Home Berries Scenario for welcoming guests at school with gifts. An original meeting of guests at the event. The original meeting of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening "Strikes of Fate"

Scenario for welcoming guests at school with gifts. An original meeting of guests at the event. The original meeting of the hero of the day at the beginning of the evening "Strikes of Fate"

If the organizer wants his entertainment event to be remembered by visitors for a long time, he needs to work on the holiday plan minute by minute, from meeting the guests to seeing them off.

Why is welcoming guests so important?

In the first moments of his stay at the event, the visitor determines his own feelings that the meeting of new arrivals gives. It is the courtesy and creativity that the host shows to the guest in the initial minutes of his stay at the event that will allow him to get the best impressions from your party.

By the way, meeting people does not at all oblige you to make respectful bows to them and rush through the entire hall to open the doors for each arrival. Not at all. Visitors can cope with all these tasks themselves, they can also easily find the wardrobe and the room where the main action will take place, they will also find the place where drinks are poured and food is served. Guests, first and foremost, need entertainment, especially in cases where the party requires a tedious half-hour wait before everyone arrives.

If the meeting was held creatively and fun, it will give new arrivals great mood from the very beginning, this complacency will then be reflected in the impressions of your event.

Rules for meeting and placing guests

The rules for meeting and accommodating invited guests vary depending on the type and focus of the event:

A wild party for a wide range of guests and their friends;
- a celebration of something, such as a birthday, anniversary, created for an employee, or a significant event;
- social reception or show.

Recommendations for all of the above cases will be outlined below.

wild party

A party, the backbone of which will be friends and acquaintances of the organizer, as well as people invited by them, offers a very relaxed model of behavior. At such a meeting, there is no need to place a doorman at the door, who will open the doors for everyone, and also help the ladies, take off their fur coats or coats and light a cigarette for the men. It is quite possible to make fun of friends and acquaintances or involve them in some competitions right from the very threshold.

A holiday in honor of something or someone

This is a slightly less (and sometimes more) fun event than a party. Its first part involves making speeches, honoring the hero of the occasion, and then a feast, stage performances and competitions. In order to lift the mood of your guests from the very beginning, you should greet them with creativity and fun.

Social reception

With such an event, it is rarely possible to do without the above-mentioned doorman or additional service personnel who will perform the meeting. But even in this case, it will be appropriate to entertain those arriving right from the door. How to do it? This will be discussed below.

How to accommodate guests

Again, it all depends on the focus. If you are planning a party or celebrating something, then you need a person who will amuse the newcomers, attract their attention and unobtrusively involve them in the general fun. In the case of social gatherings, such a person would also be desirable, but only if his humor, manners, and methods of attracting guests are refined and laconic.

So that guests don’t get bored - how to create a festive atmosphere

Oh, the agonizing wait for the event to start! If people are wandering around the hall without anything to do, divided into groups based on interests, and in general despondency reigns everywhere, then there is an urgent need to cheer everyone up and bring them to their senses, if this has not already been done right from the start. The best person to cope with this task will be an illusionist-magician invited to the event.

The fascinating spectacle of micromagic, fantastic illusions happening right before your eyes, or masterful card tricks can captivate the attention of any person. And if the magician also actively makes jokes and encourages the guests, this will allow the shortest possible time bring all those invited to a cheerful mood.

The illusionist has hundreds of tricks, mise-en-scenes, dialogues and stage numbers in his arsenal, which allow him to set the whole hall in motion in any situation.

Comic face control from an illusionist

This is one of the most original ways entertain the audience right out of the gate. In order to cheer up the guests, the illusionist dresses up as a security guard who conducts a “search” of the new arrivals. During the inspection, the magician removes the most unexpected “forbidden” items from people’s pockets: multi-meter handkerchiefs, bottles of alcohol, baby rattles, toys for adults from a sex shop, plastic pistols, or vegetables, for example, a cucumber. The more absurd the item being removed in front of everyone and the funnier the “guard’s” joke, the more positive the guests’ reaction will be.

