Home Vegetables State subsidy for the purchase of a car. Preferential car loans

State subsidy for the purchase of a car. Preferential car loans

More and more Russian banks and car manufacturers are joining preferential car loan programs "Family car" and "First car", launched this summer by the Government of Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade as part of Decree No. 808 of July 7, 2017. The duration of both programs is until December 31, 2017. Below are the main benefits that are provided to participants in both state programs when buying a car on a state-supported loan.

These programs were developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and launched by the Government in the second half of 2017 in order to make cars more affordable for Russian families, as well as to support domestic automakers, already long time experiencing financial difficulties due to falling demand for new vehicles against the backdrop of a reduction in real incomes of the population. As a result, in the first months of the state programs "Family" and "First Car", car dealers in all regions of the country noted a significant increase in sales in the mass automotive segment.

Conditions of the state program Family car

Program participants are entitled to 10% discount on the cost of the purchased car, which is compensated by participating banks government subsidies. Until December 31, 2017, citizens can take part in new state programs:

  • having two or more minor children - "Family car";
  • buying a car for the first time - "First car".

The first state program for many Russians misassociated with the previously proposed program "Car for large family” (that is, for families with three or more children). Also, the Family Car loan program launched by the Government has nothing to do with the second child (for a long time, the possibility of using maternity capital to buy a car, including in 2017, has been discussed).

However, all of these categories families with two or more children under 18, can take part in the new state program until December 31, 2017 and purchase a new car worth up to 1.45 million rubles on credit at a 10% discount at a preferential interest rate (and no not required).

In total, this year it is planned to implement at least 58.35 thousand cars. By Order No. 1369-r dated June 29, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation allocated funds to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the relevant purposes in the amount of 3.75 billion rubles. In total, over 16 thousand cars have already been sold in the first 2 months of the program (in other words, now the program is in full swing and families with children still have enough time to participate in it).

It is noteworthy that the programs operate in conjunction with the previously introduced state subsidies for car loans, which additionally provides for decline interest rate by 6.7% from base value when buying cars manufactured in 2016 and 2017 (the maximum final rate in this case will be no more than 11.3%).

Prerequisite for the program- the borrower should not conclude other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017 (including until the moment of application). The relevant fact is verified through the Credit Bureau.

Which banks are involved?

Both state programs are credit. The mechanism for their implementation is the provision of preferential car loans through banks approved by the Government as participants in the program, which include a discount of 10% of the cost of the car in the form of compensation from the state budget for the costs of paying the down payment. Thanks to this, families with 2 or more minor children can receive such a car loan at all. no down payment(it is paid by the state in the amount of 10% to the bank).

List of banks participating in the Family Car programs and "First car"published on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and is periodically updated. big banks with a wide federal network are Cetelem Bank (a subsidiary of Sberbank specializing in car loans), VTB24, Uralsib Bank, Sovcombank, Rusfinance Bank and others (on this moment only 15 credit institutions were declared).

  1. Setelem Bank LLC (owned by Sberbank and specializes in automotive and consumer lending);
  2. PJSC "VTB24";
  3. Volkswagen Bank RUS LLC;
  4. JSC MS Bank RUS;
  5. PJSC "Bank Uralsib";
  6. PJSC NKB "Radiotechbank";
  7. JSC TatSotsBank;
  8. PJSC Sovcombank;
  9. PJSC Sarovbusinessbank;
  10. PJSC JSCB "Energobank";
  11. JSC RN Bank;
  12. LLC "PSA BANK Finance Rus";
  13. LLC "Rusfinance Bank";
  14. PJSC "Plus Bank";
  15. JSC "Gazbank"

In most of these participating banks, it is possible to obtain a preferential loan no down payment. The maximum loan repayment period is 36 months.

Which vehicles qualify for the program

The purchased car must be new (2016 or 2017), no more than 1.45 million rubles(including the cost of insurance) and must be assembled in Russia. These criteria include:

  • the whole the lineup traditional Russian car brands that produce new passenger cars in 2016 and 2017 (LADA, UAZ);
  • foreign cars assembled on the conveyors of AvtoVAZ and LADA Izhevsk (Nissan Almera, Datsun);
  • cars of Chinese brands produced in Karachay-Cherkessia at the Derways plant (Brilliance, Chery, Lifan, etc.);
  • other foreign cars Russian production worth up to 1,450,000 rubles (Chevrolet Niva, Ford, Renault and Nissan cars, several Skoda and Volkswagen models, Korean Hyundai and KIA cars, etc.)

More information about specific models cars participating in the program of preferential car loans in 2017, check with your car dealer.

How to get a preferential car loan under the state program

For preferential purchase of a car, you need to contact the car dealer of the manufacturer of interest or directly to the car lending center at the selected credit institution.

