Home Useful Tips How to open a sports bar with minimal investment. Financial calculations of the opening of a sports bar. How to open a sports bar from scratch

How to open a sports bar with minimal investment. Financial calculations of the opening of a sports bar. How to open a sports bar from scratch

Interest in sports is as widespread as the lack of places where fans can interact with their peers. One of these places can easily become a sports bar.

Fans of sports events could gather to watch their favorite matches and competitions, while drinking beer and being content with delicious food. Indeed, the idea is worthy. So how do you open a profitable sports bar?

Documents to open

A legal entity is registered with the IFTS or individual entrepreneur... The OKVED code is required - 55.4, implying the activity of the bar.

A license for alcohol is optional (if it is not available, it is allowed to sell only beer). To obtain a license for alcohol, you must have authorized capital not less than 300,000 rubles.

The interior of the premises in the sports bar does not require expensive repairs and furniture

For work, you need contracts with an organization that removes garbage and a sanitary and epidemiological station. The key point will be the approval of all documentation in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, FSS and the fire inspector.

How much money does it take to open a sports bar

The largest expenses when opening a sports facility will be spent on renting or buying premises and purchasing everything necessary equipment... Equipment alone can cost up to 300 - 400 thousand rubles.

True, it is not recommended to immediately redeem the premises - it is much less risky to rent it, but with the right of subsequent redemption if the business becomes successful. On average, it will take about one and a half to two million rubles to open a sports bar in Moscow.

Room selection

The room for a full-fledged sports bar should be large enough, because large companies will gather in it. Seating places it is worth counting on 70 - 80 people at least.

Passage place in the center or sleeping area - of particular importance the location does not have, because the fans, due to the lack of cultural places, do not have to choose. True, thanks to the passageway and the bright signboard, the bar will pay off faster, as it will be more noticeable.

The interior of the premises in the sports bar does not require expensive repairs and furniture; simple and unpretentious will be enough. But he must be endured sports style with the inclusion of sports paraphernalia.

Simple and inexpensive design solution painting the walls in the colors of the national flag, gluing tickets from sporting events and matches, posters and scarves to the walls. Sporty form in the interior will also play a positive role. Set aside a prominent place for cups - a display case or shelves. It's great if the bar has autographed items famous athletes, be it balls or flags.

Sports bar furniture should be inexpensive and as simple as possible. Place it at a decent distance from each other, because excited fans often lose their composure.

And of course, the key element of the sports bar: the plasma display. For a start, an inexpensive panel worth 30 - 35 thousand rubles will be enough.

Name of the sports bar

The name for a sports bar must be sporty and pleasant to the ear, because the boat sails as it is called. Its role can be played by memorable dates, the names of famous athletes, parts of the names of famous events and even an account, for example, "1: 0".

Website and page on social networks

Fans must somehow find out about upcoming events, so an informative website with an up-to-date schedule of events and an updated page in social networks- one of critical factors popularity of establishments.

In addition, it is one of the ways to communicate with customers and receive from them feedback... Only by giving people what they want can you succeed.

Do you need a kitchen?

One of the main attributes of a true fan is beer, so in a sports bar it should be of high quality, of different strengths and varieties. Grilled dishes, meat, fried potatoes and snacks as well dried fish, squid, shrimp. Include non-alcoholic, diet drinks on the menu to meet the needs of most customers.

Bar equipment

In addition to a plasma panel, you will need a bar counter, refrigerators and freezers, and air conditioners. For the kitchen, you will need the appropriate kitchen equipment, which is selected depending on the proposed menu. The obligatory minimum is a stove or microwave oven, refrigerators and utensils for cooking and storing meals.

Hiring and working with staff

The sports bar staff are slightly different from the regular bar staff. It will take several cooks, much more waiters (if the position is provided) or bartenders, so that there are no bustles and queues near the bar counter that will irritate already heated customers.

There can be a usual number of cleaning ladies and dishwashers - one or two, depending on the bar's load. A very desirable employee for a sports bar would be a security guard who knows how to calm down too violent visitors and is good at establishing contacts with others. With a large load of guards, it is advisable to take several.

Carrying out events in the sports bar

The screenings menu should include a variety of sporting events: Olympic, couple Olympic Games, olympiads, championships, football, volleyball, basketball matches, hockey and tennis matches, even car and motorcycle races. Use the plasma display to its fullest: put on cuts of the best events, retro videos, interviews with athletes.

