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Card file of outdoor games. Card file of outdoor games for preschoolers

Mobile games on fresh air

"Guys have a strict order." Playing in line. At the signal of the teacher, they scatter around the site (hall) and say (sing): “The guys have a strict order, they know all their places. Well, blow more cheerfully: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta! ”Signal of the teacher. The players quickly line up in a line at the indicated place. Places of construction during the game change. You can build not only in a row, but also in a column. The game can be played with music.

"Salki (catchers)". The players are freely located on the court (in the hall). One of the participants is the driver. On a signal, the driver tries to catch up with those who run across and tarnish. The one who is caught becomes the leader. He stops, raises his hand and says loudly: “I am a tag (catching up)!”, after which the game continues. Options: with in large numbers there are several drivers (two or three) who play; a player who has crouched cannot be tagged (“Talking with a squat”); the player, escaping from the driver, takes someone by the hand - you can’t stain him (“Salki - give me your hand”); the players jump on one leg (“Legs with jumps on one leg”).

"At the bear in the forest." On one side of the site is a bear den. On the other, children. The children go to the lair with the words: “I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest, and the bear looks and growls at everyone.” After these words, the bear begins to catch the children; children try to run away. Those caught go to the lair. The bear changes when there are four or five caught in the den.

Option: a game with two or three drivers.

"Smart Guys". The players, holding hands, form a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. At the signal of the teacher, the children say: “We - funny boys, we love to run and play, well, try to catch up with us! One, two, three - catch! ”After the word“ catch ”the children run to the boundaries of the site, the driver catches. The one who is caught becomes the leader.

Options: children scatter around the playground; caught helps the driver; those caught are counted; those caught stand one step back; while playing the words, they move in a circle to the right or left.

"Owl". The owl stands out. Her nest is away from the site. Those playing on the playground are an owl in a nest. At the signal of the teacher, “The day is coming - everything comes to life!” children walk, run, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles. After the words "Night is coming - everything freezes!" the players stop in the position in which they were caught by the signal. The owl goes out to hunt: he takes those who move to his nest. Again the teacher says: "The day is coming - everything comes to life." The owl goes to the nest, the players come to life. The owl changes after 2-3 games.

"We are funny guys." Playing on one side of the site (hall). Driver in the center. The children say in unison: “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, well, try to catch up with us!” After these words, the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the driver tries to stain them. Caught helps the driver with the next dashes, but does not salute, but only delays.

Options: those caught actively help the driver and also stain; the one who is caught becomes the driver, and the driver becomes an assistant; the one who is caught becomes the driver, and the driver joins the players.

"Two Frosts". All players on the same side of the court (hall). Two drivers, Frosts, stand in the middle of the platform facing the players and say: “We are two young brothers, two remote Frosts.” "I'm Frost Red Nose." "I'm Frost Blue Nose". - "Which of you will dare to set off on a path?" Children unanimously answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost,” and run across to the other side of the site (hall). Frosts stain the runners. The frosts change after two or three runs.

Options: caught are counted; those caught are frozen (they stand in the place where they were stained by Frost), the frozen ones can be frozen - touched by hand during the next dashes; frozen, without leaving the place, freeze those who run close (touch with a hand).

"Behind me". The players stand in a circle. The place of each is indicated by a circle (cross, flag). Leading the circle. He walks around the circle and, touching the players (of his choice), says: "Follow me!" The players who were invited by the driver go and follow him with all the movements (hands to the sides, up, sit down, etc.). The driver, having gathered a significant group of participants, leads them away from the circle, continuing to perform various movements, and then suddenly says: “In places!” Everyone rushes to the circle and tries to take any designated place. The player left without a place will be the new driver.

"Wolf in the ditch" In the middle of the site (hall) two longitudinal parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 50–70 cm from one another - a ditch. The leader in the ditch is the wolf. The goats are on one side of the site (hall) and, at the signal of the teacher, run to the other side, jumping over the moat. The wolf, without running out of the moat, catches (stains) the goats. Caught goats are counted. Wolves change after two or three runs.

Options: there may be two or three wolves in the moat; goats jump over the moat back and forth until a new signal; the captured goats remain in the moat.

"Ball passing". The players are divided into two groups. Each group is built in one line. The lines are located opposite each other at a distance of 6–10 m. The first players in each line have a ball. At the signal of the teacher, the ball is passed from hand to hand along the line. The last one in the line, having received the ball, hits it on the floor and passes it back. The first players, having received the balls, raise them up. The team that completes the pass first wins. During the game, the teams change places and balls.

Options: each team is built in a semicircle; the first players, having received the ball, pass it to the teacher; players may not stand, but sit; the ball is passed only in one direction, and the latter lifts it up.

"Jumping Sparrows". A circle is marked on the ground (on the floor). In the center of the circle, the leader is a crow. Behind the circle line, all the players are sparrows. They jump into the circle, jump around the circle, jump out of it. The crow tries to touch the sparrow when it is in the circle. The one who is caught becomes the leader.

"Recognize by voice." All players walk or run around the court. The driver stands in the center. At the signal of the teacher or one of the students, “One-two-three, quickly run into the circle!” the players, holding hands, form a circle around the driver and go to the right (left) in a circle with the words: “Guess the riddle, who called you, find out!” After that, everyone stops, the driver closes his eyes, and one of the players, at the direction of the teacher, calls the name and surname of the driver. If the driver finds out who said his first and last name, then this player replaces the driver - and the game is repeated.

"The ball to the neighbor." Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Leading the circle. The players pass the ball either to the right or to the left, but always to the neighbor. The task of the driver is to touch the ball. If the driver touches the ball, then the player who had the ball becomes the driver.

Option: two drivers and two balls.

"Cat and Mice". Players, holding hands, form a circle with two or three gates. A cat and five or six mice are selected. The mice run away from the cat, and the cat catches them. Mice can run through the gate and under the arms of those standing in a circle, and the cat can only run through the gate. Children help the mice escape from the cat by dropping their hands in front of him and crouching. When the cat catches three or four mice, the new cat and new mice - and the game continues.

Relay "Who is faster?". The players are divided into two teams standing in columns one at a time. A line is marked in front of the columns, and large stuffed balls lie at a distance of 15–20 m from them. At the signal of the teacher, the first numbers run to the big balls, run around them to the right (left), return and pass the balls to the second, and themselves become at the end of the column, etc. The team that finishes the run first and passes the ball to the teacher wins.

Options: not two columns, but three or four; the player runs around not only the ball, but also the column in depth.

"Mousetrap". The players are divided into two groups. One group joins hands and forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest - mice - are outside the circle. Children, depicting a mousetrap, walk in a circle and say: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they got divorced - just a passion! Everyone gnawed, everyone ate, they climb everywhere - what a misfortune! Beware, cheats, we will get to you! ”The children stop, raise their clasped hands up and continue:“ Here we put a mousetrap, we will catch all of you! At the teacher's signal "Clap!" the mousetrap slams shut (the children put their hands down), and the mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught, they stand in a circle and hold hands. The game continues until there are two or three mice left. After that, the groups switch roles.

"Class, be quiet!" The players stand in one line. The teacher, standing facing the players, gives commands. The command must be executed only if the teacher began it with the word "class". The one who made a mistake takes a step forward, but continues to play. Two errors are noted in the game: the first - the player executed the command without the preliminary word “class”, the second - the player did not execute the command, although it was given correctly. If the player who made a mistake and took a step forward again makes a mistake, then he takes another step forward. At the end of the game, students who have not made mistakes are marked.

"Forbidden Movement" Playing together with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher explains that he will perform different movements, and the students must perform them with him, but one movement is forbidden, it cannot be performed. For example, it is forbidden to perform the “hands behind the head” movement. The teacher starts doing different movements, all the students repeat them. Suddenly, the teacher performs a forbidden movement. The student who repeated it takes a step forward and then continues to play. Prohibited movements should be changed after four to five repetitions. It is very good to perform movements in the game to the music.

"Quick to places." Students stand in a line. At the command of the teacher "Disperse!" the players scatter around the playground, run, jump, play. Suddenly, the command “Quickly to places!” - and all students take their places in the line. The teacher notes those who quickly took a place in the ranks.

"Cosmonauts". Rockets are indicated on the floor in the hall (on the site) in 4-6 places. On the side of the missiles there is an inscription of the route, for example: ZLZ ("Earth - Moon - Earth"), ZVZ ("Earth - Venus - Earth"), ZMZ ("Earth - Mars - Earth"). Each rocket has 3-6 seats. The whole hall is a rocket launcher. In all rockets, there are 3-4 fewer seats than the players. The players, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words: “Waiting for us fast rockets for walks on the planets, to which one we want - we will fly to such! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!”