In the first case, the buyer will first need to make sure that the car dealership is cooperating with a bank participating in the car loan subsidy program (for this, you will need to check the list of partner dealers on the website of the credit institution).

Further, the procedure for obtaining a preferential car loan is standard, but in addition to the traditional set of documents (in most cases, a car loan is issued upon presentation of a passport, income statement and driver's license) it will be necessary:

  • Family Car Member will need to provide birth certificates of children containing the full name of the borrower in the fields about one of the parents (if necessary, also documents confirming the change of the borrower's last name, for example, a marriage certificate).
  • customers wishing to apply for a loan under the First Car program are also waiting for traffic police database check for other vehicles.

Car loan by state program- This is a cash subsidized loan issued by a bank for the purpose of buying a new car, endowed with preferential terms that make this process accessible to most Russian citizens.

The essence of state subsidies

In the spring of 2009, the Russian authorities launched a program of concessional government lending for the purchase of a vehicle, the essence of which was to increase demand for the purchase of nationally produced cars. In spite of economic crisis During this time, the state program gave a powerful impetus and over the course of two years, more than 350,000 subsidized loans were issued to the population.

Preferential car loans consist in partial compensation of payments at an interest rate made at the expense of the budget.

This state material support is about 2/3 of the loan amount, indicated in percentage terms. For example, the interest rate on a car loan is 14%, the registration of preferential subsidies will lower the percentage bar by 6-7 units, its size will change by almost half and will amount to 7-8%.

At that time, the main requirements of the program with state subsidies were:

  • Buying a car of national production.
  • The bank issuing a car loan is a member of the state program.
  • The price of the car did not exceed 600 thousand rubles
YearPrepaymentState subsidy rate (2/3 of the average car loan rate of those years)TermNote
200915% 6% 3 yearsThe state program was stopped at the end of 2011.
2015Not less than 1/3 of the cost of the car8,33% 3 yearsThe resumption of the preferential program at the initiative of the Prime Minister of the country.
201620 % 6,67% 3 yearsYou can buy foreign cars assembled in the country.

New conditions

In the outgoing year, the conditions of the preferential state lending program have undergone some modifications, the share of the refinanced rate has remained stable - 2/3 parts.

Subsidized state car loan - the key conditions of the program in 2017:

  • The maximum price of the car is 1 million 450 thousand.
  • A car loan with a state subsidy is issued for a period not exceeding three years.
  • Fixed preferential discount - 6.7%.
  • There is no prepayment for the purchase of a vehicle.
  • Finance for the purchase of a car on credit under the state program is issued exclusively in national currency.
  • The starting amount of a state car loan is determined by the bank's employees, and the maximum amount should not exceed 920 thousand rubles.
  • A new car must not be registered or registered with a physical. face.
  • State preferential car loans are not issued for a vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tons and for its use for commercial purposes.

Subsidizing car loans, its conditions, specifics and rates may have distinctive features according to the policy of a particular banking institution.

Differences with the key conditions of the preferential state program are observed in the following positions:

  • The starting amount of the state car loan.
  • Interest rate followed by calculation of the final amount paid by the borrower.
  • Minimum loan term for state-backed purchases.

What cars are eligible for government loans?

A preferential car loan under the state program in 2017 is distinguished by loyal requirements regarding the vehicle manufacturer, its trademark. Today you can buy on credit a car not only of national, but also of foreign assembly.

List Vehicle for which government subsidies can be taken.

car brandModel
1 ChevroletNiva, Cruze, Aveo, Cobalt,
2 CitroenC-Elysee, C4
3 DaewooNexia, Matiz
4 FordFocus
5 HyundaiSolaris
6 KIARio, Cee'd
7 MitsubishiLancer
8 NissanAlmera, Note, Tiida
9 OpelAstra
10 Peugeot301, 408
11 RenaultDuster, Logan, Sandero
12 SkodaFabia, Octavia,
13 ToyotaCorolla
14 VolkswagenPolo
15 BogdanAll
16 UAZ and ZAZAll
17 LadaGranta, Kalina, Priora, Largus, 4×4, Samara, Vesta, etc.

The state car loan program in certain banking institutions may exclude from participation some configurations of models entered by the government in the register. State support is valid only for “young” cars, which are no more than a year old from the date of issue at the time of purchase.

For vehicles owned by a foreign manufacturer, several requirements remain unchanged:

  • Collection of cars must be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The cost of the car should not exceed the maximum fixed price.

Current programs

Since mid-summer, a number of special programs, allowing citizens of the country to buy cars with state support, to receive an additional subsidized discount on the purchased vehicle in the amount of 10% of its value.

