Home Flowers The spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "approximation"? explain the topic and then I'm confused. Write out from the text a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning

The spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "approximation"? explain the topic and then I'm confused. Write out from the text a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the lexical meaning

Spelling prefixes


Spelling prefixes

I. It must be remembered that most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable. That is, they are always written the same way. In any words.

For example:

O-: run around, stop, change your mind

u-: take away, ran away, calm down

to-: survive, reach, delivery

in-: run, courtyard, look

pro- : roll, space, view

proto-: used in the sense of "remote degree of relationship": great-grandmother, proto-language

on-: attacks, cover, press

pro-: close, prisoner, confuse

over- (need-): bite, inscription, overstrain

under- (under-): swim up, suggest, wait

from- (oto-): to give away, push back, open

ob-(ob-): to fly around, wipe, go around

in- (in-): enough, up, involve

you-: catch, exit, survive

pre- (pre-): preference, predetermine, warn

re-: break, overflow, skew

s- (co-): move, get off, bend (be careful, there is only a prefix s-, no prefix s-)

! Borrowed foreign prefixes are also unchanged:

mis-: to misinform

counter-: counterargument

trans-: transatlantic

post-: postmodernism

sub- : subculture

super-: superhero

pan-: pan-European

II. In Russian, there are several small groups of prefixes that still change when certain conditions. In other words, their spelling depends on something. Consider these groups of prefixes.

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the deafness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant. What does it mean?

If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -z, and if it is deaf, then, respectively, -s.

This includes the so-called prefixes on -з, -с, there are exactly six of them:

without- / without- unemployed, immortal

raz-/raz- disparate, dissolve

air-/sun- (sun-/sun-) return, sunrise

from - / is - to avoid, fright

down - / down - overthrow, descend

through-/through- (through-/through-) excessive, too much

2. Prefixes whose spelling depends on lexical meaning.

These are prefixes pre-/at-.

To make right choice prefixes, you need to understand what meaning it brings to the word.

So, what values ​​are typical for each prefix:

Prefix meanings:

1) The value of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this meaning is equal to the meaning of the word very.

For example: beautiful, exaggerate, transcend, calm.

2) A value close to the value of the prefix re- (it should be understood that in such cases it is not always possible to replace the prefix with the prefix re-, the similarity of their meanings is important here)

For example: interrupt, offender, teacher, transform, obstruction. Prefix values ​​for:

1) "approximation"

For example: come, arrive

2) "attachment"

For example: sew, glue,

3) "non-action"

For example: cover up, sit down,

4) "completed action"

For example: invent, prepare

5) "proximity to something"

For example: coastal, roadside

3. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the stress.

This group includes prefixes:

ras- / grew (raz- / ros-)

If you have not forgotten, then these prefixes also belong to the first group, therefore they have a spelling option - s/-s.

Without stress, the letter A is written in them, and under stress ... - there is no problem under stress, what we hear is what we write, as a rule, this is the letter o.

For example: painting, schedule, conversation, search.

Problems with solutions

Task 1

In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

without ... language, with ... capacity, without ... cloudy

be ... road, in ... take on, ra ... think

roses ... sk, for ... grunt, with ... mimic

pr...discover, pr…education, pr…rise


According to spelling dictionary Suggested words are written as follows:

languageless, filming, cloudless

off-road, climb, meditate

search, flirt, imitate

reveal, transformation, superiority

As you can see, the same letter is missing in the row of words 2. Choose option 2.

Sergei Fedorovich crept up to his knees for a long time, but they did not smell or hear his approach. He crept up to them from under the mountain very close, and, observing through binoculars one deer, noticed that she had strayed from the herd and hid in the bushes where the mountain stream runs. (Prishvin M.)

Task: do test work.

1. Write out the words with invariable prefixes from the sentences:

Bird cherry has faded and tied knots for berries. On the distant rivers, water lilies have already spread out on the water surface, as if on a table, wide leaves - green saucers. (E. Kokovin)

2. Write out from the text the words, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by the rule: “In prefixes on -З and -С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and С before voiceless consonants":

Fireweed always grows in forest fires and logging. Recently, fireweed was considered a weed. He was only good for cheap tea. The foresters mercilessly tore out all the fireweed that grew next to the young pines. They did this because they believed that the fireweed drowns out the shoots of pine trees, takes away light and moisture from them. (K. Paustovsky)

3. Write out from the text a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by the rule: “At the end of the prefix, the letter Z is written, denoting a voiced consonant, if the prefix is ​​followed by a voiced consonant”:

The long-nosed snipe flew up over the swampy lowland, and from there - like an arrow down. It rushes to the ground, the tail spread like a fan. Its tail feathers are hard, the wind shakes them, as if playing on strings. (G. Skrebitsky)

4. Write out from the text a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by the rule: “At the end of the prefix, the letter C is written, denoting a deaf consonant, if a deaf consonant follows the prefix”:

It seemed that the shaggy winter had made itself a home on the ships. Snowballs flew off the rigging and smashed against the decks with a rustle. Icicles sparkled and tinkled. Sharp, icy roses bloomed from the portholes. The stratified smoke from the galleys stood in the rigging all day until sunset, when it turned crimson, like the smoke of a night battle, and gradually turned into a black mist. (K. Paustovsky)

5. From the sentences, write out a word with an invariable prefix, in which, during pronunciation, the final pair is likened in terms of deafness / voicedness of the consonant to the subsequent sound (voicing):

A small badger crawled out of the thickets. He folded his paw and looked at me carefully. Then he snorted in disgust and took a step towards the potatoes. She fried and hissed, splashing boiling lard. I wanted to shout to the animal that he would burn himself, but I was too late - the badger jumped to the pan and stuck his nose into it ... (K. Paustovsky)

6. Write out from the text a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its lexical meaning:

Vasily was leaving, and Katerina Petrovna sat, bewildered, with money in her hands. Then she put on her glasses and reread a few words on the mail order. The words were all the same: so many things to do that there was no time, not only to come, but even to write a real letter. (K. Paustovsky)

7. Write out from the sentence the words in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix:

We were returning from headquarters infantry division located inside a concrete pipe under a railway embankment; there once flowed a small river, it was covered with a boardwalk, staff tables with maps, diagrams, telephones were placed on top and they controlled a long and difficult battle for the southern outskirts of Stalingrad from this pipe. (E. Krieger)

8. Write out words with invariable prefixes from the sentence:

Morning in the forest and in the coastal bushes meets with bird whistling and clicking. (E. Kokovin)

9. Write out from the sentence the words in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix:

On one of these sultry June days, after returning from the river and having had lunch without any appetite, the guys, out of habit, climbed into the attic. It was hot here too - during the day the iron roof heats up so that bare foot you can’t step on it - but no one interfered. Plans were made in the attic for raids on other people's gardens, boyish secrets were confided to each other. (V.F. Kozlov)

10. Write out from the text the words in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its lexical meaning:

The train left the frontline zone overnight and now, tapping rhythmically, went further and further to the northeast. Still not understanding what had woken him, the colonel sat up, leaning on his elbow, and listened anxiously. Dawn glimmered a little behind the glass of the carriage window, splashed with drops of rain. (F. Knorre)

E.A. Makovey, teacher of the Russian language, secondary school No. 1 in Adygeysk,
A.I. Arkhipova, Professor of the Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling prefixes

Console, prefix (from lat. praefixus"attached in front") - part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open-open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (roadless - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the brows - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: a in the meaning of "not", anti - "against", archi - "very", counter - "against", pan - "all", sub - "under", trans - "through" and etc.

2.1. Spelling of invariable prefixes
Most of the prefixes in Russian are invariable, i.e. regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written in the same way. The spelling of such prefixes should be memorized. See the list of invariable prefixes in the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

reach, reach, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

AT special meaning: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

ask, prisoner, pick up, score


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, undermine, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, push back, open


cut off, grind off, wipe off, bypass

B- (VO-)

relish, sew, cling to, involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, skew

C- (CO-)

go astray
make friends
bend over

No prefix in words:
never mind
and single roots.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes on ... s - ... s
In Russian, there are prefixes in which letters alternate W and FROM :

In .. click; along .. walking; ..do; ra.. burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- and at-, have in Russian different origin.
Some came from Latin. In these words, the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, reward, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language also borrowed Latin words with a root starting with at (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in the modern root (obstacle, repose, advantage, beautiful). In the language, these words retain their book character.
Finally, many words pre- and at- are of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, the spelling rule proposed below is suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

shape, shine
bride's dowry
aisle of the temple
pretend window
arrive at the train
stick on the door
lay your head on your shoulder
bow at the door
look after an orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downsize (slightly downsize)
put a chair
inapplicable technique
endure hardships
come up with questions
to be present at the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
ancient legend
limit of patience
head successor
the continuity of generations
misrepresentation, vicissitudes of fate
turn ideas into reality
stay on vacation
squabble over trifles
bow your head in respect
inflexible man, advanced age,
bow down to talent
despise cowards
break the law
is of lasting importance
immutable law
downplay (significantly reduce)
to die (to die)
stumbling block
indispensable condition
endure hardship, change
incessant, incessant

2.4. Spelling of vowels in prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: doing nothing, worthless, worthless, worthless, in a draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of the prefix and the root.

