Home fertilizers Anniversary program script. On his anniversary, the host of the Fashion Sentence program, Alexander Vasiliev, showed what he looked like as a child. Scenarios for an anniversary birthday for women and men

Anniversary program script. On his anniversary, the host of the Fashion Sentence program, Alexander Vasiliev, showed what he looked like as a child. Scenarios for an anniversary birthday for women and men

Last Saturday, December 15, a festive concert dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Odintsovo Variety Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrey Balin took place in the cultural and leisure center "Mechta". An honored worker of arts came to congratulate the artists on their anniversary Russian Federation, composer Maxim Dunayevsky and People's Artist of Russia, actor Dmitry Pevtsov. And told about it. about. Deputy Head of the Odintsovo District Administration for Culture, Tourism and youth policy Valentina Pereverzeva.

“Five years, though small, but already an anniversary. Anniversary of the team, which is the hallmark of the Odintsovo district. We are proud that we have it, rejoice in their victories and wish the participants of the Odintsovo Variety Symphony Orchestra health, success and new creative plans", - said Valentina Pereverzeva.

Dmitry Pevtsov also attended a concert at the Dream Center, he told the guests of the event that together with the pop symphony orchestra they had recorded a vinyl record dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Vysotsky.

“I am grateful to Andrey Balin for the fact that the team approached our proposal so creatively. Together with the Odintsovo Variety Symphony Orchestra and the Pevtsov-Orchestra, we did this work, ”said Dmitry Pevtsov.

In turn, the Russian composer Maxim Dunayevsky noted that he is connected with the team by strong friendship and a number of projects that are well known to Odintsovo residents.

“I want to sincerely congratulate the pop symphony orchestra and its leader Andrey Balin on their birthday. Five years is still youth, I would even say childhood, but childhood that already stands on strong legs. I want to wish that “zero” will be added to this five, and we will meet here again,” Maxim Dunayevsky concluded.

The head of the orchestra, Andrei Balin, in an interview with journalists, noted that the five-year anniversary is a definite result of the work of the team, drawing a line in the creative direction. Together with the Odintsovo Variety Symphony Orchestra, Rodion Gazmanov, Varvara Vizbor, Roberto Kel Torres, Anastasia Makeeva, Ekaterina Guseva, Kurban Nabiullin, Larisa Dolina, Mikhail Boyarsky and others performed on the Dream stage.

“We expect that the concerts with two parts will be held once a month. We are ready and we have something to surprise the listener. The main thing is that we are respected and understood that the repertoire that we perform is not played everywhere, - said Andrey Balin.

It is worth adding that the Odintsovo Symphony Orchestra consists of 25 people. The head of the team has developed a concert program for different age groups.

Option 6

Scenario of the anniversary of the woman No. 6

Many years have passed since then
When the miracle happened
You came into the world
It is unknown where.
Happen only once in a lifetime
similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

Good afternoon, dear friends. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our dear Tatyana in a solemn, festive atmosphere.

Birthday is an annual gift given to man in order to rejoice in the love, disposition that relatives, friends and colleagues have for him.

It was _____________ years. A girl was born, they named her Tatyana. And who knows the hero of the day better? Let's answer the questions:
1. Place of birth
Parameters at birth
What time of day was she born
2. With what grades did you finish school
3. Favorite toy
4. What is your favorite flower
5. Favorite dish
6. Favourite hobby, hobby
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite color
9. Favorite song
10. Favorite singer.
Who knows their child best, kik is not the parents.

Word to parents.

The game "What kind of company are we."

Anniversary - what is it!
It's a holiday, it's a celebration!
This is the day when there are so many friends
And in the house joy and warmth!

Years fled like streams in spring,
And life and across and along flowed,
Our little girl has grown big
But beauty and tenderness saved.
There is a person that those girls who don’t have him dream of, and those who have often quarrel with him, argue, but still closer and dearer than a man for them no. Of course you guessed it, it's a sister. The word for congratulations is given to the sister.

What does the word Tatyana mean?

From Greek "", "" :::::

For this you have to drink! And we don't mind!

