Home Flowers All the most interesting about the Moon in signs: Moon in Leo. Moon in Leo in Woman (Family) Characteristics

All the most interesting about the Moon in signs: Moon in Leo. Moon in Leo in Woman (Family) Characteristics

A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Leo, a fiery sign, has a truly fiery temperament. As a rule, he is choleric; Such a person is difficult to imagine depressed and depressed. Therefore, when depression occurs and on lunar lion the blues rolls over, it is the complete opposite of the regal sign. Namely: behaves defiantly, demonstratively neglects other people, brags without restraint, considers himself the center of the Universe and makes others think the same way, overestimates his own talents and exaggerates successes. At the same time, he shows a clear penchant for pompous luxury and excessive comfort, loves to command, demanding and fastidious, wasteful, arrogant, two-faced, suspicious. A shameless manipulator.

However, the described case is a variant of the development of a "lion" character with a "minus" sign. A good upbringing and success in life, plus just a good mood, give society a person who is energetic, independent, active, full of real enthusiasm. He is able to go forward without stopping and lead others. Moon Leo will not rest until his work is completed, business is to perfection, and professionalism is to genius.

He is very responsible. He can blame some of the work on another person, but he will constantly worry about the case and in the end he will finish everything himself. If the merit in the achievement does not belong to him, he will not claim the laurels, but if he worked in a distinguished team, then he considers himself the first among the best. If moon lion one coped with difficult task, he will not be able to get enough of praise for a long time, and a flattering word for him is much more expensive than bonuses or awards.

In the end, he will work himself, but you cannot buy a good word. At the same time, he will not refuse to help a colleague, and indeed a comrade in a difficult situation. Leo will take pleasure in doing another favor. But this "other" must appreciate his efforts, otherwise the lunar Leo will harbor the deepest resentment. Whatever work the lunar Leo does, it is important for him that she fulfills his needs in the game. After all, work for him is a game, a stage where he feels like a director and an actor.

It is thanks to this attitude that the lunar Leo is able to convince other people of the correctness of his information and the indisputability of his information. This helps him to succeed not only in the acting profession, if he chooses one, but also in other communication-related fields: in journalism, sales (especially direct), marketing. The disadvantage of this quality of character is a tendency to dramatization and theatrical effects. However, if this person is well known, then he will not be able to deceive such a game.

In friendship, the lunar Leo shows nobility, generosity, generosity, devotion, kindness. The same applies to romantic relationship... With such a partner, you can feel like behind a stone wall. Moreover, the lunar Leo does not at all refuse responsibility for the other and will gladly take the reins into their own hands. He will lead the situation with his inherent aplomb, self-confidence, enthusiasm and unsurpassed self-esteem.

With strangers or little-known people, the Moon Leo is traditionally polite and friendly, never stoop to sycophancy, knows his own worth. He will not allow anyone to doubt their talents, knowledge and skills. Moon Leo is always vain, and if there is no one around to praise him, he will calmly do it himself. Hates and does not forgive criticism. To criticize Leo means to lose his sympathy once and for all.

He also doesn't like being submissive. At work he prefers leadership positions- not so much because of money, but because of independence. With subordinates it is fair. In addition, an executive chair means a more or less respectable title. And for the Lunar Leo, being called a "salesperson" is a real torture. Maybe he would be better off as the “director of the market development department,” even if the department consists of three people, including him? And with all this, the lunar Leo disregards the opinion of the public.

How two such contradictions coexist in him - vanity and disregard for the opinion of others - is known only to him. But the fact remains: if the lunar Leo does something, then it does not matter to him at all what society thinks about his actions. This is a born non-conformist, moreover, such neglect allows once again to show independence and self-sufficiency, which the lunar Leo has more than enough.

Lunar Leo has a well-developed intuition, especially in matters related to profit and success. This is not necessarily about money: it can be the successful completion of a business, the start of a risky project, the search for reliable partners, verification of the information delivered. If the lunar Leo gets down to business, nothing can stop him. This is a real locomotive. When he sets a goal, only death can prevent him from achieving this goal - he shows such incomprehensible zeal, hard work and perseverance.

