Home Vegetables Growing green onions - which variety is better to choose and how to grow? Combined landing method. What kind of onion to plant in the country so that in early spring you can eat its delicate greens

Growing green onions - which variety is better to choose and how to grow? Combined landing method. What kind of onion to plant in the country so that in early spring you can eat its delicate greens

Sat, 29/12/2012 - 17:35 | Comments: 1 |

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    planting onions on greens

Not everyone knows that green feathers onions contain vitamins and minerals much more than bulbs. Green onions also have more delicate taste, it is not as "poisonous" as the bulbs. Due to the fact that forcing the arrows onions does not require abundant sunlight, onions can be planted on greens all year round.

In the autumn-winter period, to obtain green onions, it can be grown even in basements, greenhouses with artificial lighting and just on the windowsill of the house. It is preferable to grow onions for herbs, if you use onion sets as planting material. This method is much faster in terms of harvest time, as well as cheaper. For planting, you need to choose seed bulbs weighing about 30 g and 3-4 cm in diameter.

Multilayered onions and shallots have proven themselves well. Planting onions on greens can be carried out either in very early spring or before winter. In the second case, take into account the fact that this must be done two weeks before the first frost. Onions planted in a ribbon way feels good: 1-5 cm between the bulbs in a row and about 10-20 cm for row spacing. the dry neck of each onion is cut off, soaked for 24 hours in warm water.

Forcing green onions with this method is reduced by almost a week.In greenhouses and greenhouses in winter, forcing occurs under the influence of bulbs accumulated over the summer nutrients... In this case, the bulbs are planted almost without a gap (0.5-1.0 cm), slightly pressing into the ground. We figured out how grow onions for obtaining bulbs, and also learned the features growing onions with seeds and sets.

Let's deal with growing onions for greens.Green onions healthier than a turnip. Green onion feathers contain 2-3 times more vitamins.

It contains a lot of zinc and calcium, and therefore it is recommended as a remedy for strengthening teeth, hair, nails and bones. green onions and vitamin C. Green onions strengthen the cardiovascular system, help to normalize blood pressure. When combined with other vegetables, green onions improve digestion. It is also a good antiseptic, and helps fight diseases, destroys bacteria.Despite all its usefulness, green onions should be eaten with caution, especially for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract as it can harm the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Green onions are traditionally the earliest vegetable in our garden, along with dill and parsley.

Since you don't need a lot of light for forcing green onions from bulbs, you can grow it almost everywhere - from a window sill in a room to greenhouses and open ground. Onions are planted on greens with seeds and sets. Basically, the agrotechnical methods for growing green onions are the same as for growing turnip onions, but there are some nuances. Seeds are planted more thickened than when growing onions on a turnip.

Growing green onions from seeds

In early spring, or before winter, varieties are planted that give a large green mass. Some of these varieties do not produce bulbs at all.

Growing green onions by seedlings

A rather laborious method, and therefore it is rarely used. But the yield is increased, and besides, it can be harvested earlier.

Growing green onions from sets

They take a small set, and plant it early in the spring, or before winter in 2 weeks than the frosts suggest. They plant the sets in rows, between which they leave 10-20 cm, and make 4-5 cm between the sets in a row.The bulbs of the seed are planted in such a way as to create a layer of 2-3 cm above them.

When planting before winter, the site is covered with rotted manure or humus with a layer of 5-8 cm, which is removed in the spring. Normal wintering of onions occurs if the onions have time to form roots in the fall. Before planting, the sets are cut off - the dry neck is removed to the shoulders, and the sets are moistened in warm, with a temperature of 30-35 degrees, water throughout the day. This technique shortens the time for greenery to appear by a week.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse and on a windowsill

In greenhouses and at home, onions are grown mainly by sevkom, pressing the bulbs into the ground half the height. The planting is done very tightly - the gaps between the plants are 0.5-1 cm.After planting, the onion is watered warm water.

During the week, the temperature is maintained at 10-12 degrees, and then raised to 20 degrees, and this temperature is maintained throughout the entire growing season. Also, a week after planting, the plants are fed: 40 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate are diluted in a bucket of water. 15 grams of potassium chloride Once the feathers appear, give the onion good lighting. Two weeks after planting, the feathers of the onions can already be cut. Onions grown from seeds are harvested 50-60 days after germination, and onions grown from sets - 30-40 days after the start of regrowth of feathers.

At the time of harvesting, the onions from the set have time to grow feathers 30-40 cm long, and the onions from seeds have feathers 25-30 cm long. The normal yield of green onions is a ton or more from a hundred. months by placing the washed plants in airtight bags. V open form onions are stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 days, and the leaves wither and turn yellow.More details You can get in the sections "All courses" and "Usefulness", which can be accessed through the top menu of the site.