After the word "no" everyone scatters and tries to take a place in one of the rockets. Latecomers stand in the center of the circle. The game is repeated several times. Those playing who made more flights are noted.

"Riders-athletes". Stalls are marked at a distance of 2 m from the wall and 1 m from one another. They should be 2-3 less than the players. The players stand in a circle with their right (left) side to the center, representing horses. The dressage of sports horses is staged. At the command "Step the horse!" horses walk, raising their knees high, reaching them with the palms of their arms bent at the elbows. Team Turn! - and the horses turn around, continuing to move in the opposite direction. Team "Rysyu!" - horses run "Step horse!" - go again. This is repeated 2-3 times. At the command "To the stall!" everyone is running, trying to take the designated place. Those left without a stall lose.

The participants in the game again become in a circle, this time with the other side to the center - and the game is repeated.

"Through bumps and stumps." On one side of the hall (platform) there is a camp for children (4–6 m from the wall). Behind the camp line begins the forest. On the floor (on the ground) there are (marked) bumps and stumps. On the opposite side is marked tall tree, in the hollow of which wild bees(you can use a boom stance or a jumping stance).

All players are in the camp. Three - bees (leaders) - stand behind a tree. At the signal of the teacher, the guys, raising their knees high, walk along the bumps and stumps and say the words: “We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through the bushes and bumps, through the branches and stumps. Who walked so high, did not stumble, did not fall. Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree, angry bees fly out! The bees begin to circle around the Christmas tree and, imitating the flight with the movements of the hands bent at the elbows, say: “Wh-w-w” - we want to bite. The players say: “You can’t catch up with the swift-footed ones! We are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let's run home as soon as possible! After the word "home" the guys run away over bumps and stumps. The bees sting (stain) those who run away. Those stung are counted, new drivers are selected. The game is repeated.

"Swan geese". On one side of the site (hall) there is a paddock for swan geese. On the opposite side is a mountain, behind which is a wolf. The rest of the site is a field. Of the participants in the game, a birdie and a wolf stand out, the rest are swan geese. Before the start of the game, the geese-swans are located in the corral, the wolf goes over the mountain, the poultry hen - in the field. The poultry keeper addresses the swan geese: “Swan geese!” They answer her: "Ha-ha-ha." The bird asks: “Do you want to eat?” - "Yes Yes Yes!" “Then fly into the field,” says the birder. Geese-swans fly out into the field and nibble on the grass. After 20–30 sec. the bird-girl says: “Geese-swans, Gray wolf under the mountain. The swan geese ask: “What is he doing there?” “The geese are nibbling,” replies the hen. "What?" - “Gray, white, all kinds. Fly home soon!" With these words, the swan geese fly away home (to the paddock), and the wolf, running out from behind the mountain, tries to catch them. Those caught are taken over the mountain. The game continues two or three times, after which a new wolf and a bird are selected.

Option: instead of a poultry house, a shepherd is allocated who has a gun (three small balls). The sub-shepherd is located. When the wolf runs out from behind the mountain, the shepherd, without leaving his place, shoots at him (throws balls). The shot wolf is replaced by another.

"Strip Jumping". On the ground (floor), five strips 6–8 m long and 40 cm wide are indicated. The distance from the first strip to the second is 40 cm, from the second to the third - 60 cm, from the third to the fourth - 85 cm, from the fourth to the fifth -115 see All players are divided into two or three teams. Each team stands in a line close to the first strip, 3–4 m from it. By order of the teacher, one player from each team comes out and stands on the first strip. On the first signal, they jump to the second strip, on the second - on the third, on the third - on the fourth, on the fourth - on the fifth. Whoever jumps to the fifth strip gets four points, to the fourth - three points, to the third - two, from the first to the second - one. After the first group of jumpers, the second group stands on the first strip, and the jumpers stand on the left flank of the line. The team that gets large quantity points.

"The Fox and the Chickens". The fox, the rooster and the hunter stand out from the participants. The rest are chickens. Three or four gymnastic benches are placed in the hall. These are perches. The fox goes to the far corner of the hall. The hunter (with two balls) is in the opposite corner. A rooster with chickens walk around the hall, collect grains, flap their wings (hands). The fox, at the signal of the teacher, begins to sneak up on the chickens. The rooster, noticing the fox, gives the signal “Ku-ka-re-ku!”. All chickens take off (jump) onto perches. The rooster is the last to fly. The fox, breaking into the chicken coop, tries to grab and take away with him any chicken that did not have time to fly up to the perch or jumped off it. If the fox manages to grab the prey and it starts to take it away with him, the hunter shoots the fox. Fox has been shot. Instead of the one shot, another fox is chosen, and the game continues. During one raid, the fox can only carry off one chicken. The fox is obliged to leave the chicken coop at the signal of the teacher. In the conditions of the site and natural terrain, ordinary benches, logs, stumps, bumps, and fallen trees can be used as perches.

Option: only a rooster and a hunter are appointed in advance, and the fox is appointed by the teacher at the time when the chickens are walking, and this is done unnoticed by others. The rooster keeps a close eye on everyone. Suddenly an exclamation: "I am a fox!" The rooster cries: "Ku-ka-re-ku!". Chickens fly up to perches, and the hunter saves the chickens with well-aimed shots.

"Hares, a watchman and a bug." Of the players, the watchman and the Bug stand out. The rest are rabbits. On the site are indicated: on the one hand - burrows of hares, on the other - a garden, and behind the garden - the watchman's house. In the middle of the site, at a height of 40–60 cm, a rope is stretched - a fence (the rope is hung on jumping racks so that it falls down when touched). Before the start of the game, the hares are in holes, and the watchman with the Bug is at home. At the signal of the teacher, the first eight to ten hares run out of their holes, jump over a rope (fence) and find themselves in the garden, where they begin to eat cabbage, move their ears (imitative movements of the hands), jump from one place to another. At the prearranged signal of the teacher, the watchman shoots at the hares (claps his hands three times). On the first cotton, the hares run home, overcoming the fence by crawling or crawling, without touching the rope. After the third clap, the Bug catches up with the hares and bites them (touches them with his hand). Caught hares remain in place. Hares that ran beyond the line of holes cannot be caught up. The teacher remembers those caught and allows them to join the hares. After that, the game is repeated, but another group of hares goes to the garden. The Watchman and the Bug can switch roles. When all groups of hares have been in the garden, a new watchman and a bug stand out.

"Absolutely on target." The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one of the teams enters the line of fire (marked line) and lines up. Each team member receives one (maybe two or three) small ball (stuffed, tennis). 10–12 towns are placed 5–8 m from those playing in a line parallel to the team at a distance of 50–80 cm from one another. At the signal of the teacher, all the players of the team throw balls in one gulp, trying to knock down as many towns as possible. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The shooting team collects the balls and passes them to the other team, which also tries to shoot down more towns. Volleys are repeated several times. The team that knocks out the most towns wins.

Option: the towns are painted in two colors. Each team tries to throw in their towns. After the volley, each of our own downed towns is set aside one step further, each downed enemy town is placed one step closer. The team wins, which, after all the volleys, will set aside their towns for more steps.

"Talks with Ribbons". All players, except the driver, are freely located on the court. Each has a colored ribbon behind the belt, one end of which (20–30 cm long) hangs freely. At the signal of the teacher, the driver catches up with the runaways, trying to grab the tape. If he succeeds, he fastens the ribbon behind his belt and becomes a runaway. The player left without a tape, the driver. He raises his hand and says, "I'm a tart."

"Who will throw further?" All participants are divided into three or four groups and line up one after another. Each player of the first line has a small stuffed ball (a bag of sand, a hockey or tennis ball). The judges are away from the throw line. Throwing lines are drawn from the throwing line, located 2 m from the first rank: the first at a distance of 10 m, the second at a distance of 12 m, etc. At the signal of the teacher, the players of the first rank throw balls in turn . The referees determine the distance of each throw in points: the ball thrown over the first line is one point, for the second line - two points, etc. The team that scores the most points wins. The balls thrown by the first rank are collected by the players of the same rank and transferred to the next rank.

Variations: Throws must be done in a certain way; throws are made through a rope stretched at a certain height (2–3 m); each throws two balls (right and left hand).

"The ball is average." The players form several circles. In the middle of each circle, the driver, who alternately throws the ball to his teammates, and they pass it back. Having received the ball from the last player, the driver raises the ball up. The team that completes the first pass of the ball wins.

Variations: ball passing continues two or three times in a row; players, except for the driver, sit on the floor; construction - two semicircles, leading in the middle.

"White bears". An ice floe is indicated on the site (in the hall). It has two bears. The rest of the players are bear cubs. At the signal of the teacher, the bears, holding hands, begin to catch the cubs. Caught is the one who managed to cover with free Hands. The detained bear cub is taken to the ice floe. When there are two cubs on the ice, they also join hands and start catching, etc. The game continues until all the cubs are caught. When the game is repeated, the leader is assigned to the one who could not be caught the longest. He also chooses a second bear for himself.

