Home Mushrooms Pedagogical activity of Makarenko. Educational ideas and biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Pedagogical activity of Makarenko. Educational ideas and biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko

March 1 (13), 1888, Belopolye, Sumy district. Kharkov province. - April 1, 1939, art. Golitsyno, Belarusian-Baltic railway, Moscow region.

Russian and Soviet teacher, writer

Born into a family of railway workshop workers. He graduated from the Kremenchug City School (1904), then a year-long teacher's course there. He was a teacher of the Russian language, drawing and drawing at railway schools in the village. Kryukov (1905-1911) and at the station. Dolinskaya (1911-1914) in Ukraine; took part in organizing the congress of teachers of the Southern railways(1905). In 1914-1917 he studied at the Poltava Teachers' Institute (in 1916-1917 in the army, demobilized due to poor eyesight), after which he headed the Kryukov railway school (1917-1919) and the city school in Poltava (1919-1920), at the same time he was member of the provincial board of the Union of Education Workers of Poltava.

From 1920 to 1928 he directed a labor colony for juvenile offenders near Poltava, in 1926 transferred to Kuryazh, near Kharkov (from 1921 a colony named after M. Gorky, with whom he corresponded since 1925). In 1922 he studied briefly at Central Institute organizers of public education of the People's Commissariat for Education, was forced to leave his studies due to the difficulty of combining it with work in the colony. At the same time, in 1927-1935, at the invitation of the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, he worked in the Children's Labor Commune named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky near Kharkov (since 1928 head of the commune, since 1932 head of the pedagogical unit). In 1935, head, in 1937, deputy head of the Department of Labor Colonies of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR. In the fall of 1936 he headed the juvenile colony No. 5 in Brovary near Kiev. In 1937 he moved to Moscow and devoted himself to literary and social-pedagogical activities.

Member of the Union of Soviet Writers of the USSR (1934). He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

He created a system of education, which he considered as meeting the tasks of building a new society. The core of the teaching is the theory of the educational team as a form pedagogical process, in which the norms, lifestyle and relationships inherent in an association of people are formed. He developed issues of the structure and organization of a team, methods of education in it, the relationship of the team with the individual and connections with other groups; methodology for organizing labor and aesthetic education, the formation of conscious discipline, the creation of educational traditions, which were considered in unity with the multifaceted life of children. He established that it is the severance of social ties that harms a growing person, and their restoration straightens his development; the essence of education is to establish and strengthen right relationship between a growing person and society, creating a favorable moral climate. He believed that the educational team is an organic part of society and reproduces in a specific form public relations, actively includes children in them, and the socially significant task facing the team allows each of its members to feel like a participant in a common cause, awakens civic feelings. Demanding the concentration of teachers’ efforts on the tasks of forming an “educational team,” he emphasized the need for simultaneous attention to the formation of each individual individual, educational influence on her through the team (“parallel action pedagogy”) and directly by the teacher. The essence of pedagogical experience was determined by the principle of “as much demand for a person as possible and as much respect for him as possible.”

Makarenko’s activities have had significant influence on the development of disciplines related to pedagogy, which in the 1930s. were practically banned - social pedagogy, educational psychology, etc. He made a special contribution to corrective labor pedagogy - his pedagogical experience made it possible in a short period to establish the practical work of the NKVD labor colonies throughout Ukraine. Contrary to official demands to strengthen the punitive functions of re-education in colonies for minors, punishment cells and internal security were abolished, actions were taken to organize labor education, the staff of educators has been strengthened, and some principles of self-government have been introduced. He opposed the use of elements of the prison regime in children's colonies, belittling the role of educational methods, and strengthening the production bias.

He developed the theory of family education, was the founder of mass propaganda pedagogically sound principles education in the family. He argued that raising a child correctly and normally is much easier than re-educating him.

Makarenko’s pedagogical experience and views are reflected in artistic creativity. IN literary works(“Pedagogical Poem”, “March of the 30th Year”, “Flags on the Towers”), the artistic and theoretical “Book for Parents”, in journalistic articles he traced the process of educating a new person in the work collective, the development of new norms of behavior, the process of accumulating new moral experience and habits.

