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Lunar birthday calculation. What is a lunar day

Born with Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio belongs to a water sign and is under the influence of Pluto and Mars, so a person will be subconsciously tuned in to crisis situations, which in the end must necessarily lead to destruction, transformation and internal restructuring.

Be that as it may, but in the end everything will be destroyed, since this is a consequence of the influence of Pluto, which brings chaos and the final destruction of the structure. Then only two paths will wait for you - self-destruction (at the same time, there are no highest values, but there is only destruction and death), as well as transformation or change, provided that there are higher goals.

That is why such people will be at an unconscious level attuned to a situation of crisis, change and risk, since constant destruction has a very strong impact to the inner world of man. Such people are very different due to a certain degree of hysteria, very strong excitability begins to appear, sharp mood swings will be observed, a person’s constant need for psychological renewal, since there is absolutely no balance in inner world.

But no matter what structure arises, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse, since a person will constantly be in a state of increased activity, there is a constant need for changes and the creation of some new structure. If this does not happen, then an internal negative psychology will begin to form. Consequently, a person will not observe any positive changes, everything will be in black colors and taken for granted, which has absolutely no value, and will not be destroyed. For such a person, there is absolutely nothing of value in the world that is really worthy of existence, up to misanthropy.

The moon, which is in Scorpio, is able to give a person a heightened psychological gift. For example, when the Moon is in Cancer, it gives a person the opportunity to subtly feel the psychological mood of another person, and when the Moon is in Scorpio, then a person gets the opportunity to feel both the inner world of a person and his most painful places, flaws, complexes and weak spots. It is Pluto that contributes to the strengthening of such opportunities, and thanks to Mars, this gift is aggravated and sharply manifested.

Such people can become excellent psychologists, psychotherapists who can clearly see and determine the weaknesses of a person. If a person has negative inclinations, then he can become a manipulator or a very cruel sadist who can click on the right points and mock a person for a very long time. Also, through Scorpio, there is a connection with another world, and such a person can become a clairvoyant, a medium, and at an unconscious level, they begin to perceive a parallel world.

Lunar birthday general information:

Many People in Western culture are already accustomed to the fact that they celebrate their birthday according to the solar calendar, while they know their zodiac sign and take into account character traits, but at the same time, ancient astrology considers the lunar birthday very important. Since it can also be determined specific traits for this or that person, the purpose of the person, the qualities that he possesses and those that he should learn. For example, in Vedic astrology, they first look at which sign the Moon is in.

In the same India, first of all you will be asked your sign by the Moon, this will be your lunar birthday. If at the moment you already know which lunar day your birthday was, then it’s worth telling you what specific features the Moon has endowed you or your loved ones, and what it would not hurt you to pay attention to, what should be developed, what to fear and what to give up.

What unusual can be learned from the lunar horoscope? The lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. It explains why we do what we do.

The way in which the Moon affects our feelings depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have moon sign, which is different from their sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that this is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will be inaccurate. The moon sign describes the qualities of a person much more accurately. If your moon sign is also your sun sign, you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your character.

The Moon governs the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines, and the left eye. As well as tonsils and fluids in the body. It serves as a reflection of that part of you that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves secret.

If your sun and moon signs are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of trouble and reach your goal. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some degree. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very volatile and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may condemn you for this, which may embarrass you. A person with the moon sign of Scorpio can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. However, for the latter, envy can be a big problem. People with the Moon in Aries are stubborn, aggressive and can be hard to control. It's great if they can give a way out negative emotions during physical activity.

Our moon sign also offers an understanding of how to look inside the mind, where the child lives in a person.

Free lunar horoscope by date of birth

Date and time of the person's birth:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 January 31 January 31 February March April May June July August September 1943 1944 1945 1946 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1959 1964 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1974 1975 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1989 1995 1996 1992 1993 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 2008 2009 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

By finding out what your moon sign is, you will be able to understand yourself much better, as well as learn how internal processes occur. Use our free lunar horoscope calculator by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you will need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the Moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1/4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you don't know what time you were born, you can set your date of birth to 12:01 first and then 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are in luck. If they are different, read the definitions for both moon signs, according to the characteristics, you can understand which sign is more in line with your character. Also, keep in mind that the calculations are carried out in Moscow time - try to bring your birth time to Moscow by adding or subtracting the appropriate time difference.

Moon Signs of the Zodiac

Each lunar day has its own energy, which is favorable for the implementation of certain undertakings and recreational activities. Now I am giving them in their fullest form so that you can know what impact they can have. Later in the calendar itself, I give them briefly, but you can always refer to the beginning and view their full version.

Try to adhere to the recommendations given in them or listen to advice during the lunar day.

1st lunar day - "Lamp". The beginning of a new lunar cycle is associated with everything new, with some kind of undertakings. Symbolically, the beginning of the new is light and its source is a lamp. This is a clean, bright, very favorable lunar day in terms of energy.

On the first lunar day, the lunar month begins. They may only last a few minutes. This is very important period, which determines how the lunar month will pass. This is the time of planning the events that are to take place during the given lunar month. It is recommended to spend them in seclusion and make plans for you personally.

On these lunar days, the most important thing is to work with the creative energy of consciousness. It is necessary to create a bright mental image that will be embodied in a specific result. To do this, before the mind's eye, the desired events must appear in all the smallest details. For example, if you want you to recover and become younger in the coming lunar month, then imagine yourself young, young, healthy, full of strength.

You need to imagine everything in detail, down to the smell, the texture of your skin, the sensations and feelings that you would experience young and healthy. The brighter your mental "picture", the better.

An important point here is the idea of ​​the future not as possible, but as if it has already arrived. There should be a feeling in your mind that this will not happen, but has already happened.

This method allows you to create an energy "imprint" of a future event on the "thin" plane. A kind of energy matrix, which over time will become a desired event. This matrix throughout the entire lunar month will structure space and time in the direction you have chosen. Of course, your mental image may differ somewhat from the one conceived and presented, but if you create the image correctly and saturate it with the necessary sensory information, the event will definitely happen. At the same time, if it does not correspond to the intended form, then the essence will reflect completely. Therefore, the main thing in these lunar days is the creation of a mental "framework" of the next month with all the important events for you.

The creation of such energy matrices on the first lunar day is important because in this case the energy of the Moon will contribute to the natural course of events. You fall into the cycle and rhythm of lunar vibrations, which will contribute to the realization of your plans.

The first lunar day gives a person the opportunity to choose his own path, fate, and not depend on circumstances and accidents.

Do not conflict today, because the conflict will drag on for the whole month. Let the events of these lunar days go on as usual and naturally. Be as tolerant as possible to someone else's opinion, try not to take anything to heart. Remember that any of our actions becomes, as it were, a tuning fork for the entire lunar month, a kind of statement of what exactly you want.

The first lunar days are ideal for filing petitions. It is believed that a petition filed during this period will certainly bring good luck and a positive outcome to the submitter. It is good to forgive insults, it will turn out easier than on other days. These lunar days are ideal for getting rid of bad habits, complexes, bad character traits.

I remind you that you don’t need to start new business on this day - limit yourself to plans and dreams.

A person on this lunar day is like a newborn. I recommend saving vital energy - walking in nature.

In the human body at this time, the head is energetically active. In order not to cause overexcitation of the brain, refrain from drinking alcohol, hot and burning taste of food at this time.

Overwork today can cause severe headaches, which will periodically make themselves felt until the end of the lunar month.

Organs of the day: eyes, facial part of the head, brain. These lunar days are favorable for cleansing the frontal and maxillary sinuses.

Minerals of the day: diamond, rock crystal, quartz, rauchtopaz.

If something good is dreamed of on these lunar days, this is to joy, if it is bad, do not pay attention, and it will easily go away on its own.

Those born on the first day of the moon remain little children all their lives. They are waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. But they should not engage in mental work on the 15th lunar day.

2nd lunar day - "Mouth", "Cornucopia". These lunar days are intended to begin the implementation of what was planned and conceived on the first lunar day. On these lunar days, a person receives everything necessary for the implementation of his plans. Therefore, whatever appears today, everything must be accepted. It will come in handy during the lunar month.

The main thing on the second lunar day is not to change your mind. If you have planned to carry out this or that business, there is no need to doubt. It is very important to maintain inner confidence both in your actions and in the rightness of your intentions. Doubt will destroy any undertaking. Therefore, the second lunar day is a time for active, assertive actions. In the entire lunar month, this is the best time to start implementing any activities.

It is good to take office on this day, to issue new laws. Start a cycle of diet, exercise, work with your body. You can start training sessions, work with the literature that comes into your hands by itself.

On these lunar days, the body is gaining strength for the whole month. Listen to his nutritional needs. To do this, we will test for usefulness food products. Early in the morning we will do a complete lavage of the digestive tract with Shank Prakshalana (“shell gesture”). Then we sit down calmly and mentally imagine the foods that we want to eat. If after the presentation of the next product you feel discomfort, discomfort, and even more nausea, this means that this is not your product. But those that came up can be used for food throughout the entire lunar month. But just imagine organic products.

Today, by your feelings, you can determine with whom you need to communicate, and with whom you should not. To do this, mentally (preferably after Shank Prakshalana) imagine this person, and if you feel unpleasant, stop communicating with him.

Often on these lunar days, people have emotions of greed, attachment to things, a desire to eat a lot. Do the opposite - be generous.

On the second lunar day, the phenomenon of the complete separation of the astral body from the physical body is observed, especially in children. Everything happens spontaneously, and a person sees himself from the outside. This is not dangerous.

Warning: don't do anything important today between midnight and 3:00 in the morning.

Organs of the day: mouth, teeth, upper palate.

Minerals of the day: jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.

dreams these lunar days: mostly empty.

Those born on these lunar days strive to absorb everything into themselves. They have a strong body. As a rule, they do not need any special diet. Their consciousness is directed to the practical side of life. They especially appreciate relatives, friends, property. On the “good” side, this develops into devotion and thriftiness, and on the “bad” side, it develops into greed.

3rd lunar day "Leopard preparing to jump." On the third lunar day, for the first time in a new month, the crescent of the young moon appears in the sky. This symbolizes the exit to the outside of everything ripening inside. Everything that was planned and started in the previous days of the lunar month, today begins to “grow”, take shape and unfold in time and space.

properties of this lunar day- power, assertiveness, a surge of energy. This is a very energetic day. Today it is important to direct your aspirations in the right direction for you. For example, what you planned on the first lunar day. Then they will bring a positive result.

It is important to understand where the energy of these lunar days comes from. It turns out that during the new moon, the Moon and the Sun are on the same side and, by their joint gravitational influence, they pull the water shell of the World Ocean in one direction. This joint action, like a spring, stretches the water shell. On the third lunar day, the ratio of the Sun and the Moon changes, they no longer “pull” the water of the World Ocean in one direction. Now, unrestrained by anything, the water of the World Ocean tends to take its original, calm position. It is the powerful initial movement of the waters of the World Ocean that recalls the initial moment of the jump, which these lunar days symbolize.

