Home Perennial flowers Perspective planning for teaching literacy to preschoolers in preparatory groups. Prospective thematic planning of classes to improve the skills of sound analysis and literacy for children with impaired second year of study

Perspective planning for teaching literacy to preschoolers in preparatory groups. Prospective thematic planning of classes to improve the skills of sound analysis and literacy for children with impaired second year of study

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1 Forward planning lessons on preparing children for learning to read and write Preparatory group Contents Literature 1. Teach children to conduct sound word analysis; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; divide words into syllables; to consolidate the ability to find the place of stress in words; learn to make a sentence of two words, name the first and second words. 2. Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; divide words into syllables; to consolidate the ability to determine the place of the stressed vowel sound in a word; continue to learn to name words with given sounds; learn to make a sentence of two words, name words in order. 3. Continue teaching children how to perform sound analysis of words; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to name words according to a given pattern; learn to make up sentences about the action of a toy from two words. 4. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue teaching children to name words with given sounds; learn to make two-word sentences about the action of a toy; 5. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue teaching children to name words from three sounds according to a given pattern; learn to make sentences about actions, name the first, second word. 6. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; continue to teach children to name words with a given sound; divide words into syllables; to teach to make sentences of two words with a given word and 7. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to continue to teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; learn to make sentences of three words and draw a diagram of this sentence. p.80 p.82 p.83 p.84 p.87 p.88 s Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words,

2 to continue teaching children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; to teach to make sentences of three words and 9. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to continue to teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; learn to make sentences of three words with a connecting union and and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 10. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, teach children to inflect; continue teaching children to name words from three sounds according to a given pattern; learn to make sentences of four words with any conjunction and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 11. Continue teaching children to carry out sound analysis of words, teach children to inflect; continue teaching children to name words from three sounds according to a given pattern; learn to make sentences of four words with any conjunction and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 12. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to acquaint children with inflection; teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; teach to make sentences of four words with any union and 13. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, continue to acquaint children with inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children how to write a sentence, distribute it and chart the sentence. 14. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, continue to acquaint children with inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children to compose a sentence, distribute it and 15. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, continue to introduce children to inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; learn by ear to divide sentences into words, call them in order; continue to teach children to make a sentence p.91 p.94 p.95 p.96 p.97 p.99 p.102 p.103

3, disseminate it and 16. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, teach children to carry out inflection; teach children to name words with given sounds; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; learn to divide sentences into words by ear, name them in order and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 17. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to compose a sentence, distribute it and 18. Continue to teach children to carry out sound analysis of words, continue to teach to make sentences of five words, shorten it and 19. To strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; teach to name words of a certain sound structure; teach children to compose a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence, name them in order and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 20. To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine words of a certain sound structure, continue to learn 21. To strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine words of a certain sound structure; to consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words, to name them in order, to determine the number of words in a sentence and to draw up a diagram of this sentence To strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine words of a certain sound structure; continue to learn p.104 p.106 p.107 p.108 p.109 p.110 p.111

4 23. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; to give children the idea that when a word is replaced in a sentence, its meaning changes. 24. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; to consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and making its scheme 25. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; to consolidate the ability to name words from five sounds according to a certain pattern; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. 26. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, to identify words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. p.113 p.115 p.116 s To strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, to identify words with given sounds; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. 28. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine to guess a word from four sounds, represented by the model (on questions); continue to acquaint children with opposite words in meaning, antonyms; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, change its meaning and make a diagram. 29. To consolidate the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine to guess a word from four sounds, represented by the model (on questions); continue to acquaint with the polysemy of words; teach children to make a sentence with a given word, spread it and draw up its scheme. p.121 p.122 p.124

5 30. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; teach children to make a chain of words, producing in this word only one replacement to get a new word; continue to learn 31. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, to determine to guess a word from five sounds, represented by the model (on questions); continue to acquaint children with opposite words in meaning, antonyms; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, change its meaning and make a diagram. 32. Strengthen the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; continue to acquaint with the polysemy of words; continue to learn how to make sentences of five words, shorten it and draw a diagram of this sentence. 33. To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine to guess a word from five sounds, represented by the model (on questions); continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, change its meaning and make a diagram. 34. To consolidate the ability to carry out sound analysis of words, determine how to make a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word; teach children to compose a sentence with a given word, spread it and draw up its scheme. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to acquaint with the polysemy of words; continue to learn to draw up a diagram of this sentence 36. To consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to guess the words laid out by the chips; teach children to make a chain of words, making only one replacement in a given word to get a new word; teach children to replace words in a sentence, change its meaning and draw up its scheme. p.125 p.126 p.127 p.128 p.131 p.131 p.133

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This manual is intended for the development of the sound side of speech in preschoolers and familiarization with the basics of literacy. The book contains a program, guidelines and lesson plans for junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups.

The book is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

    Natalia Sergeevna Varentsova - Teaching preschoolers to read and write. A guide for educators. For classes with children 3-7 years old 1

Natalia Sergeevna Varentsova
Teaching preschoolers to read and write. A guide for educators. For classes with children 3-7 years old

Varentsova Natalia Sergeevna - candidate pedagogical sciences; author scientific publications devoted to the problems of mastering the basics of literacy in preschool age, preparing children for school, the development of mental abilities and cognitive activity of preschoolers, the continuity of preschool and primary general education.


But before starting to read, the child must learn to hear what sounds the words are made of, to carry out sound analysis of words (that is, to name the sounds that make up the words in order). At school, the first grader is first taught to read and write, and only then are introduced to the phonetics, morphology and syntax of their native language.

It turns out that children aged 2–5 years are extremely interested in studying the sound side of speech. This interest can be used and introduced ("immersed") the child in wonderful world sounds, open a special linguistic reality, where the basics of phonetics and morphology of the Russian language begin, and thus lead to reading by the age of six, bypassing the notorious "torment of fusion" of sounds by connecting letters ("m and a - will ma ").

Children comprehend a certain system of laws of their native language, learn to hear sounds, distinguish between vowels (stressed and unstressed), consonants (hard and soft), compare words by sound, find similarities and differences, divide words into syllables, make up words from tokens corresponding to sounds, and others. Later, children learn to divide the speech stream into sentences, sentences into words, get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, compose words and sentences from them, using grammatical rules of writing, master the syllabic and continuous reading methods. At the same time, learning to read is not an end in itself. This task is solved in a wide speech context, children acquire a certain orientation in the sound reality of their native language, they lay the foundation for future literacy.

Training according to this manual is designed for children 3–7 years old. It is built taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers and is based on their selective susceptibility to literacy. Children 3-5 years old are engaged in the sound side of speech, while showing special giftedness, and children of 6 years old with great interest master the sign system, read.

As a result of training, children come to school not only reading, but also able to analyze oral speech, correctly form words and sentences from the letters of the alphabet.

When teaching children to write, we deliberately limit ourselves to preparing the hand for writing. At the younger preschool age (3-4 years), an important achievement is the mastery of arbitrary movements of the hands and fingers. At the same time, the ability of children to imitate is widely used: a child adjusts his movements to a certain standard of an adult, depicting a favorite character. At the senior preschool age (5-6 years), children directly master graphic skills and writing instrument(with felt-tip pen, colored pencil). Preschoolers outline the outlines of houses, fences, the sun, birds, etc .; hatch, complete and construct images of letters. Children learn to reproduce in working line various object images, close to the configuration of printed letters. When teaching children to write, it is important not so much to teach them individual skills as to form their entire complex of readiness for writing: a combination of the tempo and rhythm of speech with movements of the eyes and hands.

Training takes place in a fun way.

This manual consists of several parts: programs, guidelines on the development of the sound side of speech in preschoolers and familiarizing them with the basics of literacy and detailed plans lessons with description didactic material for all age groups.

The manual is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. It can also be useful for parents.


This program includes three areas of work with preschool children: the development of the sound side of speech, familiarization with the sign system of the language and preparation of the hand for writing

The work on the formation of the sound side of speech in children and familiarization with the basics of literacy is primarily associated with the development cognitive abilities and the upbringing of arbitrary behavior.

The development of children's mental abilities occurs in the process of mastering the actions of replacing speech sounds. Children learn to model both individual speech units (syllables, sounds, words) and the speech flow as a whole (sentences). When solving cognitive tasks, they are able to use ready-made schemes, models and build them independently: divide words into syllables, conduct sound analysis of words, divide sentences into words and compose them from words and letters; compare word models by sound composition, select words for a given model, etc.

The development of cognitive abilities contributes to the conscious attitude of children to various aspects of speech reality (sound and sign), leads to an understanding of some of the laws of the native language, the formation of the foundations of literacy.

In the process of preparing their hands for writing, children develop both cognitive and Creative skills... First, preschoolers master the arbitrary movements of the hands and fingers (they depict various phenomena and objects: rain, wind, boat, little train, bunny, butterfly, etc.); then - graphic skills when familiarizing with the elements written speech... Children learn to encode speech and "read its code", that is, to model speech using signs accepted in the culture of the Russian language. Preschoolers design, complete with the help of felt-tip pens or colored pencils, individual objects and phenomena: huts, the sun, birds, boats, etc. Such activities contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative and independence of children.

The basics of literacy are considered in the program "as a propaedeutic course in the phonetics of the native language" (according to DB Elkonin). The program is based on the methodology created by D.B. Elkonin and L.E. Zhurova. Familiarizing the child with the phonemic (sound) system of the language is important not only when teaching him to read, but also for all subsequent learning of the native language.

Junior group

Program for junior group includes two sections: the development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech in order to prepare children for learning the sound analysis of words and the development of movements of the hands and fingers in order to prepare the hand for writing.

Work on the development of the sound side of speech in children is aimed at improving their articulatory apparatus and phonemic perception.

During classes, children are introduced to the sounds of the world around them, sound as a unit of speech. By isolating sounds from the general stream, children recognize who or what is making them. Then, during onomatopoeic exercises, they learn to pronounce vowel sounds correctly. (uh, oh, u, u, s, uh) and some consonants (m - mb, p - p, b - bb, t - th and etc.)? except for hiss and whistles. Sound terms (vowels, consonants, etc.) are not used in the classroom.

Polyakova Lyudmila Ivanovna,

teacher speech therapist

first qualification category,

MBDOU "Bell", Noyabrsk


A week



Purpose of the lesson



Phonemic processes

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis

Reading and writing skills

Active vocabulary

Gram. speech structure

The messenger



Sound and letter U

1.Fixing clear

pronunciation of the sound of W.

2. Highlighting the initial stressed vowel.

3. Acquaintance with the letter U, reading syllables, typing a letter.

4 Development of attention, memory.

5. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

"Catch the Sound"

U-U-U (3 times).

- Determination of the position of the sound U in a word (n., K.)

Acquaintance with the letter U.

Typing the letter Y, spaced one cell apart.

Snail, ear, duck, duckling, spider, fly, letters, oak, pipe, lips,

shoes, tambourine, cube, too,


Games "What has changed?"

"What's gone?"


subject pictures, ind. mirrors, sound boxes,

art. profiles,

cash register letters, letter U, counting sticks.

Sound and letter A

1 Securing clear

pronunciation of the sound A.

2. Highlighting the initial vowel sound A.

3. Negotiating proposals for subject pictures.

4. Acquaintance with the letter A,

reading syllables, typing letters.

5. Development of facial muscles, phonemic hearing, auditory memory attention, fine motor skills.

6. Education of the ability to listen and hear.

"Clap your hands if you hear the sound A"

- Put as many red tokens as possible, how many times I make this sound:

A-A-A-A-A (5 times).

- Determination of the position of the sound A in the word (beginning, end).

Acquaintance with the letter A.

Reading AU, UA.

Printing the letters A with one cell spacing.

Album, stork, alley, watermelon, bus, poppy, orange, cotton wool, panama, pharmacy

Games "What has changed?"

"What's gone?"

Game "Finish the sentence"

ind. mirrors, sound boxes,

art. profiles, letter A,

cash register letters,

counting sticks.

Sounds and letters U, A

1. Consolidation of the skills of clear pronunciation and comparison of the sounds of U, A.

2. Isolation of percussive and unstressed sounds in words.

3. Reproduction of sound rows of 3 vowels.

4. Analysis of a scale of 3 vowels.

5 Fostering respect for benefits.


UA - how many sounds are there?

AUA - what has changed?

Analysis of the scale of 2, 3 vowels.


Reading combinations AU, UA.

Printing letters A, U, Y, A.

Syllable printing

АУ, УА with an interval of 2 cells

Snail, ear, duck, duckling,

already, spider, poppy, fly, letters, oak, fluff, stork, tambourine, lips, album,

watermelon, cotton wool, bus, orange, panama, pharmacy

Drafting proposals

by subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, sound boxes, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, letters cash registers, counting sticks,

letters U, A.

Sound and letter O

1. Strengthening the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound of O.

2. Exercise in the education and use of RP. pl. the numbers


3. Acquaintance with the letter O, reading, printing sound complexes.

4. Development of phonemic hearing, skills of sound analysis and synthesis, attention, memory.

5. Education of discipline, perseverance.

"Clap your hands"

"Where is the sound hiding?"

Determination of the position of the sound O in the word (beginning, end).

Reading combinations AU, UA.

Printing of letters АУ, УА.

AU, UA printing with 2 cell interval.

Hoop, wasps, cat, ring, house, catfish, coat, horse, umbrella, horses.

"4th extra"

"Many things?"

"What is not?"

Drafting proposals

by subject pictures

Flannelegraph, object pictures, ind. Mirrors, art. Profiles, sound cases,

cash register letters.


Sound and letter I

1.Fixing the pronunciation of the sound I, highlighting the stressed vowel sound; development of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

2. Education. I.P. pl. numbers.

3 .. Acquaintance with the letter I,

Reading, typing letters and sound complexes.

4. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

"Clap your hands if you hear the I sound"

"Where is the sound?"

Determining the position of the sound AND in the word (beginning, end).

Analysis and synthesis of AO, OA, OU, UO, UA.

Reading combinations of AOI, OAI, OUI, UOI, AOI.



Needle, toys, willow, turkey, raspberry, snail, book, penguin.


pictures, flannelegraph, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound cases,

cash register letters.

Sounds and letters A, I, U, O

1. Consolidation of the skills of distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds A, I, U, O, highlighting a stressed vowel sound; development of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

2. Agreement is possessive. pronouns with nouns.

3. Development of the phonemic. hearing, attention, memory, logical

4. Education of perseverance.

"Guess the sound"

"Catch the Sound"

“Name the pictures with sound

Consolidation of the acquired skills, the concept of "vowel sound".

