Home Useful Tips Patriarch of all Russia Kirill. Other generous gifts. Patriarch Kirill and Yaponchik

Patriarch of all Russia Kirill. Other generous gifts. Patriarch Kirill and Yaponchik

The Pope has already given up the cross,
and Patriarch Kirill improved it!

Earlier we have already noticed the strange gesture of Pope Francis ... who replaced his Cross with Jesus ... with a certain shepherd of the HERD (cattle?)

However, an equally “strange” fact from the biography of Patriarch Kirill became known - it turns out that his mother had the maiden name Vekselman! And this means that our patriarch from the Russian Orthodox Church ... is a halachic Jew (!) Well, that explains a lot then (his servile "meeting" with Pope Francis, in particular!) ... as well as an "improved" cross on The head of the patriarch, as well as a lack of general education and a MORE THAN STRANGE attraction to ecumenism.

Quote: “... Let us at least remember the speech of September 21, 2010 by Metropolitan Kirill - Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, who publicly called the Slavs beasts. And this becomes clear and understandable if you know the maiden name of Kirill's mother - Vekselman. Everything comes primarily from the human gene pool. If a person is by nature a half-beast, he will behave accordingly ... "

Vladimir Gundyaev - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church (Stages of the Great Way!)

1) BEFORE you start your church activities graduated from eight classes high school. He also dabbled in geology - from 1962 he worked as a technician-cartographer in the Leningrad Geological Expedition. After three years of fruitful work, he entered the theological seminary, and upon graduation - the theological academy of the city of Leningrad.

In 1969, Vladimir was tonsured a monk and named Cyril. A year later, he graduated with honors from the academy with a Ph.D. in theology. In 1971, Hieromonk Kirill was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. A great achievement on his path was the appointment of Kirill as the representative of the Moscow Patriarch in Geneva, where the World Council of Churches is being held. (more than a strange and dizzying career in 2 years from a simple monk to an archimandrite !!!)

One of the first scandals that arose with the mention of the name of Metropolitan Kirill was the case of the use of tax incentives for the import of alcohol and tobacco products in the early 90s. " New newspaper"An article was published that spoke about the personal interest of the Metropolitan in transactions for the import of excisable goods. However, the absolute majority of religious leaders said that this was nothing more than a provocation; a planned campaign that aims to tarnish the name of an honest person.

Metropolitan Kirill was also accused of having links with the KGB. In 2003 the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin received a letter directly stating that Kirill is a KGB agent. The letter was written by a priest of the Moscow Helsinki Group, but his provocation did not bring any results.

In 2012, a new scandal arose with the name of Patriarch Kirill related to the apartment he owned. Registered with the Patriarch of his second cousin filed a lawsuit against a neighbor for what, according to her, the building dust from his apartment contained harmful substances and was hazardous to health. The total amount of damage was about 20 million rubles. The Patriarch himself, in response to delicate questions about the vow of non-covetousness replied that he personally had nothing to do with his sister's claim. He considers all the noise raised on this issue aimed at undermining his authority and humiliating the ROC as a whole.

There are very strict canons and laws in the church, to break which means to put oneself both outside the church and outside of Christ.

However, these canons are quite calmly violated by the last two "patriarchs", both by the departed Ridiger and by the scandalous and odious Gundyaev.

The Orthodox shrug their shoulders, but ..... they are amicably silent.

Only recently did a part of the priesthood come out against ecumenism, which has been developing in the ROC since the 1960s.

Few know that the spiritual teacher of Gundyaev was the blue Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov), ​​who died as an ardent heretic at the feet of the Pope.
This is the same Nicodemus, to whom one saint predicted during his lifetime: "You will die like a dog at the feet of the Pope."
This is how she is now - the "Russian Church" ........

Not so long ago, the Izhevsk priests came out against the ecumenists (only against the ecumenists).

Gundyaev and his clique were "excommunicated", and as in the USSR, all this flock of the false patriarch rallied together around their "great master" the heretic Gundyaev and raised a friendly bark, drool began to flow, red eyes lit up, vigorously claws and tails with teeth in cassocks scratching the ground.
Stinks thickly of sulfur, feces and smoke.
The heirs of communism went berserk all over the place.

This whole pack of post-communist dogs felt that thrones were reeling under them, which threatened to lose huge money of rich false bishops and priests in the MP.
"Mercedes" and "Bentleys" in the palaces of these monks lurked in horror.

These are not beggar rural priests from some unknown Udmurtia.
The well-fed does not understand the hungry - in Moscow, its troubles, ham, parmesan, moth in fur storages, small pearls, risotto and kohlrabi with Roquefort are not the same ...

Blessed are those cast out for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven - so said the Lord Himself.

If we look at other sins of the mortals of Gundyaev and others like that, we will see that the Russian Orthodox Church has long been gone.

It is not surprising - what a Russian church can be under the foreign regime of Putin's foreigners in the Kremlin!

Gundyaev accepts a golden apple from the hands of a New York rabbi

St. Apostle

62. If any of the clergy, fearing a person, a Jew, or a Hellene, or a heretic, denies the name of Christ: let him be rejected from the church.

65. If any of the clergy or a layman enters a Jewish or heretical synagogue to pray: let it be cast out of the sacred rite and excommunicated from the church.