Discovering sports bar, make a business plan, calculate everything possible options development of events. With proper business management, a sports bar will pay off in a year and a half of active work.

There was a question how to open a sports bar? Risks and cost calculations, assessing the profitability of a given business, and useful tips for you in the article.

♦ Start-up investment in business: 480,000 rubles
♦ Payback period of a sports bar: 12-24 months
♦ Business profitability: 30-40%

People have been interested in sports since ancient times.

Moreover, as before, in our time the number of spectators significantly exceeds the number of those engaged in the most physical activity.

Fans attend matches, follow the progress of their favorite teams or individual players, place bets and just have fun.

This hobby makes big companies come together, spending time watching a match and drinking beer.

When it was noticed by someone enterprising, for the first time the question arose, how to open a sports bar.

This idea was improved, found embodiment and brought income to entrepreneurs. The number of businessmen who want to learn about all the subtleties and secrets of the process is growing.

If you are one of them and want to personally assess the profitability of the project, this article will answer all the questions.

Planning the opening of a sports bar

Choosing a room for a sports bar

To open a sports bar, which will have a constant stream of customers, you need to carefully approach the search for a suitable premises.

Experienced entrepreneurs give the following recommendations to aspiring businessmen:

  1. Having chosen a premise in the city center, place the sports bar closer to office buildings.
    At the end working week or even during the day, their employees will be very happy to spend an evening with you with a noisy company.
  2. If an entrepreneur cannot boast of such start-up investments That will allow you to pay for the rent of a bar in the central part of the city, you can safely consider the densely populated bedrooms.
  3. But in small towns, in which part of it the sports bar will be open is not so important.
    Much more attention should be paid to the fact that there are no competitors nearby!
    If the neighborhood cannot be avoided, the entrepreneur must highlight a number of competitive advantages that will help lure customers to his bar.
  4. If it is assumed that people will come to the sports bar by private cars or taxis (for example, if it is located on the outskirts), it is necessary to arrange parking spaces, take care of a noticeable and convenient entrance and signs along the way.

Advertising campaign for the opening of a sports bar

Any experienced entrepreneur will tell you that a well-built advertising campaign from scratch provides the owner of a sports bar with 30% of the proceeds.

To achieve this, use the most effective of the recommended promotion methods:

  • The advertising campaign should be launched already a month before the opening of the sports bar.
    The more options for notifying potential customers about the launch of the project will be used, the better (billboards, distribution of leaflets in crowded places of passers-by near the bar, city TV channels, newspaper, radio station, advertising on public transport).
    This part of the campaign will require the most funds, but in the future, costs will be significantly reduced.
  • If you have the opportunity to make your debut on the day of some important sporting event, do it!
    Then from the very opening of the bar you will receive the first customers and revenue.
    And if you don’t miss the mark and spend this evening perfectly, they will definitely come back to you more than once and bring friends.
  • To retain customers and form a list of regular visitors, enter a discount system of discounts in a sports bar.
    A variety of stocks for large companies also work well.
    For example, when ordering 5 liters of beer - a plate with a snack as a gift!

Staff selection for the sports bar

Interesting fact about beer:
The rate at which beer is consumed depends on the shape of the glass into which the drink is poured. According to research by scientists from the University of Bristol, on average, a bar visitor empties a mug straight cylindrical volume of half a pint (≈0.28 liters) in 11 minutes, and a glass of the same volume expanding upward - in 7 minutes.
Obviously, it is much more difficult for a person to "by eye" assess the proportion of drunk and remaining beer in a curved mug than in a straight one, which leads to faster drinking.

How to open a sports bar without picking up a full "set" of necessary positions in the staff?

True, this is impossible, because the lion's share of success depends on employees.

How many people are required for your specific business depends on the size of the bar, the schedule, and the allocated budget.

An indicative list is given in the table:

PositionQtySalary (in rubles)Total (rub.)
Total:RUB 180,000
Administrator1 30 000 30 000
Cook2 30 000 60 000
Waiter2 25 000 50 000
Dishwasher1 20 000 20 000
Cleaning woman1 20 000 20 000

Sports bar employees do not need special skills or knowledge.

