Home Berries Test. Fixed assets (funds) of the organization. The indicator calculated by the ratio of the value of fixed assets to the number of workers is called…. For an item of fixed assets, the amount of annual depreciation deductions, other things being equal

Test. Fixed assets (funds) of the organization. The indicator calculated by the ratio of the value of fixed assets to the number of workers is called…. For an item of fixed assets, the amount of annual depreciation deductions, other things being equal

are means of labor that are repeatedly used in the production process, without changing their natural-material form. Fixed assets include means of labor, the cost of which is over 100 minimum sizes wages and service life exceeding one year. Special equipment, overalls and footwear, regardless of their cost and service life, do not belong to fixed assets.

Active fixed assets

They directly affect the product, determine the scale of production and labor productivity of workers. These include machines, equipment, tools.

Passive fixed assets

Create conditions for the labor process. These include buildings, structures, transmission devices, communication facilities.

The ratio between active and passive fixed assets depends on the characteristics of the technology of this type of production activity and is called the technological structure of fixed assets


A feature of fixed assets is that their cost is gradually, in parts, transferred to the cost of products (services) produced with their use and is reimbursed in the process of their sale in the form depreciation charges... Depreciation deductions are accumulated in special depreciation funds over long periods of time, which creates conditions for them to maneuver. Distinguish between uniform, accelerated and delayed depreciation of the depreciation of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are subject to physical and moral deterioration.

Physical wear and tear of fixed assets

This is the loss of their use value due to functioning or inaction.

Obsolescence of fixed assets

The loss of their use value due to the appearance of their more advanced types (both in technical and economic parameters), which makes the further operation of aging assets impractical long before their physical wear and tear, and also due to the reduction in the cost of reproduction of already exploited assets over time, as a result of which depreciation of the fixed capital of the enterprise, which adversely affects its competitiveness.

Cash advances for the acquisition of fixed assets funds are called

the main by means

new capital).

Funds are invested in advance (against future income), therefore the concept of invested funds is identical to the concept of advanced funds.

The functioning of fixed assets is limited by their service life, which predetermines the timing of the retirement and reproduction of each type of means of production. Reproduction of the main captain is carried out in the form of capital investments and is assessed according to the following indicators: increase in fixed capital for a certain period, growth rate, retirement rate, renewal rate. On average, the commissioning of fixed assets is 6-7% of them total cost, and disposal -3-4%. For individual industries, there may be significant differences in these indicators.

The excess of input over disposal is the increase in fixed assets (capital). This indicator determines the rate of development of an enterprise (industry).

The main reasons for the disposal of fixed assets:

Complete physical wear and tear (impossibility of further operation);

Sale; rental;

Transfer as a founding contribution to authorized capital commercial organization(gratuitous transfer);

Inappropriateness of further operation due to obsolescence or re-profiling of the enterprise.

The cost estimate of fixed assets provides for the calculation of their full initial cost, replacement cost and book value. Indicators of the average annual cost of fixed assets are especially important. On its basis, analytical indicators are calculated, such as capital productivity, capital intensity of products (services), profitability of fixed assets and capital-labor ratio.

Return on assets

calculated as the ratio of production volumes or

sales of products (services) to the average annual value of fixed assets for the analyzed period. The capital intensity of products (services) is calculated how

the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets to the volume of manufactured products (sales).

The profitability of fixed assets is calculated as the ratio of profit from the sale of products (services) to the average annual cost of fixed assets.

The capital-labor ratio is calculated as the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets to the average annual number of employees at the enterprise. Labor productivity at the enterprise in question directly depends on this indicator (calculated as the ratio of the cost of goods (services) produced to the average annual number of employees at the enterprise).