Loan programs for the purchase of a car:

  • "First car"- the preferential program was created specifically for people who buy a car for the first time. According to this state project You can only buy one vehicle, and the buyer must already have a driver's license. All information will be verified by the State traffic inspectorate and bank employees in CI.
  • - the project is intended for a family in which two or more minor children are growing up.
  • "Russian tractor"– both individuals and business organizations. To the main 10% discount, which is valid only for Russian-made tractors, an additional 2.5% of the cost of the car is added.
  • "Russian farmer"— the preferential state program has been developed for representatives of small or medium-sized agricultural businesses. The subsidized discount is identical to the above project and applies to Russian-assembled equipment.
  • "My business"- a state program to support consumer demand for vehicles among small and medium-sized businesses. It also assumes an increase in the subsidy to 12.5%.


The key requirements of the state subsidy program are:

  • An individual has an impeccable credit history.
  • For families with children - the child is 6 months old.

Banks that sell preferential car loans present Additional requirements and conditions based on their own credit policy and general scheme work.

  • Minimum age limit the future borrower is lowered to 18 years old at Credit Europe Bank, while in other institutions citizens from 21 years old can participate in the program, and from 23 years old at Setelem Bank. The maximum age approved by most financial institutions is 65 years.
  • One of the main requirements from the borrower is permanent registration at the place of registration of a loan and state support for a car loan. Few organizations decide to issue loans to persons without a permanent residence permit - among them: VTB24, Rosbank, Unicreditbank.
  • Requirements to labor activity in many respects are similar for all banks: total work experience of at least one year, and at least three months at the current workplace.
  • Providing certificates confirming solvency and income level is not a prerequisite, but their presence significantly increases the chances of receiving additional privileges and discounts from the bank.

Bank overview

State preferential car loans do not provide data on the list of banks participating in the program. Not all financial institutions couldn't resist the pressure of government demands and dropped out, making room for institutions handling more than 80% of all car loan sales.

The most convenient option for buying a car with a state support program is to visit a car dealership. The procedure will save personal time and already in place, the client will learn everything about the partner bank, its conditions and decide on the purchase of the desired car.

Banks have the right to personally set the amount of prepayment - this can be car loans from 0% down payment and up to 30%. The minimum term for issuing a subsidized loan, depending on the bank, is from 3 to 12 months.

The table provides information related to new passenger cars.

banking organizationDown paymentInterest rate
Subject to subsidized rate
VTB 24From 0%From 5.5%
UniCredit BankFrom 10%From 6.5%
RusfinancebankFrom 20%0.102
From 134 thousandFrom 6.4%
Excluding subsidized rate
RosselkhozbankFrom 15%From 13.5%
GazprombankFrom 12.75%
SberbankFrom 15%
UralsibbankFrom 20%From 8%

The starting amount of a preferential car loan is 100 thousand rubles, some institutions can lower it to 50 thousand (Rusfinancebank) or raise it to 300 thousand (Rosbank).

A car loan under the state program projects the need for collateral insurance (CASCO). Sometimes the amount insurance policy included at the initiative of the bank in the loan itself (Rosbank, VTB24, Expert Bank), and in some institutions it is not required at all.

The scheme for paying a preferential car loan under the state program is an annuity, made every month in equal payments, including debt and subsidized interest.

How to calculate a car loan under the state program?

The official pages of most banking organizations are equipped with a "loan calculator" program that allows you to perform a preliminary calculation of the desired subsidized loan by entering the relevant information.

Credit calculators of banks that have developed special projects for car loans under the state program carry out settlement operations already taking into account the subsidized discount.

Otherwise, to calculate the total and monthly payment, the potential borrower must deduct 6.7% from the base annual rate.

For example: a bank issues a car loan at 14% per annum, through simple mathematical operations (14% -6.7% \u003d 7.3%), we get the size of the preferential rate under the state program. According to statistics, the maximum rate, taking into account the subsidized discount, is 13.3%.

To support the domestic auto industry, a state program of preferential car loans has been developed and put into effect. It aims to empower citizens to purchase a car and support the domestic production of cars. Similar programs already worked earlier, in 2009-2012, as well as in 2014-2017. What is meant by the term preferential car loans, and what are the conditions for the implementation of this program?

Preferential car loan: what will it be

A preferential car loan provides for additional conditions for its issuance or repayment. Their presence should attract the buyer, make the return of credit funds easier and more affordable. Possible benefits:

  • change in the credit rate (its reduction or complete absence);
  • change in loan repayment terms (their increase);
  • reduction of the loan repayment amount due to the repayment of part of the loan funds by the state.

With preferential car loans, the first two items of the list are used more often than others. The list of benefits in 2017 stipulates a reduction in the loan rate. So the state subsidizes the purchase of new cars for citizens and stimulates interest in the Russian automaker.

