Home Fertilizers Small business subsidies. Common are. What can you use money from the state

Small business subsidies. Common are. What can you use money from the state

Large resources need to be spent on running even a small business in our country. It is very important to comply with all legal requirements, and for this you need to work hard. The regulatory authorities have many requirements and obligations for doing business. However, the state's own business is not only under pressure. Currently, there are several options for how to get money for business from the state. Let's consider the main ones.

In 2018, any entrepreneur can receive money from the state to start his own business. All businessmen can count on the authorities to provide them with assistance to develop their kind of activity. Money from the authorities to start your own business is called subsidies. Since many people want to get money for the development of small businesses, it is necessary to take this issue very seriously.

The budget code of the Russian Federation specifies such a concept as subsidies. If we talk simple language, then subsidies are money that is issued from the state legal entities... The basis of the issue is free of charge and irrevocable. These finances will be used to recover costs or recoup lost income during entrepreneurial activity... The money to start a business is the most effective way to support entrepreneurship.

In order to make it easier and more profitable to receive subsidies for starting a small business, special programs at the regional and federal level.

Who do they give?

Many entrepreneurs, starting their own business, do not even hope to receive a subsidy to start a business. After all, they do not know to whom they are given, and who is not, how much they can take. So, today there is a small business support program. According to her, any entrepreneur can count on government aid, regardless of the business sample. This includes gratuitous subsidies. Anyone can apply for such financial assistance.

Cash can be spent on:

The easiest way to get help is in the following industries:

No assistance is issued for activities related to alcohol or tobacco.

What are the amounts?

The small business start-up subsidy is calculated at strict amounts. However, in each separate region of the country, this figure is different. There are examples of amounts by which you can navigate, they depend on what exactly the money is being issued for:

  1. Investments in an already open business are estimated at 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Setting up a business where it is possible to raise money for the new provided workplace- 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Creation of a new business where the entrepreneur has some degree of disability or if he is not employed or is raising a minor child on his own. It is possible to get 300 thousand rubles.

Methods of obtaining

The business plan for the subsidy is playing key role... In this project, you must specify the following:

  • Kind of activity;
  • production technologies;
  • used equipment;
  • supplies and so on.

First you need to come to the employment center and register. You need to prove with a certificate that you are not employed anywhere. In this case, the project on the conduct of the case should be in your hands. The finished project can be provided in one of two types: printed and electronic. It's up to you. He is sent to the Office for the Promotion of Employment of Citizens. When the plan for receiving the subsidy is agreed, you need to contact the tax office with a request for a registration order.

When you go through all the stages of registration, with the received certificate, you must again contact the employment center and provide certain documents:

  • your identity card;
  • statement;
  • finished project.

After that, the final agreement is concluded.

Types of assistance

The programs distinguish the following types help to start your own business:

  1. Consulting and information support.
  2. Infrastructure investments.
  3. Support for innovation.
  4. Organizational assistance.
  5. Financial investments such as compensation and benefits.

All funds allocated within the framework of a subsidy for starting a business do not go into the hands of an entrepreneur, but straight into the business.

Today every third adult citizen of our country thinks about opening own business... A small business that you can do for your own pleasure and at the same time make a profit is a dream that lives in many of us. However, for most Russians, this dream remains an unrealizable desire, and only because they do not know about programs to help small businesses in the country. How to open your own business with the help of the state. Small business support 2017 state programs.

State programs for 2017 are diverse. Today, everyone can realize themselves, even without having start-up capital... Of course, if you ask for help without concrete plans and ideas, you won't get it. But if you are serious about doing business and have a concrete idea of ​​what you want to earn, the state is ready to help you in starting your business.

So where do you start? The first step before starting your own business is to master certain skills. To this end, employment centers can offer a variety of training courses and seminars. Moreover, you can study absolutely free. In the classroom, you will be taught how to run a business, you will master the basics of accounting and understand how to promote your business in order to make real profits. Available courses:

  • Accounting.
  • Mastering the profession.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Financial management.
  • Market monitoring.
  • Business strategy development.