Analysis and synthesis of AIU, OAI.

Reading АУ-УА, АИ-ИА, УА-АУ, ААУ, УАА, ИУА, ИУИ, etc.

Snail, ear, duckling, oak spider, fly, lips, poppy,

album, alley, watermelon, bus, willow turkey, raspberry, snail, cat, house, book, shoes, catfish, ring, horse

"What word is superfluous"

Writing sentences with pronouns

by reference


Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. Mirrors

art. profiles, sound boxes,

cash register letters, alphabet, letters

U, A, I, O, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sound and letter T

2. Education of mind-weasels. suffixes.

3. Drawing up proposals for a plot picture;

4. Familiarity with the letter T,

reading, typing letters, syllables and words.

5. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

6. Education of cognitive interest in speech therapy classes.



"What word did I guess?"

Determining the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle, end)

Analysis and synthesis of AT, UT, IT, OT, TO, TA, TU. THEN.

Dictation: A, O, U, T, I, AT, UT, IT, OT, TA, TU, TO, TI.

Reading combinations and words AT, UT, IT, OT, TA, TO, TU, TI, TOTO, TATA.

Slippers, chair, plate, cake, car, shoes, chair, cat, whale, pumpkin, tank, hippo.

The game "Name affectionately"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

art. profiles, ind. mirrors, sound boxes, letterboxes, letter T,

Sounds Т - Ть

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of T-T sounds, formation of sound analysis skills.

2. Exercise in education R.P. nouns.

3. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking.

4. Education of cognitive interest in speech therapy classes.

Traffic light games

"Vice versa"

Determination of positions of sounds in words (beginning, middle, end).

Analysis and synthesis of syllables and words: Tom, Tim.

Slippers, chair, plate, cake, car, shoes, chair, cat, whale, pumpkin, tank, hippo,

tiger, kittens, duckling, woodpecker, picture, TV.

"What's gone?"

Flannelegraph, subject and subject pictures,

ind. mirrors,

art. profiles,

sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound and letter P

1. Strengthening the skills of a clear pronunciation of the T sound;

the formation of skills of the sound. an.

3. Acquaintance with the letter P,

reading syllables and words, typing letters.

and adults.

Traffic light games

hid the sound? "

"Vice versa"

Analysis and synthesis of syllables: AP, UP. IP, OP, PA, PO, PU, ​​PI.

Analysis and synthesis of words POT, TOP,

Literal dictation

A, O, Y, T, I, P.

Reading: AP, UP ,. SP, OP, PA, PU, ​​PO, PI, PAPA, POT, TOP, PIK.

peacock, panama, rooster, coat, spider, machine gun, parrot, glade, linden, stump, plate, caps, palm, tulips, poplar, slippers

Game "Say the other way around"

Game "Make a proposal"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

Sounds П-Пь

1. Consolidation of skills of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds P-Pb; development of sound analysis skills.

2. The use of words that are opposite in meaning.

4. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

5. Education respectful attitude to peers

and adults.


"Live sounds"

"Two slats"

"Finish the word"

Determination of the position of sound in words (beginning, middle, end).

Analysis and synthesis of AP, UP. IP, OP, PA, PO, PU, ​​PI.

Analysis and synthesis

syllables and words: APL, PI; PEAK.

Peony, peacock, panama, pelican, coat, spider, machine gun, parrot, meadow, linden, stove, caps, palm, poplar, slippers.

Slippers, chair, plate, cake, car, shoes, chair.

Game "Say the other way around"

Drawing up proposals for pictures.

Flanelegraph, "Family" plot picture, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds NN. Letter H

1.Fixing a clear pronunciation and distinction of the sounds of N-N.

3. Consolidation of the use of prepositions HA, C (CO).

4. Acquaintance with the letter H, reading syllables and words.

5. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

6. Education of respect for benefits.

"Name the vowel sounds"

"Name the consonants"



"Finish the word."

Analysis and synthesis of backward and forward syllables AN, OH, UN, IN, HA, NO, NU, NI.

Analysis and synthesis

words: Nata,


Socks, nose,

lemon, loaf, orange, sofa, umbrella, turkey, legs,

window, binoculars,

pine, deer,

threads, skates,

strawberries, autumn, cuisine.

"The fourth extra",

"Finish the sentence with the right preposition"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds M-M. Letter M

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds M-M.

2. Converting a deformed phrase.

3. Acquaintance with the letter M, reading, typing.

5. Fostering the ability to listen and hear.

Games "Show the square,

"Vice versa",



Sound analysis of reverse and direct syllables AM, UM, OM, IM, MA, MU, MO, MI and the words MAK, MAMA.

Division of words into syllables.

Letter dictation A, U, T, I, P, N, M

Reading: AM, OM, UM, IM, MOM, TOM, PUMA, TIM.

Poppy, moss, T-shirt, Panama, album, house, raspberry, fly, furniture, smoke, plane, catfish, seven, gnome, lemon, bear, paper, machine gun.


Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.


Sounds K-K. Letter K

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds К-Кь.

2. Exercise in the use of R.P. units the number of nouns.

3. Acquaintance with the letter K, reading syllables and words, typing letters.

5. Fostering cognitive interest in speech therapy classes.

Traffic light game

"Take pictures"

"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of the syllables AK, UK, OK, IR and the words KOM, KOT, FLOUR, KIT

Dividing words into syllables, highlighting the stressed syllable.

Converting reverse syllables to straight

Letter dictation: P, N, M, K., T Reading: AK, KU, KA, UK, OK, KO. IK, KI, KOK, TOK, MAK, KOM, KOT, KIT, MAKI, FLOUR, AKIM, KATI KOM

Cat, stroller, cow, saucepan, cabbage, duck, bed, turkey, whale, bow, horse, book, cap,


bricks, kefir, skates.

“No one? what?"

Game "Finish the sentence"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds P-T-K

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction sounds P-T-K in words, syllables, phrases., to form the ability to differentiate these sounds, to find the place of a sound in a word.

2. Formation of forms unit. and many others. the number of nouns.

"Clap your hands if you hear a sound"


"Three slats"

Sound analysis of words: TOK, TOP, TOT, CAT, POT, TOT, DAD, SPIDER, DUCK.

Letter dictation: P, N, M, K, T


Peacock, Panama, coat, spider, parrot, linden, plate, poplar,

slippers, chair, plate, shoes, chair, cat, cat, cow, saucepan, cabbage, duck, bed,


Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds P-T-K

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds P-T-K in words, syllables, phrases, to form the ability to differentiate these sounds, to find the place of sound in a word.

2. Consolidation of the use of prepositions B, NA, POD.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Fostering self-control skills.

"Sound shop"

(name words with sounds:

Пь, Ть, Кь)

Sound analysis of words TINA, KINO, PIK, PIKA, KIPA, KATI, AKIM

Reading and writing: IK, KI, KIT, MAKI, KATI, AKIM, KATI, KOM.

Stump, pelican, peony, cap, bricks, whale, rooster, duckling, picture, five, rocket, tiger, kittens, woodpecker.

Game "Lost pretext"

Flannelegraph, preposition schemes, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sound and letter B

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation of sound B, division of words into syllables.

2. Exercise in education mind-weasel. forms.

3. Acquaintance with the letter B, reading syllables and words, writing.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

"Sound, syllable, word"

"The fourth extra"


"Take pictures"

Dictation: A, O, I, P, T, K, M, B, BA, BO, BU, BI, AB, UB, IB, OB, BAK, BOK, BIM, BINT.




Banana, drum, vegetable marrow, eggplant, primer, alphabet, butterfly, bow, Pinocchio, dog, butterfly, panama, spider, tulips.

The game "Name affectionately"

Drawing up proposals for ind. subject pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sounds of B-B

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds B-B.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Fostering respect for benefits.


"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of the syllables BA, BO, BU, words BAK, BOK, BUK, BUKA, BABA, BIM, CUBA, CUBIC.

Banana, drum, vegetable marrow, eggplant, primer, alphabet, butterfly, bow, Pinocchio, dog, butterfly., Ticket, bandage, can.

Drawing up proposals for ind. pictures according to the sample.

Drawing up sentences with prepositions.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Differentiation P-B

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds P-B in words, syllables, phrases, division of words into syllables, consolidation of the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

2. Consolidation of prepositions POD, FROM-POD.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Fostering cognitive interest in the lesson.

"Traffic lights"

"Vice versa"


"Change the sound"

"Expand the pictures"

Sound analysis of the words BABA, DAD.

Letter dictation: B, P, A, O, I, K.


Peacock, Panama, coat, spider, parrot, linden, plate, caps, palm tree, slippers

Banana, drum, eggplant, alphabet, butterfly, bow, Pinocchio, dog, butterfly.

Game "Pick a pretext"

Drawing up sentences with prepositions for subject pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils,

Sound and letter D

1. Consolidation of a clear pronunciation of the sound D in words, syllables, phrases; sound analysis skills.

2. Exercise in the use of mind-caress. noun suffixes - ok, -ek, -ik(male).

3. Acquaintance with the letter B, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory.

5. Fostering the ability to listen and hear.

"Sound, syllable, word"

"Correct mistakes"

Letter dictation: A, O, U, I, P, N, K, T, B, D.


House, smoke, square, oak, road, pencil, door, frying pan, board.

Negotiating proposals

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds D-D

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds D-D in words, syllables, phrases; highlighting sounds at the beginning, middle, end of words.

2. Consolidation of education n. with mind-weasel. suffixes.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory.

4. Fostering the skills of self-control over speech.


"Where is the sound hiding?"

Sound analysis of syllables YES, DO, DU,


House, smoke, square, oak, road, pencil, door, frying pan, board, wood, money, woodpecker, uncle, day.

"Name it affectionately"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.


Differentiation T-D

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds T-D in words, syllables, phrases

2. Fixation of word formation n., Denoting people by profession.

3. Development of phonemic perception; sound analysis skills; attention, memory.

4. Education of the skills of correct behavior.

"Listen carefully"



Sound analysis of words:


Letter dictation: A, O, T, B, N, K, D.


slippers, chair, plate, shoes, chair, cat, cat, cow, saucepan, cabbage, duck, house, smoke, square, oak, road, pencil, door, frying pan, board.

"Who is this?"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sound and letter Г

1. Consolidation of a clear pronunciation of the sound Г, dividing words into syllables.

2. Strengthening the agreement of adjectives with nouns.

3. Acquaintance with the letter B, reading syllables and words, typing.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Fostering the skills of self-control over speech.

"Ringing-dull sound"

"The fourth extra"


Sound analysis of syllables GA, GO, GU,


Letter dictation: U, A, N, D, B, O, I, T, G.

Reading syllables and words: GA, GY, GO, ARC, LIP.

Hill, leg, book, gnome, road, pear, pomegranate, rake, grapes, peas, geese, pigeon, rook, berries, cat, newspaper, needle, parrot, cucumbers.

"Pick a picture for the features"

"Negotiating proposals"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds of G-G.

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds Г-Гь in words, syllables, phrases.

2. Exercise in the use of quantity. numerals 1, 2, 5 in indirect cases with nouns.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; skills of sound-syllable analysis.

4. Fostering cognitive interest in speech therapy classes.


"Vice versa"

"Traffic lights"

Sound analysis of words


Reading and writing: GA, AG, GO, OG, GU, UG, GI, IG, YEAR, GNOM, ARC, LIP, LEGS. At the HOUSE GNOME.

Slide, leg, book, gnome, pear, pomegranate, grapes, peas, geese, rook, berries, newspaper, gymnast, irons, book, boots, pies, bullfinch, guitar.

"Complete the sentence"

Art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Differentiation K - G

1. Consolidation of clear pronunciation and distinction sounds K-G, distinguishing voiced and voiceless consonants.

2. The use of complex prepositions.

3. Reading words from cards with missing letters K, G.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; skills of sound-syllable analysis.

5. Education of perseverance.


"Vice versa"

"Change the sound"



Letter dictation: U, A, G, N, K, T, D.

Reading and writing: YEAR, CAT, LIP, CUBA, ANTHEM, MAGNET

Cat, stroller, cow, saucepan, cabbage, duck, bed, turkey, slide, leg, book, gnome, road, pear, pomegranate, grapes, peas, geese, pigeon, rook, berries, cat, newspaper, needle, cucumbers.

"Give a pretext"

Drawing up proposals for individual pictures with pretexts FOR, FROM, FOR, FOR, FOR.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sound and letter Ф

1. Consolidation of the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound Ф in syllables, words, phrases.

2.Exercise in the use of B.

3. Acquaintance with the letter F, reading syllables and words, typing.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Education of the skills of correct behavior.

"Catch the Sound"

"Remove unnecessary pictures"

"One, two, three" - (determining the place of sound in a word)

Sound analysis of syllables and words: FA, FU, FO; POOF, PHOTO, FATA.

Letter dictation: A, I, M, T, D, F, O, U

Reading and writing: FA, AF, FU, UF, FO, OF, FI, IF; PUF, mutual fund, PHOTO, FANT, COUPLING.

"The word is lost"

"Count to 10"

Drawing up sentences with the preposition V.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sounds F-F

1. Strengthening the skills of clear pronunciation and distinguishing the sounds of F-F in syllables, words, phrases; practice the pronunciation of words of a complex sound-syllable composition; continue to teach sound analysis and syllable synthesis.

2. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking.

3. To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades without interrupting.

"Traffic lights"


"Fix the magicians' mistakes"

Sound analysis of words:


Letter dictation: A, I, M, T, D, F, O, U.

Reading and writing: FA, AF, FU, UF, FO, OF, FI, IF; PUF, PIF, PHOTO, FANT, COUPLING,

Scarf, wardrobe, giraffe, jacket, flags, lantern, fruit, apron, telephone, letters, fly, beans.

Owl, candy, ficus, hair dryer, dolphin, violet, kefir.

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sound and letter B

1. Consolidation of the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound B in syllables, words, phrases to continue teaching sound analysis of syllables and words.

2. Consolidation of the ability to correctly form existing in R.P. pl. numbers.

3. Acquaintance with the letter B, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking.

5. Fostering the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Where is the ringing?"

"Clap your hands if you hear B sound"


"Take pictures with sound B"

Sound analysis of syllables and words: VA, VU, VO; WOOL, WAGON, SOFA.


dictation: U, A, F, G, D, F, M, T, V.

