Home Vegetables The most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for my mother's anniversary. Mom's birthday script

The most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for my mother's anniversary. Mom's birthday script

When your mom has an anniversary, you want to make this day special for her. You want that on this day there was laughter, fun and everyone around was happy. But it will be so if you take everything into your own hands and organize the holiday yourself. And you yourself will come up with cool script anniversary to mom 65 years old. This is not difficult to do, especially if the leading daughter. We have some ideas that will surely help you. Games, contests, toasts, jokes - you can put all this into your script and spend the anniversary with your mother. See and make the holiday a bright event yourself!

Meeting of the hero of the day.
As the theater begins with a coat rack, so the holiday begins with a meeting of the main character of the evening. We offer an original version of the meeting of the hero of the day. To do this, you need to find out from the guests who and when appeared in your mother's life. This is done in order to build the guests in order.
And so, when you figured it all out, then arrange the guests like this: in the beginning, those. Who has known your mother for a long time. For example, it could be her parents. Then brothers and sisters, childhood friends and so on. And at the very end are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren who were the last to recognize your mother.
All stand and the hero of the day enters. You announce that your mom has lived so long, she has so many good friends and wonderful relatives. And now she has a unique opportunity to go through her whole life and re-experience all these feelings when she met these wonderful people... When mom walks next to the guests, you can say who it is and how it appeared in mom’s life. And at the end of the corridor, grandchildren or great-grandchildren give flowers to their beloved grandmother and accompany her to the table in her place.
Here is such a touching meeting of the hero of the day.

The main holiday.
All guests are seated at the tables and the holiday can be started. First, a toast to the hero of the day. You can come up with your own toast, or you can use the one that already exists:

Now you can move on to contests that will help to stir up the guests and make them more smiling.

Game - abbreviations.
We offer this game first, but you can play it all evening. We will explain everything now.
To play, you need to make beautiful cards on which you write abbreviations: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies, Traffic Accidents and others. We put all the cards in a bag or put them on a tray with the letters down. The guest who is about to say a toast gets up and takes out one card. He reads an abbreviation and must say a compliment or something good to the hero of the day, deciphering these letters. And only after that does he already speak his speech.
For example, concrete goods - I wish to be sparkling! The game goes off with a bang, and the guests sometimes give out such transcripts that you laugh for several minutes.

Competition - cinema, cinema.
Everyone watches a movie and will watch. Someone more often, some rarely. But when people are many years old, they watch films more often and more. In this competition you will have to guess the name of the film, then the pictures. But don't assume that by guessing the picture from the movie, you will guess the movie itself. First you have to solve the puzzle, and only then can you guess the correct name.

Have you guessed? This is a film - three poplars on Plyushchikha! It's simple: three fingers are shown, there is a poplar and there is a figure skater Plushenko. Putting it all together, you get the name.

What is this?

Yes, this is - the camp goes to heaven! See, it's not that complicated. The main thing is to choose the right pictures.
Here are the rest of the competition examples:

Musical block.
First we'll sing, and then we'll dance. We will sing not just songs, but songs remade for this occasion. They are good because most of guests know the melody and rhythm of the song. You give them the lyrics to the song and everyone sings together.
For example, here's a song to the theme of the song "blue car":

Dance competition.
Guests rarely go out to dance themselves. Therefore, they must be lured out by cunning. Let's do it like this.
The guests are sitting at the table. The host asks them: do they know music from films? And he offers to check it out. A famous song from any movie is included. Who of the guests guessed it, he goes into the hall. For the rest, the next melody is turned on and again, whoever guessed it, goes into the hall. And so on until all the guests leave the table. And when everyone came out, the competition continues.
The presenter asks: can you dance like the heroes of the films? Let's try it!
And for the guests, a melody from a movie, for example, from the movie 2beauties, is turned on, and the guests, especially the ladies, dance like her. Then you can include a cowboy melody for men and so on.

The dance competition does not end there. One guest is selected and the host shows him the name of the next song. And this guest should show the song, but without words. And the guests guess the name. When you guessed it, this song turns on and everyone dances to it.

Contest - guess the profession!
Everyone has a profession and everyone works in a particular profession. In this competition, we invite you to guess the professions by their sounds! Do you think it's difficult? Not really, but fun.
For example, an ambulance has a flasher. And the carpenter has a hammer. A musician has a piano and so on. The sound comes on and the guests guess.

You can listen and download sounds for the competition

Mom's anniversary script

Your closest and dearest person - mom - has an anniversary. And you want to make this mom's anniversary the most wonderful holiday, and so that it will be remembered not only by her, but also by all the guests present at the celebration. Well, we will try to help you in this difficult and very important issue... Especially for you, we have written a test script for mom's anniversary. Why trial? Because everything is done by trial methods and ... No, not errors, but additions and changes. We give only an idea, and how you will translate it into reality depends only on you and your desires and capabilities. So read our mom's anniversary script and use it or some part of it in organizing and holding a holiday for mom!