More attention is paid to personal qualities, resistance to stress, the ability to find mutual language with clients.

Work experience in similar positions is required, but an exception can be made for waiters, provided high level learnability.

The chef does not have to be of the highest class, as the bar's range of dishes will be small and the main focus is on easy-to-prepare snacks.

Also, an entrepreneur may need the services of an accountant, but not on permanent basis.

In this case, it is worth contacting an outsourcing company or hiring an employee not part-time.

Financial calculations of the opening of a sports bar

The cost of opening a sports bar

The sports bar project also attracts novice entrepreneurs by the fact that it does not require such an impressive start-up investment budget as a number of other ideas.

An entrepreneur can cover these costs from his own funds, attract investors or take out a bank loan.

An indicative list of costs for opening a sports bar looks like this:

ExpenditureAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 480,000
Registration, paperwork15 000
Running advertising campaign 55 000
Indoor renovation80 000
Room decor, interior design55 000
Purchase of utensils and appliances for the kitchen and the hall60 000
Purchase of furniture and equipment90 000
Purchase of equipment100 000
Unaccounted expenses25 000

Monthly sports bar costs

Entrepreneurship newcomers mistakenly believe that the startup capital investment is the most significant amount it will take to set up a bar.

In fact, the amount of monthly expenses for maintaining and developing a sports bar is not so much less than the initial expense.

This must be borne in mind and figured out how to cover these expenses until the moment the enterprise reaches recoupment.

The list of expenses will be different for everyone, but on average it looks like this:

Conclusion on the profitability of opening a sports bar

The sphere of large and small business is actively developing in Russia, and many firms that lost momentum during the 2008-09 crisis have long since returned to their previous level and even improved their performance.

This is especially true for projects in the public service niche, for example, the hotel and restaurant business.

This includes the opening of a sports bar. , which, if properly developed and invested, can become a profitable and promising business.

In addition to clients with an average level of income, contrary to common misconception, wealthy people also visit such places.

They often come in large companies and leave for "one approach" large sums of money.

Sports fans will continue for their favorite club at any economic conditions and will definitely prefer to watch matches in a cozy atmosphere of a bar, and not at home, where they can be distracted by family members and there is no way to invite a noisy group of friends.

How much the investment in a sports bar will pay off depends on the development strategy of the institution. On average, this period is 1.5 years.

Implementation of the opening of a sports bar

The risks of opening a sports bar

Opening an institution from scratch in any case involves a number of risks, especially in the current economic situation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid them.

However, it is realistic to make a list of how many problems there are chances to arise in the development of a sports bar and provide an action plan if they arise.

  1. Lack of funding for the sports bar.
    It is compensated with the help of a more thorough study and monetary calculations in it.
  2. Decrease in the level of loading of visitors, for example, during the period of seasonal decrease in the number of customers.
    It is solved thanks to additional advertising and miscalculation of the average check per person.
  3. Poaching staff by competitors.
    It is possible to retain the staff of the bar thanks to the timely payment of salaries, the presence of a social package, strengthening the corporate spirit through joint events.
  4. Increase in prices by the supplier of products.
    It is also important to include a certain percentage of service price increases in financial calculations.
    This will not be an unexpected problem for the bar's clients, since, unfortunately, the current currency surges are constantly affecting revaluation in all areas, and this has already become a common state of affairs.
  5. Increasing the level of competition.
    May be associated with the opening of a nearby sports bar or other similar establishment. Competitive advantages are used to tackle this problem.

For information on how to open a sports bar, see also the video:

  1. Inexperienced men are the main visitors to sports bars.
    Therefore, it is worth including more nutritious snacks on the menu, rather than gourmet exotic dishes.
  2. Decide how much sports directions you are planning to cover the sports bar.
    There are too many of them to satisfy the interests of all fans.
    The most popular broadcasts are football matches.
    Mostly they are shown in evening time.
    During the day, the screens can show, for example, races.
  3. An excellent addition would be if the employees of the sports bar are at least superficially versed in sports.
    Customers will definitely appreciate if a bartender or a waiter can fully answer the question: who plays with whom?
  4. Create your own website for the bar, where customers can be informed about the broadcast schedule (this is especially true if several important matches are broadcast at the same time), promotions and other important news.
  5. To open a sports bar, you will undoubtedly need to purchase several plasma TVs.
    One should be large, the rest may be smaller.
    The main thing is to make sure that it is convenient for all customers to watch them, regardless of the location of their table.
  6. The quality of the sound equipment that will be installed in the sports bar is also important.
    It should be installed throughout the room and create a surround sound effect.
  7. Many entrepreneurs forget that fans who are excited about a win or a loss can start to sort things out right in the bar.
    This must be foreseen by excluding sharp and fragile objects from the interior as much as possible.
    Also on match days it is worth hiring additional protection with an hourly rate to avoid serious fights with consequences.
  8. A good decoration for a sports bar will be sports paraphernalia - scarves, caps, flags.

