Home Diseases and pests The old game passing the school of fairies. Walkthrough for Winx Club

The old game passing the school of fairies. Walkthrough for Winx Club

Game: Platform: PC Genre: action, adventure Release date: March 1, 2006 Developer: DC Studios Publisher: Konami Rate this game (7384) Add game to Favorites / Track Right behind the Blue Bunny

Our main character, Bloom, was the most ordinary (attention, trademark!) and, to put it mildly, a dim-witted girl. Her usualness was expressed in the fact that Bloom did not even know what fate was in store for her by fate (in the role of Destiny, obviously, the developers) - to become a fairy, save the Magic and further down the list. And the closeness was that she had never heard of the misadventures of some girl Alice, who also had the misfortune of running after the bunny. So let's get started ...
The tame bunny Kiko is frightened to death and Bloom, as a zealous hostess, decides to find out that after all this could frighten his beloved pet. I don’t think there will be any difficulties with management, but it’s better to play it safe ... Up arrow - forward; down arrow - reverse; arrow to the left - to the left; arrow to the right - to the right; space bar - jump. We approach the couple in love, politely cough and ask if they can open the gate. The youth gets up and unlocks them.

This is surprising: if you approach a girl sitting on a bench, she will cry with relief something like "What a blessing that the gate is open! I had to hang around here all night!" But it will not move from its place. Apparently, the night "sticking out" is not the most the best way affected her brains.

We learn to jump, collect diamonds, torture poor trees, shaking out stars from them, and notice strange snow-white circles - we will need them later. Oh, yes, besides, we open the chests. Open, shake out the stars with Enter. And here is the first enemy - an unknown creature of reddish color. We shoot with fire (or what does she have there?) - with the left mouse button, aim with the right. Having defeated the enemy, we go further. We approach the wall next to which the "health supplement" grows, climb onto it and find ourselves in the newest location. Another reddish demon (I don’t know what it is, I’ll call it that) threatens life and health ... no, not peaceful people, but Kik o (tame animal, if you remember). Naturally Bloom can't help but intervene (SDP, Nice Character Syndrome)! Now we also know how to set up shields using the Shift button. Oh yes Bloom, well done! After graduating with a demon, we begin to pretend to be a climber, dashingly jumping from cliff to cliff, pulling ourselves up on our hands and deftly avoiding a rockfall. Apparently, Bloom was the pride of the local sports section. Moving to the newest location, the next skirmishes with demons, avoiding falling stones - nothing special. In general, you need to be afraid of a rockfall least of all, put up a shield and not a single stone will harm you. Beauty! So, we, in the end, get to the place of destination and ... what do we still see? Another incomprehensible something is taking away from the winged blonde in orange a net (ah, it was a rod? But it doesn’t look like it). Because of the SDP, we have to intervene. At this point, we will personally be convinced of the indisputability of the axiom about Ordinary Girls and Boys. Bloom, it turns out, is a fairy! The giant is one of the weakest Chefs in the game, so it won't be difficult to defeat him. You can just fly in circles, and pick up the mana (magical energy) that falls out of the net (just don't take the dark ones, they draw out the force on the contrary), and put up a shield when flashes of snow-white energy appear over the giant. And do not forget especially diligently tossing balls when a reddish arrow with a skull appears above the giant. This means that if you hit this moment, there will be more damage than usual. The grateful fairy Stella will tell Bloom about the Magic universe and, namely, about the Alpheus school (heh, Sage), where young fairies study. The path of our heroine lies there. Into the new, unknown world of the Magic.

Girly Hogwarts

We watch an animated video about Bloom saying goodbye to his parents and leaving for school, where, in the end, after listening to the headmistress's lectures, we remain left to ourselves. Here we go to find our room, fortunately, it's not difficult. There is a girl near your door who will confirm that this is your room, and the Bloom sign next to the names of other girls - fairies also indicate this. We go into the room, get acquainted with the neighbors and talk about the ball and the handsome men - the specialists. Bloom will complain about the lack of a solid dress and will be advised to go to the local fashion designer - Luma. You can go to Luma later, in the meantime, we will deal with side tasks (quests). This is surprising: Do not be too lazy after the conversation to go into Stella's room (she is, apparently, the "coolest", she lives alone in the room) and look at the photo of the cheerful five. And now let's think together: 5 minutes have passed since we met, where did the photo come from then? It can be seen from it that they do not spill water, but in order to become such good friends it takes much more than 5 minutes ...

