Home Flowers Sarajevo murder: causes, murder and consequences. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Sarajevo murder: causes, murder and consequences. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

In the words of Anna Akhmatova, the 20th century began exactly one hundred years ago. In the hot summer of 1914, the Peace Palace opened in the Netherlands, and already in August the cannons started talking. The immediate reason for this was that on June 28, 1914, the heir to the crown was killed in Sarajevo Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand.

The Archduke was to succeed the Habsburgs on the throne Franz Joseph I who ruled the empire for 68 years. It was under him that in 1867 Austria became a dualistic monarchy - Austria-Hungary (that is, the emperor began to be crowned in Budapest as the Hungarian king). The country was divided into Cisleithania and Transleithania (along the Leyte River) between Austrian and Hungarian possessions.

However, many unresolved issues remained in the monarchy. national issues, the main of which remained Slavic. Poles, Ukrainians, Rusyns, Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks and Serbs did not have their own statehood.

Some peoples, in particular the Poles, sought to create their own state, some - Czechs and Croats - were ready to be content with broad autonomy.

This issue was of particular relevance in the Balkan Peninsula, where radical changes took place in the last quarter of the 19th century. Independent Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania appeared, immediately entering into territorial disputes between themselves and with the former metropolis of Turkey. In Vojvodina, Krajina and northeastern Croatia, Serbs made up a significant percentage of the population and sought to reunite with young Serbia (which became independent after Russian-Turkish war in 1878 by decision Berlin Congress).

The issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina added to the urgency. These two provinces were occupied by Austria-Hungary after Berlin and annexed in October 1908. The local Serb population, however, did not accept the annexation. And then the world stood on the brink of war: Serbia and Montenegro announced mobilization in October, and only the mediation of five countries (Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy) prevented the conflict from starting.

Council of Ministers Russian Empire then I understood that Russia was not ready for war. As a result, by March 1909, St. Petersburg and Belgrade recognized the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Vienna.

The Bosnian crisis was not the only harbinger of global conflict. Since 1895, when the conflict between Japan and China began, local wars or armed incidents have constantly been going on in the world. Russia in January 1904 began a war with Japan, which ended in a crushing defeat. By 1907, two blocs had formed in Europe: the Entente (“cordial consent”) - the military-political alliance of Russia, England and France and the “Central Powers” ​​(Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary). Traditional Marxist historiography viewed the Entente as a force seeking to preserve the existing order of things in Europe and the world, seeing Germany and its allies as young wolves who want their share.

However, besides this, each country had its own local geopolitical interests, including in the explosive Balkan region. Russia has repeatedly confirmed its desire to take possession of the Black Sea straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. Austria-Hungary sought to prevent irredentist sentiment among Serbs and Croats in the crown lands. Germany wanted to move into the Middle East, which needed a strong rear in the Balkans. As a result, any excess on the hot peninsula led to a new round of tension.

Peculiarities of the National Hunt

In addition, it is worth noting that the beginning of the 20th century was the golden age of political terrorism.

In almost every country, radical organizations have used explosions and gunshots for political struggle.

In Russia, the organizations of the Socialist-Revolutionaries (Socialist-Revolutionaries) were especially distinguished on this front. In 1904, Vyacheslav Plehve, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, died at the hands of a bomber, and in 1905, the Governor-General of Moscow was killed by militants. Grand Duke Sergey Aleksandrovich. The terrorists were active not only in Russia: Italian anarchist Luigi Lucchini killed the wife of Franz Joseph I, Elisabeth of Bavaria (also known as Sissi), in 1898. Act of terrorism become part of life in Southern Europe- in Italy, Spain and the Balkans. Naturally, Serbian activists also used these methods.

Since 1911, the nationalist organization "Black Hand" has been operating in Serbia, striving to unite the Serbian lands into Yugoslavia. It included high-ranking officers of the country, so the authorities were afraid of the "black hands".

It is still unclear to what extent the activities of the Black Hand were controlled by the special services, but it is clear that Belgrade did not give consent to actions in Bosnia.

Anti-Austrian activists in this province were partly part of the Young Bosnia organization. It arose in 1912 and aimed at the liberation of the provinces from Vienna. One of its members was the Sarajevo student Gavrila Princip.

salute and bomb

It is worth adding that Franz Ferdinand spoke from the standpoint of trialism, that is, he believed that Austria-Hungary should also become the state of the southern Slavs under the Habsburg crown - first of all, this would hit the positions of the Hungarians and the numerous Hungarian nobility who owned lands in Croatia, Slovakia and Transcarpathia.

It cannot be said that the heir to the throne was a "hawk" and a supporter of the war - on the contrary, he tried to look for peaceful ways out of the crisis, understanding the difficult internal situation of the country.

