Home Berries School script for the feast of St. Nicholas. The script of the holiday "Nikolai, Nikolai you come to us!". Did Saint Nicholas exist?

School script for the feast of St. Nicholas. The script of the holiday "Nikolai, Nikolai you come to us!". Did Saint Nicholas exist?


1st presenter
2nd presenter Speakers with numbers (musical, poems)
Children's choir

Participants of the scene "The Miracle of St. Nicholas":
Katya - girl 10 years old
Alyosha - a boy of 11 years old
The old man is a man of 65 years old

Sounds like music (classical). Enter leading, say the introductory word.

l-th leader : So the holiday in honor of the Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker has come. Love for him in Rus' is strong and deep. The people call him a great intercessor and always turn to him in prayer for help.

2nd host: Many centuries have passed since the saint and saint of God Nicholas lived on earth, the great miracle worker, whom the whole Christian world glorifies to this day for his zeal for faith, a righteous life and miracles performed for the glory of God. Honoring His memory, the Holy Church calls on Christians to imitate this saint, as "the rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence to the teacher." The whole life of the saint was filled with high feats of piety, works of mercy and help to the offended.

l-th leader: The life of St. Nicholas has preserved for us many descriptions not only of his miracles performed by the grace-filled power of God, but also of his extraordinary mercy towards people, the desire to help them. In a miraculous way, he saved those drowning in the sea, saved the innocently condemned from death, helped the needy and the mourners. And after death, St. Nicholas does not leave his help with faith resorting to him, it is no accident that he is the most beloved saint of the Russian people.

2nd host: This big holiday in our Church of the Nativity of Christ is also the patronal one - all of you guys, of course, saw in the left aisle of our Temple - the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

l-th leader: Undoubtedly, the best gift for the holiday will be musical works, poems and chants dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

2nd host: And we will begin our holiday with the fact that we will listen to Stichera to St. Nicholas "Rejoice, sacred head" performed by the children's choir.

Choir sings Stikhira to St. Nicholas.

l-th leader: A lot of people are born on earth, but there are very, very few saints among them. The secret of such a rare holiness of man lies in own life saint, boundless kindness and love that he shows to ordinary, ordinary people.

2nd host: The life of St. Nicholas was not easy. AT scary times persecution of Christians, in the city of Patara, lived the noble and virtuous Theophanes and Nonna, later the parents of St. Nicholas. For a long time they did not have children. They zealously prayed to God to send them a child and made a vow to dedicate him to the service of the Lord. Their tearful prayer was heard, and the Lord gave them a wonderful son, who was named Nicholas at baptism. Saint Nicholas was born in the 3rd century after the Nativity of Christ.

l-th leader: A legend has been preserved that all the time while the sacrament of Holy Baptism was being performed, St. Nicholas stood in the font, to the reverent amazement of the people, not supported by anyone, for three hours! Thus, the future great Saint, already at his baptism, revealed himself to be a Wonderworker.

2nd host: From his very birth, Saint Nicholas was silent, meek and humble. He grew up as a reasonable and kind boy. The instructions of God-loving parents were deeply rooted in his heart. When the boy grew up, his parents began to teach him, and the child quickly and easily comprehended book wisdom. All your own free time he spent in the temple in prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures. In all those around him, the lad Nikolai aroused involuntary respect and love for himself.

musical number.

2nd host: You guys and I would be very interested to know why everyone calls St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

l-th leader: For his virtuous life, the young man Nikolai was ordained a priest in the city of Patara. Soon, when Nikolai's parents died, he inherited a large inheritance. You guys probably think that St. Nicholas bought himself a huge palace with a peach garden and peacocks with this money?

2nd host: Not at all! The saint gave all his rich inheritance to the poor and needy, while he himself devoted himself with all his soul to the fulfillment of the laborious duties of a Christian shepherd. The deeds of his love and mercy to people were innumerable.

l-th leader: The miracles performed by St. Nicholas happen to each of us, you just need to be able to discern and understand them. We will now learn about one of these miracles.

"The Miracle of Saint Nicholas".

The scene is divided into two parts: in one we see the interior of a cozy room with an icon of St. Nicholas, the other shows the street. In the room we see children, they are busy with household chores.

l-th leader: It was at the time when the Nazis attacked our country. There was a war. A brother and sister lived in the same city - a girl Katya and a boy Alyosha. Their dad was at the front, fought against the Nazis. Mom disappeared for days in the hospital, she was a nurse, helping the wounded. Children were often left at home alone ...

Katia: Alyosha, And how beautiful it is outside today!

Alyosha: Yes, the snow has not gone through, not passed!

Katia: There were no letters from dad for a long time, - after finishing the cleaning, Katya says.

Alyosha: He has time to write, - Alyosha objects, hits the stool with a hammer a couple of times, - He beats the filthy Fritz.

Katia: Still, it would be nice if he wrote to us, - Katya says dreamily, - At least he would send some news. And even better - he would come.

The girl sighs, gets up, picks up a rag, wipes the dust, notices a folding calendar hanging on the wall, approaches, tears off a leaf.

Katia: Oh, Alyosha, Christmas is coming soon! And we don't even have a tree.

Alyosha: We'll make it! - severely objected brother, nodding at the door.

Katia: What about toys? What are we going to dress her up in? We don't have any toys.

Alyosha: You should all play with toys, - the brother grumbles, - The war is in the yard, and you are all with nonsense.

Katia: Do you remember, Alyosha, we read a fairy tale about one boy. There was also a Christmas tree in the picture, beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

The boy puts down the stool, remembers.

Alyosha: I remember, - he nods dreamily, -

Katia: Garlands, balls, beads, she shone all over ... I wish we had this!

Alyosha: And where can I get it?

Katia: And let's ask St. Nicholas, he is kind, he will help us.

Alyosha: You understand a lot! - replies the brother, - He has no more things to do, how to carry toys for all sorts of girls.

Katia: Well, Aleshenka, well, let's ask. What if it helps? And for daddy we will ask him to defeat the Nazis as soon as possible and return.

Alyosha: Made it up!

The girl runs up to the icons, crosses herself, prays fervently.

Alyosha shakes his head disapprovingly and takes up the stool again.

Alyosha: Look what, - he mutters ... We don’t have any firewood. We must go to the forest for brushwood.

Puts down the stool, gets up, dresses. The girl is back.

Katia: Well, that's what I asked... Where are you going?

Alyosha: In the forest, for firewood.

Katia: And I'm with you! Can?

Alyosha: Let's go to …

Both dress up, run off the stage.

An old man with a bag over his shoulders enters the stage. It can be seen that it is hard for him to walk, the bag is heavy. He groans and puffs, continues to walk - then the children appear.

Katia: (begins a phrase behind the scenes) You know, - the girl says, - I asked St. Nicholas, and it immediately became easier on my soul, so joyful!

He walks bouncing.

Alyosha: Stop! - her brother holds her hand, peers into the distance, - There, look, someone is coming? Or it seemed to me?

The girl looks up.

Katia: Exactly, it's coming.

Katia: Oh, grandfather, let's help you! - the girl rushes to him.

The old man stops, lowers the bag.

old man: Oh, thank you, baby, you are a kind soul.

Katya takes the bag, turns to her brother.

Katia: Alyosha, let's help?

The boy looks suspiciously at the stranger, takes Katya by the hand, takes her away from the old man.

Alyosha: And who are you? - He asks sternly, - Something I have not seen you here before.

Old man: Yes, I myself, children, am not from here, - the old man explains. In your places passing. I came to visit my granddaughter.

Alyosha: Is it far to go?

old man: Yes, in a hut on the outskirts.

Alyosha: Well, if so, we need to help, - Alyosha decides.

The children pick up the bag, walk, holding hands, the old man, leaning heavily on a stick, follows them.

old man: Oh-ho-ho! Frosty today. Lord have mercy!

Katia: Do you, grandfather, believe in God?

Old man: But how not to believe? (sits down on a stump). Here is one story they told me. Once, a friend of mine was bringing gifts to the kids. I made different little animals from wood, a whole bag, and went to the neighboring village. Looks like a river. And it was already warm, the ice had melted. It was necessary to go around its edge, but he was afraid not to be in time for the holiday, not to please the kids.

Katia: And went straight across the river?

old man: And so it went. Well, the ice under him broke off. The water is cold on all sides. He grabs the ice, and it crumbles under his hands. Well, he thinks it's bad. He was completely desperate, when he suddenly remembered how his grandmother taught him prayers in childhood, and prayed: “Lord, help me! Saint Nicholas, help!

And he did not even have time to say this, as he looks, the old man is coming. Where he came from is not clear. The old man gave him his hand and pulled it out. He began to thank him, and the old man said: “Thank God. For your kindness to children, he saved you, and henceforth do not leave children.

