Home Fertilizers b and a hard sign rule. Using ъ and ь signs: rules, features and exercises

b and a hard sign rule. Using ъ and ь signs: rules, features and exercises


After a consonant before a vowel, the letters e, e, yu, ya (and) help to denote the sound [th"] by b and b. In this case the signs are called dividing marks.

In the lesson you will learn how to choose the right one from two separating characters.

Lesson topic: “The rule for using the separating signs b and b.”

Observing the structure of words with b and b signs

Let's observe the structure of words with the b sign. To find the root, let's select words with the same root.

Fun, have fun, have fun(root -vesel-),

bearish, bear cub, she-bear(root -bear-, -bear-),

sparrows, little sparrow, passerine(root -sparrow-).

Let's observe the structure of words with the Ъ sign.

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going(root -ed-, prefix s-),

entrance, driving(root -ezd-, prefix under-),

announcement, announcement, announce(root -yavl-, prefix ob-).

We formulate the rule for using the separating signs b and b

The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, i.

The separating b is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before the letters e, e, yu, ya.

How to use the rule

1. Say the word, listen to see if it contains the sound [th"] after the consonant sound before the vowel.

2. Identify the root in the word.

3. Look where you need to write the separator - at the root or between the prefix and the root. If at the root, write b, if between the prefix and the root, write b.

Applying new knowledge

Using the rule, determine what needs to be written in place of the gaps - separating b or b.

Street_i, nightingale_i, pre_anniversary, raz_ezd, edible, brother_ya.

Beehives - root -ul-, write b;

nightingales - nightingale, root -nightingale-, write b;

pre-anniversary - anniversary, root -anniversary-, prefix pre-, ends in a consonant, write b;

travel - ride, root -ezd-, prefix raz-, ends in a consonant, write b;

edible - food, root -ed-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant, write b;

brothers - brother, root -take-, write b.

Apply your new knowledge, spell words with the root -EX- correctly, and don’t fall into traps.

from?went, on?went, in?went, reached, drove up, from?went, drove

moved out, drove off, drove in, arrived, drove up, drove off, drove in

In words went, arrived, stopped by prefixes po-, do-, end in a vowel sound, therefore There is no need to write the Kommersant sign.

In words moved out, drove in, drove up, drove off prefixes s-, v-, sub-, ot- end in a consonant, therefore you need to write b.

Write the words in letters.

[s й"е l] - ate. After the consonant [s] before the vowel [e], the letter E is denoted by Ъ. C- prefix, root -e-. [vy"un] - loach. After the consonant [v] before the vowel [y], the letter Yu helps to denote the sound [y"] by b. Root -loach-. [p"er"y"a] - feathers. After the consonant [p"] before the vowel [a], b helps to designate the sound [th"] of the letter I. The root is -per-. Listen to yourself and write the words with sounds.

wings - [wing "y"a], 6 b., 6 star. I'll eat - [sy"edu], 5 points, 5 stars. You noticed that the number of sounds and letters in the words is the same.

b, b do not indicate sounds, but the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds[y"e], [y"o], [y"u], [y"a].

We look for words with b and b signs in poetic lines

Find words with b and b in the lines of poetry.

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

E. Trutneva

Who will have the opportunity

Travel to hot regions

Ride a camel!

Really great, friends!

S. Baruzdin

It's raining, it's raining,

He beats the drums. A. Barto

The evil blizzard flew away.

The rooks brought warmth.

They ran after each other

Restless streams.

A. Usanova

I see wonderful freedom,

I see fields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land.(Song)

Gray hare under a pine tree

He announced that he was a tailor...

The hare cuts, the hare sews,

And the bear is waiting in the den.

S. Mikhalkov

Dress(root -pay-),

leaves(root -leaf-),

go(root -ezd-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant),

Friends(root -friend-),

snowstorm(root -blizzard-),

streams(root -stream-),

freedom- space, free life (root -will-),

expanse- dol, valley (root -dol-),

announced(root -yav-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant).

note: in words sews, pours, beats and in related words sew, spill, beat at the root it is written b (roots: -sh-, -l-, -b-).

We look for words in the text with separating signs b and b

Find words in the text with separating signs b and b.