Without exception, all side quests are built on the principle of bring / take and take / bring. The first tasks can be obtained from Flora and Stella (a yellowish diamond glows over the people who have a task for you). Note: After talking about the ball, just go out and go back to the location, the girls will scatter in all directions. Flora thinks your pet Kiko doesn't look happy enough. Maybe vegetables from the ground can improve the situation? And Stele lost her beloved earrings in the battle with the giant and is now in sorrow. Who will help her? Bloom! But before that, rather than going on assignments, it is best to walk to the library, where we will be taught to solve an easy puzzle (it is necessary that several certain similar signs appear on the turntable, lined up in a row). This is done using the r button. You can also look into the library and have a nice chat with Vizgiz, who will explain that for fairy stars you can get cards that are in the apparatus located at the other end of the library. Now you can set off to do side quests in Gardenia. To do this, you need to go to the main gate (from which you came to Alfea) and press Enter. Now you can slowly pick carrots for Flora (it grows on one of the lawns on the side), solve the riddles of little white circles, earning stars, dragon flower seeds (all health is supplemented and one petal is added to the flower of lives), moths (if you collect 5 pieces Bloom gets newest strength and rank). But to find Stella's earrings, you will have to run to the clearing where the battle took place. The earrings are practically invisible due to the small yellowish flowers, but when approaching them, enter appears, so it is not difficult to find them. Attention: there are TWO earrings! Left and right. This is what I say so that you do not become like one ... uh ... unworthy reviewer, foaming at the mouth, asserting that in order to get all the earrings, you need to run into the clearing Twice (especially for him: drink yada, and later sit down to write reviews). Well, he never saw earrings, you know. You can return to Alpheus (for this, go to the preservation crystal and select "return to Alpheus") and give objects to the happy girlfriends. Now you can think about for yourself. We go to Luma (her room is at the bottom, on the left, there is an inscription Looma on the room). Luma admire external appearance Bloom and will say that he will gladly make a dress if she finds scissors. We go to the ballroom (earlier the doors were closed there), we jump (!) Onto the right table, we run along it to the end and we find the scissors. We attribute to Luma and get blue dress(then you can bring Luma different subjects, from which she will sew Bloom outfits, also sell ready-made clothes, the price of one is 60 crystals). We run to the ballroom, everyone is tired of waiting for us! We are watching a video where everyone is jealous of Bloom's dress. Then one of the professionals comes up to us and introduces himself as Brandon (the way you talk to him will greatly influence the end). In order for the young man to remain satisfied with your communication with him, you need to tell him how you like the Magic and sadly sigh that you will not be able to communicate with him longer, maybe some other time? ..

Young Naturalists

Everything is not bad someday, but it ends. The ball is over, and ahead of us is a lesson from Dr. Palladium. Faster to her! At the same time, we receive another task from Flora: she always wanted to have a little Kvetus Carnivorus, carnivorous plant, which grows only in swamps, where, in fact, we are heading. And for the Palladium you need to find 3 fairies hiding in different locations(snow-white circles hanging in the air, come up, press r). So, we are in a swamp. We are learning new tricks: now, using the left mouse button, you can release three balls at a time and, while holding the button, release energy and help (if you wish, but it is better to help, you will receive a dragon flower petal as merit) to Amaryl and her team. Oh yes! If you see a snow-white shamrock, feel free to press enter, your friends will help you (in this case, Flora will grow ivy along which you can climb up). In principle, there is nothing in the swamp that cannot be controlled. I just see that the Kvetus for Flora is located next to the large Kvetus (they cannot be destroyed, therefore you need to be careful when you pass by). Also in the swamp are items for Luma: a flower and silk worms. In passing, we help the specialists from the Reddish Fountain, who were wrecked because of which the troll they were carrying escaped. The task of capturing, as a rule, will fall on the fragile shoulders of fairies. And men will stand aside. We run over to the description of the battle. It is worth noting that there is practically no sense from girlfriends. Their attacks are weak, well, and you can ask to help them only once per battle (the button is a space bar). As it follows, Bloom will be engaged in "killing". The strategy is the same, fly in a circle, put up a shield when you see the troll start stomping, but pick up the mana sphere just right. After the victory, we watch the cartoon - a cutscene about the emergence of witches from the Cloudy Tower, who captured Tekhnu and demanding Stella's ring in exchange for her life (they think that it contains the Dragon's Fire). Bloom assures Stella to give it to the ring, since if a skirmish breaks out, Tekhna could get hurt. The ring is given, Techna is saved.

They did not expect? And here we are!