The arrival of invited guests is a joyful and exciting event that imposes certain obligations on the owners of the house. Guests should be greeted in an appropriate manner.

While expecting guests, we think not only about what outfit we will wear to greet them, how we will look, but also about how best to clean the apartment, how to arrange the furniture so as not to lose face.

You need to make sure that your guests feel cozy and comfortable in your home in advance. Think about where it's best to put dinner table how to install a sofa and armchairs. After all, you won’t spend all your time at the table. Some will want to dance, while others will need a place to chat. The owners must provide for everything.

It doesn’t hurt to discuss lighting elements with your family: for some time you will need bright light, and then you can turn on a dim light using a floor lamp, sconce or table lamp. Everything must be planned in advance.

When to invite guests - during the day or in the evening - depends on many factors. If you are expecting friends you haven't seen for a long time and you want to chat with them, of course you will invite them to dinner. In this case, you can prepare lunch the same way you usually cook on weekends for the whole family. But don’t forget about some zest, a surprise prepared especially for the guests.

If you want to discuss any issues with friends or acquaintances or just talk and relax, you can invite them for tea or coffee. Serve sweets and sandwiches and you will have a great time chatting.

The tendency, widespread in the West, to invite guests to a specific dish is widely used in our country. It's much easier to invite guests over, say, for pancakes or pies or your unique "signature" dish when you can show off your culinary talents. Prepare what you have in mind, serve tea and other drinks, and everyone around is happy, and the hostess simply beams with praise addressed to her.

So, you have invited guests! The meeting time is agreed upon in advance. But do not forget to confirm your invitation the day before, if it is still valid, or to warn those invited about a change in plans, if this happens. Anything is possible.

By the way, make it a rule to warn about your arrival if you are invited to visit. The same applies to canceling a visit. Moreover, the owners must know who will come with you and how many of you there will be.

And you should come to visit on time or 5-10 minutes late, no more. There is no need to arrive early either; it’s better to walk for a few minutes. Imagine, you arrived early, and the hostess is busy with the final preparations for the reception. It will be extremely inconvenient for both you and her if she has to meet you in home clothes.

The question of who exactly will come to visit is also important. All invitees should know who else will be visiting you besides them. This is so as not to ruin the evening by inviting two “incompatible” people. And one more important note: try not to invite new acquaintances to the old company. You yourself have probably experienced a feeling of awkwardness in the company of unfamiliar people. There can be exceptions only if you invite someone specifically for the purpose of getting to know each other.

Family celebrations, dedicated days birthdays and anniversaries, usually held in the evening. It is best to celebrate such events in two stages: once with work colleagues, the second with close friends and relatives. Of course, this will require large expenses, but everyone will be satisfied.

So, the guests are on the doorstep. Naturally, there is no need to say that all main dishes should be ready when guests arrive, as well as everything else in the house. The exception is those few dishes that you will serve “piping hot.” And if when the guests arrive you are still busy in the kitchen, your husband or one of your loved ones should meet them. The greeter will help guests undress and lead them to the room. But don't offer house slippers to your guests. If it's muddy and slushy outside, your guests will probably be smart to bring a change of shoes. And if the weather is good, let them go to the room in the shoes they came in.

Needless to say, you must immediately open the gifts that were given to you and say your “ word of thanks"? Don’t put the flowers aside indifferently, but immediately place them in a beautiful vase on the table or in some prominent place and thank them again. And if guests brought something edible: fruit, sweets or cake - all this should immediately take its place on the table.

What if you are going on a visit? The question arises whether you need to carry anything with you. Of course yes, if it's a birthday. In other cases it is not necessary. Although any housewife will be pleased if she is presented with flowers. Well, if there are children in the house, then have some surprise in store for them, even the smallest one.