Something similar happens with the human body. Inside, his energy is compressed and requires proper discharge. Therefore, this time is most favorable for large and intense physical and mental stress, after which the body gets the opportunity to store new energy. If there is no energy discharge on this day, then subsequent charging will not occur. What is wrong for the body and leads to its weakening and subsequent improper work throughout the entire lunar month. So, from doubts, empty talk, fears and laziness, constant headaches, lack of creative thinking can arise.

On these lunar days, one must work intensively physically and mentally. There are plenty of forces now, take on the most hard work and you will definitely do it. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties. If a problem seems almost impossible to solve, break it up into small pieces and do them one at a time. Remember the motto of these lunar days - "Forward, forward and only forward!"

On these lunar days, manifestations of personal aggression, suspicion, suspiciousness, cockiness, uncompromisingness and especially anger should be avoided. And all because the emotional negative outburst is greatly enhanced by the action of the Moon. First of all, it will hit your body and disrupt the normal functioning and health of the whole organism for a whole lunar month. Therefore, be benevolent, tolerant and peaceful.

It's good to steam today. And if soreness appeared in the back of the head and ears, it is necessary to cleanse the body of salts.

On these lunar days, they work with metals, sharpen knives, and in ancient times they cast silver things. These lunar days are favorable for construction, long-distance travel. Ideal for digging a well.

If you focus your mental energy on an important problem for you, then it can be solved today. Today come original ideas, non-standard solutions and insight.

Organs of the day: neck area and ears.

Minerals of the day: jaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine.

dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength.

If you see spilled oil today, this is a sign that you are leaving your life path.

Those born on this day can become good athletes, the military. Succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed.

4th lunar day - "Paradise Tree". The symbols of these lunar days are the sound that created the Universe - "AUM" and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - the "Tree of Paradise".

Today it is recommended to work with vibrations, sounds, words, spells, prayers, figurative-volitional moods (all this is called verbal magic). But in order for such work to have an effect (work with vibrations, sounds, spells), you need to have initiation, otherwise nothing will work. With prayers, the opposite is true - a sincere message will always bring an answer. The figurative-volitional mood read today, with the vivid creation of the image and meaning, will be strengthened many times over and will act powerfully until the end of this lunar cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to study traditions, maintain blood and family ties through which this special knowledge is transmitted, and generally accumulate information about verbal magic.

If you have knowledge and experience with verbal magic, then these lunar days should be spent alone and work with sound, word, prayer, mood. Everyone else can sing something sublime (verses from the hymnal, prayers). This recommendation is also true because the neck with the vocal cords is energetically active. There is also a special energy center that connects a person with the depths of space in which the fate of a person is created.

The second symbol of these lunar days - the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - indicates how spiritually developed you are, how you will use the received knowledge of verbal magic - for good or for evil. Therefore, on the fourth lunar day, we collide with ourselves. If we have a developed spirituality, then on this day we are careful not to utter bad words that would harm someone. We think first and then we speak. In a spiritually undeveloped person, the opposite is true. First, words, emotions fly out, and then there is a reflection on what he said. For this reason, the fourth lunar day is considered by some to be bad, while others are considered good. And depending on what we choose, it will largely depend on which channel the entire lunar month will “flow”. And if the third lunar day was a day of active actions, then the fourth should become a "fixer" of these actions.

On the fourth lunar day, you can see the first reaction of the surrounding world to our actions committed since the beginning of the lunar cycle. It will show how harmoniously we are in the surrounding reality.

In general, the energy of these lunar days is stable and balanced, but it adversely affects a person. Adam and Eve are believed to have fallen into sin today. Contacts, acquaintances and group work are contraindicated today. Sick people today are especially bad.

The fourth lunar day is ideal for working with wood, whether it is artistic wood carving or carpentry work. It is good to spin, unravel the threads, walk through the forest. But gardeners are not recommended to prune trees, flowers, you can get hurt very badly.

Organs of the day: larynx, neck, throat.

Minerals of the day: sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.

dreams these lunar days can tell us about the past and tell us what actions committed earlier lead to current troubles. For example, if you dream of threads or tangled hair, this is a sign that you need to abandon your plan.

Those born on this day are carriers of some life secret. It is highly desirable for them to unravel this mystery on an intuitive level. And then they surprise themselves and others.

5th lunar day - "Unicorn". The fifth lunar day should be considered as a process of change, a transition to a new, higher quality level of existence. Their symbol is a mythical animal - the Unicorn, which, according to legend, appears before a person only when some important change awaits it, some significant step forward associated with nobility, loyalty to ideas, principles or duty.

Everything that is given on the fifth lunar day should be considered as a necessary material for spiritual growth, therefore, it should not be rejected in any case, no matter how inappropriate for this situation it may seem.

One of the important steps to spiritual growth is the ability to combine opposites in oneself. Black and white, man and woman are not opposite phenomena, but complementary to each other. The realization of this fact leads to the expansion of consciousness.

On these lunar days, a person will be subject to the contrast of positive and negative. Consider the change of these states as stages of your own change. Most importantly, do not try to stop and hold any one state or feeling. Keep the "golden" mean, and then these lunar days will bring you a genuine renewal. There will be a fusion into a single whole of diametrically opposed phenomena of your being. Therefore, new perspectives and opportunities may open up today. These lunar days can fill life with meaning, give an influx of fresh energy.

The fifth lunar day is the most important in the first lunar phase. This is a turning point in the first half of the lunar month, the transition of what was previously made into a material form. But for this, everything that has been started must acquire completeness and completeness.

The day is suitable for the manifestation of one's views, principles, emotions and feelings, the return of debts.

The second symbol of these lunar days is oil for fire. This is the only day when the food is digested in its entirety and completely transformed into the astral (energy) body. Today you need to strengthen it, so you can eat in a small amount everything that you are drawn to. Trust your tastes, which will tell you what energy is lacking in the body, and choose a product that will replenish it in the body. Try not to overeat, but be full. Give preference to milk, cottage cheese. Avoid animal food. It's not worth starving.

Organs of the day: esophagus.

Minerals of the day: amber, turquoise, pink chalcedony, marble.

If something unpleasant is dreamed of on these lunar days, you need to take care of your health. If you cry in a dream, this is a sign of purification.

On this day, people are born who can turn food into physical and astral energy. They look like fairy tale heroes. They eat everything indiscriminately and do not get fat. Often in their lives there are drastic changes.

6th lunar day - "Crane", "Gamayun", "Clouds". The crane was not chosen by chance as a symbol of these lunar days. It is believed that the sixth lunar day is associated with both the elements of water and the elements of air. Due to this circumstance, these lunar days are distinguished by the lightness of air and the smooth flow of water. And this, in turn, predisposes to divination. different kind. V Ancient Russia gamayun was a sacred thing, a bird predicting the future with a female head. Therefore, today's lunar day is suitable for contemplation and love, joy and passion, sensitivity and intuition. Also for scientific and research work, mental and spiritual pursuits.

After restructuring on the fifth lunar day, today is passive. It takes time to get used to new changes in your personality. So relax, keep inner peace.

Aromas bring special pleasure today. Choose the ones you like, they will make up for your lack of subtle energy. The subtlest associations and memories awaken. For this reason, today is also good for sexual intercourse, it will reveal to you the secrets of the distant past.

Today it is very good to communicate (especially with the opposite sex), learn, engage in rejuvenation, quit smoking.

In terms of health, it is useful to engage in breathing exercises, to absorb the universal cosmic energy - prana. Indeed, only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, which are active today, the process of transferring the universal cosmic energy into the vital energy of our body takes place.

Organs of the day: upper Airways, bronchi.

Minerals of the day: hyacinth, citrine.

dreams prophetic, and can remind you of some business that needs to be completed.

Sign of the day: a clear or completely cloudy sky is a sign of a lack of harmony in Nature. A good sign is clouds in the sky, and it is even better to hear a melodic ringing.

Those born today have a rich inner world. They love to dream and fantasize. They don't like being pressured. These are conductors capable of assimilating cosmic energy. Freedom is valued in relationships.

7th lunar day - "Wand", "Wind Rose" (as well as Eol - the god of the winds), "Rooster". The energy of this day is huge. It allows a person to work with the elements and spirits of nature. Try to use it creatively, to realize your ideas and plans. It is not recommended to destroy anything, even tear flowers or paper. All the energy that enters a person today should be used only for creation, for the implementation of ideas and plans.

The antiphase 21st lunar day is not suitable for working with the word.

Words acquire special meaning and power today, and not only prayers, conspiracies, but also ordinary ones. Their strength increases exponentially.

The word is a vibration that generates in the invisible world (astral, mental) a form that begins to act independently. That is why in all mystical practices the most close attention was given to the correct use of words, in particular, the achievement of unity of thought, word and action. Therefore, one must be very careful in choosing words, because behind each of them is the possibility of realization.

Any phrase thrown fleetingly can turn into a series of big troubles for you. Moreover, the word will “shoot” not even on this day, but after a long period of time, when you will already forget that once on the seventh lunar day you thoughtlessly uttered something carrying a negative charge. Therefore, in no case do not pronounce curses, since at this time they become especially effective and will certainly come true. Think very carefully before you say anything today. A lie is excluded today, because it will turn against the person himself.

Tip: for people who do not know the features of these lunar days, it is better to be silent and talk less. Beware of unnecessary words and repetitions of various kinds. Especially exclude from your vocabulary words that carry a negative load (obscene, expressions of anger, hatred, etc.).

In terms of communication today, it is better to refuse to participate in mass events and refrain from attending noisy companies and parties. Spend this day in communion with yourself, reflecting on your true nature and purpose.

These lunar days are favorable for travel, and a good "parting word" will be the best talisman that protects the traveler on the road.

For poets and writers, this lunar day is considered the best time for creativity. Inspiration will not leave them, everything will work out in the best possible way.

Good time to practice pottery(work with the elements of water and earth). And according to Tibetan astrology, today's lunar day is suitable for funeral rites.

Beware of colds and do not remove teeth.

Today may dream prophetic dream, which will quickly come true.

Organs of the day: lungs.

Minerals of the day: sapphire, heliotrope, white coral.

Those born today are in good health. They love to talk. They make either good speakers or ... gossips.

8th lunar day - "Fire", "Phoenix", "Treasure chest, fire, peacocks that bring misfortune." The color is red-black (the color of a fading flame), because this day corresponds to the element of the transforming “Fire”. These lunar days are a crucible, after passing through which a person is transformed into a qualitatively new state, both at the mental and at the cellular level.

The beginning of the second phase, the day of change. What was done in the first lunar phase is now moving into a new state. The energy of this day is directed inward. Outside, some passivity is possible. Therefore, the eighth lunar day favors the flow of various subtle transformations and biochemical reactions in the human body. The day is favorable for self-criticism and internal work on oneself. Honestly explore your consciousness, work on character traits.

