Home perennial flowers Why dream of big gold coins. Dreamed of iron coins. Who gave you coins in a dream

Why dream of big gold coins. Dreamed of iron coins. Who gave you coins in a dream

Coins in a dream are not the most positive image. Most often, he promises bitter tears, severe disappointment, small but burdensome chores. What else is a trifle, popular dream books will tell you.

Why dream of coins according to Miller's dream book

Find small coins on the road - to anxiety and all sorts of troubles. Large coins portend happiness and change for the better. If a stranger pours metal money into the dreamer's palms, then this promises the latter great prospects.

Losing coins in a dream entails trouble in reality. The person who counts the coins is actually frugal and frugal, and the one who counterfeits them can expect legal trouble. See in a dream silver coins- the sign is not very good. Such a vision promises family scandals or quarrels with friends, and gold coins prophesy prosperity and an eventful life.

See coins in a dream. Freud's interpretation

Coins symbolize sex life man and all his secret desires. Anyone who throws fistfuls of metal money is simply overwhelmed with energy and is ready to enter into intimate relationship with anyone he likes.

Receiving coins from someone in a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer lacks either love or sex. Found coins portend sexual relations, full of joyful sensations, and lost - symbolize impotence and frigidity.

Dream coins. Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Only a petty and stingy person counts coins in a dream, but if he gives them to someone, then this portends an unheard-of investment of effort and means to achieve his goal. To receive metal money from a stranger is to pass for a kind and generous person.

To find coins of different denominations somewhere means that you have to take care of own protection, because the enemy does not sleep. To see bent or melted coins in a dream - to poverty and hunger. You may have to lose your fortune due to theft or robbery.

Why dream of coins according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

If the dreamer is busy minting coins, then all his efforts will be in vain, and he will not achieve the desired result. The owner of the coins precious metals they will bring only misfortune, and such a dream portends great joy and happiness to the owner of copper coins.

Small coins symbolize small chores, minor successes, short relationships, and large ones - vice versa. New coins promise quick wealth, while old and worn coins portend the acquisition of valuable experience or the discovery of a great secret.

Why dream of coins according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing countless coins is a wealth that will suddenly fall on the dreamer's head. Anyone who mints coins illegally will lose their inheritance or freedom, and whoever distributes them right and left will face complete poverty and hunger.

Why dream of coins according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Coins made of copper dream of trouble, gold - to the completion of important matters, and silver - to empty chores. To receive metal money from someone - to an addition to the family, and to give - to the success of all enterprises and events. Finding a treasure consisting entirely of gold coins is a great success, and copper pennies clutched in your hand symbolize sadness or grief, from which you will not have to recover soon.

Why dream of gold, silver coins?

Gold coins always dream of respect, which will be won through success in the professional field. But handing over gold coins to the state in a dream is very bad. This portends a loss of trust of colleagues or a loss of a job. The sale of gold coins portends loneliness in old age.

The larger the silver coins seen in a dream, the more happiness will “roll” the dreamer. Small silver coins bad dream, which means that dreams will only remain something beautiful and ephemeral, and if they are still melted or damaged, then losses cannot be avoided.

Antique, old commemorative coins in a dream

Finding a rare coin, a real rarity, means that the bank will approve the loan or someone you know will agree to lend the desired amount. Thanks to this, everything conceived will come true. If you dreamed of old coins, then you should expect a gift that will simply amaze the dreamer's imagination.

Why dream of finding, collecting coins?

When a person finds small coins (penny), then in business he will face large losses. And all because people far from entrepreneurship intervened in their own business. To dig up a treasure or find especially valuable coins somewhere means to be long time in good mood, thanks to which, all problems will be solved easily and “ little blood". Collecting coins in a dream means you will have to worry a lot in reality, but the outcome will be favorable.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of coins

If a piggy bank is dreamed up, in which it is full of coins of various denominations, then there is a chance to get seriously rich. A broken huge piggy bank, from which coins spilled out, is a sign that colossal work will be done, but the return on it will be negligible.

Why do coins dream - dream options

  • small coins - pre-holiday or other pleasant chores;
  • large coins - a serious amendment to the financial situation;
  • iron coins - business success achieved thanks to their own patience;
  • coins in hand - changes for the better;
  • treasure with coins - emotional upsurge and increased efficiency;
  • copper coins - low-paid work;
  • picking up coins from the ground is a chore;
  • coins in the wallet - profit;
  • coins different countries- will have to change the situation;
  • counterfeit coins - all work will go to waste;
  • remelting coins - self-interest or envy;
  • metal ruble - problems that can bring to tears;
  • counting coins - everything will work out if you use hidden reserves;
  • thieves stole a wallet with valuable coins - imminent danger;
  • a chest with gold coins - a wish will come true;
  • monisto - the craving for self-improvement will relieve shortcomings;
  • gold coins received as a gift - the husband will be rich, but greedy;
  • ringing of coins - prosperity;
  • a coin that has gone out of circulation - you need to live in the present, not the past.