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Growing onions for greens

It is well known that in order for green onions to gain marketable mass and appearance, a bright sunlight... This circumstance makes it possible growing onions for greens, as in the open, there and in protected ground (greenhouses, greenhouses, film shelters), as well as simply in an apartment.For growing greens, it is better to choose a lot of primordial onion varieties (Bessonovsky, Arzamassky, Rostovsky, etc.), obtained from bulbs.

For planting, onions or large sets are needed. top scores obtained when using a lot of primordial large onions-selection (3-4 cm It is good to plant onions with ribbons in six to seven rows, observing the distance between them 15 cm, and in the rows - 5-8 cm.

On infertile soils (heavy and highly moistened, with a similar level of groundwater), onions are planted in rows also using a ribbon method, but the ribbons are made narrower. Planting can be done in spring as early as possible (March-April).

In many regions of the country, landing "before winter" is also available. In the latter case, it is important that the seedlings have time to take root before the onset of frost. In the central regions and in middle lane It is better for Russia to plant on greens before winter in late September - early October.

If the plot is open, the planted bulbs must be covered with earth by 4-5 cm, and manure or humus must be poured on top for insulation. In the spring it will have to be removed. In spring planting, the onion does not need to be covered with soil - then the main thing is to water it regularly.

To increase yields, you can cut off the dry neck of the bulbs and let the bulbs swell by soaking them in warm (30-35 °) water for 24 hours. Plant the onions shallowly - the neck of the bulb should be at ground level. Bulb bulging is unacceptable. The planting rate for onions is 6-10 kg / m2, depending on the size of the bulbs and planting methods.

The bridge method, unlike flax, is when the bulbs are planted one to the other without any gap between them, more planting material is consumed, but on fertile soils, with a limited area, it is beneficial. Immediately after planting, sprinkle the onion with warm water.

Onions must be watered and fertilized. Nice results gives a mixture of fertilizers - take 15-20 g per bucket of water It would seem like a pretty straightforward process.

However, in reality, in order to get an excellent harvest of this vegetable crops, it is very important to know some agrotechnical subtleties. Let's try to figure out in detail how to plant onions correctly. So let's get started.

Seat selection

When planting onions, it is very important to remember that you should not plant this vegetable in one place for several years in a row. This is due to the fact that various diseases and pests accumulate in the soil, the earth tends to deplete and lose its fertile properties.

That is why, before deciding how to plant onions, it is worth choosing the most suitable place for it. It is recommended that the forerunners of this crop on the ground are cabbage, squash, cucumber, tomato or potato. It should also be borne in mind that onions will not give good harvest in heavy clay soil, it should be loose, light and fertile.


On the question of how to plant onions, great importance It has correct preparation soil. This should be done in the fall: at this time of the year, you need to feed the land with fertilizers.

If feeding in this period was not produced, then in the spring, when digging, you should add mineral fertilizers(best with nitrophosphate) or rotted manure and humus. Immediately after that, it is necessary to start forming beds, the width and length of which each gardener can determine at his discretion. The only thing is that it is recommended to leave a distance of at least 20 cm between the rows of onions.

Planting seeds

Onions are grown from seed sets, which are valuable seed material. You can also get a good harvest from seeds, which you should think about planting a year earlier.Before you start planting, you need to soak onion seeds for 7 days at room temperature.

Planting onions for forcing on a feather.

In order to speed up this process, you can raise the water temperature to 40 degrees. In this case, soaking the seeds will take only 8 hours. Sowing onions, depending on the readiness of the soil and the desired harvest time, can be either spring or autumn. For 1 sq. m of soil, on average, 10 g of seeds are required, which must be covered with a layer of humus, and then mulched with peat or leafy soil.

Planting sevka

How to plant onions on a turnip and get the richest harvest? For this, it is recommended to use sevok as seed material - bulbs small in size (no more than two cm).

On the eve of planting, they must be sorted out, all dried and diseased specimens must be removed aside, leaving an exceptionally healthy and strong set. In order to prevent fungal diseases, 2 weeks before the intended planting, the bulbs should be warmed up to a temperature of 42 degrees for eight hours. Many inexperienced gardeners do not know when to plant onions in the spring.

Sevok is usually planted in early May, when the soil has already warmed up enough. Before planting, it is cut off a little, and after that it is soaked for about a day in water mixed with slurry (for 1 part of water - 6 parts of manure). Onions are planted in prepared grooves, which are sprinkled with humus on top.

How to plant onions on greens

Onion leaves are rich huge amount vitamins, trace elements and others nutrients... In addition, having a pleasant taste, they are an indispensable ingredient in many salads and other dishes.

That is why many gardeners plant onions specifically to obtain green feathers. You can grow onions for greens as under open air, and in almost any room. To get an excellent harvest of green onions, you should opt for such varieties as Arzamassky, Pogarsky, Rostovsky. The rules for planting onions on greens are for the most part similar to those that have already been considered by us.

