Home Indoor flowers Use of whey from cottage cheese in feeding calves. Whey and its uses. The role of water in the body of animals

Use of whey from cottage cheese in feeding calves. Whey and its uses. The role of water in the body of animals

15-05-2014, 14:26

This material is included in the monograph solely for information, based on the study of reports International conference on whey (2005). This is mainly the experience of the USA, since the animal feed industry in this country is one of the main consumers of dry whey (up to 50% of the produced volume). The share of pet foods (mainly for puppies and kittens) using whey products as an ingredient is 1%, this is due to chemical composition milk. In table 20.20 shows the characteristics of the average quantitative composition of milk of dogs and cats (average data) in comparison with other animal species and humans.

The protein content in dog and cat milk is higher than in the milk of pigs, cows and humans. The fat content in dog and cat milk is also high. Therefore, puppies and kittens receive nutritious, rich in energy mother's milk. The casein: whey protein ratio in dog and cat milk is 73:27 and 53:47 respectively.
In the United States, approximately 70% of the population owns pets, and in 2004, approximately $35.9 billion was spent on pet food production. According to the American Pet Products Association, pet owners spend more than 50% of what they earn in a decade on food, clothing and medical care for their pets. Industrial production pet food is a profitable business. In 2003, about 400 new types of products were introduced, with the production of functional products taking first place among innovative developments.
Due to the fact that whey proteins have functional properties, last years Research began to be conducted to study the effect of whey proteins on the health of domestic animals, with the subsequent development of new types of food with functional properties. Employees International Ingredient Corporation K. M. Halpin and others (USA) based on the conducted analytical studies found that whey proteins contribute to:
- appetite suppression, which is very important for obesity;
- increase bone mass;
- stimulation of immunity (cytological and humoral).
In addition, they have antioxidant, probiotic and prebiotic activities.
Clinical trials conducted in cats have shown that lactoferrin is essential for the treatment of intractable stomatitis, which is often associated with feline immunodeficiency virus. Symptoms in cats with incurable stomatitis: damage to the oral cavity (inflammation and gingivitis), decreased salivation, decreased appetite, toothache. Oral administration of lactoferrin significantly improved the condition (Table 20.21).

Lactoferrin preparations for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases for pets can be produced in the form of pastes, breathing strips, sprays and various devices for cleaning.
Studies have also been conducted to study the role of glycomacropeptide on digestive function and contractility gastrointestinal tract dogs. It has been established that glycomacropeptide weakens the secretion of acids in the stomach and reduces its motor activity. Therefore, glycomacropeptide is a physiological factor that regulates the digestive function of dogs and other mammals.
Even brief information gives reason to believe that the use of whey components in pet food has some promise and opens up another niche for the commercialization of scientific developments. In our country, this segment is filled with imports.

Success in raising calves depends on their care from the first minutes of life.

Immediately after birth, the calf is allowed to lick the mother, which promotes good blood circulation and improves the newborn's breathing. Then the baby needs to be separated into a separate cage. The cage must be clean, disinfected with lime, a thick layer of straw is spread on the floor, which is removed as it gets dirty.

For good growth there must be clean air in the barn, which is achieved by the presence of. And you must always remember that calves are afraid of a draft; it can be destructive for young animals.

The calf should be fed colostrum an hour after birth. Colostrum- is irreplaceable and full product nutrition in the first days of life of calves, it contains a large number of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Feeding calves with colostrum increases immunity and the body's resistance to various diseases.

When feeding a calf for the first time teach to drink. To do this, pour colostrum into a bucket, immediately after milking, lower the calf’s head into the bucket and put a finger moistened with colostrum in its mouth, the calf begins to drink and gradually remove the finger. Usually 2-3 feedings are enough, and the baby begins to drink on his own. For greater convenience, you can make a device for a bucket. At the height of the cow's udder, a bucket without a bottom is nailed to the cage and a bucket is inserted into it for watering the calf. In this case, the calf will not be able to overturn the bucket.

First feeding the calf is given from 0.5 to 1.0 liters of colostrum depending on the weight of the calf. Then, gradually increasing the norm to 6 liters for the first week and then adding the norm to 9 liters per day. If the colostrum has cooled down, it is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36-38 degrees.

The calf is fed 5 times a day for the first 3 days, then up to 15 days - 4 times, then switches to feeding three times a day.

From the first days of life they give fresh boiled water temperature of fresh milk. Water is given separately from milk 2 hours after drinking. Drink boiled water for 3 weeks, and then switch to raw water room temperature.

From 8 days to 1.5 months include in the diet of calves oatmeal jelly. They start feeding with 200-300 grams, increasing every 3 days by 200 grams, gradually increasing to 2 kilograms. The first few days the jelly is filtered and then given along with porridge. Kissel can be given separately or mixed with milk.

Kissel is prepared as follows: take half a kilo of oatmeal and pour hot water(1.5 liters), infuse for 30-40 minutes, then mix well and strain through a sieve, add 2 g. salt and boil until thickened, drink cooled to 35 degrees.