First of all, you need to think about where the celebration will take place: at home, in a cafe or in nature. Of course, if mom has an anniversary in winter, then the option outdoors is not suitable.
If you have already determined exactly where the anniversary will be held, then now you need to think about the design of the premises. This is the most wonderful holiday, so do not trust the toastmaster to conduct it, it is better to organize everything yourself, do something pleasant for your mother. An important point, - what kind of anniversary your mother has: 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, etc. After all, it depends on the age what the contests will be for the anniversary and, in general, the very holding of the anniversary. This is a slight deviation).
Let's continue with the design. The first thing that can be done is to compose a jubilee figure from mom's photos. Place this number from the photos where the birthday girl will sit. You can also make a family tree, for this, ask your mother about her roots in advance and, if possible, find photographs, if the photographs do not work out (great-great-great - relatives), then write down at least their names. And starting with the parents of the mother, you can take photographs, right down to the grandchildren.
Let's go further. Naturally, only the closest and relatives (perhaps work colleagues or good neighbors) who belong to certain life stages jubilee. These are, for example, school friends, childhood friends, school friends, etc. All of them have left at least some trace in your mother's life. Therefore, you can do the following: from several sheets of Whatman paper (it all depends on the number of invitees), make up "Life Stages". That is, hang the sheets vertically on the wall, on short distance from each other, and above them in big letters(so that everyone can see) write "Stages of life full name" And sign each sheet at the top according to "stages": Infancy or childhood, school years, youth, youth, adulthood, anniversary. Can be distributed over the years. And around each Whatman paper, you can paste photos of the hero of the day, related directly to this stage of life. And each guest, who belongs to a particular stage of life, will have to leave his “mark” on a sheet of Whatman paper, that is, circle his hand and write a short wish about the resulting print with a signature and date (you can use the date of acquaintance or the date of the anniversary).
What else can be added to the design: with the inscription "Happy Anniversary, Mom!" or simply "Congratulations on your anniversary!", with congratulations, a wall newspaper with a biography of your mother, and of course Balloons(as you wish). The design seems to have been completed.
Alternatively, you can arrange guests as follows: close relatives, relatives, childhood friends, school friends, friends, colleagues.
What else needs to be prepared: songs about mom, attributes for contests, gifts for the winners of contests, think over a music and dance program, and, of course, do not forget about a gift for mom!
Now we go directly to the conduct.

1. Reception of guests.

Lead 1 (of course you are the daughter or son of the birthday girl):
Come on in, don't hesitate!
Get into your seats!
You have gathered here for a reason,
What are we celebrating, friends?

Guests answer: Anniversary!

Lead 2:
Wonderful celebration anniversary,
Tell me soon
Who is celebrating it today?
Whom do we all congratulate today?

The guests give the name and surname of the birthday girl.

Lead 1:
Take a look around,
Warmth and comfort reign here,
Everything is so colorful, beautiful,
And look, what a miracle!
The sheets are hanging on the wall
What do they want to say?

Lead 2:
You do not pass by
Look at the sheets!
And leave your mark there,
Greetings to the birthday girl!

Then one of the presenters explains what needs to be done on these sheets (outline your palm on that sheet of the “Stage of life” to which this or that guest belongs, and write a wish for the birthday girl in the print). This can be done at any time of the celebration, but it is mandatory for everyone.

2. When the guests are all seated.

Lead 1:
And where is the hero of the occasion,
Didn't you come to your anniversary?
Maybe she overslept? Or will not come
No, that won't work!
Let's call her
A better song Sing to her!

A song about mom is sung (preferably slow). At this time, the son (if there is no son, you can also the daughter) takes mom out in a dance and dances with her.

Mom is the most important word.
It's not new to anyone
But there is so much sense in it,
Feelings, emotions, thoughts ...
Tenderness, affection, love, understanding
And the world's most sensitive attention!
Warmth, loyalty and kindness,
There will always be in the word!
The word "mom" alone is capable of
Awaken warmth in the soul of anyone!
After all better than mom not in the world.
She is the closest person to me!
Thank you mom for this,
You are the best on Earth!

After that, you can fill your glasses and drink to the birthday girl.

Lead 2:
Glasses are ringing
Let everyone in the world hear him!
After all, we raise our glasses
For himself better man- for mom!

Lead 1:
Everyone wants to congratulate the birthday girl!
So let the congratulations sound!

The guests take turns getting up and congratulating the birthday girl.

Lead 2:
Mom had an anniversary
She gathered friends
I gave them a task,
Learn more about yourself,
And now waiting for answers
About her biography!

A quiz is held on the biography (and not only) of the birthday girl.
The quiz can be done in the form of a test with a question and three answer options, or you can just ask questions. Come up with some tricky and funny questions.
In addition to biography, questions can be: what color are the eyes, favorite artist, favorite food, shoe size, clothing size, waist circumference, etc. d
The guest who answers correctly most of all is awarded the medal of the connoisseur. (Inscription on the medals: a connoisseur of all the subtleties and capacities). This and other medals can be downloaded

Lead 1:
I hear someone is coming to us,
So, please, people!
Friends came to visit us,
Wonderful grandmothers here!

Men disguised as grandmothers come out (rehearse this number with them in advance). And on the motive of the ditties of the grandmothers, the hedgehog sing the following ditties-congratulations:

We came to congratulate you
After all, today is your holiday
We want to celebrate the anniversary,
The birthday girl is with you!

What a celebration anniversary,
Give me a drink soon!
Let's have fun
Just don't get drunk!

What I want to tell you
On a glorious holiday anniversary,
Be the happiest
And still beautiful!

May you have health
Will be above all praise
Up to a hundred years old to live
I never knew the trouble!

We sang congratulations
And we wish you all fun!
For this anniversary,
We all remembered for a long time!

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, play it!
_______ has a birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

On your anniversary, I wish you
Be happy, my beloved mother!
You are the most native person on the ground
And on this day, my mother wish you
May your hopes come true
Mom, don't you ever give up!
Be healthy and strong mummy
And never forget about yourself!
Mom, dear, I love you!
And I say thank you for everything!

In conclusion, you can sing drinking songs, dance. And you can also give mom this one!

The scenario is suitable for holding both in a narrow circle of those closest to you, and in a large and noisy company, where not only the family of the hero of the day is present, but also a large number of friends, colleagues and relatives.

The script contains contests, dances and songs, that is, everything that a real anniversary will never do without.

The course of action:

In the hall, all guests stand in two columns. The hero of the day passes between the columns, she is sprinkled with serpentine, rose petals, etc.

Leading :
Dear hero of the day, this is the path of your have a good trip... Everything that you love so much and without which you cannot imagine life, you will meet on this road.