Reading the book, Bloom finds out more about what Stella's ring is made of and thinks about who could tell more about the Great Dragon. In order to give Kvetusa Flora again we leave and go to the location, she will sit on the sofa. Go to the Muse's room - she has a broken guitar string and needs a minotaur's hair in order to change it (for a hair she will give you a musical necklace, from which Luma will make you an outfit). Then you can walk to the office of the headmistress, who will tell you about the Great Dragon, who created the Magic universe and settled on the planet Sparks (Spark), which became the center of magic, thanks to his power. But the sorceresses who were thirsty for power destroyed the planet in search of the famous Dragon Fire. After the conversation, you need to go to the wall and pick up a piece of paper with a weird story about sorceresses who were frightened by dragons (digits are a code). You can go to Dr. Palladium and turn in the quest, having received a well-deserved merit. There are more side quests and almost all of them are related to books. The headmistress asks you to find the books she needs for her studies in the library: "Controlling a magic wand in 5 steps"; "How to Bleach Dragon Bone"; "Flora and Fauna of the Dark Swamp". We go to the library and look for all the books we need. The librarian Vizgiz, in turn, wants us to go in search of the girls who did not turn in the books on time: Amaryl (where can we go without her!); Pia and Nessa. Bah! So these are our "swamp acquaintances"! Nessa is in the ballroom, on the landing on the right. Asks which of the listed young men is not a specialist. Answer: Braven. Nessa gets the right answer, and we get the books. Pia is standing near a cabinet with a statuette of a reddish tower (or what is it there?). She wonders which of the above is not a magic school. Answer: Fountain of Clouds. The next task will be given by Griselda (aunt with glasses) - she desperately needs a book on serious discipline. Amaryl is in the corridor near the ballroom on the right (if you stand with your back to the gate, with which you can turn back to the places where we have already been). Would like to know who is the headmaster of the Alfei school. Answer: Faragonda. We return to our room and watch a cartoon where the girls are thinking about how to return Stella's ring, because soon the spell control, and without the ring, she is powerless! We go downstairs and approach the locker with the Cloud Tower statuette and enter the code written on a piece of paper (for the lazy: 3921). We take away the figurine and go to the right aisle (ballroom), where we install the figurine on a pedestal. We go into the portal that appeared in the picture. After talking with the girlfriends, take the book for Griselda on the left (shining). Pitchers can be broken with fire. Press r near the glowing doors, they will open. Pull the lever, a ladder will appear, climb it. Then just turn the levers, there will be no difficulties. Take the hair of the minotaur for the Muse from the huge sleeping minotaur. Witch Room: Darcy, Icy and Stormy. Take the snowflake for Luma in the room, Stella's ring in the heap of garbage. In the library, Bloom reads a book where he will find out a little about for himself, but the headmistress Miss Griffin will spot the offenders and cut off an interesting reading. We get rid of stone golems, spiders and run to the end of the dining room. There we meet with another Boss (beetle - some kind of lava). The strategy is the usual: we fly, we fly, we don't stop, we pick up the spheres on the move and shoot the monster with balls. Having won, we look at the splash screen. After her we find ourselves in a black hall and go to call our parents (a dramatic scene!). We hear a noise in the ballroom and go there. This is true! The Cloud Tower sorceresses decided to pay Alfea a return visit. We fight with a spider and see how something similar to a dragon appears from Bloom. In the video, Bloom is once again visited in a dream by a strange lady in a mask.

Introducing you detailed manual how to pass the game Winx (Winx).

Game controls

First, a little about management. It is standard, but just in case, let's remind: forward - up arrow, back - down arrow, right and left - respectively, right and left arrows, jump - space.

Now about how to get through the Winx Club. Take our heroine Bloom to the gate and ask a couple in love to open it, which the young man will do for you. After leaving the gate, you need to learn how to jump - we will soon need it. Next, we collect diamonds and knock the stars out of the trees. Also, do not forget to pick up white circles and open chests (here on help will come"Enter" key). And soon you will also need to throw fire - for this we use LMB - the left mouse button to shoot, and RMB - the right mouse button to aim. After a while, we will need one more skill - setting shields. What key we have not yet used? We use "Shift" for this case.

First boss: defeat the giant

Having defeated several red monsters, we move on to the next location, where we will have new battles. Our Bloom should already be able to deftly jump over cliffs and pull himself up, as well as shoot accurately. Do not forget about "Shift" - we use shields against stones. Well, we got to the first boss in the game - congratulations! This is some kind of giant, which is easy enough to defeat. You just need to circle around him and when a red arrow with a skull appears above him, throw balls that is urine. But when white flashes appear above the giant, place a shield (you should already be good at doing this by now). You can pick up the energy falling out of the net, but not black - you will only lose strength. Having defeated the villain, we move on.

Hello school

Now we go to school. After the video, where you will see goodbye to your parents, we are looking for Bloom's room. You will recognize the room by the inscription on the door "Bloom" - just like that on English language the name of our heroine is written. You can go into the room, as well as meet other inhabitants of the house - the same fairies as Bloom herself, and gossip about various trifles. By the way, to sew yourself Nice dress for the ball, you need to talk to Luma - the fashion designer. Now let's get down to execution various tasks... Yes, yes, before you go through the Winx completely, you have to complete many different quests. All of these side quests are not that difficult, so I don't think you will spend a lot of effort on them. By the way, if the character has a task for you, then you will see a yellow pebble over his head.

Getting ready for the ball

Finding Stella's earrings will be the most difficult task. To do this, you need to go to Gardenia and find them in a clearing. A little hint: the task is made easier by the fact that when you get closer to the earrings, the inscription "Enter" will appear, and by pressing the corresponding key, you will pick them up. Returning to Alfey and distributing the found things to the fairies, we go to Luma, who will ask us to find the lost scissors (everyone here forgets everything). Scissors are not difficult to find: go with Bloom to the ballroom, jump onto the right table, at the end of which there will be necessary accessory... Now Luma can sew us a blue dress. Further, if you want, you can order other clothes from her. It will cost a lot, but what you will not give up in order to look stylish. At the ball, after the video with the dress, our beauty will have to talk to a certain Brandon. Be careful here to win the final. Tell him how good you are in the Magic and complain that you cannot stay with him longer.

New tasks

After the ball, we go to the professor with the funny name Palladium, who will give us the task of finding three fairies in the swamp. Before going there, we take a task from Flora at the same time - she really wanted to have one predatory plant, and if the girl gets into her head ... In general, it will be fun in the swamp, but all this is quite passable. After defeating the next boss - a troll, you will see how Techna is captured by witches from the Cloud Tower, and Bloom frees her thanks to Stella's ring. We'll talk about how to get to the Winx Cloud Tower a little later, but for now we give the little predatory Kvetus Flora and go to the Palladium for a reward.