70. If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, or in general from the list of clergy, fasts with the Jews, or celebrates with them, or receives from them the gifts of their feasts, such as unleavened bread or something similar: let him be cast out. If he is a layman, let him be excommunicated.

Gundyaev in the Moscow synagogue

Saint Anthony the Great (+358): “The time will come, my children, when the monks will leave the deserts, and instead will flow to the rich cities, where instead of these deserted caves and cramped cells proud buildings will be erected that can argue with the chambers of the kings; instead of poverty, love for gathering wealth will grow; humility will be replaced by pride; many will be proud of knowledge, but naked, alien to good deeds that correspond to knowledge; love will grow cold; instead of abstinence, gluttony will multiply, and very many of them will care for luxurious meals no less than the laity themselves, from whom the monks will not differ in anything else, like a dress and a headpiece, and, despite the fact that they will live among the laity, they will call themselves solitary ... Moreover, they will be magnified, saying: I am Pavlov, I am Apollosov, as if the whole strength of their monasticism lies in the dignity of their predecessors; they will be magnified by their fathers, as the Jews were by their father Abraham. But at that time there will also be those who will turn out to be much better and more perfect than us; for happier is the one who could have transgressed, and did not transgress, and do evil, and did not do, than the one who was attracted to good by a mass of zealots striving for it. "

Saint Niphon of Constantinople (XV century): “In the last time those who will truly serve God, will safely hide themselves from people and will not perform signs and wonders among them, as at present, but will follow the path of doing, dissolved in humility, and in the Kingdom There will be more Heavenly Fathers who are glorified by signs. My son! Until the end of the century, the saints will not become scarce! But in last years they will hide from people and will please God in such humility of mind that they will appear in the Kingdom of Heaven above the first miraculous fathers. And such a reward will be to them for the fact that in those days there will be no one in their eyes who would work miracles, and people themselves will perceive the zeal and fear of God in their hearts, for at that time the hierarchical order will not be skillful and will not become love wisdom and reason, but will only care about self-interest. Monks will be similar to them from the possession of large estates; from vain glory, their souls will be darkened, and they will despise those who love God with all their hearts. The love of money will reign in them with all its might. But woe to the monks who love gold: they will not see the Face of God! The black man and the white man, who give gold in growth, if they do not soon lag behind this evil, will be called covetous here too, and their prayer will not be accepted, and fasting is useless, and an offering of sacrifice to God, and alms - all will be imputed to them as an abomination and desecration. They will follow a broad path ... But I do not want to talk a lot about them. For I myself, from youth to old age, did not care about my salvation. Know, then, that all malice will increase from ignorance of the Scriptures. "

Kirill Gundyaev, Metropolitan

Smolensk and Kaliningrad:

little-known biography pages.

Our hero, in the world, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, was born on November 20, 1946 in the family of a priest in Leningrad, where, after graduating from high school, he entered the first class of the Leningrad Theological Seminary, which he graduated in 1967. Immediately entered the first year of the Leningrad Theological Academy (LDA), actively participating in public life Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Two years later, Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Ladoga was tonsured into monasticism and immediately ordained a hierodeacon, and a little later - a hieromonk. At the age of 23 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Academy of Sciences and a year later received the degree of Candidate of Theology. Abandoned by a professorship, teacher of dogmatic theology and assistant inspector of the LDA. In 1970 he became the personal secretary of Metropolitan Nikodim and actively travels around the world, inCarrying out various foreign policy assignments of the Patriarchate.

And here is his first star date- December 26, 1974, when at the age of 28 he was appointedpresentation of Vladyka Nikodim by the rector of the LDA and the seminary. In those years I myself was a blue-eyed, provincial seminarian who entered there after the army, and, as my comrades said, I had a naturally athletic figure and a shock blond hair on the head. Once meeting me in the corridor, Fr. Kirill began to ask how I was living in the hostel and if there were any complaints. Upon learning that everything was in order, he told me to go to his office at 19:00. Exactly minute by minute I was at his door, but I noticed that the secretary was no longer there, and the rector was waiting for me behind the ajar door of his office. He took from the safe a bottle of French Napoleon cognac and a plate of black caviar, inviting me to join the God-given meal. Imagine what a luxury it was in hard-to-find Soviet times, and therefore it is clear that my spirit caught! When we were halfway through the bottle, he told me to undress, so he wants to make sure I didn't lose weight on the seminar scholarship. From my surprise reproductive organ shrank into a ball in the "half past six" position, but Fr. Cyril approached me, fell, as if in front of the Holy Icon, on his knees, and began to kiss him earnestly. Soon he achieved what he wanted and with obvious pleasure swallowed my seed. Then he asked him to do the same, and I, overcoming disgust through inexperience, helped him to reach orgasm. Having straightened his suit and finished his brandy, Fr. Kirill said that a lot can be achieved with "this" in our environment, adding that he owes his position to Fr. Nicodemus, to whom he also rendered, as a trusted secretary, numerous delicate and intimate services. Later, I learned from many other seminarians that they also visited the rector under similar circumstances, and they all noted what tender and quivering lips Father Rector had.