From the 10th day, calves must be given high-quality meadow hay.

They begin to feed succulent food from the 20th day of life, 100-200 grams. The best succulent food for calves is Jerusalem artichoke and red carrots. At first, the vegetables need to be grated.

The longer the calf receives whole milk, the better it will grow and develop.

From day 21, babies are gradually transferred from whole milk to skim milk, replacing one of the feedings with skim milk and gradually switching to one skim milk. You can also gradually include oatmeal in your diet. wheat bran. You should start giving 100 grams, gradually increasing.

From one month of age, oatmeal can be replaced with crushed barley, which is crushed into, in this case the structure of the grain is not disturbed and is better absorbed by the body.

You need to know that any complementary foods should be given carefully, since Preventing diarrhea is always easier than treating it later.

For up to two months, calves are fed back water, accustoming them to whey. Calves accustomed to whey grow quickly and by 10 months can gain weight up to 300 kg. This is an observation from personal experience.

IN summer period calves aged 3-5 days can be released into the yard for a walk for 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening hours. Having a cage with a canopy outside, a calf from 7 days old can be left in the fresh air for the whole day, driven into a barn at night.

IN winter time In good calm weather, the calf should be allowed outside at two weeks of age for 10 minutes. By the age of one month, walking time increases to 2 hours a day. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the growth of the animal.

Hello. I am a pensioner; I have lived in the city all my life. But need forced me, and I had to move to countryside. And here, you know how: you can’t live without farming. I keep chickens, ducks, all in small quantities, just for myself. And this year I decided to make a big purchase. I bought a pregnant cow, because you can’t buy milk in the store, no pension is enough. And your own homemade one, it’s much better. Soon our Burenka will have a calf, but I don’t really know how to feed it. The neighbor will tell you, but I would like a specialist to tell me. How many months should you feed a calf with milk, how much milk should you give per day? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Evgenia Chikalina, Voronezh region, Kantemirovsky district

The most crucial period in life calf– the first 4-6 days after birth. Colostrum has special properties: it contains more dry nutrients, colostrum proteins are more complete and better absorbed. Colostrum contains globulin protein, a carrier of immune bodies that protect the young body from diseases.

First portion of colostrum calf should be received no later than an hour and a half after birth. By this time calf dries out and begins to move. Before milking, the cow's udder is washed warm water, wipe with a dry towel and put the first streams of milk into a separate bowl, as they are very dirty. During the first 2-3 weeks calf drink at least three times a day. For the first time, drink at least 0.6-0.8 liters and no more than 2 liters of colostrum. With every feeding The norm of colostrum can be increased and given ad libitum on the 3-4th day.

Colostrum is fed fresh, immediately after milking, strained. We must try to calf drank colostrum slowly, in small sips. If he drinks greedily, in large sips, colostrum ends up in the mesh and rumen, which in newborns do not yet participate in digestion. The food that gets there rots, which causes gastrointestinal diseases.

For normal digestion calf from the 4th-6th day of life, in the intervals between drinking colostrum, warm boiled water should be given ad libitum. In the first three weeks, he drinks no more than 500-700 g of water per day. Security drinking water should be uninterrupted, especially in the summer.

Colostrum retains its valuable properties for 5-7 days. Then it turns into milk.

From 5-7 days calf should be given minerals and vitamins feeding. As a mineral supplement, you can use a mixture of 15 g of ground chalk, 10 g of bone meal and 5 g of table salt. This is the norm for one calf in a day. The mineral fertilizer is located in a separate feeder in dry form. After calf will begin to eat hay and concentrates, 15 g of salt and chalk are added to them per day.

The daily norm of mineral fertilizer is fed 2-3 times.

From a week old calf They put soft, vitamin-rich hay in the feeder, which is changed every day. From the 5th-6th day of life calf in addition to colostrum, they begin to feed concentrates, initially in the form of oatmeal jelly.

Before feeding, the jelly is heated to 35°C. hot water, fed with milk or in pure form. From the 10th day, dry concentrates are gradually added to the feeder.

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In the first days of their life, calves are very vulnerable to various infections and diseases due to unformed immunity, insufficient number of immune bodies that can resist viruses, bacteria, and the effects of pathogenic flora. Therefore, not only the health of the animals, but also how quickly they will grow, develop, and gain body weight depends on the quality of housing and feeding of calves up to 3–4 months. Besides creating optimal conditions care, calf feed must contain sufficient amounts of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

High-quality milk replacer for calves

Food for young animals must be nutritious, easily digestible, and fully cover the energy costs of the growing organism. In the first days, calves receive colostrum, and with it immune protection (immune globulins) from viruses and bacteria. It has high nutritional value, energy value. Contains all the necessary nutrients. Colostrum should be given to the calf within the first 30-40 minutes after birth.

From the third day, young animals can be given water, and from a week of age they can be accustomed to hay. Compound feeds and concentrated mixtures are introduced into the diet gradually, starting from two weeks. Dry nutritional mixtures and powdered milk can be fed to calves from ten days of age.

