Home Fertilizers Walk barefoot in a dream. In Miller's Dream Book, if you dream of Barefoot. Old grandmother's dream book

Walk barefoot in a dream. In Miller's Dream Book, if you dream of Barefoot. Old grandmother's dream book

Most of them are not remembered, but some somehow get stuck in the memory and remind of themselves all the time. Some people think that in a dream higher power send them a sign that must be unraveled. Why dream of walking barefoot according to the version various dream books? We will try to answer this question in the article.

Freud's dream book

Freud was distinguished by original thinking and gave a sexual connotation to all his interpretations. According to the famous psychoanalyst, if a woman means, she will be liberated with her next lover and will not hesitate to demonstrate all her emotions and feelings. This fact will go new relationships are good, because openness during intimate moments will bring lovers closer together and make them feel full trust in each other.

Miller's dream book

This interpreter of dreams has his own opinion about what this dream is dreaming of. "I walk barefoot - so I anticipate trouble!" - he asserts. True, Miller immediately adds several clarifications to this interpretation. In order to experience the collapse of all your plans and hopes in the future, you need not just go barefoot, but at night, and even in a torn outfit. It is such a dream that symbolizes some kind of evil that haunts the sleeping person and promises him various adversities.

Dream interpretation Hasse

And this famous medium believes, predicts positive changes in life. If a woman walked barefoot in a dream, it means that in the near future she will have enough money to purchase her own estate. And for men, this dream promises a lucrative real estate deal. So, according to Hasse, walking barefoot in a dream is beneficial.

Correct dream book

This version claims to be completely reliable, so it must be taken seriously. It turns out that such a dream promises the sleeping person future troubles, conflicts and annoying gossip. But if a young woman in a dream walked barefoot along the edge of the reservoir, and even sprinkled water around herself, then in reality she will be successful in all endeavors. However, if a sleeping person dreamed of a trace of a bare foot in the sand, then her triumph will not last long. And yet - carefully monitor your own shoes in a dream. While your bare feet are basking on the coastal sand, someone might kidnap her. And to see in a dream that someone else is wearing your shoes means in reality to acquire a serious rival or competitor.

Ukrainian dream book

This dream book has its own opinion about what this dream is about. “I walk barefoot, which means I have excellent health in reality,” it says. However, everything is not so simple: this version works when the process brings the sleeping real pleasure... If walking in the dew without shoes gives the dreamer joy, in reality he is really strong in spirit and body. But if he experiences some unpleasant sensations while walking, in reality he will face hardships and troubles.

Some details

Many people ask the question: "What awaits me in the future if I walk in a dream. In dream books you can find several answers to it at once. So, running barefoot on a snow embankment means a need for attention and love. The sleeper feels that loneliness is devouring him and striving from these unpleasant sensations... And if at the same time he collapsed into a snowdrift, it means that he will experience serious financial difficulties... Walking barefoot on dirty snow is generally not worth it - this promises the dreamer a great humiliation, from which he will have to move away for quite a long time.

Positive events are promised by a dream in which the sleeper walks barefoot on asphalt or sand. If you dreamed of such a dream, it means that all your desires will come true, life will become harmonious, every day will bring joy, and all undertakings will certainly be crowned with success. So choose appropriate place in a dream for walking, and then feel free to take off your shoes.


Now every woman knows what lies ahead for her if she walked barefoot in a dream. However, everyone is the master of his own destiny, so you should not blindly trust dream books. But if in your heart you are a fatalist and consider your dreams to be prophetic, then remember that it is better to run in a dream on asphalt or sand than on snow, and carefully monitor the removed shoes while walking. Then everything will be under control, and your wishes in reality will surely come true.

Dream interpretation of walking barefoot why dream of walking barefoot in a dream

Many plots that come to us in a dream are easy to interpret with the help of a dream book. He also explains why he dreams of walking barefoot. Such a dream most often promises conflicts in real life and disappointment, but the accuracy of the explanation still depends on the details of the dream.