First trip to the Cloud Tower

Now we carry out the next tasks give-bring (this time books) and go to the Cloud Tower (after all, we must return Stella's ring). In order to get there, you need to find a cabinet below with a statuette of this very tower and enter the code "3921" written on a piece of paper found in the headmistress's office. Now we take the figurine and go into the aisle of the ballroom, put the figurine on the pedestal and go into the portal that appears in the picture. In the Cloud Tower, press "r" at the glowing doors to open them. Then pull the lever and a ladder will appear. Take hair from the sleeping minotaur for Muse, and in the rooms of Aisi, Darcy and Stormy take Stella's ring (it will be in a heap of garbage) and a snowflake for Luma. Then you will meet the boss - a beetle. We easily defeat him and watch the next video.

Fight with witches

It's time to talk to Brandon again. The first phrase can be anything (well, or praise the Magic again), and then you need to answer like this: "thanks, it helped me" and "can I ask you something?" Remember the locker code: 0001. Now place the statuette in the left passage and jump into the portal. There is nothing difficult here, except that in the battle with Diaspro, wait until she puts up a shield and accumulate energy in order to shoot well. But in the subsequent battle with the witches, put up a shield when they cause a storm. But the villains will still take the precious Dragon Fire from you. Can you come to terms with this? Of course not!

Back to the tower

But before new meeting you will need to help Palladium get a couple of crystals from the planet Spark (Bloom's homeland). There will be no special difficulties here, except that solving the riddle with the statues made of diamonds. Here is the answer: fire, moon, candle and sun. Next, we go along the red tiles in a room with a multi-colored floor, and to unlock the door, place a picture of a candle and a flower at the bottom. Now we overwhelm the next boss (and where are there so many of them ?!) and go to the Cloud Tower for shamelessly stolen goods - the Fire of the Dragon, completing a couple of side quests along the way.

Hollywood finale

And "the coin is false," that is, the fire is not real. We run from the Tower and spend the night in the forest with Sky (Brandon turned out to be such a prince). We choose the right words: "take away the frown", "I believe you and I know that you will not leave me" and "you definitely do not want to chat yet?" That's all, stayed last fight... In fact, nobody took the Dragon's fire from Bloom, and with him it will be easy for us to defeat Aisi (hold the space bar). That's all: our heroes will kiss and live happily ever after, and you can also watch a video on how to complete the Winx game.

Try to find time for a wonderful game Winx Fairy School. You will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

The toy is mesmerizing beautiful graphics, pleasant musical accompaniment and a dynamic plot. Plus, it's free. The perfect combination... What else do you need to have a great free time? So finish all your business as soon as possible and get started. We promise it will be cool!

main characters

Since the main the target audience games Winx school of fairies - girls, then the main characters, or rather - heroines, also young ladies. Moreover, the young ladies are famous and beloved by teenagers all over the planet: from Canada to China. You probably know them very well too. These are the Winx fairies - the heroines of the Italian animated series Winx Club: School of Fairies, created by Rainbow S.r.l. In total, five seasons of the cartoon were released, each consisting of twenty-six episodes. The series tells the story of the adventures of fairy girls, brought together by chance and become the most loyal and bosom friends in the world. In the center of the plot is the story of the main character - Bloom and her distant homeland - the planet Domino. Throughout history, sorceress girls, joining forces, save the world from all sorts of misfortunes. And there are a lot of them around. It is not clear where their strength comes from, but the Winx beauties have time to do everything: to fight evil and to live an ordinary school life: they fall in love, conflict with their parents, have fun with friends, go shopping, learn lessons, do a thousand other things that are familiar to all of us. ... If you haven't seen this super fun cartoon yet, be sure to check it out. After him, the essence of the story of Winx School of Sorceresses and the game created based on this story will open before you much more fully.

Where to begin?

First, choose the heroine you will play as. The assortment is great - in front of you are all the faithful girlfriends, beauties-sorceresses from the Winx series: Tecna, Muse, Flora, Bloom, Stella and Aisha. True, there is a nuance. Until you master the first level, you can only play on behalf of Tecna. With each passed stage, your capabilities will expand and gradually all the sorceresses will become available.

How to play?

After you've decided on the main character, it's time to choose a surfboard. You have three options at your disposal, one more beautiful than the other. Hover the cursor over the one that you like more and forward - slide along the waves of the fantastic ocean. But be careful. The endless turquoise surface is not only insanely beautiful, but also quite dangerous. Many obstacles and traps lie in wait for you along the way. Dexterity, attentiveness, full involvement in what is happening and a focus on winning - that's what you need to overcome them without loss. Can you handle it? Try, please!

What do we have to do?

You already guessed that the main goal of passing the Winx School of Sorceresses game is to cut through the waves like a real surfer, to get to the end of the level without problems, losses and injuries. You will move in a straight line, you cannot turn anywhere. But you can jump a step to the right or left, as well as jump over some of the obstacles. If you learn to deftly maneuver without slowing down, consider victory in your pocket. After all main difficulty Winx games the school of sorceresses is precisely about being able to rebuild in time, quickly and clearly react to every second changing circumstances. You will see, this wonderful quality will be useful to you not only behind the monitor screen, but also in real life.

Game control Winx Fairy School

It's pretty simple and easy to use. You only need to press on time on three buttons: the arrow keys "left", "right" and "space". With the first two you will be able to move the Winx sorceress from one "track" to another (the stream along which she moves is divided by a barely noticeable dotted line into three lines), and using the "space" key you will make her jump, rushing over obstacles. On your way you will meet giant polyps, sharp rocks, huge boulders covered with algae. Collision with each of them threatens the sorceress with injury. And even if she manages to recover from it and continue her journey, vitality she will have less. Several collisions and, alas, you will fly out of the game.