In the 1920-1930s. Some aspects of Makarenko’s activities were criticized by official pedagogy (accusations of pedagogical unprofessionalism and incompetence, violation of the principles of labor education, the introduction of self-government, etc.). At the same time, in the official pedagogical theory of the USSR, the image of Makarenko was canonized, giving him the scholastic features of a classic of Marxist pedagogy; in the scientific literature his work was presented one-sidedly, experiments were mechanically transferred to the practice of mass Soviet school, vocational schools and correctional labor institutions, and the publications of the works were published with cuts and significant corrections, comments on them were of a pronounced ideological nature.

Major works

Collected works. T. 1-7. M., 1959-1960.


▫ A. S. Makarenko. Index of works and literature about life and work. M., 1988.


Pavlova M. P. Pedagogical system A. S. Makarenko and modernity. M., 1980.

Pataki F., Hillig G. Self-affirmation or conformism? On the issue of the ideological and political formation of A. S. Makarenko. Marburg, 1987.

Ermolin A. Pedagogy of developed totalitarianism. Triumph and tragedy of Makarenko // Public education. 2005. No. 2.

Bagreeva E. G. Return to Makarenko. M., 2006.

Gritsenko L. I. The concept of education of A. S. Makarenko in the light of modern scientific knowledge // Pedagogy. 2006. No. 2.

Frolov A. A. A. S. Makarenko in the USSR, Russia and the world: historiography of the development and development of his legacy (1939-2005, critical analysis). N. Novgorod, 2006.

Boguslavsky M.V. The essence and limits of social and personal pedagogy A. S. Makarenko // Public education. 2008. No. 6.

Glikman I. E. A. S. Makarenko’s contribution to pedagogical science// Public education. 2008. No. 6.

Glikman I. E. Classic of world pedagogy // Pedagogy. 2008. No. 5.

Ilaltdinova E. Yu.“Official pedagogy” and social pedagogical initiative in the history of the development and development of the heritage of A. S. Makarenko. N. Novgorod, 2010.


≡ Collection of documents about the life and work of A.S. Makarenko, collected by E.S. Dolgin. Scientific archive RAO, f. 131, 1911-1978

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko (March 1 (13), 1888, Belopolye, Sumy district, Kharkov province - April 1, 1939, Golitsyno station near Moscow) - Soviet teacher and writer.

Evidence of the international recognition of A. S. Makarenko was the famous decision of UNESCO (1988), concerning only four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. These are John Dewey, Georg Kerschensteiner, Maria Montessori and Anton Makarenko.


Anton Semyonovich Makarenko was born on March 13, 1888 in the city of Belopolye, Sumy district, Kharkov province, into the family of a worker-painter of carriage railway workshops. He had younger brother Vitaly, later a lieutenant, was a white Markov officer who outlived his brother for a long time and left valuable memories about him.

In 1897 he entered the elementary railway school.

In 1901, he and his family moved to Kryukov (currently a district of the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region).

In 1904 he graduated from a four-year school in Kremenchug and one-year pedagogical courses (1905).

In 1905 he worked there as a teacher at the railway school, then at the Dolinskaya station.

1914-1917 - studied at the Poltava Teachers' Institute, from which he graduated with a gold medal. The topic of the diploma was very “sensitive” - “Crisis modern pedagogy».

In 1916 he was drafted into the army, but due to poor eyesight he was demobilized.

In 1917-1919 he was the head of the railway school at the Kryukov carriage workshops.

In 1919 he moved to Poltava.

On behalf of the Poltava Gubnarraz, he organized a labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava, in 1921 the colony was named after M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to the Kuryazhsky Monastery near Kharkov; headed it (1920-1928), from October 1927 to July 1935 he was one of the leaders of the children's labor commune of the OGPU named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the suburbs of Kharkov, in which he continued to put into practice the pedagogical system he developed. M. Gorky was interested in the pedagogical activities of A. Makarenko and provided him with all possible support. Pedagogical achievements put Makarenko among the famous figures of Soviet and world culture and pedagogy.
Member of the Union of Soviet Writers (since 1934).

On July 1, 1935, he was transferred to Kyiv, to the central office of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR, where he worked as an assistant to the head of the department of labor colonies until November 1936. For some time, before moving in March 1937 from Kyiv to Moscow, he headed the pedagogical part of labor colony No. 5 in Brovary near Kiev.