But then Vladyka Nikodim dies, and the new Metropolitan Anthony does not welcome same-sex relationships and tries to expel Fr. Cyril from Leningrad, having arranged for him in 1984 a "promotion" to the Smolensk archbishop's chair. But nothing is eternal under the moon, and even the patriarchs are mortal, and therefore soon Fr. Cyril moves to Moscow, where his second stardom comes, when, by the Decree of the Holy Synod on November 14, 1989, he was appointed Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations and a permanent member of the Holy Synod, and two years later he became Metropolitan. He is 45 years old and full of strength and commercial aspirations, but here, quite conveniently, the country collapsed and the market economy began to gain momentum. During these years, through the Department of External Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by Vladyka Kirill, instead of humanitarian and charitable assistance, duty-free cigarettes and alcohol poured into the country under a license issued in advance (for which he received the nickname "tobacco metropolitan"). Gundyaev becomes the richest hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, a billionaire, the owner of luxurious mansions abroad, a member of the board of directors of the Peresvet Bank, counting goods and money from Monday to Friday, and Sundays with clear, radiant eyes, reading spiritual instructions to lost Russians on central TV channels.

And with all his exorbitant wealth, he does not hesitate to "trifles" when going tosome in South Africa with a short follow-up visit to see how the construction work in the five-domed church of the Russian Orthodox Church is going on with multimillion-dollar grants from Gazprom, graciously "allowed" to pay all travel expenses for almost 80 thousand dollars from the grant funds.

But now his ambitious aspirations are directed to the patriarchal throne, which, however, can be greatly hindered by the numerous sins of his youth, which are well known to his colleagues, but who try not to touch upon issues of same-sex love, nBecause "on the thief and the hat is on fire." However, about. Kirill at every convenient and uncomfortablecase exaggerates this topic, speaking of "damage to the God-given nature of man." Even speaking recently on television about the reunification of the churches, he went completely off topic three times on the mortal sin of Sodom.

There was everything in the history of the Fatherland, but that a super-rich man, an unscrupulous businessman and an obvious sodomite - in the Patriarchs of Holy Russia! This, God knows, has not yet happened.

C seminarist.

Name: Patriarch Kirill

Age: 71 years

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Height: 178 cm

The weight: 92 kg

Activity: Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Family status: not married

Patriarch Kirill - biography

A person who managed to draw the attention of the state to the immutable laws of Orthodoxy, to awaken faith in the hearts of modern Christians. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia is the one who inherited from the previous leaders of the church not only love for one's neighbor and boundless faith in the purity of the thoughts of believers in Christ. He has acquired justice and determination in dealing with many issues.

Childhood, the family of Patriarch Kirill

The Patriarch was born in St. Petersburg in the family of a priest. Then he was just Vladimir Gundyaev. His mother taught German at school, and his father received the rank of priest. My grandfather stayed in the Solovetsky camp for almost thirty years. He spoke out against the policy that proposed the renewal of churches. Volodya's father was at first a simple factory mechanic. The family firmly believed in God, knew the Bible. Gundyaev senior graduated from the Higher Theological Courses, was exiled for three years to the Kolyma for a disloyal attitude towards the existing government.

Mikhail Vasilyevich began his service as a deacon in a church on Vasilievsky Island. The biography of the grandson and son was obvious. After eight classes of a regular school, Vladimir studied at the theological seminary in Leningrad, and then at the theological academy. Then he was tonsured a monk, then he got his current name. Kirill graduated from the Theological Academy with honors; he has a PhD in Theology. Now he has reached the top, and now he is the first Patriarch born in the USSR. The usual biography of a priest who rose to such a high rank. Only Patriarch Kirill is not an ordinary person.

The Patriarch's hard work

There is incredible work behind the meteoric rise in career. Cyril was noticed already in the first year after the monastic tonsure. There was a guiding streak in him and the ability to lead. Therefore, he became the representative of the Moscow Patriarchate when the World Council of Churches met in Geneva.

A little later, he was appointed rector of the theological seminary and entrusted with heading the Council of the Diocese of the Metropolitanate of Leningrad. Then came the rank of bishop, and the appointments became more significant. As a permanent member of the Synod, he began to develop laws on freedom in religion.

Collapse of the Soviet Union

In the most terrible moments for the country, Kirill adhered to a policy of peacekeeping. Has earned respect from the people for the desire to preserve and strengthen peace. It is to him that the reunification of Orthodox Christians in Russia and abroad belongs, and the Vatican began to treat the Russian Orthodox Church kindly. Thanks to his enormous educational activities, he managed to establish close cooperation with the government of the Russian Federation.

Patriarchal throne

Before the appointment of Metropolitan Kirill, the post of Patriarch was headed by Alexy II. After his death, he was elected by vote with big amount voices of the new leader. The heads of state Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, and the wife of ex-President Naina Yeltsin, who came to Kirill's enthronement, expressed their hope for fruitful cooperation and mutual understanding with the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarch communicates a lot with Russian rulers and businessmen, and strengthens the position of the Russian Church. Much happens abroad, where he demonstrates wide erudition and intelligence.

Non-scandalous scandalous personality

Kirill is supported by many residents of Russia and abroad. The Patriarch is constantly accused of something. He was credited with a huge billionaire fortune, the organization of the import of tobacco and alcohol into the country. And without hesitation, they named yachts and airplanes among all kinds of expensive substances. They accused him of squandering the money of the diocese. It is difficult to withstand such attacks and to constantly fight back. But Patriarch Kirill adequately, without trying to participate in scandals, gives explanations and gives evidence of the falsehood of all rumors. The priest calls everyone to ensure that people turn to God and receive spiritual healing.