Reading and writing: VATA, WATER, BATH, VIKA, VITA, LETTER

Cotton wool, waffles, cranberries, letter, cornflowers, owls, peacock.

"A lot of things (who)?"

Drawing up proposals from any of the cards with sound B

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sounds B-B

1. Strengthening the skills of clear pronunciation and distinguishing between sounds in syllables, words, phrases ;; continue to teach sound analysis and synthesis of syllables and words.

2. Consolidation of the ability to form mind-weasel. forms of nouns.

3. Development of articulatory motor skills, attention, memory, thinking.

4. Education of perseverance, discipline.

"Traffic lights"


"Expand the pictures"

Sound analysis of syllables and words: VA, VI;


Cotton wool, waffles, cranberries, letter, cornflowers, owls, peacock, hazelnuts, wreath, scales, branch, broom.

"Name it affectionately"

Competition game

“Come up with a sentence with words in which you can hear the sounds B-B.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Differentiation V-F

1.Fixing the skills of clear pronunciation and distinguishing sounds V-F syllables, words, phrases.

2. Reinforce the use of possessive adjectives.

4. Education of skills of self-control of speech.

"Say the opposite"


"Two slats"


Sound analysis of syllables and words:



Letter dictation: T, D, V, F, K, G.

Reading and writing: VATA, FATA, HERE, PHOTO,


Cotton wool, waffles, cranberries, letter, cornflowers, owls, peacock, scarf, wardrobe, giraffe, jacket, flags, lantern, fruit, apron, telephone, letters, fly, beans.

“Whose tail? Whose paw?

Whose fur coat? "

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sound X

1. Consolidation of the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound X in syllables, words, phrases.

2.Exercise in matching the count. counts. and noun.

3. Acquaintance with the letter X, reading syllables and words.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills; attention, memory.

"Catch the Sound"

"Wonderful bag"

Sound analysis of syllables and words: ХА, ХУ, ХО, УХА, PIKHTA.

Letter dictation: O, U, I, M, N, T. K, F, V, D, H.

Reading and writing: ХА, ХУ, ХО, ХИ, ХТА, УХА, MOH, FLY, EAR, FIR; FLIES.


Bread, fly, rooster, hunter, hut, pine needles, ottoman, fir.

Drawing up sentences from any of the cards with the sound X

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Sounds X-Hb

1. Strengthening the skills of clear pronunciation and discrimination of sounds X-X syllables, words, phrases.

2. Securing the distinction of nouns by gender - correlation with attraction. pronouns: MY, MY, MY.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of the ability to listen to the responding comrades.

"Traffic lights"

"Vice versa"

"The fourth extra"

Sound analysis of syllables and words: FLY, FLY, SPIRIT.

Bread, fly, rooster, hunter, hut, pine needles, ottoman, fir, surgeon, predator, roosters, flies, hut, perfume.

Ball game "MY, MY, MY, MY"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Differentiation K - X

1.Fixing the skills of clear pronunciation and discrimination sounds K-X syllables, words, phrases.

2. Securing the coordination of the quantity. counts. and indirect cases and nouns - pronunciation of sentences.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.


"Vice versa"

"Live sounds"

Sound analysis of syllables and words:



Dictation: KA, FA, KI, FI, AH, AK.



Cat, carriage, cow, saucepan, cabbage, duck, bed, turkey, slide, bread, fly, rooster, hunter, hut, needles, ottoman, fir.

"Negotiating proposals"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.


Sound and letter Y

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of sound 2.Fixing the skills of education and the use of I.P. plural nouns.

3. Acquaintance with the letter Y, reading and writing syllables and words.

5. Education of skills of correct behavior.

"Clap your hands"


Sound analysis of syllables and words: YOU, PY, WE, SMOKE, PUMPKIN

Dictation: A, T, Y, U, YT, IT, YOU, PY, BULL, CATS, WHALES.



Smoke, melon, berries, smoke, lemons, lips, tulips, cats, oaks.


Drafting proposals

by subject pictures by sample

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sounds Y-I

2. Strengthening the skills of education and the use of I.P. plural nouns.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of perseverance,



"Arrange in rows" "On the contrary"

Sound analysis of words


Smoke, melon, berries, smoke, lemons, lips, tulips, cats, oaks, willows, lindens, willows, lindens, needle, toys, turkey, raspberries, snail, book, penguin.

Drafting proposals

by subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound and letter C

Sound and letter C

dividing words into syllables

2 Consolidation of education plural nouns.

3. Acquaintance with the letter C, reading and writing syllables and words.

5. Development of cognitive interest in the lesson.

"Find the general sound"


"Take the pictures"

"Where is the sound hidden?"

Sound analysis of words: mustache, catfish, braid.

Dictation: N, K, O, I, Y, T, D, S, X, CA, AC, CO, OS, SU, US, SY, YS, DREAM, SON, WASP, GUS, GUSI, SIMA,




Catfish, dog,

table, plane,

dishes, pine,

leaf, boots,

plane, wasp, sleigh, kerchief, mustache, braid, nose,

magpie, fox,

stroller, owl.


"Complete the sentence"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound C


1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

dividing words into syllables

2. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes

5. Development of cognitive interest in the lesson.

"The fourth extra"

"Vice versa"


Sound analysis of words: GOSE, SPOUT, SIMA SOCKS, SON.

Cornflower, goose,

orange, sieve, earrings,

seven, tit,

goslings, taxi,

"Big small"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sounds C-C

2.Exercise in the formation of compound words.

"Choose words for the sounds C, C"


"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words:


Catfish, dog,

table, plane,

dishes, pine,

leaf, boots,

fox, goose,

orange, sieve, earrings,

seven, tit,

goslings, taxi,

"Come up with new words"

"Make sentences with new words"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound and letter Z

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

dividing words into syllables

2. Exercise in the use of prepositions FOR, FOR.

3. Acquaintance with the letter Z, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

5. Development of cognitive interest in the lesson.

"4th extra"

"Clap your hands"

"Take pictures" "Correct mistakes"

Sound analysis of words: TOOTH, VASE, UMBRELLA, UMBRELLA.

Dictation: K, F, A, I, T, G, U, Y, O, D, N, S, P, Z, X, ZA, AZ, ZO, OZ, ZU, UZ, ZY, YZ, ZI, FROM, TOOTH, TAZ, WHO, GOAT, WINTER.







Making sentences with prepositions

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound Зь

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

dividing words into syllables

2. Exercise in the formation of the form R.P. plural numbers.

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Development of cognitive interest in the lesson.

"Catch the Sound"

"Change the word"

Sound analysis of words: TAZ, TEETH, GOAT, LIZA, VASE.

zoo, museum

monkey, zebra, shop.

"Many things"

"There is no one"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sounds З-Зь

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds, division of words into syllables, sound-syllable analysis of words.

2. Exercise in the use of prepositions FOR, FOR. Converting a deformed phrase

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory.

4. Education of skills of self-control of sounds.

"Vice versa"

"Pictures for Zina and Zoya"

Sound analysis of words: CASTLE, WINTER, SHOP.

Umbrella, teeth, goat, hare, eyes, vase, birch, tongue,

dragonfly, nest, winter,

zoo, museum

monkey, zebra, shop

"Correct the sentence"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Differentiation M - Z

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Anchoring correct use prepositions.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of perseverance,



"Traffic lights"

"Add a syllable"

"Who is bigger"

Sound analysis of words: SCITS, GOATS, SIMA, WINTER.

Dictation: S, Z, K, G, T, D, F, V, SA, ZA, AS, AZ, SO, ZO, OS, OZ, KOSA, KOZA.


Catfish, dog,

table, plane,

dishes, pine,

plane, wasp, sleigh, mustache, braid, nose,

magpie, fox,

owl, umbrella, teeth, goat, hare, eyes, vase, birch,


"Insert a preposition"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils


Sound and letter Ш

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

dividing words into syllables

2. Word formation of nouns denoting baby animals

3. Acquaintance with the letter W, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.


"The fourth extra"

"Take pictures"

Sound analysis of words: NOISE, SHINA, SHAPKA, JUG.

We introduce the rule: SHI - ZHI write only with "I"



Dasha's coat.




"Name the cubs"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks

Sound and letter Ш

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Consolidation of knowledge about pets.

3. Reading and writing syllables and words

Spelling of the syllable SHI.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

5 education cognitive

interest in the lesson


"The fourth extra"

"Take pictures"

Sound analysis of words: FUR COAT, DRYING, MACHINE.

Hat, pillow, cuckoo, frog,

tire, mouse, cat, wardrobe, cherries, lily of the valley, bear.

"Who's doing what?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures,

ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks

Sound and letter Ж

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2.Exercise in the use of the names of animals and their cubs in a unit. and many others. number.

3. Acquaintance with the letter Ж, reading and writing syllables and words

Spelling of the syllable ЖИ.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

"Clap your hands if you hear the sound F"

"Guess the word"

"Repeat clean talk"

"Where is the sound hidden?"

Repetition of the rule in SHI - ZhI.

Sound analysis of words: BEETLE, BEETLES, UZH, UZHI.






"Who has who"

Writing sentences with a word in which the sound of J. is heard.

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Sound and letter Ж

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2.Strengthening the formation and use of prefixed verbs from the verb run away.

3. Reading and writing syllables and words

Spelling of the syllable ЖИ.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

5 education cognitive

interest in the lesson



Sound analysis of words: KNIFE, LEGS.

Toad, beetle, giraffe, snakes, hedgehogs, gooseberries, acorns, bear cub, skis, knives, artist, magazine, shoemaker, foal, circle, clothes.

I, you, he, we, you, they "

Negotiating proposals.

Art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils.

Differentiation S - W.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Reinforcement of the use of diminutive-affectionate suffixes - ushk-, -yushk-, yshk-.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of perseverance,



"Vice versa"
"We give pictures to Sonya and Alyosha"

"Guess the word"

Sound analysis of words: YOU, YOUR, MOUSE.

Division of words into syllables: MACHINE, DRYING, SHAWL, SASHA.

Dictation: W, S, O, Z, F, A, X, I, K, N, T, D, F, SHA, SA, SHU, SU, SHO, SO, SE, DRYING.


Catfish, dog,

magpie, owl,

stroller, hat, pillow, cuckoo, frog,

pillow, tire, mouse, cat, cherries, bear.

"Name it affectionately"

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Differentiation W - W

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2.Education related words(from the names of animals).

Formation of possessive adjectives.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

"Clap, don't yawn"


"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words: SASHA, SAZHA.

Dictation: T, O, W, S, Z, I, F, B, N, Y, D, K, A, ZHA, SHA, ZHU, SHU, ZHI, SHI, ZHO, SHO, ZHILI, SHILE.


Hat, pillow, frog,

pillow, mouse, cat, wardrobe, cherries, lily of the valley, bear, beetle, giraffe, snakes, hedgehogs, knives, gooseberries, acorns, bear cub, skis, artist, shoemaker, foal, circle, clothes.

"Pick up related words"

"Whose tail, whose paw, whose ear?"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sound and letter E

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Exercise in word formation relative adjectives matching them with nouns.

3. Acquaintance with the letter E, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

5. Nurturing the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Name words with the sound E"

Dictation: N, O, F, K, Y, I, S, T, Z, U, E, SHA, AZH, EH, ECHO, IT, EDIK.


Sound analysis of words: ECHO, IT,


Escalator, popsicle, electric iron,

electric welder, electric train,

electrical appliance cap, spring, bouquet, branch, wreath, grandfather, package, lion, forest, summer, foam, hay,

children, day. tree, deer,

money, stump,

"What subject?"

Negotiating proposals.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Sound and letter Y

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Exercise in the use of prepositions В, ON, ON, UNDER, ABOVE.

3. Acquaintance with the letter Y, reading and writing syllables and words.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory, thinking; sound analysis skills.

5. Education of skills of self-control of sounds.

"Clap, don't yawn

"Wonderful bag

Sound analysis of words: MAY, GIVE, BUNNY.

Dictation: M, A, U, X, K, B, O, I, E, Y, Z, OY, AY, HEY, MAY, YOD.


Watering can, glue, bunny, t-shirt,



Drawing up sentences with prepositions based on key words.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

alphabet, notebooks, pencils

Letter E

1. Acquaintance with the letter E.

Strengthening the softness of consonants before vowels I, E.

Reading and writing syllables and words.

3. Development of attention, memory.

4Education of the skills of correct behavior.

"Vice versa"

Dictation: O, A, E, I, U, E, S, ME, DE, BY, KE, FOOD, PLACE, DOUGH.


Drafting proposals

(by individual cards)

Distribution of proposals,

drawing up a proposal schema.

Primer, alphabet,

notebooks, pens

Letter E

Letter E

1. Reading and writing syllables and words with the letter E.

2.Exercise in word formation (baby animals)

3. Development of attention, memory.


"Who has who?"

Primer, alphabet,

reading cards, charting kits,

notebooks, pens

Letter E

1. Acquaintance with the letter, reading and writing syllables and words

2.Distribution of proposals,

drawing up a proposal schema

3. Development of attention, memory.

4. Education of the ability to listen to others, not to interrupt.

"Vice versa"



"The Magic Chain"

(common. offers).

Primer, alphabet,

reading cards, charting kits,

notebooks, pens

Letter E

Letter E

1. Reading and writing syllables and words with a letter.

2. Dissemination of proposals,

drawing up a proposal schema

3. Development of attention, memory.


"The Magic Chain"

(common. offers).

Primer, alphabet,

reading cards, charting kits,

notebooks, pens


Letter U

Letter U

1 Acquaintance with the letter Yu, reading and writing syllables and words

Consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants

2. Drawing up proposals and proposal schemes.

3. Development of perception; memory.

4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

"Vice versa":

Dictation: A, I, E, E, E, O, S, U, TYU, DU, NYU, YUG, SING, IRON.



Primer, alphabet,

reading cards, charting kits,

notebooks, pens

Letter U

Letter U

1. Fixing the letter Yu.

Consolidation of reading and writing skills.

2. Drafting proposals and proposal schemes

3. Development of memory, attention.


Drawing up proposals and proposal schemes.

Primer, alphabet,

reading cards, charting kits,

notebooks, pens

Letter I

1. Acquaintance with the letter I.

Consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants.

2. Drafting proposals and laying out a proposal outline.

3. Development of memory, attention.

4. Education of perseverance.


"Vice versa"

Dictation: U, I, E, Yo, E, Y, YU, O, ME, TYU, DYA, HI, PU, ​​KY, EH, FOOD, YAMA, LIGHTHOUSE.