Freud's dream book

Freud was distinguished by original thinking and gave a sexual connotation to all his interpretations. According to the famous psychoanalyst, if a woman walked barefoot in a dream, then in intimate life with another lover, she will be liberated and will not hesitate to demonstrate all her emotions and feelings. This fact will benefit the new relationship, because openness during intimate moments will bring the lovers closer together and make them feel full trust in each other.

See the trail of bare feet in the sand- to triumph and success, though, alas, quickly passing. Such a dream for a woman- promises a flash of attention to her from the stronger sex.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself barefoot in the room- to deception, disappointment, on the grass- catch a cold; if you are sick- one of the ways of recovery has been suggested to you: walk more without shoes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Walk barefoot- you will give your whole soul to someone.

And whoever sees that he is walking barefoot is a sign that he is a good believer and his misfortunes will end. And some also say that this dream for a man portends a catastrophe or great misfortune with his wife, which will be the reason for their divorce.

walking barefoot - ruin

Opportunity to succeed in the future and material well-being, as well as complete harmony of soul and body, this is what you dream of walking barefoot on the asphalt.

To dance barefoot, the dream book stands for the presence of something that greatly burdens the dreamer's soul, does not allow him to calmly move towards the goal and fulfill his obligations. Perhaps the intrigues of enemies had a result, and now a person is trying to extricate himself from a dirty story. Women this image promises family proceedings.

Dream interpretation - interpretation dreams free »Value dreams with the letter B "Dream interpretation Barefoot what is dreaming about Barefootindreamsee What is dreaming about Barefoot: Barefoot is fatigue. And who will see indream that he walks in one shoe, he will part with his companion. Some theologians believe that he walks indreambarefoot, - portends the fulfillment of dreams, success and honor. Jewish dream book.

Dream interpretation "astrocentr"

BAREFOOTModern Dream Interpretation... You seeindreambarefoot person - none of your hopes will come true, your every step is under the control of ill-wishers. You are too open to enemies, and they, anticipating your steps, warn them. Your enemies are one step ahead of you. If indream You see myself barefoot, then a lot of troubles and worries await you, poverty and loss of livelihoods.

Dream interpretation "son-spi.narod"

See myself indream Shoes (if it makes you feel uncomfortable) is a sign of your insecurity and many difficulties in life. Such dream warns that in current state you have very little chance of success. The dream encourages you to hedge yourself somehow in order to overcome inner insecurity, or to temporarily postpone any business. At the same time, if walking barefoot gives you pleasure - such dream promises that good luck will accompany you in everything.

Dream interpretation "sny-sonnik"

Barefootindream dream book Interpretation dreamsBarefoot- Run barefootindream means that in your intimate life you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting. Why dream Barefoot dream book dream book Barefootwalk- To roam barefoot on the grass - to pleasure.

Dream interpretation "womanadvice"

Why dream walkbarefoot? For woman dream in which she walks without shoes through puddles, portends the long-awaited love affair... If you walkbarefoot due to the fact that you have lost your shoes, it means that in the near future you will feel a strong insecurity in your partner. Life will become harmonious and happy. It is worth taking a closer look at your health if you wentindream bare feet on the grass.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

You can often hear the opinion that walkindreambarefoot- to impoverishment. But the interpretation of such dreams largely depends on its details. For example, go barefoot through puddles and mud in dark time days and seeing the prints of your feet means that soon the sleeping person will have unpleasant events that will leave a serious mark on his fate.

Dream interpretation "owoman"


Running barefoot - Poverty.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dream interpretation: walking barefoot in a dream

To walk barefoot in a dream - You will acquire an estate.

Immediately after the dream "on skates" on the same night I had the following dream: for some reason I take off and leave my shoes on some dais near the store and go to wander barefoot. I see some kind of crowd of people in the distance, like something is happening there. I want to go there through a place that looks like a square, but then for some reason it doesn't interest me, and I return to the store and decide to go into it. Along the way, the thought comes that I got rid of the shoes correctly, since they are already old. And when I go into the store, I suddenly feel embarrassed that I am barefoot and seem to even disdain, after all, the floor is probably dirty - this is the store (but I don't see the condition of the floor, I guess). I go outside and want to put on my shoes, but they are not where I left them. I am puzzled and look over the hill, maybe they are there, but instead of shoes I see there are three unpaired sneakers, all very large, although different sizes... I am surprised how unusually long they are! It seems that this size does not exist! In this vivid picture, the dream ends. Please tell me, Yaroslav, why all these sneakers. Thanks.