The guests have gathered. It's time to sit down at the table. If the company is small and everyone knows each other well, everyone can choose their own place at the table. Well, if there are a lot of guests, the owners should seat them. You can write cards with names in advance and place them near the cutlery. As a rule, it is at the table that our communication takes place. And in order for the evening to be a success and no one gets bored, the hostess must take the reins into her own hands or entrust this to a person who will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main rules of conversation at the table :

1. Do not talk about what is known only to two or three guests, because others will be bored at this time.

2. Don’t talk about illnesses at the table - it’s indecent!

3. Don’t burden your guests with your problems and don’t get into arguments. And if a dispute does arise, try to tactfully settle it.

Do you enjoy it when people praise the dishes you prepare? Don’t forget to praise the hostess when you visit. And if at the same time you ask her for any recipe, this will be the highest praise culinary skills mistress of the house. Remember that expertly prepared “specialty” home-cooked meals can make up for any shortage. The beautifully set table also deserves praise.

Guests have come to you or you yourself have been invited. The question arises: where to place the children? Can I take children with me? You can if you are invited along with them. Usually, when there are many children in the house, a table is set for them in another room, where they can have lunch, play, and do their own business. They will have a great time and will not disturb anyone. What to do if you come to visit where only adults are gathered? There is only one way out - sit for a while, apologize and leave.

The party was a great success. Everyone had fun and everyone was satisfied. The time is quite late, and many guests have already gone home. But there are also those who are in no hurry to leave, despite the fact that everything has already been discussed and negotiated, and the owners are falling off their feet from fatigue. What to do in this case? Nothing! You just need to tactfully hint to such guests that although it’s a pity to leave, you need to get up early tomorrow. This Golden Rule- to be able to leave on time - you need to remember it yourself when you are visiting.

Gradually the guests disperse, the hosts and their loved ones clear the table and carry dirty dishes in the wash. The British have good tradition: Any self-respecting person, even one with a high rank, will offer his dishwashing services to the hostess. And it’s up to the hostess to accept this offer or not. But I still believe that invitees should not be involved in this not very pleasant process, even if the initiative comes from them. One of your relatives or a close friend can help you wash the dishes.

You are seeing off guests. Usually the couple is escorted to the elevator, and a woman without a companion should be escorted to the stop and wait for transport or put her in a taxi.

In order not to find yourself in the role of an uninvited guest, remember one more small rule. Even if you just need to drop something off or give it to someone, call ahead so you don't take the home owner by surprise. And don't stay longer than 5-7 minutes.

If you yourself were visiting, following the rules of decency, you must definitely invite the hosts to your place, and this must be done within a month.

These are the simple rules that will help you and me to be hospitable hosts and welcome guests.