Drawing up proposals on the basis of the layout of the scheme.

Primer, alphabet,

kits for drawing up diagrams,

Letter I

1. Consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants.

Consolidation of reading and writing skills.

2. Word formation of relative adjectives, drawing up sentences according to a sample.

3. Development of memory, attention.

4. Education of perseverance.


"Vice versa"

"What, what?"

Drawing up proposals based on a sample

Primer, alphabet,

Sound and letter C

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Formation of neuter nouns with mind-caressing meaning using suffixes - ets-, -its-, -ts-.

3. Acquaintance with the letter C, reading and writing syllables and words

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Nurturing the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Do it right"

"Say the opposite" (replace the sound C with C)

Sound analysis of words: Hare, Clever.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: S, Z, C, Sh, F, M, D, V, F, AC, OTs, UC, EC, ITs, YC, FATHERS, HARES.



Chicken, flowers, button, soap dish, eggs, chain, ladder, chicken, ring, sun, hare, heron, starling, sheep, caterpillar, motorcycle, tit.

"Tanya and Tanechka",

Drawing up proposals for ind. pictures.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash registers

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation C - C

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Word formation of nouns female,

Designating persons according to their qualities, with suffixes

-nits -, - itz-.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Nurturing self-control skills for correct pronunciation sounds.


"Clap, stomp"

Sound analysis of words: BLUE.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: B, D, S, Z, Ts, A, K, U, O, M, V, Y, CA, CA, CO, SO, TSU, SU, TIN.


Chicken, flowers, button, soap dish, eggs, chain, ladder, chicken, ring, Catfish, dog,

table, dishes, pine, leaf, boots, wasp,

plane, sleigh, mustache, nose, fox,

magpie, owl,

"And me too"

"What is it?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash registers

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter H

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Consolidation of use

mind-petting suffixes.

3. Acquaintance with the letter H, reading and writing syllables and words

4. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Nurturing the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Find the general sound"

"Repeat after me"

We introduce the rule:

CHA - SHA write with "A",

CHU - SHU write with "U".

Sound analysis of words: CLOUD, POINT.

Dictation: H, T, C, W, S, F, CHA, CHU, CHI, CHO, CA, CO, TSU, TSY, HARE, HOURS.


Rook, doctor, ball, barrel, brick, tea, bees, swing, girl, boy, teacher, bird cherry, bees, kettle, glasses.

"Big small",

Flannelegraph, demo pictures from the "Big-Small" series,

subject pictures,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation H - T

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Fixing possessive adjectives.

3. The consumption is complex. offers ..

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

"Wonderful bag"


" Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words: TINA, BALL.

Analysis of the proposal:


Rook, doctor, ball, barrel, brick, tea, bees, swing, girl, boy, teacher, bees, kettle, glasses, tiger, kittens, duckling, woodpecker, picture, TV.

"Whose tail is better?"

Negotiating complex sentences

according to the sample.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation H - C


H - C

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

3. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.


"Traffic lights"

Sound analysis of words: CUP, CHAIN.

Division of words into syllables: KETTLE, MIRACLES, DREAM, CHICKEN, FLOWERS, SCISSORS.

Dictation: E, E, Shch, H, Sh, F, S, Z, O, I, E, U, Y, YU, I, CHA, SHCHA, CHU, SHU, CHI, SHCHI, CHCHA.


Rook, doctor, ball, barrel, brick, tea, bees, swing, girl, boy, teacher, bird cherry, bees, kettle, glasses, chicken, flowers, button, soap dish, eggs, chain, ladder, chicken, ring.

Drawing up proposals for a plot picture.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter Щ

Sound and letter Щ

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

Acquaintance with the letter Sh.

2.Word formation of masculine and feminine nouns denoting persons according to their profession, with suffixes -shchit-, -shchit-.

3. Development of phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory.

4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

"Wonderful bag

"Take the pictures, determine the place of the sound in the word",

"What changed?"

Sound analysis of words: SHIPS, PIKE, BOX.

Analysis of the proposal:


Pike, grove, puppy, bream, vegetables, tongs, box, brush, things, trainer, cleaner.

"Who is this?"

Drawing up sentences with pictures in Щ at the beginning of a word.

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation H - U

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Consolidation of word formation of nouns denoting a profession.

3.Population of complex sentences.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Clap stomp

"Two slats"

Sound analysis of words: CHAYKA, SEARCH.

Analysis of the proposal:


Pike, grove, puppy, bream, vegetables, tongs, box, brush, things, trainer, cleaner, rook, doctor, ball, barrel, brick, tea, bees, swing, girl, boy, teacher, bird cherry, bees, kettle, glasses.

"Name the profession"

"Who's doing what?"

"Who do we need?"

(negotiating proposals)

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation Cb - U

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Enrichment of vocabulary with synonyms.

3. Formation of participles.

4. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

5. Nurturing the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Wonderful bag,

"Russell tenants in the house"

Sound analysis of words: SPLINK, MESH.

Analysis of the proposal:


Pike, grove, puppy, bream, vegetables, tongs, box, brush, things, trainer, cleaning lady, catfish, dog,

table, plane,

dishes, pine,

leaf, boots,

plane, wasp, sleigh, mustache, braid, nose,

fox, goose.

"Who will say otherwise"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens


Differentiation Ш - Ш

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Enrichment of vocabulary with synonyms,

related words.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words: MOUSE, PUPPY.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: K, W, B, F, Z, N, G, S, V, F, Sch, Ch, P, T, CHA, SCHA, SHI, ZHI, CHU, SCHU, TEA, PIKE, FUR, BRUSH.


Pike, grove, puppy, bream, vegetables, tongs, box, brush, things, trainer, cleaning lady, hat, pillow, frog,

pillow, mouse, cat, wardrobe, cherries, lily of the valley, bear.

"Say otherwise"

"Name the sign"

"Name the action"

Drawing up sentences with pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter L

Sound and letter L

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Enrichment of vocabulary

related words (squirrel, wolf, elephant, jackdaw)

3. Acquaintance with the letter L,

reading and writing syllables and words.

4 Development of phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory, thinking.

5. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other


"Remember, repeat"

"Expand the pictures"

Sound analysis of words: BOW, LUZHA.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: A, I, O, U, Y, E, E, YU, I, LA, LO, LY, LE, AL, OL, UL, YL, EL, LUNA, POL, BOW.


"Pick up related words"

"Pick up the signs"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter L

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word, consolidating the letter L, reading and writing syllables and words.

2.Exercise in retelling the story of Leo Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf"

4 education cognitive attitude to speech therapy lesson.

"Guess the word"

Sound analysis of words: LAC, GALKA.


Lamp, shovel, paws, hammer, elk, whirligig, needle, squirrel, wolf, doll, elephant, bicycle, eyes, woodpecker, bow, moon, dove, jackdaw, strawberry, gladiolus, watering can, pencil case, shelf, boat.

Retelling of Leo Tolstoy's story "The Squirrel and the Wolf"

The text of the story of Leo Tolstoy “Squirrel and a wolf, flannelegraph, object pictures, art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound of L

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word.

2. Retelling of the story "The Fox and the Goslings"

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception, sound analysis skills; attention, memory.

4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

"Clap your hands if you hear the sound of L"

"Wonderful bag"

Sound analysis of words: BULKA, LIPA, FOX.



Fox, watering can, deer, seal, viburnum, raspberry, wheel, ice, foxes.

Retelling of the story "The Fox and the Goslings"

The text of the story "The Fox and the Goslings"

flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sounds of L-L



1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2.Word formation, the use of possessive adjectives on

th, th, th.

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Nurturing the ability to listen to the answers of others.

"Think - take your time

"Sound shop"

Sound analysis of words: MOON, PLUM, LEAF.


Lamp, shovel, paws, hammer, elk, whirligig, needle, squirrel, wolf, doll, elephant, bicycle, eyes, woodpecker, fox, watering can, deer, seal, viburnum, raspberry, wheel, ice, fox cubs.

"Whose tail is longer"

"Whose paw is bigger?"

"Whose ear is better?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sounds of L-Y


L - Y

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds, consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants.

2. Formation of relative adjectives from the names of trees: linden, maple, poplar, viburnum.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.



"Russell Pictures in the House"

"Finish the word"

Sound analysis of words: LYUBA, YULA.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: X, O, V, N, T, L, I, Y, Y, LYA, LYU, LEE, LE, LE, AY, OY, UY, YY, HEY, YULIA, LIPA.


Fox, watering can, deer, seal, viburnum, raspberry, wheel, ice, watering can, glue, bunny, T-shirt,

ruler, beehive, sparrow, coffee pot,

parrot, foxes.



"Let's arrange alleys in the new garden"

Drawing up proposals for subject pictures

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter P

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

Acquaintance with the letter R.

2. Exercise in the use of R.P. units number of nouns

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory. 4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

"Catch the Sound"

Sound analysis of words: WORLD, CANCER, HAND, GRASS.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: L, R, M, N, D, T, A, U, I, O




Dictation: L, R, M, N, D, T, A, U, I, O,


Reading: WORLD, RIS,



"What is not?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound and letter P

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2 Exercise in the use of R.P. pl. the number of nouns.

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; the skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory .. 4. Education of respect for manuals.

"4th extra"

(selection of pictures on P)

Sound analysis of words: GIFT, FENCE, PEAR.

Analysis of the proposal: IRA COLLECTED MUSHROOMS.

Cancer, frame, rainbow, pencil, drum, roses, hand, shirt, corn, chickens, ball, watermelons, card, pears, roof, zebra, ram, guitar, fish, tiger, scarf.

"Many things"

Drawing up proposals for pictures on P

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound Rb

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2. Formation of relative adjectives from the names of vegetables and fruits.

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory. 4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other.

Sound analysis of words: RIS,

"Name the product, which one?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sound Rb

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of a sound, determining the place of a sound in a word,

division of words into syllables.

2 Exercise in the formation, use and agreement of verbal adjectives and participles.

3. Development of art. motor skills, phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory. 4. 5. Education of perseverance.



"Find an extra item"

Sound analysis of words: IRINA, MUSHROOMS.

Primer, aquarium, calendar, lilac, trousers, nuts, factory, matryoshka, radish.

"How do they eat what?"

Flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sounds P-Pb

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Formation of relative adjectives from the names of fabrics.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of skills of correct behavior.

"Traffic lights"

"Wonderful bag"

Sound analysis of words:





Primer, aquarium, calendar, lilac, trousers, nuts, factory, matryoshka, radish, Cancer, frame, rainbow, pencil, drum, roses, hand, shirt, corn, chickens.

"What clothes?"

flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Sounds P-Pb

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Enrichment of vocabulary with related words.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

"Clap, stomp"

"Gifts for Roma and Rita", "On the contrary"

Sound analysis of words: LYNX, RICE, CHICKEN.

Dividing words into syllables: RAKE, RAZOR, SAYS, GARDEN, TOMATOES.

Dictation: RA, RYA, RO, RYO, RE, RE, RU, RYU, RY, RI, CRAN, CRAB.

Reading: RA, RYA, RO, RYO, RU, RYU, RY, RI, RE, RE,


Primer, calendar, lilac, trousers, nuts, factory, matryoshka, radish, Cancer, frame, rainbow, pencil, drum, roses, hand, shirt, corn, chickens.

"Pick up the words"

Drawing up sentences for key words and a picture

flannelegraph, subject pictures, ind. mirrors,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards,

notebooks, pens

Differentiation L - R

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2.Exercise in the pronunciation of words of a complex sound-syllable structure.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Education of discipline.



"Let's give pictures to Roma and Lusha"

Sound analysis of words: CANCER, LAC, LUCHIK.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: RA, LA, RU, LU, RO, LO, LAD, RAD.


Lamp, shovel, paws, hammer, elk, whirligig, needle, squirrel, wolf, doll, elephant, bicycle, eyes, woodpecker, cancer, frame, rainbow, pencil, drum, roses, hand, shirt, corn, ball, watermelons, pears, roof, zebra.


Drawing up proposals for the proposed pictures

flannelegraph, subject pictures,

art. profiles, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation L - Rb

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Consolidation of use

mind-petting suffixes.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Fostering a benevolent attitude of children to each other

"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words: RICE, THREE, FACE, PLUM.




Primer, trousers, nuts, radishes,

matryoshka, frame, rainbow, roses,

pencil, fox,

drum, watering can, deer, raspberries, wheel, foxes,

"Name it affectionately"

(pictures on L, R)

Drawing up proposals for individual. pictures

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Differentiation L-R, L-R

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

2. Exercise in the pronunciation of words of a complex sound-syllable structure.

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Arrange in rows "

Sound analysis of words: MOLE, RAFT, BEAK, DOORS, BEACH.

Primer, trousers, nuts, matryoshka, radish, frame, rainbow, pencil, drum, roses, hand, lamp, shovel, paws, hammer, elk, whirligig, needle, squirrel, wolf, elephant, eyes, woodpecker, fox, watering can, deer, raspberries, wheel, foxes.

"Repeat words"

Composing sentences for pivot words

flannelegraph, object pictures, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Letter L

1. Acquaintance with the letter b.

2 Exercise in the use of I.P. pl. number of nouns

4. Education of the ability to listen and hear.

"Vice versa"

Sound analysis of words: HORSE, STUMP, LYNX, ELK.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation: b, b, c, f, o, b, i, s, x, e, horse, stump, elk, mother, fire, letter, day.


Deer, seven, mother, horse, letter, stump, fire, lynx, elk.

"Change the word"

Flanelegraph, Primer,

object pictures, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Letter b

Letter b

1. Acquaintance with the letter b

2 Exercise in education, prefixed verbs.

3. Development of phonemic perception; skills of sound analysis, reading and writing, attention, memory.

4. Education of perseverance ..


Sound analysis of words: EATED.

Analysis of the proposal:


Dictation :, S, Z, b, W, ENTRANCE, LIFT, EAT.


"Form the word"

Writing sentences with a prefixed verb

flannelegraph, object pictures, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

Consonant and vowel sounds


1) anchoring the learned sounds

2.Exercise in drafting and distributing proposals

3. Development of phonemic perception; attention, memory; sound analysis skills.

4. Development of self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds.




Sound analysis of words: School,

"Name it affectionately"


"Let's string

beads "(compilation and distribution of proposals

flannelegraph, object pictures, sound boxes, cash desks,

reading cards, notebooks, pens

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002281,

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?