After moving to Moscow, he was mainly engaged in literary activities, journalism, and spoke a lot to readers and as a pedagogical activist. By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council The USSR was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor on January 31, 1939. Shortly before his death, in February 1939, he submitted an application to be accepted as a candidate member of the CPSU (b).

He died suddenly in a commuter train carriage at Golitsyno station on April 1, 1939. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


In 1914 or 1915, he wrote his first story and sent it to Maxim Gorky, but he recognized the story as weak in literary terms. After this, Makarenko did not engage in writing for thirteen years, but led notebooks. The correspondence between Gorky and Makarenko lasted from 1925 to 1935. After visiting a juvenile colony, Gorky advised Makarenko to return to literary work. After the books about the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky “March of 30” (1932) and “FD - 1” (1932), Makarenko’s main work of art, “Pedagogical Poem” (1933-1935), was completed. IN last years life Makarenko continued to work on both works of art- “Flags on the Towers” ​​(1938), and on autobiographical materials - the story “Honor” (1937-1938), the novel “Ways of a Generation” (not completed). In addition, he continues to actively develop methods of teaching and education in general, and publishes a number of articles. In 1936, his first major scientific and pedagogical work, “Methodology for organizing the educational process,” was published. In the summer-autumn of 1937, the first part of the “Book for Parents” was published. Makarenko’s works express his teaching experience and pedagogical views.
The activities and works of the teacher were highly appreciated by L. Aragon, A. Barbusse, D. Bernal, W. Bronfenbrenner, A. Wallon, V. Gall, A. Zegers, J. Korczak, S. Frenet and other cultural and educational figures.

The leading place in foreign “Makarenko studies” is occupied by the laboratory for the study of the heritage of A. S. Makarenko, founded in 1968 in Germany, which is a division of the largest institution of the pedagogical “Ostforschung” - research center comparative pedagogy at the University of Marburg. There, an attempt was made to publish Makarenko’s works in German and Russian with the restoration of censorship notes, but in 1982, after the release of seven volumes, the publication was discontinued.
In 2003, the “Pedagogical Poem” was published for the first time in Moscow without censorship abbreviations. Editor of the publication - Researcher Pedagogical Museum A. S. Makarenko Svetlana Sergeevna Nevskaya.

A. S. Makarenko himself sums up his work in the epilogue of the “Pedagogical Poem”:

“My Gorkyites also grew up, scattered all over the Soviet world, and now it’s difficult for me to collect them even in my imagination. There's no way you'll catch engineer Zadorov buried in one of the grandiose construction projects Turkmenistan, you can’t call the Special Far Eastern doctor Vershnev or the doctor in Yaroslavl Burun on a date. Even Nisinov and Zoren, who are already boys, flew away from me, fluttering their wings, only now their wings are not the same, not the gentle wings of my pedagogical sympathy, but the steel wings of Soviet airplanes. And Shelaputin was not mistaken when he claimed that he would be a pilot; Shurka Zheveliy also becomes a pilot, not wanting to imitate his older brother, who chose the navigation path for himself in the Arctic....

and Osadchy - technologist, and Mishka Ovcharenko - driver, and land reclamation worker beyond the Caspian Sea Oleg Ognev and teacher Marusya Levchenko, and carriage driver Soroka, and fitter Volokhov, and mechanic Koryto, and MTS foreman Fedorenko, and party leaders - Alyoshka Volkov, Denis Kudlaty and Volkov Zhorka, and with a real Bolshevik character, the still sensitive Mark Sheingauz, and many, many others. ...

-...Boys? Micron-accurate lenses? Hehe!

But already five hundred boys and girls rushed into the world of microns, into the thinnest web of the most precise machines, into the most delicate environment of tolerances, spherical aberrations and optical curves, laughing and looking back at the security officers.

“It’s okay, boys, don’t be afraid,” the security officers said.

A brilliant, beautiful FED plant opened in the commune, surrounded by flowers, asphalt, and fountains. The other day, the Communards placed the ten thousandth FED, a sinless, elegant machine, on the People’s Commissar’s desk. Much has already passed, and much is forgotten. Primitive heroism, thieves' language and other regurgitations have long been forgotten. Every spring, the Communard workers' faculty graduates dozens of students to universities, and many dozens of them are already approaching graduation.»

Quotes from Makarenko

...our children are our old age.

It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but it is possible to raise him so that he is happy.

