Home Fertilizers The girl betrayed and left for her ex. What to do if the girl left for someone else? The girl left for someone else - what to do?

The girl betrayed and left for her ex. What to do if the girl left for someone else? The girl left for someone else - what to do?

How to get a girl back who left for someone else: 5 conditions for realizing your plans + 7 tips from a psychologist + 5 books that wouldn’t hurt to read + 5 strong prayers+ 3 magic rituals.

Of course this is not true! Men, like women, are different: some experience how strong love, that for the sake of its revival he is ready to do anything, but some people don’t know anything like that. And gender has absolutely nothing to do with it.

There are enough guys who think that she has left for someone else because they cannot imagine their life without her.

There are ways, there are many of them, starting from the sphere of psychology and ending with magic.

Is it even possible to return a girl who left for someone else?

Of course we want to believe that real love must overcome all obstacles, and on your part it is enough strong feelings so that the girl understands everything and returns from her opponent to you again.

Alas, sometimes circumstances work against some kind of union, and the men themselves make a number of mistakes that interfere with the restoration of relationships.

Mistakes that guys make when their girlfriend has left for someone else

Couples don't just break up. There is always a reason, but many guys prefer not to look for this very reason, while pretending that the girl left for someone else just like that.

This is where the first serious mistake lies, because by understanding why they left you, you can quickly correct the situation in order to prove to your girlfriend that you are the best.

The second mistake is ignoring the opponent and incorrectly assessing him. You must clearly understand: the girl left for a reason, she exchanged you for another guy, and therefore for this moment considers him the best.

Your job is to prove her wrong. And this cannot be done without a real assessment of the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.

Other common mistakes guys make when trying to get a girl back include:

  1. The period of preparation for specific actions is too long. Remember, the longer your ex is with someone else, the stronger their relationship is.
  2. Excessive aggressiveness and persistence. In no case should you resemble a maniac who is stalking the victim.
  3. Any threats. Either: “Will you be with me or with no one” or: “If you don’t come back to me, I’ll kill myself”
  4. Humiliation on your part. If you crawl on your knees in front of her, begging her to come back, you will lose her forever. Women need strong man, not a slug.
  5. Stupid actions, in the style of an early song by Alla Pugacheva. Don't rob a bank or sell own house to buy a girl a million Red roses. You have one life, but there can be many girls.

There are other mistakes, but try to avoid at least these.

Under what conditions can you return a girl who has left for someone else?

It's only in fairy tales true love overcomes all obstacles and a couple made in heaven necessarily remains together, even if they temporarily break up.

IN real life everything turns out not so rosy, and how to measure the authenticity of that very love?

Get ready for the fact that you will not always be able to return a girl who has left for someone else, but only if certain conditions are met:

  • A short period after separation. If your couple broke up several years ago, and then suddenly you saw a young lady with someone else and were inflamed with feelings for her, then there is very little chance of a happy ending with her. It’s a completely different matter if you’ve just broken up.
  • The presence of love in your couple. You dated for a long time and truly loved each other? Then the possibility of reunion is great. We weren't together for long and you know that she didn't love you? It's hard to hope for anything.
  • The girl's lack of love for another. If she went to young man, because she fell in love with him, then she is unlikely to have any reason to rush into your arms again.
  • Your attractiveness. Moreover, in all respects. Agree, it’s hard to compete with a beefy handsome guy with scientific degree and a decent salary, if you yourself are a worn-out janitor who completed only 9 grades.
  • The presence of shared pleasant memories. Only the girl who was happy in her relationship with you can come back. If you offended her, humiliated her, never pampered her, then why should she come back?

Analyze impartially what your union was like and what kind of relationship connects your beloved girl with the man to whom she decided to leave.

Is the comparison not in your favor? It will be difficult to implement your plans. But, if you correct all your mistakes that you made while you were with her, you can achieve what you want.

Young men who are familiar with the science of psychology rarely suffer from a broken heart. They understand girls and know exactly what and how to do so that their sweetheart does not go to another.

Do you want to become a conqueror of women's hearts? Read a couple of psychological works to better understand the fair sex.

To get your girl back, you can start with these:

Of course, read in short terms all books are difficult if you have permanent job. These are more like benefits for the future.