Sports bars have appeared in our country recently, and in Europe and America they have long been considered the most visited establishments. If you decide to try yourself in this area, then we can confidently say that you are choosing a free niche in business.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to open a sports bar?
  • What documents are needed to open a sports bar?
  • The concept of the institution


9 Steps to Successfully Opening a Sports Bar
A carefully crafted and thoughtful business plan is a fundamental step on the road to success. The step-by-step plan for opening a sports bar is as follows:

  1. You need to write a business plan for your future establishment. This will help to calculate expenses and correctly plan all organizational moments.
  2. Room design development. In this matter, it is better to turn to professionals.
  3. Registration legal entity... In the case of a sports bar, you need to choose the legal form of LLC.
  4. Searching for premises where your sports bar will be located, concluding a lease or purchase and sale agreement. If you decide to buy premises for your establishment, rather than rent it, then you can save money in the future without paying rent.
  5. Purchase of equipment . If you want to save money, then it is worth taking everything you need from your hands. In the future, when the business goes uphill, you can purchase new equipment.
  6. Search and employment of personnel. To open, you need to hire one or two waiters, a security guard, a cook.
  7. The next step will be the selection of dishes for the menu . If you do not plan to cook complex dishes in your establishment, you can limit yourself to salads and cold appetizers.
  8. Development of an advertising campaign. In order to attract as many visitors as possible in the first days of the bar's opening, it is worth ordering a large banner and leaflets with information about the upcoming opening of a new sports bar a couple of weeks before the opening.
  9. The final step will be opening of a sports bar... From this moment on, you will need to pay due attention to the arrangement, and the employees, and the advertising of your institution.

Step 1. Drawing up a business plan

Drawing up a business plan for your future business is one of the mandatory activities, as well as the first step to success. First of all, you need a business plan for yourself. It will need to take into account everything: from all possible investments to marketing strategy.

These points in the business plan will need to be paid Special attention:

  1. What are the risks when entering the market.
  2. Your bar's marketing strategy.
  3. Financial prospects of the bar.
  4. The organizational side of the business.

Also, in the course of drawing up a business plan, you need to carefully calculate all kinds of costs. For you, we have already calculated the approximate types and costs of costs required for a business. The table is located in the item "Calculation of investments".

Step 2. The concept of a sports bar

It is especially important to focus on the choice of the concept of the future sports bar. An institution can be guided by the broadcast of one or several sports. Here the choice is entirely yours. It should be borne in mind that if the sports bar broadcasts competitions in various sports, then one small room will not work. Opening a specialized bar that broadcasts only one sport is less expensive than opening a non-specialized sports bar with a place for amateurs different types sports. However, the second option will bring you more profit. After all, matches in various sports take place several times a week.

Step 3. How to legalize the business?

After the funds for the opening of the sports bar have been found, and the concept has been determined, you can proceed to the registration of all required documents... Here the future entrepreneur needs to choose the form of organization in order to be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. persons.

When opening a sports bar, you need to give preference to the organizational form of an LLC, since the status of an individual entrepreneur is not suitable for engaging in this type of business. Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not issue licenses for the sale of bottled alcohol to legal entities registered as an individual entrepreneur. The organizational and legal form of LLC has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The owners of the LLC are not responsible for the debts of the LLC, but risk only those investments that were contributed to the authorized capital of the company.
  • In the case of LLC, it becomes possible to cover losses of previous years with profit in the current year. Due to this, it becomes possible to reduce income tax. If, for any reason, the LLC does not operate, the payment of insurance premiums to the Russian Pension Fund is suspended.
  • Rosalkogolregulirovanie issues licenses for the sale of alcohol to LLC without any problems.

