed in this will is the following: the daughter of the Prophet (SAW), “whose wrath is the wrath of Allah,” remained forever angry with the people who oppressed her and took the caliphate from her husband Ali ibn Abi Talib (A).

From his first wife Khadija.

Born in Mecca. In 624, in Medina, she married the prophet's cousin, Ali. Many people wooed her famous people(including Umar and Uthman), but she refused them. Later, when Ali approached her, she silently agreed to marry him.

The most beloved daughter of the prophet, the prophet himself affectionately called her “umma abiha,” that is, the mother of his father.

After her father's death, she insisted on the prophet's will that Ali become caliph, which caused her to have a conflict with Abu Bakr and Umar. The resentment against them was so great that in her will she forbade them from coming to her funeral. During her illness, Abu Bakr came several times to ask for forgiveness, but Fatima never forgave him. Ali buried her secretly, as Fatima wanted: the burial place is still unknown.

Those who were with the Prophet during Mubahila

All hadith scholars, historians and commentators holy quran indicate that Fatima-Zahra (DBM) is one of the five people who participated in Mubahila with the Christians of Najran. Participation in Mubahila, besides the great dignity and high achievement of its participants, there is a strong argument that the family of the Prophet (DBAR) are Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (DBM). And none of the relatives and wives of the Prophet are considered blameless.

A Brief History of Mubahil

A group of Christians from Najran came to the Prophet and talked about Jesus. The Prophet read to them the following verse: “Truly, Jesus is like Adam before Allah: He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be!”, and he became.” Christians did not accept this and began to object. And then the verse “Mubahila” was revealed by Allah, in which the order was given: “Whoever argues with you about this after the sign has come, then say: “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women.” , and ourselves and yourselves, and then we will call and direct the curse of Allah on the liars."

Mubahila is when two opposing parties, having differences on any issue, send Allah's curse to each other and ask God to send down punishment on those who are liars.

The Christians of Najran initially agreed to a mutual curse and agreed that the next day they would perform Mubahila at the appointed place. When they left the Prophet, they all gathered together and began to talk about the upcoming matter, chief priest said: “If Muhammad comes to the appointed place tomorrow with his family (Ahl al-Bayt), do not agree to mutual curse. If he comes with his companions, then it’s okay. That means he is not a real Prophet.”

The next day, the Messenger of Allah, along with Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein, came to the appointed place for Mubahil. The Prophet told his family the following: “When I make a request to Allah, you say ‘Amen’.” The Christians, seeing those accompanying the Prophet, were very afraid and confirmed that he was acting similar to the method of other Prophets. They began to ask the Prophet not to commit mutual curses and to make peace with them.

Crying over my father's hunger

Abdullah ibn Hasan says: “One day the Messenger of Allah came to Fatima. Her Ladyship Fatima brought a piece of dry barley bread. The Messenger of Allah broke his fast and said: “My daughter!” This is the first piece of bread your father has eaten in the last three days of hunger.” Hearing this, Fatima cried bitterly. The Prophet began to calm his daughter, wiping her tears..."

Respect of the Prophet for Her Ladyship Fatima

The following is quoted from Aisha: “Whenever Fatima visited the Prophet, he, as a sign of respect, got up from his seat, kissed his beloved daughter and sat her next to him.”


After the Messenger of Allah left this mortal world, various difficulties and problems caused Fatima a lot of grief, making her life bitter and unbearable. The death of her dear father, whom she loved very much, on the one hand, the conspiracies and insidious intrigues of the enemies who seized the leadership of the country belonging to His Lordship Ali (DBM), on the other, caused her pain and anguish, spiritual and physical suffering.