The main difference is that when growing green onions, it is necessary to abandon the use of various chemical substances to protect and stimulate growth. In order to regrow the leaves and obtain a lush bush of greenery, it is recommended to cut the bulbs slightly just before planting them in the soil.

Care rules

To get a good harvest, it is not enough just to know how to plant onion sets; it is also necessary to provide it proper care... First of all, in the first 2 weeks, increased attention should be paid to watering the plants.

This is due to the fact that it is water that plays a decisive role in the formation of leaves and roots. In order for moisture to penetrate well into the soil, after each watering, the soil must be loosened.It is very important when growing onions to ensure that the top layer of the soil is always in a loose state (4-5 cm deep).

Loosening is effective way the destruction of weeds that can adversely affect the development of culture. So, if a vegetable was grown surrounded by weeds, then there is a high probability that the neck of the onion will become juicy, which will lead to the impossibility of storing the resulting crop. As it grows, the onion should be thinned out, and try to do this evenly and so that there is a distance between the two plants at 8-10 cm. During the growing season, fertilizing of the culture should be carried out, and it is recommended to do this in 3 doses.

So, for the first time it is necessary to apply fertilizers when the leaves are still light in color. You can use regular mullein, urea, or bird droppings... After 15 days, a second feeding is required, this time using a nitrophosphate.

And the final feeding, using superphosphate, should be done when the bulbs reach a size of 3-4 cm in diameter.

Disease prevention

Timely measures taken to protect plants allow avoiding the occurrence and development of many diseases. So, vitriol treatment effectively saves from fungal infections, which should be carried out when the pen reaches a size of 12 cm.

For this purpose, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. liquid soap and 1 tsp. vitriol and spray the green feather with the resulting solution. On average, 1 sq. m of the garden should be spent about? liters of funds Knowing how to plant onions, as well as following all the recommendations for caring for this plant, you can get a bountiful harvest.

Planting onions in the garden

It would seem, what could be easier than growing onions in a personal plot? However, in reality, this is not such a simple process, requiring thorough preparation and knowledge of some agrotechnical subtleties. Let's try to figure it out.

Spring planting onion rules Onions are best planted in beds where tomatoes, peas, cabbage or potatoes have previously grown. For spring planting, it is recommended to dig a vegetable garden well in the fall, and at the end of winter only to fluff the top layer and apply mineral fertilizers and rotted manure.

In central Russia, onions are usually cultivated with sets - small onions obtained from seeds in the first year. For planting in the ground, furrows are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other and one seed is placed every 10 cm, leaving the top at soil level.

Where can you buy a planting bow? Experienced gardeners prepare in advance for the upcoming planting, keeping the seedlings from the previous harvest.

If you decide to start planting onions for the first time, you can buy sets or seeds in markets, in specialized stores and even via the Internet. Traditionally, onions for sale are grown by farms and private subsidiary farms - buying in such places will become the best option, since you can visit their sites in advance and familiarize yourself with the conditions for breeding planting material.

Processing onions before planting To avoid the appearance of stems with a flower ovary and to preserve the future harvest in late spring, before planting, the onions are dipped in warm water for a day or kept for several days near a heating battery. You can also immerse the bulbs for 10 hours in a complex solution of fertilizers or soak them for 12-15 hours in a light solution of potassium permanganate, which will provide additional protection from fungal diseases.

How to plant onions with seeds correctly? Onion seeds soaked essential oils, which does not allow them to fully absorb moisture and significantly lengthens the period of emergence of the first shoots.

To harvest a good harvest in the first year, it is advisable to sow seeds of winter varieties (for example, "Ibis"), which are lowered into the ground in September-October and insulated with plastic wrap throughout the winter. Regardless of the planting time, before sowing, the seeds are wrapped in cloth and kept in hot water at a temperature of +50 ° C for about 15 minutes, and then immersed in cold water- this prevents the bulbs from going into the arrow.

In the ground, at a distance of 20 to 25 cm, grooves are made about 2 cm deep, moistened and prepared seeds are sown. After sprouting, the onion is thinned out, leaving a distance of about 1.5 cm between the arrows, and after 3-4 weeks, another thinning is carried out, but already at a distance of 4-6 cm.

What is the best way to plant onions on greens? Onion greens are rich in trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances, and dishes made from it have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Many gardeners specially plant bulbs to obtain green feathers, and they mainly choose multi-primordial varieties, such as Rostovsky, Arzamassky, Yantarny, and Black Prince. Before starting planting, it is worth cutting the onion into pieces - if there is only one bud inside, the amount of greenery will not be too large.

To grow onions for greens, take small heads with a diameter of 3-4 cm, cut off from them upper part(neck) and leave in warm water for about 24 hours. Indoors, large containers are used, one-third filled with a mixture of peat, humus, sand and earth, and the planting time does not matter.