During these lunar days, some emotional instability is possible, causeless mood swings may occur, often a person is thrown from one extreme to another. This state is due to the fact that personality restructuring is taking place - old thought processes are replaced by new ones or are transformed into more advanced ones.

It is easy to go through the changes will help you internal openness to everything new, the desire for change. Therefore, everything that comes to you on the eighth lunar day must be taken for granted, as a kind of divine lesson that must be learned. Remain flexible during this period and able not to resist changes, otherwise there may be very serious complications both psychologically and physically.

On these days it is good to repent of the sins committed, and to forgive the offenders and debtors. Limit yourself from large companies and noisy entertainment events.

It is undesirable to be angry and nervous on the eighth lunar day. You need to remain calm and treat everything with a reasonable amount of irony.

It is very good to contact with fire (sun, candle, fire) - sit and look at it, warm yourself.

If you are fond of compiling medicinal fees, then these lunar days help to "fuse" together a wide variety of medicinal herbs, increasing their therapeutic effectiveness.

Today it is good to buy real estate, travel, relax.

The day is not suitable for a feast, disputes and marriage.

The eighth lunar day is unfavorable for work on earth. It is believed that on this day a person “sows” seeds of enmity, hatred, malice and unrighteousness into the ground.

Organs of the day: stomach, peripheral nervous system.

Minerals of the day: red granite, chrysolite, uvarovite, olivine, morion.

Dream on these lunar days can be prophetic. In it you can see hints of your true purpose in life, of what you need to do. Perhaps you will be able to understand what task you were born to fulfill and what is the meaning of your life.

Today, originals are born, capable of rebirth and renewal of their image, lifestyle. They make excellent artists and alchemists.

9th lunar day - " Bat", "Milky Way". The ninth lunar day is the first "heavy" day in the lunar month. The energy of these lunar days has an extremely negative effect on a person, which is expressed in seductions and delusions of various kinds. The person may have nightmares. Symbolically, it is associated with night, anxiety, fear, the expression of which is a bat.

What actually happens on the ninth lunar day? Karma unfolds. The subconscious rhythms of a person are so precisely synchronized with the rhythms of lunar energy that a situation arises in which everything that a person previously closed his eyes to comes out. From the depths of the subconscious, all unresolved problems, unfulfilled promises, restrained anger, hatred, etc. rise to the surface. Outwardly, this is expressed in the appearance of a pressing feeling in the chest.

Before a person unfolds his psycho-emotional past, requiring "healing". And only one thing can become “healing” - doing what needed to be done a long time ago. Namely, when it happened. Therefore, nothing happens on the ninth lunar day by chance. All that you will encounter during this period are your past unresolved problems.

All thoughts, intentions of a person are recorded in the astral plane in the form of certain energy matrices. In the future, if you do not change anything in your life (primarily in terms of thinking, worldview), the matrices return to you with a certain periodicity and force you to live according to the life situation you created. This explains the fact that a person constantly finds himself in the same, unresolved, life situations. And all that is needed is to solve this problem once. And do not run away from her again, thinking that she "will resolve herself." To do this, you need to show will, perseverance and consciousness.

What is not done in a timely manner is deposited in our subconscious and slows down the course of our life. Figuratively speaking, people who do not solve their problems in time are like ships pulling a mass of heavy anchors along the bottom.

Therefore, the ninth lunar day is the day of karma healing. If during this period the karmic knot (life situation) is not untied, it will go even deeper into the subconscious and then you will need to spend much more effort not only on solving old problem, but also for its discovery. The more a person has such unresolved life situations, the more he is not free in life. Constantly stumbling over self-created problems and rigid mental attitudes.

On these lunar days, numerous quarrels and conflicts can arise, and from scratch. Therefore, limit contacts with unfamiliar people as much as possible so that they do not drag you into an adventure. There is a high probability of injury, mutilation, and in some cases death. For this reason, one must be careful in everything from crossing the street to using cutlery. Give up carpentry and plumbing work.

The ninth lunar day is suitable for creativity and self-education, as it requires solitude and concentration. A person can be visited by inspiration, new thoughts and ideas can suddenly come. This good sign, indicating that you have correctly untied the karmic knot and the energy that he held back until then finally rushed into the right direction. The same can be said about self-education. If you feel a craving for new knowledge, it means that you have freed yourself from some restrictions and the previously held back energy needs to be realized.

Thus, the correct passage of the ninth lunar day gives a person the opportunity to use the energy that until that time was unclaimed in him due to energy blocks in his mind and destiny (karmic "knots").

The day is favorable for the purification of various kinds, especially the subtle, from spoilage and disease.

These lunar days are especially suitable for long journeys and various events designed for a long duration, including marriage. But this is true for those who have cleansed their karma and have spiritual power.

Today, intimate relationships are contraindicated, and even more so conception. It is not recommended to eat animal food. Favorable for intensive physical labor.

Organs of the day: chest, breast nipples.

sleep don't believe in this day. They can be scary - but don't be afraid. These are the provocations of the day. In the morning everything will vanish without a trace.

Minerals of the day: black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz, morion, serpentine.

Those born today are usually in poor health. They are recommended to constantly cleanse themselves of various kinds of toxins, both physical and astral.

10th lunar day - "Fountain", "Secret source", "Crab". The symbol of the day is a source of water, a fountain. The fountain is associated with the energy that constantly overwhelms a person, reminds of spiritual independence.

It is generally accepted that on these lunar days a special, ancestral connection man with his ancestors. Today it is good to work with the karma of the clan, family. For this purpose, you can use memories (reflect on your roots), thanksgiving, meditation (concentration of attention) on portraits of dead and living relatives. Sometimes this contributes to the appearance of an additional source of energy, help "from there." However, everything should be in moderation so that attachment does not form. This is especially true of communication with deceased ancestors. They should be given credit, but no more.

The tenth lunar day is the time of activity of male energy. It is believed that it is also the day of the founder of the clan. Today is good to spend in the family circle. A trip to the bathhouse, a family lunch or dinner are very good events that unite the family and serve to strengthen tribal traditions. Conversely, no family conflicts otherwise they will take root.

Today is good: starting new business, conducting business relations, changing jobs, relaxing, doing household chores. Creation in every sense is the main motto of this day.

Everything that begins on this lunar day is bound by the bonds of tradition. For example, if you want to start a tradition in the family to do exercises in the morning, then you must definitely start doing it on this lunar day and not stop until the next tenth lunar day. So the habit will firmly enter your life.

This day is the ideal time to land family garden. Fruit trees planted today will produce a rich harvest, and the garden itself will stand for a very long time.

It is very good to start building a family house on these lunar days. The construction will be successful and fast, and life in such a house will be cheerful and joyful. A house built in this way becomes a protective talisman for those who live in it.

Journeys begun on these lunar days will surely end successfully. And if during the trip you meet someone, then the acquaintance is likely to develop into a long and strong friendship.

The physical load on the body on these lunar days should be given a small one. The best day for a couple.

Organs of the day: chest bones.

Minerals of the day: amber, olivine-chrysolite, sardonyx, turquoise.

dreams bright and pleasant. Everything about them is like a dream. But they usually don't come true.

Those born on this day may have a close connection with their ancestors. Receive help from them, but also return them karmic debts. On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Knowledge is what a person born on this day should do. His task is to work with knowledge. If a person is greedy, then cancer is possible. In men - diseases of the prostate gland.

11th lunar day - "Kundalini", "Fiery sword", "Crown", "Ridge", "Labyrinth". This lunar day is considered the most powerful in lunar cycle. Symbolized by a lion with a crown. On this day, spontaneous activation of the fundamental vital energy Kundalini. The secret of Kundalini is owned by the initiates and carried by those who were born on this day. These lunar days can be used for some practices: purification, purification of the subtle body, prayer and magical actions. But practice must be followed to the end.

There is so much energy today that it is usually used for daily fasting.

Today, the ancient forces of the earth, the forces of animal nature merge with the lunar energy and require a way out. Not every person can stand it. A person feels strong in himself, he is confident, full of enthusiasm and longs for action. But if, starting to do something, even for a moment he doubts his actions, inevitable collapse and failure will follow. To go through the fiery baptism of these lunar days, you need to be brave, courageous, believe in your victory and not slow down for a second. Everything on this day must be brought to a positive conclusion, and if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to undertake serious undertakings.

Today is favorable for starting a political, administrative career, recreation and travel. Suitable for the beginning of construction, which must continue at all costs until it is completely finished. If, for any reason, it is necessary to “freeze” it for a while, postpone it, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to complete the construction.

Any business started on these lunar days is connected to the ocean of cosmic energy, but Space, figuratively speaking, perceives its interruption even for a moment as a refusal of energy assistance, and therefore the event is “de-energized”, life “leaves” it, and it dies.

Ancient court astrologers advised kings to start a war on this lunar day.

You need to be careful with knives, forks and other piercing and cutting objects on this day. Danger sign - falling knives and forks. It is also not recommended to kill insects.

Organs of the day: spinal column, spine. The lunar day is associated with the spine and the Kundalini energy going through it.

dreams, that dream today are prophetic. Be attentive to them, they can teach you a lot, suggest.

Minerals of the day: fire opal, hematite, carnelian.

Those born on this lunar day have great energy, which can manifest itself in the form of unusual innate abilities and various talents. However, these abilities and talents can manifest themselves unpredictably. It is important for a person to realize them in himself and learn how to use them.

Those born on this lunar day are often bitten by dogs, wasps and even cows.

Today's lunar day is favorable for the conception of a strong, healthy, talented child.

12th lunar day - "Heart", "Grail". Day of mercy and compassion, the inclusion of the cosmic energy of Love.

On the twelfth lunar day, the heavenly gates open before a person and the gods hear him. It is today that he will be rewarded according to his faith. It is recommended to start and end today with a prayer.

Today try to realize the integrity of the world of the Universe and your place in it. If you succeed, you can internally ask for anything and the Universe will certainly answer. The prayers of believers are coming true today.

Prayers and any exercises that affect the Anahata Chakra (heart center in the Indian tradition) are associated with this day. But on the antiphase day (26th) it is contraindicated to act on Anahata.

Today it is useful to give alms, to carry out charitable activities. If on this day you do not show mercy and compassion, then you can lose it yourself.

No matter how difficult your life may seem, still thank God for it. Let these words be present in your prayer: “Lord, I thank You for everything that you do for me. There is neither good nor evil. All Your deeds are for my benefit and development. I thank You, Lord, that You have given Your particle to me. Shared with me His life.

Today, there is no need to show haste and assertiveness, everything should go naturally, in its own way. This is not the best time to go on trips, long and short business trips, it is better to refuse even pilgrimage to holy places for now.

The day is favorable for studying the holy scriptures, not only of the religion that you profess, but also of others. God is one, and there is no need to limit him to the framework of any one belief system.