One of the undisputed historical facts What is unanimously agreed upon by all Muslim historians, regardless of their teachings, is that the Prophet's beloved daughter, Fatima al-Zahra, died three months after her father, as a result of great suffering and pain. At her funeral, Imam Ali addressed The Prophet (peace be upon him) over his grave and said:

O Prophet of Allah! May peace be with you from me and from your daughter, who went to you, and who hastened to meet you. O Prophet of Allah! My patience for the suffering of your beloved daughter is exhausted, and my strength of endurance has weakened. I suffered great difficulties and a heartbreaking tragedy that separated you and me. I laid you in the grave after your last breath had passed. Verily, we are all from Allah, and verily, to Him we will return. Now, trust has been returned, and what was given has been taken away. As for my grief, it knows no bounds, and as for my nights, they will remain sleepless until Allah chooses for me the house in which you now live. No doubt your daughter will tell you about people uniting to oppose her. You ask her for details and you will find out everything about it. Moreover, this all happened at once, when the memory of you did not disappear. May my greeting be with you, and this greeting is the greeting of a grief-stricken person, for if I am destined to leave this world, it is not because I am tired of the fight for our Faith with you, and if I remain, it is not because lack of faith in what Allah has promised to those suffering.

Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her) died just three months after her father, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), having spent all this time in grief and torment. She has never been seen smiling even once since her father's death. She was also denied by the 1st Caliph Abu Bakr her inheritance from the Holy Prophet - mainly from the land outside Medina called Fadak - Abu Bakr gave the reason that prophets do not leave inheritance. Imam Bukhari said that when Fatima asked for her share of the inheritance of the Holy Prophet, she received the answer that the Holy Prophet said: “We, the group of prophets, do not leave an inheritance. And everything that we have We leave for the poor.” Then she was denied the entire inheritance her father. When she died, her husband Imam "Ali (a.s.) buried her at night, and only a few like-minded people attended her funeral; he performed the prayers by doing everything himself. These incidents occurred even though the Messenger of Allah said: "Fatima - part of me. Whoever grieves her will grieve me." Ibn Kataibah recorded that Fatima al-Zahra" said to some people: "Allah and His angels are witnesses that you have hurt me and upset me, and if I meet the Prophet, then I will raise my grievances against you.”

Fatima's husband

Children of Fatima

  • Zeinab
  • Umm Kulthum

Fatima, Fatma, Patimat are variations of the name of one of the most famous women in the history of Islam, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Millions of Muslims still call their daughters by this name, preserving the memory of noble Fatima. Her mother, Khadija, was 16 years older than her husband, but bore him seven children - three sons and four daughters. The boys died in infancy; Muhammad married off all his daughters - Ruqaiya, Zeinab, Umm Kalthum and Fatima - but only the youngest gave the grandchildren of the prophet to the Muslims.

Not noted in history exact date her birth. Although it is known that the girl was born no later than eight years before the Hijra - the migration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina, which happened in 622. Your name youngest daughter It was not by chance that the parents gave it: that was the name of the mother of Muhammad’s father and the mother of Khadija herself.

When her older sisters got married, Fatima was only five or six years old. Her parents spoiled her, especially since she was a sickly and sad child. Even as she grew older, neither Muhammad nor Khadija encouraged her to convert to Islam. However, perhaps because they did not want to repeat what happened with their daughter Ruqaiya, who converted to Islam: when her husband’s clan found out about this, she was returned to her parents’ home in disgrace. Custom demanded that the wife follow her husband in everything, like a thread following a needle, without showing independence in her beliefs. By the way, this is why in Mecca, which was hostile to Muhammad for preaching a new faith, Khadija was not only not condemned for converting to Islam, but, on the contrary, was respected for this very reason - after all, she acted like a faithful wife.

I was extremely happy family life Khadija and Muhammad, they lived for 20 years in mutual harmony, love and trust. The death of his wife in 619 was a great blow to Muhammad. But, as required by the same custom, relatives immediately began to look for him new wife. Thirty-year-old Savda, the widow of a Muslim who died in Ethiopia, where some of Muhammad’s followers had resettled, was considered suitable. Their life with Savda did not work out, but Muhammad, feeling sorry for the woman, left her in his house, allowing her to enjoy all the rights of a member of the family of the head of the Muslim community.

Soon, Aisha, the daughter of his associate Abu Bakr, appeared in the prophet’s house, but she was only being prepared to marry Muhammad - the wedding was postponed until the bride came of age. Little Fatima took her mother’s death very hard. They believed that she would become the mistress of Muhammad’s house and even called her “Um Abihi,” which means “mother of her father.” But, apparently, this did not happen - new housewives appeared in the house, and this hardly consoled Fatima in her grief.