The bulbs are planted in planting nests at a close distance from each other and left on the window at a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C, periodically moistening the soil with warm water. If you plan to grow onions for herbs in open ground, planting should be started in the fall a few weeks before the first frost or in early spring after the snow melts. Plants can be planted in a bridge way, that is, close to each other, or in a belt way, in which the bulbs are lowered into the grooves at a distance of 1 to 4 cm. For better growth shooter, the earth can be fertilized by treating with a solution of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water.

Secrets of successful gardeners

Planting onion sets on greens

The time has come for summer residents and gardeners. Some are planting greens, flowers and vegetables for the first time. There are many seemingly simple questions, but without answers to them, you cannot cope with planting and you cannot get a harvest. Before planting onions, a cat walking in the garden controls the sevka.

Sevok is good, you can plant. Growing onions for greens Onions or large-sized sets are used for planting. The best results are obtained when using large multi-pronged onions (3-4 cm in diameter), as well as shallots.

Onion sets and samples are planted in early spring or late autumn 2 weeks before frosty weather, so that the onion roots have time to take root before the frost settles. In the middle lane, the best time for winter planting of onions on greens is the end of September - the beginning of October.

In open areas, the bulbs are covered from above with soil by 4-5 cm and an additional 10-12 cm layer of humus or manure, which is removed in early spring. When planting in spring, the planted onions do not need to be covered with soil on top. In this case, it is regularly watered.

Planting onion sets on greens First, you should prepare the garden bed. They choose the one where pumpkin seeds (zucchini, pumpkins, etc.), peas, greens, and tomatoes grew. You cannot plant onions after garlic, onions, carrots.

Usually the soil is prepared in the fall. Rotted manure or compost is introduced (5 kg per 1 sq. M), potash and phosphorus fertilizers (30 g per 1 sq. M) can be added. For onions, loamy soils, moderately moist, enriched with organic fertilizers, are more suitable.

Most of all, sets of 3-6 g are suitable for planting. It should be understood that small onions are obtained from a small set, but a large set very often goes into the arrow and goes to rejection. A small bed for planting onions on greens is ready. Onion sets are also necessary. prepare for landing to avoid the disease. Pour sevok into a bucket and pour there before planting hot water(up to 70 ° С), leave for 2 minutes, take out and put in cold water for 1 minute.

It is good to soak the onion in a nutrient solution (for example, in a solution of nitroammofoska - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) for 10 hours, and then, without rinsing, for 8-10 minutes in solution copper sulfate(1 teaspoon for 10 liters of water). All this is necessary in order to avoid fungal diseases. Rinse the onion sets with water and plant in grooves, on multi-row, ribbon ridges (with a distance of 10-20 cm between rows and from 1 to 4-5 cm between bulbs in a row) or using a bridge method, covering the bulbs on top with a layer of earth of 2-3 cm.The distance between which is 25-30 cm, and with a distance of 8-10 cm from each other (depending on the size), cover with soil so that there are about 2 sets above the onion shoulders see land.

It's also good to sort the onion sets by size. Large bulbs should be planted first. You can plant onions on greens every 20-30 days so that you always have fresh greens on your table, right from the garden. practically without distance, because we are now talking about growing onions for greens, and not for bulbs, when this method of planting onions is not acceptable. Green onion leaves contain two to three times more vitamins than onions, have a delicate taste and invariably enjoy great in demand.

When cultivating onions on greens, a little light is required, so for planting you can choose a place for the garden in a not very sunny place. Onion sets have taken their place in the garden. Immediately after planting, the onions are moderately watered with warm water and wait for the harvest. Good results are obtained by feeding the plants with mineral fertilizers. On a bucket of water take 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20-30 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride.

The first feeding is done 5-7 days after planting, the second - 8-10 days after the first. The duration of onion cultivation is 25-30 days. The term for harvesting greens begins when the leaf length reaches 30-40 cm. When planting in winter, the bulbs are covered with manure or humus with a layer of 5-8 cm, which is harvested in the spring.

Consumption of planting material for growing green onions using the bridge method - seedling 0.5-2 kg per 1 m2, small onion selection - 8-9 kg, large selection - 12-13 kg per 1 square meter. when planting a large sample in spring, it is advisable to cut off the dry neck of the bulbs (shoulders), soak them in warm (30-35 °) water for a day, or combine both. This also allows you to reduce the onion forcing period by 5-7 days. Variety: Family onion is the most profitable crop in terms of output square meter, is planted tightly, almost bulb to bulb, deepens only 1/3.

At the end of summer, gardeners begin harvesting. And the bulk of the vegetables goes to the cellar. Together with them - fleshy bulbs.

