Home Berries January 11th is international thank you day. World Thank You Day International Day of "thank you"

January 11th is international thank you day. World Thank You Day International Day of "thank you"

Politeness has been valued at all times, and the importance good manners and their need for Everyday life Every person is well aware, although most We express gratitude without thinking about their meaning, as if by chance.

Words of gratitude have magical power, since people use them to convey positive emotions, joy, and attention to each other. Therefore, psychologists recommend saying expressions of gratitude from the bottom of your heart with a smile on your lips as often as possible.

History and traditions

World "Thank You" Day, which is designed to remind the inhabitants of the planet about the value of good manners, politeness, and the ability to thank others for good deeds, established at the initiative of UNESCO and the UN.

The expression “thank you” was first recorded in a phrasebook published in Paris in 1586.

The Russian equivalent of the way of expressing gratitude appeared around the same time - the word “thank you,” an established abbreviation for the phrase “God bless,” which was used to express gratitude in Rus'.

This suggests that, just like the Russian “thank you,” so the “thank you,” pronounced in almost all languages ​​of the world, were and are extremely important for the culture of any people.

Many people celebrate the most “grateful” day of the year on a grand scale and with great pleasure. In many cities on World Thank You Day, fairs are held, educational events, competitions and many other entertainment events are organized.

In educational institutions they talk about the importance of gratitude - activists talk about cultural traditions, ethics, and good manners. Young people hold street actions dedicated to the holiday, in which many are ready to take part.

On World Thank You Day, charity events are held to raise funds for those in need. On this day, people say kind words to each other, exchange cards with the inscription: “Thank you!”, that is, in general they try to be extremely polite and express gratitude.

Magic properties

The word "thank you", according to psychologists, has magical properties, it can calm and warm with its warmth. The word “thank you” is a kind of verbal “stroking”, so necessary both in childhood and in life. adult life. This is why politeness should be taught from childhood.

Expressions of gratitude, according to experts, improve the health of everyone - both the one to whom they are addressed and the one who pronounces them. But it should be remembered that true gratitude, which can be beneficial, is only that which comes from a pure heart, hence the expression “I give thanks.”

In particular, words of gratitude, especially “thank you,” have a positive effect on emotional condition and human mental activity. The expression “thank you” is easy to use in life, it is very simple and sincere and is a conduit for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

The famous American psychologist Virginia Satir wrote that people need four hugs a day to survive, eight hugs a day for support, and twelve hugs a day to grow.

So say the magic word “thank you” more often and give people a piece of your warmth, and it will definitely “boomerang” back to you.

When saying “thank you,” you need to look the person in the eyes, since gratitude should not be conditional.

You cannot thank people in a state of irritation, since gratitude will not achieve its goal and will not bring joy to anyone.

Old Believers do not use the word “thank you,” avoiding it in their speech, because they believe that the word was born from the phrase “save Bai.” Bai is the name of one of the pagan gods.

From major cities New York is considered the most polite city in the world - “thank you” is most often said here. In the politeness rating, Moscow took 30th place among 42 large cities.

© REUTERS/Darren Ornitz

Words of gratitude are the least likely to be heard in Mumbai - the most... populated city India.

Remember that words of gratitude have magical properties - people use them to give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions, something without which our lives would become gloomy and meager.

Therefore, do not skimp on kind and warm words, thank on this day everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate.

When you say “thank you,” you thank Fate itself, God, permeating with light and warmth not only the person to whom the words are addressed, but also your own aura.

The word "thank you", in its etymology, carries within itself a sign of birth, a symbol of good luck, a connection between earth and sky, as well as male and female essence. And a word spoken with sincere intonation will activate the meaning inherent in it and give an abyss of positivity and goodness.

Every year, along with World Thank You Day, we celebrate World Gratitude Day, which we celebrate on September 21st.

The material was prepared based on open sources

January 11 is the most “polite” date of the year. This day marks World Thank You Day (not to be confused with American Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Sunday in November).

Regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs, people thank each other with the magic word “thank you.” Everyone knows from childhood that “thank you” is a “magical” word. Together with the words “please”, “give” and “mom” we say it first and continue to say it throughout our lives.

The word “thank you” is an established abbreviation of the phrase “God bless” - this phrase was used to express gratitude in Rus'. The word “thank you” was first recorded in 1586, in a phrasebook published in Paris.

We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks casually, without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, the words of gratitude “thank you” and even “please” have magical properties, but they cannot be uttered when a person is irritated. Some might say, "Well, thanks!" and so on, but no! This is not possible, this is not an etiquette rule!

Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention; they are verbal “strokes” and can warm you with their warmth. We say “thank you” to each other every day, so it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart!

Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. On this day, let the word “thank you” be not just a manifestation of good manners and good manners, but a manifestation of sincere gratitude (I give blessings), spoken with kindness, love and attention to the person. And the world will become a little kinder, brighter, more joyful!!!

It’s good that there is a special holiday dedicated to one of the most important “magic” words in the world. Of course, you can’t just miss this one, one of the most “polite” memorable dates per year.