But it is not all that bad. Rather, the opposite is true. In addition to problems on the way of the beautiful sorceress, there will be many pleasant surprises: precious pearls, golden tiaras, sparkling rubies and precious shells. Try to collect them all, do not miss. Each such find will give you additional points, return the health lost in collisions with rocks, or give you additional speed. The developers of the game Winx School of Sorceresses made sure that it was fun to play, and the player's bonuses were varied. When you don't know in advance what your find is hiding, it's more interesting to play. Remember going to next level depends on the speed that you can develop and the number of points collected (risking being known as boring, we remind you again - do not neglect surprises!). With each new turn, your path will become more interesting and more difficult. But don't you give up. Show a master class of a real surfer. Fly over the waves of the virtual ocean as if on wings. Good luck!

If the name Winx Club is familiar to you and is pleasant to the ear, then you will like the adventure game of the same name. In this case, download the Winx Club game for free and try yourself as one of the game wizards. Help the new member of the school of sorceresses to get used to magic.

You are invited to explore the features of the Magix universe, where representatives of magical professions have gathered. One of the visitors to this magical place is a girl named Bloom. It is her actions that you will be guided by if you download the Winx Club game to your computer and learn a number of spells from the school of sorceresses. However, in a number of game moments you will need to rely on the combat support of the heroine's friends.

You will have to use magic everywhere - in everyday life, and in the fight against enemies, and for self-defense, and while communicating with other characters. So get ready to download the free game Winx Club: School of Sorceresses and go through game situations, reminiscent of episodes from the film Winx Club. Take part in solving virtual puzzles and visiting attractions. After all, as a reward, you will receive special gifts that are a reference to cartoons. You can also go on a date with Stella.

Title: Winx Club: Fairy School
Foreign name: Winx Club
Year of issue: 2006
Genre: adventure, arcade, action
Developer: DC Studios
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PC
Publication type: license
Version: 1.2
Language: Russian, English
Tablet: not required
Size: 1.21 Gb

Features of the version:
1. Game files are not touched.
2. Full Russian and english version games.
3. Presented as an ISO image.
4. Performance tested on Windows 7 64.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 128 Mb
Video card: with 64 Mb of video memory

Download the game Winx Club on a computer for free in Russian without registration in one file:

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An easy way to download the game Winx Club: School of Fairies in Russian via torrent for free on your computer without registration in one click. Just click on the green button at the top of the page. Or select the version in the block with the red arrow from the list of links labeled torrent. Usually, latest version the game has a faster download speed. Perhaps you do not have a torrent client yet, then in order to download via torrent, install, for example, uTorrent. If you don't want to clutter your PC with unnecessary software, just download the game from the file hosting service directly.

How to download free Winx Club: Fairy School?

Here you can download game Winx Club: Fairy School to your computer by clicking on the download links from file sharing, which are located just above this text. But before that, we recommend that you pay attention to the characteristics and system requirements free game Winx Club: School of Sorceresses, and make sure that the downloaded toy is fully installed and will work without interruptions on your computer. Then you can download Winx Club: Fairy School for free and be sure that your PC is compatible with this game.

How to download

Do not press

Winx Club text walkthrough step by step, passwords to locks: 3921, 0001.

At the very beginning of Winx Club - School of Sorceresses, a rabbit is running away from us, we must follow him. Our main protagonist, Bloom, was the most ordinary attention, trademark! and, softly speaking, a dim-witted girl. Its usualness was expressed in the fact that Bloom did not even know what kind of fate was destined for her in the significance of Fate, obviously the creators were to turn out to be a fairy, to save the Magic and further down the list. And the closeness was that she had never heard of the misadventures of some girl Alice, who also had the misfortune of running after the bunny. So let's get started.

The tame bunny Kiko is frightened to death and Bloom, as a caring mistress, decides to find out that after all this could frighten her beloved pet. I don’t think there will be any difficulties with management, but it’s better to play it safe. Up arrow - forward arrow down - backward arrow to the left - to the left arrow to the right - to the right space bar - jump. We approach the couple in love, cough respectfully and ask if they can open the gate. The young man gets up and opens them.

This is surprising: if you come up to a girl sitting on a bench, she will cry with relief something like "What a blessing that the gate is open! I needed to hang around here all night!" But it will not move from its place. Probably the nighttime "sticking out" didn't do the best for her brain.