Walking barefoot is a good part of sleep. Grass and earth symbolize, respectively, the natural aspects of personality and directly the potential of femininity. The more complete the contact with them, the more complete the interaction. mental processes... In this sense, the refusal psychological defenses and protective stereotypes in the form of shoes [my boots fell apart] is favorable. ...
Shoes also have to do with clothing, that is, ways of expressing yourself. In such a canvas, unpleasant emotions from unexpected bareness must be considered as a discrepancy between some habits and the situation.
A puddle of mud or mud itself denotes the processes of mental decay, destruction that are going on in the norm.


I dreamed that I was walking with my friends in the woods, then suddenly I decide to walk alone ... I walk through the woods and, taking off my boots (I dreamed that it was winter), I start walking barefoot in the snow, while I’m not cold at all. Soon, I decide to return home, and, having forgotten to put on my boots, I return. Arriving home, I find that the boots have remained in the forest, it is already dark outside and I cannot go in search of them. Because of this, for some reason I feel very bad, I rush around the house, but I can’t do anything ... On this I woke up :(


I dreamed that I was going to a cafe and suddenly I was left without shoes, I walked and everyone around was looking at me because I was barefoot. And it’s also strange that the road to the cafe was sandy like in the desert. I came to a cafe and suddenly there under the table I saw black flip flops on the platform. I had the feeling that I had left them there before, I was delighted and put them on. Then in the same cafe I met a classmate whom I long time did not see, we drank tea together and talked (she and I are not very good relationship in fact). Explain what my dream means? I'm 25 years old.


I arrived in hometown, I’m standing at the station, they should meet me, but they couldn’t, I’m already going to the bus stop, but I understand that barefoot, it’s winter, snow, but strangers offer me to take me and I agree where I went and I don’t know


“I am barefoot” - that means I feel my situation with all the acuteness. Arriving in a “hometown” means that a person is looking for himself in the past. "Winter and Snow" is frightening stagnation, and a ride in someone else's car is when we allow someone else's will to rule us. It is clear that everyone should have their own Christmas (their own "car", their own "future"). And fortune-telling at Christmas creates a special context to look into yourself as an exclusively individual person. But don't wait next year- we are born continuously.


Today I dreamed that I was walking along the road barefoot and thinking. that I am still too far to go, I stopped at an immediately arisen stop, to wait for the transport. There are people standing there. And I look at the road and there my shoes lie, in my head thoughts, how can I be without shoes? I wanted to pick up and put on shoes, but the shoes are full of mud. that is, the shoes themselves are clean, but inside they are concreted with mud - somehow strange and incomprehensible. I was confused even in a dream and did not know what to do? I woke up at once from a terrible thought.


My mother had a strange dream. At first we were in a restaurant with her, we had a good time, and when we got ready to leave, I could not find my scarf for a long time. After an unsuccessful search, I left in severe frustration, leaving my mother alone. And only then did she notice that she was barefoot. Mom had to go, she went, only cold: late fall, my mother is wearing an autumn coat and trousers, and her legs are bare. The main idea: “What will people say ?! They'll think, homeless woman. " Mom was very ashamed and embarrassed, she went down to the underground passage leading to the metro station. I saw a saleswoman in slippers and went up to her, but did not choose anything - there was no money. I walked onto the platform, there was no train, mechanically put my hand into my pocket and felt for the coins. Mom was glad that there was at least some money. But there are not enough of them to buy slippers. Yellow coins glittered on the platform. Mom decided that it was 50 kopecks, and when she raised them, they turned out to be of lesser dignity. Suddenly, my mother noticed a lot of coins on the platform, a whole bunch, and people who pick up money. Mom again felt ashamed to pick up alms, moreover, she realized that this is a special platform where rich people from trains passing by throw valuable things to help the poor. "What a humiliation to accept alms!" - my mother was indignant at heart. However, you need to get out of the situation, and she began to pick up coins. Looks, and then - a watch and a clock, at first expensive (ticking or not, mom does not remember), and then cheap, behind them a bunch jewelry... There are people on the platform, they eagerly row for themselves, my mother also got involved, she was seized by passion. But she had gathered enough to buy slippers. Mom returns to the tradeswoman, still embarrassed that she will have to go in slippers. “But nothing, better in them than barefoot: cold and ashamed,” she consoled herself. The slippers we bought turned out to be almost shoes: very strong, comfortable, with beautiful soles and, most importantly, comfortable. Mom is very happy with the purchase, she did not even expect this.