Education always happens, even when you are not at home.

“Our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​one’s own upbringing... Why in technical universities We study the resistance of materials, but in pedagogical education we don’t study the resistance of the individual when they begin to educate him?”

To refuse risk means to refuse creativity.

My work with street children was by no means special work with street children. Firstly, as a working hypothesis, from the first days of my work with street children, I established that there is no need to use any special methods in relation to street children.. (Makarenko A. S., PSS, vol. 4, M. 1984, p. 123).

Books are intertwined people.

“You can be dry with them to the last degree, demanding to the point of pickiness, you may not notice them... but if you shine with work, knowledge, luck, then calmly do not look back: they are on your side... And vice versa, no matter how affectionate you are , entertaining in conversation, kind and friendly... if your business is accompanied by setbacks and failures, if at every step it is clear that you don’t know your business... you will never deserve anything but contempt..."
Forty forty-ruble teachers can lead to complete disintegration not only of a group of street children, but also of any group

From the tops of the “Olympic” offices, no details or parts of the work can be discerned. From there you can see only the boundless sea of ​​faceless childhood, and in the office itself there is a model of an abstract child, made from the lightest materials: ideas, printed paper, a Manila dream... “Olympians” despise technology. Thanks to their rule, pedagogical and technical thought has long since withered away in our pedagogical universities, especially in the matter of their own education. In all our Soviet life There is no more pitiful technical state than in the field of education. And therefore, the educational business is a handicraft business, and of the handicraft industries it is the most backward.


One of the common methods of critics of A. S. Makarenko’s system was and remains the assertion that this system supposedly worked well only in the hands of its creator. This is refuted both by a detailed verified description of the system in the works of A. S. Makarenko himself (involuntarily and mainly in the form of artistic and scientific presentation), and by the successful long-term activities of a number of his followers.

Among the most famous followers and continuers of the activities of A. S. Makarenko from his students, one must first name Semyon Afanasyevich Kalabalin and his wife Galina Konstantinovna (in the “Pedagogical Poem” - Semyon Karabanov and Galina Podgornaya (“Chernigovka”)) and A. G. Yavlinsky (1915-1981) (father of the famous politician G. A. Yavlinsky).

Among the followers who were not directly students of Anton Semenovich, the names of Prof., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences are known. V. V. Kumarin (started with the successful implementation of the Makarenko System in an orphanage in the Vladimir region, then worked in Russia and Ukraine, both dissertations are devoted to the study of the Makarenko System), G. M. Kubrakova (Kazakhstan), etc.


  • Electronic archive of works by A. S. Makarenko
  • "Major" (1932; play)
  • "March of '30" (1932)
  • "FD-1" (1932; essay)
  • "Pedagogical poem" (1925-1935).
  • “Pedagogical poem” (with the correction of noted typos, the letter “e” restored, a table of contents appeared)
  • “Pedagogical Poem” (first complete edition from 2003, scientific edition, compiled and approximated by S. S. Nevskaya, published online by decision of the head of the A. S. Makarenko Center for Education (pdf))
  • “A Book for Parents” (1937; artistic and theoretical essay)
  • "Honor" (1937-1938; story)
  • "Flags on the Towers" (1938)
  • “Flags on the towers” ​​(according to the paper edition, numerous typos were corrected, the letter “e” was restored, a table of contents appeared, etc.)
  • “Methodology for organizing the educational process”
  • "Lectures on raising children"


  • Pedagogical Poem (1955)
  • Flags on the Towers (1958)
  • Big and Little (1963)

Educational establishments

  • Research Laboratory “Educational Pedagogy of A. S. Makarenko” (Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University)
  • Sumy State Pedagogical University them. A. S. Makarenko, (Sumy, Ukraine)
  • Institute of Pedagogy named after. A. S. Makarenko (founded in 1960 in Havana, Cuba)
  • Education Center No. 656 named after. A. S. Makarenko Northern Administrative District of Moscow
  • Republican boarding school of secondary (general) education with a humanitarian profile named after A. S. Makarenko (Baku, Azerbaijan)
  • School No. 1 named after. A. S. Makarenko (Bazarkurgan village, Kyrgyzstan)
  • UVK "School-Lyceum" No. 3, named after. A. S. Makarenko (Simferopol)
  • School named after A. S. Makarenko, (p. Danilovka, Volgograd region)
  • School No. 6 named after. A. S. Makarenko, (Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region)
  • School No. 22 named after. A. S. Makarenko, (Votkinsk, Republic of Udmurtia)