It is believed that both Serbia and Russia were aware of the terrorists' desire to shoot the Archduke during his visit to Sarajevo. For them, his arrival on June 28 was an insult: after all, on this day, the Serbs celebrated the anniversary of the defeat from the Turks in Battle of Kosovo. However, the heir to the throne decided to show the power of the Austrian army and conduct maneuvers in Sarajevo. The first bomb was thrown at him in the morning, but it did no harm.

The already mentioned Princip, having learned about the failure of the assassination, went to the center of Sarajevo, where, seizing the moment, shot at Franz Ferdinand point-blank. He also killed his wife Sophia.

The response to the assassination was unrest in Sarajevo. In addition to Serbs, representatives of other nations also lived in the city, in particular Bosnian Muslims. During the pogroms in the city, at least two people were killed, cafes and shops belonging to the Serbs were destroyed.

On the death of Ferdinand global community reacted actively. The first pages of newspapers were devoted to this event. However, there were no direct consequences after the assassination - only in mid-July, Austria-Hungary presented an ultimatum to Serbia. According to this document, Serbia had to close the anti-Austrian organizations operating on its territory, dismiss officials involved in anti-Austrian activities. However, there was one more clause in it - about the admission of an investigative group from Vienna to investigate the murder.

Belgrade refused to accept him - and this was the beginning of the great war.

The question of who exactly could be behind the murder in Sarajevo is still being discussed. Some, noting the strange relaxation of the archduke's guards, believe that the radicals of the Vienna court could have killed the potential federalist monarch. However, the theory about Serbian bombers is still the most popular.

The war began only a month later, in late July - early August 1914. However, after the fact, the assassination of Ferdinand became a symbol of the end of peaceful pre-war European life. "They killed our Ferdinand", - with these words, the anti-war "Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik" by Yaroslav Hasek begins.

If Ferdinand and his wife had been immediately taken to the clinic, they could have been saved. But the courtiers close to the royal people behaved extremely absurdly and decided to take the wounded to the residence. Franz Ferdinand and his wife died on the way from blood loss. All the rebels involved in the assassination were detained and convicted (the main organizers were executed, the rest received long prison terms).

After the assassination of the Archduke, anti-Serb pogroms began in the city. The city authorities did nothing to oppose this. Many civilians suffered. Austria-Hungary realized the true meaning of the assassination attempt. It was " last warning» Serbia, striving for independence (although the country's official authorities did not take responsibility for the murder in Sarajevo).

Austria-Hungary even received warnings about the impending assassination attempt, but chose to ignore them. There is also evidence that not only nationalists from the Black Hand were involved in the assassination attempt, but also military intelligence Serbia. The operation was led by Colonel Rade Malobabich. Moreover, the investigation revealed evidence that the Black Hand was directly subordinate to the Serbian military intelligence.

After the assassination of the Archduke, a scandal erupted in Europe. Austria-Hungary demanded a thorough investigation of the crime from Serbia, but the Serbian government stubbornly brushed aside any suspicion of participating in a conspiracy against the Austro-Hungarian heir. Such actions led to the recall of the Austro-Hungarian ambassador from the embassy in Serbia, after which both countries began to prepare for war.

AT On this day, June 28, 1914, a murder was committed, which became the pretext for World War I.
The attempt was made on the life of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Duchess Sophie Hohenberg in Sarajevo by a Serbian high school student Gavrila Princip, who was part of a group of 6 terrorists (5 Serbs and 1 Bosnian), coordinated by Danila Ilic.

Postcard with a photo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand a few minutes before the assassination attempt.

Not everyone knows that before this, a grenade was thrown into the car, which bounced off the soft awning roof, leaving a crater 1 foot (0.3 m) in diameter and 6.5 inches (0.17 m) deep at the explosion site, and injuring a general complexity of 20 people. But after the unsuccessful assassination attempt, we went to the Town Hall, listened to official reports, and then decided to visit the wounded in the hospital, on the way to which Princip was waiting.

The terrorist took up position in front of a nearby grocery store, Moritz Schiller's Delicatessen, near the Latin Bridge.

The first bullet wounded the Archduke in the jugular vein, the second hit Sophia in the stomach ...

The terrorist fired from a Belgian FN Model 1910 9 mm pistol. Terror at that time was considered the most practical and effective method solving political problems.

On the left, Gavrilo Princip kills Franz Ferdinand.

As Count Harrach reported, last words Archduke were: “Sophie, Sophie! Do not die! Live for our children!”; followed by six or seven phrases like "That's nothing" to Harrach's question to Franz Ferdinand about the injury. This was followed by a death rattle.

Sophia died before arriving at the governor's residence, Franz Ferdinand ten minutes later...

Within hours of the assassination, anti-Serb pogroms broke out in Sarajevo, which were stopped by the military.