I already dreamed several times that I was walking barefoot in the snow. Dressed in a fur coat, a scarf (sometimes with a simple hair), but without boots, even socks are missing. Tellingly, I'm not cold at all. The last of these dreams was just recently. I walk in the snow barefoot along the streets of Murmansk, which I have never been in. There are red brick houses all around, like in Hamburg, and I feel very lonely, almost in a panic. And then I meet my beloved. He takes me to his house and says that here we will live with his family. For some reason, he is a naval officer. Although, in fact, his profession has nothing to do with the army. I am very welcomed by his children and persuaded to stay with them. Then complete calmness ensues. It becomes very easy for me. Some kind of pacification appears.


Bare feet represent the absence of "deceit". Compare: almost all site visitors use logins, and you are your real name. If deceit is considered broadly, then its manifestations are often based on automatisms (stereotypes of manipulation, mechanical tenacity, artificiality). Then there is an element of truth in walking barefoot. Meneghetti writes: “The life stories of great preachers, great sages claim that they walked barefoot. This is not a symbol of humility, but evidence of the importance of one's own inner world. "

Many plots that come to us in a dream are easy to interpret with the help of a dream book. He also explains why he dreams of walking barefoot. Such a dream most often promises conflicts in real life and disappointment, but the accuracy of the explanation, nevertheless, depends on the details of the dream.

In order for you to be able to interpret what you saw in night dreams as accurately as possible, remember all the subtleties and details of the plot. This is the only way you can open the curtain of the future as wide as possible.

To dream that you are walking barefoot in Miller's dream book at night is to the collapse of all hopes. The torn and dirty clothes that you are wearing. No matter how hard you try and make efforts, nothing of the planned will come true and all attempts will turn out to be hopeless.

Why a woman dreams of walking barefoot through puddles is explained by an oriental dream book. It turns out that such a dream bodes well for any undertaking. If you see a footprint from your bare foot in the sand, then, in real life, get ready to make a real triumph. But, keep in mind, this success will be fleeting. The dream book also promises increased attention on the part of the stronger sex.

To know that you have lost your shoes and therefore walk barefoot on the ground in a dream, to the uncertainty that will be your companion for a long time in real life. It is uncertainty, as the dream book says, that will prevent you from reaching your goal and fulfilling what you want. An intense anxiety about lost shoes warns that past mistakes will cause you to do the wrong thing again.

To find out why such a plot is dreaming, you can also refer to Islamic dream book... According to him, if a man dreamed that he was walking barefoot in the mud, then in reality a terrible misfortune would happen to his wife. Possible serious problems with health. It is also possible that due to frequent quarrels, the marriage will have to be dissolved. Running on the floor or on the ground without any shoes - to poverty and suffering.

If in a dream you dreamed that you were standing with your bare feet on the floor of the room, then in reality, according to the dream book, be prepared to face a deception, which, subsequently, will lead to serious disappointment. See yourself standing on the grass - to colds... If there is blood on your feet, beware of enemies, dirt - expect material profit.

A few more interpretations of such a dream

The dream book also explains why you dream of walking barefoot in the snow. If in a dream you ran along a snow embankment, then you are in dire need of love and attention. Loneliness devours you from the inside and absorbs all your strength. Falling into the snow while running is a tangible financial difficulty. If the snow is dirty, then there is a high probability that you will experience real humiliation in reality, and you will have to move away from it for a long time.

If in a dream you walked barefoot on the asphalt, then, do not hesitate, all your plans will come true. Life will be harmonious and calm. Your every day will bring joy and positive emotions. Running on the asphalt without shoes on the dream book - to the soonest realization of the most secret desire.