"Hares in the garden". Two concentric circles are marked on the site (in the hall), one large (diameter 8–12 m) is a garden, the other small (2–4 m) is the watchman’s house, the driver in it. Hares jump in a circle, in a circle, jump out of it. The watchman runs around the garden and tries to catch hares. Those caught are taken to the house. When three or four hares are caught, a new driver stands out.

"Call numbers". All players are divided into two teams, stand in lines facing each other and are calculated in numerical order. The distance between the lines is 6–10 m. Medicine balls lie 8–10 m away from the lines. The teacher calls a number, for example eight. The eighth numbers of both teams run to stuffed balls, run around them and return to their places. The one who comes first brings his team a point. Then another number is called, and so on until all players are called. The team with the most points wins.

Options: teams stand in columns; not only the ball runs around, but also a line or column; participants move by jumping on two legs, on one leg, in a squat, overcoming obstacles.

"Empty place". The players form a circle. The driver walks in a circle (from the outside) and touches one of the players, after which he runs in a circle in any direction. The player touched by the driver runs in the opposite direction. Each of them tries to run to the formed empty space. Whoever comes running earlier becomes in a circle, the late one leads.

Variation: Players jump on two feet or on one foot.

"Guess who?" Children are arranged in a semicircle, in front of them stands the leader with his eyes closed. At the direction of the teacher, one of the players quietly approaches the driver and touches him, after which he quickly, but just as quietly, returns to his place. As soon as the player touches the driver, the teacher begins to count: "One, two, three!" After the word “three”, the driver opens his eyes, turns and tries to find out who approached him. If he finds out, he becomes in a semicircle, and the identified one will be the leader.

Option: all players are sitting.

"What changed?"

The players sit on benches. The driver, with his eyes closed, stands 5–6 m away with his back to them and slowly counts to five (up to eight to ten is possible). At this time, the children change seats, change places, take various poses (tilt their heads, bend one leg and straighten the other, etc.). The driver, having finished counting, turns to the players and tries to remember the location of the players or poses. Then he turns his back to the players. They change again. Turning again, the driver tries to determine the changes that have occurred. If he notices changes, he sits down on the bench, and a new driver is appointed.

Option: change not the pose, but the arrangement of objects.

"Seine". Two of the players are fishermen, the rest are fish. Fishermen, holding hands, catch fish, surrounding them with their free hands. Caught fish join the fishermen - the seine increases. Fishing continues until there are two or three uncaught fish left. During fishing, the net should not break.

"Change of Places". On the site (in the hall), circles are drawn in random order at a distance of 3-5 m from one another. Each of the participants stands in a circle, the driver walks among them. At the signal of the teacher, the players change circles, and the driver tries to take a circle. The one left without a circle becomes the leader.

Options: the players change circles without the teacher's signal; all circles are arranged in a circle, and you can only change with a neighbor; circles are arranged in a circle, but you cannot change with a neighbor; circles are located on two sides, each circle of each side has its own number, the same numbers change on a signal; the same, but the named numbers change (for example, the fifth and eighth); all players are divided into three or four groups, each group forms a circle, in each circle there are numbers, the same numbers change at the signal.

"Guess whose voice?" All players, except one, hold hands and form a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver with his eyes closed. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the right (left) and say: “Here we built a circle, we will suddenly turn around at once (the children turn and go in the other direction). And how do we say: “Skok, skok, skok”, - guess whose voice?

The words "skok, skok, skok" are said by one student at the direction of the teacher. When all the words have been said, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said the words "hop, hop, hop." If he guesses correctly, then the one who spoke becomes the leader.

"Cones, acorns, nuts." The players become threes and, holding hands, organize a circle. Each of the three has a name: a cone, an acorn, a nut. One of the players is the driver. It is outside the circle. The teacher pronounces the word "nuts" (or "acorns", "cones" and everyone with this name changes places, and the driver tries to take someone else's place.

Options: the words are not spoken by the teacher, but by the driver; the players do not stand in circles, but in columns; the players stand in lines.

"Call numbers". The players, except the driver, form a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver in the center of the circle, he has a small ball. At the teacher's signal "Start the game!" the driver hits the ball on the floor and calls the number. All players scatter, and the named player becomes the new driver. He runs to the ball and tries to take it as soon as possible, after which he says: “Stop!” All participants stop, and the driver throws a ball at someone. Players dodge without leaving the spot. If the driver hit the player, then they change roles, the game continues. If the driver did not hit the player, then he again runs after the ball, and the players scatter.

Salki "feet off the ground". All players run freely around the site (hall), the driver catches up. Escaping from persecution, players can take any position, as long as their feet do not touch the ground (hang on a rope, sit on a bench, mat, kneel, etc.). Players who have “feet off the ground” cannot be salted (stained). The one whom the tag catches up with becomes the leader, he raises his hand and says: “I’m a tag!”, and the game continues.

"Third wheel". All players stand in pairs, at the back of each other's head, in a circle, facing the center. Behind the circle are two drivers: one runs away, the other catches up. The escaping, escaping from persecution, stands in front of any pair. The player standing in a pair behind runs away, and the one who is catching up rushes after him. If the driver taunted the runaway, then the runaway will be the driver.

"Planting Potatoes" Two teams sit on benches placed along the sides of the site (hall), facing each other. Between them is a playground. For each team, a starting line was drawn, and circles were placed 2-3 meters from it. In each circle there is one bag with four potatoes (chocks, balls). Four nests for planting potatoes are marked at a distance of 10–15 m. There are two players on the starting line, one from each team. On a signal from the teacher, they take bags of potatoes, run to the nests and plant potatoes, one potato in each nest. Having finished landing, they return, put the bags in circles at the starting line and go to their places. During the run of the first players, the second numbers go to the starting line. When the first put the bags, the second take them and run to collect the potatoes in the bags. Having collected, they return, put bags of potatoes in circles and go to their places, etc. The team that first finished planting potatoes wins.

"Hare without a home." The players, except for two, become pairs (facing each other), hold hands and are located on the court. One of the free players is a hare, the other is a wolf. The hare, fleeing from persecution, stands in the middle of the pair. The one to whom the hare turned his back becomes homeless. If the pursuer has stained the evader, they switch roles.

"Musical snakes". The players are divided into three teams and line up in columns one at a time. Each column (snake) has its own melody (march, waltz, polka). The melody before the game is repeated once or twice. Then, at the signal of the teacher, one of the melodies is performed. The snake, to which this melody refers, goes to the music in different directions, making different movements. After the music stops, it stops in the position in which the last musical phrase found it. The same happens with the other and third snakes. The game can be repeated. At the signal of the teacher, the snakes quickly line up in their original places. The team that lines up first wins.

Options: the snake moves in a given way; the snake, on the second signal, lines up in a column in growth; the snake lines up in order of height.

"Figures". One of the players is the driver. At the signal of the teacher, all the children scatter around the hall (playground) and play. On the second signal, the players stop, take some pose (figures of athletes, animals, working people, etc.) and freeze in this pose, do not move. On the third signal, the driver walks among the figures and touches the player who moved with his hand. After that, the game starts again, but the one who was touched by the driver becomes the driver. The former driver joins the players. After each game, the teacher should pay attention to the most successful postures taken by the students. At the end of the game, it is necessary to note the children who took difficult poses and never moved.

Option: the driver is not the one who moved, but the player whose figure most liked the driver.

"Exhibition of paintings". Of the players, four stand out: the director of the exhibition, three visitors. The rest arbitrarily disperse around the hall (platform), unite in groups of two, three, four people, conceive the image of a picture (“Three heroes”, “Troika”, “Crow and Fox”, “Turnip” “Arrived at holidays, etc.). After one or two minutes, the teacher gives the order: “Prepare an exhibition!” The players are located along the walls (the boundaries of the site) and take the appropriate places to depict pictures. At the signal of the director (for example, three clapping, three hits with a stick on the floor, counting to three), the examination of the paintings begins. After 30–40 sec. the director gives the second prearranged signal, and everyone says: “The exhibition is closed!” The image of the paintings stops, after a brief discussion, the visitors name two or three paintings that they liked more than others. The best paintings are shown again, all the players watch them. After that, the game is repeated, but others are appointed as the director and visitors of the exhibition.

"Swift Teams". All players are divided into two, three or four teams. Teams are located around playground so that everyone can be clearly seen (you can sit on the benches). A common starting line is indicated, on which one player from each team stands. At 12–16 steps from each player who got to the start, a circle is indicated, and in it is a wooden stick. At the signal of the teacher, the players run to the circles, take the sticks, knock them three times on the ground (floor), put the sticks and mugs and return back. The one who ran first brings his team one point, the one who runs second - two points, etc. After the first players, the second, third, etc. stand up. The team with the fewest points wins.