  • Makarenko Street (in Sochi)
  • Makarenko Street (Moscow)
  • Makarenko Street (Novocherkassk)
  • Makarenko Street (Perm)
  • Lane Makarenko (St. Petersburg)
  • Makarenko Street (Severodvinsk)
  • Makarenko Street (Tula)
  • Makarenko Street (Dubna)
  • Directions Makarenko (Korolev, Moscow region)
  • Makarenko Street (in Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory)
  • Microdistrict Makarenko (Stary Oskol, Belgorod region)


  • Order named after A. S. Makarenko
  • Medal of A. S. Makarenko (Ukraine) “For achievements in the field of education and pedagogical science” (established in 1958)
  • Pedagogical Museum of A. S. Makarenko, 121170, Moscow, Poklonnaya st., 16
  • Museum of A. S. Makarenko in the village. Podvorki (Kuryazh) Kharkov region.
  • Reserve-Museum of A. Makarenko of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine 15018, Poltava district, village. Kovalivka
  • Museum of A. S. Makarenko in Belopolye, Sumy region. [email protected]
  • Pedagogical and Memorial Museum of A. S. Makarenko -121351, Moscow, st. Ekaterina Budanova, 18
  • Library named after Anton Semenovich Makarenko in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Central Library named after. A. S. Makarenko, Novosibirsk
  • Microdistrict Makarenko (city of Stary Oskol)
  • About the IVth int. competition named after A. S. Makarenko
  • Website dedicated to A. S. Makarenko; electronic archive of works by A. S. Makarenko
  • Educational colony for minors named after. A. S. Makarenko (formerly Kuryazhskaya colony) Kharkov region, village of Podvorki, Dergachevsky district

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE_%D0 %90._%D0%A1.

Makarenko Anton Semyonovich (1888-1939) - famous Soviet teacher, founder of the theory of collective education. After graduating from the Kremenchug City School and higher pedagogical courses under it, he began working as a teacher at a railway school in Ukraine. Events of 1905-1907 had a huge influence on Makarenko. He participated in teachers' congresses and was fond of Gorky's works. In 1914, having already had 10 years of experience as a national teacher, he entered the Poltava Teachers' Institute to continue his education, from which he graduated with a gold medal. In 1917/18 academic year was appointed inspector (head) of the higher primary school in the city of Kryukov and devoted himself to work with enthusiasm. October Revolution greeted with delight.