According to the dream book, walking on water barefoot to a large number cases. It will be quite difficult to complete them all. But, if you do this, then you will receive enormous benefits and benefits. Another option for why this is a dream is for serious life changes. The likelihood of a promotion or salary increase is high.

Sometimes we do not think at all about the meaning of our dreams. We forget or simply do not pay attention to symbols and signs that warn us of imminent happiness or unexpected failure. It is worth being more attentive to this voice of the unconscious - sometimes it says a lot of useful things.

Anything can dream, therefore we simply consider many dreams to be stupidity or a joke of our brain. In fact, there is a sacred meaning in visions. For example, a dream associated with a walk down the street may seem completely banal and not foreshadowing, and we do not even know what meaning it carries.

Walking barefoot in visions means that you have inner strength and energy. Many esotericists and some scientists recommend walking without shoes both on the ground and on the floor at home in order to restore your energy. And a dream in which you walk barefoot predicts many interesting events.

Let's start analyzing what dreams of walking barefoot. If you find yourself without, then the dream book interprets this as a support in life on yourself and your own strength, as well as as your connection with the world around you.

Pay attention to the subtleties and plot of the dream, to its both obvious and hidden meaning.

  • Who wandered?
  • On asphalt or ice?
  • What did you feel?

Who roamed where?

If you dreamed that you walked with bare feet, it means that harmony and peace await you. You will become more fortunate and accomplish a lot as soon as you begin to manage your emotions and assess the situation soberly. Remember, the more calm you have, the further you can go.

Seeing your friend walking without shoes means that he is on the right path. Soon, his affairs will rapidly go up. Be happy for him, and he will answer you with support, but if envy swallows you, then your friendship will come to an end.

If in a vision unfamiliar people wandered around with bare feet, then this indicates imminent changes in your life. You will get to know resourceful and energetically charged people, which will improve the quality of your life significantly.

Walk in a dream on thin ice and to see how from each of your steps it is covered with a cobweb of cracks - it means that you feel insecurity in yourself and your strengths. You have gone too far and are now experiencing fear and anxiety. Do not worry, just go through your fears - and then faith in yourself will return to you.

Also, running on ice means that you are a risky person and are not afraid to lose. Sliding bare feet on thick ice is a quick solution to all your difficulties and problems. Walking on ice in a dream and then falling under the ice - Eastern dream book connects this with the fact that the business you are starting is risky.

Walking on hot asphalt - to the heat in your relationship with your spouse. You need to pay more attention to your family and less to your work. Also, walking barefoot on the pavement means that you are not moving fast enough towards your goal, you tend to be lazy and miss out on good opportunities.

Walking barefoot in the mud means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation where you literally have to listen to very unpleasant things. Running in the mud means that all your attempts to escape from your negative sides meaningless: until you understand that there must be both black and white in a person, you will not advance further.

Finding yourself outside the city and wandering the earth, plunging your feet into a black scattering, means that you will find your source of energy. Also, walking barefoot on the ground means that you have practically found your calling, and you just need to start moving in the chosen direction.

If you dreamed about how you walk along, then this is very good sign- it means that everything will work out for you and luck favors you. Walking on grassy ground is a symbol of your connection to the world. Walking barefoot down the street in front of other people means that you are a fearless person. Also, walks on the street portend many unexpected meetings.

What did you feel?

To be delighted by running through the mud means that even if you find yourself in difficult situation, you will not lose your presence of mind and sense of humor. But to be indignant at the dirt on your feet means that you are not ready to accept yourself as you really are.

  • Being overwhelmed by a walk on the water means you are ready for new discoveries.
  • But if you still have unpleasant sensations from being in the water, it means that you will not be able to accept new knowledge yet.
  • Being scared walking on water means that you are afraid of your inner world.

Feeling strength and vigor, walking with your feet on the ground, means that these feelings will now always be with you. You should walk barefoot and in reality to keep your energy normal.

Walking barefoot is a powerful charge of positive emotions. Even if you did it in a dream, the next morning you will wake up refreshed and rested. Therefore, the question of why one dreams of walking without shoes, we declare closed.

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