Home roses Why is a woman dreaming about a dream book. Dream Interpretation to see an elderly woman

Why is a woman dreaming about a dream book. Dream Interpretation to see an elderly woman

An elderly woman in a dream is the image that portends troubles, gossip and disappointment to the sleeper. However, according to the prediction of the dream book, such an episode can promise both joy and well-being. In order to pick exact interpretation what an elderly woman dreams of, you need to remember all the nuances of sleep.


If a man saw himself among many elderly ladies, then in reality, according to the dream book, there will be a lot of rumors and gossip around his person. Try not to pay attention to the attacks of ill-wishers and behave with dignity. This will help maintain your reputation.

Did you see someone who looked familiar? In reality, your friends and relatives will discuss you, which will bring you a lot of suffering.

To quarrels

Why dream of a kiss with an elderly woman? The dream interpretation is sure that for a family man he is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts. You need to learn to listen to your partner and smooth things over.

saw old woman in wedding dress? The dream interpretation explains: soon discord will begin in your family. Be careful, a small quarrel can escalate and lead to divorce. If you want to save a family, then try to make every effort for this. If you do not see the point in this, then just put the final point.

Miller's opinion

A woman of advanced years, according to Miller's interpretation, is a symbol of upcoming worries and troubles. Undoubtedly, this dream will bring disharmony into your life, but do not be nervous and worried, all problems are temporary.

If a woman is aged, then in reality she will face serious changes. One way or another, but you will have to adapt to new conditions and circumstances.


Why does a man dream that he is? Dream Interpretation believes that this dream is a harbinger of dishonor. Therefore, carefully monitor your words and think over your every action.

If in a dream you are in the form of a young woman, but at the same time she is gloomy, then in reality you will face financial difficulties.

According to another version in real life troubles and big losses await you. It does not matter in what way the old woman appeared to you.

Had a kiss of an elderly woman? Most likely, you will be disappointed in acquaintances and friends.

But what is the old woman dreaming of? The dream interpretation is sure that health problems cannot be avoided in reality. A seriously ill person to see himself pregnant - to possible death.

Only good

A favorable sign is a dream in which a man takes care of an elderly woman. The dream interpretation is sure that only good things await the dreamer - career growth, meeting with his betrothed, a strong family and healthy children.

Did you see what he is holding in his hands? This vision is a very auspicious sign. In reality, you will be able to achieve all your goals, success will accompany all your endeavors.

Dreamed of an old woman in the image of a young woman? If the granny put it on and is very complacent, then in real life everything will work out well for you.

If an aged woman saw herself pregnant in a dream, and also observed the birth of a boy, then in reality unexpected joy would fall on her.

If an elderly woman, then soon she will become a grandmother. A grandson will be given to her by her daughter or daughter-in-law.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "An elderly woman to see in a dream" with a full description.

What is the dream of an elderly woman? Such an image in a dream means troubles, gossip, conflicts, disappointments. However, dream books give another interpretation to this symbol: success, good luck in business, personal life. It all depends on the related details.

Beware of gossip

A man to be in a dream among many older women - according to the dream book, portends rumors, gossip. The ill-wishers want to defame him, therefore, by his behavior, by deeds, these insinuations should be refuted as groundless.

Seeing a familiar old woman in a dream means upcoming gossip from acquaintances, grief.

Avoid conflict at home

For family people, a kiss with an elderly woman portends quarrels. Try to take the point of view of your spouse, do not aggravate the conflict, smooth out sharp corners.

Did you dream of a person of advanced years in a wedding dress? The dream interpretation warns: serious family troubles are possible, up to a divorce. Therefore, if marriage is dear to you, make every effort to save it. When living together fails - it's time to put the final point.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

An elderly lady often symbolizes upcoming worries and troubles. They will bring discomfort, violate inner harmony dreamer. We must remember: no matter how uncomfortable, untimely these worries may be, they cannot be avoided, and what is the use of being nervous because of the inevitable?

A fish seen by a special elderly person in a dream promises her life changes. We'll have to adapt to new circumstances, people.


Why does a man dream of being an elderly woman? The dream interpretation claims: this is to dishonor. Be careful when deciding on some actions, words - ill-considered actions can turn into big troubles.

When the old woman, whom you see in a dream in the form of a young woman, has a gloomy mood, you should prepare for grief and financial difficulties.