The most favorable time for the construction of churches, temples, altars, mosques and other objects of worship.

Today, in no case should you be angry and hate. It is also impossible to quarrel - it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to make peace later. You can’t complain and cry, you can’t feel sorry for yourself: you can get stuck in this state for a long time.

Broken dishes and spilled liquid are a sign of suffering and loneliness.

Organ of the day: heart.

Harmfully sharp and tart. Useful seeds and nuts. It is useful to use an expectorant, stress on the heart is contraindicated.

All shades of red in clothes are favorable. Conversely, avoid green and yellow.

Minerals of the day: lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother-of-pearl, pink pearls.

dreams today prophetic, telling about your future destiny, life path. Listen to them - today your soul, located in the heart, speaks to you. The forces of evil cannot penetrate your dream, therefore everything that you see in a dream is dictated by the forces of light and benevolence towards you.

Those born on these lunar days often turn out to be kind and merciful people. It happens that a lot of life's trials can fall to their lot. But they have the strength to honorably pass through them.

13th lunar day - "A snake biting its own tail", "Wheel with a swastika inside". The symbol of the day is a wheel with a swastika inside. The swastika symbolizes movement, and above all the solar wind. In the human body: blood, intestinal motility, the circulation of qi (prana) energy through the channels of our body.

The thirteenth lunar day is a time of spiritual aspirations and searches. A special period when the veil between the worlds is lifted and a person can penetrate into the Beyond. This is a day of vigorous action, a breakthrough into the unknown, the unknown. That is why efforts aimed at discovering something new work best on these lunar days. This is a period of renewal and transition to a new qualitative level of perception. The energy used up over the previous twelve days is replaced by a new one. Energy is being recharged. Those who correctly and accurately followed the lunar rhythms from the first lunar day will receive additional strength to carry out their mental plans.

These lunar days are considered the most fruitful for various types of creativity. At this time the Higher spheres are closest to the physical world. Many subtle creative vibrations are coming into our world. And those who feel them can turn them into unique works.

These lunar days serve as a continuation of the previous ones. What has been started should never be abandoned. Today your idea receives additional energy. There is an activation of the hidden reserves of the human psyche. The energy field of a person and the energy field of the planned project merge into a single whole and rush to a successful completion. No wonder one of the symbols of the thirteenth lunar day is the wheel. You are now like a wheel rolling down a mountain. Do not stop, do not slow down, do not hesitate and believe in your luck.

These lunar days are favorable for group and joint actions aimed at the exchange and accumulation of information, work with karma. However, it is better not to study books, but to study life from people, to study their living experience. Take what is necessary and useful. Extra information, gossip - mental rubbish that prevents you from living a normal life - throw it in the trash. Useless information clutters the mind. And it becomes very difficult for us to make a choice even where it is obvious.

Today it is good to give gifts, give alms, repay debts. Avoid feelings of irritation, aggression and revenge.

The energy of this day favors the information of black energy (pathogenic information of the disease) on absorbing objects (poplar, aspen, raw chicken eggs etc.). Water today has special cleansing properties, and they must be used.

Today you can eat tightly (especially for people with the constitution of the "Wind"). Food and other substances (natural medicines, vitamins) are completely absorbed.

Not recommended today: business ventures, changing jobs, doing art, traveling, arguing, starting home repairs and cleaning. Also discard all bright colors of clothing. Favorable neutral and pastel colors.

The day is suitable for making round talismans, spinning threads, working with karma. Old problems may appear, try to calmly resolve them. By solving problems, you will receive fresh strength for a new life. This day will help you free yourself from the burden of the past, if it puts pressure on you and prevents you from living.

It is believed that on these lunar days there are processes of rejuvenation of the body. Therefore, physical exercises in the fresh air are shown - they contribute to the renewal of blood.

Organs of the day: activation of movement in the body: energy, blood, lymph, intestinal motility.

Minerals of the day: red opal, ruby.

dreams these lunar days are not simple. In them you can see the difficulties and problems that really haunt you in life. They will be shown in a dream in symbolic form. Try to understand what the problem is and how to solve it.

People born on this lunar day are considered very good students. Often they have unusual abilities.

14th lunar day - "Pipe". This is the day of calling, gaining knowledge, working with sacred texts, doing good deeds. Symbolized by a trumpet. The motto of this lunar day is here and now!

It is considered energetically powerful. Therefore, it is recommended to use his energy for strong, bold, fateful undertakings. Or at the end of a previously started serious business. If you do something like this today, then a lot happens by itself.

Today is the last opportunity to correct, correct or change anything. In the future, the situation will get out of your control and will develop on its own, you will no longer be able to influence the ongoing process. The moon will come into full force, and you will only have to reap the fruits of what you sowed in the first two lunar phases. So it's better to carefully review everything again, analyze it, weigh each step with all care and, if circumstances so require, make a correction of the program.

Today is very good: to start something, change jobs, conduct business, make money transactions, express yourself in creativity and art. But rest and drinking alcohol today are unacceptable.

Drink less today, because any fluid that enters the body causes a malfunction in its work. This is due to the tides of the full moon.

On these lunar days, it is useful to perform any physical work, to gain new knowledge. But at the same time, you don’t need to: overload your eyesight, use perfume, and also plunge into melancholy, melancholy and various fears.

The day is unfavorable for funerals and sowing. Do not fuss and make too many promises. We need to remember the dead. In clothes, silver-blue tones are recommended.

Minerals of the day: hyacinth, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

Organ of the day: small intestine. It is good to engage in cleansing, mainly of the physical body: special enemas, laxatives in the evening, washing the body. The symbol of the pipe is the symbol of the sewer through which it is necessary to purify.

dreams these lunar days do not carry important information.

Those born on this lunar day often have health problems. Hot flashes do not contribute to the stable functioning of the body - hence the health problems. But their positive action affects fate - they can bring good luck. And the energy of the tide is capable of pushing for a feat. Those born on this day have a well-developed sense of their own vocation. They are always striving for something, going somewhere.

15th lunar day - "Serpent", "Jackal". The influence of the moon is the strongest. All the positive and negative qualities of a person increase several times. So you have to be very careful not to get the upper hand. negative sides personality.

In some texts, this day is referred to the tempter Ahriman - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him malleable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations.

These lunar days give a lot of energy, but also contribute to even more spending. Therefore, today be careful and do not spend it, you can be left without energy. It is recommended to limit yourself to intimate relationships. Sex today is voluptuous, but even more energy-devastating. Learn to tame your sensual nature by observing self-discipline and self-restraint today.

Today will allow you to change any habit, for this there must be your powerful desire and the day is lived the way you want to live in the future - for example, without a bad habit. Decided not to smoke - so do not smoke today. If the fifteenth lunar day passes in passivity, self-indulgence, then the inner transformation will not come. You will only "grow" more with your negative side of your personality, which, strengthened by the energy of the Moon, will become your true self. Know that people who do not use the powerful energy flow of the full moon to transform their negative qualities into positive ones lose touch with their higher self. And it has a devastating effect on their personality. They are deteriorating more and more.

Today it is useful to eat dense, hot food with an astringent taste (beans, peas). Such food resists the external tidal influences of the full moon. Liquid, cold, sweet-tasting foods - juices, fruits - should be avoided. It introduces an excess of moisture and cold into the body, which, combined with external tidal influence, adversely affect human health.

Today it is not recommended: any undertakings, business and monetary relations, communication with superiors, a feast, especially with alcohol. Clarification of relations and disputes, gambling, marriage, sex, conception, funeral and commemoration.

If trouble occurs on this day, your wrong beginning of the lunar cycle is to blame. Bad sign- a quarrel, a good one - a dog, even a barking one.

Organs of the day: pancreas, diaphragm.

Minerals of the day: agate, jet, morion, emerald.

dreams today's lunar days are very frightening, but do not come true.

Those born on this lunar day have a snake nature. They are loving and subject to all temptations. Alas, this is how lunar energy leaves its mark on them. In order not to become slaves to temptations, they are encouraged to do any work of self-discipline and self-control.

16th lunar day - "Psyche", "Dove", "Butterfly". The symbol of the day is Psyche (the personification of the human soul in Ancient Greece. Usually depicted as a butterfly or a young girl with butterfly wings). These lunar days are associated with the human soul. During them, a harmonious balancing effect of external forces on the field form of human life and his physical body was noted. The motto of the day is moderation in everything.

During these lunar days, simple and calm physical exercises are recommended to promote harmony and recuperation. This is a time of rest from intense and active actions in the period from the twelfth to the fifteenth lunar day. Particularly suitable for this purpose are exercises from Chinese qigong gymnastics and small wushu complexes. But if a person spent the previous days in passivity, then passivity will only intensify. Laziness will be strengthened even more and will create many problems.

Tip: it is important not to accumulate energy in yourself, but to “pump” it as much as possible through yourself, through your energy system. Energy needs to flow, not stagnate.

Any actions of a person that cause a disturbance of peace both in his body (screaming, agitation) and among those around him (rude, defiant behavior, loud music, etc.) should be completely excluded during this day. This recommendation also applies to sexual contacts.

Today useful: communication, travel, recreation, housework. It is very useful to do everything related to cleansing: wash floors, dust, take a shower. Dirt on clothes is a sign of spiritual impurity.

Organs of the day: spleen.

Minerals of the day: spinel, tourmaline, emerald (night), pearls (day).

Dreams. On these lunar days, dreams are dreamed that help relieve internal stress. This alone is enough to help get rid of a chronic ailment.

Those born today are distinguished by spiritual kindness, harmony and tranquility. They love nature very much, as they feel an inextricable connection with it. Life is lived very fruitfully, for which they are well-deserved respect.

17th lunar day - "Shakti", "Bell", "Grapes". On these lunar days, female energy (in Hindu "Shakti") is especially pronounced. Outwardly, this is manifested in accumulation, growth, fertility, the joy of sexual intercourse. Therefore, this day is especially favorable for marital relations. And especially for women. Nature itself contributes to the disclosure of their femininity, bright sensual sensations.

Today you can have fun and, as the ancient sages recommended, drink a small amount of good wine. For example, heated Cahors is a symbol of the knowledge of eternity, ecstasy, connection with movement and joy. In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held on this day.

The relaxation that began on the sixteenth lunar day continues today, but, having cleansed and regained strength, a person feels joy for everything that he did in the previous two lunar phases.

Any despondency and sadness on these lunar days are unacceptable. High spirits, good spirits are a sign of both physical and mental health, so if you feel sadness and longing in your heart today, then you are living wrong. No wonder the teaching of Agni Yoga says: “Joy is a special wisdom”, and in the Bible the Apostle Paul says: “Rejoice, my brothers, always rejoice!”

Look at life easier. Remember that there are only two things that really bring a person closer to God. This is love and joy. So, the seventeenth lunar day must be filled with love and joy, and then you will feel that God rejoices with you.