These are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form, gradually wearing out, transferring their value in parts to newly created products. In accounting and tax accounting, fixed assets reflected in monetary terms are called fixed assets.
Fixed assets are subdivided into production and non production assets.
Production assets are involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services. These include: machine tools, machines, devices, etc.
Non-productive fixed assets are not involved in the process of creating products. These include: residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, hospitals, etc. Despite the fact that non-productive fixed assets do not have any direct effect on the volume of production, the growth of labor productivity, a constant increase in these funds is associated with an improvement in the well-being of employees of the enterprise, an increase in the material and cultural standard of their lives, which ultimately affects the result of the enterprise. ...
To account for fixed assets, determine their composition and structure, their classification is necessary. There are the following groups of fixed assets:
Buildings (workshop buildings, warehouses, production laboratories, etc.);
Structures (engineering and construction objects that create conditions for the implementation of the production process: overpasses, car roads, tunnels);
Transfer devices (electrical networks, heating networks, gas networks);
Machinery and equipment, including:
power machines and equipment (generators, electric motors, steam engines, turbines, etc.);
working machines and equipment (metal-cutting machines, presses, electric furnaces, etc.);
measuring and control devices and devices, laboratory equipment;
Computer Engineering;
automatic machines, equipment and lines (automatic machines, automatic production lines);
other machinery and equipment;
Transport vehicles (wagons, cars, carts, carts);
Tools (cutting, pressing, attachments, mounting devices), except for special tools;
Production inventory and accessories (containers, racks, work tables, etc.);
Household inventory;
Other fixed assets (this includes library funds, museum values).
Working capital should be distinguished from fixed assets, which include such items of labor as raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, containers, and so on. Revolving assets are consumed in one production cycle, they are materially included in the product and completely transfer their value to it.
Each enterprise has at its disposal fixed and circulating assets. The aggregate of fixed assets and circulating assets of enterprises forms their production assets.

Lecture No. 5. Fixed assets and production facilities of the enterprise.

In the production process, employees of enterprises with the help of means of labor influence the objects of labor and transform them into various types of products.

Means of labor (machinery, equipment, buildings, etc.) and objects of labor form the means of production, expressed in value form, which are the production assets of enterprises. Depending on their functioning in the production process, the method of transferring value to the finished product and the nature of reproduction, fixed and circulating assets are distinguished.

Fixed assets of the enterprise Are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, gradually wear out and transfer their value to finished products in parts over a number of years in the form of depreciation deductions.

Fixed assets are the material and technical base social production... The level of technical equipment of labor, the production capacity of an enterprise, and the productive power of labor depend on their volume. In a market economy, the policy in the field of reproduction of fixed assets plays an extremely important role, since it is it that determines the quantitative and qualitative state of fixed assets.

Reproduction of fixed assets Is a continuous process of their renewal, acquisition of new ones, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, modernization and overhaul existing.

In the process of reproduction of fixed assets, the following tasks are solved: reimbursement of retired assets; improving the species, technological and age structures, increasing the technical level of production.

The main sources of reproduction of fixed assets:

With simple reproduction - the amortization fund;

With the extended one - the profit of the enterprise, contributions of the founders, bank loans, etc.

Fixed assets are subdivided into:

Production (functioning in the sphere of material production);

Non-production - not directly involved in the production process: residential buildings, children's and sports facilities, and other cultural and household facilities that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. They do not transfer their value to the finished product; it is lost and disappears in consumption. Their maintenance and reproduction are carried out mainly from the profit of the enterprise. And although these funds do not have a direct impact on the volume of production, ultimately they have an impact on the productivity of workers.

For the management of fixed assets at all levels of management, their functional - species grouping is of great importance. The dynamics of the species structure reflects changes in the technical equipment of production, the rate of implementation of innovations, the development of specialization, concentration, etc.

Currently, in accordance with the standard classification, fixed assets are divided into the following groups:

1. Buildings - workshops, warehouses, garages, laboratories, etc. (architectural and construction projects);

2. Constructions - engineering and construction objects designed to perform functions not related to changes in objects of labor ( pumping stations, tunnels, bridges, roads, etc.);

3. Transfer devices - objects designed for transformation, transmission and movement of energy different types, as well as liquid and gaseous substances (electrical and heating systems, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, etc.);

4. Machinery and equipment, including:

Power machines and equipment designed for the generation and conversion of energy (generators, electric motors, etc.);

Working machines and equipment directly used in the technological process to influence the subject of labor (machine tools, presses, hammers, lifting and transport mechanisms, etc.);

Measuring and regulating instruments and devices, laboratory equipment, etc.;

Computing equipment, means for automating calculations and decision-making;

Other machinery and equipment.

5. Vehicles intended for the transportation of goods and people within the enterprise and outside it;

6. Tools of all kinds, production and household inventory;

7. Working and productive livestock;

8. Perennial plantings (fruit-bearing orchards, berry fields, forest shelter belts);

9. Other types of funds not listed above.

Structure of fixed assets- This is the ratio of various groups of fixed assets in the total value, expressed as a percentage.

Structure of fixed assets various industries and enterprises is determined by a number of factors: the nature and volume of products, the level of specialization and cooperation, climatic and geographical conditions of the location of the enterprise, the technical level of production.