A small bird flutters above the river in the frosty haze. She quickly dives into the water. In a moment - rise. This is a dipper, a visitor from the northern forests. The bird's feathers are greased. This is how you can explain why the dipper is not afraid of water.(see Fig. 1)

Curls- vit, viu, root -v-, write b,

climb- you can see in books two options for highlighting the root: the root -em-, the prefix under-, the root -lift-, we write ъ,

guest- living room, stay, root -guest-, write b,

explain- clear, clear, explain, root -yas-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant, write ъ.

Explain which letters are missing

The birthplace of the Russian samovar is the city of Tula. In Rus', samovars of different shapes and sizes have long been made. There were even samovars with removable handles. My Russian family loves to sit by the samovar. The proverb says: “Whoever drinks tea will live a hundred years.”

Volume- previously the prefix ob- was distinguished, now the root -volume- is distinguished;

removable- shooting, previously the prefix s- was highlighted, now the root -sem is highlighted;

family- family, root -seven-;

drinks- drink, root -drink-.

We observe the words that answer the question whose?

Listen to the dialogue.

If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

If only you had lynx claws, scythe!

- Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

My soul is still a hare.

In words that answer the question whose?: fox, wolf, lynx, hare, deer, squirrel, birdthe root is written b.

Listening to proverbs

Listen to the proverbs, find words with b and b signs.

The streams will merge - there will be a river. People will unite - their strength cannot be defeated.

Happiness is not a fish; you can’t catch it with a fishing rod.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Streams- stream, in the root - stream- after the consonant before the letter and it is written ь.

Will merge- pour, pour, at the root -l- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Unite- union, single, root -uni-, after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a letter e, written ъ.

Happiness- happy, at the root -happiness- after the consonant before the letter e written ь.

Flattery- at the root - flattery - after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Honor- at the root -honor- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

We memorize foreign words.

Remember foreign words with b:

object, subject, adjutant, injection(medicine injection, injection)

Remember words with b:

bouillon- meat broth

battalion- unit in the army

pavilion- a small building in the garden, in the park

postman- mail delivery person to addresses

champignon- edible mushroom


The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, and.

The separating Ъ is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before letters e, e, yu, i.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Write the words in two columns: in the left - with a soft separator, in the right - with a hard separator.
    Sh.yut, n.yut, l.yut, b.yut, sat down, healthy, announcement, rise, out.yan, hug, sparrow, depart, happy. e, inclement, cheerful, present, unify, clarify.
  2. Insert b or b. In words with a hard separator, highlight the prefixes.

    The titmouse Zinka liked it in the forest in winter. So many trees! She was jumping on the branches. A bale with a sharp nose into a crack in the bark. He pulls out a bug and eats it.

    Zinka looks: a forest mouse jumped out from under the snow. She’s shaking, she’s all nervous. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den.

    (According to V. Bianchi)

  3. Read the entries. Which one is not a mystery? Why? Guess the riddles. Solve spelling problems.

    1. They beat him, but he doesn’t get angry,

    He sings and has fun

    Because without bit.i

    There is no life for the ball. (To Berestov)

    2. She herself, like a rocker,

    It hung in the air.

    The wings are chirping,

    The mosquito wants to eat.

    3. It gets dusty underfoot, meanders and gets stuck.

    It lies and runs and circles. What's the name?

  1. Internet portal School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Internet portal Gramota.ru ().
  3. Internet portal Festival.1september.ru ().
  4. Internet portal Dictionary.liferus.ru ().


After a consonant before a vowel, the letters e, e, yu, ya (and) help to denote the sound [th"] by b and b. In this case the signs are called dividing marks.

In the lesson you will learn how to choose the right one from two separating characters.

Lesson topic: “The rule for using the separating signs b and b.”

Observing the structure of words with b and b signs

Let's observe the structure of words with the b sign. To find the root, let's select words with the same root.

Fun, have fun, have fun(root -vesel-),

bearish, bear cub, she-bear(root -bear-, -bear-),

sparrows, little sparrow, passerine(root -sparrow-).

Let's observe the structure of words with the Ъ sign.