Alyosha: And who was it, grandfather?

old man: And the old man said: "When you come to your village, whoever you see first, that's me." So he returned to the village, ran into the hut, and then immediately saw the icon of St. Nicholas. And I recognized him as an old man. How did he thank St. Nicholas! He fell on his knees and prayed for a long time. That's it...

Alyosha: Well, what about the kids? You didn't leave them? asks the inquisitive Alyosha.

old man: How is it possible? He began to watch them even more, and did not let anyone offend them. Children from all over the village were brought to him, as in Kindergarten and from the surrounding villages. And he will make a toy for someone, give a gingerbread to someone, comfort someone with a kind word, and scold someone, if for business. You, kids, are glad for any attention.

Katia: It's true, grandfather, - Katya agrees.

The old man gets up from the stump.

old man: Well, here we are! - There is my hut, right on the edge of the forest.

Children look into the distance. At this time, the old man quietly leaves.

Katia: Where is there something I don't see?

Katya and Alyosha turn around.

Alyosha: Where is the old man? he says confused. Around only the field, He could not run across it so quickly.

Katia: And I forgot the bag, - raises the bag, - Oh, Alyosha, but the bag has become quite light. I alone can lift it. Let's see what's in it?

Alyosha: Let's.

Children open the bag and take out Christmas decorations- shiny beads, balls, garlands.

Katia: That's the old man! - Katya laughs, - he gave us a present!

Alyosha: Let's run to decorate the Christmas tree!

Katia: Run! Katya screams.

The children run off the stage. After a while, they reappear and start decorating the Christmas tree.

Katia: I, chur, hang the most beautiful ball!

Alyosha: Okay!

Katya hangs the ball, moves away from the Christmas tree, admiring, suddenly the girl's gaze falls on the icons, she looks at the icon.

Katia: Alyosha, - she shouts, - I asked St. Nicholas - it was he who helped us! Alyosha approaches Katya, looks at the icon.

Alyosha: Exactly, look what a kind look he has!

Katia: Thank you, Saint Nicholas.

Alyosha: You always help us!

Children are baptized, bow to the icon. After sign of the cross garlands are lit on the tree.

Katia: Oh, Alyosha, look how beautifully the garlands lit up on the Christmas tree!

Alyosha: It's really beautiful!

Children are standing, admiring the tree. Suddenly behind the stage there is a knock, a creak, - the gate opens.

The children simultaneously turn into the hall, Alyosha looks out the window.

Alyosha: Who is this? Some stranger with a gun.

Katia: (approaches the window, looks) Alyoshka, yes, it's dad! the girl screams.

Alyosha: Exactly, dad! He is back! Let's run to meet him! Folder!!! (runs off stage).

Katya runs away from the stage, suddenly stops and returns to the icon, thanks St. Nicholas, crossing herself, says: St. Nicholas, you always help us!

Katya runs off the stage.

End of scene.

Children's choir sings the Greatness of St. Nicholas.

2nd host: And here is another miracle of St. Nicholas. One day St. Nicholas went on a ship to Palestine to venerate the holy places. Travelers were already approaching the shores of Egypt. The serene sea spread all around. The sun shone brightly. Nothing foreshadowed bad weather. Suddenly, a strong wind suddenly rose, clouds darkened the sky, and a fierce storm began. The sailors, every minute expecting death, begged the Pleasant of God for help.

l-th leader: And how this happened, we will learn from the poem “The Holy Helper”, he will read it to us ...

"Holy Helper"

Who wanders, who left his land, Who is a harsh stepmother foreign land,
Before whom is the sea, the abyss of life -
Help, Saint Nicholas!

l-th leader: St. Nicholas fell on his knees and turned with fervent prayer to the Lord. And immediately the wind died down, and the storm subsided! Thus, the prayer of the Saint saved the ship and the sailors from certain death. With a fair wind, the ship soon reached the shore and St. Nicholas reverently set foot on the Holy Land of Palestine.

2nd host: This truly wonderful miracle of St. Nicholas is dedicated to a poem called "Into the Storm." Will read it...

"Into the Storm"

Precious shimmering opal,
The serene sea lay
The sails were blown by a gentle breeze,
Flocks of waves carelessly rushed ...
Suddenly, from somewhere, furrowed his eyebrows,
A storm broke out as a black demon!
Shaggy clouds darkened.
A whirlwind rose above the mighty waves.
Raising the shafts from the abyss,
He threw them on a rock ledge -
And the ship, tarred and strong,
The storm tossed like a light chip.
The wind howled and moaned and whistled -
Mortal horror has seized people!
And the sailors fell with a prayer:
"Help us, Holy Saint!"
Nicholas plunged into prayer.
The fierce battle subsided,
Became clear and quiet again
Blue endless expanse.

l-th leader: Since then, St. Nicholas many times helped to save those perishing at sea, shipwrecked, drowning, and therefore is revered by the people as the patron of all travelers, sailors.

2nd host: It is very interesting why St. Nicholas is called the Miracle Worker of Myra?

l-th leader: By the providence of God, during a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, a radiant young man appeared and announced: “Nicholas! You must go forth in the service of the people if you wish to receive a crown from me.” Nicholas the Pleasant realized that the wonderful voice was the voice of the Lord God Himself. And the Saint went to the city of Myra, the capital of Lycia, where no one knew him. Here he lived like a beggar, enduring all sorts of hardships. At this time, the archbishop of all Lycia, John, died in Myra. All other bishops gathered in Myra to elect a new head of the Lycian Church - the archbishop.

2nd host: And how this happened, we will learn from the poem “The Chosen One of God”, which will be read to us by ...

The bishops stood and prayed.
They prayed to God:
“How can we find a worthy husband?
An archbishop of our Church is needed.”

And then an angel appeared to one
And he conveyed the will of God to him:
“Who will be the first to enter the temple at matins,
That will be accepted with joy by the people!
That Christian light will bring to your land,
And his name will be - Nikolai!

The next morning, the saint was the first to enter the temple.
"Tell us, who are you? Reveal the secret,
Don't hide your purpose!
The saint said quietly; "Nikolai".

l-th leader: Since then, the saint has been called the Miracle Worker of Mirlikia. Having assumed the leadership of the Church, Archbishop Nicholas became a merciful and caring shepherd for all the people of Lycia. The doors of his house were open to everyone. He received everyone with love and hospitality.

2nd host: In one of the most cruel persecutions of Christians, the Archbishop of Mirliky Nikolai was captured by wicked pagans and imprisoned with many Christians. In long imprisonment, Christian prisoners endured suffering, hunger and thirst. And the unshakable servant of Christ, Nicholas, only confirmed his flock in faith.

l-th leader: Being a saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker consoled the weak and strengthened the faint-hearted in such a terrible ordinary people waiting for certain death. Saint Nicholas stood firmly on the fact that “Those who confess Christ are always in readiness to suffer, even to the point of death, for the Name of Christ!”

2nd host: Soon the just wrath of God punished the persecutors. With the accession to the throne of Emperor Constantine the Great, peace came for the Church of Christ.

l-th leader: Why does everyone call St. Nicholas a saint of God?

2nd host: In the city of Nicaea in the year 325 after the Nativity of Christ, Emperor Constantine the Great convened the First Ecumenical Council, at which the Creed was established. Arrived at the Cathedral and the Archbishop of Mirlikiy Nicholas. At that time, the impious heretic Arius dared to reject the teachings of the Church. Saint Nicholas, always meek and humble, this time could not bear Arius' blasphemy against the Lord. Encouraged by zeal for God, with great boldness he shamed the heretic not only in word but also in deed, hitting him on the cheek, defending the dogma of the Holy Trinity.

l-th leader: Come on, dear friends, now we will listen to the Trisagion on the Ancient chant performed by the children's choir.

Children's choir sings.

1st presenter Other bishops condemned Saint Nicholas, deprived him of his bishopric, and he was put in prison. But soon a Divine vision appeared before the eyes of the bishops: the Lord gave the Gospel to His chosen one, and Holy Mother of God put an omophorion on him. Realizing that the boldness of the saint was pleasing to God, the bishops Ecumenical Council honored Nicholas as the great Pleasure of God.

2nd host: In the city of Lycia there was a time of terrible crop failure and widespread famine, and St. Nicholas helped his people escape from certain starvation.

l-th leader: While the people of Lycia were starving, a ship with bread was being equipped in one of the Italian marinas. And so, in a wonderful dream, a Divine Messenger comes to the owner of the ship. And what happened next, we will learn from the poem, which is called "Three Gold Coins" read it to us...