But today we will talk about how and why to grow onions for herbs in August. Compared to other garden crops, onions sprout quickly enough to grow healthy greens before the autumn cold. The advantages of such planting are one more harvest for the season, the presence of fresh greens at hand, in which there is much more useful vitamins than in the bulbs.

What rules should be followed when planting onions?

Casting an onion on a feather in August is not at all difficult. Let's take a closer look at the two main methods of growing feathers: outdoors or indoors.

The first method: in the garden (in the open field):

Add root fertilizer directly to the beds, in which you plant the onion afterwards. Do this as follows: Dig a small groove (about 6 cm) in the ground in the form of a furrow. Make 20 cm indents between the beds. Pour fertilizer on the bottom of the groove. Sprinkle earth on top of the bed. Now you can start planting the bulbs.

Ground where tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes, or potatoes were previously grown would be a good choice for planting. They saturated the soil with useful substances, and from this the onion will become even more useful.

We advise planting the bulbs to a depth of about 4-6 cm. The distance from the neck of the seedlings to the edge of the earth is 1.5-2 cm. Cover the seedlings from above with either ordinary earth or with the addition of humus and peat. Make the beds dense. Between splinters - 10 cm, between rows - 20 cm.

Method two: in flower pots or boxes:

For forcing onion feathers, wooden boxes, plastic or ceramic pots are suitable. Even dense ones will fit plastic bags... Do not plant onions after carrots and garlic, or on acidic soil.

What is the best onion for late planting?

Tips from PROFESSIONAL GARDENERS Many of our readers for a RICH HARVEST actively use the effective biofertilizer Biogrow. This fertilizer is suitable for all types and varieties of cultivated plants. Allows increase yields by 50% NO hazardous chemicals. And all that is needed for this is to add biofertilizer to the soil 2-3 times per season.

In addition, early ripening onions have time to go through all the ripening stages before frost. Thanks to this, he manages to maximize the intake of nutrients from the soil. For planting onions on greens in August, choose winter varieties: Shakespeare, Elan, Kip-Well, Radar. Interestingly, for forcing onion feathers at a later time, spicy varieties are better than others.

The best yields of onion shoots are given by the following varieties: Penza, Spassky local, Bessonovsky, Red Baron, Arzamassky, Strigunovsky, Rostovsky onion and Danilovsky.

Suitable types of onions for pasture feathers:

  • (winter, sandy, Tatar): differs in even leaves;
  • Leek (pearl): The shoots are wide and juicy, similar to the greens of garlic. Gives high yields;
  • Multi-tiered (Egyptian, Canadian): more productive than the onion. Frost-resistant and unpretentious in care;
  • thin long feathers (up to 50 cm), do not harden for a long time. Very productive;
  • Shallots: good yields, greens stay fresh for a long time;
  • early maturing, high productivity. Not afraid of frost, has delicate leaves.

Choosing a landing bow by size

There are three types of onion sets in size.

  1. Onions ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 cm.
  2. The fruit is 1.5 to 3 cm in diameter.
  3. Samples in diameter are more than 3 cm.
  4. Oatmeal less than 1 cm.

For growing feathers in the second harvest, it is recommended to choose seedlings of the second type. Competent gardeners do not plant such a bow at the beginning of summer, as it gives arrows in hot weather. This type of onion is poorly profitable in growing the yield of white bulbs. And for getting onion shoots in the fall season, this category is just perfect.

Features of seedling care

The cultivation of onion shoots in August is particularly influenced by the weather. In late summer, the days get shorter and the nights cooler. This affects both the growth of the root crop and the peculiarities of caring for it.

Note that due to the specific weather in August, the bulbs grow denser than in the middle of summer, so you can apply the following recommendations:

This plant is very demanding on the soil. Therefore, the land must be fed with fertilizers in a timely manner. Never fertilize the soil for planting with fresh manure.

From this, the root crop may not ripen or get sick. If the leaves grow too slowly, feed the onions with mullein solution or bird droppings. Some gardeners advise planting onions with carrots; together, both vegetables cope well with common pests.

Observe from time to time appearance plants. By its appearance, it can itself make it clear that it needs additional care. The first thing you should pay attention to is the growth of shoots. A sluggish stem with strange reddening indicates that the plant is missing something. It may need to be fed with nitrogen.

Signs of a mineral deficiency:

  • the leaves have acquired a grayish tint and become uneven - there is little potassium in the ground;
  • the tips of the leaves have turned black - the plant does not have enough phosphorus. Note that only old shoots are poorly tolerated for the lack of this substance.

Timing of forcing onions for greens

Onions give their first shoots in 10-14 days. The period for forcing onions on a feather lasts 25-30 days. If the leaves grow up to 30-40 cm, remove them.