Go on it, but don't hurry. Each step will be a discovery for you. Go on!

Leading :
To make everything shine on the way
Take some humble flowers!

Husband gives a bouquet

Leading :
So as not to be sad from the word "no",
Take a box of chocolates!

Girlfriend gives a box of chocolates

Leading :
So that the heart is more cheerful
Shout with the guests: "Hey-ge-gay" !!!

All screaming together

Leading :
Are you burning with impatience?
Then we will shout: "Happy birthday!"

all together shout 3 times "happy birthday"

Leading :
Here it is, the end of the road,
Do you want to go further?


Leading :
Then I invite the hero of the day and her guests to the table in order to meet such a wonderful date in the circle of my relatives and friends!

This day is not just a date
Not a calendar sheet.
Everyone gathered here, guys,
Obviously we are not in vain!

Here beautiful event, without which it is impossible,
We waited for the guests to arrive right from the morning!

Expensive _______,
We congratulate you!
And with all my heart, of course,
We congratulate, loving!

Today you have become an excellent student. Let's raise our glasses and drink to our dear hero of the day!

Raise glasses, drink, eat

Leading :
And the first congratulations, of course, will come from the lips of a person who has delighted the hero of the day throughout his life. The word to my husband!

Husband congratulations

Leading :
The spouse is well prepared! Let's drink to such a wonderful toast and to the love that has warmed this couple for many years!

Leading :
And now I have a task for the most creative people from the birthday girl's entourage, are there any?

Calls 3-4 people

Leading :
Friends, your task is to sing ditties for our hero of the day, choose any.

Music sounds

Sample options:

Dear hero of the day,
We are very shy
Because we are you
We try to surprise!

We are certainly not Mikhailov,
Not even Grigory Leps,
But we will sing in this hall
So that he climbed the oak!

It is very important that in your life everything is five,
But with the number of men it would be better not to risk it!

You walk and have fun, the children have already grown up,
Although I know that the grandchildren have found a way to your home!

Accept your congratulations today from the bottom of your heart!
But to grow old, my dear, you do not rush so easily!

Leading :
Everyone did a great job, it's time to drink for the song to flow like a river, and life seemed like honey!

Drink, eat

Leading :
The time has come to say our words of gratitude and love to the children of our beautiful hero of the day! Children, though adults, but so want to always remain children.

Therefore, you start your congratulations with the dance of little ducklings, the rest can join!

Children dance the dance of little ducklings, congratulate, drink, eat

Leading :
Anniversary, but there are people among your acquaintances who can always find correct words? There is? Then I call them to me for the next competition.

Calls 3-4 people to participate

Leading :
My friends, you probably know what burime is! Your task will be to complete a sentence on already existing rhymes! Ready?

______________ don't be shy

__________without a doubt
______________ health
___________ bread and salt

Get younger

____________ congratulations
______________ change

Do not get old
__________________ fire

So, everyone has a rhyme, now you need to offer your own version. The main thing is that the birthday woman should like the congratulation!

3 minutes to prepare, then read out their versions

Leading :
Did you finish the task? It's time to show the results for the judgment of the main expert of tonight - our anniversary!

read out, determine the winner

Leading :

For health and happiness,
For love and for participation,
And for the loudest laugh
We drink to success today!

Let's raise our glasses and congratulate the hero of the day!

Leading :
And our congratulations cannot end, because everything is just beginning!

Congratulates, enters regalia and names ____________

Let's drink to such a glorious toast!

Leading :
But it's time for us to go on, do you want to dance? Get on the locomotive, take on the birthday girl!

So, birthday girl, you are the head of the snake today. But our snake is not poisonous, but a dance one. The snake will crawl according to the style of music that will sound.

Possible directions:

    • Russian folk song;
    • Variety;
    • Lezginka;
    • Cha-cha-cha;
    • Lambada, etc.

And we do not stand still and continue to move! A dance break is announced.

And it will begin with a slow dance, which will be presented to his charming wife by the husband of the hero of the day.

Dance break 15 minutes

Congratulation-game "Star track"
The guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the "star track".

Leading: Make way, friends, make way
At this moment, smile heartily.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)
Expensive …!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So let your rays continue to give us affection,
And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.
To extend this tale to us,
At least a little bit
You take your time, manage to get through
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
Only one answer is required from you.
Dare to get up on the Star Trek
And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now they are beautiful ... (flowers.)
(They give a bouquet of flowers.)
2. To remember your biography later,
We will do this now ... (photo.)
(Taking pictures)
3. From now on, spoil your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)
4. For all heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause.)
(Applause from the guests.)
5. Miracles cannot be avoided today,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti.)
(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests pulls the string, confetti showered the birthday girl.)
6. To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song.)
(Guests perform the song "Happy birthday".)
7. And it's high time in honor of these minutes
Hear us here jubilee ... (fireworks.)
(Guests piercing air balloons, imitate fireworks).

Leading: You passed the test, the birthday girl, wonderfully.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down.)

Leading: In December, when it is cold and hard frost,
There is a surprising demand for the holidays.
Someone is happy with the day of the wizard,
Someone to the Day of Revival,
And today we are celebrating my mother's birthday.
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open my mother's anniversary!

(Fanfare sounds. Guests applause. Garland lights on the main backdrop are lit.)

: Let this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And let the guests have fun carelessly
Nobody, I hope, will leave the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should,
It is suggested to fill the glasses for everyone.
(Music. Guests are filling their glasses.)
I suggest you drink the first toast while standing.


Happy birthday, mom, happy anniversary!
This evening together we are with you.
AND good words we will not regret
For you, beloved and dear!
For a long time already our evening is shrouded in winter darkness,
You, mom, are with us, you are our star.
And may we celebrate your holiday in winter,
We wish you everything: always shine!
For you, dear mommy!

(Guests are drinking. Musical pause.)