Patriarch Kirill - biography of personal life

Church laws prohibit the Patriarch from having a family in the world. He must humbly offer all his love to God. The children whom he must love as his own are the parishioners of his parish. The main concern of the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church: charity and care for those who do not have parents. Politics takes Kirill a lot of time now, as the world still cannot find peace. Educational activity brings true joy and delight to the Patriarch of All Russia.

Date of Birth: November 20, 1946 Country: Russia Biography:

His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Kirill (in the world Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev) was born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad.

Father - Gundyaev Mikhail Vasilievich, priest, died in 1974. Mother - Gundyaeva Raisa Vladimirovna, teacher German language at school, in recent years a housewife, died in 1984. The elder brother is Archpriest Nikolai Gundyaev, professor, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Grandfather - Priest Vasily Stepanovich Gundyaev, a prisoner of Solovkov, for church activity and the struggle against renovationism in the 20s, 30s and 40s. XX century subjected to imprisonment and exile.

After graduating from the 8th grade of secondary school, Vladimir Gundyaev went to work in the Leningrad Integrated Geological Expedition of the North-Western Geological Department, where he worked from 1962 to 1965 as a cartographer technician, combining work with education in secondary school.

After graduating from high school in 1965, he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and then the Leningrad Theological Academy, from which he graduated with honors in 1970.

As chairman of the DECR, he visited all Local Orthodox Churches as part of official delegations, including accompanying them on their trips abroad.

As the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, he officially visited the Local Orthodox Churches: Constantinople (2009), Alexandria (2010), Antioch (2011), Jerusalem (2012), Bulgarian (2012), Cyprus (2012 g.), Polish (2012), Hellas (2013).

Inter-Christian relations and cooperation

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill took part in the work of inter-Christian organizations. As a delegate participated in IV (Uppsala, Sweden, 1968), V (Nairobi, Kenya, 1975), VI (Vancouver, Canada, 1983) and VII (Canberra, Australia, 1991) General Assemblies of the WCC and as a guest of honor at the IX General Assembly of the WCC (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2006); in the World Missionary Conference "Salvation Today" (Bangkok, 1973); President of the World Conference "Faith, Science and the Future" (Boston, 1979) and the World Conference "Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation" (Seoul, 1990); participated in the assemblies of the commission "Faith and Order" of the WCC in Accra (Ghana, 1974), in Lima (Peru, 1982), in Budapest (Hungary, 1989). He was the main speaker at the World Missionary Conference in San Salvador, Brazil, in November 1996.

He was a delegate to the XI General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches (Stirling, Scotland, 1986) and the XII General Assembly of the CEC (Prague, 1992), as well as one of the main speakers at the European Assembly of the CEC "Peace and Justice" (Basel, 6- May 21, 1989).

Participated in the Second European Assembly of CEC in Graz, Austria (23-29 June 1997) and the Third in Sibiu, Romania (5-9 September 2007).

He took part in four rounds of bilateral interviews between theologians of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches (Leningrad, 1967, Bari, Italy, 1969, Zagorsk, 1972, Trento, Italy, 1975).

Since 1977 - Secretary of the International Technical Commission for the Preparation of Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Since 1980 - member of the International Theological Commission for Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue. In this capacity, he took part in four plenary sessions of this commission: (Patmos-Rhodes, Greece, 1980; Munich, Germany, 1982; Crete, 1984; Valaam, Finland, 1988) and in the work of its Coordination committee.

He was a co-chairman of the second round of the Orthodox-Reformed dialogue (Debrecen II) in 1976 in Leningrad and a participant in the Evangelical Kirchentags in Wittenberg (GDR, 1983) in Dortmund (1991) in Hamburg (1995).

Participant of the dialogue with the delegation of the Old Catholic Church in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Rotterdam-Petersburg Commission, Moscow, 1996.

As chairman of the DECR, on behalf of the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, he took part in contacts with the Churches of the USA, Japan, East Germany, Germany, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, France, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ethiopia, Australia, New Zealand, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, Jamaica, Canada, Congo, Zaire, Argentina, Chile, Cyprus, China, South Africa, Greece.

As the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, he held a number of meetings with the heads and representatives of heterodox Churches and Christian organizations.

In 2012, it was signed by the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Chairman of the Polish Catholic Episcopal Conference.

Participation in the Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church

He was a member of the Local Jubilee Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (June 1988, Zagorsk), chairman of its Editorial Commission and the author of the draft Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted by the Jubilee Council.

He was a member of the Council of Bishops dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the restoration of the Patriarchate (October 1989) and the extraordinary Council of Bishops on January 30-31, 1990, as well as the Local Council on June 6-10, 1990, of the Council of Bishops on October 25-26, 1991. ; March 31 - April 4, 1992; June 11, 1992; November 29 - December 2, 1994; February 18-23, 1997; August 13-16, 2000; October 3-6, 2004, June 24-29, 2008

He chaired the Bishops' Councils (2009, 2011, 2013) and Local Councils (2009), and at the other said Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church he was the chairman of the Editorial Commission.