Option: players run to the circles and back not in a straight line, but running around the towns, chocks, maces placed on the way.

"Paratroopers". The players are divided into two to four teams of skydivers. According to the number of teams, gymnastic benches are placed - airplanes (at a distance of 1.5–2 m from one another). At one end of each bench, a circle with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm is indicated, this is the landing site. A judge (from students who for some reason do not practice) stands at each of the landing sites.

At the first signal from the teacher, the teams enter the benches one at a time - they get on the planes. At the second signal, the paratroopers begin to jump from the plane one at a time, trying to land accurately. Judges evaluate the accuracy and correctness of the landing. The landing is considered accurate and correct if the skydiver jumped into the designated circle, maintained a stable balance, straightened up in the main stance and left the circle. For each correct landing, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points is considered the winner.

"Line relay". The players are divided into two, three or four teams. Teams are located along the boundaries of the site (hall), closer to one of the sides, so that all participants can clearly see the entire course of the game. A common start line is drawn on the site (in the hall). At a distance of 15-20 m from the starting line, two-three-four (according to the number of teams) large stuffed balls are placed, the distance between the balls is 2-3 m. The players standing first in the teams go to the start line and receive a small stuffed ball. At the command of the teacher "Attention, march!" they run to large stuffed balls (each player to his own ball), run around them with right side, return to the starting point, where the next player is waiting for them. There, the first player passes the ball to the second, who, like the first, runs around big ball and returns back, trying to pass the baton (small ball) to the next player as soon as possible. The game continues until all players on each team have finished running. The team that finishes the race first wins.

"Hit the ball." The players are divided into two teams and line up facing each other. The distance between the lines is 8-10m. In the middle on a stool lies volleyball. Each player has a small ball. At the signal of the teacher, the players of one team take turns throwing, trying to knock down the volleyball. If any of the participants succeed, the team gets a point. After one team finishes throwing, players from the other team throw. The team with the most points wins. Options: the player who hit the ball has the right to re-throw; players throw balls not one at a time, but in groups of two, three or four people; throws are performed simultaneously by the whole team.

"Handed - sit down." All players are divided into two-three-four teams and line up in columns one at a time. Facing their teams, 2-3 meters from them, are the captains with balls in their hands. On the teacher's signal, the captains throw the balls to the players, standing first. Those, having received the balls, pass them back and sit down. The captains throw balls to the second players, and so on. Having received the ball from the last player, the captain raises the ball up, all players stand up. The team that completes the task first wins.

"Day and night". Two teams stand in the middle of the site with their backs to each other at a distance of 1.5–2 m. One team is day, the other is night. Each team has a house on its side of the playground. The teacher suddenly says: "Day." Or: Night. The respective team quickly runs to their home and the other team catches up. Then everyone stands in their original places, and the teacher or assistants count the players caught. The game is repeated, the teams run away and catch up not in turn, but at the call of the teacher, always unexpected. The team that catches more opponents wins.

Options: the players do not stand with their backs to each other, but sideways, facing; the teams are called crows and sparrows.

"Race of balls in columns". The players are divided into two-three-four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front have a volleyball. At the signal of the teacher, the transfer of balls back to the right begins. When the ball reaches the one standing behind, he lifts the ball up and says: “Yes!” The first team to complete the pass is credited with a point and the game starts again, but the ball is passed from the left. The team with the most points wins.

Option: The ball is passed overhead, back and forth.

"Carp and pike". On one side of the site are the players (carp), in the middle of the site - the driver (pike). On a signal, crucian carp run across to the other side, the pike catches them. Those caught (three or four) join hands and form a net. Now crucians should run to the other side of the site through the seine (under the arms). The pike stands behind the net and lies in wait for them. When there are eight or ten caught crucians, baskets are formed - circles through which crucians must run. If there are more caught crucian carp than not caught, then a top is formed - a corridor of caught crucian carp, through which the rest must run. The pike, located at the exit from the top, catches them. Whoever gets caught last is the winner.

"Who will overtake?" All players are divided into four or five teams and line up on the same line in ranks, holding hands in teams. At the signal of the teacher, all teams jump on one leg to the designated line. The team that reaches the boundary first wins.

"Invisibles". The game is played on a terrain with bushes, trees, hummocks. All players stand in a circle, with their backs to the center. In the center is the driver. On a signal, the children diverge in different directions for 100-150 steps, stop and turn to face the driver. At the second signal (whistle, bugle, drum), the players, using bushes, trees, terrain, approach the driver, trying to be unnoticed. The third signal teachers - players stand up to their full height, discover themselves. The winners are the students who come closest to the driver and are not noticed by him.

"Moving target". The players stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the driver. One of the players has a ball. Those standing behind the circle line throw the ball at the driver, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend so that he can throw it. The driver runs, dodges. The player who did not hit the driver with the ball takes his place.

Option: the player who hit the driver with the ball takes his place.

"Labyrinth". All the players, except for two, line up in rows of five or six people at arm's length, both in line and in depth. Holding hands, the participants form the streets. On one of the streets there is a runaway, on the other - catching up. At the signal of the teacher, the chasing one tries to overpower the escaping one. Both have the right to run only on the streets. During the game, conditional signals are given (for example, “Turn!”), According to which the players lower their hands, turn right (left), forming new streets, and the game continues. When the chasing one taunted the escaping, they change roles.

Option: when the chasing one taunted the evader, a new pair is allocated.

Relay races with jumping, climbing and climbing. They are held in the same way as relay races with running, but various obstacles are placed on the way, which must be overcome by the participants (bench, hoop, rope or plank, moat, etc.).

"Hunters and Ducks". All players stand in a circle. After calculating the first or second, the second numbers - ducks - enter the circle, the first - hunters - remain in place. One of the hunters has a volleyball. At the signal of the teacher, the hunters try to hit the ducks with the ball. The knocked out duck leaves the circle. The game continues until all ducks have been tagged. After that, the teams switch roles. The team that spends the least time on the hunt wins.

Option: given for the game certain time(in this case, the downed ducks do not drop out of the game, but the number of hits is counted).

"Race of balls in ranks." The players are divided into two to four teams. Teams stand in lines on the sides of the site (hall). The distance between the players is 3–4 m. The right flank of each team has a ball. On a signal, the right-flank player throws the ball to the next player, he to the next, etc. The player standing last, having received the ball, runs to the right flank. The game continues until the right-flanker comes running to his place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Option: the last player, having received the ball, leads it to the right flank with blows on the floor.

"Pass the ball." Players stand in a circle (facing inwards). One of the players has a ball. Behind him, behind the circle, the driver. On a signal from the teacher, the children quickly pass the ball around the circle. The ball must be in the hands of each player. The driver runs in a circle in the same direction where the ball is being passed and tries to overtake him before the ball hits the player who started the pass. If he succeeds, a new driver is allocated, the game continues.

"Dodge the ball." All players are divided into three teams. The platform (hall) is divided along the length into three equal parts. Players of one team are randomly placed in each of the parts. One of the players of the team occupying the middle court. At the signal of the teacher, the players of the middle team throw the ball at the players of the outer teams, trying to overpower more opponents. The players of the extreme teams, receiving the ball, try to knock down the players from the middle team as much as possible. Hits are counted. Teams change places twice (after 3–4 minutes). Thus, each team will visit all three sites. The total is calculated. The team with the most hits wins.

"Race balls in a circle." The players form a wide circle and count on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Two adjacent players are captains. They have the ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the balls are passed in a circle, in different directions, through one, to the players of their team. Each team strives to pass the ball as quickly as possible so that it returns to the captain as soon as possible.

Option: the ball at the beginning of the game is in the hands of the children standing opposite, and the balls are passed in one direction.

"Catchers on the march." Two teams line up on opposite sides of the court, facing each other. The site boundaries are marked. At the instruction of the teacher, one of the teams approaches the other, observing the alignment in the line, then, at the signal of the teacher, runs away to its side, and the standing team catches up. Salted are counted. Then the other team goes, and so on. The team that catches more players from the other team wins.

Relay race "Rope under the feet". The two teams are placed in columns one at a time. In front of them (2 m) is the start line. Near the line are the first numbers with short ropes in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, they run forward, run around the counter (15–20 m from the start line and return back, where the second numbers are already waiting for them. The first number gives the second one end of the rope, and they, moving along the sides of the column, hold the rope under the feet of the players The players jump over, then the first number stands at the end of the column, and the second one runs to the rack, runs around it and already with the third one leads the rope, etc. The team that finishes the dashes first wins.