Coins new- random wealth; old- chores; mint- to make vain efforts; have gold or silver- misfortune; copper- great happiness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing small coins in a dream- portends pleasant family chores, large old minted coins- to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Smelt coins into metal- a sign of money-grubbing and greed.

Dreamed coin worth one ruble- portends trouble, accompanied by tears. To dream of a piggy bank full of coins- means that you will have excellent prospects to improve your financial position. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank- promise little return with a lot of effort.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Eastern female dream book

Golden coins- dream of prosperity. A girl's dream in which her lover gives her silver coins- warns: in the near future, the chosen one will commit a dishonest act towards her.

If the silver coins are new and shiny, or if you see them very clearly in your dream- you can safely count on the favor of fate.

copper coins- a symbol of despair and hard physical labor. Scattered trifle dreams of tears.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing gold coins in a dream- predicts prosperity and pleasure from sea ​​voyages and sightseeing.

An unfavorable dream in which you see silver coins- it portends the emergence of disagreements in respectable families.

New coins- Numerous troubles and worries.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that your chosen one decided to please you with silver coins, presenting them as a gift- you should beware of such a lover. It is likely that in the very near future he will deceive you.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Fat Coins"

Once upon a time there was a boy who earned his living by cutting firewood.
He cut down old trees, chopped them for firewood and sold them in the city.
This hardly brought him a decent income, and he eked out a rather miserable existence.
He always took a knapsack with him to work, where he put some bread, water and fruit.

Once, when the boy worked for several hard days and received several coins for his work, he put them in a bag, and he fell asleep near a tree.
While the boy was sleeping, he was robbed.
Someone pulled out all the coins from his knapsack.

Of course, he was very sad, because he had nothing to live on.
Many sympathized with him, but no one was in a hurry to help.

It so happened that one judge, who was famous for his non-standard decisions, was passing by the very village where it happened.
People told him about the trouble of the boy, and he volunteered to help.

The judge told his assistant to find big Stone who will be convicted for this cynical theft.
He declared the process open and everyone could come.

Of course, it's all so amused local population that everyone came to see this amazing process.

When the judge publicly sentenced the stone to three years in prison for theft, the whole room laughed.

The judge declared that this laugh was contempt of court and ordered everyone to pay a fine of one coin.
Everyone had to throw their coin into a large bowl of water that stood at the entrance.
All those present followed the instructions of the judge.

At the end, there was only one person left who was very nervous and threw in his coin last.
She left greasy marks on the water.

This was explained by the fact that she was lying in a knapsack with that same boy.
And in the knapsack, in addition to coins, there were also fruits and bread.

The culprit was found and punished.

Why dream of golden coins in a dream from a dream book?

We saw gold coins - according to Felomena's dream book, such a vision portends a prosperous family life, a sharp improvement in well-being. IN real life you will be lucky in all planned transactions.

The darker the color of gold, the harder it will be for you to get success and respect. Seen scratched or bent gold promise huge damage to your business reputation.

What did you do with gold coins in a dream?

Found gold coins in a dream

I dreamed that they found gold coins - such a dream is unambiguously interpreted as a significant increase in your material wealth. Perhaps a rich inheritance awaits you, maybe very valuable gift. Financial support of a wealthy friend is not excluded.

Dreaming about collecting gold coins

We saw in a dream that you were collecting gold coins - this is a warning that unrest, worries in business are expected. When you receive a tempting offer, be sure to accept it despite your fears and doubts. The success and profit of this business are guaranteed.

What are the coins for?

Coins appeared at a time when trade was just beginning to develop, and they could be completely different shapes. Today, many people devote their lives to collecting various coins, while for others it is just a part of their money capital. What can the dream in which you saw coins mean? To answer this question, it is worth using the interpretation.

What are the coins for?

Such a dream can be seen by a person for whom the material question comes first. The dream book reminds you that money is not the main thing at all, and such behavior can cause various problems. Large coins promise to receive insignificant profits in real life. It can also symbolize the opening of promising prospects for you, for example, promotion career ladder or starting your own business. A large number of kopecks - a warning that in order to make a profit, considerable efforts will have to be made.