Tatyana - Russian soul,
At home, endowed with beauty,
And the king, whose name he bears from childhood,
He gave her kingship as an inheritance.
Whatever it takes, she
Firm in decisions and often
Rights. Strong in character
Yes, and he knows how to sharply aptly.
Empty does not tolerate objections -
Weighty facts, the importance of topics:
It's easier for her to build relationships
With men with whom there are no problems.
Among them, she is comfortable sweetly.
Full of charm
All your artistry without a trace
She will show among men.
Everyone is looking for Tatiana's society:
She is quick to think
As in a toastmaster, there is no flaw in it,
Like the sun is generous with warmth.
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Whom to call Tatiana
And we will celebrate the noisy Tannin holiday,
Let's give it a chance to shine.

Since here we were talking about men, among whom she is both sweet and comfortable, let's give the floor to the men, the sultans, who came to visit us.
Song of the Sultans.

Congratulations from the sultans to the motive of the song: "If I were a sultan, I would have three wives ..."

From the other side
From overseas countries
We have come to you
To the country of the Russians
Oh, Tatyana-beauty,
Oh queen of the day
We dance, we sing
Only for you!

Tatiana's today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
dance merrily!!!

50 is not a problem
only part of the way.
look at you -
Give me only 23.
Like the air is light
With sparkling eyes
How slender birch -
Oh go crazy!

And it is true,
Sultans do not lie -
It's gratifying to look
On your spell!

Let's be honest with you
Oh, Tatyana _______- zhan,
In my harem would you
Everyone took the Sultan!
Hands so golden
Not to be found in the world
Allow us for that
Kiss you!

Tatiana's today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
Dance more fun!!!

For this you have to drink! And we don't mind!

Fate brought two different people, ... and Tatyana.
AT life together everything happened:
There was joy and sorrow
there was happiness and luck,
There were random tears.
A word to the husband for congratulations.

Statisticians say that 1/3 of our lives we sleep, 2/3 we are awake, 1/3 of these wakes we work at work. After all, work both torments and teaches.
Labor feeds and clothes. But I think this is not the most important thing. The main communication. So the word, colleagues at work.

Our Tatyana has an anniversary today.
We dressed up and came all together to her.
It's time for us to congratulate Tatyana - no doubt,
In honor of our Tanya, we will sing a fashionable rap.
Es, everything is ok,
Tatiana's birthday today!

We congratulate you all on your anniversary!
We wish you a happy life up to a hundred,
Happiness and good luck for you
Es, keep it up
That's what we wanted to say!

We wish you to be healthy.
So that the days flow in peace and health,
To make your cherished dream come true!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Es, everything is ok,
Tatiana walks anniversary!

Riddle. What is encrypted in this poem.

For the letter T, only the heart beats.
For the letter A, only the blood boils.
For the letter H, only the heart aches.
For the letter I, the soul hurts.

Tanya. Correctly.
God bless you two lives
And one friend
And light in my head
And all the best. Word to friends.
Word to me.
For this you have to drink, but we do not mind!

You can't get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.

Beautiful, gentle and cheerful,
charming, crazy,
Always loved and in love
Forever young at heart
With fire in my chest, with a dream in my heart,
Unfathomable like a star
And an unsolved mystery
You stay forever!

This concludes the official part.

You can hold the following competitions:
1. Competition - a connoisseur of human anatomy.
2 couples are invited. It is necessary to strengthen the letters on the body of the partner, denoting these parts of the body. The winners are those who have used more letters.

2. At my neighbor on the right, I like _____, I don’t like _________.
Everyone said, and now you have to kiss what you love to bite for what you don’t love.

3. Lottery.

4. Riddles. (Wrap the prize, and stick the riddles, who will guess the last one. The prize is for that).

5. Most sober
- right hand salute, left - show thumb, clap, change hands.
- right hand - left ear, left - nose. Clap, change hands.

6. Dancing on the newspaper.
7. Clothespins.

In childhood, we all sincerely and with pleasure sang: “Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year,” because every birthday was a miracle, a gift was the embodiment of happiness, and the parents who arranged it all seemed like real wizards.

Having matured, we stop waiting for this holiday with the same trepidation and delight, at best, we collect a home feast, rejoice at gifts or go to sit with a close company in a restaurant. We do not dare to do more - we are afraid of the chores of organizing such a holiday.

Meanwhile, organize a surprise for the hero of the day or for him and his guests - it's simple and interesting. At the same time, you can show your imagination and come up with everything yourself, or you can use the services of professional presenters or ready-made ideas borrowed from the Internet - these are some of them.