Congratulation "Star Rays"

Leading: Dear guests! It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is a source of warmth and light, and for her family and friends, she is a guiding star that helps to confidently walk the roads of life.
A star named Tatiana
Now in my hands.
And everything in her, as if, without a flaw,
I am ready to confirm this not only in words.
Here all the rays radiate heat so strongly,
That the guests have long wanted to touch them.
I invite those present to choose any ray of the star and express their attitude towards the hostess of tonight.

(The presenter approaches the guests with a beautifully designed "star", to the beams of which are attached strips of paper with text and invites them to read it in a certain order.)

1. Tatiana! What does the name mean?
2. And the fact that she seduces everyone.
3. Character is firm, strong-willed.
4. At first glance, it is not easy.
5. But mostly optimistic.
6. Has a personal outlook on things.
7. The nature is devoted, proud.
8. Goes through life without much difficulty.
9. We have been admiring Tanya for a long time.
10. And we will try to express feelings this day.

So that the birthday girl's feelings are always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise our glasses now!
(The guests are drinking.)
(Musical pause.)

Congratulation "Cloud of wishes"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in a lifetime. And we would very much like you to be in seventh heaven with happiness that day. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you special joy.
(The presenter demonstrates a volumetric paper cloud with the inscription "Be like our cloud")
Leading: Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will gain tangible weight and fall into the hands of the hero of today's celebration. I suggest that you name the wishes-adjectives starting with these letters. Whoever proposes the best way, will be awarded with a prize. So please!
(Filling the cloud with wishes. Rewarding the best.)
Leading: Dear mommy!
We give a cloud of hopes and wishes,
So that more natural gifts are revealed in you!
(Handing over the cloud.)


Guests! Pour the glasses more fully
For the hero of the day, all to the bottom drink together.
(Guests are drinking)

Congratulations to Angels

Leading: The cloud in the sky disappeared
But the angels are not at all angry.
They come down from heaven
They'll be here in a minute.
(Angels appear :)
First angel: Here we are, curly haired angels,
We have congratulatory leaflets in our hands.
(They open the scrolls and read.)
Second Angel: Dear birthday girl!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We are guarded as before.
The first angel: Let's save from various troubles
One hundred years ahead.
Second angel: Popular rumor is spreading,
That we are great musicians
We'll have to show for you
All their hidden talents.
(They perform the song to the soundtrack "Strawberry".)


On a birthday like this
Meet the duo groovy
You are in the mood
That hour will rise instantly.
Anniversary for all guests
The birthday girl is more important.
That's why, friends,
Sing along with us words.

Congratulations on the date - yeah, yeah ...
We sincerely wish - aha, aha ...
The happiness of personal, boundless ... Yes, yes, yes!

(The chorus is repeated twice.)

Leading : Dear birthday girl!
Let's not make long digressions
Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations.
It is known that from the constellation "Builder"
Your leader has come to congratulate you.
(Congratulations from your boss.)

Leading: The team would like to know
When will he congratulate.
Your turn has come.
Begin, gentlemen!
(Congratulations from the team.)

Congratulations from the Spouse and Children

Leading: Dear guests!
You are all witnesses that in our sky
The light of one star is not fading now.
And by the way, there is one fan among us,
Who has been studying this for many years.
The floor is given to the most dear and to a loved one- to the husband of the birthday girl.
(The soundtrack of Suleiman's song sounds. Suleiman comes out, sings.)

I am the only one in the East
Shib-dae-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
Who gives magic lessons
Shib-dab-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
At the wizard Suleiman
All honestly, no deception (2 times.)
At the wizard Suleiman.
(The phonogram dies down and Suleiman the husband pronounces the words.)
Suleiman: Oh, the star of my eyes!
You conquered me at first sight ...

(Suleiman leaves. The phonogram of the song "We have come to you for an hour" sounds. The group "Brilliant."

First: We are the stars of this children are real
And our name is simply "brilliant".
Second: We are known as pop stars
US once again no need to introduce it to everyone.
Third: Since we are musical people,
We will issue a special congratulation.
First: Dear mommy!
Kirkorov sent you a bouquet on your anniversary.
(Gives flowers.)
Second: His wife is a big hello.
(They send a "kiss".)
T third : Christina - cover photo.
(Give a cover photo.)
First : Bulanova - beautiful boots.
(They give you boots from Barbie.)
Second : Gazmanov - gentle words.
Third: And Gubin ... was in no hurry yet.
First : But we are ahead of him
And we present our present.
Second : From Suleiman and from the "Brilliant",
From my son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren standing here,
We give this miracle to watch the latest Hollywood movies.
(The grandchildren carry the box from under the TV to the middle of the room. The Shiny ones pretend to take out the TV.)

Game "Live buttons"

Third: When checking a new TV, we need to make sure the image quality of the channels. So, we press the button.
(Press the TV button. The TV presenter appears.)
Announcer-presenter : Good afternoon, dear viewers! The program "Ay, yes I am!" I invite the most daring and risky three women and three men to the studio.
(They go out.)
Announcer-presenter: Dear participants! I ask you to split into pairs. Women will act as players, men will act as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the presenter asks a question to all the players at the same time. A participant who knows the answer to it must press the "button", which will "emit" its musical signal that hour, and only after that can he answer. I ask you to have a meeting in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: "meow-meow", "rush-rush", etc.
(For men - "buttons" to put on berets on their heads.)

1. How many letters are there in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
2. What is the date of birth of the birthday girl?
3. What is the name of the youngest son of the hero of the occasion?
4. What city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives?
6. What is the name of the car that is in the family of the hero of the day?
7. Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives.
8. What vegetable occupies the largest area in the hero of the occasion's garden?
9. In what month does the birthday girl meet autumn?
10. What newspaper informs the hero of the day about the life of our city?