Today, many farmers use whole milk replacer for calves (WCM) in feeding. At the same time, experienced livestock breeders are well aware that for normal growth and development, young animals must be given high-quality substitutes made from whey. Such products are obtained during the processing of cottage cheese, cheese, and casein. A high-quality milk replacer for calves contains vitamins, saturated acids, macro-, microelements, other useful components.

Important! Good milk replacers contain skim milk, buttermilk powder, whey powder, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins B, D, C, K, E, various vegetable and animal fats, phosphopeptides, lactoferrin. In addition, grain replacer for calves can be supplemented with grain, premixes, feed yeast, as well as antibiotics for diarrhea, probiotics that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

CCM products for feeding calves are made from pasteurized milk components, during the manufacturing process of which various pathogenic flora and infectious agents are destroyed.

Whey can be obtained using various technologies. For example, casein whey is obtained by precipitation of casein, which is achieved through the use of of hydrochloric acid.

Composition of milk replacer, ready-made milk formula:

  • protein - 12–13%;
  • minerals - 10–13%;
  • lactose in dry matter - 70–75%.

Milk replacer also includes powdered milk for calves, which is produced from whole milk by drying. It comes in two types: low-fat and whole. The main differences are in the content of nutritional components, useful substances. Both types have a long shelf life, balanced composition, and replace whole milk.

The main advantage of milk replacer, including milk powder, is that its composition, unlike natural milk, remains unchanged. In addition, when feeding, the risk that calves may become infected is significantly reduced. infectious diseases.

Before diluting milk powder to feed a calf, it is necessary to correctly and accurately calculate the portion. It should be 4.5% of the total weight of the animal. How to properly dilute milk replacer is indicated in the instructions for use.

How to choose a replacement product?

Given the wide range of whole milk substitutes available, it is very important to choose a truly quality product. It is worth noting that today modern market there are many varieties of milk replacer for different calves age groups, which in their biochemical composition are practically in no way inferior to whole milk and at the same time have a lower cost. Cow's whole milk substitutes are generally aimed at natural properties The calves' body digests the main types of nutritional components.

Important! Application of milk replacers in large farms allows farmers to reduce the cost of cow's milk.

Depending on the consistency, milk replacers are classified into three groups:

  • liquid, ready to drink;
  • concentrated. Before feeding, it must be diluted with water or whey;
  • dry. They are diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1/8.

It is more convenient and best to use dry milk replacers for feeding calves, since powder mixtures have a longer shelf life and are practically no different in composition from natural milk.

Low-quality, low-grade substitutes may contain unprocessed soy flour, which can cause acute diarrhea and stomach upset. They have a low cost, but are completely unsuitable for feeding small calves. Therefore, before purchasing replacement parts, we recommend that you consult with veterinarians, experienced farmers.

  1. Calvolac.
  2. Calvomilk.
  3. Goodmilk.
  4. Eurolac.
  5. Prodlak.

Such products have high nutritional and energy value, contain components necessary for the growth and development of young animals, and are an excellent alternative to whole milk. The instructions for using milk replacer for a calf will tell you how to properly and in what proportions the dry powder mixture should be diluted.

When feeding calves with milk formula, you can use the products domestic production or foreign analogues that contain high-quality whey proteins. They can be fed to a calf starting at five days of age.

How to dilute dry milk replacers?

The milking period for young animals lasts 2–4 months, and the duration depends on the amount of substitute that is fed to the calves. Therefore, farmers must know how to properly prepare and dilute milk powder. Before drinking the substitute, it is recommended to dilute it with 7–9 parts of water at room temperature. To restore, take such a quantity of powder that the dry substance is present in the finished solution in a dose of at least 12.5%. For example, for 100 kg of a substitute ready for drinking, 13 kg of powder composition and 87 liters of water are used.

Recovery is carried out in several approaches. The required amount of dry powder is weighed, after which, stirring constantly, water is gradually added.

After all the lumps have dissolved, if necessary, you can add more water, but at a lower temperature.

Important! The finished diluted mixture should have a temperature of 35 to 38 degrees before feeding the calf. The milk replacer is diluted only immediately before drinking. The prepared composition must be fresh. It is strictly forbidden to give cold milk to calves. Pour ready mixture only in clean buckets, so as not to provoke an upset stomach.

Soldering standards

Two-week-old calves, if weaned from their mothers have occurred normally, need to consume 7 kg of milk or 1 kg of dry formula per day. When the calf reaches the age of 5-6 weeks, it needs about 5 liters of milk or 750 g of milk replacer per day.

Starting from six weeks of age, the need for hay increases in young animals, therefore, adhering to correct scheme drinking, you can significantly reduce its concentration.

After 6 months, calves can already be given cheaper substitutes that contain vegetable protein.

At 11 months, a calf needs 4.5–5 liters, and per year the needs are reduced to 3.5–4 liters.

CCM is very popular among farmers, since they are not only comparable in nutritional value to whole milk, but are also better absorbed by the calf’s body. At the same time, when using milk replacers, it is very important to properly prepare the feed mixture. Its benefit to the body of young animals depends on the concentration of the finished composition.

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