Changes in the new state loan program 2018

The 2018 state program differs from the program of the previous year by increasing the limit on the cost of purchased cars. In 2018, it will amount to 1.15 million rubles (in contrast to the indicator of 2016 - 1 million). However, this limit still does not subsidize the acquisition expensive cars. It only covers the increase in the cost of a car associated with the fall of the ruble, its devaluation.

Preferential car loan program: conditions for issuing a loan and a list

  • The auto loan applies to new Russian-made cars. The selected car must be new. The period of storage of the car (counted from the date of release of the car from the factory) - no more than 1 year at the time of execution of the loan agreement.
  • You can buy a car on preferential terms if its cost does not exceed 1.15 million rubles, and its weight is not more than 3.5 tons.
  • Loan term - does not exceed 3 years.
  • A minimum down payment of at least 20% is required to purchase a car.

The preferential state program also stipulates the possibility of acquiring a foreign car. To this end, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a list of foreign-made cars that can be purchased under this preferential program. The list provides mainly budget models that are assembled in the territory Russian Federation. These are representatives of the brands Deo, Ford, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Citroen, KIA. The list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade provides a list of models that can be purchased under the concessional lending program. Loan applications are accepted until December 31, 2016.

What cars can you buy

We present you a list of cars falling under the program of preferential car loans:
Lada Vesta, Lada X Ray, Chevrolet Aveo, Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris, Nissan Almera, Renault Logan/Sandero, Skoda Rapid, Volkswagen Polo sedan, Chevrolet Cruze, Citroen C4 sedan, Ford Focus, Kia cee’d/Cerato, Nissan Sentra/Tiida, Opel Astra(Familiy/J), Peugeot 408, Renault Megane/Fluence, Skoda Octavia, Volkswagen Jetta, Ford Mondeo, Kia Optima and Hyundai i40, Mazda 6, Opel Insignia, Ford EcoSport, Kia Sportage, Nissan Terrano, Nissan Juke, Renault Duster, Skoda Yeti Volkswagen Tiguan.

How does a preferential car loan with government subsidies work?

In accordance with the terms of the program, the state provides a benefit for credit interest. The state repays it in the amount of 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate (as of January 2016, this figure was 8.25%). This reduces the total amount of payments and makes buying a car on credit more affordable. As a result, for the borrower, the loan interest is reduced to approximately 10%, the rest is paid by the state.

Who will be given and who will not be given a loan?

Preferential car loans may be of interest to ordinary citizens and organizations. Age conditions stipulate that the concessional lending program works for citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years. To apply for a loan, you will need a civil passport with registration (mandatory in the area where the car is purchased), a driving license, a certificate of employment for 3 months (provided that you do not work there). less than a year). And another copy employment contract and work book. You may be denied a loan for two reasons:

  • Poor history of repayment of previous loans.
  • For women - the presence of children under the age of 6 months.

Who gives money?

Funds for the purchase of cars are provided by banks chosen by the state. The list of designated banks includes VTB 24, Sberbank, Rusfinancebank, Rosbank, Rosevrobank, as well as Uralsi, Raiffeisen, Setelem, Bank of Moscow, Unicredit, Rosbank, Russian Agricultural Bank, Gazprombank, AiMoney, Globex, Baltika, Soyuz, Toyota Bank. What influences the choice of bank:

  • Different banks may vary the term full payment car loan.
  • The initial percentage of the loan rate, from which the refinancing rate is calculated, and the real interest that the buyer will pay is determined.
  • A set of documents - a wider or narrower list of documents that are required for obtaining a car loan is possible.

Preferential car loans from the state help restore the Russian car market, increase demand for domestic cars.

29.07.2017 | 05:44 Updated: 08/31/2018 715

Program state subsidies car loans (state support): what is it, how to get it and how a preferential state car loan will help you save + list of cars and car dealerships

Hello everyone, Ilya Kulik is in touch! Would you like to purchase new car, but the full amount is not enough, and loans are scary with high rates? Don't think that modern car- an impossible dream. There is a way out, this is a car loan under the state program.

This is a real opportunity, without any catch, to reduce the overpayment on the loan by almost half, or even more. And since 2017, an additional 10% discount on a new car has become available for some categories of citizens, subject to a state-subsidized loan. Now I'll tell you how it works. Go!

Since 2009, Russia has had state support for car loans (sometimes they say the program of state co-financing of a loan, but this name does not reflect its essence), aimed at supporting the domestic automotive industry. It was extended every year, some conditions were gradually changed, and, thus, in 2017 it is still possible to purchase a car under the state subsidy program.