1 - 2 weeks: monitoring

2nd word

O .: labor:

1. "Name the words"

"The house is opening"
(see Attachment)

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;

About: physical culture:
O .: socialization:

"The house is opening"

O.o .: socialization:

A.G. "Curious tongue"

About: physical culture:

1. "Correct the error"

O.O .: safety:

2. "The letter is lost"
3. "Complete the sentence"

5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o .: socialization:

O .: labor:

1. "Who is attentive"

5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o .: socialization:


1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;

2. "The transformation of words"
Hedgehog yellow russula
Happy as a squirrel to nuts

5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization:

About: physical culture: to form correct posture
1 "Know the sound".
2. "Name the words"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "The fifth extra"

6. "On the contrary"

Happy as a squirrel to nuts

O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;

5.to develop a dictation apparatus

1. "Who is attentive"

3. "Name the words with the sound Yu"
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)

O.o .: socialization:

Our clever little Yurochka.

1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to introduce the letter Y;

О .: physical culture: to form correct posture

Do not whisk a wasp, but antennae
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)

O .: communication:

5.to develop a dictation apparatus

О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Who is attentive"

3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;

O.o .: socialization:

О .: physical culture: to form correct posture

2. Game "Complete the sentence"
see notes No. 14

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;

O. o. security:

О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. The game "Who is attentive"

4. Game "Complete the sentence"

O.O .: safety:

About: labor:

1. "Who is attentive"

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;

O .: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O .: safety:

2. "Chain of words"

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;

About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:

2. "Name words by model"
3. "The transformation of words"

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;

5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
O.o .: socialization:

2. "Pick a pair"
3. "The sound got lost"

1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;

About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name a couple"

О .: physical culture: to form correct posture

2. "Who is attentive"
3. "Add sound"
4. "Hard - soft"

6. to form correct posture
About: labor:

2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "Tell me a word"
5. "Hard - soft"

5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:

2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "Say a word"

Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;

ri-ri-ri - on the branches of the bullfinch;

ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;

2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;

About: labor:

1. " Same sound in words"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "Name words by model"

O.o .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "The sound got lost"

O.o .: reading fiction:

About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture

2. "Who is attentive"

(see Attachment)

O .: socialization:

About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name words by model"

3. "The letter is lost"

O.O .: safety:

About: physical culture:

O.o .: reading fiction:

4. continue to improve the reading of children;

5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:

2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "The sound got lost"
5. "One is many."

One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.

At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.

Pure phrases:

Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix)

O .: communication:

Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix

O .: communication:

3. improve the reading skills of children;

Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + mtable)

3. improve reading skills;

Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

1. to acquaint with the letter b;

3. improve reading skills;

3. improve reading skills;

2. Game riddle

3. improve the reading skills of children;

№47 "Snake"

2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;

2. "Name the words"

No. 47 "Snake", No. 15 "Circle"

2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;

This dog will not touch you.
2. Don't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Put the letter in the envelope.

2. Playing with sounds.

There are very few words on "Y":
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write "Y" at the end:

I brush my teeth with this brush
I clean my shoes
I clean my pants with this one
These brushes are all needed

2. Improve reading skills.

Silent solid sign
Not pronounced in any way!
But many words need him,
You will have to learn it.
Do you want - do not want
It stands in the alphabet!

2. improve reading skills;

2. improve reading skills;

2. Playing with the word "kitten"

3. The game is a child's riddle

2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;

2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;

2. Play is a child's riddle

2. improve reading skills;

1. The game is the educator's riddle

2. improve reading skills;

2. The game is the educator's riddle

Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, phrases, articulatory gymnastics


1 - 2 weeks: monitoring
№1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3.to develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, to name the 1st and
2nd word
4.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O .: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics "Smile", "Proboscis",
"The house is opening"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Work with a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of the percussive sound in a word;
3. Exercise in the ability to make a sentence of two words, to name the words in order;
4. Exercise to name words with given sounds.

O .: socialization:
7. continue to teach to listen to the interlocutor.
1. "Name a pair" (in a circle with a ball)
2. "Name words for a given sound" Articulatory gymnastics, alternation "Proboscis" - "Smile",
"The house is opening"

No. 3 "Letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. to acquaint with the vowels a, A;
3. Exercise a two-word toy in making up a sentence about action;
4.exercise in naming a word of a certain sound structure
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.O. phonemes: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the stressed vowel sound" (in a circle with a ball)

No. 4 “Letters I, Ya. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the vowels I, I and the rules of writing I after soft consonants;
3. Exercise in drawing up a sentence about the action of the toy (there are two words);
4.continue teaching children to name words with given sounds
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.O .: cognition:
6. to consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
About: physical culture:
7. to form correct posture
1. "Correct the error"
2. "Name words for a given sound" A. g. "Okoshko",
"The tongue greets the chin"
"The tongue greets the upper lip"

№ 5 "The letter I - can denote two sounds" YA ". Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha "
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter I can mean two sounds - "ya";
3. to exercise in drawing up a sentence of two words about the actions of children, to name the 1st, 2nd word;
4.develop logical thinking, to remember;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
6. to develop the ability to listen to the answers of a friend
O.O .: safety:
7. to consolidate the ability to comply with the rules of stay in kindergarten 1. "Name the words"
2. "The letter is lost"
3. "Complete the sentence"
4. "The letter is lost" Articulatory gymnastics "Monkey" and "Bulldog"
No. 6 "Letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to introduce the vowels about, about;
3. Exercise in drawing up a proposal for action, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o .: socialization:
6.to develop quick-wittedness, the ability to independently solve the task
O .: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given model" Articulatory gymnastics "Hide and Seek" (alternation monkey - bulldog)
№7 "The letter ё can mean the sound" o ". Sound analysis of the words “shelf, beet”. O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter ё can mean the sound "o" and is written after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;

O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words" Articulatory gymnastics "Hamster",
№8 "The letter ё - means two sounds" YO. Sound analysis of the words Christmas tree and grater "О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. To acquaint with the fact that ё can mean two sounds "YO"
3. To form the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word
4. To develop attention, memory, logical thinking when guessing riddles, to understand the poetic comparison underlying riddles;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus

O. O .: socialization: foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
О .: physical education: to form correct posture.
O.o .: reading fiction:
To replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales (the tale "Why is Yo always percussive") 1. "Name words for a given sound"
2. "The transformation of words"
Hedgehog yellow russula

No. 9 "Acquaintance with the letters y, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag" О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters y, y;
3. to form the ability to make up a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4.develop attention, memory, thinking
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization:
improve the artistic skills of children in terms of embodying the image with the help of facial expressions and gestures;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1 "Know the sound".
2. "Name the words"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "The fifth extra"
5. "Name the words with the given sound U"
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise "Stretch the thread" Hedgehog yellow russula
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
№10 “Acquaintance with the letter y. Sound analysis of the words bow, hatch, iron "
O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letter yu and the rules of its writing after soft consonants;
3. exercise in composing a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4. develop the vocal apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O.O .: physical culture: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical culture minute;
O. o .: safety: to consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the percussive sound" A ".
3. "Name the words with the sound Yu"
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№11 "The letter yu can mean two sounds" YU. Sound analysis of the words whirligig, Yura, beak "O. о .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - "yo" (at the beginning of the word);
3. develop the ability to compose a three-word sentence with a union and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
develop the ability to maintain correct posture in different types activities.
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words according to the given scheme"
2. "The first sound was lost" (... la, ... bka, ... mouth, ... nysha, .. mor)
2. "Name words with a percussive sound Y"
3. “Find a word in a word. YOUTH "(nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka.

No. 12 "Letter Y. Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to introduce the letter Y;
3. to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence from three words with the union And;
4. to practice diction in the pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. to develop O.'s diction apparatus about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the percussive sound a, s"
2. Phonemic exercise "Find the sound in the word"
3. "Name the words with the sound v, v"
Do not whisk a wasp, but antennae
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№13 “Bulls and, I. Inflection. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O .: communication:
1. to form amene to carry out sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters and, and and the rules of writing after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the components of oral speech;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization: to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given scheme" Do not whisk the wasp, but antennae

№14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to continue to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, e;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. to form the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. to develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of phrases. О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive" (spelling of vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given pattern.
3. "Who is attentive" (find the same sound in words) - Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness at home.
- You-you-you - all the cats ate sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play loto.
- Tee-tee-tee - we ate almost all the porridge.
- Cho-cho-cho - we postponed sewing.
- At-at-at - we are going for a walk.

№15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, E and the rules of writing e after soft consonants;
3. exercise in inflection;
4. Exercise in the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O. about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
2. Game "Complete the sentence"
see notes No. 14
№16 The letter E can mean two sounds "Ye".
Sound analysis of O. Emelya's word: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. explain that the letter e can denote two sounds - "IE";
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4.develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure clauses
O. o. security:
to consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. The game "Who is attentive"
3. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
4. Game "Complete the sentence"
- Se-se-se - many tales about the fox.
- Ze - ze - ze - give water to the goat.
- Etz - etz - that's what a fine fellow you are.
- Tse - tse - a lot of grains in a cucumber.
№17 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "river" OO: communication:
1. form umenipe to carry out sound analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and the definition of the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint children with inflection;
3. continue to learn to make a sentence of three words;
4. to learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O .: safety:
5. to consolidate the rules safe behavior on rivers and reservoirs;
About: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the model" See notes No. 16
№18 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word nut "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words;
4. Continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O .: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O .: safety:
6. to fix the rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. "Name words by model"
2. "Chain of words"
3. "Name a couple" Children independently inventing phrases
№19 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "ball" OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with the division of sentences into words, the ability to name words in order;
4.develop phonemic hearing... About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name words by model"
3. "The transformation of words"
4. "The letter is lost" Children independently inventing pure phrases
№20 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. to exercise the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name them in order;
4. to consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. "Pick a pair"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Name the words according to the given model" Independently inventing phrases by children
№21 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, post, cannon "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. exercise in changing words;
3. to consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name words in order. O .: socialization:
4.to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" p "Independently inventing phrases by children
№22 "The letter m and its two sounds" m "and" m "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds "m" and "m";
2. to consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. to develop the diction apparatus; O .: socialization:
5. to consolidate the knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the sound m"
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "Add sound"
4. "Hard - soft"
5. "Words in reverse" Milu's mother soaped soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

№23 "Letter n and her two sounds" n "and" n "O. o .: communication:
1.exercise in composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. to acquaint children with the letter n and the fact that it can mean the sounds "n" and "n";
3. to improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the impact sound;
4. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name the words with the sound" n "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "Tell me a word"
5. "Hard - soft"

Milu mommy soap soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
№24 "The letter r and its two sounds" r "and" r "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the words with the sound" ry "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "Say a word"
5. "The letter is lost" Thorough words:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - on the branches of the bullfinch;
or-or-or - a red tomato has ripened;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern on the wall.
№25 "The letter l and its two sounds" l "and" l "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds "l" and "l";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. to replenish the literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to choose words for a given pattern;
7. develop memory, creative thinking... O.O .: safety:
7. to fix the rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
About: labor:
8. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "The same sound in words"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "Name words by model"
4. "Finish the phrase" Patter:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

№26 "The letter Г and г and its two sounds" г "and" гь "О. О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Г and г and the fact that they denote the sounds "г" and "гь";
2. to acquaint with the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
4. to practice diction, intonation; O .: socialization:
5. to foster a desire to study at school;
O.o .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Learn a fairy tale" Patter:
Cap on cap and under cap cap

No. 27 "The letter k and k and its two sounds" k "and" k "O. o .: communication:
1. to introduce the letters k and K. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "k" and "k";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out proposals in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter I can mean two sounds ("y" and "a" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o .: reading fiction:
5. to acquaint with the story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
1. "Name the words that begin with the sound" y "
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "The transformation of words - the magic chain" Articulatory gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o .: communication:
1. to consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the passed letters;
2. develop dialogical speech;
3. Exercise in laying out a sentence using well-known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. to consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can denote two sounds ("y", "y" at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O .: socialization:
6. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name words by model"
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. "The letter is lost"
4. "Puzzle" Articulatory gymnastics:
alternation of "Fatties - skinny",

"Balls" (alternate inflating of the cheeks)

№29 "Letters c and C and with the sounds" s "and" si. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters c and C. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "s" and "sь";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar rules;
3. to consolidate the knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "o" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. to consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O .: safety:
7.Fix safe rules behavior on the slide;
About: physical culture:
8. to form correct posture
O.o .: reading fiction:
9. to acquaint with L. Kaminsky's fairy tale "Seven sons of old men Sinitsyn" 1. "Game with a task"
2. "Name the words with the stressed vowel sound" o "
3. "Hard - soft" Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.
№30 "Letters З and З and with the sounds" З "and" Зь. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters z and z, to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "z" and "zh";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. to fix that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "e" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
6. to consolidate the ability of children to name words according to the model. About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" z "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "The sound got lost"
5. "One is many."
I will name one subject and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant - many ...? Factories.
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic ... Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.