Not all groups of fixed assets play the same role in the production process. Therefore, fixed assets are divided into active and passive parts.

Active part of fixed assets is the leading and serves as a basis for assessing the technical level and production capacity. These are: transmission devices, power machines and equipment, working machines and equipment, measuring and regulating devices and instruments.

The passive part of fixed assets is auxiliary and ensures the process of work of active elements. The higher the share of the active part, the more opportunities the enterprise has to increase production output, the higher the rate of return on assets. Consequently, an improvement in the structure of fixed assets is seen as a condition for the growth of production.

These are: the correct development of construction projects, the better use of buildings and structures, the installation of additional equipment in free areas, the renewal and modernization of equipment, the improvement of the equipment structure by increasing the share of progressive types of machines, machines, etc.

In addition, the main production assets are analyzed and age groups: from 5 to 10 years old, from 10 to 20 years old and above 20 years old. Production efficiency also depends on this.

Assessment of fixed assets.

Accounting for the availability and movement of fixed assets is kept in kind and in cash.

Assessment of fixed assets in kind is carried out in terms that correspond to the characteristics of each group of funds and their essential characteristics (sq. M., Number of units, capacity, type, age, etc.).

Monetary, or cost assessment of fixed assets is necessary for calculating depreciation and calculating taxes, for sale and lease, mortgage transactions, etc. There are several types of estimates of fixed assets: at initial, replacement and residual values.

Full initial cost represents the amount of actual costs in current prices for the acquisition or creation of fixed assets: the construction of buildings and structures, the purchase, transportation, installation and installation of machinery, equipment, etc. At the full initial cost, fixed assets are accepted on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Full replacement cost characterizes the costs of creating (acquiring) an object in modern conditions, it is determined in the process of revaluing fixed assets, which are carried out by decision of the government of the Russian Federation. The need for revaluation is explained by inflationary processes in the economy, the incomparability of the values ​​of fixed assets due to their acquisition and commissioning at different times. The replacement cost coincides with the initial one during the commissioning period. But with the distance from the moment of introduction, the replacement cost is more and more different from the original, since the conditions for the reproduction of fixed assets change.

Residual value represents the difference between the original or replacement cost and the depreciation charge. The residual value allows you to judge the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, plan their renewal and repair.

Liquidation value- the cost of selling dismantled equipment, buildings, structures.

Basic production assets wear out during operation. There are two types of wear and tear - physical and moral.

Physical deterioration- the gradual loss of fixed assets of their initial consumer value, which occurs not only during their operation, but also during their inactivity (external influences, atmospheric influence, corrosion). Depreciation depends on the quality of fixed assets, the characteristics of the technological process (the value of the speed and cutting force and etc.); time of their validity (number of days of work per year, shifts, hours of work per shift); degrees of protection against harmful conditions; the quality of care for fixed assets, from the qualifications of workers. Distinguish between physical wear and tear - partial and complete.

Partial is eliminated as a result of repairs, and full depreciation is compensated by replacing a physically worn-out fixed asset: for the active part, this is the acquisition of new equipment, for buildings and structures - capital construction.

Obsolescence fixed assets - a decrease in the cost of existing fixed assets as a result of the emergence of new types, cheaper and more productive. The first form of obsolescence is manifested in the loss of the value of fixed assets as a result of an increase in labor productivity in the industries that manufacture them. Obsolescence of the second form is expressed in the loss of value by the means of labor as a result of the emergence of new, more productive means.

The main source of coverage for the costs associated with the renewal of fixed assets is its own funds, which are accumulated in the form of depreciation deductions.

Depreciation- the process of gradual transfer of the value of fixed assets as they wear out to manufactured products, turning it into monetary form and the accumulation of financial resources for the subsequent reproduction of fixed assets.

Too high a share of deductions, on the one hand, increases the size of production costs, reduces the competitiveness of products, and reduces the amount of profit. On the other hand, the underestimated share of deductions lengthens the turnover period of funds invested in fixed assets, and this leads to their aging, to a decrease in the competitiveness of products and the loss of market positions.

Depreciation is charged using depreciation rates, which are set in% of the value of fixed assets:

H = ---------- * 100%, where

Ф - the initial cost of fixed assets, rubles;

L - liquidation value of fixed assets, rubles;

Т - standard service life (depreciation period) of fixed assets, years.