Here are 7 tips from psychologists that will help you get your loved one back after she left for someone else:

  • Become a model. Remember what shortcomings the girl pointed out to you before she left. They all need to be fixed, at least for a while. Talk to your female friends about how they see you ideal man and try to get closer to this ideal.
  • Be friends with your ex. No quarrels, insults or scandals. You should remain friends and see each other as often as possible. From friendship to love - one step. And the other one will be jealous, which means he will start to blow her mind, which no girl will like and it will be easier to get her back.
  • Make her jealous. Has he left? Okay, you're not suffering much. What a beauty he managed to pick up. The main thing is that the girl you spend time with is better than your ex in all respects. You can even hire someone to play the role of a flawless lady passionately in love with you.
  • Prove that you are better. Another boyfriend refuses to go to the movies to see melodramas? You, as a friend, are, of course, ready to keep her company. Is he unable to help with something because he is busy at work? You'll help the girl out, no problem. He allows himself criticisms addressed to her, and in front of people? You and your girlfriend are politeness itself, etc.
  • Take good care. Flowers, sweets, small gifts, romantic surprises, “snotty” letters asking you to return - all this works if your ex-girlfriend’s feelings for you have not faded away. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that your romantic impulses do not look like persecution and do not look pathetic.
  • Give her some serious help. If your ex was in difficult situation, drop everything and run to her aid. For girls, a feeling of gratitude quickly develops into falling in love. She will feel responsible for saving you, which means she is unlikely to refuse when you ask her to return.
  • Make her cherished dream come true. If you can make her most cherished dream come true, she will definitely return to you. No girl can resist such a man. The main thing is not to miscalculate your dream, and for this you had to listen to what she was telling you about while you were dating.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back who left for someone else with the help of higher powers

Methods for returning a girl who has run away to someone else are not limited to psychology alone.

Yes, you need to listen to the advice of pundits, but the help of higher powers will definitely not hurt you.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back who left for someone else with the help of prayers

If you are a believer, go to church to beg God to return your beloved to you.

Your prayer will be sincere, and the Lord will definitely not refuse you love for a real lady, because he is always on the side of loving hearts.

It won’t hurt to lead a righteous lifestyle, attend divine services, confess your sins, take communion - in general full package church services, but without pretense, but at the behest of the heart.

It is not necessary to attend church every time to pray. This can be done at home in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, Mother of God, your divine patron or saint from whom you are asking for help.

Say your prayer not on a quick fix, but by focusing on what you are doing, throwing away other thoughts.

You can turn to God with a request to return the girl in your own words, or you can use special prayers.

For example:

Who to pray toPrayer text
1. Jesus ChristLord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Give me mutual love and return the beautiful girl. I suffer and toil for my sins in order to earn grace, I repent in my heart. Amen.
2. Mother of GodVirgin Mary, giving birth to the Savior. Do not be angry with my love, and help me drive away sorrowful thoughts. Let the girl who left me be happy and remember me. Amen.
3. Lord GodGod! Gracious and kind! Protect my family from evil fate. Cover with your protection and will, so that (name) and I do not have another share! So that they love, cherish their feelings, respect each other, and give birth to children. Lord, I'm in trouble! Beloved (name) is gone forever! I trust only in Your will, I wish to return my beloved! Lord, I will humble myself and submit to you! Judge by your own will and kindness! And bring my beloved into my arms. Lord, keep our love forever. I bow to You, Yours faithful man. (Your name) I pray, come to help! Open the way for my beloved to come to me! Amen!
4. Matrona of Moscow
I ask you, dear Mother Matrona, pray for the return to me of the servant of God (name) of the servant of God (name). Let her heart and soul be cleansed of bad thoughts. May her heart become kinder and may she want to live in peace with me. Let her soul reach out to me and miss me and what we had in order to live in peace and harmony. Let her believe that I love her and that it will be good for her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen
5. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Lord my God, Mother Holy Mother of God and Holy Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker, I trust in you! Help my soul find forgiveness and return my beloved, God's servant (name). Amen. Amen. Amen

Don't rush results. Don’t expect that you prayed in the evening, and in the morning the girl is already waiting for you at the doorstep and asks you to take her back. It doesn't happen like that!

The Lord has His own plans for everyone and He provides help in due time.

How to get your wife back if she left for someone else

How to get a girl back using spells, even if she left for someone else

Most men are skeptical about magic, considering it a whim and superstition.

I see no point in arguing with this. But, if you have tried various methods, but you cannot get the girl back, then why not try your luck with conspiracies.

There is nothing wrong with using them if you do not practice black magic, wish the death of your opponent, make sacrifices, etc.