Often dream books interpret this image as a messenger of some kind of loss. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how exactly she dreamed - as an evil old woman, a familiar grandmother, or even a pregnant one - you can’t expect good things.

A kiss of a person of advanced years promises: friends, acquaintances or colleagues will disappoint you.

Why does an elderly woman dream of seeing that she is pregnant? She expects deterioration of health, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy in a dream for seriously ill patients portends death.

good omen

A great sign for a man is a vision where he takes care of an elderly lady who reciprocates with him. The dream interpretation explains: business success awaits the sleeper, marriage to a young attractive girl, creating an excellent strong family and the birth of good children.

I dreamed of a pleasant grandmother with big fish in hand? This is a wonderful sign that promises success, profit. Moreover, the sleeper will achieve this with his mind, since a person of advanced years symbolizes wisdom in such a vision.

Why is the old woman dreaming in the guise of a young woman? If at the same time she is in a wedding dress or has a good mood, the dreamer's affairs will be arranged as he wants.

When an elderly woman dreamed of being pregnant and giving birth to a child, especially a boy, it means that the dreamer will have success in many things, unexpected joy.

An elderly lady in a dream portends fishing: she will soon become a grandmother. it sure sign: her daughter or daughter-in-law will become pregnant.

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Older people are usually associated with wisdom. Suddenly seeing an old woman in a dream, a person realizes that this is no accident. But why is she dreaming? What does it warn about? FROM close attention It is worth considering her words, appearance. For all the details of the plot, there is an interpretation in the dream book, and this will help to reveal the secrets of the future.

The image of an old lady

The old woman who appeared in a dream is a collective image of the experiences that disturb the dreamer, even if he does not realize the depth of the problems. A dream makes you remember the transience of life, illnesses, death, but, as a rule, does not leave an oppressive feeling.

From children's horror stories, everyone knows what the old woman in black dreams of - this means receiving a sign of death. However, do not rush to get scared: we are not talking about the timing of this event. What will happen sooner or later is not a reason for tragic experiences. The authors of the dream books believe that the interpretation largely depends on what the meeting was like.

Meeting point

Grishina's noble dream book claims that you can find out something about your death, depending on the place where the meeting took place in a dream. If you dreamed of a gray-haired lady in someone's house, this is a reminder of a well-known person whose death left riddles.

Anyone who saw an old woman in a pit or mountain gorges has been released for many years. He doesn't have to prepare last hour, which will still come suddenly, but it is necessary to think about the eternal. If she dreamed in an open field, a bright forest or on a road, the dream books prophesy the dreamer to live for many years and rest peacefully surrounded by his loved ones.

Appearance and character

Seeing a kind, affectionate old woman is a sign of protection from adversity. I dreamed of an angry, aggressive one - it personifies illnesses, portends an insidious lie. However, in reality it is too early to worry about health for someone who saw how in a dream she was chasing him, but did not catch up.

The noble dream book by Grishina interprets the image of terrible, disgusting old women who, in a dream, catch up, choke their breasts, as a reminder of evil thoughts regarding a familiar person. Only repentance and renunciation of the desire to harm will return peace of mind.

When a well-known old woman appears in a dream - do not rush to look for secret meaning in what she dreams of. Find out if this elderly person needs help. To see a gray-haired stranger is a symbol of bad intrigues and gossip. The cane in her hand is a hint that one must be vigilant with ill-wishers so as not to be “on the hook” with them.

Dreamed of an ancient virgin? Rigidity and selfishness can soon lead to the family turning away from the dreamer, and this will cause him suffering. Dream Interpretations believe: those who sin with envy can even dream of a gray-haired cannibal. And finally, let's return to how the dream books interpret the image of an old woman in black: if the dreamer has any fears, then they will come true.

Conversations and Events

English Old dream book prophesies a quick marriage to a man who in a dream saw how he was courting an elderly lady, and she was flirting. Happy marriage and numerous offspring will brighten up his life.

Why dream of a friendly conversation with an old woman? The dream calls for a conversation with parents or older relatives. Will be the right thing to do visit them and seek advice on your doubts.

An elderly woman in a dream is the image that portends troubles, gossip and disappointment to the sleeper. However, according to the prediction of the dream book, such an episode can promise both joy and well-being. In order to find the exact interpretation of what an elderly woman is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember all the nuances of sleep.