The basis for the opportunity to receive a preferential car loan under the state program is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2015 No. 364. Subsequently, decisions were made to it, especially serious ones - in 2017.

It is worth noting that, as they write in the conditions of various promotions, "the offer is limited." Money from the budget was allocated for 2017 only for the purchase of 408.35 thousand cars. But, for example, last year, the limit was not exhausted. And if this does happen, then, most likely, the conditions will change and the bar will be raised: by analogy with the fact that the preferential program is extended annually.

How the state program works

Contrary to popular belief, when buying under the state program, it is not the state that provides the buyer with a discount. It only provides the possibility of such a discount by the fact that the organization that provided the discount receives subsidies from the state equal in amount to the money lost due to the conclusion of contracts on preferential terms. AT official documents the subsidy is called: “for reimbursement to credit organizations shortfall in income».

Therefore, the scheme is as follows: a credit institution offers its service on preferential terms, the buyer receives, and sometimes a car at a discount, and the state pays the bank the difference between the price without a discount and the amount actually received by him.

By the way, the discount for recycling and trade-in works similarly. The state compensates car dealerships for the money lost due to the provision of discounts under these programs, the amount of which is set by each automaker independently.

Conditions of public lending

Obviously, not every car can be taken on preferential terms. The main limitation arising from the purpose of subsidizing - the development of the domestic auto industry - the car must be produced in the territory of the Russian Federation and be new.

Thus, not only domestic brands(LADA, GAZ, UAZ), but also cars of foreign automakers that have assembly facilities in Russia, for example:

  • Toyota;
  • Volkswagen;
  • Skoda;
  • Ford;
  • Renault;
  • Hyundai;
  • Nissan;
  • Peugeot;
  • Citroen;
  • Chevrolet;
  • and some others.

Specific models and even configurations (why this is important - a little lower), for which you can get a car loan on a subsidized basis, ask dealers.

Another fundamental condition is that state support works only for individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation.

Vehicle Requirements

And there are also a few more requirements for cars available for purchase with a soft loan, which change from year to year. In 2017 these are:

  • the cost of a car is not more than 1 million 450 thousand rubles in 2017 - this figure is increased by 300 thousand compared to 2016, it is precisely because of this restriction that a richly equipped car model participating in the program will not be issued soft loan;
  • 3.5 tons - gross vehicle weight Thus, a preferential loan can be taken for both cars and light commercial vehicles;
  • new car, that is, previously not owned by an individual and not registered in the Russian Federation. Therefore, you can only buy a new car on credit with state support;
  • 2016 or 2017 year of issue, that is, the year of the program and the previous one.

Loan Requirements

In addition, there are special conditions regarding the loan itself:

  • Russian rubles - the only possible currency;
  • - purchased vehicle- mandatory loan security;
  • 36 months- the maximum term of the loan;
  • down payment amount now it is not limited, and in 2015 and 2016 it should not exceed 20%.

These restrictions are set by the state, each bank can set its own additional conditions that do not contradict a certain government. Therefore, check directly with the bank for full conditions.

In fact, only banks need to know all the documents and requirements that establish the rules - if they are not complied with, they simply will not receive compensation. And under what conditions the client will pay on the loan depends only on the agreement concluded with him by the credit institution.

Interest rate and discount

In this case, the interest rate will be 6.7 (or less) percent less than under a regular contract. Here, interest should be taken as a unit of measurement, and not part of a number, it would be more correct to say less by 6.7 percentage points, that is, if the usual rate of 15.7% for state subsidies, it can become equal to 9%). At the same time, in any case, the rate under the program of state support for car loans cannot be more than 18%.

The specified 6.7% - maximum size discount, which will be reimbursed by the state. Credit organizations will not work at a loss, therefore, more than the specified discount is not provided.

It is worth noting that these new fixed rate rules are now more favorable than the previous 2/3 of the central bank's key rate. Given the current key rate of 9% at the time of writing, under the old rules, the discount would have been only 5.94%, which is significantly lower than the current reduction of 6.7%.

List of car dealerships and banks where you can get a car loan with state support

As you know, a bank organization always provides a loan, not a car dealership, so the company in which you are going to buy a car does not matter. Yes, some dealers can apply for a car loan right at their office, without leaving the cash desk, but in any case, the loan is taken from the bank, about which an appropriate agreement is drawn up, and car dealerships only ensure the transfer of documents from the client to the bank.

But not all credit organizations offer car loans with state support. Therefore, below I will give a list of banks that provide preferential state car loans.