As the chairman of the DECR, he made reports on the work of the DECR. On Jubilee Cathedral 2000 as chairman of the respective Synodal The Working Group and the Synodal Commission presented the Fundamentals social concept Of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church.

At the Council of Bishops on October 3-6, 2004, he also delivered a report "On relations with the Russian Church Abroad and the Old Believers."

Administration of the Smolensk-Kaliningrad Diocese (1984-2009)

During the stay of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the Smolensk-Kaliningrad cathedra, 166 parishes were opened (94 in Smolensk and the region, 72 in Kaliningrad and the region). 52 Orthodox churches have been restored and 71 newly built.

In 1989, the Smolensk Theological School was opened, which was transformed in 1995 into the Smolensk Theological Seminary.

Since 1998, the Interdiocesan Theological School has been operating, training church choir directors, catechists, icon painters and sisters of mercy. Most parishes of the diocese have Sunday schools. There are Orthodox grammar schools and kindergartens.

Since 1992, the teaching of Fundamentals has been conducted. Orthodox culture in public schools in the Smolensk and Kaliningrad regions.

Work as chairman of the DECR (1989-2009)

Represented the Russian Orthodox Church in the commissions for the development of the USSR Law "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations" of October 1, 1990, the RSFSR Law "On freedom of religion" of October 25, 1990 and Federal law Of the Russian Federation "On freedom of conscience and on religious associations" dated September 26, 1997 No.

As chairman of the DECR, he took part in many international public and peacekeeping initiatives.

He took part in the development of the church position and peacekeeping actions during the events of August 1991 and October 1993.

He was one of the initiators of the creation of the World Russian People's Council in 1993. He took part and delivered key reports at the Councils (1993-2008). Since his election to the Patriarchal See, he has been the chairman of the ARNS (since 2009).

As the chairman of the Commission of the Holy Synod for the revival of religious and moral education and charity, he initiated the creation of synodal departments for religious education, social service and charity, for interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies. He was the author of the Concept for the revival of charity and religious education adopted by the Holy Synod on January 30, 1991.

Developed and submitted for approval to the Holy Synod the "Concept of Interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armed Forces" in 1994.

1996 to 2000 - supervised the development and presented to the Jubilee Bishops' Council of 2000 "The Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church."

He took an active part in the normalization of the ecclesiastical situation in Estonia. In this regard, he visited the Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates (trips to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel in 1996), and also participated in negotiations with representatives of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Zurich (Switzerland) in March and twice in April 1996. , in Thessaloniki, Tallinn and Athens (1996), in Odessa (1997), in Geneva (1998), in Moscow, Geneva and Zurich (2000), in Vienna, Berlin and Zurich (2001) .), in Moscow and Istanbul (2003); He also visited Estonia on several occasions, where he negotiated with government representatives, parliament members and the country's business community.

He took an active part in peacekeeping actions in Yugoslavia. During the war, he visited Belgrade several times, negotiated with the leadership of this country, initiated the creation of an informal international Christian peacekeeping group on Yugoslavia (Vienna, May 1999) and the convening of an international inter-Christian conference on the topic: "Europe after the Kosovo crisis: further actions of the Churches" in Oslo (Norway) in November 1999.

He was the main speaker at the Parliamentary Hearings dedicated to the "Foundations of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" (Moscow, 2001), and the topics "Religion and Health" (Moscow, 2003), "Improvement of the legislation on freedom of conscience and on religious organizations: application practice, problems and solutions ”(Moscow, 2004).

He initiated a dialogue with European organizations in Brussels and created in 2002.

As chairman of the DECR, he visited Estonia (many times), Switzerland (many times), France (many times), Spain (many times), Italy (many times), Belgium (many times), Holland (many times), Germany (many times), Israel (many times), Finland (multiple times), Ukraine (multiple times), Japan (multiple times), Canada (multiple times), China (multiple times), Hungary (multiple times), Moldova (multiple times), Norway (multiple times), Lebanon and Syria (multiple times), Serbia (multiple times) ), USA (many times), Turkey (many times), Brazil (many times), Australia (1991), Austria (many times), Latvia (1992), Chile (1992), Bulgaria (1994, 1998, 2005 biennium), Czech Republic (1996, 2004, 2007), Slovakia (1996), Iran (1996), Lithuania (1997), Denmark (1997), Morocco (1997), Argentina (1997, 2006), Mexico (1998), Panama (1998), Peru (1998), Cuba (1998, 2004, 2008), Luxembourg (1999), Nepal ( 2000), Slovenia (2001), Malta (2001), Tunisia (2001), Mongolia (2001) , Croatia (2001), Vietnam (2001), Kampuchea (2001), Thailand (2001), Ireland (2001), Iraq (2002), Liechtenstein (2002), Philippines (2002), special regions of the PRC - Hong Kong (2001, 2002), Macau (2002), South Africa (2003, 2008), Malaysia (2003), Indonesia (2003), Singapore (2003), UAE (2004), Poland (2004), Netherlands (2004), Dominican Republic (2004), Yemen (2005), DPRK (2006), India (2006), Romania (2007), Turkmenistan (2008), Costa Rica (2008), Venezuela (2008), Colombia (2008), Ecuador (2008), Angola (2008), Namibia (2008). He paid official visits to Hungary, Mongolia, Slovenia, Iran, Iraq and Yemen at the invitation of the governments of these countries.