Announcer-presenter: This was the last question. It's time to take stock. The best connoisseur was ...
(Winner's reward ceremony.)
Announcer-presenter : This is where we end the program “Ay yes I am!”. The incomparable Ellochka was with you.
(The "brilliant" ones "turn off" the TV, hand over a passport to the hero of the day.)
"Shiny": Dear Mom!
Sharp TV is the best in the world!
Let him always stand in your apartment.
(The Shiny ones leave the hall.)

Leading: About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You have a minute to grab a bite now.

Leading: Today to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation turns
What belongs to family and friends.
(Congratulations from relatives.)

Leading : Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It is in a hurry to wish you a happy birthday
And congratulate your friend.
(Congratulations from friends.)

Leading: Gifts, cards and congratulations
It feels great.
To extend the holiday for us,
Glasses should be poured.
(Guests fill their glasses.)

I propose a toast to your wishes!
(The guests are drinking.)

Leading: Friends!
We continue our festive banquet further,
We invite the birthday girl and her husband to dance.
(Dance of the spouses.)

(Dance department.)

Congratulations from the Hunter and Zaitsev

Leading: Dear guests! If we look at the starry sky, we will make sure that the birthday girl was born under the sign of the Zodiac "Sagittarius". Therefore, I ask you to greet the person who has direct relation to this sign.
(A hunter enters on mini-skis, wearing a hat with earflaps, a gun over his shoulder.)
Hunter: Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
It can be seen right away that you are a fighter.
And no fluff, no feather
It's time to wish you.
I'm late for the holiday
I chose all the gift
To achieve my goals
I had to hunt game.
Here he brought the rabbits,
Maybe there is a demand for it here.
(Two guests, dressed in hare costumes, run out and sing a song.)

Every year on this day we get together.
Not to sit at the table again:
On your birthday, we are without falsehood and flattery
From the bottom of our hearts and with the mood we will sing about ...

We don’t care, but we don’t care,
What will we eat, what will we drink.
We have known for a long time, it is so customary.
Your birthday should be kind.

We visit you, we are not at all for dinner,
We managed to learn the generosity of a kind soul,
Your birthday is why we need it,
So that they can congratulate you and tell you ...

Leading: I ask the hunter to keep up with the game,
Invite all the guests to the dance.

Competition "Light Dance"

Leading: Dear guests! The brightest dance of our evening is announced. We invite couples who wish to take part in it. Condition: Before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers. Music sounds. Couples are dancing. At the end of the dance, the prize goes to the couple with the longest lasting sparkler.
(Competition. Rewarding.)

: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the seats at the table.
(Guests take a seat at the table.)

Rocket Flight game

Leading: Dear guests! We always admire the shining stars in the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations Big and Ursa Minor, which are popularly called a bucket. We managed to get these stellar buckets from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a stellar drink from them, proclaiming a toast in honor of our hero of the day.
(Toast from the guests.)
Leading : I would like to wish our birthday girl that her life always remains a full cup, like this ladle shining to us from the beautiful night sky.
Looking at the hostess of tonight, we can say that she, like a star, is both close and distant to us.
To reach this distant star.
You need to take a flight
And each feast on an ambulance rocket
I suggest getting ahead.
(The presenter gives out two mock-ups of the rocket.)
So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the presenter, the first participant, looking out the window, loudly says: "Happy anniversary!" and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, looking out, says: "Congratulations!", The third: "Happy anniversary!" and so on, until the rocket bypasses each guest at their half of the table. Let's see whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.
Leading: But, before you go on the flight, let me approve the crew lists. Guests are asked to respond in chorus.
Leading : We are plus, minus 42.
Are you all ready for the flight? ...
Guests: Yes!
Leading: There is no reason to worry -
All say ...
Men : Men!
Leading: Well, and women in return
Tell me: are you afraid? ...
Women: No!
Leading: The missiles are ready.
The teams are in place.
We are all going on the flight together.
5,4,3, 2,1 ... start!
(Rocket Flight game. Summarizing).

Leading: Today is a decisive day for the birthday girl, a turning point in her life. After all, every big event is a real finest hour that determines our future life.
So, the hostess of the celebration,
Your finest hour is already coming.
Now you are in the role of a deity
And the whole audience wants to listen to you.
(Reply from the hostess.)

Leading: I ask, guests, to drink you
For the coming finest hour!
(The guests are drinking.)

Leading: Friends!
Don't forget about music
Perform all dances together.

Competition "Light the Stars"

Leading: I invite our guests to light some new stars in our sky.
Assignment: all team members alternately light the candles, which are set in the shape of a star. Who will complete the task faster?
(Game. Rewarding.)

Congratulations from the Astrologer

Leading: Dear guests!
Who counts all the stars?
Well, of course, the astrologer!
Only where is the star flashing,
He arrives there.
(Stargazer exits.)
Astrologer: good evening, dear guests and hostess!
Birthday girl from heaven
I got a miracle from miracles.
Happy anniversary,
I give this cake to her.
There are many lights on it,
It takes a lot of strength to blow them out.
Dear birthday girl!
On the command "three-four!" - you need to smile wider.
And at the "time!" or "two" - get ready first.
How do I say "start!" - you can blow out the candles.
(The hero of the day blows out the candles on command. The cake is placed on the table after the competition.)

Leading: We ask all guests to sit down at the tables,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.
(Guests take their places.)

Leading: This holiday is a birthday
Just a glorious anniversary
So that the fun continues
I will tell everyone "Pour!"
(Guests fill their glasses.)

Let the wine sparkle in the glasses
It congratulates Tatiana on her anniversary.
(Guests are drinking)

Fortune telling "Joyful stars"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! There are many pleasures in life. And we wish you, of course, a hundred of them on your birthday. But, you yourself understand, not all wishes come true. Therefore, we have to find out which of the hundred joys in life are definitely waiting for you in the coming year until your next birthday.
We'll make a starfall
Catch the stars all in a row.
How many will you catch them here
You will learn so many joys.
(The presenter throws stars on which are written "joys of life", the birthday girl is trying to catch them.)