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going(root -ed-, prefix s-),

entrance, driving(root -ezd-, prefix under-),

announcement, announcement, announce(root -yavl-, prefix ob-).

We formulate the rule for using the separating signs b and b

The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, i.

The separating b is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before the letters e, e, yu, ya.

How to use the rule

1. Say the word, listen to see if it contains the sound [th"] after the consonant sound before the vowel.

2. Identify the root in the word.

3. Look where you need to write the separator - at the root or between the prefix and the root. If at the root, write b, if between the prefix and the root, write b.

Applying new knowledge

Using the rule, determine what needs to be written in place of the gaps - separating b or b.

Street_i, nightingale_i, pre_anniversary, raz_ezd, edible, brother_ya.

Beehives - root -ul-, write b;

nightingales - nightingale, root -nightingale-, write b;

pre-anniversary - anniversary, root -anniversary-, prefix pre-, ends in a consonant, write b;

travel - ride, root -ezd-, prefix raz-, ends in a consonant, write b;

edible - food, root -ed-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant, write b;

brothers - brother, root -take-, write b.

Apply your new knowledge, spell words with the root -EX- correctly, and don’t fall into traps.

from?went, on?went, in?went, reached, drove up, from?went, drove

moved out, drove off, drove in, arrived, drove up, drove off, drove in

In words went, arrived, stopped by prefixes po-, do-, end in a vowel sound, therefore There is no need to write the Kommersant sign.

In words moved out, drove in, drove up, drove off prefixes s-, v-, sub-, ot- end in a consonant, therefore you need to write b.

Write the words in letters.

[s й"е l] - ate. After the consonant [s] before the vowel [e], the letter E is denoted by Ъ. C- prefix, root -e-. [vy"un] - loach. After the consonant [v] before the vowel [y], the letter Yu helps to denote the sound [y"] by b. Root -loach-. [p"er"y"a] - feathers. After the consonant [p"] before the vowel [a], b helps to designate the sound [th"] of the letter I. The root is -per-. Listen to yourself and write the words with sounds.

wings - [wing "y"a], 6 b., 6 star. I'll eat - [sy"edu], 5 points, 5 stars. You noticed that the number of sounds and letters in the words is the same.

b, b do not indicate sounds, but the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds[y"e], [y"o], [y"u], [y"a].

We look for words with b and b signs in poetic lines

Find words with b and b in the lines of poetry.

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

E. Trutneva

Who will have the opportunity

Travel to hot regions

Ride a camel!

Really great, friends!

S. Baruzdin

It's raining, it's raining,

He beats the drums. A. Barto

The evil blizzard flew away.

The rooks brought warmth.

They ran after each other

Restless streams.

A. Usanova

I see wonderful freedom,

I see fields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land.(Song)

Gray hare under a pine tree

He announced that he was a tailor...

The hare cuts, the hare sews,

And the bear is waiting in the den.

S. Mikhalkov

Dress(root -pay-),

leaves(root -leaf-),

go(root -ezd-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant),

Friends(root -friend-),

snowstorm(root -blizzard-),

streams(root -stream-),

freedom- space, free life (root -will-),

expanse- dol, valley (root -dol-),

announced(root -yav-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant).

note: in words sews, pours, beats and in related words sew, spill, beat at the root it is written b (roots: -sh-, -l-, -b-).

We look for words in the text with separating signs b and b

Find words in the text with separating signs b and b.

A small bird flutters above the river in the frosty haze. She quickly dives into the water. In a moment - rise. This is a dipper, a visitor from the northern forests. The bird's feathers are greased. This is how you can explain why the dipper is not afraid of water.(see Fig. 1)

Curls- vit, viu, root -v-, write b,

climb- you can see in books two options for highlighting the root: the root -em-, the prefix under-, the root -lift-, we write ъ,

guest- living room, stay, root -guest-, write b,

explain- clear, clear, explain, root -yas-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant, write ъ.

Explain which letters are missing

The birthplace of the Russian samovar is the city of Tula. In Rus', samovars of different shapes and sizes have long been made. There were even samovars with removable handles. My Russian family loves to sit by the samovar. The proverb says: “Whoever drinks tea will live a hundred years.”

