Home Roses Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary. Scenes for a woman's anniversary: ​​funny and interesting

Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary. Scenes for a woman's anniversary: ​​funny and interesting

Characters: precinct, attesting witnesses
Good evening. Let me introduce myself - Senior Lieutenant
Ivanov, your district militia officer. So we're celebrating?

And which of you is a citizen (the name of the birthday girl)? You?

There is a complaint against you, anonymous, that's why I actually came. Understood, come in. So then, citizeness. You have not yet guessed why I came to you?

No, not for an anniversary. Well, if you look closely, then this holiday becomes direct evidence of the accusation against you. The point is this: the complaint says that you have an illegal moonshine still in your possession. Do you deny?

Then why so much alcohol on the table? Have you bought it? Where did you get so much money!
I immediately understood - drive it yourself!
And are you not ashamed, citizen (surname)? Right under the noses of the authorities, without a license!
What about taxes? What if you over-poison the whole area for me? You say good vodka? Well, let the witnesses judge. Pour the understood. They pour it to the attesting witnesses and at the same time offer to the policeman... I'm on duty, so I don't need to.

The witnesses take the glasses, and the policeman stops them. Stop, comrades. How am I going to draw up a protocol if I don't check it myself? Oh, I'll have to take part in the identification too.

Pour the district police officer, all clink glasses and drink. Eh, good!
I mean, it's a bit tough, a lot will not work ... But I want to!
And what will the witnesses say to this? Fine? Good.
Well, citizeness, you have a good moonshine still!
Even taking it away is somehow ashamed, especially on a birthday. Okay, pour another glass to make the protocol faster and easier to write. Well, now it's not a sin to have a bite.

Do you have a snack? Yes, I know that there will be!
After all, I found my way here by the smell!
After all, the hero of the day, the director of the meat processing plant. How is it not? I have here in an anonymous letter recorded in detail: how much moonshine, and how much sausage.

What sausage do you like? (The birthday girl says.) So do me too!
Only rarely do I try this: my job is wolfish - I run all day, no snacks, no drinks. I mean, neither sit nor eat.

And the salary is tiny, but how about this glass. Oh, why is she empty? Understood, did you come here for identification or what? Pour, and I will read out the protocol: During the check it was established: The citizen (birthday girl) has a moonshine still for ... years.

After explanatory and preventive work, she gave her oral promise not to use it again. Literally: "I promise not to do this anymore, I will do it somehow differently."

Based on the above, the Police Commissioner Senior Lieutenant
Ivanov decided: To oblige the citizen (the name of the birthday girl) to drive moonshine exclusively for her own needs, that is, to treat only her relatives and guests, especially the senior lieutenant
Ivanova. Date of compilation and signature of attesting witnesses.

Well, (name of the birthday girl), formally everything is clean. So we can continue the holiday. Understood, pour!
Happy anniversary, citizen (name of the birthday girl)!

No. 2 - "Doctor's Visit"

Characters: doctor Someone changes into a doctor's costume and reads out instead of another toast medical indications birthday girls. They should be beautifully decorated in the form of a certificate.

Dear guests, I was in a hurry to the holiday to check the health of our hero of the day. So, after observing her condition a little, I can read you her medical indications, if, of course, she does not mind. Surname and name of the birthday girl Age: in the prime of life.

Blood group: real "blood and milk" Life tone: comprehensively developed Pulse: it is not always possible to measure, because it is in full swing. Heart rate: unstable - it ticks like a clock, then it jumps from an overabundance of emotions and excitement.

Vision: 100%, can spot any little things. Smell: a subtle scent - it will easily determine where the wind is blowing from and with whom the husband communicated the day before. Hearing: like a big one

If you need cool scenes for a man's anniversary, then we have such! Don't know how to give money for a woman's birthday in an original way? Take advantage of our examples.

Here: http://banquettes.ru/prazdniki/yubiley/konkursy-y/chem-mozhno-razvlech-gostey.html - you will find out how guests are usually entertained at the celebration of the anniversary. Diseases: For no particular reason, falls into hibernation after a gorgeous dinner in a restaurant and while reading books.