Inscriptions on the stars:
1. Bliss from attending a philharmonic concert.
2. Quiet joy after sowing seeds in a wooden box on the windowsill.
3. Exuberant jubilation after winning the cup match of your favorite team.
4. Pleasant learning about the amount of interest accrued on the bank account.
5. One hundred percent relaxation during your stay in the 100-degree sauna.
6. The exotic pleasure of making love in an inappropriate place.
7. The pleasure of "shopping" (shopping) in the foreign capital.
8. Primal delight while hunting a duck.
9. Unbridled fun at a drunken and stupid party.
10. Anxious expectation of a compliment while treating guests with homemade pickles and preserves.
11. Selfish joy from a personal acquaintance with a famous doctor.
12. Blissful frenzy from sitting with a jig in hand and on the ice near the hole.
13. Pleasant aching joints after hilling a potato plantation.

(The inscriptions on the stars caught by the birthday girl are read out to everyone. Then those that she missed are read out.)

Star Necklace Game

Leading: An asterisk fell from the sky
And all the guests were punished,
So that one of them without delay
The necklace was assembled here.
(Two people are invited to compete in creating a star necklace. At the signal from the presenter, it is necessary to attach the stars with paper clips to the thread of the New Year's rain. Who will be able to use the largest number stars and cope with the task faster, he will be considered the winner. The game. Summarizing. Rewarding. Presenting the necklace to the birthday girl.)

Game "Black box"

Friends! In honor of today's holiday a black box is drawn. Anyone who names the contents of this box will be able to become its owner. The host has the right to answer the guests' questions with the words "yes" and "no".
(Variants of the "content": 1. Cognac - a star drink, 2. Audio cassette - the voices of pop stars. Drawing .. Presentation of the "content").

For the fact that henceforth everyone was so lucky, now we will pour all the grams for a hundred.
(The guests are drinking.)

Leading: You can't live without music
Let's dance fun, friends!

Leading: The anniversary has come to an end long ago, friends,
It's hard to part, but it's time.
I hope in a year on this day and hour
I'll meet you again at the hostess at the table.
(Music sounds. Guests go home.)

To decorate the room, it is better to use either the favorite colors of the hero of the day, or a noble, worthy golden-black-silver neutral scale. For example:

Anniversary script for mom 60 years old

The guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the "star track". The star track itself consists of 5 stars, which can be glued on thick paper or simply on the wallpaper, or you can create an outline of the stars on the floor using confetti.

Congratulation-game for the 60th anniversary of the woman "Star track"

Fanfare sound

Make way, friends, make way
At this moment, smile heartily.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(Music - Anniversary is coming out.)

Dear Mom!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So let your rays continue to give us affection,
And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.

To extend this tale to us,
At least a little bit
You take your time, manage to get through
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
Only one thing is required from you - a solution.
Dare to get up on the Star Trek
And guess something!

daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

Gong sound

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now they are beautiful ... (flowers.) (The son gives a bouquet of flowers.) 2. To remember your biography later,
We will do this now ... (photo.)
(Son-in-law takes pictures)
3. From now on, spoil your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)

The sound of a kiss

4. For all heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause)
(Applause from the guests.)

Sound of applause

5. And it's high time in honor of these minutes
Hear us here jubilee ... (fireworks.)

Fireworks sound

(Guests, piercing the balloons with forks, imitate fireworks + voice acting - fireworks track)

You passed the test, the birthday girl, wonderfully. We want you to invite everyone to the table.

daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The music gradually fades away when the guests are fully seated. The guests sit down.)

Track - Hello, hello guests


Dear friends, today we are gathered in this beautiful cozy place together to celebrate a birthday ... Not just a birthday, but an anniversary! our mother, wife, sister, friend, colleague ... sportswomen, Komsomol members and simply beautiful Galina!

I must say right away that Vitalik and I are with you today. You can come and talk to us at any time. We are going to set the rhythm for our holiday, work with the equipment. And so we will be here at a separate table.

Mom is 60 today. I think this is an adorable age. Mom is still full of energy and strength, has a huge invaluable experience, you feel more confident than before ... And most importantly, you do not need to prove anything to anyone ... You can relax and enjoy life. Children have grown, the number of grandchildren is growing every year. Friends have not diminished. The family is with you. As they say - a full cup.

daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

The first toast on the anniversary for a full bowl

And I propose the first toast! A toast to a full bowl, the bowl of which our lovely birthday girl possesses. I ask you to, Dear friends... Refill your glasses. Men take care of the ladies. We are starting our holiday.

Allegrova's track "Happy Birthday" is playing

Eyeliner to the toast from the husband for the hero of the day for 60 years

Love is also a cup, you can carry it quickly, but then it splashes a lot, or slowly and far away, but neatly. It is clear that it still spilled a little, but the path that this cup traversed proves the sincerity of the feeling that united these people. The floor is given to the husband of the hero of the day.

Sound Bittersweet!

Mikhailov "Everything for you"

Anniversary toast to love

You know, I can imagine how dad would present the next toast ...

"According to the tradition of grandfathers, the third is drunk for .. (all guests) LOVE!

We will not break traditions? (guests "No of course!")

Let's all drink! We'll drain it to the bottom!

Nikolaev "Let's drink to love »

Quiz competition with questions for guests on the knowledge of the hero of the day

Leading: I'm sure that today is our holiday random people no. Everyone knows the birthday girl well. But how good it is, I propose to check it now.