Volume- previously the prefix ob- was distinguished, now the root -volume- is distinguished;

removable- shooting, previously the prefix s- was highlighted, now the root -sem is highlighted;

family- family, root -seven-;

drinks- drink, root -drink-.

We observe the words that answer the question whose?

Listen to the dialogue.

If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

If only you had lynx claws, scythe!

- Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

My soul is still a hare.

In words that answer the question whose?: fox, wolf, lynx, hare, deer, squirrel, birdthe root is written b.

Listening to proverbs

Listen to the proverbs, find words with b and b signs.

The streams will merge - there will be a river. People will unite - their strength cannot be defeated.

Happiness is not a fish; you can’t catch it with a fishing rod.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Streams- stream, in the root - stream- after the consonant before the letter and it is written ь.

Will merge- pour, pour, at the root -l- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Unite- union, single, root -uni-, after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a letter e, written ъ.

Happiness- happy, at the root -happiness- after the consonant before the letter e written ь.

Flattery- at the root - flattery - after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

Honor- at the root -honor- after a consonant before a letter Yu written ь.

We memorize foreign words.

Remember foreign words with b:

object, subject, adjutant, injection(medicine injection, injection)

Remember words with b:

bouillon- meat broth

battalion- unit in the army

pavilion- a small building in the garden, in the park

postman- mail delivery person to addresses

champignon- edible mushroom


The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, and.

The separating Ъ is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before letters e, e, yu, i.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work on the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Write the words in two columns: in the left - with a soft separator, in the right - with a hard separator.
    Sh.yut, n.yut, l.yut, b.yut, sat down, healthy, announcement, rise, out.yan, hug, sparrow, depart, happy. e, inclement, cheerful, present, unify, clarify.
  2. Insert b or b. In words with a hard separator, highlight the prefixes.

    The titmouse Zinka liked it in the forest in winter. So many trees! She was jumping on the branches. A bale with a sharp nose into a crack in the bark. He pulls out a bug and eats it.

    Zinka looks: a forest mouse jumped out from under the snow. She’s shaking, she’s all nervous. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den.

    (According to V. Bianchi)

  3. Read the entries. Which one is not a mystery? Why? Guess the riddles. Solve spelling problems.

    1. They beat him, but he doesn’t get angry,

    He sings and has fun

    Because without bit.i

    There is no life for the ball. (To Berestov)

    2. She herself, like a rocker,

    It hung in the air.

    The wings are chirping,

    The mosquito wants to eat.

    3. It gets dusty underfoot, meanders and gets stuck.

    It lies and runs and circles. What's the name?

  1. Internet portal School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Internet portal Gramota.ru ().
  3. Internet portal Festival.1september.ru ().
  4. Internet portal Dictionary.liferus.ru ().

>>Russian language 2nd grade >>Russian language: Dividing soft sign(b)

Separating soft character(s)

The role and meaning of the soft sign in Russian

Today in the Russian language lesson we will study a special letter, which is called a soft sign. Such a letter, as a soft sign, does not have or indicate any sound, but its role is to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in the letter.

For example: bathhouse, stranded, coal, seal, laziness, pity, horse.

But, in addition to the fact that the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds, it can also be dividing.

And so, now we can sum up the results and conclude that such a letter as a soft sign is used in the Russian language:

To soften the preceding consonant;
As separator;
To indicate certain grammatical forms.

We have already determined when it is necessary to write a soft sign in words to soften consonants. Now let's try to understand the separating soft sign and find out why a soft sign is also called a separating sign, in which cases a soft sign is a separating sign, and how words with a separating soft sign are written.

In order to better understand this topic and understand the difference between a soft sign, which serves to soften consonant sounds, and a dividing soft sign, let’s try to consider this issue with an example.

For example: Seed and family

Read these words carefully. Now pay attention to how the last syllable sounds in the first word - seed. In this word “seed” the sound [m"] has a soft sound, since the letter I gives it softness, and in this syllable the vowel and consonant are pronounced together.

Now let's take a look next word. The word “family” is [sem "ya]. In this case, we see that the consonant and the vowel following it are pronounced separately. Such a separate pronunciation between a vowel and a consonant in writing is indicated using a soft sign, which is called a separating soft sign.