It is believed that marriages entered into on these lunar days will be long and accompanied by mutual love. Anyone who is in the process of courting a loved one is recommended to arrange romantic evening during which to confess their feelings. Such actions are now successful. In general, the 12th, 16th, 17th days are good for marriages: on the 16th day, marriage will be held in harmony, on the 12th day - on higher love.

The day is favorable for: communication, art, relaxation, feasts, moderate wine intake and intimate relationships.

Organ of the day: kidneys.

Minerals of the day: transparent amethyst, raven and falcon eye, zircon, hematite.

dreams. Pleasant dreams on these lunar days mean that we successfully realize ourselves in love and creativity. If they are unpleasant, it means that our life lacks true love and creativity. And the appearance of such a dream is not accidental and indicates the opportunity to solve these problems. Be smart and don't miss this opportunity.

It is important for those born today to find their “half”. This is of particular vital importance to them. In their "second half" they draw wisdom and strength. If they do not find it, they feel unhappy and unfulfilled.

18th lunar day - "Monkey", "Mirror", "Asp", "Ice". The mirror as a symbol of this lunar day very accurately reflects the very essence: everything that happens to you now is an indicator of the state of your affairs at the moment. This lunar day acts as a mirror reflecting your true nature, showing your true self. If you are good by nature, good will come to you. If evil - it is.

A correct understanding of the events of this day will give a person the opportunity to take a sober look at what is happening and draw appropriate conclusions from it. Everything that happened is happening now not to punish, but to make a person think about own behavior, over the traits of his character and tried to change them into better side.

These lunar days carry energy that makes a person passive. Passivity is expressed in imitation, following someone else's will. Today one should not succumb to illusions, base instincts and dark thoughts.

Remember, every event that happens to you, you yourself have attracted. And there are no accidents, and even more so on this lunar day. You attracted him with your worldview, thoughts, actions. And then you are offended by someone, you grumble. After all, it depends only on you whether you will be happy, successful and healthy. Finding and understanding your shortcomings, work on them. And after a while the mirror of this day will show these changes.

Today, a little self-restraint is useful. It is good to go to the bath or swim in the water.

Today is a good day for travel. Not suitable for starting new business, marriage, showdown, quarrels, money transactions. Show tolerance and generosity, because almost everyone is a little crazy on this day, so be careful not to become the initiator of scandals.

Organs of the day: ureters and bladder. If on this day skin diseases occur or chronic ones become aggravated, moral laws are violated. It is useful to cleanse the intestines.

It is recommended to sleep less today, otherwise you may wake up in a broken state. TO dreams that you dreamed about today, you should listen, they carry information that is useful to you. For example, a dream can show what is preventing you from living, or suggest a cure for an illness.

Minerals of the day: white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

A person conceived on this day will be passive and weak. And those born have the makings of excellent actors and high self-esteem. To be normal people, they need to work through their selfishness.

19th lunar day - "Spider", "Network". On these lunar days, the Higher forces test a person for strength. This test must be passed, otherwise you will lose everything that you have achieved in the previous lunar days. You need to show everything that you are capable of, how realistic you show endurance, patience and mercy towards others, and how correctly you respond to the difficulties that arise.

A person is tested in how ready he is to fight for his life values, whether it is really the need of his soul or just words, self-deception. As a result, these lunar days make the strong even stronger, and the weak even weaker.

Today it becomes possible to distinguish your thoughts from those imposed by outsiders. These lunar days warn of the danger of not only falling into other people's networks, but also subjugating other people. You need to be alert and try to get away from people, situations, illusions and deceit that confuse your thoughts and life in general. Because of this, they are considered heavy, satanic. From here arises the symbolism of this day - the spider and the web.

On these days, the Moon is at a loss, so many sorcerers used them for their "black magic" actions. Astral contacts are switched on and established both in our world and in the other world. Today you need to be vigilant and very attentive so as not to get caught in astral nets.

These days are associated with individual creativity, the disclosure of all the intellectual capabilities of a person, provided to him by fate. Today you can learn about the future, successfully comprehend esoteric knowledge. It is recommended to spend these days at home.

Days are associated with the moral cleansing of the soul and conscience. Consider your actions: repent, forgive, get rid of lies, pride, other people's thoughts. This is important today also because the “astral tracing paper” is removed from our behavior, which will then spread to our environment. And if today the main feature of your character turns out to be a disregard for everyone, then do not be surprised when in a couple of days everyone will not give a damn about you. We ourselves have created such an energy pattern of our behavior, and now it attracts the like. It will be possible to “erase” the matrix of a bad attitude towards oneself only in the next lunar month, and then at the cost of many intellectual and volitional efforts.

Today you need to do a general cleaning in the house. Throw away everything superfluous. Remove where least cleaned. Tidy up where possible. This will renew the energy in the house and allow its new influx. Additionally, you can perform a "fiery cleansing". To do this, you need to sit by an open fire, look at it closely. And in the house, light a candle and go around the bed, room, apartment or house with it. Especially “burn through” the corners and other nooks and crannies where negative energy “loves” to accumulate with a candle flame.

Today, be careful with new ideas and acquaintances. It is undesirable to conclude contracts - you can entangle yourself with impossible obligations. Do not lend and do not repay debts. Remember that any connections, agreements, acquaintances started on this day acquire longevity. And on these days, treacherous people, skillfully weaving their webs, are especially common.

Today is one of the most conflicted days in the entire lunar month. A single careless word or glance is enough to immediately flare up a scandal or quarrel with grave and even tragic consequences. Beware of drunk people who can damage health, even maim.

Organs of the day: appendix, sigmoid colon (large intestine), navel center.

Today's Minerals: labrador, agate, morion, hematite, chrysolite, green garnet, olivine, uvarovite, red onyx.

dreams these days can scare, but they are empty.

Those born on this day have many temptations, a tendency to drunkenness, loneliness. But if they overcome their delusions, vices and pride in time, they will gain wisdom and longevity.

20th lunar day - "Eagle". This is a very important day spiritually: a blue-colored day, a day of spirituality, when a strong subtle vision is turned on. This is a powerful day: connection to the teacher, as well as other subtle forces.

On these lunar days, energy contributes to the spiritual transformation of human consciousness. Today you can literally be reborn spiritually. Therefore, these lunar days are the best for spiritual enlightenment of a person and spiritual initiation. Today it is good to read spiritual and moral books. This is what most of the great saints did.

This lunar day is intended for active, decisive, breakthrough actions. The eagle symbol means that now you can take a mental look at your life problems and solve them. To do this, you need to realize the connection between the problem and the outside world. Even great spiritual teachers said: “Look not at things, but at the connections between them, and then the truth will be revealed to you.” The twentieth lunar day gives such an opportunity - to trace the connections between ongoing events. And the one who manages to use it will gain a lot of useful things not only spiritually, but also materially.

Today you need to overcome your fear and not be afraid to step into the unknown. Fear is the most important and serious enemy of these lunar days. It must be overcome in order to be successful. But fear must not be suppressed, otherwise it will simply go into the depths of the subconscious and remain there. It needs to be changed, turned from an enemy into a friend.

These days there are big expenditures of vital energy, so do not do anything that additionally consumes it - intense and long workouts, energy treatment etc. Direct the mighty energy of these lunar days to the transformation of your personality, to spiritual growth.

Today are favorable: any undertakings, communication with like-minded people, entering into a responsible position, making important decisions, money transactions, changing jobs and acquiring housing, creativity, art, housekeeping.

Use this day to make new acquaintances, establish friendships, visit friends. But at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention not to words, not to the people themselves, but to the connections between them, and then a secret, deep layer of human communication will open before you, more eloquent and sincere than verbal.

On these lunar days, arrogance, indifference to others are contraindicated.

Organs days: upper back, shoulder blades, peritoneum, shoulders.

Minerals of the day: red jasper, rock crystal.

Dreams. Mostly random, non-carrying useful information. However, you can order the desired dream.

Those born today have a creative mindset, a tendency to be leaders. Therefore, in life they have the ability to rise above others in both good and bad ways. It is important for them to get under positive influence at the beginning of life, so that all the good that is inherent in them develops to the fullest.

21st lunar day - "Horse herd", "Chariot", "Pegasus", "Temple". The energy of these lunar days awakens active, creative beginnings in a person, the healing process is accelerated. Spend this day actively. These days give you a chance to radically change something in your life.

All creative individuals (artists, writers, sculptors, actors, etc.) are encouraged to use it in its entirety. This is the best time for holding creative evenings, concerts, exhibitions and similar events, one way or another related to creativity.

Inspiration will visit everyone, the main thing is not to miss it and use it correctly. Transform lunar energies into creative process. At correct use the energy of the moon, events can rush like a horse.

On these lunar days, one must strive to be honest and fair. The powerful energy of the twenty-first lunar day gives oaths and vows given during this lunar period strength, so it is undesirable to break them.

A wide variety of joint activities are useful, which bring people together according to their interests, the day is favorable for sports.

It has been noted that it is best to communicate, move to a new job, change your place of residence, travel, relax, work hard, work around the house and even start a divorce on these lunar days. The energy of these lunar days will strengthen you in your decision to move forward.

Organs of the day: liver and hematopoietic system. These lunar days have a depressing effect on the hematopoietic system and liver. In this regard, it is useful to use natural products with a sour taste and red color - eat carrots and drink juice based on it, as well as cranberries, beets, mountain ash, pomegranates. Avoid foods that give a load on the liver - fats, proteins.

Minerals of the day: pyrite, zircon, aventurine, obsidian.

dreams are of no particular importance.

Those born on this lunar day have a pronounced desire for leadership. They often make tyrants who go over the heads of others. They need to work on their ambition and pride. Then they can become pure and just people.

22nd lunar day - "Ganesha". wisdom day, secret knowledge and use it for good, gaining power through the knowledge given in revelations. We gain the ability to "read between the lines." By the way, another symbol of these lunar days is the “Scroll” (book). Today it is best to comprehend and use new knowledge, read secret ancient books, connect to the general information field of the Earth, the Universe. Even by watching a scene or listening to someone's conversation, we can get an answer to a question that has been troubling us for a long time. Today one should know the future (fortune-telling is inclusion in the flow, it reports the state of the Universe at the moment, this is the day for using divination cards). On this day, it is good to meditate on magical symbols, on the signs of the Zodiac, on the symbols of the planets, on the entire horoscope. It is recommended to study the symbols and focus on the pictures. One should teach others, pass on experience, show intellectual generosity.

In addition, this is a day for a person to achieve a goal, study sciences and crafts, as well as comprehend one's roots.

Today, before you say anything, think about what you want to say. Be attentive to the offers you receive today.

They will require some rethinking, they are worth digesting.

Today take care of the lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and hip joints. Avoid hypothermia in this area, as well as a strong and abrupt load in the form of unusual and unexpected movements.

On these lunar days, you can eat tightly. Give preference to plant foods.

Organs of the day: hip belt, sacrum.

Minerals of the day: blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade.