If you see coins, but cannot take them, this is a hint that you like to exchange small things. It's time to choose one path and reach the goal.

Why dream of gold coins?

If you hold such coins in your hand, it means that in the near future your financial situation will change for the better, and the transactions that were planned will end successfully. You found gold coins - this is a sign of huge profits or a valuable present, which will significantly improve your financial situation.

Why do old coins dream?

Collectible coins will tell you that you can find the missing money and finally fulfill your ideas and dreams. Another dream portends receiving unusual gift, and its cost will be completely unimportant, for example, it can be a talisman or interesting book. Coins that are no longer in use symbolize that it is time for you to leave the past behind and start a new life.

Why dream of collecting coins?

Such a dream is a warning of possible unrest, but do not worry, everything will end well and beneficially for you. Another dream can symbolize an improvement in financial situation. Collecting coins in a hat means you will be able to bring one of your ideas to life and get rewarded for it.

Why dream of small coins?

In this case, sleep promises a lot of trouble and anxiety. It can also be a reminder that by adding small pennies you can get a large amount.

Dream Interpretation Coin

Why does the Coin dream in a dream from a dream book?

Why do coins dream in a dream? Soon there will be changes in family life that will be related to your well-being. New shiny coins promise a happy family life.

A trifle in a dream is a symbol of minor troubles. Strangers will interfere in business. Such interference will bring you a lot of inconvenience, it is better to bypass such "well-wishers".

Scattered small pennies on the table or on the floor - to unexpected tears and anxiety. Beware of scandals, as well as noisy quarrels, avoid all conflict situations in the family, at work, in in public places.

From what material did you see coins in a dream?

Dreamed of iron coins

Why dream of iron coins? The interpretation of such a dream is that in this moment you need to gain strength and patience and wait for a more favorable period for starting new things. Do not live with old troubles, forward to a new life!

Copper coins in a dream

If you look at copper coins in a dream, the dream book warns that this moment is not very favorable for your well-being. Hard physical labor will not live up to your expectations, and meager earnings are unlikely to solve material problems.

How unique did you dream about coins?

Dreamed of commemorative coins

The dream in which they saw new commemorative coins indicates that the time has finally come to completely change the environment, lifestyle, possibly work and place of residence. In your new life you will find success and good luck.

We saw foreign coins in a dream

If you dream of foreign coins, an unplanned trip abroad or an unexpected trip around the country will bring you a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions.

Dreaming of rare coins

I dreamed of rare collectible coins - the interpretation of such a vision boils down to the fact that your relationship with your loved one is built on a very strong mutual attraction and emotional attachment, which both of you greatly value.

What size coins did you dream about?

Big coin in a dream

We saw a big coin - the dream book interprets this dream as unexpected wealth, an unexpected promotion. Moreover, the larger and newer the coin, the more favorable period comes for financial investments and start your business.

What did you do with coins in a dream?

Count coins in a dream

Counting coins - according to Felomena's dream book, this is a reminder of the need to keep a record of each ruble, and that money loves an account and those who can do it. Thanks to these qualities, success in financial affairs will always accompany you.

Give coins in a dream

If you dreamed that you were giving away coins, this is good sign. By handing out money in a dream, you increase your chance of fulfilling the most cherished desire in the real life. Especially if your desire is not material and cannot be purchased for money.

How many coins did you see in a dream?

Dreamed a lot of money

Seeing a lot of small money in a dream is an unpleasant sign. In the near future, you will have to work hard physically, having only the most necessary. If you hold a lot of little things in your hand, poverty and a hopeless situation await you.

To see a piggy bank that is filled to the top with money - on the contrary, portends you good luck and a great opportunity to improve your financial situation, thanks to newly opened prospects.

What denomination coins did you see in a dream?

We saw 10 rubles in a dream

A dream in which you see golden 10 rubles suggests a sudden promotion, success in a new place and, as a result, gaining respect from colleagues. Golden royal chervonets in a dream is a sign of good luck, success in business or in the workplace.

Who gave you coins in a dream?

I dreamed that the dead man gives coins

If you dream that the deceased gives money in the form of coins, you should pay attention to what kind of person he was during his lifetime. Get money from good man promises sudden profit or wealth. Otherwise, along with the money, you can get serious problems.

Received gold or large paper money from the deceased - this is a sign of good prosperity, which is expected in the near future. If it was a trifle or old banknotes - on the contrary, serious material problems, big losses await you.