It is important!

Registration of a legal entity is carried out at the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence of the future entrepreneur. Also in the Federal Tax Service you can choose a taxation system for your business.

The next step will be to obtain permission from the municipality to open the bar. V individual cases this body can be refused. This happens when an entrepreneur is about to open a sports bar near kindergarten or school.

The very premises of the future sports bar, equipment and communications before opening must be checked by a representative of Rospotrebnadzor, SES and the fire inspection. Rospotrebnadzor will be required to obtain a permit for raw materials and already finished products... Don't forget the mandatory medical books for staff. They can be issued both in the SES, and in the clinic or in a private medical center.

Step 4. How to choose a location for a sports bar?

The location of the sports bar plays an important role. Therefore, such a moment as the place of opening an institution should be treated responsibly. You shouldn't strive to open a sports bar in the city center. Rentals in such places are usually too high. To recoup it, you will have to significantly increase the prices in the bar. However, the clients of sports bars are people with average incomes. Opening an expensive sports bar in the city center, you risk losing most clients. The best option there will be an opening of a sports bar in a residential area, in a place with the highest traffic. A well-chosen location for opening a sports bar will significantly increase your income. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 150 square meters, the average capacity is 50 people. After all, a lot of people go to sports bars.

It is important!

The peak of attendance is observed on weekends, when the most important matches are broadcast. If you meet all of the above conditions, you can be sure that your business will turn out to be profitable as soon as possible.

Step 5. Selection of equipment

The sports bars do not serve complex meals. Can be dispensed with light snacks... Therefore, the choice of equipment for the establishment is quite simple and will not cost you a pretty penny. For the kitchen, it is enough to purchase a microwave oven for heating snacks, a refrigerator, a kettle and a coffee maker, kitchen utensils and dishes. You will also need a bar counter, one refrigerated display case (for the sale of snacks and salads), and equipment for bottling beer. If you want to not only sell beer, but also brew it yourself, which is often practiced by the owners of sports bars in their business, then you will also need equipment for brewing beer.

Step 6. Recruitment

Recruitment of personnel also needs to be paid no less attention. For the opening, it will be enough to hire a bartender, administrator and waiter. Also, you cannot do without an accountant who will greatly facilitate your work. If you open a sports bar, where guests will be served various dishes, then you will need to hire a chef as well. Brawls often occur in sports bars, so the presence of a security guard at the most serious matches will also be useful.

It is important!

When recruiting, keep in mind that customers want to return to where they felt comfortable. Hire not only experienced employees, but also friendly and welcoming employees.

Step 7. Selection of dishes for the menu.

Cold appetizers, hot appetizers, and burgers are all an integral part of the menu. As an example, we provide the menu of the bar "Kruzhka" (cafekruzhka.ru)

Also a must-have bar menu:

in the menu it is necessary to indicate:

  • product / beverage name;
  • price;
  • weight / volume;
  • Ingredients.

Step 8. Development of an advertising campaign.

In the early days of the bar opening, you need to attract as many customers as possible. First, let's think over the target audience. After that, we will calculate the budget for the advertising campaign. You can also connect an advertising agency, but for a start, you can get by with distributing leaflets on the street.

Investment calculation

Below is a sample list of the costs of opening a sports bar.

Attachments Investment amount
Registration of LLC (you need to pay the state fee) 4,000 rubles
Rent of premises (it is impossible to say exactly how much this cost item will cost you, it all depends on the area and area of ​​the premises). 50,000 - 100,000 rubles
Permission from Rosalkogolregulirvoaniya 40,000 rubles
Purchase of equipment From 40,000 to 150,000 rubles
Purchase of products / raw materials From 50,000 to 90,000 rubles
Total From 180,000 to 380,000 rubles

Opening a sports bar will cost you from 180,000 to 380,000 rubles. The amount of the initial investment depends on the rental price, the location of the bar, the cost of the products, and whether new or used equipment will be purchased.

It is important!

You can save money when decorating the bar interior by hanging sports posters and arranging cups. Hang the symbols of a particular sports team on the walls, lay out balls signed by famous athletes. Show your imagination and your establishment will become unique.

