Home fertilizers When a separating sign is written in a word. Spelling separators ь and ъ

When a separating sign is written in a word. Spelling separators ь and ъ

In Russian, soft and hard signs have one common function - dividing.

1. Divider Kommersant written before vowels E, Yo, Yu, I after Russian or foreign prefixes ending in a consonant or in compound words, where the first part is two-, three-, four-, and the second part begins on E, Yo, Yu, I. For example, corrosive, subjective, two-tiered.

REMEMBER: courier, four-act.

2. Divider b written before vowels E, Yo, Yu, I, I inside the word. Found in foreign words b front ABOUT, for example: blizzard, dress, nightingales, battalion.

3. b used to denote softness at the end of a word: shampoo, stone; after L before other consonants (except L): balm, glazier; after a soft consonant before a hard one: letter, nurse; in numerals (denoting tens and hundreds) from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900: eight hundred, seventy.

REMEMBER: b not written in combinations H And SCH with other consonants, combined letters HH, ZN, SN, NT, ST, ZD: babysit, nocturnal, monkey.

1. b is used to denote grammatical forms:

at the end of third declension nouns: mouse, rye;

at the end of adverbs ending in hissing: all the way, backward, jump, backhand(BUT: already, married, unbearable);

· in indefinite form verb : wash, love;

in 2nd person singular present and future tenses: eat, write;

in the creative case: children, eight;

in particles: only.

Task 1. Rewrite the words, insert the missing letters.

1) to ... caustic, 2) from ... to reveal, 2) from ... to yat, 4) white ... floor, 5) piano ... yano, 6) ad ... jutant, 7) n ... juance, 8) nine ... yu, 9) head ... southern, 10) interview .. yuer, 11) wasp ... lamprey, 12) p ... edestal, 13) film ... capacious, 14) warm ... capacious, 15) trans ... European, 16) third ... annual, 17) three ... tiered, 18) four ... storey, 19) pass ... jans, 20) champagne ... he. 21) without ... nuclear, 22) variation ..., 23) bondage ... ero, 24) in ... reality, 25) injection ... injection, 26) from ... yang, 27) postal ... he, 28) mouse ... yakov, 29) fel…eton, 30) inter…linguistic, 31) once…unified, 32) with…emochny, 33) feld…jaeger, 34) four…tiered, 35) kan…he, 36) man…chzhur, 37) district… e, 38) hugs ... hugs, 39) con ... yuktivit, 40) drive ... drive.

Topic: Text analysis.

Exercise #1

Last year I was in trouble. I was walking down the street, slipped and fell... I fell badly, worse than ever: my face on the curb, I broke my nose, I smashed my whole face, my hand jumped out in my shoulder. It was about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, on Kirovsky Prospekt, not far from the house where I live.

With great difficulty he got up - his face was covered with blood, his hand hung like a whip. I wandered into the nearest entrance 5, tried to calm the blood with a handkerchief. Wherever there, she continued to whip, I felt that I was in a state of shock, the pain was getting stronger, and something had to be done quickly. And I can’t speak, my mouth is broken.

Decided to turn back home.

I was walking down the street, I think not staggering: I was walking, holding a bloody handkerchief to my face, my coat was already gleaming with blood. I remember this path well - about three hundred meters. There were many people on the street. A woman with a girl walked towards me, some kind of couple, elderly woman, a man, young guys, they all looked at me with curiosity at first, and then averted their eyes, turned away. If only someone on this path came up to me, asked what was the matter with me, if I needed help. I remembered the faces of many people - apparently, with unaccountable attention, a heightened expectation of help ...

The pain confused my consciousness, but I understood that if I lay down on the sidewalk now, they would calmly step over me, bypass me. We have to get home.

Later I thought about this story. Could people take me for a drunk? It seems to be no, it is unlikely that I made such an impression. But even if they took me for a drunk ... They saw that I was covered in blood, something happened - I fell, hit, - why didn’t they help, didn’t at least ask what was the matter? So, to pass by, not to get involved, not to waste time, effort, "this does not concern me" has become a familiar feeling?