1. How to arrange a surprise for the anniversary.

To make the holiday bright and organized, many birthdays (anniversaries) turn to professionals for help - they order presenters and a DJ in holiday agencies, this saves time and energy, and relatives just have to come up with a couple of surprises from themselves!

What surprises can you come up with to please and surprise the hero of the occasion?

- invite artists or artists.

Wishes and congratulations on your birthday (anniversary) can be made original and unforgettable if, in addition to a standard postcard and an envelope with money bought in a store, you can prepare something unusual. As a surprise, you can invite a caricaturist, a photographer for a stylish or costumed photo shoot, local singers, dancers or masters of the original genre to the holiday.

- lyrical video or audio greeting.

An anniversary is not just a celebration dedicated to a certain date. It is unique which is celebrated once in a lifetime. And therefore, the celebration of the anniversary should be remembered both by the hero of the occasion, and by the rest of those present for many years to come.

The organization of such holidays is not an easy task, it requires a lot of effort and attention. Sometimes only preparation can take several months, so you need to think about how to celebrate the anniversary at least six months in advance. But in the end you see the sincere joy of the birthday man and get the brightest memories.

First of all, before you spend the anniversary, you need to decide on the list of guests. It should be written in as much detail as possible. Be sure to ask if the invitees will be able to arrive on the appointed day at the agreed hour. This will help to avoid overlays and unpleasant situations. Special attention is given to relatives and expected guests, and the hero of the day does not need to know about their arrival - let this be a pleasant surprise.

The next step is to draw up a program for the celebration. Of course, the Internet can be easily found and downloaded cool scenarios but they are already so beaten up that they are unlikely to bring anything but boredom. It is much better to come up with everything yourself or with someone from close relatives. Yes, it may turn out not at all like in Western cinema, but everything will be done with soul, and the hero of the day will definitely like this effort!

What to do if the script fails to write? without him? It's simple: you can arrange a surprise holiday by preparing just the right gift and the appropriate table. After all, in fact, there is nothing better than holding a celebration at home, in a quiet atmosphere of family comfort. In this case, you can do without guests - quite enough "home" company. And small entertainments and competitions will help to diversify the holiday. It is not at all necessary to stage a television show in your kitchen, it is quite enough board games in which every member of the family will be involved.

But if there were some guests, then they should be drawn into some simple, but fun game. Take at least any game that we remember well from school, or a more complex one - intellectual loto. On the forehead, participants need to stick cards with the name of the character. All other players make hints, and the one with the card tries to guess his hero. Even if those present at first begin to refuse, they will definitely join the game later. Do not think that with age, the craving for entertainment disappears. It just affects the habit of behaving according to status. But a couple of glasses good wine and hearty dinner will do their job.

In addition to everything written, there are many ways to celebrate the anniversary in an original way. You can, for example, go to nature and arrange a holiday there. Or buy a couple of tickets to the country where the hero of the day and his wife have dreamed of visiting all their lives, and send them on a trip. And you can come up with a lot of fun, interesting and cute things. It’s not bad to entrust the organization of the holiday to some entertainment company. The main thing is to approach the problem creatively and take into account the habits and desires of the hero of the occasion, because first of all the celebration is organized for him, and not for the rest.

Cool scenarios and scenes for the anniversary and birthday of men and women, which will always come in handy for happy congratulations at the table.

Most often, skits are needed for performances and the simultaneous presentation of gifts. We have more than 100 kinds of various congratulatory performances for different ages: from 18 to 80 years old! But the most popular of course for the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th anniversary. There are also mini-scenes for children's day birth from 1 year to adulthood.

We also offer complete scenarios for anniversaries with musical accompaniment, contests, games, altered songs, ditties and congratulations from guests.

We offer to buy sketches at a price of 49 rubles for a cheerful congratulations:

– colleague (woman or man);
- girlfriend, friend, colleague;
– close relatives: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc.;
- other relatives: aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, niece, goddaughter;
- Retirement, or going to another job.

There are no such comic and original miniatures on the Internet, the likelihood that someone will congratulate the hero of the day with the same scene as yours is minimal!

If the examples of scripts do not suit you, then we will be happy to compose a new one for you. original script to order! To do this, write to us by mail: [email protected] website

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