Please note that the feathers cannot be overexposed in the garden bed. Because of this, not only the aesthetic appearance of the product will deteriorate. Overripe shoots are inferior to fresh ones in quality - they lose their tenderness and may begin to turn yellow. There are no rules about the specific timing of the ripening of feathers. Therefore, when exactly to cut the leaves is up to you.

Onions are a very unpretentious vegetable and at the same time very useful. A fresh crop of green leaves will never be superfluous in any home. Why worry about keeping a single crop of onion feathers when you can plant them again in your garden?

Plant an onion on a feather in August - and you will forget about the extra hassle of harvesting greens, and most importantly - take care of your health. After all, green onions are a real storehouse of nutrients.

Do you still think that getting rid of cardiovascular diseases is impossible?

  • you are often worried about pain and discomfort v chest?
  • it seems to you that the heart is almost "jumping out" of the chest, then freezes for a while ...
  • you have shortness of breath even after minor physical exertion ...
  • headache, bad dream, feelings of weakness and increased fatigue ...
  • in the evening my legs are swollen ...

Plucking a bunch of green onions in early spring is a delight. For the owner of a country house or summer cottage, getting a feather for greenery is easy. A polycarbonate greenhouse will speed up the process.

Dense greens are produced by multi-primordial varieties. Consider the most productive varieties - a multi-primordial variety that gives a large number of pen and popular varieties shallots:


Chipoluccio - early maturing, productive variety shallots. The greens after planting can be cut off after 2-3 weeks. The pen has original pungent taste... Bulb weight up to 50 g. The growing season is 70 days.


Aristocratic - shallots. From one sowing bulb in the nest, from 6 to 12 pieces of new ones are formed, weighing from 50 to 100 g. People call this species a family one.

The variety is early ripening, full-fledged bulbs ripen in 70 days. Cut greens are ready in 4 weeks.

The Aristocratic variety is used to produce greens on an industrial scale.

Old Russian

Old Russian (red, yellow) - a variety of shallots. Produces a powerful, bright green feather with a waxy coating. Seed material is stored well and for a long time (2 years). The variety is resistant to many diseases of bulbous crops. Up to 10 pieces are formed in the nest.

Reproduction is only vegetative, since the arrows are not formed. Gardeners consider this species most cost-effective for forcing greens... Cut shallots are ready 20-30 days after planting.

Lilac ringing

Chive bow Lilac jingle it 7 kg of greens per season from 1 sq.m. soil. The variety is early maturing; when grown in open ground, the cut is carried out after 20 days. Several cuts are carried out over the summer. The variety is frost-resistant.

Studgarten Riesen

Studgarten Riesen is a multi-primordial, high-yield variety with good immunity to most diseases. The productivity of the variety is high.

If there are 4-6 primordia in the seed from 1 sq. m get up to 15 kg of greens.

When is the best time to plant onions on greens outdoors

For home consumption, a turnip for greenery can be planted in open ground at the end of April, provided that the earth has warmed up and its temperature at night and morning is not lower than 12 degrees.

For commercial purposes, turnip greens are grown in a greenhouse. If there is heating there, forcing can be done throughout the year.

The main thing you need to get a pen:

  • high-quality seed;
  • fertile substrate;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • backlight.

A full harvest of green feathers is obtained with 12 hour daylight hours. For cultivation in greenhouses, select varieties with a short dormant period.

With long daylight hours optimum temperature air 18-22 degrees... Yields drop at lower temperatures. With more high temperature air quality decreases.

How to plant sevok correctly

There are proven methods of planting turnip greens. Experienced gardeners successfully apply planting methods:

  • pavement;
  • tape.

In addition to the landing method, it is important choose the right place and prepare fertile soil(substrate) before sowing any variety.

Choosing a place for growing

When choosing a place for planting sevka on greens, take into account the principles of crop rotation.

Plant after crops:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkins;
  • cabbage;
  • a tomato;
  • potatoes.

In the shade, the onion grows poorly, the feather is pale and thin. It is better to arrange ridges in an open, sunny position... During rains, there should be no stagnation of moisture on it.

Competent soil preparation for planting

We prepare a bed for planting in the fall before planting. Determine the acidity of the soil. At high acidity add dolomite flour... Consumption - 50 g-per sq. m. Onions love loose soils with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.

In the fall, for digging, add:

  • Humus ½ bucket;
  • Superphosphate 2 tbsp. l;
  • Potassium chloride 1 tbsp l.

Consumption is indicated per sq. m. Dig up the soil 20 cm with a shovel or walk-behind tractor. In the spring, dig it up again and make urea 10 g-sq. m. 7 days before sowing, water the ridge with solution copper sulfate... Pour 10 liters of water into a watering can and dissolve 20 g of the drug in it.

Planting onions for forcing on a feather

Good greenery growth will provide quality seed.