« Pioneer Ball. The players are divided into two teams and are located on two sides of the volleyball court. A volleyball net or rope is stretched between the teams at a height of 2 m. Each team has a ball (volleyball). The task of the participants in the game is to throw the ball to the side of the opponent. Each team tries to do it in such a way that both balls are on the opponent's field at the same time. It is allowed to run with the ball all over the court, it can be beaten off, passed to each other, the ball can touch the ground. Errors: the ball after the throw went out of the opponent's area, passed under the net. The game continues up to 10 points. A point is scored when there are two balls on the court and for mistakes made.

Relay "Compositor". Two teams sit on benches. For each, a typesetting canvas is hung on the gymnastic wall or fence, and a set of letters lies on the floor or in a box. The teacher explains the task of typesetting. Then one player from each team goes to the start line. At the signal of the teacher, they run to the typesetting canvas and the cash register, find desired letter, are inserted into the typesetting canvas, come back and touch the player's hand. The second ones do the same. The team that finishes the recruitment faster wins (for example, “Pioneer is an example for all the guys”).

Option: the player, having put his letter, looks for the next one and, upon returning, passes it to the next player.

Relay with dribbling. The players are divided into two or three teams and behind the start line line up in a column one at a time. The first players of each team have the ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, they dribble balls, hitting them with one hand. Having reached the rack, the players run around it to the right (left), come back and pass the ball to their friend by hitting the ground. He receives the ball and performs the same task, etc. The team that finishes the relay before the others wins.

Option: dribble the ball with the right (left) hand, bypassing obstacles (racks, maces).

"Don't give the ball to the driver." The players form a circle. Leading in a circle. Players throw the ball in different directions. The driver tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he succeeds, then the player who has last time was the ball, and the former driver takes his place.

Option: throw the ball in a certain way.

"Extra for a walk." Playing in pairs, holding hands, walk in a circle, take a walk. Two drivers: one runs away, the other catches up. The escaping, escaping from persecution, takes one of the pair by the hand, and the other becomes superfluous and runs away. If the pursuer overpowers him, they switch roles.

"Gain time with long throws." The players are divided into two teams, each team, in turn, into two groups. They stand on the start line: on the right - a group of one team (2-3 m apart), and on the left - a group of another team. These are runners. Throwers stand behind them at 2 m, and the throwers of the other stand behind the runners of one team. Each thrower has a small ball (stuffed, simple rubber or tennis), the teams must have balls different color. On a signal from the teacher, the throwers throw the balls as far as possible. Runners rush forward for the balls, take the balls of their team colors and quickly return to the start line, which has now become the finish line. The team whose runners reach the finish line faster with the balls wins one point. Then the players change places and the game continues.

"Alpinists". An obstacle course is placed in the hall, depending on the availability of equipment. It may include: a gymnastic wall - a rock along which you have to climb to the top; a conditionally marked ditch through which you need to jump; a series of bumps - you need to cross the swamp along them; a rope stretched on racks - you need to jump over it or crawl through it, and other obstacles. Students are divided into two-three-four groups of climbers (depending on the number of students in the class). By lot, the first group goes on the route, the rest carefully observe. After completing all the tasks by the first group, the second group goes on the route, then the third, etc. The teacher evaluates the actions of each group, announces the places of the groups, notes best performance and failure. Overcoming obstacles can be arbitrary or on assignment, in accordance with the program material covered.

All that remains of our childhood is a few old toys, a battered diary and countless treasures in the form of badges or wrappers from Turbo and Donald Duck chewing gum. When you look at them, you feel a slight sadness. Is it really all gone and nothing can be returned? .. No matter how! There are also games that we played as children.

Yes, the rules are slightly forgotten. Well, let! Going to barbecues or just to nature, you can (and even need to) allow yourself to fall into childhood. For you and your kids - the best outdoor games for children in the fresh air of the 1980-90s!

rubber bands

Now this game is not so popular among girls. And in our time, everything was different. Let's remember? So, the main and only inventory is an ordinary linen elastic band about 2.5 meters long, tied into a ring. However, now sold and specially designed for jumping. At least three people participate in the game. Two pull the elastic band, putting it on their feet, and the third performs various combinations of jumps through it.

Start the game with the simplest and gradually complicate them. Each combination is worked out at several levels: on the bones, on the ankles, on the knees, on the buttocks. If the participant made a mistake, it's the turn of another. Some jumps have names - "pedestrians", "bows", "birch". The simplest exercise is as follows: you need to jump with both feet over one rubber band, then over the other.

beat out

For this fun, you need a light soft ball, otherwise, getting into the kids, it can simply knock them down. So, for starters, they choose two knockouts, which stand along the edges of the clearing against each other. The rest of the players are in the center. Their task is to dodge the flying ball. If the beater manages to hit someone, he is out of the game. But even if this happened, his comrades can save him. To do this, you need to catch the ball on the fly and give it to any retired. The game is considered over when all players are "knocked out".

This is a very useful fun for adults (they lose hated kilograms) and for kids (improves coordination).


The number of players must be odd. Everyone breaks into pairs and stand one after another, holding hands and raising them high. The driver enters this living corridor, chooses one of the players for himself and stands at its end. And the released player becomes the driver. The faster the stream "flows", the more fun.

Such simple game turns out to be very funny too. After all, it is not easy for adult uncles and aunts to pass under the bridge from small children's hands. This fun unites the participants perfectly


This game is also known as catch-up, tags, sorcerers. In order for the strengths of the participants to be equal, it is better to play it either only for adults, or exclusively for children. First, a leader is chosen. He counts up to the agreed number (usually up to 10), and the rest of the players scatter in different directions (not too far). The leader's task is to catch up and touch each of them. Those he touches freeze in place. When all players are "tagged", the last one is declared the leader.

There is also an easier version of the game. But it is much more dynamic. The leader becomes the one whom the sorcerer caught up with and touched first.

If you see that the baby cannot “bash” anyone for a long time, then you should intervene and change the leader. Sometimes the little ones break the rules: they run, although they have been touched; hide behind trees so that they cannot be seen; pushing comrades. Adults should explain to their sons and daughters that this way the game turns into a mess and after a while everyone will become uninteresting.

The sea is worried

The leader pronounces a magic spell: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three”, and then calls which figure should freeze in place. For example, sea. If he guessed all the figures, a new leader is selected, and if not, he will have to drive again.

Fishermen and fish

Are the kids frolicking with might and main? Give the adults a little rest, and invite the kids to play fisherman and fish. Take one end of the rope in your hand, bend over and start spinning in place so that the rope sweeps low above the ground. The kids have to jump over it. Whom she touched is caught. The winner is the last "fish".

edible - inedible

Everyone becomes in a circle. The host (in the center) throws the ball to one of the players, saying a word. If it means something edible, the ball should be caught and returned. If the named object cannot be eaten, the ball, accordingly, does not need to be caught. The game can be made harder or easier. For example, name only flowers, trees or animals.

It's like this fun Hot potato". Let one of the adults begin to sing any children's song. At this time, the participants will throw the ball to each other. When the song stops, whoever has the "hot potato" is out of the game. If the kids are very upset about being eliminated, do not take them out of the circle. Just have fun all together by throwing the ball. By the way, not only adults can sing a song ...


There are many games that use a plastic flying saucer. It can shoot down objects at a distance (like towns), or throw it between all participants. If you take two plates, you can practice your dexterity by quickly throwing them to each other one after the other.

Leader, leader, give me a pioneer!

If adults participate in the game, then they will have to succumb to the kids. After all, the forces are unequal. The rules are as follows: players are divided into two teams and line up against each other. The distance between them should be at least 4-5 m. Team members join hands. It is better if at least one hand of the child is held by one of the adults. For safety!

The first team shouts: “Counselor, counselor, give a pioneer!” The second in response: "Whom?" First: "Vasya!"

The boy leaves his line and runs to the "enemies", intending to break the chain. If successful, he takes either of the two players whose hands he broke. If the attempt was in vain, then he remains in a strange team, lengthening the row. The game ends when there are no more players left on one of the teams. The children may ask who the pioneers are and why the leaders should serve them. Get ready to answer!


Is your company located in an open space? You can please the kids by flying a kite. It is better to do this together. Place yourself so that the wind blows in the back of the one who holds the rope, and, accordingly, in the face of the assistant. When unwinding the rope, move away from your friend by 20-25 meters. Having taken a position, pull it. Pull on it when you feel a gust of wind, and the assistant at this time should release the kite, slightly tossing it up with its nose.

If the launch was successful, the toy will rise into the sky and soar there. Does the wind weaken and the kite starts to fall? Pull the rope towards you. In order to lower the kite, you just need to wind it on the coil.

tug of war

Again, you need to split into two teams. It is desirable that the forces in them are approximately equal. Players of both groups grab hands at opposite ends of a long rope or rope. Those who manage to pull the opponent over the line passing in the middle of the rope win. This game also has restrictions. So, it is not allowed to wrap a rope around the body or make it easier for yourself by squatting. It is better for crumbs not to participate in this fun - there is a risk of injury. Suddenly, someone falls on the child or steps on it?