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book

Golden coins

Dream Interpretation Gold Coins had a dream about why Gold coins dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing a dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Gold coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Gold Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Dream Interpretation - Gold

gold coin

Dream Interpretation Gold Coin had a dream about why the Golden Coin is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Golden Coin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can fulfill your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. discover treasure old coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency. A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true. Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings. To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man. To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity. To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work. Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone. Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in the fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income. To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold Coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. Extra for a woman Prostitution or cheating in love (idiom: "worship of the golden calf").

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver - failure, squabbles, family strife; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to heavy physical labor; nickel - you have to do a job of a rather low quality; Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hidden by silver ones. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

I dreamed of a shiny coin - to problems, a small benefit is possible. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Old coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins - numerous chores and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) To see golden dishes in a dream, eat or drink from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. goldfish to catch or hold in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered gold mine, - it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult, but honorable business. To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your own Lucky case. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. gold chain means that you will make good use of your free time, a golden medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a golden necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one. Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art. To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - they are waiting for you big changes. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with well-known phrases: “Not everything that glitters is gold” (the external impression can be deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon if you have lost wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from a loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of a frank self-interested desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become a reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You melt gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - get news that will help you achieve what you want. Carry gold in a handful - to a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will save you from sadness and loneliness. Find gold - become the keeper of a secret that will turn your life upside down. There is gold - promotion. Meet a goldsmith - avoid scams. Golden rain - get an inheritance. Wear gold - avoid dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to the wedding. Opened a gold mine - the search for a new job will be completed advantageous offer. Wash the golden sand - your diligence and diligence will bring tangible success. You are working in a gold mine - glory and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly as possible and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Find a lot of coins

Dream Interpretation Find a lot of coins dreamed of why in a dream Find a lot of coins? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find a lot of coins by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can fulfill your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency. A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true. Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings. To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man. To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity. To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work. Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone. Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in the fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income. To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver - failure, squabbles, family strife; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do a job of a rather low quality; Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hidden by silver ones. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

I dreamed of a shiny coin - to problems, a small benefit is possible. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Old coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins - numerous chores and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If the money appears to you in the form of coins or (bargaining) little things, then the time has come for a change. If you find money: this means that your financial situation should improve. This sign may be a warning to pay more attention to your financial affairs, at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Find

Finding something is profit. Find a horseshoe or key - fortunately, problem solving.

find gold coins

Dream Interpretation Coins find gold had a dream, why do you dream of finding gold coins in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see coins in a dream to find gold by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can fulfill your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency. A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true. Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings. To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man. To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity. To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work. Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone. Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in the fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income. To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold Coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. Extra for a woman Prostitution or cheating in love (idiom: "worship of the golden calf").

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver - failure, squabbles, family strife; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do a job of a rather low quality; Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will use your free time, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one. Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art. To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hidden by silver ones. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

I dreamed of a shiny coin - to problems, a small benefit is possible. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Old coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins - numerous chores and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) To see golden dishes in a dream, eat or drink from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. To catch or hold a goldfish in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with well-known phrases: “Not everything that glitters is gold” (the external impression can be deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon, if you lost your wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from your loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of a frank self-interested desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become a reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You melt gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - get news that will help you achieve what you want. Carry gold in a handful - to a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will save you from sadness and loneliness. Find gold - become the keeper of a secret that will turn your life upside down. There is gold - promotion. Meet a goldsmith - avoid scams. Golden rain - get an inheritance. Wear gold - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to the wedding. We opened a gold mine - the search for a new job will end with a profitable offer. Wash the golden sand - your diligence and diligence will bring tangible success. You are working in a gold mine - glory and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly as possible and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

find gold coins

Dream Interpretation Find Gold Coins dreamed of why in a dream to find gold coins? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to find Gold Coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can fulfill your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency. A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true. Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings. To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man. To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity. To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work. Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone. Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in the fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income. To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold Coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. Extra for a woman Prostitution or cheating in love (idiom: "worship of the golden calf").