Retelling + tale = retelling (-s-)
race + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (race + even), but: calculate (race + count);
countless (dev + s + even).

In words tear apart, tear apart, ruin write one 3.


It must be remembered that most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable. That is, they are always written the same way. In any words.

For example:
about- : run around, stop, change your mind
y-: take away, run away, calm down
before- : survive, reach, delivery
on- : run, yard, look
pro-: roll, spacebar, view
great-: used in the meaning of "remote degree of relationship": great-grandmother, proto-language
on the- : attack, cover, press
per- : close, prisoner, confuse
over- (must-): bite, inscription, overstrain
under- (under-): swim, suggest, wait
from- (otto-): give away, push back, open
ob-(ob-): get around, get around, get around
in- (in-): please, up, involve
you- : catch, exit, endure
pre- (pre-): preference, foreshadow, warn
re-: break, overflow, skew
s- (co-): move, move, bend(be careful, there is only the prefix s-, there is no prefix z-)

! Borrowed foreign prefixes are also unchanged:

Dez-: misinform
counter-: counter argument
trans-: transatlantic
post-: postmodernism
sub-: subculture
super-: superhero
pan-: pan-European


There are several small groups of prefixes in Russian, which nevertheless change under certain conditions. In other words, their spelling depends on something. Consider these groups of prefixes.

1. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the deafness / voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

What does it mean?

If after a prefix from this group we see a voiced consonant, then at the end of the prefix we write -z, and if it is deaf, then, respectively, -s.

This includes the so-called prefixes on -з, -с, there are exactly six of them:

Without-/without- unemployed, immortal
times-/ras- scattered, disband
air-/sun- (air-/sun-) return, breathe, climb
from-/is- avoid, fear
bottom-/bottom- bring down, descend
through-/through- (through-/through-) excessive, excessive

2. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the lexical meaning.

These are prefixes pre-/at-.

In order to make the right choice of prefix, you need to understand what meaning it brings to the word.

So, what values ​​are typical for each prefix:

a) Meanings of the prefix pre:

1) The value of the highest degree of quality. Simply put, this value is equal to the meaning of the word very.

For example: beautiful, exaggerate, transcend, calm.

2) A value close to the value of the prefix re- (it should be understood that in such cases it is not always possible to replace the prefix with the prefix re-, the similarity of their meanings is important here)

For example: interrupt, criminal, teacher, transform, obstruction.

b) Prefix values ​​for:

1) "approximation"

For example: come, arrive

2) "attachment"

For example: sew on, stick on

3) "non-action", that is, the incompleteness of the action, close to the meaning of "slightly"

For example: cover up, sit down,

4) "completed action", that is, brought to an end

For example: invent, prepare

5) "proximity to something", that is, "about"

For example: coastal, roadside

3. Prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the stress.

This group includes prefixes:
ras- / grew (raz- / ros-)
If you have not forgotten, then these prefixes also belong to the first group, therefore they have a spelling option - s/-s.

Without stress, the letter A is written in them, and under stress ... - there is no problem under stress, what we hear is what we write, as a rule, this is the letter O.

For example: painting, schedule, conversation, search.


To correctly complete the tasks for spelling prefixes, you need to know two more rules:

1. On the choice of Y-I after prefixes in words with roots with the first letter I.

After a prefix ending in a consonant, Y is written in the root if this prefix is ​​of Russian origin.

For example: unprincipled, find, play out, obYndevet (from the word hoarfrost)

Exceptions: Russian prefixes INTER- (inter-institutional, after Zh it is impossible Y!) and SVERH- (superintelligence) and the whole word COLLECT.

After a prefix of non-Russian origin, that is, borrowed (most often from Latin), the letter I is preserved in the root.

In the Russian language exam, students may encounter different formulations of task 4, related to the spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-. Consider possible options:

1. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”.

2. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its meaning - “attachment”.

3. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its meaning - “incomplete action”.

4. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bdetermined by its meaning - “location near”.

5. From the sentences (numbers are indicated), write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its value, close to the value of the prefix PER-.

Let's remember the relevant rule.