Pure phrases:
Zy-zy-zy, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is coming. Zy-zy-zy, we are not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, the trickle flows down below. Zy-zy-zy, washed the pots. For, for, for, Nina has brown eyes. Zoo-zoo-zoo, I'm taking the cubes. Zi-zi-zi, give me a ride to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
№31 "Letter sh. Retelling the story "O. O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
2. to acquaint with the letter w, with the rule of writing the combination shi;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. exercise in retelling the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words with the sound" w "at the beginning of the word"
2. "Name the words for this model"
3. Exercise "Count to five": One reed, two reeds, ... five reeds. One hut, two huts, ... five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats, ... five fur coats. One school, two schools, ... five schools. One awl, two awl, ... five awl.
Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix)

“Letter Ж, ж. The rule of writing a combination of life "

O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability of children to lay out sentences using all passed grammatical and syntactic rules, the definition of a stressed vowel;
2. will introduce you to the letter Ж, Ж and the rules for writing the combination Жи;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the sound" g "
3. "Name the words according to the given model"

Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix

№33 "Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story"
O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters d and D and the fact that they denote the sounds "d" and "d";
2. to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to form the ability of children to title and retell a story;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. "Name the words with the sound" d "
3. "Name the words according to the given model" Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + mtable)

No. 34 "Letter t and T" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters t and T and the fact that they denote the sounds "t" and "t";
2. to form the ability to put down stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. to improve phonemic hearing.
1. "Name the words" with a ball in a circle Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 "Letter" О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letter b;
2. to form the ability to put down stress in the printed words and read them in accordance with the put stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4.to acquaint with the method of guessing the word represented by the model (on questions)
1. Game riddle Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 36 "Repetition" O. о .: communication:
1. to consolidate the knowledge of children about b;
2. develop in the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to make sentences with a given word;
5.Exercise in the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions)
1. Game with the word coal
2. Game riddle
Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 37 "Letters n and P. Title and retelling of the story" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters P, p and the fact that they denote the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the stress in words and read them using stress;
3. to consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the passed rules;
4. to form the ability to title and retell the story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words"
2. "Name words by model" Patter:
From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field
№38 "Letters b and B. Retelling of the story" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters B, b and the fact that they denote the sounds "b" and "b";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions) 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. Game - a riddle Articulatory gymnastics №10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
№47 "Snake"

"Letters B and B" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters В, в and the fact that they denote the sounds "в" and вь ";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. develop thought processes. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics No. 10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
No. 47 "Snake", No. 15 "Circle"
№40 “Letters F and F. Retelling of the story "" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Ф, Ф and the fact that they denote the sounds "Ф" and "Фь";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the sound" ф ", with the sound" Фь "
2. Game - the child's riddle. Spells for distinguishing between the sounds "v" and "f":
1. If you don't tell the dog: "Fas!",
This dog will not touch you.
2. Don't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Put the letter in the envelope.

№41 "Word formation" 1. to improve the reading skills of children;
2. to exercise in the ability to form words;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (for questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the stressed vowel" y "
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - riddle Repeat tongue twisters difficult to pronounce
№42 "Letter" y "1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to introduce the letter "Y", to repeat the rules that the sound "Y" is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
3. to train children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word represented by the model. 1. Game - riddle Introduce and memorize a poem:
There are very few words on "Y":
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write "Y" at the end:
Tea, casual, secret, extra.
№43 "Letter h, H" 1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the letter h, h and remind that "h" is always a soft consonant;
3. to form the ability to make a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. "Name the words with the sound" h "
2. "Chain of words" Spells with the sound "h":
- cho-cho-cho, my shoulder hurts;
- chu-chu-chu, since it hurts - go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I will cry at the doctor;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors help us;
- chu-chu-chu, well, then I'll go to the doctor.
No. 44 " The letter u, u"1. Introduce the letter U, U, explain that the sound" U "is always a soft consonant, and the spelling is a combination of U, U.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. exercise in retelling the story read.
4. train in reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a riddle
2. "Chain of words" Patter:
I brush my teeth with this brush
I clean my shoes
I clean my pants with this one
These brushes are all needed
(drawing up a m-table by children)
№45 "Creative retelling" 1. Exercise in the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. to form the ability to creatively retell the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words according to the given model"
2. Game - child's riddle see №44
№46 "Letter c, C" 1. Introduce the letter C, c and the rule that the sound "c" is always a solid consonant.
2. to improve the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. Exercise in guessing the word laid out by the chips. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" ts "
3. Game - riddle Patter:
Four black, dirty, little imp
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (children compiling mt table)
№47 "Letter x, X" 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. To acquaint with the letters X, x and the fact that they denote the sounds "x", "xh";
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Game - the educator's riddle. See №46
№48 "Separating function of the letter ь" 1. improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the separating function of the letter ь;
3. Exercise in the formation of a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution to obtain a new word. 1. "Chain of words" see # 46

№49 "Letter ъ" 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Exercise in the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. To form the ability to guess the word laid out by chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
Not pronounced in any way!
But many words need him,
You will have to learn it.
Do you want - do not want
It stands in the alphabet!

№50 "Working with a sentence" 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
No. 51 " Creative story"1. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to exercise in the ability to retell the story; exercise in the ability to compose a creative story;
4. to consolidate the ability to make a chain of words, swiping in in this case just one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Playing with the word "kitten"
№52 "Reading skill" 1. To improve the reading skill;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to consolidate the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips. 1. Playing with the word "play"
2. Game - a riddle of the educator (school)
3. The game is a child's riddle
# 53 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word laid out by the chips;
4. Exercise in the ability to make a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to get a new word 1. Game - a riddle (primer)
# 54 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Play is a child's riddle
# 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. Exercise in the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips.
1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Game - child's riddle Preparing for the competition

№56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell the story read;
4. Improve the ability to make a chain of words, making only one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. The game is the educator's riddle
3. Game - a child's riddle Competition for the best tongue twister reader
Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, phrase-mongering, articulatory gymnastics


1 - 2 weeks: monitoring
№1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3.to develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, to name the 1st and
2nd word
4.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O .: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics "Smile", "Proboscis",
"The house is opening"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Work with a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of the percussive sound in a word;
3. Exercise in the ability to make a sentence of two words, to name the words in order;
4. Exercise to name words with given sounds.
5. To prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o .: physical culture:
6. to form the correct posture.
O .: socialization:
7. continue to teach to listen to the interlocutor.
1. "Name a pair" (in a circle with a ball)
2. "Name words for a given sound" Articulatory gymnastics, alternation "Proboscis" - "Smile",
"The house is opening"

No. 3 "Letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. to acquaint with the vowels a, A;
3. Exercise a two-word toy in making up a sentence about action;
4.exercise in naming a word of a certain sound structure
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.O. phonemes: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the stressed vowel sound" (in a circle with a ball)
2. "Name the words according to the given model" А.г. "Curious tongue"
No. 4 “Letters I, Ya. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the vowels I, I and the rules of writing I after soft consonants;
3. Exercise in drawing up a sentence about the action of the toy (there are two words);
4.continue teaching children to name words with given sounds
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.O .: cognition:
6. to consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
About: physical culture:
7. to form correct posture
1. "Correct the error"
2. "Name words for a given sound" A. g. "Okoshko",
"The tongue greets the chin"
"The tongue greets the upper lip"

№ 5 "The letter I - can denote two sounds" YA ". Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha "
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter I can mean two sounds - "ya";
3. to exercise in drawing up a sentence of two words about the actions of children, to name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
6. to develop the ability to listen to the answers of a friend
O.O .: safety:
7. to consolidate the ability to comply with the rules of stay in kindergarten 1. "Name the words"
2. "The letter is lost"
3. "Complete the sentence"
4. "The letter is lost" Articulatory gymnastics "Monkey" and "Bulldog"
No. 6 "Letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to introduce the vowels about, about;
3. Exercise in drawing up a proposal for action, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o .: socialization:
6.to develop quick-wittedness, the ability to independently solve the task
O .: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given model" Articulatory gymnastics "Hide and Seek" (alternation monkey - bulldog)
№7 "The letter ё can mean the sound" o ". Sound analysis of the words “shelf, beet”. O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter ё can mean the sound "o" and is written after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;
5. to prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words" Articulatory gymnastics "Hamster",
№8 "The letter ё - means two sounds" YO. Sound analysis of the words Christmas tree and grater "О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. To acquaint with the fact that ё can mean two sounds "YO"
3. To form the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word
4. To develop attention, memory, logical thinking when guessing riddles, to understand the poetic comparison underlying riddles;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus

O. O .: socialization: foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
О .: physical education: to form correct posture.
O.o .: reading fiction:
To replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales (the tale "Why is Yo always percussive") 1. "Name words for a given sound"
2. "The transformation of words"
Hedgehog yellow russula
Glad as a squirrel to nuts (tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
No. 9 "Acquaintance with the letters y, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag" О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters y, y;
3. to form the ability to make up a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4.develop attention, memory, thinking
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization:
improve the artistic skills of children in terms of embodying the image with the help of facial expressions and gestures;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1 "Know the sound".
2. "Name the words"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "The fifth extra"
5. "Name the words with the given sound U"
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise "Stretch the thread" Hedgehog yellow russula
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
№10 “Acquaintance with the letter y. Sound analysis of the words bow, hatch, iron "
O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letter yu and the rules of its writing after soft consonants;
3. exercise in composing a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4. develop the vocal apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O.O .: physical culture: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical culture minute;
O. o .: safety: to consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the percussive sound" A ".
3. "Name the words with the sound Yu"
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№11 "The letter yu can mean two sounds" YU. Sound analysis of the words whirligig, Yura, beak "O. о .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - "yo" (at the beginning of the word);
3. develop the ability to compose a three-word sentence with a union and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
to form the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities.
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words according to the given scheme"
2. "The first sound was lost" (... la, ... bka, ... mouth, ... nysha, .. mor)
2. "Name words with a percussive sound Y"
3. “Find a word in a word. YOUTH "(nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka.

No. 12 "Letter Y. Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to introduce the letter Y;
3. to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words with the union And;
4. to practice diction in the pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. to develop O.'s diction apparatus about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the percussive sound a, s"
2. Phonemic exercise "Find the sound in the word"
3. "Name the words with the sound v, v"
Do not whisk a wasp, but antennae
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№13 “Bulls and, I. Inflection. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O .: communication:
1. to form amene to carry out sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters and, and and the rules of writing after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the components of oral speech;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization: to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given scheme" Do not whisk the wasp, but antennae

№14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to continue to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, e;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. to form the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. to develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of phrases. О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive" (spelling of vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given pattern.
3. "Who is attentive" (find the same sound in words) - Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness at home.
- You-you-you - all the cats ate sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play loto.
- Tee-tee-tee - we ate almost all the porridge.
- Cho-cho-cho - we postponed sewing.
- At-at-at - we are going for a walk.

№15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, E and the rules of writing e after soft consonants;
3. exercise in inflection;
4. Exercise in the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O. about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
2. Game "Complete the sentence"
see notes No. 14
№16 The letter E can mean two sounds "Ye".
Sound analysis of O. Emelya's word: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. explain that the letter e can denote two sounds - "IE";
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4.develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure clauses
O. o. security:
to consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. The game "Who is attentive"
3. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
4. Game "Complete the sentence"
- Se-se-se - many tales about the fox.
- Ze - ze - ze - give water to the goat.
- Etz - etz - that's what a fine fellow you are.
- Tse - tse - a lot of grains in a cucumber.
№17 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "river" OO: communication:
1. form umenipe to carry out sound analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and the definition of the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint children with inflection;
3. continue to learn to make a sentence of three words;
4. to learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O .: safety:
5. to fix the rules of safe behavior on rivers and water bodies;
About: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the model" See notes No. 16
№18 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word nut "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words;
4. Continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O .: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O .: safety:
6. to fix the rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. "Name words by model"
2. "Chain of words"
3. "Name a couple" Children independently inventing phrases
№19 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "ball" OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with the division of sentences into words, the ability to name words in order;
4. develop phonemic hearing. About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name words by model"
3. "The transformation of words"
4. "The letter is lost" Children independently inventing pure phrases
№20 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. to exercise the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name them in order;
4. to consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. "Pick a pair"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Name the words according to the given model" Independently inventing phrases by children
№21 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, post, cannon "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. exercise in changing words;
3. to consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name words in order. O .: socialization:
4.to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" p "Independently inventing phrases by children
№22 "The letter m and its two sounds" m "and" m "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds "m" and "m";
2. to consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. to develop the diction apparatus; O .: socialization:
5. to consolidate the knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the sound m"
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "Add sound"
4. "Hard - soft"
5. "Words in reverse" Milu's mother soaped soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

№23 "Letter n and her two sounds" n "and" n "O. o .: communication:
1.exercise in composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. to acquaint children with the letter n and the fact that it can mean the sounds "n" and "n";
3. to improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the impact sound;
4. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name the words with the sound" n "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "Tell me a word"
5. "Hard - soft"

Milu mommy soap soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
№24 "The letter r and its two sounds" r "and" r "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the words with the sound" ry "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "Say a word"
5. "The letter is lost" Thorough words:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - on the branches of the bullfinch;
or-or-or - a red tomato has ripened;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern on the wall.
№25 "The letter l and its two sounds" l "and" l "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds "l" and "l";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. to replenish the literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to choose words for a given pattern;
7. develop memory, creative thinking. O.O .: safety:
7. to fix the rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
About: labor:
8. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "The same sound in words"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "Name words by model"
4. "Finish the phrase" Patter:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

№26 "The letter Г and г and its two sounds" г "and" гь "О. О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Г and г and the fact that they denote the sounds "г" and "гь";
2. to acquaint with the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
4. to practice diction, intonation; O .: socialization:
5. to foster a desire to study at school;
O.o .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Learn a fairy tale" Patter:
Cap on cap and under cap cap

No. 27 "The letter k and k and its two sounds" k "and" k "O. o .: communication:
1. to introduce the letters k and K. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "k" and "k";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out proposals in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter I can mean two sounds ("y" and "a" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o .: reading fiction:
5. to acquaint with the story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
1. "Name the words that begin with the sound" y "
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "The transformation of words - the magic chain" Articulatory gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o .: communication:
1. to consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the passed letters;
2. develop dialogical speech;
3. Exercise in laying out a sentence using well-known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. to consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can denote two sounds ("y", "y" at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O .: socialization:
6. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name words by model"
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. "The letter is lost"
4. "Puzzle" Articulatory gymnastics:
alternation of "Fatties - skinny",

"Balls" (alternate inflating of the cheeks)

№29 "Letters c and C and with the sounds" s "and" si. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters c and C. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "s" and "sь";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar rules;
3. to consolidate the knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "o" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. to consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O .: safety:
7. to fix the safe rules of behavior on the slide;
About: physical culture:
8. to form correct posture
O.o .: reading fiction:
9. to acquaint with L. Kaminsky's fairy tale "Seven sons of old men Sinitsyn" 1. "Game with a task"
2. "Name the words with the stressed vowel sound" o "
3. "Hard - soft" Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.
№30 "Letters З and З and with the sounds" З "and" Зь. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters z and z, to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "z" and "zh";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. to fix that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "e" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
6. to consolidate the ability of children to name words according to the model. About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" z "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "The sound got lost"
5. "One is many."
I will name one subject and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant - many ...? Factories.
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic ... Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.