The enterprise during the year there is a movement of fixed assets associated with their receipt and disposal. In this regard, the following indicators are calculated:

- input coefficient(receipts) of fixed assets is determined by the ratio of the value of newly received fixed assets to the value of cash assets at the end of the reporting period;

- retirement rate fixed assets is determined by the ratio of the value of retired fixed assets to the value of cash assets at the beginning of the reporting period;

- shelf life fixed assets characterizes their condition at a certain date as the ratio of the difference between the initial value of fixed assets and the amount of depreciation of fixed assets for the entire period of operation to the initial value of fixed assets;

- wear factor fixed assets is determined by the ratio of the amount of depreciation for the entire period of operation to the initial cost of fixed assets.

It is advisable to calculate indicators of the movement and condition of fixed assets not only for fixed assets as a whole, but also for their certain types... This will make it possible to better manage the process of reproduction of fixed assets.

The result of the better use of funds is an increase in the volume of production, therefore, a generalizing indicator of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets should be based on the principle of commensuration of the output and the used fixed assets. This indicator is return on assets- the ratio of the volume of gross or marketable output (rubles) to the average annual cost of the basic production assets of the enterprise (rubles).

Capital intensity production - the reciprocal of the return on assets. It shows the share of the cost of fixed assets attributable to each ruble of manufactured products.

If capital productivity should tend to increase, then capital intensity - to decrease.

Labor-to-labor ratio Is the ratio of the value of fixed assets to the number of workers. This value must continuously increase, since the technical equipment depends on it, and, consequently, labor productivity.

The efficient use of fixed assets is of great importance for the country's economy.

The volume of fixed assets and the degree of their use determine the size of the production capacity of the enterprise.

Productive capacity- this is the maximum possible output per unit of time in kind in a given nomenclature and assortment with the full use of equipment and production areas.

The main elements that determine the value of the production capacity of the enterprise:

The composition of the equipment and its quantity by type;

Technical and economic indicators of the use of machinery and equipment;

Equipment operating time fund;

Production area;

Nomenclature and product range.

Productive capacity is calculated as the ratio of the product of the number of units of the leading equipment in the shop by the maximum possible operating time of the leading equipment (year) to the progressive rate of labor intensity of processing the product on the leading equipment (year).

Actual power utilization factor is determined by the ratio of actually manufactured products to the average annual production capacity.

There are several concepts that characterize production facilities:

Input - power at the beginning of the year;

Output - capacity at the end of the year, determined by summing up the input and commissioned capacities minus the retired ones;

Design - provided for by the construction, reconstruction project.

In order to link the planned production volumes with the required production capacity, the enterprise is developing production capacity balances.

To improve the use of production facilities, it is necessary:

Restore capacities capable of providing the output of products in demand, which are not working due to a lack of working capital;

Conduct centralized inventories and censuses of fixed assets in order to identify excessive and idle capacities that have no prospects of functioning;

Create the necessary infrastructure for the sale of used equipment, its purchase by small and medium-sized enterprises;

Develop a simplified procedure for its conservation with exemption from taxation and depreciation deductions.

The main ways to improve the use of fixed assets at the enterprise:

Releasing the enterprise from unnecessary equipment, machines and other fixed assets or leasing them;

Timely and high-quality scheduled preventive and overhaul repairs;

Purchase of high quality fixed assets;

Improvement of the level of qualification of the service personnel;

Timely renewal (especially of the active part) of fixed assets in order to prevent excessive moral and physical wear and tear;

Increasing the shift factor of the enterprise, if this is economically feasible;

Improving the quality of preparation of raw materials and materials for the production process;

Increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production;

Providing, where appropriate, the centralization of repair services;

Increasing the level of concentration, specialization and combination of production;

Introduction of new equipment and progressive technology - low-waste, waste-free, energy- and fuel-saving;

Improvement of the organization of production and labor in order to reduce losses of working time and downtime of machinery and equipment.

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The essence of fixed assets, their composition and structure

Fixed assets are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form, gradually wearing out, transferring their value in parts to newly created products. These include funds with a service life of more than one year and a cost of more than 100 minimum monthly salaries... Fixed assets are subdivided into production and non-production assets.

Production assets are involved in the process of manufacturing products or rendering services (machine tools, machines, devices, transmission devices, etc.).

Non-productive fixed assets are not involved in the process of creating products (residential buildings, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.).