If a man saw himself among many elderly ladies, then in reality, according to the dream book, there will be a lot of rumors and gossip around his person. Try not to pay attention to the attacks of ill-wishers and behave with dignity. This will help maintain your reputation.

Did you see an old woman in a dream who seemed familiar? In reality, your friends and relatives will discuss you, which will bring you a lot of suffering.

To quarrels

Why dream of a kiss with an elderly woman? The dream interpretation is sure that for a family man he is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts. You need to learn to listen to your partner and smooth things over.

Did you see an elderly woman in a wedding dress? The dream interpretation explains: soon discord will begin in your family. Be careful, a small quarrel can escalate and lead to divorce. If you want to save a family, then try to make every effort for this. If you do not see the point in this, then just put the final point.

Miller's opinion

A woman of advanced years, according to Miller's interpretation, is a symbol of upcoming worries and troubles. Of course, this dream will bring disharmony into your life, but you should not be nervous and worried, all problems are temporary.

If an aged woman dreams of a fish, then in reality she will face serious changes. One way or another, but you will have to adapt to new conditions and circumstances.


Why does a man dream that he is an elderly woman? Dream Interpretation believes that this dream is a harbinger of dishonor. Therefore, carefully monitor your words and think over your every action.

If in a dream an old woman appears to you in the form of a young woman, but at the same time she is gloomy, then in reality you will face financial difficulties.

According to another version, in real life, troubles and big losses await you. It does not matter in what way the old woman appeared to you.

Had a kiss of an elderly woman? Most likely, you will be disappointed in acquaintances and friends.

But why does an old woman dream of seeing herself pregnant in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that health problems cannot be avoided in reality. A seriously ill person to see himself pregnant - to possible death.

Only good

A favorable sign is a dream in which a man takes care of an elderly woman. The dream interpretation is sure that only good things await the dreamer - career growth, meeting with his betrothed, a strong family and healthy children.

A grandmother saw in a dream what she was holding big fish in hand? This vision is a very auspicious sign. In reality, you will be able to achieve all your goals, success will accompany all your endeavors.

Dreamed of an old woman in the image of a young woman? If the granny put on a wedding dress and is very complacent, then in real life everything will turn out well for you.

If an aged woman saw herself pregnant in a dream, and also observed the birth of a boy, then in reality unexpected joy would fall on her.

If an elderly woman catches fish in a dream, it means that she will soon become a grandmother. A grandson will be given to her by her daughter or daughter-in-law.

Miller's dream book

what is the dream of an old woman

Seeing an old woman in a dream means that depressing chores and worries will overtake you, in accordance with which you will lose both peace and balance.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

dream old woman

An old woman, taken away in a dream, portends a quarrel with loved ones.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If an old woman dreams, then this dream speaks of some events in the life of relatives. Seeing an old woman denotes joyful events.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dream old woman

If an old woman dreams, then this means life on earth. If in a dream a woman turns into an old woman, this leads to a change in better side in financial and social status.

Freud's dream book

what is the dream of an old woman

If in a dream you see yourself as an old (old woman), this means that experiments are needed in sexual relations, no need to get hung up on the same.

Loff's dream book

dream old woman

If an old woman dreams, then you need to decide on a way to solve pressing problems. No need to start new business, agree to dubious offers.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

dream interpretation old woman

An old woman dreams that there will be disturbing events and troubles in life.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

dream interpretation old woman

An old woman dreams that decline and ending are possible in life life path. This is a negative image, as it has a destructive effect on a person.

English dream book

what does it mean if an old woman in a dream

If a man dreamed that he was caring for an old woman who reciprocated, then this is a dream happy events. All cases will be resolved successfully, the man will marry a beautiful young lady, with whom he will be happy and they will have children.

Modern dream book

what does it mean if an old woman in a dream

If you dreamed of an old woman, then there is a possibility that a relative or other loved one waiting for a serious illness. If an old woman has a stick (cane) in her hands, this means that you are very serious about your friends and have high hopes for them, which they are unlikely to justify.

Dream Interpretation sonniq.ru

what does it mean if an old woman in a dream

To see an old woman with a gloomy face is a constraint on funds, to chagrin and need. See an old woman good mood- all wishes will come true and things will go well.