Day regimen: in recent times instead of walking, I switched to sedentary and even recumbent. Conclusion: the patient is absolutely healthy and is just beginning to live. What should be the anniversary? So solemn and pretentious or funny and hilarious?

Most people will agree that it is more pleasant to be present at a fun anniversary than at a rich but boring celebration. Laughter unites, removes the shackles of constraint, helps to find mutual language even with unfamiliar people.

The issue of humor becomes especially relevant when it comes about celebrating a woman's anniversary. A woman is always sad on her birthday, because she regrets the past years, she wants to feel young, a little frivolous and charming at any age. To help the hero of the day dump the burden of past years, and at the same time to amuse the guests, you need to come up with a few perky and funny scenes for an anniversary woman.

Organizational moments

Angry cleaning lady

This rally targets a young audience. You can include it in a cool scene for a 30-year-old woman's anniversary. During the presenter's speech, a cleaning lady suddenly appears on the stage.

The cleaning lady is dressed, as expected, in a headscarf and a blue robe, in her hands - a bucket and a mop. Ignoring the presenter, she pulls out a rag from the bucket (you can see how the water is pouring), squeezes it out, winds it on the mop and busily starts cleaning the floor of the stage. The presenter persuades her to leave the stage, but the angry lady does not obey and continues to do her job.

The presenter, trying not to pay attention to the cleaning lady, continues to lead the concert. She moves around the stage with a mop, rearranges the bucket, then comes up to the presenter and begins to wash the floor right under his feet. The presenter once again asks the cleaning lady to leave the stage, after which she shouts: “Oh so!
Well, okay! ”, Throws out a bucket of“ water ”directly at the audience. The spectators shout, cover themselves with their hands, and then begin to laugh, because confetti is falling from the bucket instead of water. The thing is, when the bucket is hiding behind the scenes, someone has to replace it with the same bucket filled with confetti.

Shall we conjure?

A magical scene for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman. The miniature is made with the participation of the birthday girl. In addition to the hero of the occasion, you will need actors playing the roles of a magician, his assistant, a pigeon and a rabbit.

The latter two are obliged to look funny and a little silly. A magician in a raincoat with an assistant enters the stage.

The assistant takes out and puts the "black box" on the table, after which she announces that the greatest magician has arrived in the city today
Khattab, who will now show tricks. Khattab begins to conjure over the box, and then there is a hitch: nothing happens.

The assistant says that someone's strong aura is interfering with the magician, and asks the hero of the day to go on stage and help the magician. The hero of the day comes out and casts a spell. A “dove” flies onto the stage - a man in a headscarf who waves his hands like a madman, “flying” over the stage.

After the “dove” “flies away,” the assistant says that there was a mistake and asks the hero of the occasion to cast the spell again. The jubilee fulfills the request, and a "rabbit" runs out onto the stage - a man with bunny ears tied on top of his head, he runs around the stage and yells something in a terrible voice, and then runs away.

The assistant claims that the hero of the day has a very strong aura and invites her to sit down. After that, he finally begins to conjure himself
Khattab, and takes out a gift for the birthday girl from the black box.

Gypsies arrived

A win-win on any anniversary. A cool number will suit a 50-year-old woman as a scene for an anniversary. In the midst of the holiday, when the guests have already warmed up properly, we let the gypsies into the hall.

As props for gypsies we use hats, colored scarves, wide skirts with elastic bands. You can take a “child” doll, wrap it in scarves and rags and carry it between tables, begging for sweets.

Mandatory attribute - "bear", that is, an actor in a bear mask and a fur suit (old fur collar, sheepskin coat inside out, vest). The bear is trained, so it is taken out on a leash. Gypsies tumble in in a noisy crowd. They play tambourines, whistles and accordions.

A gypsy woman in a scarf with a baby in her arms offers to tell fortunes and begs for a treat. A gypsy in trousers and a hat is dashingly dancing and inviting ladies to join him. Another gypsy with a bear on a leash walks among the guests and brags about the success of his

Potapych, that is, the bear, snatches his leash from the gypsy, starts hugging the ladies and pouring a drink for the men. The chorus of gypsies sings the famous song "Came to us ..." female version... Everything comes out cheerfully, easily, noisily, in a funky way.