These skills are necessary to understand how to start a business and how to run it. The state in this matter is ready to provide assistance without restrictions, all you need is to come to state center employment, register as unemployed and get the support you need.

Financial aid

Support for small businesses in 2017 also includes the provision of financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs. However, it is certainly more difficult to get it than consultation or training.

In order to get a subsidy or a soft loan for starting a business, you need to have a clear idea and a business plan.

You need to understand that financial assistance from the state is limited and only those who have interesting projects... Financial assistance from the state can be as follows:

  • Grant. This is financial assistance that is issued for the implementation of a business plan. However, under this program, the state is ready to pay only half of your expenses for starting a business. To receive a grant, you need to provide a business plan.
  • Subsidies. This assistance is issued for business development. That is, if you already have an operating company, you can take a subsidy for the purchase of equipment or the acquisition of assets. The subsidy can be up to 90% of the cost of the equipment.
  • Help for the unemployed. If you have lost your job, you can contact the employment center and receive compensation for the loss of your job. The grant is issued on the condition that you start your own business with this money. In 2017, the amount of compensation is RUB 57-59 thousand.
  • Assistance in repayment of the loan. Self employed can receive assistance from the state in the form of payment of part of the interest on the loan. Taking a loan to start or develop a business, you will only pay off the body of the loan, and the state will pay half of the interest.
  • Participation in the fair. Most often, such assistance can be obtained completely free of charge. The organizers will equip themselves trading places and are even ready to assist in the delivery of goods or equipment. Participation in the fair allows you to find new partners and buyers.
  • Helping farmers. if you have farm, you can get soft loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery, seeds and fertilizers. You can also use this money to purchase livestock, expand households. buildings or buy equipment.

Concessional loans

Today banks can also offer help to aspiring entrepreneurs. Many credit institutions issue loans for starting and developing a business on acceptable terms. These loans are collateral, as collateral can be the borrower's real estate or his business.

It is much easier to get a loan from a bank than government assistance. This is due to the fact that banks require a minimum package of documents and applications are considered within a few hours.

How to get help from the state

It should be noted that financial assistance from the state is issued on a competitive basis. The most interesting and promising projects receive grants and subsidies. So if in your small town there are already a dozen dry cleaners, then you will not receive funds to open another one. But if you offer the commission an original project, your application may be approved. When receiving funds from the state, you will need to report on what and how much you spent. This is necessary so that the money is used for its intended purpose.

In addition to money, a beginner entrepreneur can get other help. So you can get an office from the state for a symbolic rent or buy equipment at a reduced price. It all depends on what kind of business you are going to run. It should be noted right away that preference is given to those entrepreneurs who want to produce goods or provide services. If you want to trade, you'd better go to a bank.

Government opinion

According to A. Ulyukaev, state support for small and medium-sized businesses is a strategic necessity for Russia. Compared to other countries, today in Russia the percentage of people employed in small and medium-sized businesses is too small.

Also, the programs will help bring entrepreneurs out of the shadows who conduct unregistered activities.

Today, the government is doing everything possible so that ordinary citizens can start their own business and be competitive in the country's market. To support entrepreneurs, the Federal Business Corporation has been created, which provides material support to start-up entrepreneurs. According to A. Ulyukaev, entrepreneurship in our country is developing rapidly, and the government will provide him with all the necessary assistance.

Support for small businesses in 2017 state programs will provide jobs for the most vulnerable citizens of our country, for example, now women with children or people with disabilities can realize themselves and do what they love. To receive you need to detailed information O government programs ah, you can contact the employment center, where everyone who wishes will be provided with the necessary assistance in starting their own business.

A quarter of the total employed population of the country is provided with work thanks to small business. Working in accordance with the rapidly changing market requirements, this group of active population produces a range of products and services, thereby serving the bulk of consumers. However, more than half of people who want to start their own business remain at the stage of talking and dreaming.

The state, rendering assistance to small business, pursues two goals: the fight against unemployment and the development of the economy, because each created business entity will return the funds invested in it to the budget in the form of taxes.