Pondering, he recalled these people with bitterness, at first he was angry, accused, perplexed, indignant, but then he began to remember himself. And he looked for something similar in his behavior. It is easy to reproach others when you are in a situation of distress, but you must definitely remember yourself, I can’t say that I had exactly such a case, but I found something similar in my own behavior - a desire to move away, evade, not get involved .. And, having convicted himself, he began to understand how familiar this feeling had become, how it warmed up, imperceptibly took root.

Unfortunately, our copious conversations about morality are often too general. And morality ... it consists of specific things - of certain feelings, properties, concepts.

One of these feelings is the feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even seems to be rejected by our life. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of mercy", "brother of mercy" - even the dictionary gives them as "outdated." , that is, obsolete concepts.

In Leningrad, in the Aptekarsky Island area, there was Mercy Street. They considered this name obsolete, renamed the street into Textile Street.

To withdraw mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. This ancient, necessary feeling is characteristic of the entire animal community, the bird community: mercy for the downtrodden and injured. How did it happen that this feeling overgrown with us, died out, turned out to be neglected? One can object to me by citing many examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, and true mercy. Examples, they are, and yet we feel, and have long been, the decline of mercy in our lives. If it were possible to make a sociological dimension of this feeling.

I am sure that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think that this is innate, given to us along with instincts, with the soul. But if this feeling is not used 5 , if it is not exercised, it weakens and atrophies.

Task for the exercise:

Read the text from D. Granin's book "Fulcrum". The article is called "On Mercy". Is this text reasoning? Name the main features of the text and this type of speech, prove your opinion.

1) What is the main thesis of this text? What arguments are used to prove it? Are they enough? What is the conclusion? Do you agree with this conclusion?

2) What types of speech, besides reasoning, are used in this text?

We repeat the spelling.

1. Final consonants in prefixes (except for prefixes on s-s) over-, under-, pre-, before -, from-, about- are always spelled the same, no matter how they sound: train - grind, incision - inscription.

2. Attachments without-, air-, from-, bottom-, times-, through-, through- spelled with a letter W before vowels and voiced consonants, and with a letter FROM before voiceless consonants: tasteless, heartless, outlook, extremely, excessively.

3. In consoles times- (ras-) or roses- (ros-) spelled under stress ABOUT, written without stress BUT: search, look for, painting, painted.

An exception: investigative .

REMEMBER: calculation, prudent, calculate, pay off, quarrel.

4. Prefix from- written before voiceless and voiced consonants: cut down, knock down. In words here, building, health, no zgi Z included in the root.

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

and…following; ra ... to know; be…cherished; be ... coven; and ... flow; ra ... reduced; be…mortal; ra ... to provoke; ra ... trample; and ... scoop; r ... write-off; r ... detective department, r ... looking for a book, give r ... a list.

We repeat the spelling.

Prefixes pre-, at- differ in meaning:

a) prefix pre- close:

* to the meaning of the word "very": lovely;

* to the meaning of the word "in a different way": transform, reshape;

* denotes an action reaching the ultimate degree: surpass;

b) prefix at -:

* indicates spatial proximity: coastal;

* joining or approaching: approach, approach;

* performing an action in an incomplete amount: cover up, lay down;

* bringing the action to the end: swim, teach;

* an action performed in the interests of the subject: to appropriate, to pocket.

It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of words:

REMEMBER: pursue, neglect, claim, obstacle, pretender, prestige, president, prerogative, punctuation marks; pretend, privilege, private, priority.

The task. Write out the phrases, fill in the missing letters.