  • LLC "Cetelem Bank";
  • Volkswagen Bank RUS LLC;
  • JSC "Toyota Bank";
  • JSC "UniCredit Bank";
  • PJSC "VTB24";
  • PJSC "BystroBank";
  • JSC "Credit Europe Bank";
  • Rusfinance Bank LLC;
  • PJSC JSCB "Svyaz-Bank";
  • PJSC KB Center-invest;
  • JSC "Bank SOYUZ";
  • JSC "LOKO-bank";
  • PJSC CKB Primorye "Primsotsbank";
  • PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg";

The list of banks may change: some withdraw from participation, some enter the program. Therefore, check up-to-date information about the current products of the bank on its official website, by phone or at the office.

Take a car loan under the state program

Preferential leasing terms

The state program also applies to leasing in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 8, 2015 No. 451. 10% of the car value(but not more than half a million rubles) is deducted from the advance payment. The principle of operation is the same: the lessor provides a discount on a Russian-made car, the state pays him the same subsidy. It is planned to sell at least 68,800 vehicles on preferential terms in 2017.

Since July 2017, special conditions apply for certain categories of lessees and vehicles, see the details below, in the subheading "New Programs".

New programs

From July 2017, additional programs to stimulate sales of new cars began to operate based on changes to the above regulations introduced by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 808 and 809, published on July 11, 2017.

Large family and the first car

This program the beginning was added by Government Decree No. 808 of July 7, 2017. According to it, a discount is provided in the amount of 10% of the car value, the amount of which is deducted from the first installment. It is available to buyers of vehicles that meet the following requirements:

  • have a driver's license;
  • car loan - first and last for the current year 2017 (the data is checked against, as well as the borrowers give a written promise not to take a loan for a car in the corresponding application);
  • the buyer has two or more minor children or never owned a car before.

Note that "first car" refers to the first car in the property, the age of the buyer does not matter, as well as driving experience. It is also worth noting that the discount is provided not only for families with many children in the usual sense (more than 2 children), but also for families of 4 people.

In 2017, subsidies under this program will be provided for the purchase of 58,350 vehicles, which is 14% of the total number of vehicles allocated for the purchase of funds under the state program.

Vehicle for rural producers, small and medium-sized businesses and mainline tractors

These programs provide a discount for cars purchased under a leasing agreement. In 2017, the discount is provided for 27.3 thousand cars that:

  • purchased by agricultural producers(the discount is provided only to entities officially recognized as such in accordance with federal law"On the development of agriculture");
  • acquired participants small or medium entrepreneurship ;
  • are main truck tractors.

The discount is provided in the amount of 12.5% ​​of the cost of the car, but the amount of the subsidy for one car cannot exceed 625 thousand rubles. The amount covered under the state program is deducted from the advance payment under the leasing agreement.

Auto loan with state support Rosselkhozbank

Unfortunately, in 2017, Rosselkhozbank does not participate in the state program of preferential lending, that is, it does not issue car loans with state support.

Such a service was available in 2016, when it was possible to take out a loan at a rate of 8.5% under the preferential program “Auto Loan with State Support”. The loan was issued for 6-36 months, the maximum amount was 920 thousand rubles, while the specified number should not be more than 80% of the cost of the purchased car.

It is worth noting that this program began to operate in 2016 only in August, so it is possible that in 2017 it can be resumed in the second half of the year.

And at the time of writing, in the Russian Agricultural Bank, you can take a regular car loan for the purchase of a new car in the amount of up to 3,000,000 at a rate of 17.5% (for special categories customers - from 15.5%), for up to 5 years. The first installment must be at least 15% of the price of the car, an answer to the application will be given within 4 days.

How to buy a car on credit with state support

You can take a state car loan, the rate for which will be reduced, just like any other. There is no fundamental difference, lending under the subsidy program is the same banking product as other loans.

As there are different loans from banks - for certain car models, for, and a car loan with state support - this is a regular car loan with certain conditions, some of which are common to all banks, because they are established by the state.

That is, the procedure is no different from that of a conventional car loan:

  1. contact the bank with a loan application;
  2. get positive response;
  3. buy a car, that is, you conclude a contract of sale with a car dealership;
  4. arrange insurance(if required under the terms of the loan);
  5. transferred to the bank documents on completed transactions (usually this is done by the dealer from whom you buy a car);
  6. sign contracts about a loan and pledge with a bank;
  7. you are now the full owner and the owner of a new car.

If a state loan is issued at a car dealership, all documents are submitted and processed immediately in one place, although the steps are the same as for a personal appeal to the bank.

General rules for buying a car on credit, related to the state program

Do not forget that depending on the banks, the conditions for granting a loan may be different, so compare the options available to you to choose the most profitable one.

As you can see, buying a car on credit with government subsidies is no different from buying a car with a regular car loan, so the main rule is the same: the easier it is to get a loan, the more you have to overpay. And as always, you need to remember about the obligatory careful reading of the contract and it only if all the points are clear to you and you agree with them.