  1. Favorite dish? (tomato salad)
  2. What did the birthday girl call her brother in childhood? (Lyolya)
  3. Favorite youth game? (dots, rounders)
  4. What kind of sport did the birthday girl play in her youth? (Athletics)
    Complicating ...
  5. And the most favorite, so to speak "crown" distance, how many meters was it? (800m)
  6. Biggest Sports Winner, Attention, Size? Suitcase
  7. That the birthday girl bought her first salary of 110 Soviet rubles. Moreover, the cost of this thing was 60% of this salary.
  8. The first gift then just an acquaintance, and now a husband, Anatoly? ( Empty box from under the perfume)
  9. How many modern countries did the hero of the day live? Name them? (Three. Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary)
daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

Son's toast eyeliner

Many, I would even say that everyone knows Galina well. But the floor is given to the one whom Galina herself knows best of all - the son of the hero of the day Sasha and his wife Irisha.

The son makes a toast.

Competition - Portrait of a birthday girl - drawn by guests (in verse)

It is worth stocking up in advance with a frame with clean slate paper and colored markers or felt-tip pens. We also bought a frame, this will emphasize the value of the masterpiece and allow it to be preserved in the best possible way for the birthday girl.

An example of photo frames for the Portrait of a hero of the day

Eyeliner to the competition portrait of the birthday girl

They say that every person is an artist at heart. Today, the hall has a truly magical pleasant atmosphere, which only contributes to the creation of a masterpiece. This masterpiece will be a portrait of the hero of the day.

Presenter: I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that each complements the work of the neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

Track - Music pause

Portrait of the birthday girl in verse

  1. We draw beautiful eyes for Galina:
    Brown, crafty and funny (passed to a neighbor)
  2. Cilia shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
    The look of these peepholes has become more fun (pass to a neighbor)
  3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma ...
    Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to a neighbor)
  4. And a smile will find a place in a portrait
    The most pleasant smile in the world (passed to a neighbor)
  5. Color the cheeks a little ruddy (passed to a neighbor)
  6. Of course, we will decorate the ears with a diamond (pass it to a neighbor)
  7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
    So that Galchon becomes like a queen ... (told to a neighbor)
  8. Then we draw beautiful body(passed to neighbor)
  9. And skillful pens for every business (passed to a neighbor)
  10. We draw legs for Galina sooner,
    Yes, not just any, but slimmer (passed to a neighbor)
  11. Let's put on our legs in fashionable shoes (pass to a neighbor)
  12. We will draw a good heart for her (pass it on to a neighbor)
  13. Also, we will depict a riddle to her inside
    The feminine zest is the sweetest! (passed to neighbor)
  14. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
    Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (passed to a neighbor)
  15. Still in the hands of a crocodile bag (passed to a neighbor)
  16. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (passed to a neighbor)
  17. Another card with a bank account,
    In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to a neighbor)
  18. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor)
  19. Let's hand the portrait and Galina with a kiss!
daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

(They give the portrait as a gift, offer to take a picture with the portrait all together)

Toast to the beauty of the hero of the day

I propose to raise a glass to our unique masterpiece and the muse that inspired it. I look at this picture and understand that beauty is horrible power... Three cheers for the beauty of the hero of the day.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Cut from the Royal Hunt - Well, for the beauty ...

Dear friends, we have 5-10 minutes before serving hot food. And I invite everyone to finish their business (girls powder their noses), men run out to smoke. And for those who already want to dance. Here, on our impromptu dance floor, good dance music will be waiting for you.

2nd table Scenario of the anniversary for the mother of 60 years. Leading - daughter

17.30 Dear guests in the hall there is a smell of fried in the literal and figurative sense of the word, served hot, so with great pleasure I propose to start a delicious lesson.

An introduction to the "Happiness" interactive competition

I am sure that all those present here wish the birthday girl happiness. And what is happiness for you, how much is generally needed for happiness?

Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​happiness.

Repeating competition with guests "Happiness" for the 60th anniversary

Presenter: Yes, for happiness a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it is enough for just a loved one to be near ... Today it is happiness for all of us that you are near, mother, let's tell her about it in unison, in chorus. I read the first 3 lines, and you say the phrase in chorus: "It's happiness to be with you!"

You radiate a wonderful light!

There is no better and dearer

Take away bad weather with your hand

Heart - kind, care,

Work is being done in the hands!

The breadth of the soul, participation -

Being with you is happiness! (guests)

Sunny gifts to you

Wishes - the brightest!

Let luck say: "Hello!"

Being with you is happiness! (guests)

daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

Toast for the hero of the day for 60 years - for happiness

Most people are as happy as they choose to be. Let us wish the hero of the day to be one hundred percent happy and to be like that as often as possible!

track Slutsky. What is happiness.

Eyeliner to toast from uncle (brother of the hero of the day)

Anniversary is a special holiday and different nations there are customs and traditions of how to celebrate the anniversary so that the hero of the day lives happily ever after:
In Spain, they click on the forehead;
in Italy, ears are pulled;
in England, they throw and drop as many times as they are years old and one more time for good luck.
In Canada, they put oil on their nose so that troubles slip out of their nose;
in Denmark, they hang out the national flag in the window.
And it is customary for Russians to remember at the jubilee table what a little girl she was. The birthday girl's brother, my uncle Valera, will tell us about this.

Toast to Aunt Yuilyarsha, also Gala

Grandma Galya, how do you remember your mother? A toast for you.

Toast eyeliner from cousin

Piles in left hand have taken,

They strung a snack on a fork right,

Prepared and froze!

Word cousin birthday girl Lyudmila and her wife Sergei.

Competition with fans from Red Riding Hood for the 60th anniversary

Sounds music from the film about Little Red Riding Hood "Ah-ah, there are mountains in Africa ..." SHE runs out, skipping like a little girl, running around the tables, dancing, spinning. In the hands of the basket, in the basket - eggs from under the kinders, inside of which there are tasks. After the music he says: "I was running past the forest, I hear the music sounds, well, I think, let me look at the light.
Red Riding Hood (Vitalia): And you have such a holiday here (anniversary, wedding ...)