When interpreting a dream in which a woman appeared, interpreters always take into account the age of the dreaming person. An elderly woman in night dreams symbolizes gossip, quarrels, anxieties and disappointments. But do not be upset if an elderly woman was seen in a dream. Sometimes a lady of advanced years may dream the day before joyful events. To understand the true meaning of night vision, you need to pay attention to its details.

Miller's dream book personifies the image of an elderly woman with evil gossip, black envy and intrigue. The interpreter advises the sleeping person to take a closer look at the people who surround him in Everyday life. He is sure that the source of the dreamer's troubles is one of his close friends or relatives. In addition to this interpretation, Miller offers one more thing: an elderly woman, in his opinion, dreams of troubles and anxieties that will deprive a person of peace of mind. If the dreaming lady looked very old, then in reality one of the dreamer's close people threatens serious illness. Did a woman lean on a stick or cane in a dream? In this case, the sleeper will be disappointed in friends. AT difficult situation they will not want to lend a helping hand to him, showing by their act that they cannot be trusted.

Miss Hasse's dream book also offers negative interpretation dreams. Its compiler is convinced that an elderly lady in night dreams predicts a sleeping person's anxieties and life's hardships. Sometimes the image of an old woman carries an omen of impending trouble.

What if an elderly woman dreams

If you dreamed of older women in in large numbers, then the gossip that ill-wishers spread about the dreamer will seriously excite him. In order to regain peace of mind, the interpreter advises the sleeper to completely stop communicating with persons who discredit his honor and dignity. To see a familiar elderly lady in a dream - to gossip from colleagues and friends. It is likely that the cause of unpleasant conversations will be the dreamer's inappropriate behavior.

A kiss with an elderly woman in a dream promises a family man a quarrel with a soulmate. To avoid conflict, dream books advise the sleeper in controversial situations accept the point of view of the spouse, and also try to avoid sharp corners in communication with her. In night dreams, did you see an elderly lady in a wedding dress? According to dream books, such a plot promises a person family troubles that can lead to divorce. If the dreamer values ​​his family, he needs to make every effort to preserve it. In the case when he sees no point in continuing to live in marriage, he should put a bullet on it and start a new life.

If in a dream the representative of the stronger sex dreamed that he was an elderly woman, then in real life he will have to commit a dishonorable act. The universe warns the sleeping man to watch his words and actions, otherwise he will not be able to avoid problems.

What does the old woman mean?

A night vision in which a familiar elderly lady looked younger than her years and was in a bad mood predicts financial difficulties and losses for a sleeping person. But not always the image of a woman of advanced years in dreams promises the sleeper trouble in reality. If in a dream an elderly woman aged before her eyes, covered large quantity wrinkles, then the view Muslim dream book, the dreamer will receive a well-deserved honor and an improvement in his financial situation.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov also does not see a negative omen in the image of an elderly lady. To a person who met an old woman in a dream, he predicts joy, happiness and good news. If a man in night dreams had a chance to look after a woman of advanced years and see that she was pleased with his attention, then in reality he will have to marry a young attractive girl and create a strong and strong relationship with her. happy family. For a businessman, such a dream promises business success and prosperity. If in a night vision a familiar elderly lady looked much younger than her years and was in an excellent mood, then in reality a person will be able to arrange his affairs in the best possible way.

Dreamed of a kind elderly woman? Higher power advise the sleeping person to listen more often to the recommendations of the parents. If a woman met a dreamer on the road or in the forest, then in the future he will have a happy and wise old age. The dream in which the old woman was holding a big fish in her hands should also be considered as good sign. According to interpreters, such a plot promises a person material profit and success in business.

Our experts will help you find out what the elderly woman is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed of an elderly woman in a headscarf about 70 years old for some reason in the house where I now live. And she asks me if I can sit here and she also had a phone, she asked him to put her charger. Not rough. Then she said why is it so dark? I said let me turn on the light and woke up.

    I'm standing near the window, which looks like a subway window, and behind me is a crowd of elderly women. Standing to my left Old man near the window. Then at one moment this crowd of women and a man are trying to squeeze me at the window, so that it becomes uncomfortable and uncomfortable for me to stand. Then I let out a loud remark disperse and this crowd of elderly women and a man move away. In my wallet I see large bills, from the window a woman gives me change large bills and pennies. Then he gives me information to read and I read without leaving, I understand that this is very important information for me.