Mysterious dancer

A funny scene for a 60-year-old woman's anniversary is cool and funny. Its essence lies in the fact that porters carry on a stretcher a dancer in bedspreads, who begins to perform a dance for the birthday girl.

Performing the dance, the artist takes off the veil after the veil until the guests begin to guess that there is a man in front of them. If you manage to find an artistic guy who is ready to perform a "belly dance" in front of the ladies of Balzac's age, then consider that the holiday was a success.

The degree of undressing of the dancer depends on the audience (if there are no children, and the guests do not suffer from complexes, then you can arrange a small home striptease). Now for the details. We simply dress up the porters: we wrap turbans on their heads, put on harem pants and sleeveless jackets, rent stretchers at the nearest first-aid post.

In the absence of medical care, a construction stretcher can be used. If you wish, you can also release the vizier on the stage, who will deliver congratulations to the hero of the day in a magnificent oriental style and give her a gift - a dancer. We dress the vizier in a brocade of curtains and a high hat a la
Ibrahim Pasha (can be made from cardboard).

funny congratulations on the anniversary to the woman

Little Red Riding Hood

For an older woman, you can prepare a scene with the participation of children or grandchildren. The age comes when all entertainment fades into the background, and best congratulations for a woman, only the person most dear to her can pronounce.

For such a case, there are cool scenes for the anniversary of a 75-year-old woman. If the birthday girl has a granddaughter, dress her up in a suit.
Little Red Riding Hood and give a basket of pies in your hands. Red
The hat goes on stage and begins to congratulate his grandmother, suddenly jumps out from behind the curtains

He growls and demands that
The hat told him where his grandmother was.
The granddaughter gets scared and offers
Pies for the wolf. Having tasted the pie,
The wolf becomes kinder and admits that he did not come at all to eat his grandmother, but to congratulate her on her anniversary. At the end of the scene
Wolf and
The little cap is singing a congratulation song together. Nice, a little naive, but very nice option.

Good robbers

This scene is only recommended if you live in a calm region. In the midst of the holiday, bandits in stockings with slits for the eyes rush into the room and, waving firecrackers and toy submachine guns, begin to shout threats.

They demand to provide them with access to the bank vault. The bandits say they came on a tip to rob a bank. The host raises his hands and objects that this is not a bank, but a banquet.

The robbers are upset and decide at least to take a hostage. It becomes a birthday girl who is waiting for a gift. They get " combustible mixture", That is, a bottle of alcohol, and give it to the birthday girl. Then the bandits perform a song.

In the end, the robbers leave, finally "shooting" the guests from pistols with soap bubbles and crackers. See also: how to organize a girlfriend's birthday. If you do not want to do everything yourself, you can use the services of a holiday agency.

As a rule, in the arsenal of such agencies there are many options for scenarios suitable for any occasion in life. But you must admit that a “made-to-order” holiday cannot be compared with a celebration organized independently by the family and friends of the hero of the day.


Scenes and contests for birthdays and anniversaries

It turned out beautifully. Somehow the natives brought out the dishes for the "second table" - also spectacularly .. Harem: People of the older generation remember how they prepared for the May demonstrations. They cut off several branches of birch and put them in the water for a month and a half, she dismissed her delicate little leaves. Then these twigs were decorated with homemade paper flowers. Now there are a lot of different flowers on sale. We had an anniversary on April 25th. They cut off two large branches, they stood in a bucket. And then they dressed up the hero of the day: a beautiful long nightgown(on top of the ceremonial dress), stuck different colors, on the head a crown. Instead of a shirt, you can also use a beautiful bedspread. They put her on a stretcher and negro slaves in turbans carried her out into the hall, where the guests were waiting. Two blacks waved "fans" (the blossoming birch branches were decorated and attached to sticks). The music "I will build a harem" sings
Allegrova. A long train was attached at the back. The slaves put the stretcher on the ground and, supporting it under the little white handles, helped to reach the place at the table. Then they helped to seat the guests in their places.