Here are a few conspiracies that will definitely not harm anyone, but will help bring back the girl who left for someone else:

Description of the ritualConspiracy text
1. Wait for the waxing moon phase. At midnight, stand by the window and, looking at the heavenly body, read the text of the conspiracy three times.
The month is young, the month is strong, help me. Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns to me. I can’t live without her, I can’t live without her, I feel sadness, my heart aches from misfortune. Give her back to me, so that we can live, not grieve, not know troubles, not know sorrows. Help me, Moon, help!
2. Buy 14 small candles from the church. When you get home, warm them up so that the wax becomes pliable and you can twist the candles in pairs. You should get 7 pairs of candles.
Light one of the twisted candles and read the text of the plot 3 times.
Allow the candle to burn out completely and place the cinder in a secluded place.
Repeat the ritual for 7 days in a row until you have used all the candles.
The crown of the king and queen, a heavenly wedding on earth.
Two hearts of the soul of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) wedding scarf,
Wedding candle, wedding altar, wedding bell, wedding time,
The wedding hour and my strong magical order.
From this hour, from my order - walk two hearts side by side,
The souls of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) meet each other for eternal eternity.
I crown you with a strong word and a sculpted deed.
3. You will need a photograph of the girl where she is shown alone.
The ritual is carried out in the morning, at sunrise. WITH reverse side photographs write down the text of the conspiracy and read 3 times. Then the photo should be wrapped in a dark cloth and hidden under the mattress or bed. She will be there until she manages to return her beloved woman.
Just as the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of the slave (Name). Just as the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. Just as the sun dries the earth, so you will dry out and yearn without me. Just as people are drawn to the red sun, so you will be drawn to me. You will have no life without me, just as people have no life without the sun. My word is strong and firm. Amen!

Remember that you need to cast magic completely alone, without telling anyone what you have done or intend to do.

Magic rituals require secrecy.

Try a variety of options when you are thinking about how to get back a girl who left for someone else. But, if all else fails, then the smartest thing to do is to lower it and wish her happiness. Higher power They will definitely reward you for such nobility.


Hello. I dated a girl for a little while more than a year. She best friend my sister's. She has a child from her first marriage. I work a shift. A week at home, a week at work. There was love. In the middle of the relationship he bought an apartment for us. Did some repairs. I planned the interior and design with her. I know her family, she knows mine. And after the new year she says that she doesn’t love me anymore. I'm hysterical. I started to find out what happened. I asked her sister. But I don't know. Thought her ex-husband was to blame. He hates me. I also found out later that he turned their child against me.

I've made every possible mistake. After breaking up, he gave her flowers, wrote, and followed her. And I found out that she has someone else. She thought for a long time. And in the end she broke up with me and started dating him. I couldn’t come to terms with watching her again. We corresponded a lot. She said that she was tired of our “meetings”. That she wants a normal relationship and her family. And we're just fucking.

Her new guy lives in the city. About an hour's drive from us. Mostly he went to see her. Sometimes she comes to him. She banned me everywhere and put me on the emergency list. A couple of months later I noticed that she removed me from the emergency situation on VKontakte. Then at the end of August I met her in the city by chance. She stopped by her place of work and she saw me. In the evening he writes on VK if I want to talk. I ignored it. Then even later she sent an SMS with the same message. I ignore you again. I think I'll answer tomorrow.

The next day I called her and we talked for about an hour. We communicated positively, without clarifying the relationship. She said that everything is complicated for them. Ex-husband The child doesn’t know about her boyfriend, neither does the child. Well, we just talked on different topics. Even earlier, in May, there was also a conversation, or rather a correspondence, when I slept that I was following her. She said that she doesn’t love me and if she doesn’t start a family with her new lover by the end of the year, then she will leave him and be alone. So after the conversation in August there was silence for 10 days. And then a call from her. She invited me to a barbecue. I agreed. There were three of us. Me, her and my sister. Everything went well. The conversation turned to books. I just read one interesting one. He promised to bring it to her. A day later I brought a book to her work. Compliments, pestered, hugged. We talked positively for two hours. I bet her on something. A day later I brought her a debt to work. Again he flirted with her a little. She said that she dreamed about me. And there she hugged me. She came up to me and showed me how. A day later, another noticed that she removed me from the emergency situation on WhatsApp. A week of silence then wrote to me on WhatsApp. Photos were sent from their table. She and my sister were going to drink wine. And he sends a photo with a glass and the caption “for you.” Then she disappeared again. For a month. My friend advised me to add her as a friend on VK. I submitted a request and she immediately added it. But it made me hidden. I don’t know from whom I hid it, but her boyfriend probably saw that she added me. Recently I started getting rare likes on my posts. I found out that at the beginning of autumn her boyfriend rented her and bought, I don’t know, an apartment. And now she goes to see him sometimes.