1) to ... give in to dreams, 2) to ... adapt to circumstances, 3) a picture without pr ... beauty, 4) to misunderstand, 5) to ... give ridicule, 6) signs of pr ... kicking, 7) pr ... given to memories , 8) pr ... walking phenomenon, 9) pr ... tame the beast, 10 pr ... bizarre drawing, 11) pr ... twist, 12) pr ... block the road, 13) pr ... increase danger, 14) pr ... draft horse .

>>Russian language Grade 2 >>Russian language: Separating soft sign (ь)

Separating soft character (ь)

The role and meaning of the soft sign in Russian

Today in the Russian language lesson we will study a special letter, which is called a soft sign. Such a letter as a soft sign does not have and does not designate any sound, but its role is to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing.

For example: bathhouse, stranded, coal, seal, laziness, sorry, horse.

But, besides the fact that the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds, it can also be divisive.

And so, now we can summarize and conclude that such a letter as a soft sign is used in Russian:

In order to mitigate the previous consonant;
As a delimiter;
To denote certain grammatical forms.

We have already determined when it is necessary to write a soft sign in words to soften consonants. And now let's try to deal with the separating soft sign and find out why the soft sign is also called separating, in which cases the soft sign is separating, and how words with a separating soft sign are written.

In order to better understand this topic and understand the difference soft sign, which serve to soften consonant sounds and a separating soft sign, let's try to consider this issue with an example.

For example: Seed and family

Read these words carefully. Now pay attention to how the last syllable in the first word sounds - seed. In this word “seed”, the sound [m "] has a soft sound, since the letter I gives it softness, and the vowel and consonant are pronounced together in this syllable.

And now let's consider next word. The word "family" is [sem "ya]. In this case, we see that the consonant and the vowel following it are pronounced separately. Such a separate pronunciation between a vowel and a consonant in writing is indicated by a soft sign, which is called a separating soft sign.

For example: Kolya - stakes, salt - salt, flight - will pour.

Therefore, we can already conclude that the separating soft sign indicates that the consonant and vowel are pronounced separately.

Rules for writing a separating soft sign

Separating b (soft sign) is written:

First, in the middle of a word before vowels: e, e, u, i. For example: blizzard, terrier, monkey, health, underwear, leaves.

Secondly, in words of foreign origin before the letter O. For example: champignons, postman, broth.

Thirdly, a dividing soft sign is written in the roots of words, after consonants. For example: December, barley, sparrows, steppe, night.

Also, it must be remembered that the separating soft sign is never written:

First, at the beginning of the word;
Secondly, after prefixes.

And now let's take a closer look at the picture and try to compare the difference between the soft sign, which serves to soften the consonant and the dividing soft sign:


1. Read carefully the words with a soft sign and first write down only those for which the soft sign acts as an indicator of softness, and then the words with a separating soft sign.

Moth, dress, family, skates, day, chairs, wool, streams, stakes, ice-hole, laziness, despondency, housing, friends, bathhouse, health, jelly, coat, autumn, letter, downpour, computer, corduroy, Daria, happiness, joy, sadness.

2. Choose antonyms for these words and tell me what role the soft sign plays in them?

Purity, boredom, work, harm, light, enemies, sugar.

3. Write the words in the plural:

Friend, leaf, wing, bough, log, tree.

4. When writing a separating sign, what sound do you hear in words?
5. Solve the crossword.

Crossword questions:

1. What is another name for a snowstorm?
2. Where do bees live?
3. Dad, mom, I am friendly ....
4. An animal that loves to climb trees.
5. Carlson's favorite treat.

DividingKommersantwritten after consonants before lettersI, Yu, Yo, E,conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels, in the following cases.

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant .

For example:

a) in words with Russian prefixes: non-nuclear, awake, enraged, pissed off, hackneyed, interlingual, eat up, go around, departure, lift, pre-anniversary, present, disperse, detachable, eat, cringe, sarcastic, supernatural, super-capacity, super-bright.

Letter b traditionally also written in the word flaw, although from- is not a prefix in it.

b) in words with prefixes of foreign origin : countertier, post-nuclear, post-anniversary, subunit, subnucleus, superyacht, trans-European .