What help can you count on

In 2017, the government allocated subsidies for the development of entrepreneurship in the amount of RUB 7,513,983.2 thousand.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the region in which the recipient is located. Largest size subsidies allocated by the federal budget of the Smolensk region - 318303.4 thousand rubles. Least allocated to Nenets autonomous region- 390 thousand rubles.

The main directions of state support:

  • providing financial support to small businesses (5528586, 5 thousand rubles);
  • provision of subsidies for co-financing of capital investments (1,655,859.2 thousand rubles);
  • assistance to the development of youth entrepreneurship (229,537.5 thousand rubles);
  • MFC for business (100,000 thousand rubles).

In the event that the indicators of the effectiveness of the use of the subsidy are not achieved, even the funds spent at 100% must be returned.

Types of subsidies

  • Subsidizing the cost of purchasing equipment. The state provides subsidies to compensate for up to 90% of the cost of purchasing equipment.
  • Coverage subsidies interest rates on loans and leasing operations. This subsidy covers all industries and is valid in most regions.

It is necessary to contact a government agency to clarify the nuances of obtaining a subsidy even before obtaining a loan or concluding a lease agreement. This is necessary in order for the formulation of the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds or drawing up a lease agreement to comply with the conditions for granting subsidies.

  • Subsidizing expenses for participation in exhibitions. In some regions, you can achieve full refund expenses for participation in federal exhibitions, if they do not exceed 150 thousand rubles. It should be noted that such costs can go up to 300 thousand rubles. and more. In this case, only part of the costs will be reimbursed.

To clarify the types of subsidies provided in each specific region, you should contact the regional government agency or the official website.

Business start-up grants

The amount of subsidies that can be obtained in the regions is limited to 300 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 500 thousand rubles. The funds are designed to reimburse 30-50% of the costs, the remaining amount must be found by the recipient of state support. Innovative enterprises can count on an increased subsidy of up to 2.5 million rubles. for the purchase of fixed assets, payment lease payments, the purchase of raw materials and supplies, as well as the maintenance of jobs.

As part of the self-employment program, citizens registered with the employment center can expect to receive a grant in the amount of 58.8 thousand rubles. to open a small business. If, when opening a small business, jobs are created, then the same amount is due for each employee who is provided with a job.

How to get government support: a step-by-step algorithm

In order to receive financial support from the state, it is necessary to perform a certain algorithm of actions:

Step 1. Draw up a business plan. When drawing up a business plan, the emphasis should be on the amount that will return to the budget in the form of taxes, on the creation of new jobs and the relevance of the business, since these are the parameters that are assessed.

Step 2. Prepare the necessary documents (the list of documents depends on the type of state support).

Step 3. Apply to a government agency with a statement.

Step 4. Wait for the subsidy decision.

The current situation in the economy Russian Federation encourages the government of the country to think seriously and help small entrepreneurs to develop their business. The market economy in the country got its start relatively recently. And it’s not easy for ordinary citizens to move from hired work to running their own business. To make it easier for individual entrepreneurs to overcome all initial problems, assistance to entrepreneurs from the state in 2018 will also be provided. This year will not be an exception in terms of receiving government support. What kind of assistance from the state can a sole proprietor expect? This will be discussed in our article.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur through public services

According to the current legislation, each individual can begin to commit commercial activities if received state registration and IP status. Once this procedure will be completed, you can count on the support offered by the state.

How to get help young entrepreneur from the state in 2018? To this end, you need to take the following steps:

  • submit an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, completed in the form No. 21001;
  • attach a photocopy of the passport so that the page with the registration is printed;
  • pay a duty to the state budget (800 rubles);
  • submit all the requested documents to your district tax service (IFTS).

What kind of help is given to aspiring entrepreneurs from the state? foreseen on? The state has special service services. Anyone can go to the page on the Internet using the link www.gosuslugi.ru, register and fill out an electronic application in the form No. 21001. As a result, a package should be prepared in the service required documents... Also, through the designated site, a duty is paid at a discount of 30 percent - 560 rubles. Thus, assistance from the state to beginner individual entrepreneurs is associated with organizational issues and the ability to submit documents and perform some registration actions online via the Internet.