Opening a sports bar shouldn't take you long if you approach it wisely. First you need to draw up a business plan that will help you do everything in correct sequence... Pay special attention to the selection of staff and the selection of the location for the opening of the bar. Your further success directly depends on this.

The sports bar has significant differences from the restaurant business with a different direction. The main audience will be people who decided to watch sports competitions, matches and Olympiads in good quality in the company of your friends. It should be borne in mind that in such establishments, mainly male representatives gather, as a rule, after the end of the working day.

This type of business is quite relevant, since the market for such establishments is only 20% full. At the same time, the services provided are in demand due to their low cost. When opening a sports bar, you should also take into account a lot of nuances that allow you to create an institution in which it will be pleasant to spend your free time.

Business specifics

To open a sports bar from scratch or minimal investment to receive stable income you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The service provided to visitors should be of the highest quality and fastest possible.
  • Organization of the possibility of collective viewing of sports competitions.
  • Additional sale of sports symbols.

A win-win option would be to open an institution with a good atmosphere and interior, in which mass viewing of programs will be available.

Stages of building a business

When learning how to open a sports bar with minimal investment, you should pay attention to the following sequence of actions:

  • Development of a marketing concept. An entrepreneur should consider the needs target audience and provide for their satisfaction.
  • Choice of premises. It should be as comfortable as possible for visiting big amount of people. It should have space for tables, armchairs, equipment, etc. You can provide an additional room for billiards or table tennis.
  • Purchase of functional equipment and apparatus. You should also install suitable pieces of furniture.
  • Hall decoration. Interior design shouldn't be intrusive, but you shouldn't skimp on it either.

After all the documents are completed, you can start recruiting.

Concept development

If you want to open a sports bar, every entrepreneur wants it to become the most visited. To do this, consider the following marketing tricks:

  • a month before the opening, you need to ensure the availability of outdoor advertising, using for this maximum amount advertising sites;
  • it is advisable to open a sports bar before the start of sporting events of world significance, which will ensure an influx of visitors;
  • holding a promotion in which promoters can participate;
  • application special programs service for regular customers, for example, discounts, gifts, etc.

Financial part

To find out how much it costs to open a sports bar, you should carefully perform the calculations. At the beginning of the activity, the following expenses will be required:

  • renovation of the premises: 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture: 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment: 600 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (7 people): 90 thousand rubles;
  • other and unforeseen expenses: 200 thousand rubles.

In general, investments in the amount of 1 million 170 thousand rubles will be required. This amount is approximate. Accurate calculations can only be made when evaluating a specific case. If you make a business plan ahead of time, a sports bar becomes a profitable business.

The calculation of the return on business is also important. In this case, you should separately take into account the amount of revenue on ordinary days and when broadcasting important matches. It is especially beneficial to sell alcoholic beverages and snacks. On an ordinary day, with incomplete filling of the hall, the profit will be 30 thousand rubles. On peak days (there will be about 4 of them per month), this amount will be 90 thousand rubles. After calculations, it can be determined that a monthly profit of 1 million 140 thousand rubles will be made.

Of course, the amount of profit will depend on the traffic and the cost of the products offered. Despite the fact that the business does not pay off in the first month, it is really profitable. This is due to the fact that the payback will come in the next month, while the costs will be minimal.

Required documents

Opening a sports bar requires registration of a legal entity. Taking into account the fact that the institution will sell alcoholic drinks(their absence will certainly affect attendance), the creation of an IP is not suitable. It is recommended to opt for LLC. Such documents will have to be prepared.

V recent years it is more and more difficult to start your own business and you must understand what risks await you, but if you have been carrying an idea in your soul for a long time open a sports bar with an unusual setting, cold beer and hot football battles, then the fear of mistakes should not stop you. The main advantage of such establishments is their growing popularity and low prevalence.

What do you need to open a sports bar?

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Determination of the target audience.
  3. Business plan development.
  4. Registration of all necessary documents.
  5. Choice of location.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Purchase / lease of premises.
  8. Purchase of furniture and equipment.
  9. Room decoration and repair.
  10. Recruitment.

Market analysis

In order for your work to be profitable, the first thing you should study is the target audience. You open a sports bar and your typical client is a man in his 20s and 45s. The main influx of clients falls on weekends, Friday nights, football and hockey matches, important sports events and the Olympics. In countries of the former Soviet Union such a market does not have high competitive rates, since it is only 20 - 30% full. Another plus, low prices for simple food (homemade or fast food and snacks) and alcohol will give you a competitive edge.