Last year met with friends at our house. My husband and I’s friends liked it so much that they still remember how much fun we all had and are already hinting that it wouldn’t be bad to repeat the same New Year 2013 with us. My husband and I don’t mind inviting everyone to our place, our friends are cheerful, we don’t need to entertain anyone, everyone prepared a competition in advance, everyone brought a salad, my husband and I prepared rolls and fried the chicken in the oven, when our friends came to us, we chopped everything together a varied cheese plate, made canapés, in general no one bothered with cooking, and in the end it turned out to be a wonderful table. And for drinks we had cocktails. A friend brought excellent rum from Cuba, bought tequila, mint, cane sugar syrup, cola, lime, prepared lots and lots of ice... in short, we got excellent cocktails, which were not even close to those sold in cafes and restaurants. And in the morning I didn’t have a headache and didn’t want to sleep, as happened with champagne or wine. In general, everything went fine, but there was one catch.
So, last time my husband and I prepared a little surprise for our friends. They placed small candles on the floor and on the table, turned on very romantic music and a saxophone. The table was covered with a silver cloth to the floor, cute silver balls were laid out on the tablecloth, an impromptu bar counter was made, and tangerines and pine cones were placed around the room. In general, friends came, undressed, and now my husband and I open the door to the room - the lights are dimmed, candles are flickering, gentle music is playing. Everyone was a little stunned, and we offered to literally dance a little slowly with each other, a minute later the music changed and we called everyone to the bar, my husband brought a tray with glasses, poured champagne, and I handed everyone a paper scroll tied with a silver ribbon, when everyone I unfolded it and read my New Year’s poem, written with my own hand and invented by me. In general, this gave everyone festive mood, everyone was touched, including me, drank champagne, everyone received a New Year's ball as a gift... and then the candles were put out, the lights were turned on, the music was killer and the great fun began.
Now I don’t even know how else to come up with something like this, so that I can spend 15-20 minutes with my friends when they first arrive. Give them the same attention. Create the same atmosphere as last year. I myself didn’t expect that they would like it so much when they were greeted like that. And I don’t have the imagination to come up with something like this this year, I don’t even have an idea that it wouldn’t be stressful, but at the same time romantic and festive. And I don’t want to lower the bar anymore.
In general, helppp, maybe someone has experience in welcoming guests. How else can you come up with this? Share your experience if you have any.
R.S. Perhaps my description of New Year will be useful to someone, someone will take into account how to meet New Year. with friends at home, that’s why I described it in such detail.

The arrival of guests, especially invited ones, is always a joyful and exciting event. Guests should be greeted in an appropriate manner.

Family celebrations celebrating birthdays and anniversaries are usually held in the evening. It is best to celebrate such events in two doses: once with work, the second with close friends and relatives. Of course, this will require large expenses, but everyone will be satisfied.

So, the guests are on the doorstep. Naturally, there is no need to say that all main dishes should be ready when guests arrive, as well as everything else in the house. The exception is those few dishes that you will serve “piping hot.” And if when the guests arrive you are still busy in the kitchen, your husband or one of your loved ones should meet them. The greeter will help guests undress and lead them to the room. But don't offer house slippers to your guests. If it's muddy and slushy outside, your guests will probably be smart to bring a change of shoes. And if the weather is good, let them go to the room in the shoes they came in.

Need I say that you should immediately open the gifts that were given to you and say your “thank you”? Don’t put the flowers aside indifferently, but immediately place them in a beautiful vase on the table or in some prominent place and thank them again. And if guests brought something edible: fruit, candy or cake - all this should immediately take its place on the table.

What if you are going on a visit? The question arises whether you need to carry anything with you. Of course yes, if it's a birthday. In other cases it is not necessary. Although any housewife will be pleased if she is presented with flowers. Well, if there are children in the house, then save them some, even the smallest one.

The guests have gathered. It's time to sit down at the table. If the company is small and everyone knows each other well, everyone can choose their own place at the table. Well, if there are a lot of guests, the owners should seat them. You can write cards with names in advance and place them near the cutlery. As a rule, it is at the table that our communication takes place. And in order for the evening to be a success and no one gets bored, the hostess must take the reins into her own hands or entrust this to a person who will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main rules for conversations at the table:

1. Do not talk about what is known only to two or three guests, because others will be bored at this time.

2. Don’t talk about illnesses at the table - it’s indecent!

3. Don't burden your guests with your problems and don't get involved. And if a dispute does arise, try to tactfully settle it.

Do you enjoy it when people praise the dishes you prepare? Don’t forget to praise the hostess when you visit. And if at the same time you ask her for a recipe, this will be the highest praise for the culinary abilities of the mistress of the house. Remember that expertly prepared “specialty” home-cooked meals can make up for any shortage. The beautifully set table also deserves praise.

Guests have come to you or you yourself have been invited. The question arises: where to place the children? Can I take it with me? You can if you are invited along with them. Usually, when there are many children in the house, a table is set for them in another room, where they can have lunch, play, and do their own business. They will have a great time and will not disturb anyone. What to do if you come to visit where only adults are gathered? There is only one way out - sit for a while, apologize and leave.