Two Serbs were killed and many were attacked and wounded; about a thousand houses, schools, shops and other establishments belonging to the Serbs were looted and destroyed.

Princip's arrest.

The political goal of the assassination was the separation of the South Slavic territories from Austria-Hungary and their subsequent annexation to Greater Serbia or Yugoslavia. Members of the group were in contact with a Serbian terrorist organization called the Black Hand.

Report of the Russian military agent in Austria-Hungary, Colonel Wieneken, about the murder. June 15 (28), 1914.

Austria-Hungary then presented an ultimatum to Serbia, which was partially rejected; then Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. And wrap everything up ... in the war that 38 were involved in independent states. About 74 million people were mobilized, 10 million of them were killed and died of wounds.

Surprisingly, but again on this day, but in January 1919, in the Palace of Versailles in France, international Conference to finalize the results of the First World War. The Treaty of Versailles was signed.

The weapon of Princip, the car in which Franz Ferdinand rode, his bloodied light blue uniform and the couch on which the Archduke died are on permanent display at the museum. military history in Vienna.

The story is still dark. After the assassination of Ferdinand, "Young Bosnia" was banned. Ilic and two other participants in the assassination attempt were executed.

Gavrila Princip was sentenced as a minor to 20 years hard labor and died of tuberculosis in prison. Other members of the organization were sentenced to various prison terms.

different places on the internet.

Sarajevo murder

Sarajevo murder
Place of attack Sarajevo , Austria-Hungary
Target of the attack Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
the date June 27, 1914
Method of attack Pistol shots
Weapon browning
dead Archduke Franz Ferdinand , Sofia Hotek
Number of terrorists 1
terrorists Gavrila Princip
Organizers black hand

Memorial plaque at the scene of the murder

Sarajevo murder- murder June 28 archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Duchess Sophie of Hohenberg in Sarajevo Serbian high school student Gavrila Princip, a member of the Serbian terrorist organization « Mlada Bosna". Princip was part of a group of 5 terrorists coordinated by Danila Ilic.

In Serbia, there were a number of nationalist organizations that set themselves the task of uniting the southern Slavs and creating a "Great Serbia". Among the officers of the Serbian army there was a secret organization called " black hand". Its goal was the liberation of the Serbs who were under the rule of Austria-Hungary. The leader of the "Black Hand" was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, nicknamed " Apis”, head of the Serbian counterintelligence. Government Pasic he was afraid. The Serbian government suspected the conspiracy and did not approve of it, but did not interfere with the "Black Hand".

Murder was the start World War I.


Under the Berlin Treaty of 1878, Austria-Hungary received a mandate to occupy and administer Bosnia and Herzegovina, while maintaining formal sovereignty Ottoman Empire. Subsequently, these territories were annexed by Austria-Hungary. Part of the southern Slavs who lived on these lands did not want to live in Austria-Hungary and sought to annex these lands to neighboring Serbia recently gained independence. was formed secret society « Black Hand"who sought to unite the southern Slavs and its Bosnian branch" Mlada Bosna ».

At the end of June 1914, Franz Ferdinand visited Bosnia to observe military maneuvers and open a museum in Sarajevo. He rode with his wife Sofia Hotek. Franz Ferdinand was considered a supporter of trialism - the idea of ​​​​transforming the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy into a triple Austro-Hungarian-Slavic. Mlada Bosna decided to kill Franz Ferdinand. The murder was entrusted to a group of six conspirators, and according to at least three of them, including Princip, were ill tuberculosis- at that time an incurable fatal disease.



  • June 28 events
  • World War I
  • History of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • History of Serbia
  • Austria-Hungary
  • Sarajevo
  • Political assassinations
  • Conflicts of 1914
  • June 1914

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See what the "Sarajevo Murder" is in other dictionaries:

    The murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife, carried out on 28/6/1914 (according to the new style) by the conspiratorial group of Young Bosnia (G. Princip and others) in the city of Sarajevo. It was used by Austria-Hungary and Germany as ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife, carried out on June 28, 1914 (according to the new style) by the secret group of Young Bosnia (G. Princip and others) in the city of Sarajevo. It was used by the Austro-German side ... Historical dictionary

    The assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which took place on June 28, 1914 in the capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo (Austria-Hungary). The organizers of the murder took advantage of the intended Austrian. command on June 28 (anniversary of the defeat of Serbia ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    The murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife, carried out on 28/6/1914 (according to a new style) by the conspiratorial group "Young Bosnia" (G. Princip and others) in the city of Sarajevo. It was used by Austria-Hungary and Germany as ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    The murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife, carried out on June 28, 1914, by the Young Bosnia conspiratorial group (G. Princip and others) in the city of Sarajevo. It was used by Austria-Hungary and Germany as an excuse for ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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