The year was lean in Lycia,
The people endured need and distress -
Stocks of bread came to an end.
And then the rich merchant,
That he loaded his ships with wheat,
A wonderful dream in the dead of night.
Saint Nicholas said to him:
"You send your ship to Lycia,
You will receive God's help for this.
Take three gold coins as a pledge!”
The merchant woke up. He has in his hand
Glittered three gold coins,
Coins are precious, holy...
He fulfilled the order of the Pleasant,
The people of Lycia were saved from deprivation.

l-th leader: The great saint performed many miracles during his lifetime, and he performed many of them after his repose. Here is one of his miracles about the salvation of the Patriarch.

During the reign of Emperor Leontius, there lived in Constantinople a pious man named Theophanes. Once in a wonderful dream he hears a voice:

2nd host: Tell the painter to write three icons: the Savior, Mother of God and the Pleaser of God Nicholas, and when they are ready, take them as a gift to Patriarch Athanasius.

l-th leader: Theophanes hurried to fulfill the decree, and brought the painted icons to the patriarch. With reverence, the patriarch looked at the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God.

2nd host: And why is there, next to the holy icons, the image of Nicholas, a man of low birth? Take him out of the room and don't dare to paint such icons again, the patriarch said sternly.

l-th leader: Theophanes was very upset, but he obeyed his command. The next day, Patriarch Athanasius went to the island of Gerdala to read a prayer there for the sick daughter of a nobleman. Returning back, he was caught in a strong storm, and the wave washed him off the ship. Dying, the patriarch remembered how he treated the icon of Nicholas the saint of God, and tearfully began to cry out to him for help. The saint immediately appeared to him and asked:

2nd host: "Why do you call me a lowly kind?"

l-th leader: The patriarch began to zealously ask for forgiveness from St. Nicholas. The saint lifted him up and returned him to the ship with the words:

2nd host: “The Lord delivers you from drowning through me. Go in peace, beloved brother, shepherd the flock of Christ,

l-th leader: Returning to the city, the patriarch asked Theophan for that image of the saint. Soon he built a temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and solemnly transferred his icon there.

musical number.

2nd host Saint Nicholas saved people from death, healed the sick, sent help to those in need who were in trouble. More than once the saint showed his patronage of Rus'.

1st presenter: Once the army of the Grand Duke Dmitry went to battle with the Tatar-Mongol horde. The prince was restless in his soul: something promises him a meeting with this terrible enemy of Rus' ?! And suddenly, right in front of him, Dmitry saw the icon of a saint especially revered in Rus' - Nicholas the Wonderworker. The marvelous icon itself descended into the hands of the right-believing prince.

2nd host: So miraculously St. Nicholas announced his help to the Russian Orthodox army. In memory of the fact that the prince's heart was warmed with joy from this news (in ancient Russian it means "UGRESHA"), Dmitry ordered the laying of an icon at the site of the appearance of the icon - the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

l-th leader: And now, dear viewers, let's listen to a wonderful poem by Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov, dedicated to St. Nicholas performed by ...

"Saint Nicholas".

Today, celebrating your memory,
We bring you praise
And we send in tenderness
Your warm prayer.
Look down on us from heaven
Listen to our prayer
Light a wonderful fire in the hearts -
Fire divine love!
Invest in us knowledge of truth,
Show me the way to the light
In days of sorrow and trial
Protect and support us!
Our Orthodox Fatherland
Give peace and silence
Hear us, great, glorious,
Holy Hierarch Nicholas!

l-th leader: And now, dear viewers, let's listen to another Stichera to St. Nicholas performed by the children's choir.

The choir sings the VERTICATION - sacred garment beauty.

l-th leader: Two holidays are dedicated to Nikolai Ugodnik: May 22 - Veshny Nikola and December 19 - Winter Nikola. No wonder people say: "One Nikola with grass, and the other with winter." In the spring, all the village people go to the temple with a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik so that he will give a good harvest. And we also begin the winter with a prayer to the saint, considering him an assistant in winter work, thanking him for a good harvest of bread, which will help endure the harsh winter. Let's listen to wonderful poems in honor of Nikola Veshny and Nikola Winter. We will read them...

Spring Nikola comes with grass,
With a song of a cheerful meadow bird.
The seed that dozed quietly comes to life,
The time has come to sow rye and buckwheat.

On Nikola Zimniy the first frosts
Frost will decorate the branches on the birches;
Will sweep the road with snakes.
It will bring snow to our doorstep.

musical number.

1st presenter: Shining with virtues, like the sun illuminating the Church, the great Saint of God Nicholas lived for many years in the midst of his flock. Himself, being from childhood an image of purity, during his life he especially loved children, taught them and affirmed in true love to God and people. All the mourners felt peace and joy when they looked at the saint. All those who spoke with him were affirmed on the path of a virtuous life.

2nd host: The Gentiles who heard his word turned to true faith. Truly, we can safely say that the whole life of St. Nicholas is a real feat - a feat of love for one's neighbor. Let's listen to a poem about the feat that St. Nicholas accomplished throughout his life. Will read it...

There is a feat in the battle,
There is a feat in the struggle
The highest feat in patience
Love and prayer.
If the heart ached
Before human malice,
Ile violence seized
You with a steel chain;
If earthly sorrows
Sting into the soul stuck -
With good faith and courage
You take on a feat:
The feat has wings,
And you fly on them
Without labor, without effort
Above the darkness of the earth,
Above the roof of the dungeon
Above the malice of the blind
Above the screams and screams
Proud black people.

2nd host: After the righteous death (in December 342 after the Nativity of Christ), the holy relics of the saint of God remained incorruptible and exuded a wonderful myrrh, from which many people received healing. In 1087, in connection with the threat of the Muslim invasion, the relics of St. Nicholas were transferred to the city of Bari in southern Italy, where they rest to this day.

l-th leader: Glory of the great holiness of life, of many wonderful blessings to those who suffer, and of healing power the imperishable relics of St. Nicholas spread in the East and in the West. Many churches have been erected all over the world in the name of the holy Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker. And to this day great saint hears us and saves us from the darkness of sorrows and the invasion of troubles with the rays of his miracles!

The choir, together with the audience, sings the Troparion and the Greatness of St. Nicholas.

Before the start of the holiday, a song is played

Vedas 1: - The sky covered with stars
And, having passed one hundred and five roads,
Relieved from fatigue
The evening sat on our doorstep ...

Weary Evening wondrous,
But he doesn't want to hang his nose:
He is from ancient times
He brought a wonderful story.

Vedas 2: - Quiet night, starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

At night fabulously beautiful,

Suddenly a plum-colored sky

In the sphere of fiery shimmers

A miracle is coming! Miracle sled!

What is the miracle here? Here listen

On the sleigh - a bag of toys!

Not simple. And the best, brightest!

After all, toys are gifts!

Trust me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas!

Vedas 1: - Today the holiday is coming -
The angels are already singing.
On Saint Nicholas Day
All kids are waiting for a miracle.
So that Good enters our house,
We'll call the angels!

A melody sounds. Angels appear. They dance.

Dear, lovely children
Boys and girls
On this wonderful holiday
We wish you happiness.

We are in good health
We wish you kids
We wish you sweets
For childish joy

You respect each other
Don't offend anyone
And in teaching, guys,
You show diligence.

On this wonderful holiday
We have come to you with good news
From Saint Nicholas
Who knows about him guys?

Children talk about St. Nicholas and the holiday they love very much.

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the poor and disadvantaged, the patron and protector of all children.

He devoted his life to charity.

On the day of St. Nicholas, special biscuits “nikolaychiki” are baked and presented to all children.

That's right guys!
St. Nicholas helps the poor and needy.
And in trouble, and in grief, the weak protects.

Presenter 1:
And where is St. Nicholas now?
Why doesn't he come to our party?

Don't worry, calm down, kids.
Nikolai is already in a hurry to visit you for the holiday.
He knows about each of us.
Who is what in the teachings much.
Who is always trying.
And who beats the buckets ...

Presenter 1:
And Nikolai will also come to the lazy?
And to those who did not help adults
And to the one who skipped the lesson.

Brownie Antipka runs into the hall .

Well, for those who have been lazy all year.
Who lived without labor, without worries,
I'm the only one coming.
Antipka - Brownie.

Presenter 1:
Antipka, answer - ka to the question:
Did you bring gifts for the children?

Yes, friends, a question
I'll say serious...
I brought you a curious gift


    Everyone will say, do not lie

And fragrant
And sweet ice.

(Not ice, but honey)

    Bunnies in a snowy fierce winter

They often feed on woody mountain

(Not a mountain, but a bark)

    Through the meadow obliquely

Young grows sand.
Although he is young
And look closely - mushroom

(not sand, but woods)

    The boys bumped their foreheads

And chips jumped up on their foreheads.

(Not chips, but cones)

Get out, Antipka, hurry up!
Do not scare, please, gullible children!

Only in appearance angels are your children
Who shoots birds with a slingshot?
In class, who yawns sweetly?
Who sets in motion their whims?
Who, tell me, starts a fight?
Who doesn't listen to their teachers?
Hey guys, whip, don't you want?