We learn to jump, collect diamonds, torture poor trees, shaking out the stars from them, and notice strange snow-white circles - we will need them later. Oh, yes, besides, we open the chests. Open, shake out the asterisks with Enter. And here is the first enemy - an unknown reddish creature. Are we shooting with fire or what has she got there? - with the left mouse button, aim with the right. Having overcome the enemy, we go further. We approach the wall, near which the "health supplement" grows, climb onto it and find ourselves in the newest location. Another reddish demon I do not know what it is all the same, I will call it that threatens life and health. no, not peace-loving people, but Kiko is a tame animal, if you remember. Naturally, Bloom can't help but intervene on the SDP, the Good Hero Syndrome! Now we also know how to set up shields using the Shift key. Oh yes Bloom, well done! After graduating with a demon, we begin to pretend to be a rock climber, nimbly jumping from cliff to cliff, pulling ourselves up on our hands and skillfully avoiding a rockfall. Bloom was probably the pride of the local sports section. Moving to the newest location, the next skirmishes with demons, avoiding falling stones - nothing special. In general, you need to be afraid of a rockfall less only, put a shield and not a single stone will harm you. Beauty! So, we finally get to the destination and. what do we see? Another incomprehensible thing is taking a net from the winged blonde in orange ah, was that a rod? but not like. Because of the SDP, it is required to intervene. At this point, we will personally be convinced of the irrefutability of the axiom about Ordinary Girls and Boys. Bloom, it turns out, is a fairy! The giant is one of the strongest Chefs in the game, so it won't be difficult to defeat him. It is permissible to simply fly in circles, but to pick up magical energy that falls out of the net, only dark ones do not take, they, on the contrary, draw out the force, and put up a shield when flashes of snow-white energy appear over the giant. Do not forget especially diligently to throw balls when a reddish arrow with the image of a skull appears over the giant. This means that if you hit at the moment, the damage will be more than traditional. The grateful fairy Stella will tell Bloom about the Magic universe and, namely, about the school of Alpheus heh, Sage, in which young fairies study. The path of our heroine lies there. Into the newest, unknown world of the Magic.

Girly Hogwarts

We are watching an animated video about how Bloom says goodbye to the guardians and sets off to school, in which, after all, after listening to the headmistress's lectures, we remain on our own. Here we go to find our room, well, it's not difficult. There is a girl near your door who will confirm that this is your room, and the Bloom sign next to the names of the other girls - fairies also indicate this. We go into the room, get acquainted with the neighbors and talk about the ball and the handsome men - the specialists. Bloom will complain about the lack of a solid dress and will be advised to go to the local fashion designer - Luma. It is permissible to go to Luma later, in the meantime, we will deal with side quests tasks.

This is surprising: Do not be too lazy to enter Stella's room afterwards, she is probably the coolest, she lives alone in the room and look at the photo of the cheerful five. And now we will think together: 5 minutes have passed since the time of our acquaintance, where is the photo in that case? It is also noticeable from it that they do not spill water, but for this to be such good friends it takes much more than 5 minutes.

Without exception, all side missions are built on the principle of bring / take and take / bring. The first tasks can be obtained from Flora and Stella over people who have a task for you, a yellowish diamond is burning. Note: Subsequently, the dialogue about the ball simply go out and go back to the location, the girls will scatter in all directions. At first glance, it may seem to Flora that your pet Kiko does not look happy enough. Supposedly, vegetables from the ground have every chance to improve the situation? And Stella lost her beloved earrings in the battle with the giant and is now in sorrow. Who will surely help her? Bloom! But before that, than going on tasks, it is most ideal to walk to the library, in which we will be taught to solve an easy puzzle, we need to appear on the turntable a certain number certain similar signs lined up in a row. This is done using the r key. It is possible to similarly look into the library and have a nice chat with Vizgiz, who will explain what fairy stars are allowed to receive cards that are in a device located in the other end of the library. It is now permissible to sail off to do side missions in Gardenia. To do this, you need to go to the main gate from which you came to Alfea and press Enter. Now it is permissible to slowly pick carrots for Flora grows on the 1st of the lawns on the side, to guess the riddles of little white circles, earning stars, dragon flower seeds, all health is supplemented and one petal is added to the flower of lives, if you collect 5 moths, Bloom gets the newest power and title. But to find Stella's earrings, it will be necessary to run to the clearing in which the battle took place. The earrings are practically invisible because of the small yellowish flowers, but when approaching them, enter appears, so it is not difficult to find them. Attention: there are 2 earrings! Left and right. This is what I say for this, so that you do not become like one, uh, unlucky critic, foaming at the mouth, asserting that for this, in order to get all the earrings, you need to run into the clearing Twice deliberately for him: drink yada, and later sit down to write reviews. Well, he never saw earrings, you know. It is permissible to return to Alpheus for this, go to the preservation crystal and select "return to Alpheus" and give things to the happy girlfriends. Now it is permissible to think about yourself. We go to Luma, her room is located at the bottom, to the left, in the room there is an inscription Looma. Luma will admire Bloom's appearance and say that he will gladly make a dress if she finds scissors. We go to the ballroom hall earlier the doors were closed there, we jump in! on the right table, we rush along it to the end and find scissors. We take it to Luma and get a blue dress, then Luma is allowed to bring different things, from which she will sew Bloom outfits, also sell ready-made clothes, the price of one is 60 crystals. We rush to the ballroom, we are all tired of waiting! We are watching a video in which everyone is jealous of Bloom's dress. Then one of the professionals comes up to us and it seems to Brandon that the way you talk to him will fundamentally affect the ending. To do this, in order for the young man to be satisfied with your communication with him, you need to tell him how you like the Magic and sadly sigh that you will not be able to talk to him longer, maybe some other time? ..