Adults love to pull the rope. Play this game "at will". Which? For example, the losing team together depicts chickens. Here the kids will have fun!

Outdoor games not only develop strength, dexterity, ingenuity, develop fast response but also bring great joy to children. And outdoor games in the air bring also great benefit health.
There are a lot of games that can be played on the street. Some provide an opportunity to get to know peers and quickly find them mutual language, others teach to negotiate or put up, if conflicts suddenly arise, others help to overcome shyness. And all of them are a very exciting activity and great pleasure for the child.
Probably the most common and favorite children's toy is a ball. And it is no coincidence that so many games were invented with the ball.

One of them is the game "Parrots", equally well suited for both the smallest children and older children. For this game, you need a tennis ball or about the same size, and you can play it alone, you can do it together, or you can play it with a company. The game consists of doing several simple exercises with a ball:

  • toss the ball several times and catch it, each time trying to throw it higher and higher;
  • toss the ball and, before catching it, have time to clap your hands, increasing the number of claps with each next throw;
  • toss the ball up, let it fall and catch it bouncing off the ground;
  • holding the ball in your hand, let it go and catch it on the fly with the other hand;
  • throw up the ball lying in the palm of your hand, turn your hand over and catch it with the back of the hand, throw it up again and catch it with your hands;
  • put the hand with the ball behind the back, throw it so that it flies forward, and catch it with the other hand.

If the ball falls to the ground, then the other player gets the turn, and so on in turn.
Very fun, and at the same time, a simple ball game - "Edible-inedible", which perfectly trains mindfulness. All the children line up in a row, and the leader stands in front of them at a distance of several meters and throws a ball to each in turn, while naming any object that comes to his mind. If the item is edible, then the player must catch the ball, if not, hit or miss. The one who responded correctly takes a step forward, the wrong one takes a step back. The one who managed to get to the leader wins. As a reward, he himself becomes the leader. Usually this game is accompanied by bursts of laughter, because inattention can eat a chair or a car.
Girls are very fond of the game "I know" in which you can demonstrate not only dexterity, but also erudition. First, the task is set: to list five names of rivers, seas, cities, flowers, etc. The player hits the ball with his hand on the ground, saying one word for each hit, starting with "I know five ..." and then listing what was agreed upon. If the player makes a mistake or loses the ball, he loses his turn. The first one to complete the task wins.
But the game "Tens" was more fond of the boys. For this game, you need not only a ball, but also a wall with a relatively flat area in front of it. Each player in strict sequence must perform the following exercises:

  • ten times as in volleyball to hit the ball against the wall;
  • hit the ball nine times against the wall, hitting it from below with your palms;
  • throw the ball eight times right leg so that he hits first on the ground, then on the wall, and then catch him with his hands;
  • do the same seven times, only through the left leg;
  • stand facing the wall and, legs apart, throw the ball six times from behind so that it slips between the legs, hits the ground, against the wall, and catches it with your hands;
  • repeat the previous exercise five times, standing with your back to the wall;
  • hit the ball four times against the wall, wait until it bounces off the ground and, without catching, hit the wall again, then catch it with your hands;
  • fold your palms in a “boat” and three times, without dropping, hit the ball against the wall;
  • hit the ball against the wall twice with fists brought together;
  • hit the ball against the wall once with a straight finger.

At the end, pass the “exam”: repeat all the exercises once. And during the exam you can not giggle or laugh.
For the games "Potato", "Eleven" and "Bouncer" you already need a volleyball, these games are suitable for older children.
When playing Potato, everyone stands in a circle and plays volleyball, passing the ball to each other. Dropped sits in a circle. He can be "saved" by hitting him with a ball. If one of those sitting can intercept the flying ball, then everyone will be saved, and the one who missed the ball sits in the circle.
The game "Eleven" is very similar to "Potato". Everyone also becomes in a circle and the first passer says: “One”. The following players count passes to themselves, the eleventh player must hit the ball into the ground. If he miscalculated, he sits in a circle.
The game "Bouncer" requires a lot of skill and dexterity. Two players stand at the edges of a fairly spacious area. All others are in the center. Their task is to dodge the flying ball, and the task of the “bouncers” is to hit those running, then they will fly out of the game.
But, of course, not only with the ball you can play on the street.

"Hide and Seek" - this game is one of the most beloved, and more than one generation of kids have played it. The rules of the game are very simple. The host must find all the hidden ones. As soon as he finds someone, he runs with him in a race to the agreed place. The one who runs first is obliged to “catch”. The new leader becomes the last one caught. One of the varieties of this game is "Moscow hide and seek". "Moscow" differ from "ordinary" only at the beginning of the game. The host stands with his back to the other players, and one of them pats him on the shoulder. The host must guess the player who slapped him. If you guessed right, then this player runs or jumps to some place, if not, then the leader himself has to jump. And the rest of the guys are hiding at this time. Then the game continues as usual.

The most real adventure for children with unraveling tricky marks, unraveling intricate traces and gambling chase is the game "Cossacks - Robbers". The game is played by two teams. One remains in certain place and counts up to a predetermined number, after which he starts the chase. The other team runs away, showing the enemy the direction of their movement with arrows drawn in chalk. The task of the chasing is to find all the shooters, correctly orient themselves and overtake the evaders. The game teaches you to think quickly, think logically and navigate the terrain.
Varieties of "salok" are the games "kwacha" and "above the foot from the ground." Kwacha is played in two ways. In the first case, one player, "kvach", will catch up with other players running away from him. The one he catches up with becomes a "kwach". In the second case, everyone who can catch up with the “kvach” turns into his assistants. In the game "above the foot from the ground" it is allowed to catch only those players whose feet are on the ground. To escape from the chasing one, you can climb onto any elevation: a bench, a hill. Or you can lie on the ground and lift your legs up.
Great endurance and attention requires the game "Slower you go - you will continue." This game requires a fairly large area. Two straight lines are drawn at a distance of about 30 meters. One "start", the other "finish". All players, with the exception of the driver, stand at the start. The driver stands at the finish line with his back to everyone else. “You go quieter - you will continue,” says the driver. Then he commands: "One, two, three!". Players at the start start moving towards the finish line. But as soon as the driver turns, everyone should freeze. Those who did not have time are sent back to the start. The first one to reach the finish line wins.
The game "Traffic Light" is especially loved by young children. On the site, a conditional road several meters wide is drawn with two lines. All players, except for the “traffic light”, stand on one side of the road. "Traffic light" is on the road itself with its back to the others. He names any color that comes to mind. Those who have this color in their clothes get the right to calmly cross the road. The rest should have time to quickly cross the road before the "Traffic Light" turned around and caught them. Caught becomes a "Traffic Light".
Another game associated with color is “Paints”. In this game, one player is a “monk”, the second is a “seller”, all the rest are “paints”. Each "paint" chooses a color for itself and whispers it to the "seller". The "seller" with his "paints" sits down on a bench. The “monk” comes up to them and says: “I am a monk in blue pants, I came to you for paint.” To which the "seller" replies: "For what?" After that, the "monk" names any one color. If there is a named paint, then the “seller” informs the “monk” about this and offers to pay for it by clapping his palm a few times. During this time, the "paint" tries to escape. If she succeeds, she joins those sitting on the bench; if not, she becomes a “monk” herself. If the “monk” does not guess the color and the “paint” he named is not on the bench, then he must skip the circle on one leg and start all over again.
Classics is the favorite game of girls. Probably everyone has seen these "classics" painted on the pavement. Two columns of cells adjacent to each other, numbered in a circle from 1 to 10. They play with a pebble, sometimes with flat tin boxes. First, a pebble is thrown at the number 1, then, jumping on one leg and pushing the pebble with it, they throw it over all the “classes”. Having successfully passed through all the “classes”, without stepping on the line and not letting the pebble fall on it, they start the game from the beginning, but from the next “class”. Wins all "classes" that pass without errors.
Very often, having run and jumped, children still do not want to go home. Just for this case, more calm games are suitable, such as "Ringlet", "Cinderella", "Numbers".
When playing “Ringlet”, the guys hold their palms folded together in front of them, and the leader between them holds his hands, also folded “boat”, imperceptibly lowering a ring or other small object to someone. And after his words: “Ring, ring, go out on the porch”, the owner of the item should quickly jump out of the line of players, while the rest are trying to keep him. If he succeeds, then he becomes the leader.
"Cinderella" game, when everyone sits down on a bench, everyone takes off one shoe and throws it into a pile. One turns away and says to whom to give the shoe indicated by the other. At the end of the game, everyone ends up wearing unpaired shoes, which turns out to be very funny and usually causes a storm of delight.
"Numbers" game, when a certain number is guessed by the leader. The rest of the players try to guess it, and the leader with the words "more" and "less" directs them in the right direction. The one who guesses is a prize. The game is calm, but can be very fun if you dream up with prizes.