To help you - interesting stories teachers on the topic “How the children and I celebrated Thank You Day”; notes and scripts thematic classes, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the original holiday. What events are there in kindergarten or school can be arranged on this day, what wall newspapers and thematic exhibitions create, how to involve parents in participation in the “Thank You” Day - all this is described in the materials of this section in great detail.

Thank You Day is a great time to remind people of the value of politeness.

Contained in sections:

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All sections | International Day of "thank you". January 11

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International Day of "thank you". January 11 - World Thank You Day in the preparatory group

“Thank you” is a magical kind word that should be familiar from childhood. Today “thank you” sounds from everywhere - Thank you to the warm-hearted people for this. We congratulate everyone on “Thank You” Day, we wish you to hear “thank you” more often! January 11 is the most polite date of the year. On this day...

Educational leisure time on Thank You Day for senior preschool age Guys, come to me, please. Thank you for coming and standing up so beautifully. Thank you for coming to kindergarten today. Thank you for being so calm. Thank you for listening to me. Guys, what word did I say most often? That's right - thank you. Why do you think? On the...

Gratitude is a debt that must be paid,
but which no one has the right to expect.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

January 11 is the most “polite” date of the year. This day is celebrated as World Thank You Day

Let it come from the heart
Constantly, hourly
It's like breathing air.
On World Thank You Day
I especially want
It's polite to congratulate you
And a pat on the shoulder.
Well, if you allow me,
I can kiss you
And of course very strong
Hug you from the bottom of my heart.
And I hope thank you
Important for all people
You won’t forget to tell me -
Don't be cold towards me

author unknown

Everyone knows from childhood that "Thank you" - the word “magical”. Along with the words " please", "give" and "mom" we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. The word "thank you" is an established abbreviation of the phrase "God bless" - this phrase was used in Rus' to express gratitude. For the first time the word "Thank you" recorded in 1586, in a conversational dictionary published in Paris. We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks casually, without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, words of gratitude "Thank you" and even "Please" have magical properties, but they cannot be pronounced when a person is irritated. Some might say, "Well, thanks!" and so on, but no! This is not possible, this is not an etiquette rule! Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention; they are verbal “strokes” and can warm you with their warmth.

When we hear “thank you”,
It's like distant hills
They give smiles to the whole neighborhood,
Putting a barrier against the winter blizzard.

Thank you, dziakuju, dziekuje, thank you, danke, merci, toda, dank, grazie, arigato, xie xie, obrigado (a), gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, ... - no matter how this word of gratitude sounds in different languages ​​of the world, if spoken sincerely, it will certainly give the addressee a single, understandable feeling of joy.

Today we all miss these real feelings of gratitude and joy, so it is not surprising that World Thank You Day has appeared in many countries around the world. IN different countries it can be called differently. For example, in the USA this holiday is called "National Thank You Day" some even devote the entire month of January to this holiday - "National Thank You Month".

We are the magic word
We meet more than once in our lives.
It is ready to help us
And it sounds simple, without embellishment.
Celebrating the day of the word “Thank you”,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you as always.
We wish you good luck and patience
We can all carry it through the years.
author unknown

The tradition of this holiday, in general, is the same, but very deep in emotions and feelings. This day will become a holiday for you if you don’t forget to say the magic “ Thank you" to each. It's common to exchange cute "Thank you" cards to write down what you're grateful for. And don't think that someone doesn't deserve this gratitude.

There is a fairly proven opinion that every person who appears in our life comes either to give us something (more than material) or to teach us something (sometimes not in a very positive situation and not always immediately understood by us). In some countries, there is even a tradition of giving thanks not only in each other’s personal lives, but also in business. For example, different ways(with postcards, bonus services and programs, nice souvenirs) companies thank their clients and partners.

We tell each other every day "Thank you" , therefore it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart! Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm up the people close to you today!

Thank you, life, for keeping me alive!
Beautiful moments in my days!
For rain, for snow, green grass...
For silence, for cheerful birds singing.
Thank you, life, for joy and sorrow.
For teaching me to forgive.
Thank you for being strict sometimes.
I learned a lot from mistakes.
Thank you, life, for thousands of minutes
Happy! I found them in everything.
For the clouds that float across the sky...
For the joys you brought me!
Thank you life for starting a lot
I have to know and learn.
Because there is still something to dream about!
For having something to strive for
second unknown

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Valentina Titarenko

January 11, 2017 The event “World Thank You Day” was held at the MBDOU d/s “Golden Key”

This seemingly ordinary winter day is filled with light and warmth. open hearts, imbued with sincerity of wishes. January 11 has recently become an extraordinary date in the calendar of the whole world. At the initiative of international peacekeeping organizations, a tradition was established to celebrate the presence in our lives of a significant and infinitely kind word - the word “THANK YOU”. And in our kindergarten this important day was not left without due attention.

On this day, parents of students, educators, specialists and others preschool employees We received bright “thank you” emblems as a gift with words of gratitude from the children for their attention and care, for their cooperation, professionalism and goodwill.

Adults were offered “gratitude stars,” where those who wished could thank their loved ones, friends and write to whom they would like to say their heartfelt “thank you.”

Dear adults, remember that thanks are verbal “strokes” and they can calm and warm both the largest and the smallest with their warmth. The main thing is that your “THANK YOU” comes from a pure heart!

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