Home Diseases and pests Wash windows according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of household chores

Wash windows according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of household chores

They say that to really get to know a person, it is no longer enough to eat a pound of salt with him. Need to survive together repair .

Indeed, there is little romance in this, but there are more than enough problems: dust, dirt, falling ceilings, tiles, bubble wallpaper, endless trips to hardware stores and markets. Not everyone will survive in such conditions.

Mine didn't last either best friend Vladimir, who, it would seem, did everything to protect himself from problems. He hired an expensive architect, a team of workers and, in order to speed up the process, he himself went shopping for building materials.

But the deadlines were missed, the foreman named Ashur turned out to be a charlatan and a lazy person, and the architect at the most crucial moment abandoned everything and went on vacation, turning off his phone. Vladimir was beside himself! So much effort and money has been invested in the repair, but there is no result.

I decided to help a friend. I turned to familiar psychics. Together we examined Vladimir's apartment, talked to the workers and came to the conclusion that he did everything wrong. The mistakes my friend made are very common. And now I will tell you how to start repairs correctly, how to find smart workers and what needs to be done to get the job done on time!

You will be shocked - according to statistics, 90% of people cannot complete repairs on schedule, and for 60% it can drag on for many years!

It is worth starting repairs on the 3-4th day of the new moon, when the moon is rising . Along with it, your financial opportunities will grow.

Incidentally, experts feng shui recommend that when choosing employees, look at their hands! After all, it depends on them HOW repairs will be made in your apartment ... According to chirology (the science that determines the character of a person by his hands), the hands of the master you trust to work in your house should be wide - this speaks of diligence. Long fingers indicate honesty.

When choosing workers, remember the horoscope. People born under the signs of Gemini and Aquarius are not suitable for renovation work, do not count on them too much. Aries, Cancers and Taurus, on the contrary, seem to be specially created to constantly work with their hands!

Sometimes it happens that troubles with repairs are associated with brownies . Russian folklorist Dmitry Ushakov wrote that these energy entities, according to folk beliefs, know all the problems in the house. And repair for them is a very personal matter. Therefore, before starting work, the brownie must be appeased - for example, spread out coins in the corners of the premises, where a screed will be made for new floors.

Many install new doors last, so as not to spoil them. But Feng Shui experts explain: doors are conductors of positive Qi energy. Old doors prevent it from entering your home. Therefore, they should still be changed at the very beginning of repair work.

And one more very important sign: when starting repairs, do not say out loud the date of its completion: in this way a person projects an energy program that he is not able to fulfill. If you really need to indicate the date, it’s better to write it on paper, and add a couple of deceptive numbers at the end, for example, two zeros. Otherwise, the plan, most likely, alas, will not come true.

The universal processes are interconnected, and we are an integral part of it. Maybe you have already noticed that on some days it is extremely difficult for you to clean up, and sometimes, on the contrary, it is easy and effortless.

The moon definitely influences harvesting processes

It's all about the location of celestial objects and their influence on a person and the processes around him. In this context, cleaning according to the lunar calendar no longer seems to be something mysterious, let's take a closer look at how it works.

general information

By studying celestial bodies scientists have been doing since ancient times. Back in those distant years, they were lucky to find some connection between the phases of the moon and our life processes.

AT auspicious days you succeed, the work is easy, you should not apply special efforts for its implementation. It's very easy to clean the house these days. But there are opposite, negative days, on which gigantic efforts must be made to restore cleanliness in the house, and sometimes even they are not enough to restore order.

If you focus on the phases of the moon during your housework, it can be noted that cleaning is highly discouraged when the moon is full and when it is not visible at all.

According to astrologers, these phases are the most intense, not conducive to any serious business. At this time, the closest relationship between the moon and the sun takes place. As tension decreases, so does Negative influence extraneous factors on you.

Therefore, the days when the moon is in its waning phase will be the most favorable for cleaning your apartment.

Especially relevant is the issue of favorable lunar days for us to face new year holidays when it is necessary to do a large amount of work to restore order in the house and enter New Year in complete purity. At this time, you need to carefully study the lunar calendar and choose optimal time in which cleaning will take place without unnecessary stress.

As we said above, doing household chores on a full moon is not a good idea, try to postpone things until the 17th lunar day. The next few days, the favorable period will only increase, and will reach its peak by 21 moon day.

Try to plan general cleaning during this period, because in the future negative factors will increase again. By the 29th lunar day, the peak of the wrong time for cleaning will come, on this day it is better not to actively do household chores, you can wash the floor at most.

Different phases of the moon

The fact of the influence of the phase of the moon on water has not yet been proven, but many experts assure that during a favorable phase, water actively uses its potential. At this time, strong contaminants are easily washed off with the help of water, it easily dissolves special detergent compositions in itself and actively participates in the cleaning process.

While on a bad day, the water is in a more passive state, it dries poorly and spreads throughout the apartment. If you have encountered similar phenomena, now you can correctly explain them.