And this is not all the games that children can play in the fresh air. Very often they come up with their own, no less fun and exciting, because the creative vein is inherent in them by nature. And let them play, if only they were healthy and happy.

Playing outdoors is one of the most rewarding pastimes for children. They contribute to the health of the child, his positive mood. Also, since many of these games are team games, they develop a healthy collectivism in children, a willingness to help others and, if necessary, subordinate their desires to common interests. These qualities will be very useful to them in adulthood.
Scientists have proven that children's games in the street, physical activity and fun in motion activate the development of the brain and, in particular, the growth of connections between neurons. The flow of information between cells increases, thinking improves. In addition, being in the fresh air, the child, running and jumping, increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, which can be compared with fuel for our body.
These games can be played almost anywhere. In the courtyard high-rise building, where there is play complexes for children, in the park, at the school stadium, wasteland, during a picnic. In the latter case, along with children, adults can also participate in games.
There are many types of children's games on the street.


According to the counting rhyme, the driver is chosen. All other players stand in such a way that a circle is formed. The distance from one player to another should be no more than one step.
The driver is behind the circle. One of the players is given a volleyball. The players pass the ball to each other. The driver, running around the circle, tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeded, he becomes in a circle, and the one who had the ball stained in his hands leads.

The winners are those participants who have never been driving or have visited this role less than others. The role of the first driver when calculating the results of the game is not taken into account.

Rule: it is not allowed to drop the ball, as well as to throw it over one or more players. In such cases, the player who made a mistake becomes the driver.

To complicate the game, you can arrange the children in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides. Then the ball is not passed, but thrown. The driver can touch the ball both in the hands of the players and on the fly. If the driver touched the ball on the fly, then the one who last threw the ball goes to drive.


Children take each other's hands, forming a chain.

One of the children is chosen as the leader. He should be at the beginning of the chain. At the sign of the educator, the leader runs, dragging all the participants in the game along with him, describes various figures on the run: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles, leads the chain with a snake, twisting it around the last player, then develops it. The snake stops, twists around the leader.


1. The players must hold each other's hands tightly so that the snake does not break.

2. It is necessary to accurately repeat the movements of the leader.

3. The leader is not allowed to run fast.

You can play snake at any time of the year on a spacious playground, lawn, forest edge. The more players, the more fun the game is. To make it lively, it is necessary to teach children to come up with interesting situations.

For example, the leader pronounces the name of the last player, the named child and the one standing next to him stop, raise their hands, and the leader leads the snake into the gate.

You can scatter at the signal of the leader, then quickly restore the snake.


All players, except for three drivers, stand behind the conditional line.

Ahead, 15-20 m away, they put a jumping stand, which acts as a Christmas tree. Behind the counter are three drivers, the so-called bees.

Having learned the couplets, the players come out from behind the line forward, raising their knees high with the words:

“We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and tussocks, through branches and stumps. Who walked so high - did not stumble, did not fall.

Having spoken the words, they stop near the Christmas tree;

“Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree (they show raising their legs and standing on their toes, like a tall Christmas tree). Angry bees fly out!

The “bees” begin to circle around the Christmas tree and, imitating the flight with the movements of the hands bent at the elbows, say: “Well, we are biting bees.”

The rest of the players are talking; “We can’t catch up with the swift-footed ones, we are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let’s run home now.”

After being told the last word, they run away over the line, "Bees" run after them, trying to knock them down or "sting".

Those who have been taunted to the point of being stung are considered "stung". Then new “bees” are assigned according to the counting rhyme. The former become the rest of the players.
The game is repeated several times. The winner is the one who has never been “stung” or with whom this has happened fewer times, He is proclaimed the fastest.


With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen. All other players stand in a circle. Starting the game, the driver runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run further in a circle.

The stained one quickly runs in the opposite direction from the driver. Whoever of them runs first to a free place in the circle takes it, and the late one becomes the driver.


1. Children run only around the circle.

2. Those standing in a circle should not detain those running.

3. If the children run to a free place at the same time, then they stand in a circle, and a new leader is selected.

You can play on any platform. It is desirable that it be large and there are no obstacles for running.

The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, everyone's hands are lowered. If there are a lot of children, you can organize two circles of players.


According to the counting rhyme, they choose the driver, he is also called the tag,

All participants in the game scatter around the site, the tag catches up with them. Whom he touches with his hand becomes a tag.


1. During the game, children need to carefully monitor the change of drivers.

2. Fifteen should not run after only one player.

There are several variants of this game.

You can play tag with "house".

Then two circles are drawn along the edge of the site - these are “houses”. Children, running away from the driver, can run into the "house". Here they will be safe, since the tag has no right to salve in the "houses". But if he taunted the player on the playing field, he becomes a tag.


1. In order not to be stained, you need to sit down or stand on some object.

2. When the tag catches up with the player, he can jump on two legs like a bunny, and he can no longer be stained.

3. The player, when he is spotted, if he is fast and dexterous, can immediately return the spotting to the driver, and the former driver becomes the tag.

4. All players, except for the tag, choose a name for themselves from the world of birds, plants, animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who called his name in time.

5. Interrupted tags. Fifteen in this game needs to loudly name the name of the player whom he wants to tarnish. But if, during the pursuit, the tag sees that there is another participant in the game next to him, he changes his mind, calling him by name and tries to catch up with him and tarnish him. Stained is out of the game.

According to the rules, the tag first calls the player by name, and only then catches up with him and stains him. In the game, the tag can change its mind many times.

6. Circular tags. The participants of the game stand in a circle, each marks his place with a circle. Two players stand behind the circle at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he catches up with the second. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he calls one of those close in the circle by name. He leaves his place and runs in a circle from the tag, and the player takes his place. The free circle can also be occupied by a tag, then the one who is left without a place becomes a tag. He catches up with the player who ran out of the circle.


1. It is not allowed to run through the circle.

2. A player running away from a tag can run no more than one lap.

3. If the tag taunted the evader, then they change places.

In the game, children should be very careful: if the player gapes, he will let his friend down. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, facing the center. The tag can be replaced if he ran two laps, did not tarnish and did not take an empty place. The game will become more fun if the evaders quickly change places.


Children stand in pairs one after another, facing in the center of the circle.
Two people start the game, one of them is the driver, he stands 3-4 steps behind the one who runs away from him. The runner counts loudly to three and after the word "three" runs away from the driver. In order not to be touched, he stands in front of a couple. Before getting up, he shouts on the run: "The third extra." The one who stands last in this game runs away from the driver. If the driver managed to knock out the runaway, then they change roles.


1. During the game it is forbidden to run through the circle.

2. The evader must not run more than two laps.

3. As soon as the evader runs into the circle, he must immediately stand in front of some pair. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes a leader.

If the driver managed to pin down the evader and they switched roles, then the evader can stand in front of one of the pairs after a short run. Sometimes the driver cannot catch up with the players running away from him for a long time, as they are stronger than him and run faster. In this case, you need to replace him, but not to blame, but to positively evaluate his efforts.

1. Squirrels, mice, hares (11-16 years old)

Game: Play 15-30 people. Participants are divided into groups of 5 or 10 players. The host gives the groups names: squirrels, hares, mice. The leader is chosen. 3 hoops are placed at a distance of 5 meters from each other. These are the "houses" of the animals. The host gives a command, say, "Mouse squirrels!". The named groups should exchange "houses". The player caught by the driver becomes the driver, the driver joins the team from which he was caught. The host can also give such a signal: "Mice, squirrels, hares!". Then all three teams must leave their house and take any other.

2. Scouts and sentries (11-16 years old)
Preparation: The players are divided into two teams - scouts and sentries - and line up along two opposite sides of the site at a distance of 18-20 m from one another. In three steps, a line is drawn in front of the lines, and in the middle, a volleyball is placed in the outlined circle. Players in teams are calculated in numerical order. The task of the scout team is to carry the ball over its own line, the task of the players of the other team is to prevent this. Game: The host calls the number out loud, and the players standing opposite (having this number) run up to the ball. If the sentry gapes, the scout grabs the ball and runs away with it to his house, and the sentry goes into captivity, stands behind the scout. If both players simultaneously run out to the middle, then the task of the scout is to, after performing a series of distracting exercises (arm movements, jumping in place and with a turn, lunges, etc.), divert the attention of the sentry (he repeats after the scout these movements) and carry the ball away. If the scout grabbed the ball, but the sentry overtook him and tagged him with his hand, the scout becomes a prisoner, otherwise he wins the duel. The game continues until all the numbers have taken part in the game. Prisoners are counted and released to their teams. The game is repeated, while the players change roles. As a result, victory is on the side of the team that managed to take more prisoners. The rules of the game oblige the sentry to repeat all the movements of the scout, otherwise he loses. You can only chase a fleeing player to the line of his house. The player who dropped the ball is considered to be caught. Each time the scout puts the ball in place.