Pedagogical activity of Makarenko

In 1920 Poltava provincial department public education instructed Makarenko to organize and manage a colony for juvenile offenders near Poltava. The task was difficult. The teenagers and young men with whom Anton Semyonovich had to deal were undisciplined, not accustomed to work, and with a criminal record. However, within 3-4 years Makarenko created an exemplary educational institution - the Labor Colony named after A.M. Gorky." The number of its students in 1926 was 120 people. In the same year, the colony moved to the village of Kurya near Kharkov, where 280 extremely neglected children lived. Anton Semyonovich decided, with the help of the “Gorkyites,” to turn the Kury residents into exemplary labor collective, educate them with the help of the colonists themselves. Having visited the colony in 1928, A.M. Gorky wrote in his essays “On the Union of Soviets”: “Who could change and re-educate hundreds of children so cruelly and insultingly beaten by life so unrecognizably? The organizer and head of the colony was A.S. Makarenko. This is undoubtedly a talented teacher. The colonists really love him and speak of him with such pride as if they themselves had created him.” Gorky further points out that Makarenko “sees everything, knows every colonist, characterizes him in five words and as if taking a snapshot of his character.”
Since 1927, Makarenko participated in the organization of the Dzerzhinsky children's labor commune in the suburbs of Kharkov, where a highly organized children's group. At the end of 15 1928, the teacher left the colony and over the next few years devoted all his strength to leading the commune, where new methods of labor education were used. If in the colony named A.M. Gorky used agricultural labor and work in workshops (carpentry, plumbing, shoemaking, etc.), then in the Dzerzhinsky commune it was organized industrial production. Here, for the first time in the USSR, they began to produce cameras of the FED brand (Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky) and electric drills (two first-class factories for the production of cameras and electric tools were built for this purpose). This production had not only economic, but also pedagogical significance, requiring students to be very careful and precise in their work (up to thousandths of a millimeter). Pupils worked at enterprises for 4 hours a day and studied at a secondary school at the commune, combining education with productive work. At the end high school many of them successfully passed university exams. Over 15 years of work (1920-1935), about 3,000 delinquents and street children passed through the groups created by Makarenko, who later became worthy people and qualified specialists.
In 1937, Makarenko left teaching, moved to Moscow and devoted himself entirely to literary work, in which he summarized the experience of teaching in the colony named after A.M. Gorky and the commune F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1933-1939. he wrote several major works, a number of stories for children and youth, published in various magazines, and many pedagogical, literary and journalistic articles that were published in the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia, Literary Gazette. Hundreds of parents and teachers turned to Makarenko for advice. He often gave reports and lectures and ardently promoted the achievements of young Soviet pedagogy. His articles, speeches, reports, literary and artistic works reflected the system of his pedagogical views. The books “Pedagogical Poem” (1933-1935), “Flags on the Towers” ​​(1938), “Book for Parents” (1937) brought wide fame to the teacher.
The central place in Makarenko’s pedagogical system is occupied by the doctrine of the educational team. The teacher formulated the law of the life of the collective: movement is the form of its life, stopping is the form of its death - and identified the principles of development of the collective: openness, dependence, responsibility, parallel action. The system of promising lines, the method of parallel action, the relationship of responsible dependence, the principle of openness and others were aimed at bringing out the best in a person, providing him with a joyful feeling, security, self-confidence, and creating a constant need to move forward.
According to Makarenko, the process of forming a team goes through a number of stages. At the first stage, as a means of uniting children, the teacher acts individually with the demands of the students. It should be noted that the majority of pupils, especially in the younger age groups, almost immediately and unconditionally accept these demands. The indicators on the basis of which one can judge the transformation of a diffuse group into a collective are major style and tone, the quality level of all types of objective activities and the identification of an active asset. The presence of the latter, in turn, can be judged by the manifestations of initiative on the part of students and the overall stability of the group.
At the second stage of development of the team, the main conductor of the requirements for it should be the asset. The teacher needs to abandon direct demands aimed at individual students. This is where the method of parallel action comes into force: each student is influenced by the teacher, the activist, and the team as a whole. The teacher can base his demands on a group of students, addressing him through an asset. However, the asset must receive real powers, and only with the fulfillment of this condition does the teacher have the right to make demands on him, and through him, on individual students.
The third stage grows organically from the second and merges with it. “When the collective demands, when the collective comes together in a certain tone and style, the work of the educator becomes mathematically precise, organized work,” Makarenko wrote. The situation when the collective demands it speaks about the system of self-government that has developed in it. This is not only the presence of collective bodies, but also, most importantly, endowing them with real powers delegated by the teacher. Only with authority come responsibilities, and with them the need for self-government.
Makarenko’s pedagogical experience is unique, just as the teacher himself is unique. Few people in the history of pedagogy were able to so successfully translate their theory into practice and achieve impressive results when dealing with such difficult students. During Makarenko's lifetime pedagogical activity received mixed reviews. Official pedagogy was wary of the “ordinary”, “provincial practitioner”, whose ideas ran counter to the generally accepted ones. He was attacked in the central pedagogical press, at congresses and meetings teaching staff. Makarenko was a strong, extraordinary personality, who creatively approached issues of education and training in new social conditions. He had his own position on a number of issues, which he consistently defended. Makarenko was criticized by Krupskaya, Lunacharsky and others famous figures education of that time. He was accused of democracy, excessive enthusiasm for self-government, violation of the principles of labor education in Soviet pedagogy, pedagogical unprofessionalism and incompetence. Neither during Makarenko’s life, nor after his death, the authorities, prescribing the study of his pedagogical system, were in no hurry to implement it, although there were plenty of colonies and the corresponding “human material”. Only a few teachers resorted to Makarenko’s experience; many of them were his students at one time. After his death, Makarenko was canonized as a classic of Marxist-Leninist pedagogy. The interpretation of his works during the Soviet period was clearly one-sided; the publication of his works was carried out with cuts and corrections, ideological cliches. Makarenko’s ideas gained great popularity abroad (Germany, Japan), where Makarenko centers and laboratories operated, scrupulously studying and analyzing his pedagogical heritage. Opening of access to documents and archives in the USSR in the mid-80s. XX century allowed Russian researchers to give an objective assessment of Makarenko’s pedagogical creativity.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko - Soviet teacher and writer. Makarenko is one of four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century.