The following groups and subgroups of fixed assets are distinguished:

  1. Buildings (architectural and construction facilities for industrial purposes: workshop buildings, warehouses, production laboratories, etc.).
  2. Structures (engineering and construction facilities that create conditions for the production process: tunnels, overpasses, highways, chimneys on a separate foundation, etc.).
  3. Transfer devices (devices for the transmission of electricity, liquid and gaseous substances: electrical networks, heating networks, gas networks, transmissions, etc.).
  4. Machinery and equipment (power machines and equipment, working machines and equipment, measuring and regulating instruments and devices, computer technology, automatic machines, other machines and equipment, etc.).
  5. Transport vehicles (diesel locomotives, wagons, cars, motorcycles, carts, carts, etc., except for conveyors and conveyors included in production equipment).
  6. Tools (cutting, impact, pressing, sealing, as well as various devices for fastening, mounting, etc.), except for special tools and special equipment.
  7. Production inventory and accessories (items to facilitate the performance of production operations: work tables, workbenches, fences, fans, containers, racks, etc.).
  8. Household inventory (office and household items: tables, cabinets, hangers, typewriters, safes, duplicators, etc.).
  9. .Other fixed assets. This group includes library funds, museum values, etc.

The share (in percentage) of various groups of fixed assets in their total value at the enterprise represents the structure of fixed assets. At machine-building enterprises in the structure of fixed assets, the largest share is occupied by: machinery and equipment - on average about 50%; buildings about 37%.

Depending on the degree of direct impact on the objects of labor and the production capacity of the enterprise, fixed production assets are divided into active and passive. The active part of fixed assets includes machinery and equipment, vehicles, tools. The passive part of fixed assets includes all other groups of fixed assets. They create conditions for the normal operation of the enterprise.

Accounting and valuation of fixed assets

Fixed assets are recorded in physical and value terms. Accounting for fixed assets in in kind are necessary to determine the technical composition and balance of equipment; to calculate the production capacity of an enterprise and its production units; to determine the degree of its wear, use and renewal time.

The source documents for the accounting of fixed assets in kind are the passports of equipment, workplaces, enterprises. Passports provide detailed technical specifications of all fixed assets: commissioning year, capacity, degree of deterioration, etc. The enterprise passport contains information about the enterprise (production profile, material and technical characteristics, technical and economic indicators, equipment composition, etc.) necessary for calculating production capacity.

The cost (monetary) assessment of fixed assets is necessary to determine their total value, composition and structure, dynamics, the amount of depreciation deductions, as well as the assessment economic efficiency their use.

Exists the following types monetary value of fixed assets:

  1. Measured at historical cost, i.e. at the actual costs incurred at the time of creation or acquisition (including delivery and installation), in prices of the year in which they were manufactured or purchased.
  2. Replacement cost estimate, i.e. at the cost of reproduction of fixed assets at the time of revaluation. This cost shows how much it would cost to create or acquire previously created or acquired fixed assets at a given time.
  3. Valuation based on initial or replacement value, taking into account depreciation (residual value), i.e. at a cost that has not yet been transferred to finished products.

The residual value of fixed assets Fost is determined by the formula:

Fost = Fnach * (1-Na * Tn),

where Fnach is the initial or replacement cost of fixed assets, rubles; Na - depreciation rate,%; Тн - the term of use of fixed assets.

When evaluating fixed assets, distinguish between the cost at the beginning of the year and the average annual. The average annual cost of fixed assets of the FSG is determined by the formula:

Fsrg = Fng + Fvv * n1 / 12 - Fvyb * n2 / 12,

where Fng is the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year, rubles; Фвв - the cost of the introduced fixed assets, rubles; Fvyb - the cost of retired fixed assets, rubles; n1 and n2 - the number of months of functioning of the fixed assets introduced and retired, respectively.

To assess the condition of fixed assets, such indicators are used as the coefficient of depreciation of fixed assets, which is defined as the ratio of the cost of depreciation of fixed assets to their full value; the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets, calculated as the cost of fixed assets introduced during the year attributable to the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year; retirement rate of fixed assets, which is equal to the value of retired fixed assets divided by the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year.

In the process of functioning, fixed assets are subject to physical and moral deterioration. Wear and tear is understood as the loss of fixed assets of their technical parameters... Physical wear is operational and natural. Operational wear is a consequence of production consumption. Natural wear and tear occurs under the influence natural factors(temperature, humidity, etc.).

Obsolescence of fixed assets is a consequence of scientific and technological progress. There are two forms of obsolescence:

A form of obsolescence associated with a reduction in the cost of reproduction of fixed assets as a result of improving technology and technology, the introduction of advanced materials, and an increase in labor productivity.