A year after the Muslims migrated from Mecca to Medina, two weddings famous in the history of Islam took place: Muhammad married Aisha, Fatima was married to the cousin of the prophet, her childhood playmate Ali ibn Abu Talib. She was not yet sixteen then, but in Arabia at that time a girl could become a wife at the age of twelve.

At these weddings there was no music, no dancing, the food was the most modest - dates, olives, sheep's milk... Muslims were poor, but that's not the point. That was generally difficult period in their lives, and Muhammad demanded from his companions and from all members of the ummah - the Muslim community - dedication and self-restraint, he strictly followed this principle himself...

Ali and Fatima settled not far from the home of Muhammad himself - he wanted all members of his family to be near him.

They say that at first the young people often quarreled like children, took offense at each other - the transition from friendly games to marital relations was difficult... Three years later, the first-born son, Hasan, appeared in the family, and a year later Hussein was born.

Just at this time there was a battle between the Muslims and the Meccans at the Badr well, and soon there was another clash with the enemies of Islam - at Mount Okhod where the Muslims suffered considerable losses. And although everyone knew that those who died for the cause of faith would certainly be in heaven, the families of the victims grieved the loss. Fatima took the death of her fellow believers to heart - after all, she had known many of them since childhood. Her husband did not like these experiences at all: Ali, on the contrary, was in high spirits, like a warrior returning from battle for a just cause. He wanted to see his wife cheerful, but she seemed to be plunged into eternal mourning.

There is evidence from historians who claim that Ali wanted to acquire other wives - Islamic laws allow a Muslim to have four wives at the same time if he is able to provide them with food, give them a home and treat them all with equal attention. Muhammad, having learned about his son-in-law's intentions, warned him that he could bring a new wife into the house if he only divorced Fatima. For she is, said Muhammad, “a part of my body.” Ali did not want to lose his place in the environment of the prophet, and Fatima remained his only wife until the end of her life. However, this did not improve the situation in the family. True, the sons were a delight - noisy, restless, like all the boys in the world. But even maternal joys could not dispel the sadness that had settled in Fatima’s soul forever. She, the mother of two children, endlessly missed her mother, whom she loved very much and lost so early.

One might assume that Fatima did not have her own worthy place in the life of a young Muslim community building Dar ul-Islam - the House of the World of Islam, headed by her father. But that's not true. A person who is responsive to someone else’s misfortune, who knows how to empathize, have compassion, and come to the rescue, will certainly receive recognition and gratitude from people. This is exactly what the daughter of the prophet was like. She helped those in need, often giving them all the little she had.

After death older sister Ruqayi Fatima again put on mourning. The father was late for his daughter’s funeral, but when he returned home, he immediately went to Fatima’s chambers, and they sat together for a long time, remembering both Ruqaiya and Khadija.

Muhammad loved his grandchildren very much, and when business allowed, he played with them - at these moments Fatima was cheerful and joyful. And her father told her that a virtuous wife devoted to the faith, possessing spiritual and physical beauty, and good, a strong family- the most precious thing in a man’s life.

One day Muhammad received a group of Christians from Najran. He came out to them in a wide cloak, and introducing Fatima, Ali and his grandchildren to the guests, he covered the shoulders of all four with the edges of his cloak and said: “But here is my family!” Subsequently, in Shiite literature, the Ali family began to be called “people of the cloak.”

It seems that after the death of his beloved wife Khadija, the prophet never found a new family happiness. There was no peace and harmony among his wives. Aisha and Hawsa competed with each other. The fathers of both, Abu Bakr and Umar, were the closest companions of Muhammad, his devoted friends, but each considered herself more worthy special attention husband. (By the way, it was Khavse, according to legend, that Muhammad handed over his archive - those few records of revelations that were made during his life, correspondence with neighboring sovereigns.) Even the prophet himself found it difficult to establish peace between women. Once, when he gave Aisha a necklace that he had received as a trophy, the wives quarreled, so much so that the conflict had to be settled by influential relatives. Echoes of this event found a place in Surah 4 of the Koran “Women”, where it talks about the need to strive for harmony in the family and how difficult it is to achieve this in real life.