That's it? Who am I to her? A pleasant past, an alternate airfield, or she just doesn’t care about me anymore and thinks only about him. I want her back. Forgot. After telephone conversation In August we were still chatting on WhatsApp. And there was such a phrase on her part: “it was the most best year and if I hadn’t messed everything up, there would have been subsequent years.”


Hello. Get rid of her addiction


You know, I haven’t decided yet. Throws me from one extreme to another. I either want to return it or forget her quickly. But I’m still thinking about returning it


She said it was very good and I had a pleasant past. This was during the breakup. Then we didn’t communicate for a long time. Then the conversation and events described above took place.


I'm not in better relations with sister. She is completely on her side. As it turned out, even when I was dating my ex, she told her everything about me. Where am I, with whom, what am I doing. Added fuel to the fire

Artem44, I understand you.
The first thing I recommend you do is have a serious conversation with this girl. A conversation will help you figure out the girl’s intentions and let you understand what to do next, build a relationship or let her go.
Because now you are in a situation of uncertainty - on the one hand, you want to be with her, on the other hand, you want to get rid of dependent relationships.

When a girl dumps you, it’s already a thousand devils! - it’s ugly, but if she didn’t just leave you, but immediately went to a certain address - to someone else’s house, to someone else’s bed - then, brother, it’s completely offensive, to put it mildly, isn’t it? This is no longer just an unfair blow between the legs, it is also a strong hook to your ego. And ego, libido and spine are the three pillars on which a man stands.

And what do men often do in such a crappy situation? Someone drinks blue and howls at the moon. Someone with a sharpener is on duty at the entrance of a rival whose address he “calculated by IP.” Both options are for losers. This is “action from inaction.” Actions that seem like real actions only because the guy is powerless.

We will correct the situation humanely.

So, the first thing you need to understand is why your girlfriend left for someone else.

Read it in 2 minutes.

The girl left for someone else - understand the reason

By default, my dear Watson, any man prefers to think that the reason for such a rotten act on the part of the girl is only that the snake never loved you. “Go ahead, baby! Cheerfully and boldly! You are rubbish!”, and all that. But nothing... when you run away and jump off a cliff, then she will hate herself, only realizing who she has lost.

But – wow, wow, dude! - that's something, and the size of your ego really doesn't matter - it's quite likely that your girlfriend left for someone else not because the whole world is a mess, but all the women... such big ladies, it's quite likely that it's still about you .

- What did I do? – you can ask.

You never know. Maybe he didn’t pay enough attention to her, maybe he even lied, about trifles or major ones.

So, how the process happens - the girl becomes disappointed in her “betrothed” (quite likely even unconsciously), and begins to compare, willy-nilly, every transverse male she meets with her hamadryas (this can also happen both on purpose and on a subconscious level). The guy’s task is to burn this moment in advance. If a man does not notice changes in his woman’s mood, then it turns out that he himself is to blame for what happens next. However, we are not interested in who is to blame. Not interested at all.

Why did the girl go to some nonentity?

After this, the girl can go to someone else, and to someone so different that he may be even worse than you in everything.

- What the hell!? – you can ask.

Yes, he can be bald, fat, old and stupid, but if he treats her better, more attentively, listens to her, then you can smash your skull with a facepalm - what kind of nonsense did you goof up on.

If a girl left for another, it means that it was a meaningful and deliberate decision to which she had been going for a long time, and she got it dearly, and, of course, she believes that all the bridges have been burned, doused with acid and given to the Langoliers to be devoured, that is there is no turning back. And the bigger an asshole you were during your relationship, the faster and more confidently she came to this choice. And now it will be even more difficult to bring the asshole back.

So remember, rather than undergoing a painful operation, it is better to check with your doctor periodically. Do you understand the metaphor? Pfft, no, we’re not talking about Venus’s diseases, we’re talking about prevention - don’t let your relationship go to waste, keep your ears to the ground, and then no one will leave you and you won’t have to return anyone anywhere.

What to do if the girl left for someone else?

Moreover, it will all be easier to understand if you just look at the person the girl went to. If he is just a guy like a guy, then there is no need to invent anything about the size of his dignity or about his rich parents. You just need to look at him and understand that he didn’t gallop from the mountains on a dashing horse, waving a scimitar, and didn’t kidnap your “bride” - she just stomped towards him, that’s all. This means that the matter, after all, is not in him, but in you.

So quickly figure out what you were wrong about and correct yourself as soon as possible.

What are you waiting for? Go on, they teach you how to communicate with girls, covering all their needs and receiving their boundless love.

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"If your girlfriend left for someone else,

then this is not yet known,

who is luckier."