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver - failure, squabbles, family strife; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do a job of a rather low quality; Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will use your free time, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one. Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring a lot of income after a while. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art. To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hidden by silver ones. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

I dreamed of a shiny coin - to problems, a small benefit is possible. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Old coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins - numerous chores and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) To see golden dishes in a dream, eat or drink from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to get rich easily. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. To catch or hold a goldfish in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with well-known phrases: “Not everything that glitters is gold” (the external impression can be deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon, if you lost your wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from your loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of a frank self-interested desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become a reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You melt gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - get news that will help you achieve what you want. Carry gold in a handful - to a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will save you from sadness and loneliness. Find gold - become the keeper of a secret that will turn your life upside down. There is gold - promotion. Meet a goldsmith - avoid scams. Golden rain - get an inheritance. Wear gold - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to the wedding. We opened a gold mine - the search for a new job will end with a profitable offer. Wash the golden sand - your diligence and diligence will bring tangible success. You are working in a gold mine - glory and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly as possible and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Find old coins

Dream interpretation Find old coins dreamed of why in a dream Find old coins? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find old coins by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can fulfill your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency. A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true. Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings. To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man. To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity. To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work. Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone. Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in the fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income. To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Old coins

Gain wisdom, valuable experience; know the secret.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver - failure, squabbles, family strife; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do a job of a rather low quality; Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hidden by silver ones. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

I dreamed of a shiny coin - to problems, a small benefit is possible. Old coins - to an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Old coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins - numerous chores and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - Seeing - for fun. Find - to spending on entertainment. Lose - you are waiting for small incomes.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - new - random wealth - old - chores - to mint - to make vain efforts - to have gold or silver - misfortune - copper - great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Antiques

Buying old things - a dream means success in financial affairs. Add your own energy to this positive symbol (for example, imagine your photo in an antique frame on an old bureau).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

To the disease - the larger and more significant in terms of its monetary value the coin, the more dangerous and serious the disease.

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient minting - to receive unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed.

A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort.

If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones.

Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true.

Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings.

To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man.

To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity.

To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work.

Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone.

Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true.

Melted in the fire, they portend losses.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income.
To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Gold coins in a dream can arouse the dreamer's genuine interest in such a dream. It happens that even after waking up, the feeling that was in a dream persists for some time. In such episodes, all the subtleties of sleep and images from it are clearly remembered. However, it is not possible to deal with such dreams on your own. Therefore, it is recommended to look into dream books and find out what gold coins dream of.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Gold coins in a dream portend the dreamer success in the financial field, a financially secure life and happy family who won't need anything. Also, fortune will be near you, so you can successfully conduct your business and conclude successful deals. Take in such periods of life to the fullest in order to provide for yourself and your family for many years to come.

If gold items are darkened in a dream, then in reality it will be difficult for you on the path to achieving goals and success. The darker the coins, the more difficult the benefits will be given. But still, in the end, you will take possession of them.

If in a dream you see deformed or damaged gold coins, then get ready for the fall of your authority in real life. Try not to worry too much, but find the strength in yourself to cope with this and regain the lost respect.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller gold coin in a dream prophesies to the dreamer trips to countries, a successful period in life and pleasure. At such moments, you want to live to the fullest, and enjoy every moment.

But silver coins prophesy strife, troubles, family misfortune and difficulties with the second half.

A copper coin in a dream predicts the dreamer an upcoming difficult physical work, which will have to be performed. It will be very difficult, but it cannot be avoided.

Modern dream book

A gold coin in a dream prophesies to the dreamer a journey by sea, which will be his joy. A waking dreamer will be able to see many beautiful and historically significant places, capture them, and enjoy these days of rest.

A nickel coin in dreams promises the dreamer unpleasant things that he will have to do in reality. You have to endure this unpleasant moment in life.

Freud's dream book

If a person counts gold coins in a dream, then in reality he is a rather greedy person. If he gives them to someone in a dream, then this is a sign that he will soon have to make titanic efforts to realize his plan. If you found coins in a dream, then you should think about safety, because the enemy is just waiting to attack you. Be alert.

Deformed or melted coins in dreams promise the dreamer only poverty and lack of food. Probably, due to deception, you will have to lose everything that the dreamer has. You need to be very careful that this does not happen in reality.

Interpretation of Hasse's dream book

If you look at coins (gold or simple) in a dream, then in life you will have to resist something strongly. It will probably be difficult for you to resist the circumstances.

To mint coins in a dream portends the dreamer not to fulfill his plan. No matter how hard he tries, there is no chance to realize certain ideas in the future.

In general, according to Hasse, gold and silver coins dream of a person for difficulties and problems in real life.

Coppers in dreams are interpreted as a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation "Master of Dreams"

Gold coins in a dream carry a negative meaning. So, according to the interpretation this dream book, the dreamer in reality after such a dream can expect: poverty, separation, trouble, betrayal, unjustified hopes in family life, etc.

Old coins in a dream say that the dreamer will gain the necessary invaluable experience that will help him in life. Also, a person after such a dream has a chance to gain wisdom and know the secrets of life.

Small coins in a dream mean that a person will have work, minor chores and little luck in life.

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