    Hello! I dreamed that on the landing of the first floor (I live on the fifth) an elderly woman approached me, began to ask me something, but I did not want to listen to her. She said something to me, but I, ignoring her, continued to climb the stairs. Before reaching my apartment, I went into the neighbor's, where there were a lot of people (it seems that someone died there), but this woman was not allowed to go there. Leaving the apartment of the neighbors, I went to my room. And after some time, the same woman came to my house and brought four pancakes with filling. Then she left. What is it for?

    i am in some house and women silently enter (there are a lot and they all look alike): elderly, gray-haired, very tidy ( short haircuts) in white long dresses(or similar to floor-length bathrobes). I'm still terrified. I have never seen such dreams.

    I dreamed of zombies, they attack and for some reason I ended up in a datsan, I go inside, and there is a flight of stairs screaming noise and blood everywhere I rise and llamas descend from above and hold on to the rope. and also 10 people, and so on, and for some reason they don’t touch them, I run out after them back to the street and they are already standing like a box, i.e. llamas surround ordinary people I went up to them and asked something and they answered that they were heading into the forest and those zombies that were inside were all heading for the exit, one of the lamas told me to go into the datsan and I go in, everything is already quiet there, I go up the stairs and I'm on my own top floor where the zombies didn’t reach, and suddenly an elderly woman, almost a grandmother, comes up from behind and says that everything will be fine, she was kind, gave me hot broth to drink, said that it would give me strength at that moment a man entered the room and said that zombies and I were still heading here from somewhere awoke

    An elderly man entered the apartment, supposedly on a visit. With gifts, but to old woman, I went to ask her permission to enter, but she refused. I went out into the hallway, and he had already taken off outerwear and waited for my answer. Of course, he was upset by her refusal, I don’t remember whether he left or not. Immediately another scene appeared on the screen. About the truck and the young man who drove me in it. masturbates and sternly ordered him to stop the car and let me out. He complied. I left there, but I don’t remember what happened next. I dreamed of a portrait

    Good afternoon, tonight I had a dream that I was in an unfamiliar room with a man (supposedly with a brother), but I don’t recognize him or I don’t know, I don’t understand, maybe this unknown man, we are lying on the same bed after drinking, I am very thirsty and suddenly 4 grandmothers bring me a plastic glass with a red-pink liquid, a very small amount, I don’t really want to drink it and I don’t remember whether I drank it or not ... And they also say, call your mother (my mother died in 2003), you didn’t tell her that you wouldn’t be there at night, but I look at the big clock and it shows 6.30 in the morning, and I say that I should call, I’ll go home right now and I woke up. This is such a dream…..

    Well, hello, I dreamed that I couldn’t leave my friend’s private house, and when I go out onto the porch, I see a skinny elderly woman big stature a blonde, and she is with good intentions, but in a dream she seemed to me somehow creepy that I wanted to run away from her, then I disappeared, but she again began to pursue me, and to say something in the wake, then I rushed to run in my own area I saw people meeting me, they were walking from the bus, and then I asked some schoolchildren to help get rid of her, they started throwing snow at her, kicking her, and soon she was gone, but some kind of ball appeared, and appeared near the house where my friend came from, and this tangle caught fire, we left, I tell him the fire will start right away and everyone will think of us, and he answered yes, they won’t think, let’s go faster, having moved some distance, it was already summer night, and in general there was no one on the street, he disappeared. and I turned around and from where we came from there were some screams that I couldn’t make out but the noise, people turned on the lights in the windows, I started to return .. and I realized that I would see a fire in the place of this house, but I didn’t look there, then it became creepy and i woke up

    I was in the basement, I don’t remember what I was doing there, I was going somewhere, I saw a lot of dead crushed rats, then I vaguely remember, I still saw a garden, I stepped over the beds along narrow paths, I went either to the bathhouse, or to the house, then I saw , sitting on a bench, and an elderly woman was sitting with me, she first stroked my head, and I felt good, and then she began to scold me on a topic that was sore for me, which surprised me very much, from where she could know and I was scared and unpleasant.

    I am in a strange apartment, where my things are scattered throughout the apartment and I collect them to leave this room. Suddenly the door opens and an elderly woman enters (unfamiliar in appearance), but as if I know her. She smiles and says something to me. Then another woman appears next to me and the three of us stand in the room and talk about something. Then I woke up.