Patriarchal ministry. Management of the Russian Orthodox Church

Reform was undertaken in 2009 central authorities church government. Fundamentally reorganized activities, clarified the scope of activities of the Department for External Church Relations, created new synodal departments, divorced the functions of the Russian Orthodox Church and carried out analytical work on the formulation necessary changes in the structure at Holy Synod and in the whole system spiritual education... Activity intensified.

In 2012-2013. the formation of metropolitanates continues, an increase in the number of bishops and dioceses. Control is exercised over the implementation of the instructions of the Councils of Bishops in 2011 and 2013. On the base adopted documents on social, missionary, youth work, religious, educational and catechetical ministry in the Russian Orthodox Church, a detailed base of documents was developed, as well as partly provisions governing the special training of ministers in these areas. There is a spread of transformations from the central apparatus of the Church to the level of dioceses. The subject "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" is included in the program of secondary general education schools in all regions of Russia.

During the Patriarchal service, the following were formed:

- Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church (2009)

- Bodies of ecclesiastical executive power:

  • Higher Church Council Russian Orthodox Church (2011)
  • Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society (2009)
  • Synodal information department(2009)
  • Financial and Economic Department (2009)
  • Synodal Committee for Cooperation with the Cossacks (2010)
  • Synodal Department of Prison Ministry (2010)
  • Patriarchal Council for Culture (2010)
  • Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism (2012), transformed from the Synodal Commission for Monasteries (2010)

- Church-wide collegial bodies:

  • Patriarchal Commission on Family and Maternity Protection (2012), former name- Patriarchal Council for Family and Maternity Protection (2011)

- Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies in the name of the saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius (2009)

- Interdepartmental coordination group on teaching theology in universities (2012)

- Church-public council under the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia for perpetuating the memory of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church (2013), former name - Church-public council for perpetuating the memory of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia (2012)

As the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, in 2009-2013. visited countries: Azerbaijan (2009, 2010), Armenia (2010, 2011), Belarus (2009, 2012, 2013), Bulgaria (2012), Greece (2013 d.) Egypt (2010), Israel (2012), Jordan (2012), Kazakhstan (2010, 2012), Cyprus (2012), China (2013), Lebanon (2011), Moldova (2011, 2013), Palestinian Authority (2012), Poland (2012), Syria (2011), Serbia (2013), Turkey (2009) .), Ukraine (2009, 2010 - 3 times, 2011 - 5 times, 2012, 2013), Montenegro (2013), Estonia (2013), Japan (2012 .).

By February 2014, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill made 124 trips to 67 dioceses, 156 trips to 26 stauropegic monasteries, in 21 of them repeatedly. Visited 7 farmsteads of stavropegic monasteries. Made 432 visits to 105 churches in Moscow (data as of January 31, 2014).

During the ministry of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, the following were formed:

  • 46 Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church;
  • 113 dioceses, including 95 dioceses in Russia *;
  • Central Asian Metropolitan District (2011);
  • vicariate in the Moscow diocese (2011).

The number of dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church increased from 159 at the beginning of 2009 to 273 at the beginning of 2014 (in Russia - from 69 to 164).

At the beginning of 2009, there were 200 bishops in the Russian Orthodox Church, at the beginning of 2014 - 312 *.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill headed 109 episcopal ordinations, including: in 2009 - 5; in 2010 - 9; in 2011 - 31; in 2012 - 41; in 2013 - 22; in 2014 - 1 *.

Also, during 5 years of Patriarchal service, he performed 144 consecrations to deacons and presbyters (18 to deacons and 126 to presbyters) *.


Awards of the Russian Orthodox Church

Church-wide awards

  • 1973 - Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir (II degree)
  • 1986 - Order Saint Sergius Radonezhsky (II degree)
  • 1996 - Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (I degree)
  • 2001 - Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna (II degree)
  • 2004 - Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (I degree)
  • 2006 - Order of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (II degree)

Orders of Self-Governing and Autonomous Churches of the Russian Orthodox Church

  • 2006 - Order Venerable Anthony and Feodosia Pechersky (I degree) (Ukrainian Orthodox Church)
  • 2006 - Order “Blessed Governor Stephen the Great and Saint” (II degree) (Orthodox Church of Moldova)
  • 2009 - Order of the Martyr Isidor Yuryevsky (I degree) (Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate)
  • 2009 - Order in honor of the 450th anniversary of the bringing to the land of Volyn Pochaev icons Mother of God(Ukrainian Orthodox Church)
  • 2011 - Order of St. Theodosius of Chernigov (Ukrainian Orthodox Church)

Awards of Local Orthodox Churches

  • 2007 - Order of the Monk Sava the Sanctified (II degree) (Alexandrian Orthodox Church)
  • 2009 - gold medal Saint Innocent (Orthodox Church in America)
  • 2010 - Commemorative Medal of St. Vladimir Theological Seminary (Orthodox Church in America)
  • 2010 - Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (Alexandrian Orthodox Church)
  • 2011 - Order of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (I degree) (Orthodox Church of Antioch)
  • 2012 - Order of the Holy Tsar Boris (Bulgarian Orthodox Church)
  • 2012 - Golden Order of the Apostle Barnabas (Cypriot Orthodox Church)
  • 2012 - Order of the Saint Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene (I degree) (Polish Orthodox Church)
  • 2012 - Order of the Life-Giving Sepulcher of the Lord "Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood" (Jerusalem Orthodox Church)