Hands folded, they left, bowing with respect. It's easy to disguise blacks. There are black stockings on their faces, a wig on top (you can make a wet wash), black turtlenecks and gloves. Large rings were put on the ears (there used to be such rings on the cornices). Various beads and bows.

The leader even has a ring in his nose. On the hands of the rings, the more the better.
Dancer. Once the Negroes carried the dancer out on a stretcher (they took a piece of cloth from the infirmary, like a brocade). It was also like this: they used a construction stretcher. You can go out to the vizier (in a turban and brocade) Oh, wise of the wisest, worthy of the worthy, the most beautiful of beauties! (bow low). Shah
Hussein ibn-sina ... having heard about your celebration, he sent you the best of his dancers as a gift, so that she would delight your radiant eyes with her dance and show her skills. A dancer comes out to any rhythmic oriental music, all dressed in capes from head to toe and begins to dance, gradually taking off her clothes ... young man) We put on a beautiful bra and harem pants ... They made a chador out of a gauze scarf on their face ... painted big eyes
Hochma was ... how he showed "belly dance".
Always a safe bet was a gypsy camp with a bear. The main thing here is more props. We have sewn skirts of different colors, wide and long (with elastic bands). Thus, they fit any waist. Several skirts were made from old men's ties. Scarves, beads, cards. We had tambourines and waxwings.

I personally have always made a doll. Like: feed the baby. If there were children, then they were dressed up as gypsies. They wondered by hand: “Gilded the handle, my yacht, my black-browed one, and I will tell the whole truth….
Happiness, joy, wealth awaits you…. " They also took a bear mask and some old fur collar, a vest and a leash rope. For a gypsy - a hat, wide trousers and a colored shirt, belted beautiful lung scarf. The gypsy walked with the bear, bragged about his scientist
Potapych. And Mishka was disgraceful, fooling around: he touched and hugged women, he strove to growl. He showed how he knows how to bow, how he loves a birthday girl (or young people), how he knows how to drink (they poured milk into a dark vodka bottle), he could treat someone with his “drink”. The camp was especially good at weddings and anniversaries. They were always released "under the curtain". When people are dancing. As a rule, from the beginning of the party there are no people who want to dress up, but as they say "after the fifth glass" ... there was not enough props for everyone. Once we walked in a cafe at a wedding, even went out into the street (it was December). Eh, great!
They danced in such a way that the guests from the next hall joined us and it was no longer possible to understand "where are ours, where are strangers." Two gypsies always come with a tray, glasses and a snack. Whoever puts down the money drinks.

Usually it is already "on the road". The gypsies sang a song: "Let me, darling (dove), I’ll argue, let me look at the pen ..." Well, when there is an accordion, then everyone "sings and dances." We made separate congratulatory numbers: congratulations from the pioneers, congratulations from babies, from the union of newly-made pensioners. Don
Pedro with a translator, dona's song
Lucia, song
Robbers. Telegrams from guest friends, etc. Telegrams for the wedding, besides the wishes for the newlyweds, for the mother-in-law and father-in-law, for the mother-in-law and the father-in-law and for all the guests together ... Whole scrolls sealed with a wax seal, or albums with wishes. They cut out the photos and glued them to the figurines from the magazines. The most important thing here is to show your "A la fantasy". The bigger, the better.