Words of foreign origin are also written with the initial parts ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, ob-, sub- , which are prefixes in the source language, but are usually not distinguished as prefixes in Russian. These include: abjuration, adjective, adjectivation, adjunct, adjunctive, adjutant, disjunction, injection, injected, interjection, coadjutor, conjecture, conjugates, conjugation, conjunctiva, conjunctiva, conjunctivitis, conjuncture, conjunction, object, objective, subject, subjective .

2. In compound words:

a) after the initial parts two, three, four , for example: two-anchor, two-capacity, three-core, four-tier ;

b) in words pan-European, courier .

After the initial parts of compound words, the separator b traditionally not written, for example: military lawyer, state language, children, party cell, food fair, spetseda, business unit, foreign language, Inyurkollegiya, Ministry of Justice.

3. The letter ъ is also written when transferring foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters transposing paired solid consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Torjal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China) Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry).

In this case, the separator b also possible before a letter And , for example: Junichiro(Japanese name).


1) The letter ъ is not written before letters a, o, u, uh, i, s.

For example: interatomic, counterattack, transoceanic, three-story.

2) The letter ъ is not written in the middle of a word (not after a prefix!), for example: dress, deacon. An exceptioncourier.

3) The letter ъ is not written at the junction of parts of a compound word.

For example: detyasli (children's nursery), Inyaz (Institute of Foreign Languages).

4 ) The letter ъ is not written in a noun clerk(there is no prefix in this word) under- !). Separator is written in the middle of the word b , since the prefix stands out here on- and the root dyak (-diach-).

5) In the middle of a word (at the root) rearguard is written with a separator , but not b , because prefixes ar- not in Russian.

6) In the word defect (Turk.) spelled ъ by analogy with the verb to withdraw.

Dividing b written after consonants before letters i, yu, yo, e, and, conveying combinations [ j ] with vowels.

For example:

- ya Keywords: devil, Yudyachy, monkey, billiards, family, drunk, ears of corn, draw, shepherd's, Lukyan;

-yu : loach, interview, pour, family, drink, trot, fifty, sew, puff(interjection);

- yo : nightingale, gun, drinking, crow, serious, life, whose, we sew;

-e : premiere, play, courier, entertainer, jam, lull, Vietnam, Fourier;

-s : passerine, nightingales, fritters, bearish, vary, articles, whose, Vigny.

1) Separating b is written in the middle of the word (not after the prefix!) after a consonant before letters e, yo, yu, i if after a consonant before a vowel sounds [ j ]; for example: vViet [v'jot], loach [v'jun], dyak [d'jak]).

2) Separating b is written in some borrowed words (as a [j] sound signal) after a consonant before a letter about.

For example: bouillon[bul'jon], sir[sin'jor], minion[min'jon].

Russian lesson on the topic: « Separating solid sign Ъ".


1. Teach children the spelling of the dividing solid sign b.

2. To form the spelling vigilance of students.

3. Develop in children such mental operations as analysis, synthesis and comparison.

4. Teach children to acquire knowledge on their own.

6. To educate children's communication skills.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

A moment of harmony. Greeting guests.

2) Psychological attitude.

Look at each other. Smile. I'm glad to see your smiles. May this day bring you the joy of communication.

II. Emotional mood students.

I would like to start the lesson of the Russian language with the words of A.S. Pushkin.Slide.

“Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit is preparing for enlightenment. A.S. Pushkin

How do you understand these words of the poet?

So, in every lesson you do little opening- miracle. Every year there are more and more of these discoveries. Today, I hope you will share with me your new, interesting and useful discoveries.

Sit up straight, straighten your back. Open the notebook, lay it with an inclination, the left elbow holds the corner of the notebook. Take a pen, write down the date of the lesson, class work.

III . Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- Today at the lesson we will work on the issue of the newspaper "Bukovka". The newspaper is dedicated to a letter that does not denote a sound and is present in one of the words:Slide.

sat down, ate

- What is this letter? What word is it in?

It was “sat down”, it became “ate”.

You were able to guess

Why did it happen?

Who is the culprit?

- Solid mark. Slide.

We also need a solid sign

We can't write without it.

What letter will be mentioned in the newspaper?

Name the topic of the lesson.

- So, the topic of the lesson and the topic of the newspaper"Dividing solid sign"

To whom will we dedicate our newspaper and who will be its reader?

- What do you think we and our readers should learn about the letter ъ? (Answers of children).

The purpose of the lesson: Find out when it is written.

Publish a newspaper.

IV . Work on the topic.

We received a letter. And what is written there? Nastya, read it!

(Dear editors of the newspaper "Bukovka"! Tell us the story of the origin of the dividing solid sign. With respect to you, students of the 3rd grade of school No. 11.)

Savatneeva Vika prepared a response to this letter.Slide.

The hard sign is the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet.

Until 1917, she was the 27th in a row and was called "er".Slide.

Previously, this letter was silent and was written at the end of words after hard consonants, for example:HOUSE, OAK, CITY. Slide.

Because of this letter wasted more paper and printing ink. And it cost money. Therefore, the letter “er” was called “loafer”, “loafer”, “robber”, “parasite”, “bloodsucker” and other similar words. The letter “er” at the end of words devoured more than 8% of the time and paper. This letter - idler was the most expensive letter in the world.

Now this letter is not written at the end of words.

- We will publish the answer to the question in our newspaper under the heading “From the history of b”.

IV . Introduction to new material.

Open the textbook on page 148, doexercise 349 and find out where ъ is now written.

- What can be said about these words? (They are one-sided).

- In the words of which line is there a b? (In the words of the second line).

- What part of the word is followed by a separating b? (After the prefix, before the root).

- Why isn't Ъ written in the first line after the prefix, but is it written in the second? (?)

What sound do the prefixes of the first line end with? (on a vowel).

What sound do the prefixes of the second line end with? (to a consonant).

What letter does the root begin with? (With a vowel).

Group work.

Rules for working in groups.

Open envelope number 1. Make a writing supportb in words.

Slide support.

Comment on support.

- To find out which vowels are preceded by a separating b, runcard assignment. You will work in pairs.

Read the words, fill in the missing letters. Highlight the prefix, underline the solid sign and the vowel after it.

S. edobny,under. lover, vol. reveal from. drive, s. cringed, oh clarification.

- Let's make a conclusion. Which vowels are preceded by a separating b? (e, e, u, i).

Group work.

Open envelope number 2 and complete the support.


Slide support.

Try to formulate a rule. (The dividing bj is written after prefixes that end in a consonant sound before the vowels e, e, u, i).

- Let's read this rule in the textbook on p.149.

- And why is b called dividing? (Because it divides a consonant sound from a vowel in a word).

We will place the support and the rule in the newspaper under the headings “Knowledge support” and “Writing rule b”

Let's do itexercise 351 .

What is the main idea of ​​the text?

Which of you likes skiing in winter forest?

What else besides pleasure does a person get from skiing? (breathes fresh air, heals your body, develops muscles).

Love, do not be lazy to ski! This will help you become hardy, insure against cardiovascular diseases and colds.

V . Control and self-control of knowledge.

- In the newspaper for readers we will place a test on the studied topic under the heading "Test yourself",

But first, let's test our knowledge.

1. After what part of the word is written b?

a) after prefixes,

b) after the root.

2. After what prefixes is it written b?

a) after prefixes that end in a consonant,

b) after prefixes that end in a vowel.

3. Before which letters is it written b?

a) a, i, e, e,

b) yu, i, e, e,

c) oh, yo, yu, u.