Hello dear friend. You are not happy today. Do you have many questions regarding our topic of today’s conversation? You got the answers to them. So what to do if the girl left for another guy? I know - it’s hard, I loved, cared, and here she is... But let’s analyze the situation in order and sum it up.

Some things may offend you, some words will make you scream: “I’m not like that!” - This is fine. The impulsive reaction in this situation can be anything. The task is to cool down with emotions and turn on your head. Let's start with a cold analysis of the situation.

First, let's decide that we are considering an ideal situation - the girl is ideal, except for one thing - she has gone to live with another man. Because finding out who is right and who is wrong in a couple is cooler than Harry Potter with his secret basements in traditional Chinese. And secondly, you love her very much, which is why you end up dying for her.

Your condition

Depressed mood, thoughts about her, the desire to see her nearby and to feel good as before. You only need her. There won't be any more like this. Do you want to hear her apology, see her tears and pleas for you, to allow her to return after such betrayal. And all this is seasoned with oppressive mental pain.

Friend, the experiences described above are a natural human reaction to such stress. But now I need a cool head from you.

It's bad because...

  1. You're used to it.
  2. I invested in it spiritually and financially.
  3. I got hooked on the emotions she gave.
  4. I feel comfortable with her.
  5. I became attached to her specific “tricks” in everyday life, sex, etc.
  6. ___________ (add yours, write in the comments)

Something went wrong

There can be a lot of reasons, but let me tell you about the top ones, and you can determine yours.

  • Falling in love with each other has passed, you didn’t cope or you missed the time and the moment.
  • Different social status. You are a student - she is from a wealthy family.
  • Big age difference in any direction.
  • Different views on relationships, family, children.
  • Women don't want to see a man's weaknesses. Guys often put her desires before their own, are jealous of every pillar, fulfill her whims, silently endure disrespect for themselves and their affairs, have no goals in life or give up their aspirations because of her.
  • They don't care if you love her or not if she doesn't love you.

  • One day you can change spontaneously, but you can’t leave for someone else. This is a made decision. You were so inattentive to her that you missed the stage of cooling down, her change of mood and passion for new or former partner. And he also did not determine that she was being seduced and lured away.
  • Women with a normally configured “filter” give preference not specifically to the money itself, as paper pulp (we are not talking about employees of the ancient profession - priestesses of love, who eat and love), but to get it.
  • A confident man is always a priority.
  • She doesn't need someone like you now. This means that as soon as you change externally, morally, professionally, she can easily consider you as a match again.

What not to do

  1. No need to beg to stay, promise mountains of gold and goulash from your own liver.
  2. Call, constantly send SMS and thereby stroke her pride and raise her self-esteem.
  3. Show that you are afraid to be left without her, that you will never have someone like her again, and that she is the best thing that has happened to you in your life. By doing so, you only confirm her decision. This is bad. She doesn't need to know about this, even if it is so for you.
  4. Put whiny statuses on in social networks, pictures with pain and poems. This does not work. It's boring. Those around you don’t care about your experiences. Now she too. Pity is not the best lever for correcting attitudes.
  5. Ask about her new boyfriend. Find out why he is better than you. But do you really need to know this? To beat yourself up even more.
  6. He says that he is leaving to live with someone else, so that you can move and start conquering her again? Be sure to start... bed warfare with another lady for your own pleasure.

What to do

  1. You need to fill the emotions from her, new and stronger.
  2. Conduct free time not with a glass at the monitor with your photos, but in a large and noisy company of friends.
  3. The more new acquaintances, the better.
  4. You can call your girlfriends with whom you couldn’t communicate in front of her. Now you can do it.
  5. Make new emotions unforgettable - several parallel acquaintances and sex with more than one girl? This is your credo and a cure for the blues.
  6. Dedicate yourself to a new or old hobby or business. Was she against hunting and fishing? So go for a week to rain forests Amazon and shoot the toothiest crocodile!
  7. Did it distract you from work? Now you have trump cards in your hands, to get the position of head of the department, with your hard work and hard work beyond the norm.
  8. You have to go through the loss of a loved one at least once in your life. If you cope with yourself, you will be vaccinated for life.
  9. Change your style - rearrange the house, throw away unnecessary things, change your hairstyle, buy what you really want, but didn’t dare before, or she was against it. Go and relax anywhere.
  10. Understand - if she leaves for someone else, you are already an ex. He is real.
  11. Understand with a man's mind exactly what has changed in you: you gained weight, you didn't give her flowers or you gave up on your business.


The task is to make its decision as calmly as possible. During the dialogue, find out what specifically influenced such an act. All the crap that you are so good and you will remain friends. That it's not about you, but about her - to ignore. These words weigh nothing. Her opinion should no longer matter to you.