Bulbs should be stored in a warm room until planting. Before planting seed sevka in the garden, they need to be sorted out. Discard damaged copies. Sort by size. Bulbs give the greatest yield of feathers. from 2 to 4 cm diameter, weighing from 15 to 40 g.

  1. The selected material must be moistened and, within 48 hours, kept in a warm room at an air temperature of 25 degrees.
  2. Quarter length trim off the tops near the bulbs.
  3. Dissolve 30 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 l warm water(35 degrees) dip the bulbs in it for 16 hours.

Approximate consumption of sevka with the bridge method 13 kg per sq.m... The consumption is high, because the bulbs are stuck into the ground tightly to each other. The aisles are not made. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • the landing area is saved;
  • all the forces of the plant go to the formation of the feather.

The bridge method is especially beneficial for growing onions in greenhouses.

The tape method involves formation of furrows at intervals of 10 cm... The bulbs are placed in the grooves tightly to each other or with a small 1-2 cm indent. Furrows are covered with a thin layer of earth (2 cm).

Care rules

The main care of the crop outdoors is in the right watering... In its absence, the feather is bitter and thin. With an excess of the bulbs rot, the harvest suffers.

To maintain the required humidity, take into account the weather and check the soil moisture at a depth of 3 cm. It is roughly recommended to water 2 times a week in the absence of rain.

Water only in the evening. This will eliminate unnecessary heating of the soil. Onions do not like high temperatures.

If the soil is prepared correctly and filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, feeding can be skipped. With the belt planting method, loosen the ground between the rows, remove weeds.

When to harvest green onions

The crop is harvested based on the length of the feather. The entire ridge will have seedlings of the same length if the seeds were sized before planting and the seedlings of the same variety were planted.

For all grades, the requirements for the length of the feather are the same. The size is considered a commodity from 24 to 42 cm... When this length is reached, the feathers are cut for sale or for personal consumption.

You don't need to spend a lot of time and effort to get a feather for greens for home consumption. Before forcing turnips for greens on a large scale, it is worth assessing your capabilities on a small volume. Choose the most productive variety, master the technology for the preparation of planting material and soil. With the right approach, success is guaranteed.

An onion feather is a wonderful decoration for any dish and a storehouse of useful elements. Therefore, there is a demand for all year round... Although the price tag in the store in winter grows incredibly. To be able to harvest the first harvest of onion feathers in March-April, you can plant onions for the winter on greens. And the presence of a greenhouse will allow you to enjoy fresh onions all year round.

Nuances of winter onion planting

Regardless of the variety chosen (it is better to prefer the appropriate planting region), seeds can be sown on the feather, or small onions can be used.

Planting onions for the winter on greens has a special charm due to the fact that the seedlings practically do not shoot. And careful selection of the seed helps keep arrow development to a minimum. There are also special varieties of winter onions that, in principle, do not allow the seedlings to bloom, which greatly increases the yield.

The seed must be carefully disassembled. There should be no heads spoiled by mold or diseases. Such people simply cannot germinate. But on the other hand, they safely contribute to the spread of the infection in the garden.

The garden bed is dug in advance. It is covered with manure or fertilized in another way. Two weeks after planting the onions, you can water the beds with ammonium nitrate solution. The concentration is as follows: in 1 liter. water is diluted with 30 gr. saltpeter.

The planting time for onions before winter should be carefully calibrated. At any time, you can only plant BATUN... The particular resistance to weather conditions of this variety makes it a real leader among others. It germinates quickly enough and gives greens even in the open field from the beginning of May. Also unpretentious and Slime.

Other types of onions depend on weather conditions... The most thermophilic of them need to be planted at the beginning of October in order to root system could strengthen, and some winter-hardy varieties, on the contrary, are sent to the ground in November-December, so that they do not have time to sprout before the onset of frost.

The following varieties are suitable for planting for the winter:

  • Leek (pearl);
  • Shallot;
  • Chives (chives);
  • Multi-tiered (Canadian).

Greenhouse greenery

To harvest all year round, you can equip a heated greenhouse. For forcing onions on a feather, farmers maintain in the region of 25-26 degrees. However, if onions are grown only for themselves, and not for sale, more severe conditions (up to 13-15 o C) are quite suitable. The yield will be lower, but quite acceptable.

Landing family bow before winter on greens is preferable in that it gives quick shoots and is very resistant to temperature extremes. This variety is sown in September for mulching material. If the onion is cut across the shoulders, then all the power will go into the feather, and not into the head. It is important when choosing a family variety to cut off the lower woody part that covers the roots. Otherwise, young roots with minimal watering and low temperatures will not be able to break through.

To spend less money on electric heating, the planted onions are covered with peat or. This will help to further warm up the soil and get faster germination.