A form of obsolescence associated with the creation of more advanced and economical fixed assets (machinery, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.).

Assessment of obsolescence of the first form can be defined as the difference between the initial and replacement cost of fixed assets. The assessment of obsolescence of the second form is carried out by comparing the reduced costs when using outdated and new fixed assets.

Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation refers to the process of transferring the value of fixed assets to the created products. This process is carried out by including part of the cost of fixed assets in the cost of goods (work). After the sale of products, the enterprise receives this amount of funds, which it uses in the future to purchase or build new fixed assets. The procedure for calculating and using amortization deductions in national economy set by the government.

Distinguish between the amount of depreciation and the rate of depreciation. The amount of depreciation deductions for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month) is the monetary value of the depreciation of fixed assets. The amount of depreciation deductions accumulated by the end of the service life of fixed assets must be sufficient for their full restoration (acquisition or construction).

The amount of depreciation deductions is determined based on the depreciation rates. The depreciation rate is fixed size depreciation charges for full recovery for a certain period of time for a specific type of fixed assets, expressed as a percentage of their book value.

The depreciation rate is differentiated for certain types and groups of fixed assets. For metal-cutting equipment weighing over 10 tons. a coefficient of 0.8 is applied, and a mass of over 100 tons. - coefficient 0.6. For metal-cutting machine tools with manual control, the coefficients are applied: for machine tools of classes accuracy H, P- 1.3; for precision machine tools of accuracy class A, B, C - 2.0; for metal-cutting machines with CNC, including machining centers, automatic machines and semi-automatic machines without CNC - 1.5. The main indicator that predetermines the rate of depreciation is the service life of fixed assets. It depends on the period of physical durability of fixed assets, on the obsolescence of existing fixed assets, on the availability of the national economy to ensure the replacement of outdated equipment.

The depreciation rate is determined by the formula:

Na = (Фп - Фл) / (Тsl * Фп),

where Na is the annual depreciation rate,%;
Фп - initial (book) cost of fixed assets, rubles;
Fl is the liquidation value of fixed assets, rubles;
Tsl - standard service life of fixed assets, years.

Not only labor instruments (fixed assets) are depreciated, but also intangible assets. These include: use rights land plots, natural resources, patents, licenses, know-how, software products, monopoly rights and privileges, trademarks, trade marks etc. Depreciation on intangible assets is calculated monthly at the rates established by the company itself.

The property of enterprises subject to depreciation is grouped into four categories:

  1. Buildings, structures and their structural components.
  2. Light vehicles, light commercial vehicles, office equipment and furniture, computer equipment, Information Systems and data processing systems.
  3. Technological, energy, transport and other equipment and tangible assets not included in the first and second categories.
  4. Intangible assets.

The annual depreciation rates are: for the first category - 5%, for the second category - 25%, for the third category - 15%, and for the fourth category, depreciation deductions are made in equal shares over the life of the corresponding intangible assets. If it is impossible to determine the useful life of the intangible asset, then the amortization period is set at 10 years.

In order to create economic conditions for active renewal of fixed assets and acceleration of scientific and technological progress, it was recognized expedient to use accelerated depreciation of the active part (machinery, equipment and Vehicle), i.e. full transfer of the book value of these funds to the created products in more short time than it is provided in the rates of depreciation deductions. Accelerated depreciation can be applied to fixed assets used to increase the issue of funds computing technology, new progressive types of materials, instruments and equipment, expansion of product exports.

In the event that fixed assets are written off before their book value is fully transferred to the cost of production, the uncharged depreciation deductions are reimbursed at the expense of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. These cash are used in the same manner as depreciation charges.

Use of fixed assets

The main indicators reflecting the final result of using fixed assets are: capital productivity, capital intensity and the utilization rate of production capacity.

Return on assets is determined by the ratio of the volume of output to the value of fixed assets:

Kf.o. = N / Fs.p.f.,

where Kf.o. - return on assets; N is the volume of products manufactured (sold), rubles;
Fs.p.f. - the average annual cost of fixed assets, rubles.

Capital intensity is the reciprocal of the return on assets. The utilization rate of production capacity is defined as the ratio of the volume of products produced to the maximum possible production per year.

The main directions for improving the use of fixed assets are:

  • technical improvement and modernization of equipment;
  • improving the structure of fixed assets by increasing the share of machinery and equipment;
  • increasing the intensity of the equipment;
  • optimization of operational planning;
  • advanced training of employees of the enterprise.

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