Also government bodies provide individuals consulting in the field of starting a business and obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur. But do they provide financial assistance to a budding entrepreneur from the state in 2018?

Help for entrepreneurs: what you can count on

Below is a list of some types of assistance and support to entrepreneurs from the state:

Subjects of the Russian Federation can provide tax benefits and holidays for new individual entrepreneurs. Also see "".
Some banks are ready to reduce interest rates on loans based on government programs aimed at supporting small businesses. Alternatively, they can help in paying off part of the interest on previous loans.
Financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state can be expressed in the provision of subsidies for the start of their activities in the amount of 58,800 rubles. It is provided in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the Employment Center.
If an entrepreneur already has his own business and would like to develop it further, he can count on a state subsidy of up to 500 thousand rubles (each subject of the Russian Federation has its own maximum amount).
At the level of legislation, an individual entrepreneur without employees is exempted from accounting.
The state provides assistance in reimbursement of all costs associated with participation in fairs and exhibitions.
Subsidizing the acquisition of fixed assets by an entrepreneur on a lease basis. We can talk either about the first installment, or about the full repayment of the payment. The amount of the subsidy directly depends on the cost of the OS. For example, the city authorities are ready to subsidize up to 1/3 of the cost of the leased asset excluding VAT (value added tax), but in amounts not exceeding 5 million rubles.

Before summarizing the information provided, it is worth noting that

now, and in a very substantial volume, a program of assistance to young entrepreneurs from the state is being implemented. However, it is not easy to obtain development grants.

If an individual entrepreneur has questions about obtaining a subsidy or the possibility of closing the registration of his activity with outstanding debts, he can get advice:

  • in the territorial Fund for the support of small entrepreneurs;
  • at a local business incubator;
  • from a private consultant.

Subsidies for individual entrepreneurs: what to keep in mind

When applying to an individual entrepreneur for state support of his own business, you should remember about some of the nuances, in particular:

  • if activities related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products are planned, with the performance of supply functions, then you cannot count on help from the state;
  • the future entrepreneur must have his own material resources, since the state, as mentioned earlier, is ready to provide him with only partial financial support (as a rule, no more than 40%).

Also in 2018, the regions may have their own programs for supporting and subsidizing individual entrepreneurs, about which a future entrepreneur can learn from the media or get advice from specialists directly involved in these issues.

Opening your own business is a rather troublesome and costly undertaking. Despite the widespread belief that the state is "strangling" small businesses, there are ways to get subsidies for starting a small business without loans, loans and other methods that can potentially lead even a good business idea to failure.

So what are there government subsidies on the development of small business, which organizations provide them and what should be done to get them in 2017?

Classic option: employment center

First of all, subsidies for business are provided by the Center for Employment of the Population. Any Russian officially recognized as unemployed has the opportunity to receive gratuitous financial support - therefore, this option is not entirely suitable for working citizens. In order to take part in this program, a future businessman must first prepare the following set of documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • Education documents;
  • Certificate from the place of work, which indicates the average size salaries for the last 3 months before dismissal (it is worth noting that for persons who returned after passing an urgent military service and registered with the CPN no later than two months after returning, the certificate may not be provided);
  • A statement written at the Employment Center stating that the applicant wants to participate in a self-employment program;
  • Developed business plan.

After the set of documents is collected, the business plan is transferred to a special commission, which will make the final decision on the payment of the subsidy. At the moment, the maximum amount of this state subsidy is 58,800 rubles (this is 12 times the amount of unemployment benefits). If the commission makes positive decision, the future businessman will be called from the central banking center and informed about the need to open a savings book, to which within one calendar month finances will arrive.

It is important to remember that the expenditure of funds that are received with the help of a subsidy must be reported after 3 months, by providing checks and receipts.

A businessman has the right to use the funds received for the following purposes:

  1. Renovation of a building necessary for running a business (including one owned by a businessman);
  2. Purchase of raw materials and supplies;
  3. Expenses for the purchase of fixed assets (equipment necessary for the production of goods and the provision of services, office furniture);
  4. Logistics costs associated with the purchase of fixed assets, raw materials and supplies.

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