Like any person, you have both dignity and not very good habits, actions, thoughts. Let's last time let's call them.

Let's openly confess to everyone
First, it happens
That too lazy to do something and too lazy to answer-
Laziness overcomes sometimes!

Well, this is, firstly, and secondly:
Zina has a beautiful suit,
And Sasha is an exemplary student in everything.
Lucky! Come on, smart guy!

That black envy in the soul speaks.
And spoils our life, mood.
And hypocrisy, rudeness and vile lies
Cause only contempt!

But the most vile, black evil
Betrayal is what it is.
Tear the blackness and throw it away
To make the world brighter.
Without nasty deeds and petty thoughts
No bad habits. Promise
What is nowhere else, below what, never,
You will not take them with you friends!
Guys, do you promise?

Now look under your seat and find the black men. And throw them in the trash.
So that these sides of your character never come back to you.
(Angels collect black men from children and throw them into a basket)

    Bells are heard.

I hear the bells ringing again
Quiet Antipka, hear quieter
Throw all nonsense aside
Nikolai hurries to visit the guys.

They perform a song glorifying St. Nicholas. The patron saint of children Nikolai, the Miracle Worker, enters the hall.

Thank God! I see you guys again!
Meeting you is a joy for me.
Peace be with you children!
Peace to your home!
Happiness to you, teachers, your friends,

The children have been waiting for your arrival for a long time.
Their thoughts are as pure as river waters.

As muddy waters you better say

    St. Nicholas looks angrily at Antipka. Antipka backstage.

Well guys
Live joyfully
Okay my friends learn.
Evil and cunning you shun
Adults, you guys, respect
Birds, animals, please, do not offend
Never fight, never fight
Don't tease rudely, don't fight!

You, Vladyka Nicholas,
Help our glorious children
From misfortune and evil misfortunes
Please always protect them

You lead them on the right path
To kindness, to work,

Where is your magic bag?
Don't upset the guys
And give them gifts.

Read the verses!

Get gifts!


1 student. Close your eyes, friend.

Harness bell heard...

Someone opens the door

Well, and here ... Believe it, don't believe it.

Only in the morning under the pillow

Do you find toys?

From him, I know for sure!

From Saint Nicholas!

2 student. Many good holidays

We have friends

But one of them is probably

The best for me.

December is on the street.

And cold and snowy

But from parental love

I am warm, serene.

I go to bed in the evening

I sleep peacefully.

And in the morning look under the pillow -

I freeze with excitement.

Lie there pen, marker

And a notebook.

After all, these are all gifts.

Saint Nicholas.

3 student. Nikolai came to us

Cheerful people, walk,

Come on, get the sled

It snowed like heaven.

All the people rejoice

Who with an accordion, who sings,

Here ditties, fun,

Snow falls on their heads.

And kids, naughty ones,

At night they sleep like mice

Waiting for gifts and in their own land

To bring them Nicholas.

And my bag is not simple,

but with a surprise. That's what!
Now let's untie it.
We'll show you what's inside.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here, “Nikolaichi” for the guys.

* "Nikolaychiki" (cookies, bagels) are distributed. Music sounds.


Vedas 1: - The saint Nikolai!

Give us a bountiful harvest

Give us sunny days

warm rains

Don't be sorry for us

Mother Earth of the fields.

Vedas 2:- To grow rye

For barley to be good

So that the wheat is poured

For buckwheat to rise

save the crops

From heavenly wrath

From the heat, from the hail,

From the chill of the night!


St Nicholas: I'm leaving to return tomorrow:
Only the sun will sit behind a cloud -
I'll knock on you again at the window,
Do not forget to touch the Good!

The script of the holiday dedicated to the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the feast of St. Nicholas, to convey to the children the essence of the holiday - to do good deeds secretly, like St. Nicholas. Learn to be attentive, caring to others.

Glorification of the Saint of God Nicholas the Wonderworker.


1. Acquaintance of students with the traditions of the Russian people associated with the celebration of the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; the formation of ideas about the miracles performed through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra.

2. Formation of ideas about the spiritual and moral sphere human life, the values ​​of love and kindness, the disclosure of the spiritual and moral potential of students.

slide 1

Teacher: According to the Orthodox church calendar, every day we celebrate the memory of a saint. Saints are the salt of the earth. Saint Churches are the light of the world.

On last month year according to the church calendar is the most a large number of holidays. No wonder our ancestors said: "In December, every day is a holiday."

However, the most revered in our time remains the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Teacher: - When is the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker celebrated?

Saint Nicholas in the Orthodox church calendar dedicated to more than one holiday.

August 11 - his birth. Saint Nicholas was born in the 3rd century (in 280) after the Nativity of Christ.

December 19 - according to the new style, the day of the death of the saint is remembered .

May 22 - Believers commemorate the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Mir to Bari, which took place in 1087. In Rus', this day was called Nikola Veshny (that is, spring).

All these holidays are non-moving, that is, their dates are fixed.

On December 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate and honor the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.Every winter we celebrate St. Nicholas Day, we remember the life of St. Nicholas. Prayers to the Saint are served in the church.

Today wewe learn:

Who is this Nicholas the Wonderworker,

About the miracles performed through the prayers of the Saint;

Let's get to know youwith the traditions of the Russian people associated with the celebration of the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Today, celebrating your memory,

We bring you praise

And we send in tenderness

Your warm prayer.

Look down on us from heaven

Listen to our prayer

Light a wonderful fire in the hearts -

The fire of divine love!

Give us knowledge of the truth,

Show me the way to the light

In days of sorrow and trial

Protect and support us!

Our Orthodox Fatherland

Give peace and silence

Hear us, great, glorious,

Holy Hierarch Nicholas!

Teacher: Nicholas the Wonderworker is a revered saint of our people. Probably, there is not a single house where there would be no icon of St. Nicholas.

He is calledSaint Nicholas because he was a priest.

He is calledmiracle worker , because he did many, many miracles.

He is calledMyrlikian because he was a priest in the city of Myra in the Lycian country.

He is calledpleaser Nicholas because he pleased God with his life.

And they also saySt Nicholas because he is now with God and people pray to him and ask him in their prayers to help in trouble. And St. Nicholas always hears those who turn to him and, of course, help.


Granny : Nikolai Ugodnichek, Save and save my son Mityunyushka on the road.

Grandfather: Help, mother, help ..

(Grandson):, Grandma, who are you praying to?

(Granny): Oh granddaughter. Almost seventeen centuries have passed since St. Nicholas, the Saint of God, lived on earth.
(Grandpa): Great miracle worker, who is now glorified by the entire Christian world for his faith in God, righteous life and miracles performed for the glory of God!

Grandson: Ba, grandfather, tell me about St. Nicholas.
(Granny): I will gladly tell my granddaughter. Listen, my dear!

slide 2

The parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Feofan and Nona did not have children for a long time. For a long time they asked God to send them a son and gave dinner to dedicate him to the service of the Lord.
(Grandson): And when did they have a child?
(Grandpa): The fervent prayer of the parents was heard, and the Lord gave them a son, who was named Nicholas at baptism. He was born in the city of Patara.

slide 3

Granny: And so the parents brought the baby to the church to be baptized - and suddenly a miracle happened: the baby himself stood with his legs on the bottom of the font and stood like that for three hours. Everyone was so amazed that they did not even dare to support the baby. Here, miracles. They baptized him with the name Nikolai, which means peoples."

A son: how me, yes mom?

Mum: How are you, son, Nikolushka.

Nikolai grew up as an obedient, serious and very kind boy beyond his years. He was always in a hurry to help those who needed it, he always tried to help, to console everyone.

slide 4

Grandfather: For his virtuous life, the young man Nikolai was ordained a priest in the city of Patara.Soon, when Nikolai's parents died, he inherited a large inheritance.The wealth that he had left from his parents, he distributed to all the poor people.

slide 5

Granny: By the providence of God, during a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, a radiant young man appeared and announced: “Nicholas! You must go forth in the service of the people if you wish to receive a crown from me.” Nicholas the Pleasant realized that the wonderful voice was the voice of the Lord God Himself. And the Saint went to the city of Myra, the capital of Lycia, where no one knew him. Here he lived like a beggar, enduring all sorts of hardships. At this time, the archbishop died in Mira. All the bishops gathered in Myra to elect a new archbishop.

slide 6

A son: Oh, yes, they told us about this at school.

The bishops stood and prayed.

They prayed to God:

“How can we find a worthy husband?

An archbishop of our Church is needed.”

And then an angel appeared to one

And he conveyed the will of God to him:

“Who will be the first to enter the temple at matins,

That will be accepted with joy by the people!

That Christian light will bring into your

region, And his name will be - Nikolai!

The next morning, the saint was the first to enter the temple.