Makarenko is one of the most outstanding Soviet teachers of the 20th century. It is now his system that is so popular in Europe, in Asian countries, but not relevant in Russia. It is now and today that we can do anything - consciously forget, erase, not accept.

Remember when you were in last time Have you heard the name Makarenko mentioned? In connection with some serious article on the topic of raising the younger generation? In any public discussion about educational issues? I doubt. Most likely in an ordinary conversation in an ironic context: they say, for me too, Makarenko was found.

1988 was declared the year of Makarenko by a special decision of UNESCO in connection with his 100th anniversary. At the same time, the names of four great teachers were named who determined the method of pedagogical thinking of the 20th century - A.S. Makarenko, D. Dewey, M. Montessori and G. Kershensteiner.

Makarenko’s works have been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world, and his main work– “Pedagogical Poem” (1935) – is compared with the best education novels by J.J. Rousseau, I. Goethe, L.N. Tolstoy. It has also been named one of the ten most significant parenting books of the 20th century. Isn't this evidence of international respect and recognition of merit?

And in Russia, for the 115th anniversary of Makarenko, 10,000 copies of the first were released full edition"Pedagogical Poem". You say, what a strange circulation for a multi-million reading country? However, publishers are still puzzling over how to sell a “non-selling” book.

Not modern? Not relevant? Probably, there are no unresolved problems in pedagogy, well-bred girls and boys obediently go to school, and child crime is at zero?

Almost a hundred years ago, upon graduating from the Poltava Teachers’ Institute, Makarenko wrote a diploma on the topic “The Crisis of Modern Pedagogy.” Who would dare to say that now the situation has changed radically?

He was strange person, this Makarenko. After working for two years in a normal school, a quiet, modest history teacher gives up everything and goes to work as the director of a colony for juvenile delinquents near Poltava. He led it from 1920 to 1928 and learned the pedagogy of re-education in combat conditions, like a soldier on the battlefield.

What motivated this man? After all, it was obvious that with his decisive action he was putting an end to the calm measured life. Maybe the same active one life position, which has become unfashionable to talk about lately?

In the early 20s in Russia, which experienced a revolution and civil war, there were more than 7 million street children. They represented a huge social misfortune and danger. In the fight against child crime and homelessness, a huge theoretical and practical contribution contributed by A.S. Makarenko.

The system of re-education he invented through useful productive work in a team turned a bunch of juvenile delinquents into a friendly, cohesive team. There were no guards, fences, or punishment cells in the colony. The most severe punishment there was a boycott, which was resorted to extremely rarely. When another street child was brought under escort, he took the child and categorically refused to accept his personal file. This is the well-known Makarenkovsky principle of advancing the good in a person! “We don’t want to know anything bad about you. A new life begins!”

These numbers are hard to believe, but the fact is a stubborn thing. More than 3,000 street children passed through Makarenko’s hands, and not a single one returned to the path of crime, everyone found their path in life and became human.

No other correctional institution in the world has been able to achieve such results. It is not for nothing that he is called not only a theorist, but also a practitioner of mass and rapid re-education. Makarenko was sure that only work to one’s liking, and not sewing mittens and gluing boxes, contributed to successful re-education.

From 1928 to 1936 he headed the labor commune named after. Dzerzhinsky and from scratch builds two factories for the production of electromechanics and FED cameras, i.e. high-tech of its time. Children were able to master complex technologies, work successfully and produce products that are in great demand. Bold, isn't it? Try to imagine a colony for juvenile delinquents that produces antivirus programs or computer consoles!

He was amazing person, this Makarenko. Completely freed from military service due to poor health - congenital heart disease, terrible myopia and a whole bunch of other diseases - he loved the military uniform, discipline, and army order.

Having a completely unpresentable appearance - round glasses with thick lenses, a large nose, a quiet hoarse voice - he enjoyed success with beautiful women. He, taciturn and slow, was adored by his students and treated him so jealously that he decided not to marry so as not to traumatize them. By the way, that’s what I did: just leaving pedagogical work, he signed with his common-law wife.