The party was a great success. Everyone had fun and everyone was satisfied. The time is quite late, and many guests have already gone home. But there are also those who are in no hurry to leave, despite the fact that everything has already been discussed and negotiated, and the owners are falling off their feet from fatigue. What to do in this case? Nothing! You just need to tactfully hint to such guests that although it’s a pity to leave, you need to get up early tomorrow. This golden rule - to be able to leave on time - you need to remember yourself when you are visiting.

Gradually the guests leave, the hosts and their loved ones clear the table and take the dirty dishes to the sink. The British have a good tradition: any self-respecting person, even one of high rank, will offer his services to the hostess. And it’s up to the hostess to accept this offer or not. But I still believe that invitees should not be involved in this not very pleasant process, even if the initiative comes from them. One of your relatives or a close friend can help you wash the dishes.

You are seeing off guests. Usually the couple is escorted to the elevator, and a woman without a companion should be escorted to the stop and wait for transport or put her in a taxi.

In order not to find yourself in the role of an uninvited guest, remember one more small rule. Even if you just need to drop something off or give it to someone, call ahead so you don't take the home owner by surprise. And don't stay longer than 5-7 minutes.

If you yourself were visiting, following the rules of decency, you must definitely invite the hosts to your place, and this must be done within a month.

These are the simple rules that will help you and me to be hospitable hosts and welcome guests.

And next time we will set a table for the guests with our signature dishes.

Alena Baltseva | 08/19/2015 | 2559

Alena Baltseva 08/19/2015 2559

Let's talk about how to behave at a party and receive guests if you are the mistress of the house.

You've probably noticed that there are people whose doors are always open for guests. There is always a lively buzz in their living rooms, and the aroma of fresh baked goods comes from the kitchen. Friends and relatives come to see them with whole families, but they feel out of place when the house is empty and quiet. It’s nice to run into such people for tea or come to a dinner party.

On the other hand, there are complete opposites to such hospitable hosts: those to whom you don’t want to return to their house at all, even despite the five exotic dishes that you were treated to during your previous visit.

It's the same with guests. Some are gladly invited to friendly gatherings again and again, while others are invited after their visit.

So what's the secret? Why do some people manage to easily maneuver in the endless sea of ​​“guest” etiquette, while others run aground at the very first point? Let's talk about the rules of the ideal guest and hospitable host.

How to receive guests so that they want to return?

We do not intend to present in this article a whole set of rules for receiving guests, many of which have become hopelessly outdated. We offer just a few ideas that will help make the evening cozy and enjoyable for everyone present.

1. Clean up your apartment

Agree, no one will be pleased to find themselves in a dusty, stuffy, untidy apartment. If you want your guests to feel at home, but don’t have time to do a thorough cleaning, at least wash those places where the dirt is most noticeable. First of all, this is the bathroom, because there a person is left alone with unwashed stains on the tiles. But it’s unlikely that anyone will notice the dust in the living room that hasn’t been wiped off from the bookshelf.

2. Invite guests personally

An invitation received through third parties may seem to imply that you are inviting the guest out of politeness and hoping that he refuses. Take the time to call everyone you know who you want to see at the party. Group invitations are only suitable for families.

Don't make invitations in front of people you don't intend to invite. This is at least uncivilized. The same rule applies to social media. Do not leave the invitation in the public domain (for example, on a wall).

3. Specify the reason

It is unlikely that any of the guests will appreciate your modesty if you invite them in honor of your birthday, but keep silent about it, presenting everything as an ordinary dinner party. They will be embarrassed for coming to you without a gift.

If you don’t want to burden your guests with choosing a gift, you can tell them directly: “Come to my birthday, a gift is not required.”

4. Set the table in advance

Another awkward moment is when the guests are already on the threshold, and the hostess is still rushing between the stove and the table in curlers and a dressing gown.