3. Day and night (8-16 years old)

All players are divided into two teams. One command is “day”, the other is “night”. The leader is selected. Two sets of black and white caps are prepared according to the number of participants. “Day” puts on white caps, and “night” puts on black caps. Each player wears a cap of the opposite color. The host shouts: "Day!" and the corresponding team catches the Night teams playing. Caught put on white caps - go to another team. Then vice versa. The alternation of day and night should be uniform. The team with the most players at the end of playing time wins.

4. Flight of birds (8-16 years old)

The players are divided into two teams. Each is a flock of birds. The leader is chosen - the hunter. Packs should stand on opposite sides of the hunter (on different sides playing field). Each player comes up with the name of any bird (the hunter should not know who has what name). The hunter then calls out the name of any bird. If there is one in the team, then she must fly to another team so that the hunter does not catch her. If the named birds are in both teams, then they change places. The bird that the hunter caught becomes the leader (or simply leaves the game).

The host says the words: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, puff out our cheeks, jump on toes and even show tongues to each other. ponytail on top of your head. We'll open our mouths wider, we'll make grimaces. When I say the number 3, everyone freezes with grimaces!" Players repeat everything after the leader.

6. Brook (8-16 years old)

Game: Players form pairs, hold hands and raise them up to form a gate, the gates become one after another at a step distance. One or more contestants go under the gate and choose a pair by breaking the gate. A couple - new gates, passing under all the gates, stand at the end of the column. The remaining half chooses a new one. And so in a circle.

7. Train (6-16 years old)

Everyone becomes a train and starts moving forward to the music. The host abruptly turns off the music, everyone should stop. Who at the same time "knocked down" the one in front or broke away from everyone, he leaves. For convenience, there can be two presenters: the one who is responsible for the music, and the one who leads the "locomotive". The more people, the better. Not without landfills. The main thing is to choose the right music and not make even intervals between shutdowns.

8. Sly fox (6-16 years old)

The players stand in a circle, close their eyes. The driver goes around the circle and imperceptibly touches one of the players - this is a cunning fox. Everyone opens their eyes and shouts "Cunning fox, where are you?" three times. After the third time, everyone scatters, and the fox tries to catch up with someone. The one whom the fox caught becomes the leader.

9. Candles (8-16 years old)

Players choose a leader who will “ignite” them, that is, burn them. The tanned player must answer the leader's question or riddle while the leader counts to three. If the player does not answer, then he "burns out". This is how the longest “candles” are revealed.
* With this game, you can not run, but sit in a circle. Then the questions are asked in turn to everyone, but the count of up to three is preserved.

10. Birds. (8-16 years old)

According to the counting rhyme, children choose the “hostess” and “hawk”, the rest choose “birds”. The "mistress" secretly from the "hawk" gives the name to each bird. A “hawk” arrives and begins negotiations with the “hostess”:

  • What did you come for?
  • For a bird.
  • For what?

A hawk names, for example, a cuckoo. The cuckoo runs out, the hawk catches it. If there is no bird called a hawk, the mistress drives it away. The game continues until the hawk has captured all the birds.

The hawk can only chase the bird after it crosses the line and runs across the area. The captured bird does not play until the end of the game.

11. I am a snake, a snake, a snake (11-16 years old)

Participants stand in a circle, through one - a boy, a girl. The counselor starts, approaching someone with the words: “I am a snake, a snake, a snake, do you want to be my tail?”. If the answer is yes, then the questioner crawls under the feet of the leader, gets acquainted with his right hand beret left hand asked through the legs. In the case of a negative answer, the phrase sounds: “But you have to!”, And there is a clutch. Thus, each time the snake grows larger and larger. The game continues until all participants have joined each other.

12. Jungle (8-16 years old)

The players are divided into three teams: blue, green and red. Each member of the team has a bandage of the corresponding color on his head. The game is played in a limited area, but not indoors, the bandages (color) cannot be changed, if you taunted, then give the bandage without resistance.

Blues catch greens, greens catch reds, reds catch blues. Commands should be issued at intervals to allow the previous team to escape. Give the selected bandages to the leader. The team that catches their victims the fastest wins.

13. Dragon head (11-16 years old)
The players cling to each other like a train. At the command of the head of the dragon - the first person - tries to catch the tail - last man. He, in turn, must dodge. When the last one is caught, it goes to the beginning of the chain.

14. Fishing rod (6-16 years old)
Participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center with a "fishing rod" - a jump rope or rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The host spins the fishing rod in a circle, and the participants must bounce, trying not to hurt it.

15. Frost-Red Nose (11-16 years old)
Two houses are designated on opposite sides of the site, players are located in one of them. In the middle of the site, the driver stands up - Frost-Red Nose. He says:

I am Frost-Red Nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path? .

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with a hand). The Frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, another driver is chosen.

16. Neighbor on the right (11-16 years old)
All participants in this fun game sit down in a circle. The driver becomes in the center of the circle. Turning to one or the other of the players, the leader asks each one a question or asks to perform some movement: stand up and turn around in place or clap your hands three times, etc. But answer question asked or the required movement must be performed not by the one to whom the driver is addressing, but by his neighbor on the right, whom the driver does not even look at. Having received an answer, the driver immediately turns to another, to a third, and so on, until one of the players makes a mistake.

A question is asked (or a task is given) quickly and suddenly. Just as quickly you need to give an answer (or perform the required movement). If a question is asked that is difficult to answer right away, then you can say: “I don’t know,” which is already the answer, but just don’t be silent.

It would seem that these rules are very simple and easy to remember, but in the game they are often violated due to the suddenness with which the driver addresses the participants in the game. Either the one to whom the question is addressed answers it himself, or the neighbor to the right of surprise will be confused and will not immediately realize that he is just supposed to answer. Who broke the rule, he will have to give way to the leader of his place in the circle and give a phantom.

17. Traffic lights. (8-16 years old)
After the leader is chosen, everyone stands on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and calls any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding on to it, they can freely go to the other side. Anyone who does not have this color must run across so that he is not caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

18. Four elements (11-16 years old)
The players stand in a circle, in the middle of it is the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: "earth", "fire", "water", "air". If “ground” is said, the one who caught the ball should quickly name some domestic or wild animal. At the word “water”, the player names a fish. When the word "air" sounds, the player must give the name of the bird. At the word “fire”, everyone needs to turn around several times, waving their hands. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who made a mistake is out of the game

19. Proteins, Nuts, Cones (11-16 years old)
All the guys stand up, holding hands, three people each, forming a "squirrel's nest". Between themselves, they agree on who will be the “squirrel”, who will be the “nut”, who will be the “bump”. The driver is alone, he has no nest. There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: “squirrels”, “bumps”, “nuts”. If he said "squirrels", then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes a free place in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who did not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader. If the host says: “nuts”, then the nuts change places and the driver, who has taken a place in the nest, becomes a nut. The driver and leader can be different people, and both functions can be performed by one person. The leaders can be given a command: “squirrels, cones, nuts”, and then everyone changes places at once.

21. Firefighters (11-16 years old)

Chairs are placed in a circle, backs inward. While the music is playing, the children run, when the music stops, everyone stands in front of their chair and takes off one thing. They run further. Stop. On another chair they leave their second thing. Then a third. After that, the command is given: “Fire”, everyone must collect their things as quickly as possible. Its good to play on the beach.

22. Changing Places (The Wind Blows Togo) (11-16 years old)

The players sit in a circle facing inward, with the leader standing in the center. Seating places must be precisely defined, and their number must match the number of players. The driver forces some of the players to randomly swap places, saying: "Change places those who have ..." and calls some sign, for example, striped pants. After that, all the players corresponding to this sign get up and change places. The driver's task is to have time to sit in one of the empty seats in the general confusion. The one who eventually does not have enough space becomes the driver.

23. Crocodiles (8-16 years old)
The squad is divided into two equal teams. The first team conceives some cool word and selects a person from the other team who will have to "show" this word. Moreover, this player is forbidden to make sounds and write letters, but active gestures, breathtaking facial expressions, antics, obscene gestures, and so on, are used, depending on the player’s imagination. His team tries to understand the meaning of what is shown and gives out answer options. It is important to select as many synonyms as possible, then the probability of guessing increases linearly.
After guessing/not guessing, the teams switch roles.

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