The hall-room was decorated with balls, garlands, various posters. We made a festive issue of the newspaper: life stages hero of the day. If the wedding, then the newlyweds. Be sure to combine their photos in a heart. We took photos "from the cradle", childhood, studies, service ... and up to the present time. They always singled out the best "singer, dancer, guests of honor". Everyone present was given beautiful numbers (you can glue two old postcards, cut them in half or into four parts). Or, so that the numbers are not lost, they were made on a long ribbon-string in the form of a medal and broadcast around the neck. For the wedding, they bought small cards with a heart (such as
They drew a number on them with a felt-tip pen, and then carried out win-win lottery... At first, the bear dragged a bag into the hall and pulled out a souvenir-prize (wrapped in paper. You can also in a newspaper, but stick picture postcards from magazines on it) with a number and an inscription (name of the prize) drawn on it. The winner must unfold the prize in front of everyone. They came up with various playful names for the prizes, which were read out loud. For example: a food processor - an ordinary round grid for cutting eggs or vegetables, a handkerchief on your rotochek - large napkin, beach bikini panties - diaper for adults, hair dryer for curls - comb, therapeutic massager - washcloth, treasure chest - wallet, beauty product - mirror, transport property - small car, supplement to the Duma
Apanasa "- roll toilet paper, hut-reading room - a book, magazine or newspaper, sweet life- chocolate bar, trip around the worldair balloons etc. "Babies" look good. Adults were dressed up in short pants or skirts, ribbon bows. Pacifiers, bibs, bottles. They lisped, distorted some words. Pioneers in red ties and garrison caps (you can from the newspaper). They accepted newly-made pensioners and young spouses into their ranks. Be prepared for your marital duties!
They answered: Always ready.
We had our own policeman and
GAI officer (take care of your wife from theft). A militia cap and a baton (the paper was rolled into a tube and painted). Celebrated the anniversary
Eryutova in
Novgorod. Almost the entire workshop was walking. The people were so coolly inspired, there was not a single person sitting at the table, everyone took an active part in the performance. The guests were lined up in two rows (opposite each other). The birthday girl was dressed up as a queen, her brother was a king. Men - retinue
Musketeers - all the royal army, they sang a song to her "It's time, let's rejoice ..." We celebrated our anniversary so well
Tanya, sincerely, that even the workers of the canteen where we were filming the hall told us: there were a lot of all kinds of events here, but we have not seen anything like this yet. Tell someone - they won't believe how well you walk: everyone sings, dances, drinks, there are a lot of toasts, there are mummers, but there are no drunks. What are you great fellows. Of course, you need to prepare for any event in advance. Record on a separate cassette the music, song, melody you need in the process of presentation in the order in which your "show" will go. Assign people responsible for the music, for the requisites. It is important that someone is at the helm and is in charge of the process. Do not be afraid of anything, everything will work out for you, and the guests themselves will join the performance in the process of having fun. I’m telling you this for sure!
The upside-down songs were printed in several copies at the rate of one "collection" for three people.
After the celebration, the "collections" were taken apart for souvenirs. Good luck
To you, success, flight of imagination, creative discoveries and ... confidence that everything will be fine ... Sincerely yours,

Traditional gifts and postcards are, of course, great, but what could be better and more fun than a congratulation scene arranged for a woman's anniversary, which will clearly demonstrate your love for the birthday girl, amuse the guests and diversify the standard feast?

Such scenes imply a huge variety, but the most popular are funny actions that are not difficult to fit into any.


An interesting, but somewhat indecent scene will become a funny scene called "Fishing".

To organize the scene, you will need three male volunteers, three fishing rods, and three pairs of decorative family shorts. The degree of dress of fishermen will entirely depend on the norms that are adopted in a particular company, but the point of the scene is that under the upper and decorative panties there should always be at least one more.

So, the presenter broadcasts a text like: "The first fisherman threw his fishing rod to try his luck." And after these words, the first fisherman's elastic band in his underpants bursts, they fall, and everyone sees the inscription "we wish you to." Then the presenter says: “The second fisherman also decided to try his luck”, and at this moment the same thing happens for the second fisherman, the linen falls, and the inscription “everything” is exposed. And then the third fisherman swings well and throws the fishing rod, but his elastic band also bursts, and under his underpants there is an inscription “dreams have come true”.

After that, the hero of the day receives a symbolic gift in the form of a souvenir fish or in the form of a live goldfish in a pretty aquarium with a solemn wish of great success and good luck.

New Russian

Very popular and usually funny sketches are accepted by guests with a bang. For example, you can organize a congratulation on behalf of a new Russian.

A fat bag in a crimson jacket and with a massive gold chain around his neck enters the room with a casual gait. As he does so, he waves a wad of souvenir dollars. He utters a tirade like this:

- What are you, Masha, today is the birthday girl in kind or what? Well ... I wish you that everything in your life was full of nishtyak, that your clearing was always richly covered, and the dough so that it was trough. And for your promotion, here's a little capital.