"Tell us, who are you? Reveal the secret

Don't hide your purpose!

The saint said quietly; "Nikolai".

Slide 7

Mum: Yes. This Saint did a lot of good to people. And he tried to help everyone who needs it, but he did it secretly so that people would not know who was helping them. And when they found food, clothes or money at their doorstep, they didn’t even know who to thank.

They say that once a poor man saw a Saint who left him money, but Saint Nicholas asked him not to tell anyone about this, but to thank not him, but God.

Granny: a lot of things people have said good things about him. The Saint worked many miracles.

(Grandson): Grandma, tell me about miracles?
(Granny): I'll tell you tomorrow, granddaughters, but now go to bed, it's already late.

Teacher: Yes, many stories about the miracles performed by Nicholas the Wonderworker have come down to our days.

Slide 8

For example,Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of fishermen, sailors and travelers. Russian sailors often kept the icon of this saint and, in case of danger, took it out on deck and prayed to the saint for deliverance from shipwreck and storm.

Once St. Nicholas was sailing on a ship in the sea, but suddenly a strong wind came up, rose high wave And the ship began to sink. All who were on the ship shouted: "Woe to us!" “Don't be afraid,” Saint Nicholas said firmly, “only believe that God will help us. And now, through the prayer of St. Nicholas, the storm suddenly subsided, the sea became calm, and it was possible to continue swimming.

People remember how Saint Nicholas revived a sailor who had crashed to death on the deck.

Slide 9

The Saint of Christ became famous as a deliverer from troubles and an intercessor for those unjustly offended. Some selfish mayor sentenced to death 3 innocent husbands. But when a sword was raised over their heads, St. Nicholas suddenly appeared at the place of execution. Removing the guard, he stopped the execution.

Slide 10

At the same time, the imperial military leaders were present. They soon suffered a similar fate: they were slandered before the emperor and condemned to death.

In prison, they remembered Saint Nicholas and prayed for his help.

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The Great Wonderworker, a quick intercessor in troubles, appeared on the same night in a dream to Emperor Constantine, ordered the innocently convicted to be released, which was done.

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Once, having learned that because of poverty and hunger, the father of one family was going to give his three daughters into an illegal marriage, St. Nicholas, at night, secretly threw three bundles of gold to a desperate man. This money saved the family and allowed all three daughters to get married safely.

slide 13

Teacher: Being a saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker consoled the weak and strengthened the faint-hearted in such a terrible expectation of certain death for ordinary people. In the city of Lycia there was a time of terrible crop failure and widespread famine, and Saint Nicholas helped his people escape from certain starvation.

While the people of Lycia were starving, a ship with bread was being equipped in one of the Italian marinas. And so, in a wonderful dream, a Divine Messenger comes to the owner of the ship. And what happened next, we will learn from a poem called "Three golden coins."

The year was lean in Lycia,

The people endured need and misfortune

Stocks of bread came to an end.

And then the rich merchant,

That he loaded his ships with wheat,

A wonderful dream in the dead of night.

Saint Nicholas said to him:

You send your ship to Lycia,

You will receive God's help for this.

Take three gold coins as a pledge!”

The merchant woke up. He has in his hand

Three golden coins shone

Coins are precious, holy...

He fulfilled the order of the Pleasant,

The people of Lycia were saved from deprivation.

Teacher: Saint Nicholas was considered the patron saint of agriculture and cattle breeding.

In the spring, all the village people go to the temple with a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik so that he will give a good harvest. And we also begin the winter with a prayer to the saint, considering him an assistant in winter work, thanking him for a good harvest of bread, which will help endure the harsh winter.

Let's look into the past. How is this holiday celebrated in Rus'?

Slide 14

The sale of surplus bread was timed to coincide with Winter Nicholas in Rus', so noisy bazaars and fairs were opened everywhere with the establishment of a single price for flour and grain. The people said: “Nikolsky bargaining is a decree for everything”, “Nikolsky bargaining builds prices for bread”.

And no one was afraid to be deceived, because Nikola himself looked after the scammers, according to legend, descending from heaven to earth in his day and going around it from end to end.

And Nikola Zimny ​​was also famous for his brothers, in which only the eldest in the family and married men took part.

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Young people were not allowed to the "Nikolishchina", but, preparing for Christmas gatherings, they sewed outfits and made masks for mummers.

slide 16

characteristic feature This festival was a common meal, which served meat and collectively brewed beer. Bratchina was often preceded by a prayer service served in the field, or a common prayer of all those present.

At the meal, as a rule, were serious talk discussed important questions village life. The celebration, which began in the afternoon, turned into noisy fun in the evening, singing remote songs, dancing, shouting "many years."

In Rus', this day was considered a kind of holiday of reconciliation, because not only relatives and neighbors, but also friends and enemies were called to visit the Nikolsky brothers.

It is believed that St. Nicholas Day is the last of the year when you can pay off your debts.

History tells us about another miracle.


Slide 17

Teacher: It happened in Constantinople. A man lived there. He was pious, and especially honored the days of memory of his heavenly patron, St. Nicholas.

And therefore, in remembrance of the saint of God, he went to the temple, and arranged a holiday: he bought food, wine, prosphora, candles. So he reached a ripe old age and, no longer having the strength to work, fell into poverty.

Old man): Well, mother, the day of memory of the great bishop of Christ Nicholas is approaching. You and I have always honored him, but how can we now, in our poverty, celebrate this day?
Wife): You know, my lord, that the end of our life has come, for old age has overtaken both you and me; but still do not change your intentions and do not forget about your love for the saint.
Old man): Of course, mother, but where can we get money for the holiday?
Wife): Yes, look, at least this carpet. We no longer need him, and we have no children - there is no one to leave him. You can sell it and buy everything you need to celebrate the memory of St. Nicholas.
Old man) : Clever you are with me, thanks for the advice, so I'll do it.

Teacher : The old man took the carpet and went to the market square.

1st trader): 2nd trader): 3rd trader): Old man): Wow, so many sellers and not a single buyer! So you can stand all day and not sell anything!
1st merchant) : And you, father, shout louder - maybe someone will hear.
(Old man): Carpet! Carpet! Selling carpet! Old, but neat ... There is no one.
2nd merchant ): You're trying in vain. No one is going to buy that junk from you.
Old man): Saint Nicholas, help me!
(The elder enters - St. Nicholas.)
St. Nicholas): How much are you giving away the carpet kind person?
Old man): I don’t ask for much, the carpet is not new.
St. Nicholas): In vain. You have a good carpet - I'm buying. Take twenty gold for him. (Gives the old man a bag).
Old man): But it's too much!

St. Nicholas: Nothing, take it - after all, for a good deed. (Quietly leaves, taking the carpet with him.)
3rd trader): (addressing the 1st trader) Who is he talking to?
2nd trader): And indeed, there is no one.
1st trader): The old man must be crazy.
Old man): (looking up from the bag) Thank you, kind person! Oh, where is he?
1st trader): Yes, there was no one here. Who were you talking to funny old man?
Teacher: They did not know and could not assume that Saint Nicholas himself appeared to the old man to help him, and no one but the old man could see the Saint.

Old man): It's nice to walk around the bazaar not empty-handed.
1st trader): Mint sweets, printed gingerbread! Everything is very tasty, cooked skillfully!
2nd merchant) Good wine - a joy to the soul, made from the best varieties grapes!
3rd trader): Come, Orthodox Christians! Buy prosphora and wax candles!
Old man (to 1st merchant): Give me candy and gingerbread!
1st trader): Be healthy, grandfather!
Old man (to the 2nd merchant): Pour me your wine!
2nd trader): Be healthy, grandfather!
Old man (to the 3rd merchant): And I will buy candles and prosphora from you.
3rd trader): Be healthy, grandfather!
Old man): It's good that I met this wonderful buyer: I have now acquired everything necessary for the holiday. And how happy my wife will be that we will not have to deviate from the pious custom.

Teacher: Meanwhile, while the old man was standing in the middle of the square and wondering, Saint Nicholas came with a carpet to his wife.

St. Nicholas): Hello mother.
Wife): Hello good man, who are you?
St. Nicholas): I am an old friend of your husband. Today he met me at the market and turned to me with a request: take, he says, this carpet to my wife, and I still have one important thing to do.

Teacher: Having said this, the guest disappeared, and the woman began to think.

Wife): Apparently, my husband forgot his promises, did not sell the carpet, did not honor the memory of the saint. Woe to me poor!

Old man): Meet the mother of the owner from the market.
Wife): Get out of my sight. I don't want to talk to you.
Old man): So what happened? I do not understand anything.
Wife): Do you recognize the carpet? You can pick up. You lied in your soul to Saint Nicholas and now you have lost everything that you achieved with your former piety. There is nothing for us to celebrate.