Even if she tells you, know that you will never know the whole truth. These are women.

Analytically figure out what attracted and kept you close to her during this time. "Nice tits!" - this is of course a reason, but purely aimed at a 16-18 year old guy. So give yourself more analysis and specifics.

Don't delay breaking up. If you live together, set specific deadlines for the coming dates. Living with traitors is not comme il faut. The fur is easier to pull out in one quick movement.

Direct your freed time and consciousness into a different vector of your life. Become the best version myself! Why not an incentive to fuck the whole world with a charge of anger at your ex-girlfriend.

Attempting to return. Nnnada?

Think twice and think very carefully about whether you need to return it. I say unequivocally - don’t let her see you as an alternate airfield. “After all, we will remain friends, right?” Of course it's true! On weekends we will go to the bathhouse, fix my car in the garage and in the summer we will pour the formwork together country house. Not funny? And it should be.

“Over time, we’ll figure out who we should be friends with.”

There is no need to be a reader of her lamentations in SMS, mail and networks, as the new macho does not act as he should. You are not a good advice bureau.

If you know that she has a different man, think about whether you need to fight her off, because where there is an isolated case, the system can be visible. Do you have nothing better to do than jump around your “betrothed” with a saber and shout to everyone “Zashibu!”?

It rings, you see: “My little bunny,” on the screen and you immediately melt, and cannot speak calmly? Rename her contact to “Sleeping with someone else”, you’ll see, when she calls, you won’t want to be fluffy and run wherever she wants at her request. Immediately the mood changes.

I repeat once again - you can sleep with someone unconsciously if she was seduced competently. But you can’t quickly take a person out of a relationship. This means she was already living with her head on two men, or she was with you “so as not to be alone” until the right one turned up. Turned up.

Think. But know that it often takes more resources and effort to get your old one back than to start a new relationship with a stranger.

Return of the Woman's Prodigal Daughter

It happens. It turned out he was not the same. And you are so cool: how you understand me, like no one else! And blah blah blah. What do I mean, my friend went for a walk, and now she wants to come back.

My friend, I understand that in life, as in GTA V, things happen differently, but have self-esteem! You are not a store that changes to another one on promotion days.

Imagine the picture: one unit fought for another country, and again came back to you with the question: “Yes, something is not as cool there as you have here. Let us fight against them for you again.”

I’ll make a small footnote: the option that you have common child not considered here. There are only two of you. More precisely, three, with her lover.

The decision is yours, of course, but no matter how these inverted “rakes” don’t shoot every year on the days of the spring solstice. Do you know what I mean?


Gritting our teeth, we begin a new personal life. There are no irreplaceable ones. The best, sweetest, good, obedient girls live next to you in the same yard, or at most in the next one! Look around! There is no need to dwell on the past. It's already happened. We have to survive. And you already have everything for this.

If it makes you feel better, I’ll tell you that she will compare him to you all the time. And no matter how cool he is, in some positions, you will still be in the lead, instilling in her the idea of ​​you and the correctness of her decision.

Alea jacta est or as the pilots say: the point of no return has been passed. Get over this negative event. Don't be angry with her, just erase it from your emotions. Yes, I loved you, but now you have two different lives. So live yours!

If you have something to tell in the comments, don’t hesitate to write. Well done for having the strength and patience to listen to this.

Now the most difficult thing is to start putting what was written above into practice.

I sincerely support you as a man, and wish you a good and faithful woman next to you.

Everything that doesn't kill

makes us stronger.

Reading time: 12 minutes. Views 7

If you are a player, that is, you practice pickup, then sooner or later you meet a girl who you really like and is satisfied with everything, so you enter into a relationship, but nothing lasts forever, so you break up, the end of your fairy tale, and you break up.

How does a guy feel when he leaves a girl... many have thought about this, but I want to describe the harsh reality of what actually happens to a guy after breaking up with a girl.

The first is that the guy regrets that he lost the girl, yes, he felt good with the girl, they felt good, but nothing lasts forever and everything has the ability to end.

What to do if the girl you love leaves you

After breaking up, the guy falls into a mini-depression and every day thoughts about her creep in, he begins to remember everything that was good, yes, yes, exactly good, because the man loved the girl and she is the most in his world good girl On the Earth.
He sits at a table at a bar and is sad, remembering how great they had a time with her, vaguely remembers the first sex and all the pleasant emotions. Suddenly he decides to look at her Instagram and look at her life, only without him.
Guys often get upset when they go to a girl’s profile after a breakup. How do I know? Yes, I've done this myself 100 times. A guy, going to a girl’s profile, sees a photo with a new guy, mm, not bad, yes, they broke up about two weeks ago, for a reason (You know, Ivan, I have a lot of work now, and I’m going for a promotion and, perhaps, it will be difficult for us to communicate, we need to break up) sound familiar? I think yes.