If dreams are often repeated in which an elderly woman is present, then the person began to think about what would happen after his death. Everyone anticipates an imminent illness or a dangerous life situation, and the appearance of an elderly woman in a dream is a kind of warning and confirmation of a premonition.

What if an elderly woman is dreaming?

This is what an elderly woman with disheveled hair dreams of, angry or angry: here comes a warning to a sleeping person that it is necessary to pay attention to negative traits own character, do not start quarrels and do not offend anyone, otherwise a friend will become an enemy and will deceive and persecute the sleeper for the rest of his life.

Seeing an old maid in a dream means that there will be disagreements in the family due to the “calling” and harsh attitude of the sleeping person towards relatives. Sleep gives a hint so that a person becomes kinder.

If a man shows signs of attention to an elderly woman in a dream and seeks reciprocity, it means that he will soon marry a young girl who will bestow love and give birth to charming children, and the man’s family relations and business will develop successfully.

I dreamed of a kind woman in old age, which means that you need to listen to what older people and parents advise, if an evil old woman pays attention to the people around her or employees, someone can be unfriendly and cause harm.

If in a dream an old woman waves a stick, unkind people surrounded by a sleeping person want to “hook” him and drag him into trouble. Seeing a familiar old woman or elderly parents in a dream means that there is a need to visit them and provide assistance, which is a warning in a dream.

What portends?

If a beautiful gray-haired elderly woman dreamed of a woman, then for her beloved there are no other women on earth, and he will not change. To consolidate the interpretation of sleep, a woman should drink for three weeks. melt water before bed - 1 cup.

If a man saw a gray-haired woman threatening him with a finger, then he needs to pay attention to the state of his own potency and urgently use aphrodisiacs, including in the menu hot pepper, ginger, horseradish, parsley and more. You need to consume these products for at least one week.

Seeing a kind old woman in a dream means you need to forget about bad suspicions regarding something. They won't be able to come true.

If in dreams an elderly woman has a black veil on her face, then you need to wait for the sad news of death, mourning, separation.

An elderly black-haired woman warns of gossip, squabbles, in a naked form - portends illness and grief. Seeing an old and ugly lady is a quarrel or trouble. A man kisses an old woman, which means he will strengthen his financial situation and receive a lot of money.

What is the dream of an elderly woman? Such an image in a dream means troubles, gossip, conflicts, disappointments. However, dream books give another interpretation to this symbol: success, good luck in business, personal life. It all depends on the related details.

Beware of gossip

A man to be in a dream among many older women - according to the dream book, portends rumors, gossip. The ill-wishers want to defame him, therefore, by his behavior, by deeds, these insinuations should be refuted as groundless.

Seeing a familiar old woman in a dream means upcoming gossip from acquaintances, grief.

Avoid conflict at home

For family people, a kiss with an elderly woman portends quarrels. Try to take the point of view of your spouse, do not aggravate the conflict, smooth out sharp corners.

Did you dream of a person of advanced years in a wedding dress? The dream interpretation warns: serious family troubles are possible, up to a divorce. Therefore, if marriage is dear to you, make every effort to save it. When the joint life fails - it's time to put the final point.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

An elderly lady often symbolizes upcoming worries and troubles. They will bring discomfort, disrupt the inner harmony of the dreamer. We must remember: no matter how uncomfortable, untimely these worries may be, they cannot be avoided, and what is the use of being nervous because of the inevitable?

A fish seen by a special elderly person in a dream promises her life changes. We'll have to adapt to new circumstances, people.


Why does a man dream of being an elderly woman? The dream interpretation claims: this is to dishonor. Be careful when deciding on some actions, words - ill-considered actions can turn into big troubles.

When the old woman, whom you see in a dream in the form of a young woman, has a gloomy mood, you should prepare for grief and financial difficulties.

Often dream books interpret this image as a messenger of some kind of loss. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how exactly she dreamed - as an evil old woman, a familiar grandmother, or even a pregnant one - you can’t expect good things.

A kiss of a person of advanced years promises: friends, acquaintances or colleagues will disappoint you.

Why does an elderly woman dream of seeing that she is pregnant? She expects deterioration of health, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy in a dream for seriously ill patients portends death.

good omen

A great sign for a man is a vision where he takes care of an elderly lady who reciprocates with him. The dream book explains: business success awaits the sleeper, marriage to a young attractive girl, the creation of an excellent strong family and the birth of good children.

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