Old man): I wonder how this carpet got here? After all, I sold it! But now I remember: it was bought by a husband, shining with light, and his voice was somehow special. Could it really be the Saint himself! Glory to you, Christ God, who works miracles through St. Nicholas!

Mother, tell me, who brought you this carpet? Husband or woman, old man or youth?
Wife): It was a bright, honest elder, dressed in light clothes. He brought us a carpet and said that it was you who asked him about it.
Old man): Mother, so I sold our carpet to him! Look, here's some of the gold I have left. But sweets, wine, prosphora and candles that I bought for the holiday.
Wife): Thank God! And I already thought badly of you! Forgive me, sir.
Elder): The Lord lives! My buyer was truly St. Nicholas! That's why the merchants in the market were surprised - who was I talking to? The saint was invisible to them.
Wife): Thanksgiving to Almighty God and praise to the great Bishop of Christ Nicholas, a speedy helper to all who call him with faith!

Teacher: Filled with joy, they immediately went to the church of St. Nicholas and told about what had happened to everyone who was there.
And all the people, having heard the story, glorified God and Saint Nicholas. And when Patriarch Michael found out about this, he ordered to give the elder an allowance from the estate of the Church of Hagia Sophia. And they created a feast with praise and hymns.

Yes, history tells us about many miracles.

Teacher : Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of children. They especially looked forward to the feast dedicated to the saint. It was believed that for good deeds and obedience, children received gifts from Nikola, and for bad behavior found a twig under the pillow. This is how our ancestors did it.

On this holiday, children receive sweet gingerbread and warm mittens, scarves, but do not forget about another holiday tradition: on St. Nicholas Day, it is customary to help the disadvantaged - orphans, the poor and the sick. Take some time and be sure to congratulate those who are less fortunate in life than you. This good will definitely come back.

Our children have preparedsong "Nikolushka"

Slide 19


After the righteous death (in December 342 after the Nativity of Christ), the holy relics of the saint of God remained incorruptible and exuded a wonderful myrrh, from which many people received healing. In 1087, in connection with the threat of the Muslim invasion, the relics of St. Nicholas were transferred to the city of Bari in southern Italy, where they rest to this day.

Slide 20

The fame of the great holiness of life, of the many miraculous benefits for those who suffer, and of the healing power of the incorruptible relics of St. Nicholas spread in the East and in the West. And to this day, the great saint hears us and delivers us from the darkness of sorrows and the invasion of troubles with the rays of his miracles!

slide 21

Monuments were erected to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Many churches have been erected all over the world in the name of the holy Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker.

- What would you like to ask Saint Nicholas?

- What good did you take for yourself from this holiday?

(Love God and people, help all those in need.)

- Guys, what miracle can we perform every day? (to do good)

On the day of Saint Nicholas

Congratulations to you!

He is revered by the people

When we are in trouble, we call on him.

May Nikola manifest a miracle

Protects you everywhere.

Let diseases pass by

So that the family lives happily!

Happy holiday to all of you magical -

Let it be healing for us,

Let the Pleasant take away sorrows,

Difficulties are on the way

Only joy and health leaves,

To go through life with ease

On the day of St. Nicholas

I lit my candle.

And resorting to the Holy

I know - I'll get help!

Because our saint

Brings children's joy!

Behind you like a Savior

Leads children to the Father's House!

Holy Father Nicholas,

Help in need!

You will help, I know for sure:

In sorrow, in sorrow and in trouble.

Teacher: Those who believe in the saint, honor his memory, pray to him, he really helps. Let's listen to the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer. (phonogram)

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, the abstinence of the teacher reveal the truth to your flock of things: for this sake you acquired high humility, rich in poverty. Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Final word from the teacher.

In conclusion, I would like to wish that the life of each of us day by day is filled with good deeds that bring feelings of happiness and joy, help to get closer to holiness. Remember that saints are people who have absorbed only light into their hearts. We all need to live in such a way that not only one saint of God, St. Everyone knew and revered Nicholas, but so that each of us became a saint of God. And let Nicholas the Wonderworker help us with prayers.

The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker has become a role model for many generations. With his holy life, Nicholas the Pleasant conquered the entire Christian world. Now he is in eternity, in immortality, next to God. And next to us.

All together sing the song "Motherland"

Where does the Motherland begin?

From a church over a quiet river,

From Spasov ancient image

From a burning wax candle.

Maybe it starts

With the prayer of my great-grandmother

From a pectoral children's cross

With communion at the royal doors.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the chapel at the Royal Gates,

From the Intercessor of Mother Iverskaya,

To which the people aspire.

Where does it begin?

With a confession of childhood sins

My homeland is reflected

Priest in kind eyes.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From a church over a quiet river

From Spasov ancient image

From a burning wax candle

And where does it end?

In the bottomless blue sky

Where time and eternity merge

In prayer for the Russian land.

Where does the Motherland begin?

Holiday script for St. Nicholas Day at school

Nicholas scripts

The script is designed to celebrate St. Nicholas Day with children lower grades along with their parents.

What is the day now
What is the holiday now?
What is gathered here
So many guests?

I know what the weather is like
I know what a holiday is.
Then they came to Ukraine
And give us honor.

We all give honor
congratulate God,
About Saint Nicholas
On this day, remember.


Dear parents and teachers, dear children! Who does not know about Saint Nicholas? Young and old knows about it. Every year he comes to every estate with peace and gifts. For little ones, it becomes a fairy tale when it appears invisibly at night and puts such welcome gifts under the pillow. Children grow up - and a good fairy tale disappears, but Nikolai remains.

Imitate the goodness and deeds of Nicholas! Let this holiday become for us a holiday of mercy, a holiday of kindness, Forgiveness, love for neighbors.

Outside the window the snow is flying,
Curling with the wind
So hurry up to us
On the feast of Nicholas!
Well, who came here
We are glad to welcome you
Have fun and rejoice
On our holiday.

There is something to rejoice
You know well, children!
The news has reached us
That we have a guest on the way.

Who is this? Everyone remember!
This is our Saint Nicholas!
He will remember all the children
Sends them gifts
He's close, he's coming
Let our song buzz! (Song)


Once upon a time lived in the world
Somewhere in Asia a young man
Distributed gifts to children
That rich loner.

Poor children in need
He loved to give
As long as the Lord is all-good in the sky
I loved Nicholas.

Became an omniscient bishop
Nicholas lived politely.
special respect
Sei deserved it.

The Lord asked: "What do you want
For your merit? »
- I want, Lord, I want
Go to Earth every year.

Visit every home
Welcome everyone again and again,

Feast of Saint Nicholas

Distribute to polite children
Gifts of love.

And so every time, children,
God gives you every year:
Nicholas travels the world -
Gives out gifts.

Students' stories about Saint Nicholas

Nothing was enough for little Nikolai - no clothes, no food. And he was an orphan, his mother died early, followed by his father. The boy grew up under the care of strangers. He often went outside to play with the children. They were the children of poor parents. Nikolai felt sorry for them, but did not know how to help.

Nicholas had an old teacher. One day they were reading the Holy Scriptures: “When you do good, let your right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing..."

What does it mean? - Asked the teacher thoughtful Nikolai.

When you do good to another, you do not need to loudly tell everyone about it. Better not brag about your good deeds.

It was deep autumn. Kolya knew that many children in their neighborhood lived in poverty, in hunger and cold. Here is the family of old Alexander. Mother is ill, Petrus has no shoes, but Sofiyka had in the morning collected firewood on the road so that there would be something to heat in the stove.

In the evening, Kolya quietly, so that the servants would not see, went to the pantry. I filled my bag with flour, poured out a bottle of butter, filled my pockets with apples, found in my box a pair of new socks, new tables. All this was packed into a large bag and hidden under the bed. When everyone in the house was asleep, he quietly slipped out of bed, made his way to Alexander's hut, put his bag there and rushed home.

In the morning, old Alexander could not get enough of generous gifts. But who could do it? Who to thank? Since then, Kolya often made such gifts to poor neighbors. People prayed to the unknown God, who helps them. And no one guessed that it was Nikolai.

Mikolini's servants began to notice that food, clothing, and fuel were disappearing from the pantries. They began to follow. Once, when Kolya had just packed his bag and left his yard, an old servant caught up with him. Thought it was a thief. Then it became known to everyone who cares about the poor.

Years have passed. Nicholas studied and became a priest. He gave all his property to the poor people and served them as best he could. For this, the Lord gave him the power to do good even more. When Nicholas died, he was canonized as a saint. Since then, everyone remembers St. Nicholas, his holiday is attributed to December and on this day they make gifts to each other.

And somewhere high in the sky that night to hear silver bells. Then Nikolai rides on a sled and looks into every window: they did not bypass the child. Moves from cloud to cloud. The bells chirp gently. The old moon smiles cheerfully in a snow-covered mustache. He knows that everyone should be happy that night. And those that give, and those that make gifts. Therefore, great happiness in life is to do good.