Appeals to the hero of the day:

  • Why are your eyes so big?
    and she herself answers: "Ah-ah, you are glad to see me!"
  • Why are there so many guests? Yeah, did you give a lot of gifts?
    But I, too, did not come to you empty-handed, I also have presents! Who loves to receive them, raise your hands! Well, now go out to the dance floor, I will give them to you!

The guests go out, the Caps brings out the shy ones.

They all stand in a circle.

Dear guests, dear hero of the day! Little Red Riding Hood came to visit us, but not with empty hands, but with gifts! In her hands you see a basket in which she has prepared surprises for you! But besides gifts, there is also various tasks... Now Little Red Riding Hood will have her back to us, and we will pass her little basket clockwise from hand to hand, as soon as the Little Riding Hood says "STOP" - we get one surprise out of her. I don’t know what the Lord God will send you, but I wish you all good luck!

daughter (presenter of the anniversary)

1. No matter how difficult it is for you, how you are not lazy, Show how the Young deer gallops! Track - Reindeer

2. All hee-hankies, yes ha-hankies, But you are quite serious. Grunt us a song "Oh frost, frost!" Track - Oh, frost

3. Well, and got the card, So do not be shy, Gather a team as soon as possible Dance the dance of swans! Track - Dance of the Swans

4. Fly higher and higher Three times, loudly, aloud Shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!" How the rooster cries! Voice acting - Rooster

5. You need three assistants And this friendly team To have fun until you drop, Dance the passionate Lambada! Track - Lambada

6. I say smiling, Show without hesitation, King Kong roars loudly, Pounds on his chest with his fists!

7. Guests, let's say "Ah!" And you, my friend, hurry up, In cute slippers, Polka will dance to us! Track - polka

9. An uneasy task A request to fulfill mine: You say a toast to the hero of the day, Speech starting right from the letter U!

A game is played, after which Little Red Riding Hood comes up to the hero of the day and asks:

Why do you have such beautiful shoes? Ah-ah, can you dance beautifully? Well, I really want to dance with you.

Little Red Riding Hood

Allegrova "Birthday"

track - Everybody dance

Big dance break

3rd (cool) table of the Scenario of the 60th anniversary of the woman (mother)

Chop - Let's pour

Toast to nephew Misha and wife Raya

And what do you think, Ladies and Gentlemen, if now there were Old Slavonic times, then who would lead the mother's tribe? I see, you guessed it - nephew. Since it is immediately clear from the name that these people are from the same tribe!

Word to Misha and Rae.

Comedy exit - jerks for guests

To give the floor for congratulations, the presenter uses comedy-style lines.

track - Comedy exit


The conqueror of the valleyball court. The forerunner of more than 40 thousand chicks. Half Belarusian - half Siberian. Persistent character. Iron nerves. Who do you think it is? Svatya Galina!

Background music

track Comedy out2

Guests from the West. Possessors of a great sense of humor. Creators of two lovely girls. Connoisseurs of the rare tener Geshariya and Businka. And just good-natured people. Who is this?

Soft music

Anniversary audio fairy tale competition (theater - ekspromt) - Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf

Dear mother, dear guests, at the invitation of the Yubilyarsha's grandchildren, a novice group of Moscow Art Theater graduates came to congratulate the birthday girl on our holiday with the premiere of the remake "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf".

I was already behind the scenes, I saw how the actors were worried. Therefore, I propose to support the emerging stars with thunderous applause.

track - Applause

track-audio show

The presenter says a toast:

Dear mommy, I want to wish you that your life was like this fairy tale (tasty and bright). And most importantly, there is always a place for adventurism and positiveness in it.

Star congratulations on the 60th anniversary for the birthday girl

Props needed

You will need paper-cut stars on all guests and pens or felt-tip pens, or cut on site then colored paper and scissors

Presenter: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina their star with their wishes (everyone receives a paper star cut out in advance and a felt-tip pen and writes his wish on it).

plays Karachintsev "What to give you"

Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited into the hall: the birthday girl is in the center - everyone is around her.

Leading words for star congratulations to the hero of the day

Everyone in turn throws their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The captured stars are read out loud to the hero of the day with wishes.

60th Anniversary Moving Competition - Collective Gift

The presenter takes out 2 chairs, and puts them behind the stars that have fallen earlier. The task of the team members is to run up in turn, take 1 star and attach it with colorful paper clips to a beautiful ribbon.

The team that coped with the relay the fastest - prizes.

The team captains solemnly reward the hero of the day with their star necklaces.

track - fanfare 2

Dear guests and mom, I suggest you refill your glasses and drink so that all the participants in this star shower would have stars falling more often and always to happiness!

Soft music

The name Galina translated from Greek means - serene and clear. Next to such a woman, you always feel calm and confident, therefore it is not surprising that she has so many faithful girlfriends and friends, a word for congratulations to old friends of the family, Marusyak Volodya and Masha.

Soft music

It is immediately evident that close people have gathered here, who not only know Galina well. But they do not get tired of congratulating her. The floor to my friend and colleague Vladimir and his wife Tamara!

A poem from me for mom

If Galchisha was a soldier,

Then she led the shelves behind her

If Galchonok was an astronaut,

Quickly flew to Mars and back

If mom was a climber

Then Everest would have conquered quickly

Only now our mother is not a soldier at all,

And does not know how to hold a machine gun,

And they have not explored space

Somehow missiles flew without Galchishi

Got a cross on mountaineering

In figs, the giant Everest surrendered to her ???

Maybe some evil enemy is insidious

He will even declare that Galchisha is mediocre ...

But it’s obvious to everyone that it’s not true

The last fool may think so!

Galina is smart, witty, beautiful

Galchena works wonderfully for all of us

For this I intend to drink to the bottom,

There are a lot of heroes, but Galchish is one!

Daughter (presenter of the anniversary)


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