So, she’s kind of busy, but judging by her profile, it’s obvious that work doesn’t prevent her from communicating with a new guy. Scrolling down the photo, the guy already sees how his (beloved, ex-girlfriend) is lying in a cute crib, where they first made love, and the guy thinks, damn it, how can it be two weeks, and she has already found someone for herself... then the guy falls into depression and the end of the beginning begins. There is no strength, no energy, interest in girls disappears.

This happens to 90% of guys, because people have stereotyped thinking and upbringing. Just look at the movies, there people die from pain after breakups, cut their wrists, shoot their current boyfriends and a lot of other nonsense. What I mean is that everything that happens above, as I described, is imposed on us, we behave this way because that’s how they wrote it in novels, that’s how they made films.

A girl dumped her, how to get over it and forget?

I myself understand better than anyone else what it is serious relationship. When you live in the same apartment, you enjoy every minute of your communication and you feel very good. You, like Yin and Yang, complement each other, after such a relationship it is very difficult to recover and move on.

Guys sometimes ask me something like “A girl left me, how can I get over it?”, and since I have experienced what a relationship is like, I always answer this question from personal experience.

There are many ways to survive this period and not become depressed. One of them is wedge-wedge.
That is, you must understand that the world does not end with this girl, you are not SIAMESE TWINS and you can live without each other.

Understanding this, you need to move forward, meet girls, communicate, seduce them, in a word, please the girls.

As long as you sit on your ass straight, nothing will change, there is no miracle pill, after taking which you forget everything. But there are plenty of opportunities to do it differently. Go in for sports, start reading, start working on yourself and attend various trainings on personal growth and meet new people.

You will see how all this will help you, as your mind is distracted by new hobbies, new girls, and you just enjoy life.

Under no circumstances should you whine, the universe will not like it.
You are an adult who builds your own life, it depends only on you when you will let a new girl into your life and be happy with her.
Were you able to somehow meet your ex and build a relationship? Do the same with another, new girl and get what you want.

A frequently asked question in our group in the field is “A girl left me, how can I forget.” A lot has been written on this topic, but I want to give you a mini exercise that helped me myself.
Take the white one Blank sheet, there you write down all the girl’s disadvantages, all the negative aspects in your relationship.
Just don’t try to say that everything was fine with you, this doesn’t happen.

Often we ourselves build in our heads the perfect girl, we don’t see Anya, who likes to drink, we see (during the relationship) Anya, who sometimes drinks on holidays, but what’s wrong with that, it’s how it’s supposed to be in society.

That is, remember your relationship and start writing down some negative moments in your relationship, try to add as much color as possible, it will be better.

After you have written all the irritants (let’s call it that), then re-read, open your eyes and re-read. At what moment will logic knock on your head (we men think logically) and say, Ivan, what did you find in her? I don’t understand, I quickly pulled myself together and went into battle, conquering new heights.

Also, save this sheet, and you can re-read it when you remember about her; after reading, you will immediately soberly assess the situation and say to yourself (you shouldn’t write or call Anya, because she is not my person). That's the point.

What to do if the girl left for someone else? Do a relationship analysis and figure out your shortcomings and work on them. Learn to admit your mistakes and work on them. When we learn from our mistakes, then with each mistake we become stronger.

Treat it as if it were some kind of test and experience in your life. Each person is individual; we are greatly influenced by our environment. Just think, surrounded by a girl you are not the most ideal guy, what should you do now?

You grew up in a different environment, you are simply different in your thinking and outlook on life. Understand this and don’t look for someone who will be on the same wavelength as you.

It happens that a girl left, but continues to communicate. This may indicate one thing, that she expects you to renew the relationship, often girls cannot admit this to us, in general, girls are by nature the weaker sex and their task is to hint, write, call, but in no case show their neediness, in this regard, they have a lot to learn.

It happens, of course, when a girl likes you as a person, that is, yes, you’re cool, yes you’re crazy, but it’s difficult to start a family with you. So she keeps you close to her, communicating (just like that)
Here, either you just communicate with her and nothing more, or you position yourself as a guy and take steps to renew your relationship.

How to get your girlfriend back?