Fatima shunned her father's wives and did not take any part in their intrigues. But when Muhammad brought from his next campaign a young captive from the conquered fortress of Khaybar - the Jewish woman Safiya, who had converted to Islam, and all the wives united against her, Fatima treated her cordially, helping her get used to the new life. The marriage of Muhammad and Safia made it possible to establish peace with the residents of Khaybar for all time.

When the Muslim community became stronger economically, Muhammad considered it possible to provide his loved ones with an annual pension. Fatima was entitled to 85 bags of grain a year - a good help for a family in which, after the first two boys, three more children appeared.
After the death of her father, Fatima faced difficult trials. Muhammad did not appoint a successor for himself, and a dispute over power was brewing between the Muhajirs who came with him from Mecca and the Ansars - Medina Muslims. But Umar reconciled everyone, reminding the faithful that it was Abu Bakr that Muhammad entrusted to lead the prayer during the days of his illness. Ali, as the closest relative of the prophet, the father of his grandchildren, believed that he should become the head of the community. But the Muslims swore allegiance to Abu Bakr, and then Ali, offended, locked himself in his house. Umar came to him to explain that this was not the time to quarrel, that it was necessary to unite in order to preserve the community. Ali did not let him enter the threshold and locked all the doors. The guest tried to open them by force, but then Fatima came out to him and threatened that she would now remove the veil from her head in front of everyone. A Muslim woman could only do this in case of extreme danger, and then everyone rushed to her aid.

Remembering her father's instructions, she sacredly remained faithful to her husband in everything and defended the interests of her family. For these reasons, she laid claim to the income from the oasis of Faddak, which was considered the personal property of Muhammad, to which Abu Bakr - namely, he became the first caliph of Muslims after the death of the prophet - answered her that the oasis is the property of the community, for the prophets have no other heirs than ummah, do not have. Fatima broke off all relations with Abu Bakr and even on her deathbed did not want to see him.

She did not outlive her father by much: different sources give periods from two months to two years. Tuberculosis, a disease of poverty, mental and physical exhaustion, brought her to the grave. She was at that time... maybe 23, or maybe 33 years old - historians do not agree on this matter.

In Islam, it is established to dedicate the 20th day of the month of Ramadan to Fatima - as the day of her birth and the third day of the month of Jumada - as the day of her death.

IN last hour Fatima, her husband Ali, was not at home, but, having received the sad news, he hastened to return and buried his wife with all due honors. And soon the widower got married and forgot where the mother of his children was buried. However, here he did not formally violate the laws of Islam - the grave of a Muslim must, in the end, be razed to the ground.

In the biography of Muhammad, compiled several decades after his death, very little is said about Fatima. This is understandable: the transmitters, that is, those who recalled the life and sayings of Muhammad in different periods his life, were mainly from the circle of Aisha, who herself claimed to be the main spiritual heir of Muhammad. But centuries have passed, and the image of the prophet’s daughter in the minds of Muslims has become an eternal example of embodied compassion, sacrifice, and mercy. In the Islamic world there is such an amulet: the palm of Fatima, in which she handed out the last penny or date to the needy.

Fatima is especially revered by the Shiites - those who believe Ali and his descendants to be the main and only heirs of the spiritual power of the prophet in the world of Islam. They are the ones who call her “Um Abihi” (her father’s mother). In Shiite literature one can find stories about miracles performed by her.

Fatima is also called “Maryam al Kubra”, that is, “elder Maryam” - as a sign of her closeness to the image of the Christian Virgin Mary (but for Muslims, the greatness of Fatima, of course, is higher), this same closeness is indicated by another name for the daughter of the prophet - “al Batul" - "virgin".

And grateful Shiites call her “queen of paradise.” Sometimes they are reproached for the “man-made” image of Fatima. Perhaps, in fact, the Shiites, in their enthusiastic veneration of this woman, endowed her with all the excellent qualities beyond measure, but this in no way detracts from her true merits, and her bright and tragic image is sacredly preserved in the grateful memory of the Muslim world.

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