He loved children, but unfortunately did not have his own, but he raised two adopted ones. The girl, the daughter of her brother, a White Guard who managed to emigrate to France, later became a mother famous actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva. And he maintained relations with his beloved brother until 1937, until his wife, exhausted by the constant fear of arrest, demanded that the correspondence be stopped.

He died of a broken heart at the age of 51, and it was a heavy blow for world pedagogy. The Makarenko system is studied and appreciated all over the world. Thus, in Japan, his works are republished in mass editions and are considered required reading for business managers. Almost all companies are built according to the patterns of Makarenko’s labor colonies.

But to Russia, to his homeland, his system returns in the form foreign methods“brainstorming”, “ability to work in a team”, “team building”, “increasing employee motivation”. All this is diligently studied at all kinds of trainings and seminars, and for a lot of money. Or maybe it’s easier to go back to the original sources?

Regarding Ukrainian speculation about his nationality. Anyone who has read the Pedagogical Poem has no questions - there Makarenko’s own position regarding the “independent” is clear and ambiguously uninterpretable. Letters from A.S. himself have also been preserved. Makarenko with a mention on this issue. So, in a letter to A.M. To Gorky from Kharkov on October 5, 1932, Anton Semyonovich writes:

“Dear Alexey Maksimovich... I’m tired of Ukraine, because I’ve always been just a Russian person, but I love Moscow.”

Makarenko’s nationality was not a secret to his contemporaries. Thus, the farewell speech from the Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR directly states:

“The Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR expresses its deep condolences over the untimely death of the talented Russian writer, order bearer Anton Semenovich Makarenko, the author of outstanding works widely known to the Belarusian reader. Board of the Union of Soviet Writers of the BSSR"

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In 1888, Anton Semenovich Makarenko was born in a small town in the Kharkov province. The biography of this person is literally permeated with philanthropy and constant creative search. The future well-known writer and teacher throughout the country was born into the family of a painter in railway workshops. Besides him, a sister and brother later appeared in the family. The latter subsequently became a White Guard officer, so he was forced to leave his homeland after the Bolshevik victory in

civil war. Actually, it is known only thanks to his memories early biography Anton Semenovich Makarenko. However, this is quite a bit.

Biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko: early years

Being seventeen years old, future teacher successfully graduates from the Kremenchug City School and begins his own career. Since 1905, he works as a teacher in the same Kremenchug at the railway school. In general, the biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko contains quite a lot of gaps. In particular, not much detail is known about his early years. In 1914, the teacher decided to continue his own education and entered the Teachers' Institute in Poltava, which he subsequently successfully graduated from in 1917. In the 1920-1930s, our hero gains invaluable teaching experience while leading a labor colony in Kharkov, where juvenile prisoners are kept. The biography of Anton Semenovich Makarenko indicates that it was during this period that he became

widely known as a talented teacher and educator. After all, it was during work in the Kharkov colony that the most famous fruit his pen - “Pedagogical Poem”. In 1935 he moved for a short period to Kyiv. And in 1937 - to Moscow, where he devoted himself to social, pedagogical and literary activity. Here he receives the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. And in 1958, the achievements of the great teacher were recognized by the establishment in the Ukrainian SSR of a medal named after him, which was awarded to especially distinguished teachers and other workers

Makarenko Anton Semenovich: pedagogical ideas

According to the thought of the great teacher, the goal of any educational work should be determined by the interests of the people. An important point This philosophy was the idea that pedagogical means or their complex cannot be permanent and equally effective in all conditions. Anton Semenovich

insisted on the flexibility of using such techniques. Among other things, he emphasized that in the course of education through a team, each student in this team requires an equal share of attention from the leader of the process. The great teacher saw the key to successful education in encouraging a person to show his best qualities and makings. He often emphasized the importance of the upbringing process, justifying it by the fact that otherwise, later problems of an adult with society would inevitably arise. And, as you know, re-education is always more difficult. The main method throughout Makarenko was the method of high demands on oneself, which literally meant total self-control of one’s actions by the teacher (or parents). He insisted that a simple, serious and sincere tone in the relationship between the teacher/parent and children would ensure the success of the pedagogical tasks.

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