Prefixes PRE- and PRI-

(summary table)


prefixes PRE-



prefixes PRI-


High degree qualities or actions (= very, quite, most, too)












get fed up






(the meaning of connecting something with something);


(the meaning of movement towards a goal);


(the meaning of increasing the size of something, adding something to an existing one)
















drag in


Exceptions: free





Similarity to prefix meaning re-

(however, it should be noted that the direct replacement

most often not possible)






Incomplete action

(= a little bit)

slightly open

shut up

sit down

duck down

put out

get up


Being close

something (near, close)

the Baltics






railway station



Bringing action

to the end or taking an action in someone's interest

get used to

come up with





It is very important to consider the following:

1. It is necessary to distinguish between spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:

DESPECT (hate) - DESPECT (give shelter)

BEND (kneel) - BEND (branch)

TO SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) - to endure (to circumstances)

TRANSIENT (moment) - COMING (postman)

STAY (be) - ARRIVE (approach)

TO LOCK (door) - to quarrel (quarrel) and many others.

2. There are words in which the spelling of a vowel cannot be explained by the rule set out in the table. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIMS, DEVICE, SECURATE, PREPONA, REVERSE), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In these cases, it is necessary to use a spelling dictionary.

I suggest you practice.

Task 1. Insert the missing letters into the words.

Ex...press, pr...rich, pr...respected, pr...pulling, pr...open, pr...amusing, pr...growing, pr...wonderful, pr. ..ascended, pr...to be silent, pr...to become poorer, pr...cut, pr...lezshiy, pr...furnace, pr...to form, pr...saturation, pr... poke, pr...throw, pr...rub, pr...set, pr...sharp, pr...chubby, pr...delicious, pr...cook, pr...clicking, pr ... ascended, pr ... being,pr...flight, pr...think, pr...opportunist, pr...change, pr...dvest, pr...feeder, pr...fect, pr...dpr... accepted, pr ... delivery, pr ... chairperson, pr ... creator, pr ... sent, pr ... to mark, pr ... to rise, pr ... negligence, pr ... to imagine, pr ... people, pr ... steward, pr ... omen, pr ... closing, pr ... taste, pr ... ascending, pr ... treasury, pr ... stepping, pr. .. shortened, pr ... assumed, pr ... jerky, pr ... starting, pr ... raise, pr ... wash,pr ... haymaking, pr ... creative, pr ... bearer, pr ... to send, pr ... to see, pr ... similar, pr ... to bite, pr ... to extinguish, pr. ..boring, pr...open-air, pr...strange, pr...disposition, pr...educator, pr...howl, pr...subject-thematic, pr...cloned, pr. ..earthy, pr...appreciated, pr...dolympic, pr...offer, pr...mial.

Task 2. Insert missing letters in phrases.

Pr...successful result, pr...to increase speed, pr...tribute to the deep past, pr...to block the road, pr...to step the law, pr...vices of fate, pr...stop shouting.

Task 3. Insert the missing letters and read the fairy tale to the kids - sisters and brothers.

Right ... on a red evening, Vasilisa pr ... wise pr ... had a pr ... bizarre dream. Right...funny and so on...pretty rabbits galloped right...jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a pr ... a huge cloud. This is pr ... flying evil-pr ... evil Serpent Gorynych. Pr...he landed, pr...sat down on the grass and pr...thinking. Pr ... told him Kashchei Vasilisa pr ... wise to find, pr ... scare, pr ... lead to him. But there were insurmountable obstacles on the way of the Serpent Gorynych ... .


Exercise 1

To press, rich, highly respected, attractive, ajar, preoccupied, accreted, wonderful, exalted, to be silent, to be shy, to cut down, to come, to bake, to transform, satiety, to pinch, to tack, to grind, to attach, sharp, swollen, delicious, weld, snap, snap, surpassed, arrival,pre-flight, provide for, opportunist, application, foretell, fit, prefect, undertaken, predelivery, chairman, pretender, presupposed, foreshadow, surpass, neglect, transform, prelude, receiver, omen, creeping, smack, preascending, betrayal, crime, terminated, presumed, intermittent, prelaunch, exceed, conceive,pre-haymaking, feigned, bearer, send, despise, reverend, bite, extinguish, boring, free, strange, predisposition, transformer, scion, subject-thematic, bowed, squat, ask the price, pre-Olympic, present, premium.

Task 2

Excellent result, to exceed the speed, ancient legends, block the road, break the law, vicissitudes of fate, stop screaming.

Task 3

On a beautiful evening, Vasilisa the Wise had a bizarre dream. Amusing and pretty hares galloped skipping across the clearing. Suddenly a huge cloud covered the sun. It was the evil, wicked Serpent Gorynych who flew in. He landed, sat down on the grass and thought. Kashchei ordered Vasilisa the wise to find him, scare him, bring him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose in the way of the Serpent Gorynych.


    Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: a guide for applicants to universities. M., 2000.

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