Awards from other religious organizations and Christian denominations

  • 2006 - Order of St. Gregory of Parumalsky (Malankara Church, India)
  • 2010 - Order of St. Gregory the Illuminator (Armenian Apostolic Church)
  • 2011 - Order of Sheikh-ul-Islam (Caucasus Muslims Office)
  • 2012 - Order for Services to the Ummah, I degree (Coordination Center for Muslims of the North Caucasus)

State awards of the Russian Federation

  • 1988 - Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • 1995 - Order of Friendship
  • 1996 - Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Fleet"
  • 1997 - Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow"
  • 2001 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland (III degree)
  • 2006 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland (II degree)
  • 2011 - Order of Alexander Nevsky

State awards of foreign states

  • 2009 - Order of Friendship of Peoples (Republic of Belarus)
  • 2010 - Medal "65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 " (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic)
  • 2010 - Order "Sharaf" (Republic of Azerbaijan)
  • 2011 - Order of the Republic ("OrdinulRepublicii") (Republic of Moldova)
  • 2011 - Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia)
  • 2012 - Order of the Star of Bethlehem (Palestinian National Authority)

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was also awarded a number of other federal, departmental and regional state awards; has more than 120 Russian and foreign awards public organizations; is an honorary citizen of the cities of Smolensk, Kaliningrad, Neman (Kaliningrad region), Murom ( Vladimir region.), Smolensk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo regions, the Republic of Mordovia and other regions and settlements Russian Federation.

Publications on the Patriarchia.ru portal

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill: It is impossible to end wars in a world of dislike [Patriarch: Interview]

"Religious education in the postmodern era." Speech by the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad at the XV Christmas Readings [Documents]

Patriarch Kirill is a famous Russian religious figure. All his life this man, for certain reasons, devoted himself to serving God and the church. This patriarch was able to become one of the most famous religious figures in the Russian Federation, some people admire his personality, and some - censure.

It is worth noting that many rumors and a variety of gossip were previously associated with the patriarch. Some actually happened, some far-fetched. But what was at the origin? How did Cyril become a minister of the church? How well does he fulfill his obligations and does he generally love what he does?

Patriarch Kirill is not an American, and not even patriotic star, therefore, he does not have a special need to chase the elusive youth or carefully monitor his figure. By the way, Patriarch Kirill's photo in his youth and now for comparison is very easy to find on the Internet. For him, as a church employee, it is much more profitable to look more respectable. So it becomes clear that he doesn't really care about his height, weight, age. How old is Patriarch Kirill is a simple question. He is now 71 years old. With a height of 178 centimeters, a man weighs 92 kilograms.

Despite all of the above, the man tries to keep track of his own weight, from time to time goes in for swimming, often walks. As you can see, he remembers the truth that you also need to take care of yourself. After all, "God protects those who are saved."

Biography of Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill (birth name - Vladimir Gundyaev) was born in the late autumn of 1946. An interesting case is worth noting. When, as a baby, his mother first came to church with him, the boy accidentally walked through the Royal Gate. The woman immediately took him to the pastor so that he would forgive the sin, but the priest only dismissed him with the words: "He will be a bishop." Probably, it was the fate of little Vladimir to take the long and thorny path of ministry to the church. Of course, it was still a long way from holding a big position, but at the same time, everything that happened in his life throughout his life, all these events led in the end to one single conclusion - becoming important person in the church. And to receive the title of patriarch, as well as to adopt a new name, Vladimir did not come immediately.

His mother - Raisa Gundyaeva - worked as a school teacher and taught German. And father - Mikhail Gundyaev - it is worth noting that he was also a clergyman. It is difficult to deny that this fact also had a certain influence on Vladimir's choice of further life path... Although, here we can say that the whole family of the future patriarch was associated with religion. His grandfather, for example, was often sent into exile as accused in connection with Christian church... Brother - Nikolai - was a priest in the St. Petersburg cathedral. And my sister, Elena, held the post of director at a theological gymnasium.

Before starting your own religious activities, the future patriarch graduated from school in only eight classes. He tried in geology, but after a few years he entered the seminary, and then the theological academy.

The guy received the name Cyril after taking monasticism. From that very moment, the biography of Patriarch Kirill begins as a minister of the church.

Repeatedly he took part in what related to the development of the Moscow Patriarchate. Starting in the nineties, Kirill began to pay much more attention to relations with society, as well as much more energy to develop this activity. So, in the early nineties, a program appeared on television with his participation - "The Word of the Shepherd." Various religious topics were dealt with in her, and she was very popular not only among ordinary people, but also among high ranks.

A year later, Patriarch Kirill began to actively cooperate with the Russian government. Often he even became a full-fledged member of a variety of advisory organizations. Organized various cultural events. For example, the celebration of two thousand years of Christianity. Moreover, in accordance with the information obtained as a result of the survey local population in 2012, most of common people approve of the work of the patriarch.