For example: Kolya - stakes, salt - salt, flight - pouring.

Therefore, we can already conclude that the separating soft sign indicates that the consonant and vowel sounds are pronounced separately.

Rules for writing a soft separating character

The separating ь (soft sign) is written:

Firstly, in the middle of the word before the vowels: e, e, yu, i. For example: blizzard, terrier, monkey, health, linen, leaves.

Secondly, in words of foreign origin before the letter O. For example: champignons, postman, broth.

Thirdly, the separating soft sign is written at the roots of words, after consonants. For example: December, barley, sparrows, steppe, night.

Also, you need to remember that the separating soft sign is never written:

First, the words come first;
Secondly, after the consoles.

Now let's carefully look at the picture and try to compare the difference between the soft sign, which serves to soften the consonant and the dividing soft sign:


1. Read carefully the words with a soft sign and first write down only those in which the soft sign is an indicator of softness, and then - words with a separating soft sign.

Moth, dress, family, skates, day, chairs, wool, streams, stakes, ice hole, laziness, despondency, housing, friends, bathhouse, health, jelly, coat, autumn, letter, downpour, computer, corduroy, Daria, happiness, fun, sadness.

2. Choose antonyms for these words and say what role does the soft sign play in them?

Cleanliness, boredom, work, harm, light, enemies, sugar.

3. Write down the words in the plural:

Friend, leaf, wing, branch, log, tree.

4. When writing a separator, what sound do you hear in the words?
5. Solve the crossword puzzle.

Questions for the crossword:

1. What else can you call a snowstorm?
2. Where do bees live?
3. Dad, mom, I are friendly….
4. An animal that loves to climb trees.
5. Carlson’s favorite treat.

No matter how they try to convince students that the knowledge they acquired in school years, they will need it in the future, unfortunately, this is not the case. However, some things they teach in school will actually be useful in life. adult life. For example, the ability to write correctly. To master it, you need to know the basic grammatical laws of the Russian language. Among them are the rules governing the use of separating signs ъ and ь.

Hard sign: history and its role in the word

The twenty-eighth letter of the Russian alphabet, despite the fact that it does not indicate sounds, is performed in words important function. Therefore, before consideringrules governing the use of ъ and ь signs are worthlearn a little about its history and role in the word.

A solid sign existed in Slavic languages almost from the very moment of their formation. At first it was a short vowel sound until it became unpronounceable letter, used to divide a word into syllables and also replace spaces.

IN late XIX V. it was noted that the frequent use of ъ in texts (4% of the total volume) is inappropriate, especially in telegraphy, cursive writing and typography. In this regard, attempts have been made more than once to limit the use solid sign.

After the revolution of 1917, this letter was completely abolished for almost ten years. In those years, an apostrophe was used as a separator in words.However, in 1928 it was excluded from the Russian language (but remained in Ukrainian and Belarusian), and its dividing function was taken over by a solid sign, which it performs to this day.

In what cases is ъ put in words?

As for the use of a solid sign, there are several rules for placing it before e, yu, ё, i:

  • After prefixes that end with a consonant: connector, pre-anniversary.
  • In terms that came from other languages, with the prefixes ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, ob- and sub-: adjuvant, disjunction.
  • After counter-, pan-, super, trans- and field-: pan-Europeanism, superyacht.
  • In compound words starting with two-, three-, four-: two-core, three-tier, quadrilingual.

There are several exceptions, when ъ does not stand at the junction of a prefix and a root, but inside the word itself. These nouns include: courier and flaw.

When they don't put it

In addition to the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth remembering cases when they do not need to be used:

  • A hard sign is not used in words with a prefix ending in a consonant when it is followed by the vowels a, o, i, u, e, s: cloudless, curbed.
  • Not installed this sign in complex abbreviated terms: inyaz, glavyuvelirtorg.
  • It is also not used in lexemes written with a hyphen: half a diocese, half an apple.

When considering the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs that perform a separating function in a word, it is worth remembering that the lexemes “interior” and “clerk” are written using a soft sign. This spelling is no exception, since in the word “interior” inter is not a prefix, but part of the root. And in “deacon” the prefix is ​​not sub-, but po-, but -deacon is the root.