Four forces

Moving in a circle, the moon gradually passes through the zones of all twelve known constellations. As you know, these constellations represent the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. The elements, no matter how strange it may seem, also affect the cleaning in our house. Therefore, before starting harvesting, it is recommended to look again at the lunar calendar.

Zodiac signs and housekeeping

  • During the journey of the moon through the zones of air constellations (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), cleaning the house is a challenge. During this period, it is necessary to plan, which we have long postponed for later. Even the repair work will be as successful as possible during this period.
  • During the passage of the moon through the fiery zones (zodiac signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), dry cleaning harmoniously takes place. Dust during this period has special antistatic properties, which allows you to get rid of it for a long time.
  • It is easy to guess that water zones will contribute to wet cleaning in the house. Water zones represent following signs Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. During the passage of the moon of these zones, you can breed a water kingdom in the house without any special consequences.
  • But only during the zones of the earth identified with the signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), you will have to apply large quantity efforts to put the house in order. The earth does not give us much advantage in housework.

Try to do a thorough cleaning twice a year, choosing the optimal time for this.

Of course, we do not urge you to closely follow the lunar calendar and carry out house cleaning work exclusively on favorable days. Just try to check with him in preparation for the general cleaning of the home, perhaps you will choose the best time for yourself and spend less effort, and cleanliness and order will come to your house.

Household chores for each of us is a common thing. Laundry, cleaning, washing windows and other endless household trifles on which the “weather in the house” depends, we start when we have to, that is, as needed.

It turns out that the efficiency hygiene procedures our home depends not only on personal enthusiasm, but also on ... the phases of the moon. Cleaning the house according to lunar cycles- this is not a utopia and not an invention of astrologers. About the lunar economy, money energy to your home and maintaining prosperity, we will talk today, and it’s up to you to decide whether to believe in it or not.

Rules of the "big wash": effective savings

To get started, experiment and see personal experience: soaked laundry on waning moon it is easier to wash off - the dirt, as if it comes off by itself. At the same time, washing requires much less powder, and all sorts of enhancers of its action, simply as unnecessary. - on the face, as they say, little things, but why not?

It is clear that small “washing” happens almost every day, but for a big wash it is better to choose the time when the lunar cycle is on the decline. Want to remove stains without effort, nerves and expensive stain removers - look at Moon calendar. Days when the moon is in water signs Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer- the most effective for dealing with the most chronic and persistent stains.

Clothes dry faster and easier, respectively, at a time when our companion Luna visits air signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

Cleaning according to the lunar cycle: we will attract monetary energy

Waning moon - best helper not only in laundry, but also in cleaning. Are you going to “generalize”, clean the carpets, wash the car? Check the time with the lunar calendar! The closer to , the longer the effect of the work done will be.

And cleanliness in the house is not only a guarantee of health, but also positive energy in the house. By the way, the most right time to get rid of any kind of financial difficulties -. You can read about how to wash away lack of money and poverty with melt water, a very useful ritual for cleansing your home.

A separate story is window washing! It happens that you rub them this way and that, but the stains still remain - neither the newfangled spray, nor the grandmother's method with a newspaper help. Meanwhile, in order for the house to be in order with finances, we must ensure unhindered access. Wash windows on days when the moon is in air and fire signs . Checked - there will be no divorce!

And one more important point when cleaning - airing the house, which ensures the circulation of positive energy in your home. You probably noticed that sometimes you keep your windows wide open for half a day, but there’s no point. It seems to be a breeze on the street, but in the house dampness and extraneous odors do not want to disappear. This happens when the moon is in earth and water signs. If you want to let fresh energy of money into your home, which guarantees success in business, open the windows more often during the days Air and Fire.

Preservation of prosperity according to the lunar calendar

Each of us has our own concept of prosperity. But you must admit, it’s a shame to get your favorite sheepskin coat out of the closet with the onset of the season, an expensive fur coat and winter shoes with a “flavor” of mold, or even worse, spoiled by insects from nowhere. Spoiled mood and a hole due to a visit to the nearest dry cleaners are guaranteed, what a wealth!

This will not happen if you stack seasonal items in closets on the waning moon on the days of air signs. Aquarius, Libra or Gemini. AT water days things and shoes hidden for summer storage will gain moisture, and the moon will earth signs it also imbues them with the heavy, musty smell of raw leather.

We often do not pay attention to such annoying little things, considering them either a coincidence of circumstances, or a "punishment from heaven" for some of our mortal sins. As you can see, nothing personal, just lunar cycles affect not only our well-being, but also the preservation of the energy of money in our home. Well, then we are waiting for the waning moon, and we begin to live in a new way!