Today in dreams new knowledge and tips on how to proceed. These dreams will help you change for the better, solve many problems. But they must be correctly interpreted. Dreams dreamed today usually come true.

Those born today have the ability to learn and intuition. However, they are characterized by some complacency, neglect of others. They need to work on this and accept people as they are.

23rd lunar day - Makkara. The symbol of the day is Makkara the crocodile (a bloodthirsty half-crocodile, half-fish, half-bird, half-snake that swallows, grabs, devours everything), Cerberus, Chimera, Echidna.

The powerful energy of these lunar days stimulates in the human mind the emotions of violence, aggressiveness, as well as ... a strong appetite. Internally, you need to remain calm, keep emotions under control. On this day, it is recommended to avoid places of large crowds of people, so as not to get into an unforeseen mess. After all, what more quantity people, the more unpredictable their behavior becomes.

There is so much energy in the human body that one can easily withstand daily fasting or food restriction. This will allow a person to curb the lower instincts awakened by the powerful energy of the lunar day. Therefore, today the time of strict abstinence, including sexual abstinence, is very draining.

The most correct thing would be to direct the energy of the twenty-third lunar day to solving pressing problems, especially those requiring great effort that you have been putting off for a long time. The energy of the Moon today, with its proper use, can move any seemingly most hopeless business off the ground.

Today is the time of restructuring and changes in the physical world. Treat this with understanding. Otherwise, you will perceive them incorrectly - as losses and disappointment. I recommend getting rid of everything superfluous today, which has not been needed for a long time. Talk less and do more.

On these lunar days, it is recommended to clean your home, get rid of unnecessary things. To do this, after cleaning, the rooms are sprinkled with holy water, the candles of thresholds are cleansed with fire, the rooms are fumigated with oriental incense or wild rosemary and cumin.

Organs of the day: ovaries, testicles, Muladhara chakra (lower energy center in the coccyx area).

Minerals of the day: topaz, black jade.

dreams these lunar days should be understood exactly the opposite.

Those born on these lunar days are powerful, "punching" people. They go like an asphalt skating rink through life, achieving everything that they have planned. It is important that their goals are bright and noble.

24th lunar day - "Shiva", "Bear". The energy of this day is of great power and requires mandatory implementation. Revelation can descend on a person and great power. This is a period of destruction of the old and creation of the new. The day is associated with the transformation of male sexual energy. That is why it is favorable for men.

Today there is a wonderful control of the mind over the physical body.

This is the day of transformation of emotions and feelings into creativity, into higher energies. Therefore, the day is favorable for the awakening and transformation of sexual energy. Today it is recommended to use sexual practices (spiritual, healing) or simply engage in intimacy - more favorable for men. This will improve health and increase the spiritual level.

It is not necessary to abuse the awakened forces - they can turn into evil. No wonder sadists and rapists are punished on this day.

On this day, you can do treatment, prepare herbal medicines, drink decoctions. It is good to perform physical activity of great duration and volume, to take a steam bath in the steam room. Relax in nature - drawing on its inexhaustible strength. After all, the forces of the earth are activated on this day. Any contact with the ground is useful - walking barefoot, working in the country in the garden, rolling on the ground. A good time to start sowing work, as well as to start construction.

On this day, you should eat tightly, hunger is contraindicated. And drink less fluids.

Today is a good time to begin vital long-term projects, such as building a house. They say that in ancient Egypt on this day they made the laying of the pyramids. It is believed that the fundamental foundations laid on this day lead to the active use of reserves and creativity in the future. And in the future they bear great fruit, and the houses stand for a long time.

Organs of the day: external genitalia, rectum.

Minerals of the day: black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade.

dreams these lunar days show whether everything is in order with our sexual and creative energy. If the dreams are pleasant, then everything is fine; if they are unpleasant, your sexual and creative energy is suppressed, and this begins to oppress you. It is urgent to be realized in a creative or love plan, otherwise there will be a decline in strength and health.

The day is suitable for the conception of a strong, talented child. Physically strong people are born.

25th lunar day - "Wise turtle", "Vessels with living and dead water." A day of passivity, wisdom and prophecy, with a focus on your inner world. On this day, it is important to think about your life, to get the right direction for your development. And if you manage to disconnect from emotions and feelings, you can get answers to most of your “unsolvable questions”. Therefore, it is good to spend it in solitary contemplation. If possible, in nature, near water.

Today it is not recommended to rush anywhere. But in general, to relax in solitude and reflect on various life issues - love, partnership, etc. in order for these relationships to reach a qualitatively new level. As a result, you will get new strength and good mood.

On this day, higher psychic powers, such as levitation, telekinesis, clairvoyance, are turned on. They can also turn on unconsciously, appear spontaneously on this day. Therefore, it is good to use this day for working with psychic energies (especially if you have done this before). Appropriate exercises should be performed. By the way, they can unconsciously manifest themselves.

If the phenomenon of clairaudience appears, then be wary of this, this may be a sign of your dependence on dark forces.

If you want to do something today, then first listen to your intuition. Whatever she tells you, do it.

Today it is good to make deals on the acquisition of housing (apartments, households) and relax. Don't start new, finish what you started.

On this day, you need to cleanse yourself of toxins, spiritual and physical. Therefore, it is good to limit yourself in nutrition.

Organs of the day: hips.

Minerals of the day: spars (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat (green) eye, irazem - a translucent green stone (Salamander stone).

Dreaming today prophetic dreams showing the path of spiritual progress. For example, if you have an unpleasant dream, this indicates that you are not fulfilling your destiny. You have been given more than you do. Reconsider your attitude to life.

On this day, you may have a dream warning you, talking about the defeat of you by dark forces. To neutralize its effect, upon waking up, say three times: "Where the night is, there is a dream." Then open the faucet cold water, bend down to the stream of water and whisper this dream to her. Washes it off with water. In conclusion, read the prayer "Our Father".

People born on this day show wisdom from childhood. However, in their actions there is some slowness peculiar only to them.

26th lunar day - "Swamp", "Toad". It is considered one of the most dangerous days of the lunar cycle. These lunar days are associated with a revision of our worldview, value system. Today we see ourselves as if from the outside and not everyone will be satisfied with what has been revealed to us. But we have become such by our own will, and it is in our power to change this. It is important to realize that something high must develop in us, and not be drowned out by everyday, routine affairs. It is good today to meet a wise person who would give useful advice about life and health.

The toad is considered a symbol of wisdom, which does not bring any benefit to a person, as this is a false seduction of one's own achievements. If on this day a person feels superior to those around him, then he is in the grip of false seduction.

In order not to get stuck in the swamp of life, communicate selectively with people today. Stay away from those who draw you into an unhealthy fuss. Take a walk in the fresh air and soberly assess the reality surrounding you, your lifestyle. Ask yourself the question of what such a life of "gravity" can lead you to.

Today is considered the best day to file for divorce or get rid of unfaithful friends.

In general, on this day it is recommended not to be active (including sexual), save vital energy, and not spend money. It will be useful to you in the future. Any waste of energy on this day can lead to very serious consequences. In this regard, today it is contraindicated to chat. Talking consumes a lot of vital energy. Therefore silence is auspicious.

The best thing that can be done today is to undertake a 24-hour fast. Since ancient times, this is a day of abstinence and fasting. Here abstinence is not as necessary as fasting. And any undertaking on this day will bring losses.

If you eat on this day, then give preference to fish and vegetable dishes.

Organs of the day: knees.

Minerals of the day: yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.

dreams, who dream today show us as we consider ourselves to be - proud, narcissistic or flawed, with low self-esteem. If we see ourselves in a dream as successful, omnipotent and contented, it means that our self-esteem is greatly overestimated. It's time to take a sober assessment of yourself. And vice versa, if in a dream we see ourselves as miserable and unhappy, we urgently need to increase self-esteem, learn to love and respect ourselves.

If today you meet a person with full bags or buckets, this is a sign that your life is going in the right direction. To see lightning today in a dream or in reality is a warning about excessive pride and vanity.

Those born on this day can be happy if they defeat pride and arrogance in themselves. In addition, they must talk less all their lives, take vows and fulfill them.

27th lunar day - "Trident". The energy of these lunar days has the strongest effect on the aquatic environment, which is symbolized by the trident of the lord of the waters of Neptune. Sharpens intuition. This day brings with it inner intuitive insights, there is an unconscious work with past events, a search is being made for answers to previously unresolved life questions. Therefore, the basis of this day is knowledge, renewal and expansion of one's capabilities.

During these lunar days, it is recommended to think about something high and beautiful, then the everyday will be decided by itself. It is good to perform all sorts of meditations and concentrations. This is conducive to obtaining hidden knowledge, insight, and resolving issues that concern you.

This is the day of finding one's "I", one's spiritual and life path, consolidating life's achievements and developments. Day of hope for the best, love for people and for life.

It is important on this day to find yourself, get rid of illusions and be aware of responsibility for each of your actions.

It is good to spend this day on the road, sea travel is especially useful. It is recommended to plant flowers and explore the world from unexpected angles.

It is good to listen to the advice of experienced people - they will help you in the future.

Concerning health work, then very useful water procedures. Give moderate physical activity, take care of the feet.

Organ of the day: shins.

Minerals of the day: red coral, lilac transparent amethyst, emerald, selenite, adularia, pink and raspberry quartz, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite.

The dreams of these lunar days come true and often carry intuitive insights - they reveal the true essence of things, people around us and ongoing events. For example, if you suspect someone of uncleanliness, and you dream that he takes you out of the fire in his arms, your suspicions are groundless, this is a real friend you can trust.

Those born on this day are fickle, prone to fantasies and love to travel.

28th lunar day - "Lotus". Due to the fact that the energy of these lunar days is very favorable and harmonious for a person, they are called a symbol of purity and harmony - a lotus.

On this day, a unique opportunity opens up to work with the astral body, clairvoyance, chakras ( energy centers), contemplation, symbols and dreams, especially since at this time prophetic dreams are dreamed, from which you can learn a lot about yourself, your karma, and the future. Competent work in this regard can give amazing results not only for recovery, but for the rest of your life. For example, you can work with dreams, learning through this your past lives, to reveal the potential accumulated in them.

This is the time of gaining the highest meaning of existence, self-consciousness and spiritual consciousness. On this day, the spiritual significance of a person increases and intuition increases. This day is most favorable in order to change fate for the better, as well as to get rid of false friends and unnecessary connections. Thus, this is the day of finding direction, restoring peace, balance, justice in oneself. The day of gaining the highest meaning of life, spontaneous disclosure of one's talents and abilities.

It is important to maintain a special high spirits on these lunar days, to control your own emotions in order to stay on the wave of harmonizing energy. Any bad thoughts will knock you out of the right mood. In addition, there is no need to bring disharmony into the environment around you. It is forbidden: to dig the ground, cut or cut trees, mow grass, pick flowers, and even more so harm animals, insects, etc. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with nature, plant trees and flowers, and continue tribal traditions.