What should you provide to the client? Fast service, low prices, simple and familiar food, assortment of beer, the opportunity to spend time collectively watching this or that sports competition- that's all your visitor needs. Next, we will consider how to fulfill all these wishes and make money on it.


With sufficient advertising, this indicator can be leveled, but depending on the chosen place, you will need some additional spending. The main indicators in choosing a place for building or in buying / renting premises: traffic and convenience of customers.

The best place to open a sports bar is in a crowded part of the city center with no competitors in the neighborhood. But such a place is difficult to find, and land in the city center, if you are lucky enough to find it, is expensive.

Is the center too expensive? If so, you can open a sports bar in a small settlement but in this case the issue of competition becomes even more important. If there is another similar establishment in the city, then you should think about how your bar will differ from it. Here you should pay attention to the quality and speed of service, the uniqueness of the interior and exterior of the establishment itself, the range of food and alcohol, as well as small bonuses, for example: darts, table football, computer console, special discounts for regular visitors, promotions, convenient parking and so on.

The third option is the outskirts of the city. In this case, you can save on the purchase / lease of premises or land, but another problem will arise - attracting the target audience. For this it is worth using billboards and signs. The second disadvantage of this location is the landscaping and parking equipment, since your visitors will most likely come by car.


An item on which many want to save money, independently thinking through the arrangement of furniture, the place of the bar counter and plasma screens. If you do not have a specialized education or the innate gift of an architect-designer, then do not try to personally choose the upholstery for the chairs and the type of plaster for the hall. Consult with a specialist who can select inexpensive materials and furniture for you in accordance with all your wishes.

The room should not be too small, for a start it is worth going out of the fact that for each potential visitor, based on SES requirements, you need to allocate about 1.8 - 2 square meters. Nice to equip separate room for smokers, or a place for playing billiards or table football.

If the bar is small, then the placed plasmas should be visible from all places, and if the cloak of your establishment accommodates several halls, then the plasmas should be placed in each one. Of course, everyone who equips the room wants to squeeze the maximum out of every centimeter, but, again, given the possibility of a fight, the tables should not be placed too close.

You also need to be careful with the choice of all the little things with which you are going to add flavor to the room. It can hit anything: shelves with cups, hanging scarves and T-shirts, posters, paintings, decorative panels, various lamps, etc. Keep in mind that you have to keep an eye on all of this. Choose items that are durable and resistant to corrosive processes and are easy to care for.

A profitable bar must have at least 50 people. In addition to the main hall (or halls), it is important to conveniently distribute the rest of the premises. Separate entrances should be provided for the kitchen and warehouse. The bathroom should be taken away from the bar and the part of the hall where the bulk of the tables are placed.

Show matches

For the effective implementation of the project, you will need equipment: an antenna, a satellite dish, plasma screens, tuners and all accompanying cords, plugs and adapters (pay attention to the wiring, if you bought an old building, it will most likely have to be completely changed). Sign a contract with a cable TV channel, or opt for a sports-oriented satellite channel package.

One of the most important elements at this point is the placement of viewpoints and screens, and this should also be handled by your designer.

The documents

Business plan. This item does not depend on your specialization, it is a must in any business undertaking, since this is the basis. The business plan should include detailed step by step plan taking into account all your actions and possible force majeure.

The second step is registration. Special problems at this stage does not arise. Everything has long been thought out and simplified as much as possible, so if you do not have any violations that the fire service or sanitary and epidemiological station can reveal, then you should not worry.

To register, you will need to receive a package of documents. Keep in mind that some of them need to be processed for a long time, in addition, there may be problems with the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department.


An important element and part of your earnings will be the sale of alcohol, which is associated with many difficulties. At this point, you should again resort to the help of experts to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. The situation with beer is a bit strange, because in recent times its status has changed several times: either it is a low alcohol drink, then it is already strong alcohol and needs a license, pay attention to this. Indeed, in such establishments, beer is the most popular view alcohol.

Another problem related to this topic is the placement of a point of sale of alcohol. To date, we have several restrictions associated with the placement with points of sale of alcohol, in certain places: near kindergartens, schools, markets, bus stops public transport etc.