  • Don't believe? To get started, do a simple experiment. Soak your laundry on the waning moon - and the dirt will come off by itself! Meticulous Western researchers have calculated that on such days housewives spend a quarter less washing powder. Hence the conclusion: big wash we arrange when the lunar crescent is “in damage” - this is the rule of the waning moon. And it has also been noted that it is better to fight the most persistent spots when the Moon is in water signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. But linen dries faster in the days of Air: when the Moon is in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
  • Astrologers say: on the new moon, our heavenly neighbor takes a deep breath and absorbs water better. So the closer to the new moon you start cleaning the apartment or go to wash the car, the longer the floors, carpets, furniture, and sides of your iron horse will remain clean. Be especially vigilant when cleaning parquet, plank floors and other wooden surfaces from dirt: never touch them with a wet rag on the growing Moon on the days of Water: the tree will attract water, the parquet will warp, and the boards will bend and creak.
  • A separate song - washing windows! No matter how and with what they were rubbed off - from a newspaper (as our grandmothers did) to the latest gel - nothing helps: solid stains! But cloudy window panes are not only a lack of light in the house, but also a blow to the energy of the apartment: neither health nor financial flows will pass through them to you. Fortunately, glasses are easily cleaned on the days of Air and Fire (when the Moon is in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra or in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Then there will be no divorce!
  • The main thing in the house - Fresh air. The owners of a musty dwelling will never be healthy, successful, rich. This is especially true of modern homes, where furniture is saturated with a variety of synthetic resins, walls are built from phenolic panels, and waterproof paints turn the kitchen into a steam room. There is only one way out - to ventilate!
  • Seems so easy! But no - and here are their secrets! Sometimes, after a brief ventilation, the room is fresh for several hours. But it happens that you keep the window open almost all day, and there is nothing to breathe in the house. So why not call on the lunar rhythms to help here as well?
  • The principle is the same. On the days of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), the house should not be ventilated for more than a few minutes in winter or a couple of hours in summer: otherwise the air will absorb moisture and odors. Fight with them later!.. But in the days of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) and Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) do not be afraid to open the windows. Even in winter, feel free to open the windows - the heat will not “blow out” from the apartment. With such ventilation, good luck in business and prosperity are guaranteed.
  • And what will help to maintain prosperity in a family that is not too rich? What is it made up of? Not only from the amount of money “in a glass jar”, ​​but also from a good fur coat that lasts for more than one year, from a leather jacket that looks like new, from comfortable shoes, in which we have been kneading the dirt for the second season. How to save them? Maybe Luna knows this too? Knows! Remember. Fur coats, sheepskin coats, coats and jackets made of leather and wool should be stored for summer storage during the waning moon on the days of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Then no moth will take them. And in no case should you put clothes in closets on the days of Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) - it will become wet. Watch especially. so that your "warehouse" does not fall on the days of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): clothes and shoes will acquire a heavy smell of poorly dressed leather. In addition, things removed in the days of the "old man" Capricorn run the risk of quickly aging, cracking and drying out. Let's add that new shoes for the first time, it is recommended to smear with cream during the waning moon - then your shoes or boots will serve longer, and you will have to wash and clean them less often.

Some housewives plan all their household chores according to the lunar calendar. And this is reasonable, because then everything started happens on time, does not take much effort, and then the result is noticeable for more than one day! For example, here are some tips for those who are starting repairs:

  • Astrologers recommend starting repairs in 2018 only after you become familiar with the favorable and bad days for such a venture.
  • With the retrograde movement of Mercury, your repair will be delayed for a long time, there will be no end in sight, no edge.
  • The time of the moon, the eclipse - these periods are also considered negative days for starting repairs.
  • The beginning of the construction or renovation of an apartment should coincide with the phase of the moon, while you will be able to save money and time.

Asking for help from the night light

Let's move on to household chores. Great for household chores, lunar days:

  • Today's energy will give you strength even for the dirtiest work, you will cope with it in no time, while maintaining a good mood.
  • These days you can start any business: do a general cleaning in the house, water the beds, tidy up the lawn, rearrange the furniture.
  • Today you can do household chores without fear for your health and for the consequences that may occur, for example, after hilling the beds. Be calm, the moon has a positive effect on all your endeavors.
  • Works are excellent, as a result of which there will be more air and light in the house. For example, you can replace old curtains with new ones, or brighten up the room by painting the walls in warm colors, or simply mop and dust the floor.
  • Cleaning according to the lunar calendar is best done on these days. You will immediately feel how the atmosphere in your house has changed, how cozy, fresh and light it has become.

3. It is desirable these days to complete what was started a long time ago.

4. The moon is now favorable to mowing the lawn, planting flowers, pruning shrubs.

5. It will be great if you throw away all the unnecessary that you have accumulated over the past year.

6. Small chores for the improvement of the house will benefit all its inhabitants. Hang a new picture, wash the curtains, rearrange the flowers.

AT lunar day astrologers do not advise doing business aimed at home improvement. Today you can’t even get rid of unnecessary rubbish, the energy of the moon is not conducive to household chores.

If you are planning to carry out a general cleaning, start repairs, transplant flowers, and so on, please note that this cannot be done on a lunar day!

  • The lunar influence of this period will bring all your undertakings to naught.
  • Even basic cleaning can disrupt the energy balance of your home.
  • This is a very bad time to start renovations. It is unlikely that something sensible will come out of your venture.
  • Postpone household chores for a more suitable lunar day, and today just relax. Stay away from big housework to avoid negative consequences.

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