On this day, buying a house or moving to a new place of residence can be successful. You can also do repairs in the house or learn a new profession. It is also favorable for getting out of protracted conflicts. In general, you can start any business. Make purchases, sow, build, create, give and receive gifts, etc. Spend it actively and in a good mood.

Today, it is useful for health to do massages, baths with cosmetics and natural herbs, and use natural masks. You can cleanse the body through the skin, for example in a steam room.

To maximize harmony in the physical body, today it is better to eat freshly squeezed juices, fruits and vegetables with seeds removed in advance.

Organs of the day: body fluids. They intensively circulate through the body under the influence of the tides of the new moon. Today it is important not to overwork your eyesight, read less, do not look at bright light. Should be monitored blood pressure, take care of your head, brain.

Minerals of the day: aragonite, anadalusine, chrysoprase, belomorite, amethyst, plasma, milk opal, jadeite, aquamarine.

dreams prophetic on these lunar days. What you dream about today will tell you about the future and tell you how to experience what awaits you in the best possible way. Remember, a dream only warns, and whether what you see in it will come true or not depends on you.

Those born on this day are completely different.

29th lunar day - "Octopus". These lunar days are considered the most dangerous of the entire lunar cycle. At this time, black moonless nights - the new moon is about to come. The day in which, according to legend, the incarnation of Lucifer or Maya (cosmic illusion) took place. It is believed that on these lunar days an astral fog thickens over people, taking away strength. Like, this is the time of evil spirits.

It is important to note that the effect of 29 lunar days on a person depends on how he lived the lunar month. If the wrong path was chosen, then these days can be very difficult. Therefore, today throw off everything superficial from yourself and clearly feel your path, your destiny. It is good to spend these days in solitude.

Take the difficulties that arise on this day for good, they indicate your problems. The main recommendations of this day are humility and repentance. We must humbly accept punishment as a result of what we deserve. Transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

It is important to note for yourself who called you that day, who they met, what attracted attention. Because they are great for breaking annoying, fake relationships, getting rid of empty people, clearing your mind of negative thoughts, getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body and soul.

Today, carry out an astral cleansing of your home with candles, prayers, fumigation with wild rosemary, thistle, and wormwood. And if you pass these days of illusions, temptations, trials with dignity, you will receive the highest grace and move to a qualitatively new level both in the spiritual and material spheres.

WITH material point of view, the energy of these lunar days is unfavorable for humans, because under the influence of the Moon and the Sun, which are on the one hand, the largest ebbs and flows occur on our planet. Such a disturbance occurs not only with liquid media in the human body, which bring chaos into life processes, but also with consciousness - mismatch, and with energy - distortion, loss of harmony. To help the body better tolerate this, it is recommended to observe food restrictions, physically relax and refrain from sexual contact, maintain calmness and concentration.

Food should consist mainly of pastries - pies, pancakes. It has a drying effect, astringent taste, which restrains fluid fluctuations in the body.

During these days, avoid muddy water and darkness. Before going to bed, be sure to take a shower, imagining how the purest water washes away someone else's, bad and dark energy from you.

Organs of the day: feet.

Minerals of the day: serpentine, black pearl, mother-of-pearl, obsidian, white opal, labradorite, colored jasper. Today you can not wear items made of bone and horn.

dreams on these lunar days are deceptive, heavy, unpleasant and false. Today, do not believe any promises, rumors or forecasts for the future - they are deceptive.

If you “accidentally” hear screams, the call of a trumpet, lingering musical sounds on these lunar days, this is a warning about your wrong path.

People born on this lunar day can have much more problems than on others. In life, many temptations and illusions lie in wait for them. But if they are reasonable, morally pure, they will have enough strength to walk their path with dignity and acquire a huge spiritual experience.

30th lunar day - "Golden Swan". Their symbol is the Golden Swan. A symbol of the highest cosmic love for everyone, help, support, mercy and transformation. On these lunar days, we are moving to a new circle of development. Therefore, you need to cleanse yourself, renew yourself for a new life - wash away everything old, all your sins, forgive everyone and stay in love and harmony with the world and with yourself. Thank the outgoing month for life experience which he brought to you. And with a pure heart, prepare to enter a new life cycle (lunar month).

On these lunar days, the results of the past lunar cycle are summed up. Having committed bad deeds, they repent, ask for forgiveness, atone for sins. They complete what they started at the beginning of the lunar cycle. Pay off debts in order to enter the new life cycle clean and unencumbered.

In view of the fact that the tidal energy of the Moon and the Sun expands the human body, which causes tension in it, it is necessary to help the body painlessly cope with this through nutrition and lifestyle. Food should be light, but dense, drink less liquids. Exercise stress- ordinary at home and at work, no more.

Going to the theater or museum, as well as just walking in the park, especially barefoot, will be useful. In general, relaxation and peace of mind. Receiving small joys and pleasures. If you get joy from giving - work on it, any work in the garden is welcome.

It is useful to meditate, to be strengthened internally in good thoughts in order to move to a higher circle of spiritual, moral and more healthy physical development in the new lunar cycle.

Organ of the day: The pituitary gland is a special gland in the center of the brain.

Minerals of the day: marble, white coral, rock crystal.

dreams these days are true and prophetic. From them we can understand what mistakes we made during the past lunar month and how they can be corrected.

The barking of a dog is a warning about a mistake made over the past month.

Remember, the duration of the 30th lunar day, like the first, is very short - from several minutes to several hours.

Those born on these lunar days are often beautiful and kind. They quickly find their way in life and their “second half”. And all because they went through the whole circle of incarnations and gained experience. They say that this is their last incarnation on Earth. Further them development will go in completely different places in the universe.

1. The most favorable time for the treatment of any organ is the time of its highest activity in the year. For example, it is best to cleanse the liver during its 72-day activity, when the 12-14th lunar day falls.

2. Prophylactically support your weak organs during opposite periods of activity. For example, the heart is supported in winter, the kidneys in summer; liver - in autumn, lungs - in spring.

3. Purify or restore organs during the most active periods for them. For the liver it is spring, for the heart it is summer, for the kidneys it is winter, for the lungs it is autumn, for the stomach it is the off-season.

4. Never stimulate naturally strong organs: according to the law of antagonism, they will further oppress the opposite weak ones. For example, stimulation of the kidneys in winter will depress the heart even more, and, conversely, stimulation of the heart in summer will further depress weak kidneys. The same applies to the liver and lungs.

The moon is a dead planet and sends out harmful emanations like a corpse. When the transiting Moon passes the following degrees, surgery is not recommended in the following parts of the body and organs.

In the sign of ARIES: head and brain, head nervous system, eyes, ears and teeth.
C 0°-10° - skull, forehead, brain;
from 10°-15° - right eye;
from 15°-20°- left eye;
from 20°- 23°- tongue;
from 20 ° - 25 ° - nose;
from 20 ° - 30 "- oral cavity, upper jaw, teeth, chin.

In the sign of TAURUS: occiput and cerebellum, organs of the frontal sinuses and auditory canals, nose, neck and throat, pharynx and pharynx, larynx and trachea, esophagus, ears, thyroid gland.
C 0°-10° - ears, lower jaw, neck, pharynx;
from 10°-20° - back of the neck;
from 20 ° - 25 ° - tonsils;
from 20°-30° - shoulders, shoulder joints;
from 25 ° - 30 ° - vocal cords.

In the sign of GEMINI: respiratory organs - trachea, bronchi, lungs, tongue, upper limbs from fingers and hands to shoulders, nervous system.
C 0°-15° - pleura, bronchi, left lung, left hand;
from 15 ° - 30 ° - right lung, right arm or both arms at once.

In the sign of CANCER: stomach and diaphragm, chest, breasts and mammary glands, nipples, pleura and mucous membranes, the entire digestive system, pancreas, liver and gallbladder the entire lymphatic system.
From 0° -10°- left breast;
from 10°-20°- stomach, lymph nodes and tracts;
from 20°-30° - right breast, liver and gallbladder.

In the sign of LEO: the heart, the entire cardiovascular system and the circulatory system, the spine and ribs, the diaphragm, cyclicity.
C 0 ° - 15 ° - left ventricle of the heart;
from 15 ° - 25 "- spleen;
from 15 ° - 30 ° - the right ventricle of the heart.

In the sign of VIRGO: the entire intestinal tract and solar plexus, organs that cause diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
C 0°-15°- appendix;
from 15 ° -30 ° - the entire intestinal tract.
If possible, during these 2 - 2.5 days, avoid surgical intervention in the area abdominal cavity, pylorus, spleen, pancreas, liver and gallbladder and the entire autonomic nervous system. Even with a successful operation, adverse consequences are often observed in the future.

In the sign of LIBRA: kidneys and adrenal glands, spleen, bladder, uterus and ovaries.
C 0°-10°- kidneys, left-hand side lower back;
from 10°-25°- the entire groin area;
from 10°- 30°- right side of the lower back, right kidney, uterus.
If possible, during this period of time, avoid any operation in the groin area, the entire spinal column and the entire nervous system.

In the sign of SCORPIO: genitals and the entire excretory system, endocrine glands, gallbladder, large intestine!
C 0°-5° - ovaries;
from 0°-15° - external genitalia;
from 10°-20° - uterus, right-sided urinary canals;
from 15° - 30° - left-sided urinary canals.
If possible, during this period of time, avoid any operation in the groin and reproductive system, renal pelvis and Bladder, neck and throat, pharynx, pharynx and larynx.

In the sign of SAGITTARIUS: pelvis and hip joints, legs - from the hip joint to the knee joint, ligaments and tendons, liver, all actions related to blood.
C 0°-15° - left thigh and left tibia;
from 15 ° - 30 ° - right thigh and right tibia.

In the sign of CAPRICORN: the entire skeleton, but especially the tibia and knee joints, tendons.
С 0°- 15° - all bones of the skeleton and left knee-joint;
from 15°- 30°- right knee joint.
If possible, avoid operations on the jaws and teeth.

In the sign of AQUARIUS: periosteum, calf leg, tendons. ankles, foot
С 0°- 15° - shin and calf of the left leg -
from 15°- 30° - drumstick and calf right foot, tendons.
If possible, avoid surgery of the appendix, brain, nervous system and organs that cause diseases associated with blood pressure disorders

In the sign of FISH: feet and duodenal joints, the entire lymphatic system.
From 0°- 10°- rise;
from 0°- 15°- left foot;
from 15°- 30°- right foot.

during a surgical intervention, the Moon and Mars, which are tracing, should in no case form either a conjunction, or a quadrature, or an opposition between them!

Lunar days for conception

According to the research of the doctor of medicine Evgen Jonas, the so-called "barren" women are capable of conception when the transiting Moon and Sun are at the same distance from each other as in the woman's birth horoscope. In other words, on the same lunar day of the birth horoscope.