Pros and cons of state car loans

  • a real opportunity to profitably buy a car on credit through government subsidies;
  • significant discount for those who purchase their first car and large families;
  • optional down payment (minimum size the first installment is set by the bank at its discretion);
  • the opportunity to buy a good modern car: almost one and a half million - a decent amount even by today's standards
  • maximum benefit due to the possibility of summing up with other discounts and special offers.
  • limited car list participating in the program;
  • required deposit auto;
  • three years- the maximum loan term.

I think you will agree that the disadvantages are insignificant, firstly, because many ordinary car loans have the same ones, and secondly, because the benefits of lending under the state program are very significant. For many, this is not only an opportunity to save money, but also the only way to buy a new car.

Reviews about a car loan with state support

Feedback from people who have taken a subsidized car loan in relation to the state program itself is overwhelmingly positive. True, some complain that they could not purchase exactly the car, you complete set, which they would like. But what to do. Not always our opportunities, which, by the way, state car loans allow us to significantly expand, do not always correspond to our desires.

Summing up

  • government car loan- ordinary car loan special conditions, it has all the pros, cons and pitfalls of conventional loans;
  • some restrictions set by the government;
  • conditions may vary and depending on the bank;
  • through government subsidies banks are able to offer loan products with a minimum overpayment;
  • in 2017 state-supported car loans have become more convenient and profitable.


I think now you are convinced that a loan for a new car under the state subsidy program is valid profitable proposition no specific tricks. So if the conditions suit you, do not miss the chance to get a profitable car loan. Who knows what changes await the program in 2018? And will it be extended? Let's wait for news!

And in the next video you can listen to first-hand information about preferential car loans, from the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov himself: cool :.

This concludes the article for today. Subscribe, share the link on social networks. Bye everyone!

PS: I took photos for the article here: drive2.ru/r/volkswagen/454398195141705916. They are wearing a Volkswagen Polo Sedan. By the way, such a car can be purchased on credit under the state program ;-).

In connection with critical situation, which arose in the automotive industry sector, the Russian Government has put into effect new program aimed at supporting car loans. This program began to operate on April 1, 2018.

It is assumed that with the assistance of the state budget, the demand for cars produced in the Russian Federation will increase significantly.

What does this mean

The main goal of the program is to stimulate the growth of car production Russian companies. The state allocated 1.5 billion rubles for this. This amount will allow selling about 200,000 new cars.

Any banks in Russia can take part in the program. Credit organizations, issuing car loans to individuals at reduced rates, compensate for their costs at the expense of the state.

State support proposes to reduce the loan rate by 2/3 current rate refinancing, that is, by approximately 9.33% (refinancing rate - 14%).

For example, the bank's rate on a regular car loan is 18%, the program discount is 9.33%. A preferential loan for the purchase of a car can be obtained at a rate of 18-9.33=8.67% per year.

However, you can get a soft loan only for cars of a certain value. This measure is also aimed at supporting the domestic auto industry, the price parameter of which varies within the stated limits.

The next task, which is solved with the help of this program, is to stimulate car loans, and, consequently, the development of banks registered in Russia.

The reverse side of the program is the occurrence of traffic jams on the roads of the state due to an increase in the number of cars. This problem is already being solved at another level.

A similar program was already running in 2009 and had a positive impact on the Russian automotive industry. However, the terms of that government support were more stringent than currently accepted.

Terms and Conditions

The conditions for obtaining a preferential car loan in 2018 are as follows:

  • only individuals can purchase equipment under the state program;
  • the loan is issued only in Russian rubles;
  • the car must be produced in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the mass of vehicles should not exceed 3.5 tons, that is, cars;
  • the equipment should be released in 2018;
  • The value of a car cannot exceed $1 million. rubles;
  • the initial payment of the buyer must exceed the threshold of 20% of the cost of the car and additional options;
  • The maximum loan term is 3 years.

The program is currently expected to end on December 31, 2018. But after counting economic benefit, it can be continued. The Ministry of Industry insists on the work of the state program for at least 4 years, that is, until the end of 2018.

Requirements for borrowers

Since banks are one of the main participants in the preferential car loan program, the requirements for prospective borrowers are regulated by these structures.

The main requirements of credit institutions are as follows:

  • borrower's age. The minimum age of a participant in the state program of preferential car loans in 2018 at Sberbank is 21 years old, and the maximum age is 75 years old (at the time of full repayment debt). In other credit institutions, this indicator varies from 18 years (more often used with additional guarantee) to 65 years;
  • compulsory citizenship and permanent residence in one of the regions where branches of the selected credit institution are located;
  • the presence of a permanent and official source of income. This factor is confirmed by certificates from the place of work;
  • official employment in one of the organizations, and the person must work in the last place for at least 3 months. This aspect is confirmed by a copy of the work book, certified by the authorized representative of the employer;
  • the presence of a positive credit history of the borrower. This factor takes place, but for some banks it is not decisive.