4. Find a word with a separator a firm sign.

a) in ... driving

b) sem ... I

c) in ... south

5. How many sounds are in the word "congress"?

a) 3

b) 5

at 4

Put your work on the edge of the desk, I will check it today, and tomorrow I will report the results.

VI . Summary of the lesson.

And now let's sum up.

What is the name of the topic of the lesson on which we worked?Separating solid sign.

What was our goal at the beginning of the lesson?Learn to when it is written ъ and publish a newspaper.

What have we learned? (The separating b is written after the prefixes that

end in a consonant sound before the vowels e, e, u, i).

Look at the newspaper. What do you think our readers will learn about after reading it?

Guys, what did you like about yourself today? What can you praise yourself for?

Who do you think was the most active in class today?Assess participation.

VI I . Homework

VI II . Reflection.

And I also want to know about the impression of the lesson of each of you. Take a letter on the desk in a color that suits your mood.Slide.

For me, the topic was important and interesting -red letter b

Learned a lot of newyellow letter b

I was not interestedgreen letter b

Pick up the letter you have chosen and show it to me. Now turn to the guests, let them look.

I am very glad to see in your hands the letters of the solid sign of red and yellow color, which means that the lesson was important, interesting and informative for you.

Let's decorate our newspaper with letters. Apply glue to the letter and stick it “in a chain” on the edge of the newspaper so that you get a frame.

- Now our newspaper has become not only informative, but also beautifully designed.

Today I saw in your eyes a spark of inquisitiveness, curiosity. I want to wish you that this light does not fade over the years, and that the discoveries that you make day after day will help you overcome all the difficulties in your life path.

The letter Ъ - "solid sign" - is the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet. IN modern language a solid sign does not indicate a sound and serves as a kind of guide for the correct pronunciation of a number of words. However, a solid sign is one of the symbols that formed the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet and up to today have come a long and difficult way along with the development of the language.

Words with a solid sign: a bit of history

The solid sign has been known in Cyrillic graphics since ancient times. IN Old Russian the letter had a different name - "er" and in some roots could be pronounced like "o", and was also written at the end of words ending in a consonant, and after a prefix to a consonant before the root starting with a vowel. This practice continued until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1918, during the reform of Russian spelling, the writing of a hard sign at the end of words ending in a consonant was abolished. Today, words with a solid sign in Russian are characterized by a total number of more than 140, and the use of this letter is clearly regulated. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The main groups of words with a solid sign and their spelling norms

The modern Russian language uses the symbol "Ъ" as a separator. A solid sign is used after consonants before iotated vowels e, e, u, i, mainly at the junction of morphemes.

Solid sign between prefix and root

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a vowel, and in words with native Russian prefixes ( eat, departure, detour, cringe, sarcastic), and in words with borrowed prefixes ( counter-tier, sub-core, trans-European).

2. A separate group consists of borrowed words with a solid sign, starting with combinations of ob-, sub-, ad-, ab-, diz-, inter-, con- and others, which were originally prefixes, but in modern Russian are identified as part root: object, subject, adjutant, abjuration, disjunction, interjection, conjuncture.

Solid sign between parts of compound words

1) before the second root after parts of two-, three-, four- ( two-tier, three-anchor, four-capacity);

2) such words with a separating hard sign are separately distinguished, such as courier And pan-European;

3) if we are talking about the spelling of complex abbreviated words with a similar structure, then a solid sign is not used in them: spetseda, hostess, military lawyer, state language and others.

Solid sign in proper names and their derivatives

There are a number of nouns and their derivatives (names of people and geographical names), where a solid sign is also used: city Kizilyurt, village Torjal, Lake Jyväsjärvi, painter Guo Hengyu.

Thus, words with a solid sign in modern Russian are separate group with their own spelling patterns. Unlike a soft sign, which can be used several times in the same word, there can be only one hard sign in one word. The above cases of using a hard sign are clear rules that must always be followed. In situations not discussed in this article, under similar conditions, a separating soft sign is used.

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