For example, you were born on the 17th lunar day - which means the best day for conception is the current 17th lunar day.

from the book by S.A. Vronsky "Astrology - superstition or science"

The space between the Sun and the Earth is filled with a thin material medium - ether. The passage of light through this medium creates tremendous friction. Friction generates electricity, which, by the combination of its opposite polarities, generates heat and endows with magnetism any substance capable of receiving it.

The sun, planets, stars, nebulae are all magnets. The Hindus have a popular and very meaningful proverb that says: "Tender words are better than harsh words, the sea is attracted by the cool Moon, not the hot Sun." Perhaps the person or people who released this proverb into the world knew more about the reason for such an attraction of water by the Moon than our science knows. So if science cannot explain the cause of this physical attraction, what can it know about the moral and occult influences exerted by celestial bodies on people and their destinies, and why refute what it cannot prove to be false?

Almost nothing is known about the laws of magnetism, about their effect on our bodies, minds and psyches, and even what is known and, moreover, has been excellently demonstrated, is attributed to chance or curious coincidences. But it is known that, thanks to these coincidences, there are periods when certain illnesses, inclinations, luck, misfortunes of mankind occur more often than others.

As the planets differ in size, distance, and activity, so also is the intensity of their impulses communicated to the ether, and so is the force of magnetism and other subtle forces which they radiate in different celestial aspects. Music is the combination and modulation of sounds, and sound is the result of the vibration of the ether. Now, if the impulses communicated to the ether by different planets are compared with the sounds produced by different notes musical instrument, then it is not difficult to understand that the "music of the spheres" of Pythagoras is not just a fantasy, but that some planetary combinations can cause disturbances in the ether of our planet, and, consequently, peace and harmony of other planets.

Some types of music infuriate us, some create a sublime religious mood of the soul. Finally, there is hardly a human being who does not respond to certain vibrations of the atmosphere. The same with color. Some colors excite us, some soothe and delight. The nun dresses in black, symbolizing the despair of the spirit, suppressed by the consciousness of original sin, the bride dresses in white, red excites the rage of some animals.

If we and animals are affected by vibrations that occupy an insignificant place on the scale, then why should we not all be affected by vibrations operating within the limits of a huge scale, which are the combined influences of planets and stars.

"All my conscious life, of course, as far as possible, I tried to adhere to the rules of the Lunar Calendar, the cosmobiological patterns of lunar happy and unlucky days .... I am alive, despite the fact that I drowned twice, fell six times with the plane, was in a state of clinical death. But he returned, went through fires, waters and copper pipes, got out of prisons and remained alive .... And this is the main thing." . Sergei Vronsky

Characteristics of lunar days

1. The day is favorable for new beginnings, but the upcoming activities need to be well planned.

2. The day is favorable, you can positively resolve the issue with the authorities, it’s good to go on a trip.

3. On this day, you need to be bolder and more active. It is necessary to give way to the accumulated energy.

4. On this day, it is better to think over several times than to make hasty decisions. It would be nice to sing songs, mantras.

5. On this day, food is well absorbed and energy is accumulated.

6. The day is good for research work, breathing exercises.

7. Observe justice, do not lie, watch your words, it is favorable to conclude agreements.

8. On this day it is good to give alms, a day of repentance and remission of sins.

9. Dangerous day. A period of deceit and seduction. It is necessary to soberly evaluate all bad signs. Turn to spiritual food, purification of thoughts, protection from aggression.

10. auspicious day. On this day secrets are revealed. Day of transformation of karmic problems. Good to start building.

11. Good day. In any case, caution is required. This is the day of the dedicated. You can't quit what you started.

12. Do not start anything new. Day of inclusion of cosmic energy, prayers come true. Whoever is not merciful on this day may himself lose mercy. You can't waste energy.

13. Magic day. For ordinary people- unfavorable. Don't start anything new. On this day, problems arise and people from past incarnations meet. It is good to work with time, make contact with other dimensions, work with karma, study ancient texts.

14. Good and even happy day. It is good to solve cases, conclude agreements and contracts. If you miss this day, then consider that the month is lost.

15. On this day, the inner serpent of each person is activated, a period of various temptations. Try to be in a high state of consciousness for as long as possible. On this day, you often have to fight evil spirits. It's good to restore justice.

16. The day is very harmonious and successful. Beauty, balance and harmony are also easily comprehended on this day. The symbol of the day is calmness and confidence.

17. Favorable day for love, marital relations. It's good to get married. It is also good to start new business.

18. A very nervous day. Therefore, the motto of the day is peace of mind. The day requires the development of prudence and restraint. Everything negative that people see in others, in fact, they have themselves. This day is like a mirror.

19. Dangerous, satanic day. Day of seduction, deceit and deceit. If circumstances allow, then you need to give up travel and travel. Day of rampage of demons. You have to beware of drunk people. It is useful to bake pies, candles, incense. Your high moral qualities can help neutralize the negative.

20. Good day to start any business. Day of overcoming doubts, spiritual insight.

21. The day is favorable for travel, moving, business trips. Day of friendship, brotherhood and collective unification of people. Good for trade and business.

22. The day is favorable for the study of secret knowledge, the transfer of experience, learning. It's good to know the future. It is better not to start new business.

23. The day when all dots are placed over the "I". It's good to finish things and clear up pending issues. Day of forgiveness and understanding. Do not give in to irritation and anger.

24. Neutral day, continue what you started. The day is associated with the awakening of forces. Good for improving your health.

25. Day of contemplation, concentration, sleep and rest. You can't rush or rush.

26. Do not start or undertake anything new. The day is dangerous, but not satanic. You can not fuss and waste energy and energy in vain. It is better to refrain from vigorous activity. Day of testing knowledge and teachings. It is necessary to strive for a sober assessment of reality.

27. Not a bad day. You can get secret knowledge. It is useful to meditate, to help those in need.

28. A good day for earthly affairs. It is better to read less and watch TV. You can remember past incarnations. It is useful to work with dreams, safe occult practices.

29. most dangerous day. Astral fog thickens over people. Day of revelry of larvae and demons. Drive all annoying people away. Do not start anything new and do not even plan. It is recommended to burn lapmads, candles, incense. Beware of dark rooms. Do not drink alcohol. Control your thoughts and try not to succumb to temptations. It is good to cleanse the body, wash, go to the bath, listen classical music, mantras.

30. Day of repentance, forgiveness and summing up for the month. Try to complete the work you have started on this day, distribute debts, give up everything unnecessary.

Each lunar day has its own meaning and features. What you can do on one day, it is strictly forbidden to do it on another, and vice versa.

Knowing the characteristics of the lunar day, you will be able to plan important things in advance, being sure that your health will not let you down in the absence of emergency situations. Just do not forget that such days can be of different lengths.

The meaning and features of the lunar day in the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is older than the solar calendar. People started using it much earlier. Also in Ancient Rome after each new moon, the priests publicly announced the beginning of a new month, called the dates of the onset of the lunar phases. Since ancient times, people lived precisely in accordance with the lunar calendar, and knowing the meaning of the lunar day, they understood that the influence of the moon on the Earth is not weaker, and perhaps even stronger than the sun. The nature of the lunar day affects our behavior, mood, well-being. The lunar month begins with the new moon, from which the lunar day is counted, the characteristics and meaning of which you will learn on this page.

The lunar day is the time that the moon passes from its rising to sunrise. Unlike a solar day (the sun makes full turn around the Earth in 24 hours), a feature of the lunar day is that they can be of different duration. When planning your activities on lunar days, consider the following factors.

The first lunar day begins at the moment of the new moon and does not coincide with the moment of sunrise. The first lunar day ends at the moment of the next moonrise after the new moon. Therefore, the first lunar day can be very short.

There are 29 or 30 lunar days in a lunar month. The thirties can also be very short, they do not end with the next moonrise, but at the moment of the new moon. But from this, the value of the 30th lunar day for a person is no less important than the rest.

Lunar days are calculated taking into account the longitude and latitude of the area where you are. It is not enough to add or subtract zone longitude for this. It is necessary to calculate the lunar day. The lunar day will begin at different times, even for cities in the same region. The difference is small, but there is. In the calendar presented on another page of this site, the time is calculated for Moscow.

The value and characteristics of the lunar day for each day in the table

The table below shows the characteristics of the lunar day and advice on what can and cannot be done in accordance with the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Table "Oun days and their meaning for every day":

moon day Characteristics of the lunar day
3 "Leopard". Concentration on self-defense. Day for exercise. Avoid fuss, waste of energy
4 "Tree of knowledge". A day of active contacts, but do not make hasty decisions
5 "Unicorn". Inner work on yourself. Understanding your capabilities and responsibilities
6 "Crane". The day is passive, mediumistic, facilitating the manifestation of abilities
7 "Wind rose". Be careful and responsible with your words. Words materialize. Mantras. self-tuning
8 "Phoenix". Energy Transformation Day. Spiritual cleansing. Making changes. External activity is undesirable
9 "Bat". Day of self-deception, temptation. Do not show dissatisfaction with life and people. Energy cleansing
10 "Fountain". Day of creativity, spiritual search, in-depth mental work
11 "Fire sword". Day of powerful energy. Everything requires caution and prudence.
12 "Bowl". Day of prayer, charity, turning to God. Prayers come true
13 "Wheel". Day of reflection on their mistakes, study, accumulation of information. Biofield cleaning
14 "Pipe". Entering a new level, calling for something. Body cleansing. Dry fasting
15 "Snake". Day of temptations, the danger of losing touch with your higher self. Desirable self-restraint, concentration on the main
16 "Pigeon". Day of harmony, balance, justice. Guidance of cleanliness. Harmonizing exercises
17 "Bunch of grapes". Finding inner freedom. Sublimation of sexual energy
18 "Mirror". Passive, contemplative day, requiring prudence. The danger of imitation. Look at yourself from the outside
19 "Spider". Tempting, heavy, unfavorable energy of the day. Do a moral cleanse. Checking the strength of life values
20 "Eagle". Day for spiritual practices, choice, overcoming doubts
21 "Herd of horses". Active, creative to make changes. Don't sit still
22 "Elephant Ganesh". Building plans for the future. Training, transfer of experience
23 "Crocodile". Awakening instincts. House cleaning at all levels. Getting rid of unnecessary
24 "Shiva Bear". Awakening and use of sexual energy. Gaining control of the body
25 "Turtle". Passive, for solitude, meditation, cleansing the body. It is advisable to starve on melt water
26 "Swamp". Cutting off unnecessary contacts, tearing off masks. Refraining from activity and talkativeness
27 "Trident". Day of obtaining secret knowledge. A New Look to old problems. Meditation. Working with intuition
28 "Lotus". Day of energy rebirth, internal alchemy. You can not fall into despondency, pessimism
29 "Hydra". The day is unfavorable. Cutting off false connections. House cleaning at all levels. Drive away bad thoughts
30 "Golden Swan". Dot the "i" in business and relationships. Finding inner harmony

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