Pupils read poems about St. Nicholas

In the children's land happy
Good news is coming
What is white-maned skate
A guest is coming from heaven.
He brings many gifts
The sleds are filling up.
Joy will be in every home
They have toys!
Rides, rides a rich guest
In the children's area.
Who is this guest? Did you guess?

Scenarios of St. Nicholas

St Nicholas!
This only happens once a year:
The Lord opens the sky
And Nikolai hurries to the ground.
In every hut, house,
Polite children under the head
The grace of God leaves Nicholas.

From home to home
Snow through the forest
Hurry, hurry hard
An old gray-haired grandfather.
When Saint Nicholas
From heaven to earth goes
So every home and school,
Like a hive of bees buzzing.

When the river froze
And the white grove became
Came down into the dark night
On the ground Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas in a hat
And in a warm coat
Bring gifts to everyone
In a magic bag

Holy and good Nicholas,
Perhaps to our school
Look at us little ones
And give gifts to all of us.

Saint Nicholas, come to us from paradise,
Bring us gifts to each become.
Delicious sweets, fluffy buns,
There are a lot of books to read on holidays.
Nicholas, Nicholas, I'm waiting for you.
I love you, I call you, Saint Nicholas!

Holy Father Nicholas
Don't go through our house.
give me pleasure
Huge bag of laughter
Also health for the family,
Red fate for Ukraine.

Nicholas from heaven us?
Obedient, who does not cry,
How to do good, knows
Respects mom and dad.
To all who are polite, hardworking,
Friendly who knows how to live,
Nicholas on a holiday
Will bring gifts.

festive scene

St. Nicholas Day Scenarios

It's cold outside. There was a lot of snow. It is on this night that Saint Nicholas descends on silver chain from heaven to earth. Grey-bearded, in a long golden cape, he enters every house and spreads his children under the pillows lovely gifts. True, St. Nicholas gives only a good twig to naughty children.

Mom, will there also be a holiday in our house today?

Finally, dear children,
You waited for that wave
What is from the heavenly throne
Saint Nicholas will come down.

Dark night behind glass
The white snow shimmers
Heaven shine with stars
Where the bell speaks.

Nicholas is in a hurry
And with him little angels,
He will look into every house,
Because everyone wants gifts.

And in order to receive gifts from Nikolai, you need to study well at school, never be lazy, help everyone in the house, whatever your mother tells you.

And tell us, mom washed,
Where is Saint Nicholas
He receives those gifts
So sincerely distributes?

There is such a treasure in the sky
There are endless gifts.
Saint Nicholas takes them
And everything is brought to the ground.

But not only Saint Nicholas
Descending from the heavenly throne
Angels are with him
What help the saint.
And it also happens
What's next for Nikolai
Antipka will run away from hell,
To all loafers, naughty ones,
Thieves and liars
He threatens with a pitchfork
Plus it scares the hell out of me.

And tell me, dear mother,
Is he very scary?

St. Nicholas Day Scenarios

And don’t be afraid, he won’t visit us before, because you are polite, obedient kids, you help your mother (strokes his head).

School events and holidays

Quiet, my children, hear something in the yard.

Mother (looks out the window)

Someone calls and stomps
Perhaps he wants to come into the house.
I'll go take a look.

He takes a warm scarf and it turns out.

I wonder what Nikolai will bring me?

MARUSIA (grabs her head). Oh, we haven't cleaned the house yet! How are we going to meet Nicholas? (He runs the house and straightens the sackcloth, takes a broom and sweeps). And you, Petya, bring the image of St. Nicholas.

Well, it's not my job anymore, it's time for me to sleep so that I can get up tomorrow.

Do you want gifts?
Wait for cutting from Antipka!

(Petrik brings the image of St. Nicholas and the two of them cling to it on the wall).

How I would like to receive red boots and warm gloves from St. Nicholas.

And I - a beautiful toy, a lot of sweets.

Marusya (takes Petrik by the hand)

Petya, in order for Saint Nicholas to listen to us, even today we need to sincerely pray (they freeze in front of the image, pray).

Holy Father Nicholas
We sincerely beg you
Fulfill our requests now
What do we have in mind.
They brought gifts for the children.
We hope to be waiting for you.

And now it's time to sleep. Goodnight.

I'll be waiting all night...

(The curtain closes. The music of the lullaby "Sleep, Jesus, sleep" sounds.)

The night is quiet, mysterious,
Full of miracles and miracles.
Will visit the kids
A long-awaited guest from heaven.
There will be joy, there will be joy
After all, everyone remember:
For children at night
Don't forget Nicholas!

On the night of December the month shines,
Magic dreams, dreams.
Quiet everywhere, all the children are sleeping.
Everyone is already asleep.
By the bed is an angel of God,
Guardian angel is waiting.
He quietly enters the door
And put gifts.

But what is it?

Someone is stomping, in a hurry. On the stage, in front of the curtain, the devil runs out.

Hello, good ding, guten tag! (Bows).

Welcome to all tastes.
My name is Antipka
I rushed to you even from hell,
You have winter, we have a warm house,
You have - frost pinches the tail (shows the tail),
And snow in the eyes of the embankment,

Feast of Nicholas

Don't look that I'm a guest here
It freezes, it freezes, as luck would have it.
(Bells rung at the end of the hall.)
Oh, it's already angels descending from heaven,
Where would you like to hide?

Looking for somewhere to hide, hiding behind a curtain. Angel girls walk around the hall, holding bells that ring and go on stage. The curtain opens. On the stage is the royal throne.

Where the road flows from milk
Where is the multitude of vision, where is the kingdom of God,
I'm going from there and the news is cheerful
I carry to your dwelling.

Another minute, children, and between you
Saint Nicholas will be here.
He with a sincere heart and gifts
Will be in this room.

(The devil sneezes behind the curtain).

Quiet, children! Someone is here. must see.

The angel is looking for someone on the stage, having found it, he pulls the tail of the devil onto the stage.

Devil (crying)

Oh oh oh! Hurts.

Here is the coward. See how he got away!

And I'm not a coward at all!
So far impolite children
I've come running from hell.
I brought willow twigs. (Shows viscous).
And each of the twigs is attached
This lazy, do not learn!

Runs around the stage, swinging a viscous twig.

2nd angel (coming to him).

Get out, Antipka, then in vain,
We don't have sloths.
Really, kids, right?

Let these twigs get
Who does not help parents.

There, Antipka, then in vain -
We have no disobedient.
Really, kids, right?

Angel and children

There, Antipka! (They drive him away, he runs away). And now, children, sing a song about Nikolai, he will hear and come to you faster.

The song "Oh, who loves Nikolai" sounds.

See what is shining there, burning like a star flickers.

Angels enter the hall, pulling a sleigh with gifts, followed by Nikolai majestically.

Snow, snowball, sprinkle,
That's good Nikolai!

Holiday script

Hello, dear children, respected public! I came to you from distant heavenly spaces and brought you a blessing from God.

Today is a holiday in your house
And I congratulate you
Wealth, health and good fortune
I sincerely wish you.
When I was already in this school,
Handed out gifts to children
Called you all to work
I ordered you to live honestly,
Run away from evil and do good.

Today I brought you sweet and tasty gifts and I will give them all: both polite and even not quite polite, so you are all dear and dear to me.

(The devil runs out onto the stage again, in his hands is the book "Sins").

Who are the gifts for?
To these bullies and rascals?
Cowards, lazy? (Laughs)
Antipka better know
To whom to give gifts.
Nicholas stop.
your gifts,
Sinful children have gathered here (shows a book)
Don't give them anything!
O! They have many faults!

(Puts on glasses, sits on the edge of the stage, opens the book "Sins" and reads).

Yesterday Grigory quietly threw a stone at a friend's place.
Vanya ran over the stream and Anechki knocked out his eye.
And little Andrey added salt to his mother's coffee.
Pavel often did not go to school.
And Oksanka - needless to say, did not want to go to bed!
They sinned, they sinned, don't give them gifts!
Give it to me, and I will quickly bring them to my land!

Oh, why did you break into our house?
You see, Saint Nicholas is here,
Well, get out of here quickly!

No, I won't hurt you
I have to say no...

Enough, enough! something you
You turn, troublemakers.
You won't reach your goal that way.
All those deceit is in vain,
Because all of us are good.
Get lost, evil spirit!
Don't walk in this world
Evil is not this anywhere!!!

Go away! (banishes the devil)

I don't just give gifts.
For all the good deeds I have my bag
I will decide for children worthy of awards,
Which have respect for weekdays and holidays.
Who always revere God in a young heart,
He will save from failures, distract from trouble.
Well, children, here in front of your mother, tell me
Were you obedient? (YES)
Did you study well at school?