Pure phrases:
Zy-zy-zy, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is coming. Zy-zy-zy, we are not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, the trickle flows down below. Zy-zy-zy, washed the pots. For, for, for, Nina has brown eyes. Zoo-zoo-zoo, I'm taking the cubes. Zi-zi-zi, give me a ride to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
№31 "Letter sh. Retelling the story "O. O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
2. to acquaint with the letter w, with the rule of writing the combination shi;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. exercise in retelling the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words with the sound" w "at the beginning of the word"
2. "Name the words for this model"
3. Exercise "Count to five": One reed, two reeds, ... five reeds. One hut, two huts, ... five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats, ... five fur coats. One school, two schools, ... five schools. One awl, two awl, ... five awl.
Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix)

“Letter Ж, ж. The rule of writing a combination of life "

O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability of children to lay out sentences using all passed grammatical and syntactic rules, the definition of a stressed vowel;
2. will introduce you to the letter Ж, Ж and the rules for writing the combination Жи;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the sound" g "
3. "Name the words according to the given model"

Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix

№33 "Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story"
O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters d and D and the fact that they denote the sounds "d" and "d";
2. to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to form the ability of children to title and retell a story;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. "Name the words with the sound" d "
3. "Name the words according to the given model" Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + mtable)

No. 34 "Letter t and T" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters t and T and the fact that they denote the sounds "t" and "t";
2. to form the ability to put down stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. to improve phonemic hearing.
1. "Name the words" with a ball in a circle Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 "Letter" О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letter b;
2. to form the ability to put down stress in the printed words and read them in accordance with the put stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4.to acquaint with the method of guessing the word represented by the model (on questions)
1. Game riddle Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 36 "Repetition" O. о .: communication:
1. to consolidate the knowledge of children about b;
2. develop in the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to make sentences with a given word;
5.Exercise in the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions)
1. Game with the word coal
2. Game riddle
Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 37 "Letters n and P. Title and retelling of the story" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters P, p and the fact that they denote the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the stress in words and read them using stress;
3. to consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the passed rules;
4. to form the ability to title and retell the story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words"
2. "Name words by model" Patter:
From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field
№38 "Letters b and B. Retelling of the story" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters B, b and the fact that they denote the sounds "b" and "b";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions) 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. Game - a riddle Articulatory gymnastics №10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
№47 "Snake"

"Letters B and B" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters В, в and the fact that they denote the sounds "в" and вь ";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. develop thought processes. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics No. 10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
No. 47 "Snake", No. 15 "Circle"
№40 “Letters F and F. Retelling of the story "" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Ф, Ф and the fact that they denote the sounds "Ф" and "Фь";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the sound" ф ", with the sound" Фь "
2. Game - the child's riddle. Spells for distinguishing between the sounds "v" and "f":
1. If you don't tell the dog: "Fas!",
This dog will not touch you.
2. Don't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Put the letter in the envelope.

№41 "Word formation" 1. to improve the reading skills of children;
2. to exercise in the ability to form words;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (for questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the stressed vowel" y "
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - riddle Repeat tongue twisters difficult to pronounce
№42 "Letter" y "1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to introduce the letter "Y", to repeat the rules that the sound "Y" is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
3. to train children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word represented by the model. 1. Game - riddle Introduce and memorize a poem:
There are very few words on "Y":
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write "Y" at the end:
Tea, casual, secret, extra.
№43 "Letter h, H" 1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the letter h, h and remind that "h" is always a soft consonant;
3. to form the ability to make a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. "Name the words with the sound" h "
2. "Chain of words" Spells with the sound "h":
- cho-cho-cho, my shoulder hurts;
- chu-chu-chu, since it hurts - go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I will cry at the doctor;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors help us;
- chu-chu-chu, well, then I'll go to the doctor.
№44 "Letter u, Щ" 1. Introduce the letter Щ, Щу to explain that the sound "Щ" is always a soft consonant, and the spelling is the combination ша, шу.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. exercise in retelling the story read.
4. train in reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a riddle
2. "Chain of words" Patter:
I brush my teeth with this brush
I clean my shoes
I clean my pants with this one
These brushes are all needed
(drawing up a m-table by children)
№45 "Creative retelling" 1. Exercise in the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. to form the ability to creatively retell the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words according to the given model"
2. Game - child's riddle see №44
№46 "Letter c, C" 1. Introduce the letter C, c and the rule that the sound "c" is always a solid consonant.
2. to improve the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. Exercise in guessing the word laid out by the chips. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" ts "
3. Game - riddle Patter:
Four black, dirty, little imp
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (children compiling mt table)
№47 "Letter x, X" 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. To acquaint with the letters X, x and the fact that they denote the sounds "x", "xh";
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Game - the educator's riddle. See №46
№48 "Separating function of the letter ь" 1. improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the separating function of the letter ь;
3. Exercise in the formation of a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution to obtain a new word. 1. "Chain of words" see # 46

№49 "Letter ъ" 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Exercise in the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. To form the ability to guess the word laid out by chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
Not pronounced in any way!
But many words need him,
You will have to learn it.
Do you want - do not want
It stands in the alphabet!

№50 "Working with a sentence" 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
№51 "Creative story" 1. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to exercise in the ability to retell the story; exercise in the ability to compose a creative story;
4. to consolidate the ability to make a chain of words, carrying out in this case only one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Playing with the word "kitten"
№52 "Reading skill" 1. To improve the reading skill;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to consolidate the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips. 1. Playing with the word "play"
2. Game - a riddle of the educator (school)
3. The game is a child's riddle
# 53 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word laid out by the chips;
4. Exercise in the ability to make a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to get a new word 1. Game - a riddle (primer)
# 54 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Play is a child's riddle
# 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. Exercise in the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips.
1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Game - child's riddle Preparing for the competition

№56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell the story read;
4. Improve the ability to make a chain of words, making only one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. The game is the educator's riddle
3. Game - a child's riddle Competition for the best tongue twister reader
Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, phrase-mongering, articulatory gymnastics


1 - 2 weeks: monitoring
№1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3.to develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, to name the 1st and
2nd word
4.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O .: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics "Smile", "Proboscis",
"The house is opening"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Work with a proposal "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. To consolidate the ability to determine the place of the percussive sound in a word;
3. Exercise in the ability to make a sentence of two words, to name the words in order;
4. Exercise to name words with given sounds.
5. To prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o .: physical culture:
6. to form the correct posture.
O .: socialization:
7. continue to teach to listen to the interlocutor.
1. "Name a pair" (in a circle with a ball)
2. "Name words for a given sound" Articulatory gymnastics, alternation "Proboscis" - "Smile",
"The house is opening"

No. 3 "Letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. to acquaint with the vowels a, A;
3. Exercise a two-word toy in making up a sentence about action;
4.exercise in naming a word of a certain sound structure
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.O. phonemes: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the stressed vowel sound" (in a circle with a ball)
2. "Name the words according to the given model" А.г. "Curious tongue"
No. 4 “Letters I, Ya. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, to determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the vowels I, I and the rules of writing I after soft consonants;
3. Exercise in drawing up a sentence about the action of the toy (there are two words);
4.continue teaching children to name words with given sounds
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.O .: cognition:
6. to consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
About: physical culture:
7. to form correct posture
1. "Correct the error"
2. "Name words for a given sound" A. g. "Okoshko",
"The tongue greets the chin"
"The tongue greets the upper lip"

№ 5 "The letter I - can denote two sounds" YA ". Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha "
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter I can mean two sounds - "ya";
3. to exercise in drawing up a sentence of two words about the actions of children, to name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of O.'s phonemes: socialization:
6. to develop the ability to listen to the answers of a friend
O.O .: safety:
7. to consolidate the ability to comply with the rules of stay in kindergarten 1. "Name the words"
2. "The letter is lost"
3. "Complete the sentence"
4. "The letter is lost" Articulatory gymnastics "Monkey" and "Bulldog"
No. 6 "Letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya" O. o .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to introduce the vowels about, about;
3. Exercise in drawing up a proposal for action, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5.Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o .: socialization:
6.to develop quick-wittedness, the ability to independently solve the task
O .: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean your workplace.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given model" Articulatory gymnastics "Hide and Seek" (alternation monkey - bulldog)
№7 "The letter ё can mean the sound" o ". Sound analysis of the words “shelf, beet”. O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter ё can mean the sound "o" and is written after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;
5. to prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words" Articulatory gymnastics "Hamster",
№8 "The letter ё - means two sounds" YO. Sound analysis of the words Christmas tree and grater "О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. To acquaint with the fact that ё can mean two sounds "YO"
3. To form the ability to make sentences from two words with a given word
4. To develop attention, memory, logical thinking when guessing riddles, to understand the poetic comparison underlying riddles;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus

O. O .: socialization: foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
О .: physical education: to form correct posture.
O.o .: reading fiction:
To replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales (the tale "Why is Yo always percussive") 1. "Name words for a given sound"
2. "The transformation of words"
Hedgehog yellow russula
Glad as a squirrel to nuts (tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
No. 9 "Acquaintance with the letters y, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag" О. О .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters y, y;
3. to form the ability to make up a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4.develop attention, memory, thinking
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization:
improve the artistic skills of children in terms of embodying the image with the help of facial expressions and gestures;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1 "Know the sound".
2. "Name the words"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "The fifth extra"
5. "Name the words with the given sound U"
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise "Stretch the thread" Hedgehog yellow russula
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
№10 “Acquaintance with the letter y. Sound analysis of the words bow, hatch, iron "
O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. to acquaint with the letter yu and the rules of its writing after soft consonants;
3. exercise in composing a sentence of three words with a connecting union and;
4. develop the vocal apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O.O .: physical culture: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical culture minute;
O. o .: safety: to consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the percussive sound" A ".
3. "Name the words with the sound Yu"
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№11 "The letter yu can mean two sounds" YU. Sound analysis of the words whirligig, Yura, beak "O. о .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to acquaint with the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - "yo" (at the beginning of the word);
3. develop the ability to compose a three-word sentence with a union and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
to form the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities.
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words according to the given scheme"
2. "The first sound was lost" (... la, ... bka, ... mouth, ... nysha, .. mor)
2. "Name words with a percussive sound Y"
3. “Find a word in a word. YOUTH "(nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever little Yurochka.

No. 12 "Letter Y. Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. to introduce the letter Y;
3. to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words with the union And;
4. to practice diction in the pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. to develop O.'s diction apparatus about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the percussive sound a, s"
2. Phonemic exercise "Find the sound in the word"
3. "Name the words with the sound v, v"
Do not whisk a wasp, but antennae
(tongue twister + mtable - see appendix)
№13 “Bulls and, I. Inflection. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O .: communication:
1. to form amene to carry out sound - alphabetic analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters and, and and the rules of writing after soft consonants;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the components of oral speech;
5.to develop a dictation apparatus
O .: socialization: to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the given scheme" Do not whisk the wasp, but antennae

№14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to continue to form the ability to conduct sound - letter analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, e;
3. to exercise in the ability to carry out inflection;
4. to form the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. to develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of phrases. О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Who is attentive" (spelling of vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given pattern.
3. "Who is attentive" (find the same sound in words) - Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness at home.
- You-you-you - all the cats ate sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play loto.
- Tee-tee-tee - we ate almost all the porridge.
- Cho-cho-cho - we postponed sewing.
- At-at-at - we are going for a walk.

№15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Inflection "About: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. to acquaint with the letters e, E and the rules of writing e after soft consonants;
3. exercise in inflection;
4. Exercise in the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
O. about: labor: to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
2. Game "Complete the sentence"
see notes No. 14
№16 The letter E can mean two sounds "Ye".
Sound analysis of O. Emelya's word: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. explain that the letter e can denote two sounds - "IE";
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4.develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure clauses
O. o. security:
to consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. The game "Who is attentive"
3. Game "Say the words with the sound" y "
4. Game "Complete the sentence"
- Se-se-se - many tales about the fox.
- Ze - ze - ze - give water to the goat.
- Etz - etz - that's what a fine fellow you are.
- Tse - tse - a lot of grains in a cucumber.
№17 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "river" OO: communication:
1. form umenipe to carry out sound analysis of words using the rules of writing vowels and the definition of the stressed sound;
2. to acquaint children with inflection;
3. continue to learn to make a sentence of three words;
4. to learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O .: safety:
5. to fix the rules of safe behavior on rivers and water bodies;
About: labor:
6. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words according to the model" See notes No. 16
№18 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word nut "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the percussive sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words;
4. Continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O .: socialization:
5. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O .: safety:
6. to fix the rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. "Name words by model"
2. "Chain of words"
3. "Name a couple" Children independently inventing phrases
№19 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the word "ball" OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with the division of sentences into words, the ability to name words in order;
4. develop phonemic hearing. About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Name words by model"
3. "The transformation of words"
4. "The letter is lost" Children independently inventing pure phrases
№20 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet "O.O .: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. to exercise the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name them in order;
4. to consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. "Pick a pair"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Name the words according to the given model" Independently inventing phrases by children
№21 “Inflection. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, post, cannon "OO: communication:
1. to form the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. exercise in changing words;
3. to consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear, to name words in order. O .: socialization:
4.to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" p "Independently inventing phrases by children
№22 "The letter m and its two sounds" m "and" m "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds "m" and "m";
2. to consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. to develop the diction apparatus; O .: socialization:
5. to consolidate the knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents;
О .: physical culture: to form correct posture
1. "Name the words with the sound m"
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "Add sound"
4. "Hard - soft"
5. "Words in reverse" Milu's mother soaped soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

№23 "Letter n and her two sounds" n "and" n "O. o .: communication:
1.exercise in composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. to acquaint children with the letter n and the fact that it can mean the sounds "n" and "n";
3. to improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the impact sound;
4. mastering the way of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name the words with the sound" n "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Where is the sound?"
4. "Tell me a word"
5. "Hard - soft"

Milu mommy soap soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
№24 "The letter r and its two sounds" r "and" r "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
5.to develop the diction apparatus of O.O .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task 1. "Name the words with the sound" ry "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "Say a word"
5. "The letter is lost" Thorough words:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - on the branches of the bullfinch;
or-or-or - a red tomato has ripened;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern on the wall.
№25 "The letter l and its two sounds" l "and" l "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint children with the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds "l" and "l";
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with the passed letters and the letter p;
3. to consolidate the ability of children to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. to replenish the literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to choose words for a given pattern;
7. develop memory, creative thinking. O.O .: safety:
7. to fix the rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
About: labor:
8. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "The same sound in words"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "Name words by model"
4. "Finish the phrase" Patter:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