Young naturists

Everything is not bad someday, but it ends. The ball is over, and ahead of us is a lesson from Dr. Palladium. Faster to her! At the same time, we receive another task from Flora: she constantly wanted to have the little Kvetus Carnivorus, carnivorous plant, which grows only in the swamps, where, in fact, speaking, we are heading. And for the Palladium, you need to find 3 fairies, snow-white circles hiding in different places, hanging in the air, come up, press r. So, we are in a swamp. We are learning new tricks: now, using the left mouse button, it is permissible to release 3 balls at a time and, while holding the key, release energy and help at will, but it is better to help, get the merit of a dragon flower petal to creep Amaryl and her team. Oh yes! If you see a snow-white clover, feel free to press enter, your friends will help you in in this case Flora will grow ivy along which it is permissible to climb up. In principle, there is nothing in the swamp that cannot be controlled. I can only say that for Flora the Kvetus is located close to large Kvetus, they cannot be destroyed, therefore you need to be careful when you pass by. There are also things for Luma in the swamp: a flower and silk worms. In passing, we help the specialists from the Reddish Fountain, who were wrecked because of what the troll they were carrying escaped. The task of capturing, as usual, will fall on the fragile shoulders of fairies. And men will stand aside. We run over to the description of the battle. It is worth noting that there is practically no sense from girlfriends. Their attacks are weak, well, and it is permissible to ask them to help them only once per battle, the button is the space bar. Consequently, Bloom will work for "killing". The strategy is the same, fly in a circle, put up a shield when you see that the troll starts stomping, but pick up the mana sphere just right. Subsequently, we watch the triumph of a cartoon - a cutscene about the emergence of witches from the Cloudy Tower, who captured Tekhnu and demanding Stella's ring in exchange for her life, think that it contains the Dragon's Fire. Bloom assures Stella to give the ring, since if a fight breaks out, Tekhna may get hurt. The ring is given, Techna is saved.

They did not expect? And here we are!

Reading the book, Bloom will find out more about what Stella's ring is made of and thinks about who could tell more about the Great Dragon. To do this, in order to give Kvetusa Flora we go out again and go to the location, she will sit on the sofa. Go to the Muse's room - she has a broken guitar string and needs the hair of a minotaur for this, so that it can be replaced by a hair, she will provide you with a musical necklace, from which Luma will make an outfit for you. Then it is permissible to walk to the office of the headmistress, who will tell you about the Great Dragon, who created the Magic universe and settled on the planet Sparks Spark, which became the center of magic due to its power. But the sorceresses who were thirsty for power destroyed the planet in search of the famous Dragon Fire. Subsequently, the dialogue needs to go to the wall and pick up a piece of paper with a strange story about sorceresses, the frightened dragons numbers are considered a code. It is permissible to go to Dr. Palladium and turn in the quest, having received the well-deserved merit. There are more side assignments and almost all of them are connected with books. The headmistress asks you to find the books she needs for her studies in the library: "Controlling a Magic Wand in 5 Steps" "How to Bleach a Dragon Bone" "Flora and Fauna of the Dark Swamp". We go to the library and look for all the books we need. Librarian Vizgiz, in turn, wants us to go in search of girls who did not turn in books during the period: Amaryl, where can we go without her! Pia and Nessa. Bah! So these are our "swamp acquaintances"! Nessa is in the ballroom hall, on the landing on the right. Asks which of the men mentioned is not a specialist. Result: Braven. Nessa gets the right result, and we get the books. Pia is standing next to a cabinet with a statuette of a reddish tower or what is it there? She wonders which of the above is not a magic school. Result: Fountain of Clouds. The next task will be given to Griselda by an aunt with glasses - she desperately needs a book on serious endurance. Amaryl is located in the corridor near the ballroom on the right if you have your back to the gate, with the help of which it is permissible to turn back to the place in which we have already been. He wants to know who is the head of Alfey's school. Result: Faragonda. We return to our room and watch a cartoon in which the girls are thinking about how to return Stella's ring back, since soon the spell control is, and without the ring she is powerless! We go down and go to the closet with the Cloud Tower statuette and enter the code written on the sheet for the lazy: 3921. We take away the figurine and go to the right aisle of the ballroom, in which we set the figurine on a pedestal. We go into the portal that appeared in the picture. Subsequently, the dialogue with the girlfriends, take the book for Griselda on the left glows. It is permissible to break pitchers with fire. Press r near the glowing doors, they will open. Pull the lever, a ladder will appear, climbing up it. Then just turn the levers, there will be practically no difficulties. Take the hair of the minotaur for the Muse from the huge sleeping minotaur. Witch Room: Darcy, Icy and Stormy. Take the snowflake for Luma in the room, Stella's ring in the heap of garbage. In the library, Bloom reads a book in which he will find out a little about himself, but the headmistress Miss Griffin will notice the violators of the law and interrupt an interesting reading. We get rid of stone golems, spiders and run to the end of the dining room. There we meet with another Boss beetle - some kind of lava. The strategy is the usual: we fly, we fly, we don't stop, we pick up the spheres on the move and shoot the monster with balls. Having overcome, we look at the splash screen. Subsequently, we find ourselves in the black hall and go to call my father and mother a dramatic scene !. We hear a noise in the ballroom and go there. So it is! The Cloud Tower sorceresses decided to pay Alfea a return visit. We fight with a spider and see how something similar to a dragon appears from Bloom. In the video, Bloom is visited by a weird masked lady again in her sleep.