Video about an unusual way of growing feather onions in winter

In this video you will learn about the unusual and original way growing onions at home in winter using water eggplants:

All gardeners probably tried to grow onions on their personal plot. It would seem like a pretty straightforward process. However, in reality, in order to get an excellent harvest of this vegetable crop, it is very important to know some agrotechnical subtleties. Let's try to figure out in detail how to plant onions correctly. So let's get started.

Seat selection

When it is very important to remember that you should not plant this vegetable for several years in a row in one place. This is due to the fact that various diseases and pests accumulate in the soil, the earth tends to deplete and lose its fertile properties. That is why, before deciding how to plant onions, it is worth choosing the most suitable place for it. It is recommended that the forerunners of this crop on the ground are cabbage, squash, cucumber, tomato or potato. It should also be borne in mind that onions will not give a good harvest in heavy clay soil, it must be loose, light and fertile.


In the question of how to plant onions, the right one is of great importance.This should be done in the fall: at this time of the year, you need to feed the land with fertilizers. If top dressing was not done during this period, then in the spring, when digging, mineral fertilizers should be added (best with nitrophosphate) or rotted manure and humus.

Immediately after this, it is necessary to start forming the beds, the width and length of which each gardener can determine at his own discretion. The only thing is that it is recommended to leave a distance of at least 20 cm between the rows of onions.

Planting seeds

Onions are grown from seed sets, which are valuable seed material. Also, a good harvest can be obtained from seeds, the planting of which should be thought about a year earlier.

Before starting planting, you need to soak the onion seeds for 7 days at room temperature. In order to speed up this process, you can raise the water temperature to 40 degrees. In this case, it will take only 8 hours to soak the seeds.

Sowing onions, depending on the readiness of the soil and the desired harvest time, can be both spring and autumn. For 1 sq. m of soil, on average, 10 g of seeds are required, which must be covered with a layer of humus, and then mulched with peat or leafy soil.

Planting sevka

How to plant onions on a turnip and get the richest harvest? For this, it is recommended to use sevok as seed material - bulbs small in size (no more than two cm). On the eve of planting, they must be sorted out, all dried and diseased specimens must be removed aside, leaving an exceptionally healthy and strong set. In order to prevent fungal diseases, 2 weeks before the intended planting, the bulbs should be warmed up to a temperature of 42 degrees for eight hours.

Many inexperienced gardeners do not know spring. Sevok is usually planted in early May, when the soil has already warmed up enough. Before planting, it is cut off a little, and after that it is soaked for about a day in water mixed with slurry (for 1 part of water - 6 parts of manure). Onions are planted in prepared grooves, which are sprinkled with humus on top.

How to plant onions on greens

Onion leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In addition, having a pleasant taste, they are an indispensable ingredient in many salads and other dishes. Therefore, many gardeners plant onions specifically to obtain green feathers.

You can grow onions for greens both in the open air and in almost any room. To get an excellent harvest of green onions, you should opt for such varieties as Arzamassky, Pogarsky, Rostovsky.

The rules for planting onions on greens are for the most part similar to those that have already been considered by us. The main difference is that with onions it is necessary to abandon the use of various chemicals to protect and stimulate growth. In order to regrow the leaves and obtain a lush bush of greenery, it is recommended to cut the bulbs slightly just before planting them in the soil.

Care rules

To get a good harvest, it is not enough just to know how to plant onion sets; it is also necessary to provide it with proper care. First of all, in the first 2 weeks, increased attention should be paid to watering the plants. This is due to the fact that it is water that plays a decisive role in the formation of leaves and roots. In order for moisture to penetrate well into the soil, the soil must be loosened after each watering.

It is very important when growing onions to ensure that the topsoil is always in a loose state (4-5 cm deep). Loosening is an effective way of killing weeds that can adversely affect crop development. So, if a vegetable was grown surrounded by weeds, then there is a high probability that the neck of the onion will become juicy, which will lead to the impossibility of storing the resulting crop.

As you grow, you should thin out the onion, and try to do it evenly and so that there is a distance of 8-10 cm between the two plants.

During the growing season, fertilizing of the culture should be carried out, and it is recommended to do this in 3 doses. So, for the first time it is necessary to apply fertilizers when the leaves are still light in color. You can use regular mullein, urea, or bird droppings. After 15 days, a second feeding is required, this time using a nitrophosphate. And the final feeding, using superphosphate, should be done when the bulbs reach a size of 3-4 cm in diameter.

Disease prevention

Timely measures taken to protect plants allow avoiding the occurrence and development of many diseases. So, vitriol treatment effectively saves from fungal infections, which should be carried out when the pen reaches a size of 12 cm. For this purpose, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. liquid soap and 1 tsp. vitriol and spray the green feather with the resulting solution. On average, 1 sq. m of the garden should be spent about ½ liter of funds.

Knowing how to plant onions, as well as following all the recommendations given for caring for this plant, you can get a bountiful harvest.

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