The bucks are solemnly transferred to the birthday girl. The fat bag drinks a glass and continues:

- If there are any problems or misunderstandings, contact me, we'll figure it out. I wish you a happy, rich and peaceful life in nature.

At this point, the new Russian either leaves or joins the general fun.


Scenes for a woman's anniversary can be impromptu. Kangaroo usually becomes a fun and delightful improvisation. The host takes the volunteer to the next room and carefully makes sure that others do not peep or eavesdrop.

The presenter calls the volunteer some animal that he should portray. After 5-10 minutes, the volunteer, having prepared, leaves the room and begins to pretend. Before this, the host informs the audience that the volunteer will portray a real kangaroo, and they must plausibly pretend that they absolutely do not understand anything.

The result is a kangaroo who suddenly has a fit of rabies.

Police officer

In order for the guests not to immediately guess that there is a joke, it is better to involve a man with whom the hero of the day is not familiar with the costume performance. It is better to agree with other attendees in advance.

So, in the midst of the celebration, an unexpected doorbell rings. A policeman enters present form and is represented by the new district police officer Kozlov (or others). He makes the following speech:

- So, everyone should stay where they are. Celebrating, then? Drinking, sir? And you, citizeness, who will be? Ershova (the name of the hero of the day is substituted)? You have received an anonymous complaint here. We usually don't consider anonymous letters, but this case is extremely interesting. We learned that you have a moonshine still at home. How not? And why are there so many bottles on the table? From the store? Where did the money come from?

2 attesting witnesses are appointed in advance from the guests. On orders, they stand up.

- And if you, citizen, have expired yeast or sugar is infected with bird flu? Here you need to take action. Expertise in such cases is indispensable. You can't check it for me, I'm on duty, but give the guests a drink, please.

When the guests are about to drink, the policeman exclaims:

- And what am I going to write in the protocol if you haven't even introduced yourself? Wait. We'll have to personally conduct an examination with a natural risk to life.

The policeman is poured.

- Vodka is good, only a little bit of water, it won't fit a lot. Mistress, the examination showed unambiguously that you have the device top level... Somehow ashamed to seize the props on a holiday. Ah, the protocol does not go dry at all. Pour some more. Is there any appetizer? Well I came to the smell. My salary is small, like your pile. So, in the course of the examination, it was established that the hostess loves to arrange celebrations and fun, that she is loved by everyone and gives guests high-quality drinks. A lot of food was bought for the holiday, and so many people were fed to their fill at the jubilee.

In order for the anniversary to be a success, you should give free rein to your imagination. A holiday limited only to a standard feast will never be memorable and interesting. A great idea would be to arrange a fireworks or a walk on ATVs, horses or boats and a boat on the lake surface.

If you are arranging a celebration on the occasion of an anniversary, then you need to thoroughly prepare for it. Be sure to come up with funny pranks and games for guests. Better yet, if you have a couple of sketches that will make you laugh so that guests fall off their chairs. For example, a scene: xy and whether is great option for the anniversary. Hu and Li are the names of foreign guests who came from far away to congratulate the hero of the occasion on the anniversary. Only one name will cause delight and laughter among the guests. And what will happen next, you will find out for yourself.

Everyone knows how great it is to get together with a group of friends and sit in the evening. And to make it even better and more interesting for you, there are new impromptu fairy tales for a drunken company of friends on different holidays... For example, for an anniversary or New Year, birthday or just for a friendly get-together. See our ideas, grab something for yourself and have fun.

How nice it is to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss latest news... But sooner or later, simple gatherings get bored and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What should you play? Maybe in new fairy tales, alterations for a drunken company? It is very easy to play such tales by roles. You only need to assign roles, and then everything will go by itself. Take a look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Whatever holiday you spend, you always need to arrange games and contests, hold funny game blocks and even make fairy tales and performances! But to show a fairy tale or a play, you have to rehearse, but there is no time for that. How to be? This is where an instant impromptu performance comes to the rescue for fun company, which does not require preparation and rehearsals. You only need to select guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words and that's it - you can show the scene to the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.

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