Stowaways and delinquents

The newest day has arrived! We go to the phone after a dialogue with friends and call Brandon. In communicating with him, the first remark may not matter which one he smiles at any of them, it is most ideal to say that the Magic is my fate, the second - thanks, this helped me and the third - is it permissible for you about something ask? Brandon says the numbers: 0001. This is the locker code. Upon returning to Alfei, we approach the closet, dial the code, take the statuette and go to the left aisle of the ballroom and set it on a pedestal. Voila! The portal opens. But before you go there, I advise you to go to the library - Techne urgently needs our support! She needs to fix the android bot, probably, but there are not enough details, they will seem later on as a triumph over the first robot in the Red Fountain. Now it is permissible to go to the portal. We go into it and watch the cartoon screensaver about how the girls run away from the controller. The passage is trivial - we use the shield on the traps then and they will not cause any harm, they are simply thrown aside. We turn off the protective fields using the levers. To drive the dragon back into the stall, shoot fire at the lamps; Luma needs scales near the stall. To do this, in order to safely get to the window not to light up at school, do not catch the eyes of the watchmen, simply quickly run past them. In the battle with Diaspro, it is most ideal to fire at her, wait until she puts up a shield and then save energy for a shot to repeat until triumph. Then we watch a video in which we learn that Brandon is essentially the prince of Skye. In frustrated emotions, Bloom sets off home, in which the sorceresses are waiting for her, they learned that the Dragon Fire is located in Bloom. Defeating witches is not difficult: we fly in a circle and put a shield just right, when they cause a storm, all the more, they will take the fire all the same.

Home Sweet Home.

The sorceresses took away the power and Fire of the Dragon from Bloom! We need to go to Spark Sparks, Bloom's home planet. But, before you go. Who needs support here? Ah, Dr. Palladium is standing in the ballroom! She needs 2 crystal standards from the Spark. As if your own troubles are not enough. By the way, it's finally allowed to give the book to Miss Griselda! Then we head to the teleportation room near the classroom. The spark will greet us very coldly, both figuratively and literally. Now you will not be able to start fireballs and put up a shield, it will be necessary to banally fight back with snowballs, go to the pile of snow and press enter. Immediately after falling into the crack, you will see a crystal, go to it and press enter. Here is the first standard for the doctor! In order not to suffer with ice wood lice, or what is it all the same ?, I advise you to quickly rush past them and quickly jump up. In the next territory, it is permissible to find a greenish crystal for Luma, we break the ice with snowballs. To defeat the ice monster is simple - wait for it to hover near one of the stalagmites, run up to it and press enter. Subsequently, the monster will be defeated by 3 hits. We go down and move forward, almost at the very edge on the right there will be the 2nd crystal for Palladium. In order for a bridge to appear, you need to go to the sculptures with diamonds and press enter until they light up, you need to make the diamonds glow right away. The solution to the puzzles: fire, month, candle, sun. In a room with a multi-colored floor, we go only along the reddish tiles. To unlock the door, drawings with the image of a candle and a flower must appear below. We approach our lady from dreams and watch the video. The mystic has returned, hurray! We run up the stairs and find ourselves outside. I advise you to save, at the moment the battle will begin with another weirdo. We fly in a circle, without stopping, picking up the spheres that appear later, like a monster exhales cold, do not forget to shoot. Then we watch the video.

So we returned to Alfea. Wait a minute! Why is everything on fire? These sorceresses again. We need to go to O Cloud Tower again and bring back the Dragon Fire!

This is amazing: Try jumping around using fire for the sake of enthusiasm. Back and forth, back and forth.
Bloom will not burn in fire and will not drown in water. Doesn't she remember anything? she's a fire fairy, idiots! but about the water I do not know.

Before you go, visit Luma's room, the girl standing next to her will give you an assignment - to take a note to one "sweet watchman from the Reddish Fountain". Get ready for a long run. But there will be a double merit! Similarly, the head of the Reddish Fountain, Salvador, will ask you to find your own partner, he behind the enchanted door in the Cloud Tower, in the dungeon. When you are ready, come to the greenish monster in glasses and overalls, Knut is our old acquaintance, with whom we fought at the very beginning. There are practically no difficulties in passing, it is worth slowing down only on a riddle with a clock, it is also not easy, but suddenly .: frog, primitive, cloud with lightning. We take away the magic ball Miss Griffin is needed. In the same area, there is a spider mirror for Luma. We leave the hall and go to the right - now the gate is open. In the end, it turns out that the Dragon Fire is fake and was made by the sorceresses deliberately in order to lure Bloom into a trap. We take our feet out of the tower. Along the way aircraft breaks down and Bloom, together with Skye, is obliged to spend the night in the forest. True statements when talking with him: hey, take that frowning look away, I believe for you, skye and I know that you will not leave me in trouble, you definitely do not want to chat with me yet. We watch the video in which Bloom discovers that no one took the Dragon Fire from her and he was in her all this time. We return to Alfea. Everything is ready for the last battle. It remains only to surrender the mission and, if you wish, to find glasses for Knut, lie near the main entrance near the tree. To go fight, talk to El Salvador. Subsequently, the cartoon we are fighting with Aisi. Together with the Fire of the Dragon, it is called with the help of a space bar to overcome it is extremely simple. We dodge the snowflakes and select the spheres that remained after them, we fly in a circle. Everything is as usual. When the battle is over, we watch the well-deserved ending. If you've done everything right, Bloom will kiss Sky.

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