Among other things, Patriarch Kirill maintains a Facebook profile. There he corresponds with visitors to his page, answers questions. Very often he gives answers to those questions that are of particular interest to other people. There are more than five hundred posts on his profile on this social network. He is also the author of books on religion and clergy.

Personal life of Patriarch Kirill

It is worth noting, first of all, that the personal life of Patriarch Kirill simply does not exist, according to at least, according to official sources. He is obliged to serve the church, and all priests, as you know, take a vow of celibacy. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing strange in the fact that this person, despite his already rather advanced age, does not have his own family.

Speaking modern language, he "married his job." After all, he has already spoken more than once about how important it is to spread the light of religion in the world. How true these words are, hardly anyone can seriously say. But one cannot but take into account the fact that this man is a church servant and a priori he should not have love affairs.

Family of Patriarch Kirill

Taking into account all of the above, it can be assumed that the family of Patriarch Kirill is the same clergy like himself. He has no official wife, as well as no children. The most important thing, in his opinion, is to spend life dedicating it to the development of the community of religious houses at the international level.

And he does it very well, because even in his young years he successfully overcame the path of a clergyman in order to eventually achieve who he is now. It is difficult to say whether he suffers from the fact that he did not leave behind heirs. But, if you look at it from the other side, he doesn't have much time for this either. And it cannot be said that he is lonely, because believers constantly come to him, for advice or with requests.

Patriarch Kirill on a yacht with girls

The Patriarch, although he is not a singer or an actor, is nevertheless known throughout the country, public figure... It is not surprising that scandals gather around this person with enviable regularity. Very often he was accused of all sorts of sins. And it's difficult to make out where the truth is, and where the fiction is. Once there was even a rumor that often their own free time Patriarch Kirill spends on a yacht with the girls, and spends all church receipts on personal benefits.

The patriarch himself, of course, denies such rumors or even simply ignores them, claiming that these are only slander and slander on the part of ill-wishers and those who go against the church. Of course, everyone is sinful, but it is not easy to assert how reliable the accusations against Kirill are. After all, he serves God with faith and truth, but, be that as it may, he is a man.

Yaponchik and Patriarch Kirill are one person

It must be added that the personality of the patriarch is often associated not only with gossip, but also with a variety of rumors. Sometimes it even reaches the absurd. Take at least the recent rumor that Yaponchik and Patriarch Kirill are one person. This rumor mentions the famous thief Mishka Yaponchik, who died in the early 2000s.

Some people notice striking coincidences among these celebrities. So, for example, they say that the patriarch has a problematic past and thus he hid so as not to go to jail. This rumor was neither confirmed nor denied, but most of the parishioners believe that these are the tricks of the patriarch's ill-wishers who want to tarnish his dignity.

Children of Patriarch Kirill

As noted earlier, this person has no natural children. The children of Patriarch Kirill are believers. Parishioners and those in need of support or advice. This is what the patriarch himself asserts. He said many times that he could help those who came to him. For this, he also began to master social networks so that he could give answers to the most interesting questions.

There is a possibility, of course, that he would like to have children of his own. But the presence of dignity does not allow indulging in such worldly pleasures as a quiet life, a spouse and a child. But Vladimir preferred the path of a clergyman.

Patriarch Kirill's wife

The wife of Patriarch Kirill - for a man, this is a topic that it is better not to raise. After all, when he stepped on the path of a minister of the church, having made this choice, he completely deprived himself of love. And although you can often hear that Cyril committed a sin, that he was often seen surrounded by young girls, nothing has been officially proven.

Most people believe that this is only fiction, and that in reality the patriarch serves his church faithfully and does not plan to retreat from his path. According to official information, this priest has neither children nor a beloved wife. He considers the church to be his home, and calls the parishioners children.

How much does Patriarch Kirill's watch cost?

Some time ago, a clock could be seen at this churchman. And even an ordinary person, at one glance at them, can understand that the cost of a watch is far from small. Therefore, almost immediately after this, rumors spread that Cyril was very much abusing his existing powers, and wasting church receipts for personal purposes.

Many were interested in the question: how much does Patriarch Kirill's watch cost? The patriarch himself actively denied everything and even tried to hide the expensive thing from prying eyes, but nevertheless it became known that this watch by Patriarch Kirill Breguet is a fairly well-known brand, and they cost about 30 thousand euros. As you can see, the Holy Father does not mind sometimes pampering himself with too expensive trinkets.

Patriarch Kirill "Word of the Shepherd"

It has already been mentioned that Patriarch Kirill has already collaborated with society more than once in order to bring talk about God to the people. A similar project of his was the popular on television program "Word of the Shepherd" with his participation. Patriarch Kirill chaired the "Word of the Shepherd", considering a variety of religious topics, answering pressing questions. And although it seems that at present there are few people watching religious channels, or just programs, a little earlier this program gained immense popularity not only among lay people, but also among officials. The TV show was launched in order to help anyone who wants to reconsider their views on life or needs help.

The Patriarch never refused to help those who tried to fix their lives. Of course, it was not without evil tongues, which said that all this is required by Cyril only to attract more attention to himself. It is difficult to say how reliable this is, but, be that as it may, one must respect his dignity. As for rumors, they have always surrounded public people.

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