Unless you have close friends and family visiting, this is unacceptable. Try to finish setting the table on time.

5. Prepare a place for outerwear and shoes

Imagine, you came to visit friends in a light coat and new shoes, and when leaving, you discovered that the shoes had been “trampled” by other guests, and outerwear lies on the floor. Not much pleasant, you must agree!

If you are expecting a large influx of guests, think in advance where you will invite them to put their shoes and hang their jackets and coats.

6. Create a cozy atmosphere

An ironed tablecloth, candles, flowers, pleasant background music, a well-ventilated room - all these are small details that, like a kaleidoscope, create the atmosphere of the evening.

7. Don't apologize

The hostess, who constantly apologizes for an insufficiently tidy apartment, a poorly cooked chop or a burnt pie, will sooner or later achieve her goal: the guests will subconsciously begin to “nitpick” and look for flaws.

Burnt pie? Well, ventilate the kitchen and offer ice cream as dessert! Forgot to salt your main dish? Place the salt shaker on the table.

The ability to treat minor failures with irony is much more pleasant than apologizing for any reason. Don't forget: the evening is successful when the hostess of the house is cheerful and friendly.

8. Entertain your guests

If you invited guests to your territory, please provide them with an entertaining pastime.

If you notice that one of the invitees is sad alone, try to involve him in the conversation by proposing a topic that will be of interest to all those present. Notice the growing tension in time and know how to put out the conflict before it flares up with full force.

Be a real hostess of the evening who knows how to create a friendly atmosphere.

How to behave at a party so that you are invited again and again?

It is an honor and pleasure to be a welcome guest. We offer several ways to please the owners of the house.

1. Respond to an invitation

If you receive an invitation and promise to think, think quickly! Give an accurate answer as quickly as possible. The only thing worse than those guests who announce their intentions to come at the very last moment are those who accept the invitation and then do not come without explanation.

Consider an invitation to visit as a great honor for yourself and respect the hosts. After all, they spend time and money to organize the reception.

2. Don't arrive before the appointed time

Surprised to hear this advice? As a rule, guests are strongly advised not to be late for dinner. But some particularly punctual people arrive 10-15 minutes earlier.

Remember: haven’t you ever secretly hoped that the guests would be late and that you would have at least another quarter of an hour to spare? (Just imagine yourself in the situation described in advice to owners number 4).

If the person who invited you is never late and expects the same from others, arrive on time. In other cases, you can stay for 5 minutes. Better yet, call the owners before leaving the house and confirm the time.

3. Don't come empty-handed

Bring to the table a homemade dessert or a bottle of wine brought back from a recent trip. Give the hostess flowers or something nice little thing for home. Such signs of attention indicate good upbringing.

4. Give thanks

Praise the dishes they serve you, say thank you for inviting you to visit. The owners did a good job and deserved it.

5. Keep the conversation going

Any woman is pleased when guests show interest in the three Ds: children, home, pets. Pay attention to the well-chosen accessories in the interior, ask about the child’s success at school, scratch the cat behind the ear. The hostess will be flattered.

6. Forget about the phone

The worst nightmare of any housewife is a guest who sits all evening, buried in his phone or tablet. After all, you came to socialize and spend time in good company, right?

7. Help with cleaning

Of course, you were invited, so you can count on being in in a good way will be served at the table. On the other hand, you did not come to a restaurant where you are greeted by a waiter and a manager who are paid for this, but to a friends house. Offer to help clear the table and wash the dishes. Even if the hostess politely declines, she will appreciate your willingness to get your hands dirty.

8. Don’t ask for food to be wrapped “for the dog.”

Surprisingly, there are some guests who literally beg the owners for leftovers have a delicious dinner. Yes, the phrase “oh, there’s so much food left, and who’s going to eat it all!” is also considered a direct request. If the owners deem it necessary, they themselves will offer you to wrap a piece of pie for the road.

Have a nice time!

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