What functions does a soft sign perform?

As for ь, in ancient times it meant a short vowel [and], but gradually, like ъ, it lost its sound.

At the same time, he retained the ability [and] to impart softness to the preceding consonant sound.

Unlike the hard word, it can perform 3 functions.

  • Dividing.
  • Informs about the softness of the preceding sound.
  • Used to indicate certain grammatical forms.

Rules for using a soft sign

Studying the laws of the Russian languageregulating the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth learning a few rules:

  • A soft sign that performs a dividing function is never placed after a prefix (this is the destiny of a hard sign). Parts of words in which the dividing ь is written are the root, suffix and ending to e, ё, yu, i: monkey, interior. This rule applies to both Russian vocabulary and borrowed terms from other languages.
  • The separator ь is placed in some words before the letter combination it: champignon, medallion, broth and million.

In the case when ь informs about the softness of the preceding sound, and does not perform a dividing function, its production is determined by the following rules:

  • In the middle of a word, ь indicates the softness of the letter l if it precedes another consonant other than l: finger, prayer. Also, the soft sign does not “wedge” into letter combinations: nch, nsch, nn, rshch, chk, chn, rch, schn ( drummer, candle).
  • In the middle of a word, this sign is placed between the soft and hard consonants: please, very much.
  • In the middle of a word, ь can stand between two soft consonants. Provided that when the form of the word changes, the first remains soft, and the second becomes hard: request - in a request, letter - in a letter.
  • IN in some cases This symbol is located at the end of the word after the consonants. At the same time, it helps to establish the meaning of the token: linen(plant) - laziness(quality of character), con(place for bets in the game) - horse(animal).

As a marker for individual grammatical forms, this sign is used in the following cases:

  • In adjectives arising from the names of months (except January): February, September.
  • At the end of numerals from 5 to 30, as well as in their middle, if they denote tens from 50 to 80 and hundreds from 500 to 900: six, seventy, eight hundred.
  • IN imperative mood verbs (except lie down - lie down): take it out, take it out, throw it in, throw it in.
  • In the infinitive ( initial form verb): maintain, raise.
  • In all cases of the word “eight” and in the instrumental case it is plural. numbers of individual numerals and nouns: six, lashes.

The use of ь and ъ signs after hissing w, h, shch, sh

Following these soft sign letters is possible under the following conditions:

  • At the end of most adverbs and particles, except: I can't bear to get married and in pretext between.
  • In the infinitive: preserve, bake.
  • In the imperative mood of verbs: anoint, comfort.
  • At the endings of the second person of verbs singular future and present tenses: sell it, destroy it.
  • At the end nominative case nouns gender, in III declension: daughter, power. For comparison in m. gender - cry, broadsword.

In some cases, ь is not used after these letters:

A hard sign after zh, sh, h, sch is not placed at the end of a word or root, since its “place” is always after the prefix before e, e, yu, i.

Using ь and ъ signs: exercises

Having familiarized yourself with all the cases of setting soft and hard signs, you should move on to the exercises. To avoid confusion, we have collected together most of the above rules governing the use of ь and ъ signs. The table below will serve as a hint for completing the tasks.

In this exercise you need to choose which letter should be placed in the words.

This task concerns the use of a soft sign following sibilant letters. You should open the brackets in it and put a soft sign where necessary.

In the last exercise you need to write down the proposed words in 2 columns. In the first - those that are used with ь, in the second - those that are without it.

That both hard and soft signs are "silent" letters, they perform important role in Russian. You can make many mistakes in your writing, if you don’t know the laws of grammar governing the use of ъ and ь signs. You will have to learn more than one rule so as not to confuse which sign should be put in specific situation. However, it is worth it, especially in the case of a soft sign, since often only its presence helps determine the lexical meaning of the word.

1. The separating ъ (hard sign) is written before the vowels e, e, yu, i:

· after a prefix ending in a consonant: entrance, detour;

· in words of foreign language origin after prefixes ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, per-, trans-) or after the compound particle pan -: adjutant, trans-European;

· V difficult words, the first part of which is the numerals two-, three-, four-: two-tier, three-story;

2. This rule does not apply to compound words: children.

Spelling of the separator ь (soft sign).