You can reduce the risks of a credit institution when issuing a loan to a person with a damaged credit history in one of two ways: additionally attract a guarantor or offer the bank any property of the person being credited as collateral.

Depending on the bank, the requirements for borrowers may vary slightly. For some organizations, one document confirming the identity of the borrower (passport) is not enough. Additionally, a driver's license may be required, international passport etc.

If the borrower is a pensioner, then he is obligated to provide a pension certificate and a certificate confirming the amount of his pension.

Which banks are participating in the program

The state program on concessional lending does not determine the list of banks that can become its participants. This is aimed at the availability of obtaining a preferential loan in any regions of the Russian Federation.

The list of the most common banks offering this service is presented in the table:

Amount of preferential loan, rub. Loan terms Suggested interest rate, % per annum
Sberbank up to 700 thousand 3 years from 8
VTB up to 800 thousand up to 3 years from 6.5
AK Bars 50 thousand - 990 thousand no more than 3 years from 9.3
Soviet 60 thousand - 990 thousand 1, 2 or 3 years from 5.5
Gazprombank 90 thousand - 637.5 thousand up to 36 months from 8.5
Rusfinance Bank up to 700 thousand 1 to 3 years at least 13.5
Rosbank 60 thousand - 800 thousand up to 3 years 10

Table continuation:

A bank that issues loans under a preferential program Down payment amount, % Additional terms
Sberbank from 30 Insurance;
No early repayment option
VTB at least 20 Pledge of acquired property
AK Bars from 20 Security deposit + additional insurance
Soviet 20 Mandatory deposit;
Gazprombank from 20 Insurance
Rusfinance Bank from 25 Pledge
Rosbank 20 Mandatory collateral and insurance

Currently, the list of banks participating in the program includes more than 140 organizations. A more complete list of credit organizations can be found on the Bankirsha website. Details for a particular bank and region can be found on local official websites.

In addition to the main lending programs, many banks have their own programs aimed at the development of certain companies - manufacturers of modern cars.

For example, in Gazprombank you can get loans for the purchase of Kia and Hyundai cars. The interest rate on the loan is from 5.5 to 6.8% per year. Car dealerships of Ford, Nissan, Renault also have their own programs.

List of cars of the state program of preferential car loans in 2018

Based existing restriction at a cost (1,000,000 rubles), the following cars fall under the concessional lending program:

  1. Lada:
    • Kalina;
    • Largus;
    • Priora;
    • Samara;
    • Grant;
  2. Chevrolet:
    • Aveo;
    • Niva;
    • Cobalt;
    • Cruz (initial configurations).
  3. Renault:
    • Logan;
    • Duster;
    • Sandero.
  4. Daewoo:
    • Nexia;
    • Mathis.
  5. Nissan:
    • Almera;
    • Note;
    • Tiida (initial configurations).
  6. Skoda (all models of initial configurations):
    • Octavia;
    • Fabia.
  7. Peugeot:
    • 301;
    • 408 (only first configurations).
  8. Citroen:
    • C4 (initial assembly);
    • C-Elysee.
  9. Kia:
    • Rio;
    • Sid (initial class equipment).
  10. Volkswagen Polo;
  11. Bogdan.

Initial car configurations:

  1. Toyota Carrola;
  2. Opel Astra;
  3. Mitsubishi Lancer;
  4. Ford Focus;
  5. Mazda 3;
  6. Hyundai Solaris.

The list of cars may change depending on the change in cost. A buyer who expects to receive a preferential car loan is advised to clarify the availability of a specific model in the list of the selected credit institution before applying for a loan.

What does the law say

The concessional car loan program is part of a larger program aimed at developing industry and increasing the competitiveness of Russian goods.

More details from specified program can be found on the website of the Ministry of Industry.

Direct support for the Russian automotive industry is based on the relevant government decree, encouraged by the President of Russia and the State Duma.

The Government of Russia allocated 1.5 billion rubles to compensate for losses from preferential car loans (). The same document regulates the rules and conditions for obtaining a car loan on preferential terms by individuals.

Thus, with the help of state support, it is supposed to bring out of the crisis Russian manufacturers budget cars and significantly increase the demand for banking services.

The current program is supported by the Russian Government and may be extended until the end of 2018. Only individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a soft loan for the purchase of a car.

The main essence of the program is to offset the interest rate applied by banks for car loan programs by approximately 9.33 points. It is this difference that will be financed from the state budget.

Video: Results of the state program of preferential car loans

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