If you read my blog, then you have noticed that I am for mutual communication, be it meetings or just communication, be it a relationship. It’s important to me when a girl is as invested as I am. But often in personal coaching I come across the question “I want to return ex-girlfriend, but I can’t get her back” and this goes against my philosophy, but as a coach I’m used to giving people what they want and solving their problem.

The first question I ask this person is ARE YOU SURE?
Why am I asking such a question, because if a person leaves, then this girl does not value you, she does not value your relationship. Why do you need such a girl then?

Even if you return it, she could leave tomorrow or in a week, or any other day.
But if you loved each other and the reason for the breakup was that you cheated (this often happens to our readers), then you can try to return it, let go of everything and try to start everything over again.

How to quickly get your girlfriend back

There are two cases, the first is when you made a mistake in your relationship and then you broke up, the second is when she decided to break up, let’s look at the first.

Since you are reading this article, I can say with confidence that the girl really has a crush and this is normal. There was a mistake on your part, in the format of betrayal, well, let’s say the first step is setting up a meeting, you need to agree on a meeting, because you can’t find out anything over the phone and by correspondence, but in person you look into her eyes, she looks into your eyes , and you already communicate differently. Emotions come into play, remembering everything that was good and much more.

If a girl agreed and came to this meeting, then know that she already wants to get along with you, but her inner self, her upbringing, cannot allow all this to happen just like that. Therefore, you need to explain the situation, that all this was accidental, or that she is you, and not you her.

The goal is simply to show how much you value your relationship and would not want to lose her.

(We live once, we have been together for two years, during this time a lot of good things have happened between us, we shouldn’t give up and waste time on new relationships, everyone has mistakes, and they will happen. Let’s just forget all the bad things and start with a new one .)
This is usually my standard phrase.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back if she's fallen out of love?

No way.
You know, now I don’t write just sitting in a cafe, but questions from the air.
No, these are the most popular questions that people ask me on VKontakte (link to me), so in the article I analyze each question-situation.

Why would you want to bring back a girl who stopped loving you?
I have seen so much in my practice in a pickup truck that I just let people go, that is, the girl is not happy with something, I just let her go and that’s it.

Before, yes, I thought about how to return it, how to apologize, here I need to lie so that we don’t break up, and much more...
But believe me, the more you behave this way and want to keep her, the more she will move away from you.

In this case, the theory of the weak male comes into play, I’ll write about this later, but in short, you are a weak male who has no girls, except her one, if there are no girls, then you are a weak male. The girl is in search of a strong male, since it is genetically instilled in her that she needs to reproduce and leave good offspring. How can a girl leave offspring with a weak male if her thinking and principles require a strong male?

So from here it goes like (let’s be friends, you’re good, but you’re not my person, I’ve stopped loving you), can a girl come back if she left? Maybe, as soon as you give up on her and understand that you can go out into the street, approach a girl and meet her, you will feel cosmic.

Against the background of this, you will already let go of your ex Anya and something that has not happened in your life will begin, the girl will begin to write to you, ask for a meeting, communicate with the goal of renewing your relationship, here you are a strong male for her.
Because you don’t act like 90% of guys, you don’t blow your mind with snot and other nonsense. And you just let her go, she’s like, hmm, it means he has an alternative since he let me go so easily, damn, maybe I was in a hurry, etc.

Remember, here in capital letters I am writing IN A RELATIONSHIP THE MAIN ONE IS THE ONE WHO LOVES LESS.

No, no one denies that while you are there meeting girls, she will sit at home and wait for you, she will accept advances from other guys in order to forget you and let you go.
I have covered this topic more than once and discussed it a lot.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back after a long breakup

The longer your separation, the more difficult it is to get her back, since all emotions and memories go away, it’s like food, when you just prepared it it’s tasty and hot, after it sits for a couple of hours, it cools down and is no longer the same, you need to heat it up so that it is just as delicious as at the beginning.

But if you still decide to return it, then you should start with simple communication. In the process of communication, remember and say out loud how good you once were, how you loved each other and just pleasant emotions.

After, of course, we see her predisposition, remember what she loved, where you liked to spend the evening, invite her there, start a conversation there on the topic of mistakes, since you are there and communicate, then you both potentially want to be together again, it remains simple talk through past mistakes and avoid them in the future.

Do you know why she will say yes? If you do everything right.

Because she is your ex, that is, she knows you from the inside, since you for a long time were in a relationship, then she understands who you are, what you breathe, and it’s easier for her to really get along with you (when she understands that you are both ready to work on your mistakes) than to go on boring dates with boring people for a month and get to know them.

The moral of the article, the main thing is to honestly understand whether you need to get your ex back, if so, then you know how to do it. If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please share.

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