The separating ь (soft sign) is written:

· inside the word before the vowels e, e, yu, i: peasant, blizzard;

· in some words of foreign origin before the letter o: medallion, champignon.

Spelling of vowels after sibilants and ts in suffixes and endings.

1. In the endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives and suffixes of adverbs, under stress after hissing and c, o is written, without stress - e (knife, big, book, end, ring; BUT ekila "jewel, p"look for, ry"zhego, merchants, okoltseva".

2. After hissing words, ё is written under stress:

· at the endings of verbs (neighing, lying),

· in the suffix of the verb -yovyva- (to uproot),

· in the suffix of nouns -ёr- (trainee),

· in the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk- (uprooting),

· with suffix passive participles-yon(n)-(struck, harnessed),

· in the suffix of verbal adjectives (zhzheny) and in words derived from these adjectives (zhzhenka),

· in the pronoun about what,

· no matter what, no matter what.

Complex are sentences whose parts are independent, equal and connected by a coordinating syntactic connection expressed coordinating conjunctions.

You like to show off your advantages, but people don't like that.

Scheme: (...), but (...).

Compound sentences usually designated as follows: SSP.

Coordinating connection expressed by coordinating conjunctions. They define character semantic relations in SSP.

The coach got sick and the classes were postponed.

(connective conjunction And, the sentence expresses a sequence of actions determined as cause and effect)

Separation from loved ones is difficult, but it is easier than living with those you don’t love.

(adversary conjunction But, the sentence expresses opposition)

Either he got sick, or his mother left him at home to help with the housework.

(separation union not that... not that, the sentence expresses mutual exclusion)

The classification of BSCs is based on the use of conjunctions in them and their meaning.

BSC are divided into the following types:

1. BSC with connecting unions and, yes (meaning And), neither... nor, as, and express either the simultaneity of events referred to in parts of the BSC, or the relationship of cause or effect:

Anna did not answer, and the pause dragged on.

(simultaneity of actions)

2. SSP with adversarial alliances a, but, yes (meaning But), however, on the other hand, while, meanwhile, while, while they express comparison or opposition:

Anna didn’t answer, but I didn’t rush her.


3. SSP with dividing unions or (or), either, then... then, either... or, not that... not that express alternation or mutual exclusion:

Perhaps we will come to you, or better yet, come to our dacha.

(mutually exclusive)

4. BSC with connecting unions and, moreover, also, they also point to Additional information:

She expressed her feelings directly, and I was also simple and direct in my communication.

5. BSC with explanatory conjunctions that is, they contain an explanation:

Your article did not interest us, that is, we will not publish it.

Non-Union complex sentences differ from conjunctions in that the syntactic connection of the parts of a complex sentence is expressed in them without the help of conjunctions and allied words. Syntactic connection expressed in them intonationally. Intonation also helps determine the meaning of sentences, which can often be defined differently out of context.

The teacher got sick, the lesson was postponed.


The teacher fell ill: classes were postponed.


The teacher got sick and classes were postponed.

(causal relationship)

Non-union complex sentences are usually designated BSP.

1. BSP with sequence value:

A strong and sharp wind blew and the sky became cloudy.

2. BSP with explanatory meaning:

Something incomprehensible is happening to me: I am worried for no reason.

In such sentences the conjunction can be mentally substituted namely. The second sentence explains the first.

3. BSP with complement value:

I entered the house: it was clean and cool.

The second sentence complements the first; it contains additional information.

4. BSP with the meaning of the reason:

I was offended by him: he was to blame for me.

The second sentence states the reason for the first. From the first sentence you can ask the question why?

5. BSP with condition value:

If I want, everything will be my way.

The first sentence contains a condition; a conjunction can be substituted If.

6. BSP with the meaning of the consequence:

There was freezing rain and so many trees were broken.

The second sentence contains a consequence of the events mentioned in the first part. Conjunctions may be added to the second sentence as a result of which or So.

7. BSP with time value:

The rain stopped and the children ran outside.

A conjunction can be substituted in the first sentence When.

8. BSP with the mapping value:

Time for business - time for fun.

The second sentence can be substituted with a conjunction A.

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