№26 "The letter Г and г and its two sounds" г "and" гь "О. О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Г and г and the fact that they denote the sounds "г" and "гь";
2. to acquaint with the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words for a given pattern;
4. to practice diction, intonation; O .: socialization:
5. to foster a desire to study at school;
O.o .: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Who is attentive"
2. "Tell me a word"
3. "The sound got lost"
4. "Learn a fairy tale" Patter:
Cap on cap and under cap cap

No. 27 "The letter k and k and its two sounds" k "and" k "O. o .: communication:
1. to introduce the letters k and K. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "k" and "k";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out proposals in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter I can mean two sounds ("y" and "a" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o .: reading fiction:
5. to acquaint with the story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
1. "Name the words that begin with the sound" y "
2. "Who is attentive"
3. "The transformation of words - the magic chain" Articulatory gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o .: communication:
1. to consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the passed letters;
2. develop dialogical speech;
3. Exercise in laying out a sentence using well-known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. to consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can denote two sounds ("y", "y" at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. to consolidate the ability of children to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O .: socialization:
6. to foster a culture of behavior in the classroom
About: labor:
7. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
1. "Name words by model"
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. "The letter is lost"
4. "Puzzle" Articulatory gymnastics:
alternation of "Fatties - skinny",

"Balls" (alternate inflating of the cheeks)

№29 "Letters c and C and with the sounds" s "and" si. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters c and C. to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "s" and "sь";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar rules;
3. to consolidate the knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "o" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. to consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O .: safety:
7. to fix the safe rules of behavior on the slide;
About: physical culture:
8. to form correct posture
O.o .: reading fiction:
9. to acquaint with L. Kaminsky's fairy tale "Seven sons of old men Sinitsyn" 1. "Game with a task"
2. "Name the words with the stressed vowel sound" o "
3. "Hard - soft" Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.
№30 "Letters З and З and with the sounds" З "and" Зь. Repetition "O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters z and z, to tell that the letter k denotes the sounds "z" and "zh";
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. to fix that the letter e can mean two sounds ("y" and "e" at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve the reading of children;
5. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
6. to consolidate the ability of children to name words according to the model. About: labor:
5. to consolidate the ability to independently and in a timely manner to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson.
About: physical culture:
6. to form correct posture
O.o .: socialization:
7. develop ingenuity, the ability to independently solve the task. 1. "Name the words with the sound" z "
2. "Name the words according to the given model"
3. "Who is attentive"
4. "The sound got lost"
5. "One is many."
I will name one subject and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant - many ...? Factories.
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic ... Patter:
At the little Sled, the sleds go by themselves. The sleigh rides by itself at the little Sleigh.

Pure phrases:
Zy-zy-zy, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is coming. Zy-zy-zy, we are not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, the trickle flows down below. Zy-zy-zy, washed the pots. For, for, for, Nina has brown eyes. Zoo-zoo-zoo, I'm taking the cubes. Zi-zi-zi, give me a ride to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
№31 "Letter sh. Retelling the story "O. O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
2. to acquaint with the letter w, with the rule of writing the combination shi;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. exercise in retelling the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words with the sound" w "at the beginning of the word"
2. "Name the words for this model"
3. Exercise "Count to five": One reed, two reeds, ... five reeds. One hut, two huts, ... five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats, ... five fur coats. One school, two schools, ... five schools. One awl, two awl, ... five awl.
Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix)

“Letter Ж, ж. The rule of writing a combination of life "

O .: communication:
1.to improve the ability of children to lay out sentences using all passed grammatical and syntactic rules, the definition of a stressed vowel;
2. will introduce you to the letter Ж, Ж and the rules for writing the combination Жи;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. "Name the words with the sound" g "
3. "Name the words according to the given model"

Articulation gymnastics
№51 "Pancake",
№52 "Soap Bubbles"
(See Appendix

№33 "Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story"
O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters d and D and the fact that they denote the sounds "d" and "d";
2. to improve the ability to lay out sentences using all passed grammar and syntactic rules;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to form the ability of children to title and retell a story;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. "Name the words with the sound" d "
3. "Name the words according to the given model" Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + mtable)

No. 34 "Letter t and T" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters t and T and the fact that they denote the sounds "t" and "t";
2. to form the ability to put down stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. to improve phonemic hearing.
1. "Name the words" with a ball in a circle Patter:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 "Letter" О .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letter b;
2. to form the ability to put down stress in the printed words and read them in accordance with the put stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4.to acquaint with the method of guessing the word represented by the model (on questions)
1. Game riddle Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 36 "Repetition" O. о .: communication:
1. to consolidate the knowledge of children about b;
2. develop in the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to make sentences with a given word;
5.Exercise in the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions)
1. Game with the word coal
2. Game riddle
Children inventing phrases with the ending "at"
No. 37 "Letters n and P. Title and retelling of the story" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters P, p and the fact that they denote the sounds "p" and "p";
2. continue to master the stress in words and read them using stress;
3. to consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the passed rules;
4. to form the ability to title and retell the story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words"
2. "Name words by model" Patter:
From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field
№38 "Letters b and B. Retelling of the story" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters B, b and the fact that they denote the sounds "b" and "b";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (on questions) 1. "Name the words with the sound" b "
2. Game - a riddle Articulatory gymnastics №10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
№47 "Snake"

"Letters B and B" O. o .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters В, в and the fact that they denote the sounds "в" and вь ";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. develop thought processes. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words"
Articulatory gymnastics No. 10 "The tongue greets the upper lip",
No. 47 "Snake", No. 15 "Circle"
№40 “Letters F and F. Retelling of the story "" O .: communication:
1. to acquaint with the letters Ф, Ф and the fact that they denote the sounds "Ф" and "Фь";
2. to improve the ability to put stress in words and to read them using stress;
3. improve the reading skills of children;
4. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
5. to exercise in the ability to retell the story read;
6. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the sound" ф ", with the sound" Фь "
2. Game - the child's riddle. Spells for distinguishing between the sounds "v" and "f":
1. If you don't tell the dog: "Fas!",
This dog will not touch you.
2. Don't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Put the letter in the envelope.

№41 "Word formation" 1. to improve the reading skills of children;
2. to exercise in the ability to form words;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (for questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. "Name the words with the stressed vowel" y "
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - riddle Repeat tongue twisters difficult to pronounce
№42 "Letter" y "1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to introduce the letter "Y", to repeat the rules that the sound "Y" is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
3. to train children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word represented by the model. 1. Game - riddle Introduce and memorize a poem:
There are very few words on "Y":
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write "Y" at the end:
Tea, casual, secret, extra.
№43 "Letter h, H" 1. Improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the letter h, h and remind that "h" is always a soft consonant;
3. to form the ability to make a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. "Name the words with the sound" h "
2. "Chain of words" Spells with the sound "h":
- cho-cho-cho, my shoulder hurts;
- chu-chu-chu, since it hurts - go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I will cry at the doctor;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors help us;
- chu-chu-chu, well, then I'll go to the doctor.
№44 "Letter u, Щ" 1. Introduce the letter Щ, Щу to explain that the sound "Щ" is always a soft consonant, and the spelling is the combination ша, шу.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. exercise in retelling the story read.
4. train in reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a riddle
2. "Chain of words" Patter:
I brush my teeth with this brush
I clean my shoes
I clean my pants with this one
These brushes are all needed
(drawing up a m-table by children)
№45 "Creative retelling" 1. Exercise in the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. to form the ability to creatively retell the story read;
5. to improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. "Name the words according to the given model"
2. Game - child's riddle see №44
№46 "Letter c, C" 1. Introduce the letter C, c and the rule that the sound "c" is always a solid consonant.
2. to improve the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. Exercise in guessing the word laid out by the chips. 1. "Name a couple"
2. "Name the words with the sound" ts "
3. Game - riddle Patter:
Four black, dirty, little imp
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (children compiling mt table)
№47 "Letter x, X" 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. To acquaint with the letters X, x and the fact that they denote the sounds "x", "xh";
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Game - the educator's riddle. See №46
№48 "Separating function of the letter ь" 1. improve the reading skills of children;
2. to acquaint with the separating function of the letter ь;
3. Exercise in the formation of a chain of words, carrying out only one substitution to obtain a new word. 1. "Chain of words" see # 46

№49 "Letter ъ" 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Exercise in the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. To form the ability to guess the word laid out by chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
Not pronounced in any way!
But many words need him,
You will have to learn it.
Do you want - do not want
It stands in the alphabet!

№50 "Working with a sentence" 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. Exercise in making up a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
№51 "Creative story" 1. to consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. to exercise in the ability to retell the story; exercise in the ability to compose a creative story;
4. to consolidate the ability to make a chain of words, carrying out in this case only one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. Playing with the word "kitten"
№52 "Reading skill" 1. To improve the reading skill;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to consolidate the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips. 1. Playing with the word "play"
2. Game - a riddle of the educator (school)
3. The game is a child's riddle
# 53 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to improve the ability to guess the word laid out by the chips;
4. Exercise in the ability to make a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to get a new word 1. Game - a riddle (primer)
# 54 Review 1. Improve reading skills;
2. to consolidate the ability to lay out a proposal using the passed rules;
3. to develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Play is a child's riddle
# 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions about the text read;
4. Exercise in the ability to guess the words laid out by the chips.
1. The game is the educator's riddle
2. Game - child's riddle Preparing for the competition

№56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the passed rules;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell the story read;
4. Improve the ability to make a chain of words, making only one replacement to get a new word. 1. "Word chain"
2. The game is the educator's riddle
3. Game - a child's riddle Competition for the best tongue twister reader

Perspective - thematic plan

on Literacy


Teacher:Boyko L.A.

Number of hours:

Total17 hours ; in Week0.5 hour

Diagnostics, monitoring

The planning is based on

"Programs of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, 2010


additional literature

Teaching preschoolers to read and write (older group),

NS. Varentsova, Mosaic-Synthesis, Moscow, 2012


Topic: Lesson # 1 Development of ideas about the variety of words. Acquaintance with the term "word"


Doll, bear, chicken. Crocodile, elephant, hare, ball, car, etc. chips-prizes

N.S. Varentsova p. 53

Topic: Lesson number 2 Development of ideas about the word. Development of the ability to compare words by sound (words sound differently and it looks like); measure their length (long and short).


Manual "Sound clock", ball, chips - prizes.

N.S. Varentsova str., 53

Topic: Lesson number 3 Acquaintance with the term "syllable" "sound" Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in words, intonationally highlight sounds in a word.

Demonstration; flannelegraph, object pictures with the image of a ball of a cat, fish, sleigh geese, car. Handout; chips - prizes

N.S.Varentsova p. 54

Topic: Lesson number 4

Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in syllables; intonationally highlight a given sound in a word. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

Demonstration: flannelegraph, subject pictures with the image of a cat, a fox, a bear, a hare.

Handout: prize chips

N.S. Varenkova

Topic: Lesson number 5

Mastering the sound analysis of words; drawing up a diagram of the sound composition of a word; determination of the number of syllables in the schemes. Acquaintance with the graphic recording of a word.


Blackboard, chalk, picture-scheme of the word poppy, chips of neutral gray color, pointer. Handout: pictures-schemes of the word poppy, chips gray, pointers, sheets of paper, pencils, prize chips.

NS. Varenkova

Topic: Lesson number 6

Mastering the sound analysis of words. Comparison of words by sound composition. Acquaintance with the meaningful function of sound. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

Demonstration: board, pointer, picture-schemes of words house and smoke, gray chips.

Handout: picture schemes of the words house and smoke, pointers, gray chips, prize chips

NS. Varenkova

Lesson # 7 Mastering the sound analysis of words. Acquaintance with the semantic and expressive function of sound.

Demonstration: board, pointer. picture is a diagram of the word forest. chips of gray color, ball. Handout: picture-schemes of the word forest, chips of gray color, chips-prizes.

N.S.Varentsova str-58

Topic: Mastering the sound analysis of words; determine the length of words and compose them graphically. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

Demonstration; picture - scheme of the word whale, gray chips, chalk, handout; pictures - schemes of the word whale, sheets of paper pencils, chips - prizes.

N, S. Varentsova p. 58

Topic: Lesson # 9 Acquaintance with vowel sounds, Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

Pictures –schemes of words poppy house smoke, bow. forest, whale, red chips, gray chips.

NS. Varentsoava str. 58

Topic: Lesson # 10 Mastering the sound analysis of words. Development of ideas about vowel sounds. Acquaintance with the word-forming function of a vowel sound. Develop the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants.

Picture - a diagram of the word rose. Chips of gray and red color

N.S. Varentsova p.59

Topic: Lesson number 11 Mastering the sound analysis of words. Development of ideas about vowel sounds. Acquaintance with the differentiation of consonants into hard and soft.

Picture - schemes of words moon, fox. Chips of red and green and blue colors, ball.

N.S. Varentsova p. 60

Topic: Lesson 6 # 12 Mastering the sound analysis of words. The difference between vowels and consonants (hard and soft). Acquaintance with the meaningful function of hard and soft consonants. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound

Picture - a diagram of the word duck, chips of red, blue, and green colors

N.S. Varentsova p. 61

Topic: Lesson # 13 Mastering the analysis of words. Distinguishing vowels and consonants (hard and soft) Development of representatives of the meaningful function of sound.

Demonstration: Board, pointer, picture-diagram, words elephant, chips of red, blue and green colors

N.S.Varentsova str-63

Topic: The basis of the sound analysis of words. Distinguishing sounds by their quality characteristics. Development of ideas about the meaningful role of sounds

Demo: Four-sound word scheme. Chips of red, blue, green colors.

N.S. Varentsova p. 65

Topic: Lesson # 15 Mastering the sound analysis of words. Distinguishing sounds according to their quality characteristics. Development of the ability to highlight the percussive sound in a word. Consolidation of ideas about the length of words

Picture - scheme of the word geese, chips of red, blue, green and black colors

N.S. Varentsova p. 66

Topic: Lesson # 16. Development of the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word and qualitatively characterize sounds. Mastering the ability to highlight the percussive sound in a word. Development of the ability to correlate words consisting of three, four. .. five. sounds, with given patterns

Three-four-five-sound word schemes, tokens of red, blue, green and black colors, subject pictures; forest.soul, soap, goat.mishka.doll

N.S. Varentsova p. 71

Topic: Lesson No. 17 Development of the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word and qualitatively characterize sounds. Mastering the ability to highlight the percussive sound in a word. Development of the ability to correlate words consisting of three, four, five sounds

Five-sound scheme of the word, tokens in red, blue, green and black, pictures with the image of a train with three carriages

NS. Varentsov astr. 72

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