And the third. Even with a license, you must submit a special declaration every quarter and in it describe how much and what type of alcohol you sold during this time.

Don't want to limit your assortment to just beer? Then I have bad news for you. To do this, you need a specialized license, the list of documents for which is very impressive and you need to start collecting them long before the opening of your establishment, because this process takes at least a month.

Another important point: if you have any tax debts, you are unlikely to get a license.


Of course, the main part of the menu is alcohol (those who come to the bar with a desire to eat healthy food or skillfully prepared dishes). First of all, you must submit big choice different types of beer - the most popular alcohol, other types - at your discretion.

How else to make money?

In addition to the revenue that the bar will give you directly, you can earn at least three more ways.

The first is the sale of sports symbols: scarves, hats, T-shirts, bracelets, armbands, flags, cups, medals.

The third is the organization of competitions with a cash prize. Darts, billiards, table football, eating hot dogs at speed - anything will do. All participants contribute a small amount, from which you compose the prize for the winner and receive a share for the organization.

Business plan

For starters, the most frustrating part is the costs. The prices are very approximate and, given the unstable economic situation, you should not rely on them one hundred percent, but for clarity, such a business plan is quite suitable.


  1. Cook (2-4 persons)
  2. Waiter (2-4 persons)
  3. Bartender (2 persons)
  4. Dishwasher (2 persons)

The organization of the robots should beat in two shifts, so you need at least two people for each position. The example is for a small bar.

Another point to think about is the security guard. Sports fans are easily excitable people and are already legendary about brawls in sports bars. You can take one guard on a full-time basis and another one for peak days - weekends and big matches.

Technique(provided that the premises are purchased or rented with all kitchen appliances):

  1. Acoustic system - 350 - 1000 dollars.
  2. Plasma screen (2 pcs.) - 5000 - 8000 dollars.
  3. Satellite dish - 15 - 20 dollars.

Kitchen appliances can be varied, and their price depends both on what types of dishes you are going to serve (stove, grill, oven, oven, coffee maker, etc.), and on the quality of the equipment itself. In addition to cooking equipment, you will need hoods, sinks, a dishwasher (optional). Pay special attention to the choice of plumbing in the bathroom, it must be of high quality, otherwise you cannot avoid quick spending on the purchase of a new one. In the matter of choosing and purchasing kitchen appliances, it is better to consult with specialists.


  1. Renovation of the premises (with possible redevelopment) - 2500 - 6000 dollars.
  2. Furniture - $ 1,000 - $ 3,000.
  3. Purchase of symbols and design items - up to $ 900.

The list of necessary furniture includes tables and chairs, sofas and armchairs (optional, but desirable), bar counter, display cases, shelves and bar chairs.

As you can see, the price range is very painful as there are so many to choose from in today's market. The total volume of investments (without kitchen appliances and rent or purchase of premises) is 9.5 - 18.9 thousand dollars.

Another point of compulsory spending is wages. With a two-shift form of organization, as indicated above, the cost of wages will be $ 1000 - $ 1500.

An important issue is access time. If you plan to close at nine in the evening, then you shouldn't even start. Classic fan meetings usually last until morning or at least late at night, so access should be 24/7. Hence the need for a two-shift work organization.

Next, let's move on to the pleasant one - the calculation of revenue. The average revenue is planned for a fifty percent fullness of the hall. In addition, days with a fullness of about 100% are taken into account. These are days of broadcasting important matches and competitions, there are 2-5 of them per month (the usual month is taken into account, which does not fall on the World Cup, ice hockey and the Olympics).

Let's assume:

  1. Entrance ticket (which includes a glass of beer and snacks) - 1.8 - 2 dollars.
  2. A glass of beer - 0.5 - 1.5 dollars.
  3. The average lunch is $ 2-5.

With a 30-40% mark-up on beer and snacks, costs account for 60% of revenue. I will relieve you of the calculations, at 50 and 100% of the bar's workload, earnings in common days- 400 - 500 dollars, and on peak days - up to 1400 dollars. Thus, we receive up to 18 thousand dollars a month. We subtract all costs from this and we have a profitability indicator of 11%. Thus, of course, subject to a constant fullness of 45-50%, your business will start making a profit literally from the first month.

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