These gifts, children, will be distributed by the angels of the Lord,
And you tell us poems and sing today.

We celebrate the Feast of Nicholas at this time,
All dreams came true, Nikolai is with us.
The wishes of all the children came true,
He brought honors to the kids.

Dear Nikolai, accept forgiveness,
Let's be obedient, we'll be polite.
Let's remember the commandments
Do we want to live in happiness and kindness.

How good are you, Nikolai,
You give us everything we want.
Give us a voice
To a good sleepover.

And we sing to you, because we still do not know sadness.
You are good, Nikolai,
You give us everything we want.

Let it be the morning that rushes at school
Will bring the smell of Ukrainian flowers.
May this day give us strength
So that we always love Ukraine.

Music sounds. Nicholas distributes gifts.

Here, thank God, he distributed everything,
What he could and what he took with him.
From about a year later I will come again,
So I can get more.

Greetings dear people
With your family.
May good be with you
And happiness from now on.
May your sorrow and grief
Float for water
And drown them let the sea
With tears and sadness.

I bring the world to your house,
Sincerity, truth, consent,
To always be cheerful
Children in your family.
So that your hearts do not get stale,
We were indifferent
For you to understand others
In hunger and cold.

To lie in your house
And didn't sleep
So that only the truth in your heart
Always reigned.

Now it's time to say goodbye
I already leave you.
Be kind and always sincere,
Live in harmony and peace.

Help mom and dad
Don't touch the little ones.
Help the teachers
And don't forget me.

Time is running fast,
I'll be back in a year
By the way, a bright holiday.
With Nicholas you, kids!

Scenarios for the holiday of Nicholas at school

St. Nicolas day

Burlakov Dmitry Valentinovich
Teacher-organizer, Livadia sanatorium boarding school, Yalta
For all age categories

Purpose: To congratulate children on St. Nicholas Day, to tell about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the history of the holiday, to create a pre-New Year mood in children, to instill in children a love for their culture, to preserve traditions, to improve spiritual and moral education, to teach the basics of Orthodoxy.

1. Presenter 1 -
2. Presenter 2 -
3. Correspondent -
4. Judge -
5. St. Nicholas -
6. Angel -
7. Devil -
8. Claimant -
9. Lawyer -
10. Belt -
11. Care -
12. Creative -

Presenter 1
Quiet night, starry night,
On a winter and frosty night,
In the sphere of fiery shimmers
The Miracle-Divo-sleigh is racing!
What is the miracle here? Here listen...
On the sleigh - a bag of toys!
Not simple. And the best, brightest!
After all, toys are gifts!
Trust me, I know for sure.
From Saint Nicholas!

Lead 2
Close your eyes, friend.
Harness bell heard...
Someone opens the door...
Well, and here ... Believe it, don't believe it.
Only in the morning under the pillow
Do you find toys?
From him, I know for sure!
From Saint Nicholas!

Presenter 1
Good afternoon, dear guests! This time we have gathered here on the eve of one of the most anticipated holidays - St. Nicholas Day.

Lead 2
The people treated the holiday of Nicholas with special respect, since he is "the second intercessor on earth after God."

Presenter 1
Winter Nicholas has long been considered the patron saint of all the poor and destitute. It is the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that is considered the first in a series of New Year holidays.

Lead 2
Before the New Year, all children expect the arrival of Santa Claus, who generously gives them gifts. But not everyone knows that for a long time in Rus' it was St. Nicholas who was responsible for children's entertainment.

Presenter 1
In the evening, when the kids fell asleep, the parents put gifts from Nikolai under the pillow. For obedient children, he brought various gifts, and for disobedient children he usually left rods or rods so that they obeyed and respected their elders.

Lead 2
The children firmly believed in the existence of a kind and just protector and tried not to anger Saint Nicholas.

Presenter 1
So, where did Saint Nicholas come from? Let's get a look!
Presenter 1
We break the evening with urgent news. Now our correspondent is in touch with us with a sensational message. Him the word.

Good afternoon. I am reporting from the building of the Yalta court, where the scandalous, one might say provocative question "Are children worthy of congratulations and gifts on St. Nicholas Day" is being considered. On this moment the outcome of the meeting is not yet known, and therefore we offer you a direct broadcast from the courtroom.

VOICE: Get up, Judgment is coming!
(judge enters)
Please sit down.
The case "On the legitimacy of children receiving gifts for the Day of St. Nicholas" is being considered. The case is rather unusual, but at the same time very important, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with politics. There are a lot of disagreements in this case, and therefore all the pros and cons must be taken into account. In order not to delay the hearing, I propose to proceed. Angelic witnesses are called first.
(angel enters)
So, introduce yourself and tell the court what you know about this case.

I constantly accompany St. Nicholas during all his stays on earth, so I can tell you about how modern children live. They attend school every day, fulfill all regime moments, study in circles. In the commission of evil in relation to anyone were not noticed. noted respectful attitude to adults and peers.

From the side of the prosecution, an imp is called.

Don't listen to him! It's all lies! He covers them! This is a cover-up! In fact, everything is completely different! I will now bring you to clean water!
Children now have gone terribly harmful. Moreover, they are constantly screaming, yelling, laughing idle ... Yes, they can simply drive you crazy with their cries! At school, they always do all sorts of dirty tricks, but on the contrary, study suffers. It's just a natural disaster!

Shame on you to slander before a respected court! People are looking at you!

Oh come on, saint!

But it's not all true! As soon as the earth wears such.

Silence please! Order in the Court!
The chief adviser on education, Mr. Remen, is called.
(Imp and angel take their places)

Belt (strict)
I'm used to asking hard questions and getting honest answers. Not a single family can do without my participation. No matter how you turn and no matter how you turn! The culture is now in danger, the nation is dying out! That is why I openly demand that all children be locked up in prisons, behind strong bars with enhanced security. Only then can we all breathe a sigh of relief. I finished.

Thank you, the court will take into account your testimony. In the meantime, Mrs. Care is called.

How spoiled are you! Yes, you're just a notorious loser. Your hands are already shaking at the mere thought that they will manage without you! You can’t bring up fear, otherwise all the work can go down the drain! Only sincere care and kindness, kindness and care can fill souls with peace and tranquility. I urge everyone to take care of relatives and friends, and then happiness and prosperity will reign in families.

Mr. Creative is called to testify

Agree, the picture is quite touching when your child is engaged in creativity. She dances, sings, draws, plays music. Such a child gives his loved ones the most the best gifts- the fruits of their creative works. Such children are always pleasant to everyone, they are pleasant interlocutors, always cheerful, polite. Just a miracle, not children!

All the witnesses have spoken, and therefore the floor is given to the prosecution. Claimant, please.

Gentlemen, hard hours have come - there are few cultured and polite children left, mostly hooligans, loafers, liars, rude people ... No manners! So why should they buy gifts and wrap them beautifully?! For example, just yesterday, instead of going to school, Kolya sat down in an Internet club before lunch. And here is Tanya, who looks like innocence itself, a blue-eyed beauty, but she talks in such a way that taxi drivers faint. What is the upbringing? Instead of "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" only obscenities are heard from the children. There are many more such examples, so the decision should be harsh.

So, the prosecution's position is clear. The word is given to the defense.

Defending the innocent on false charges is always easy. Yes, there are several nuances, but do not make villains out of decent and smart children and publicly shame them. We all need to specifically understand the situation in order to avoid mistakes. After all, fate, like a crystal, if you break it, you can no longer glue it together. How can you deprive good children of that miracle when old fairy tale comes true and St. Nicholas hides gifts under the pillows, forgiving all children's pranks and petty dirty tricks. Only love and forgiveness will overcome all hardships and children know this, and therefore both bullies and obedient children sleep peacefully in their beds.

There is no such thing in life that everything was only bad or only good. Light is not possible without shadow, and joy laughs where misfortune mourns. Our goal is to teach children to increase joy and goodness, and to reduce evil to a minimum.
The court ruled: let the holiday and gifts remain, and the children always smile, have fun and rejoice.

So, we have witnessed an unusual judicial trial. The fate of the ancient holiday was decided in positive side. According to international observers, the decision was made legitimately in compliance with all norms of democracy. On this I say goodbye to you. Happy holidays to all!

Presenter 1
We are glad that everything ended well. Holiday to be!

Lead 2
Yes, we will also receive gifts! What can not but rejoice.

Presenter 1
Do you hear this sound? Or is it ringing in my ears?

Lead 2
Well, that's right. The court decision has come into force, which means that Saint Nicholas is coming to us.

St. Nicholas
I'm with you guys again!
Seeing you is a joy.
Peace to you, children, and to your home!
Happiness to you, friends, acquaintances.
Adults, you guys, respect
Do not offend small birds-animals!
Well, next year
I will check you out!!!

final song

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