Moon Lion pays attention to his appearance. Keeps track of the wardrobe, hair, if it is a woman, then makeup. He is interested in fashion, loves to experiment, strives to create his own style and an impressive, memorable image. If he chooses as a standard any famous person, then easily and successfully copy the image of a star, in which it will look organically, even without having a stellar wealth.

Relationships with the opposite sex are going well, they trust him, and he himself is sincere. But it is important to find a partner who wants to play the second violin part. Another quality for a Moon Leo partner is to be able to praise and provide moral support in a difficult situation. Moon Leo is very worried if something fails. But it is difficult for him to ask for help: he is used to relying only on himself.

Moon Lion Male

The moon makes the representatives of the stronger sex loyal and loyal to their chosen ones. Leo is a fixed sign. Men keep good, bad feelings for a long time. If this male representative falls in love with some woman, then for her sake he will move mountains, make any sacrifices. They are looking for bright, attractive, active, self-confident women. They need a spouse to be proud of. The moon makes the representatives of this sign powerful. Crave to the last word was sure to follow them. All Leos like bright, extraordinary personalities, because they emit a lot of energy, which is enough for everyone.

Moon Lion Woman

The moon gives women inner stubbornness and a lot of ambition. Such ladies know how to be faithful, but they are not particularly economical. They are more like self-realization in society, their career. Especially when the Sun occupies a strong position in the horoscope. Women will be caring mothers, because they will be madly in love with their own children. These representatives of the fair sex are real queens, because they are absolutely sure that they were born different from others. Only because of total injustice, in their opinion, they have to live in ordinary apartments, and not in palaces. Leo women prefer to buy special things, often invite friends to various parties.

Leo is a masculine, "fire" sign ruled by the Sun - the king of the planets. A person with a Moon in Leo is usually determined and brave. Such people make good leaders. They are generous, fair in relation to their subordinates. They think highly of themselves, feel that they are born to play a high role in society. They look confidently into the future, having decided to do something, but they are also firm in their decision. Sometimes they act with the viewer in mind, they like to be in the spotlight. They act well when connected with rich or powerful people, and also live in places located high. These people hold themselves domineeringly, they are selfish, have the power to influence other people, to shape their opinions. They do not particularly follow established traditions and do not care what society thinks about their actions. They are outspoken and independent, quickly get angry and quickly forgive.
The ancient text of Brihad-jataka says that the one with the Moon in the sign of Leo will have an irritable character, he will have a wide face and big cheeks, Brown eyes;
he will have few children. Such people dislike the other sex, love animal food, visit forests and mountains, get angry for a long time over trifles, suffer from hunger, thirst, stomach pains and toothaches. They are generous in gifts, brave in battle, steadfast in their principles, arrogant and attached to their mothers. Under the influence of their own feelings and emotions, they can lose prudence and the ability to analyze, especially in matters related to the wife and children. They are diligent, may have significant powers of observation and perception, but their emotions will noticeably affect their mind, and this can make them intolerant in some matters. The Leo fire element, mixing with the mental nature of the Moon, creates a troubled mind and gives the character of a wonderful fighter.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Het Monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

A proud, somewhat theatrical person who wants to be the center of attention. They crave admiration, romance and sympathy. They love to command, especially at home; are susceptible to flattery. They wish to have well-bred children and a cozy, economic house.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological Dictionary

Sensitivity becomes less intuitive, but it is easier to find ways of external expression, more responsive to everything external. A woman certainly wants to please, be adored, shine, but with dignity and sophistication. Men are attracted to brilliant women who are good-looking and who can be "trump".
Both sexes have a taste for luxury, beautiful things, and art.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Fire signs- gives an impulsive expression of oneself, a tendency to change the world in accordance with one's own attitudes, an unwillingness to adapt to people and circumstances.
Moon in Leo. Solar Moon. Gives an open subconscious, acting, a tendency to dramatize the situation, the desire to attract to your inner world, to arouse empathy. The desire to command, patronize.

Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

If the solar Leo can calmly (even with some pride) say to himself: "Yes, I am proud and always want to be the first," then the moon Leo will never say so about himself, because this is his secret goal and intimate desire, the fulfillment of which he will passionately subconsciously seek, but never admit it.
Lunar Leo needs personal praise like air; without her he wasted away, with her he flourished. Harmonious Moon makes Leo a darling of fate, indifferent to everything except generation and flattery; defeat gives him the strongest complex of social non-recognition and an impulse to study reality and adapt his stream to it. When properly worked out, an afflicted moon lion can be a good dramatic actor - on stage and in life; in her absence - behavior like a capricious prima donna.
Moon Leo is outwardly more stable than lunar aries, it is more difficult to "cut off" by criticism; nevertheless, Leo suffers from it, perhaps more: firstly, Aries switches more easily, and secondly, Leo needs personal recognition, and Aries needs recognition of his work, and not himself.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

With your warmth, love and nobility, you excite in those who love a feeling of affection and devotion. This is very good because you will never settle for anything less! You need to be adored, to be worshiped, and in return you bring down your care, warmth and attention. You have a strong sense of pride, you need to be recognized and appreciated. The deepest wound in your heart is inflicted by those who do not pay attention to you. You are an open, sincere, decent person, and you cannot stand any kind of game that dishonorable people resort to.
Pride, a penchant for theatricality and a desire to be the center of attention. A thirst for admiration, recognition, romance and sympathy. They love children, parties, art, sports, entertainment. They love to command, especially at home, can become unbearable. The desire to love and be loved makes you radiant and courteous. There are many failures on their way. Physical ailments: heart disease, convulsions, scrofula, skin diseases, poor blood circulation, blood poisoning.

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Openness, open-mindedness, self-confidence, organizational skills, popularity. Moon in Leo to love to be in sight, to "shine": the soul is turned to outside world... She has confidence in herself: probably a person is right if he does not have any hesitation to open his soul. And even if a person does not show his characteristic artistry, there is always a feeling that he has something behind his soul (although this may be the same appearance as the reliability of the Moon in Taurus: the manifestations of this very ephemeral planet are deceptive, in contrast to the qualities given by the Sun). This position is fruitful for writers who are optimistic about the future created by Man (Chernyshevsky, Saint-Exupery), for politicians who win over the masses (Mahatma Gandhi, but also Mao Tse-Tung, as well as Gorbachev). It distinguishes and national heroes(Gagarin, Chkalov), during their lifetime bearing not only responsibility for their work, but also the burden of world fame. The Moon in Leo is open to all senses, receptive to the richness of sensations and colors. She helped Vrubel to express complex color combinations (sign of Pisces). If Cancer tends to get used to the natural scale, the Moon in Leo seeks to convey its feelings. Her royal dignity is oppressed by poverty and monotony of emotions (characteristic of next character). In everyday life, she gives love to beautiful things and luxury: a person strives for his house to have a decent look and look like a palace.

She is a true queen, or at least a crown princess. The lion woman was created in order to shine and decorate her soul mate. However, behind the external charm of this lady is a deep inner strength. The Leo woman is one of the strongest representatives in the entire horoscope. She successfully solves her problems not only thanks to her luxurious appearance, but also to her inexhaustible charisma. The lioness is the personification of beautiful manners, graceful diplomatic play and endless charm. It is not surprising that such a lady will always have numerous fans. But who to give your heart to is a really difficult question. However, stellar advice is already rushing to the rescue.

Leo (Latin "Leo") takes over the astrological baton from cancer and passes it on to the virgin. This is the 5th sign of the zodiac, whose representatives were born in the hottest time of the year. It is no coincidence that many lionesses really have a sultry temperament and love to sunbathe under bright sun. Lion release - fire: energy, optimism, self-confidence, desire to conquer and rule. Sign symbol - lion who bent a little, as if hinting that he was always ready to attack.

The colors of luck that patronize our heroine, mainly of bright red and orange spectrum: purple, fiery, sunny orange and classic black. Yes and the patron planet of the lion is the sun itself, which personifies personal interests, property, desires of a person and his activity. Often, such aspirations are manifested in the domineering nature of a lioness. On the other hand, it is not surprising that it is she who often becomes the head of a large company and manages complex projects on an equal basis with the stronger sex. Mascot stones- amber, ruby, diamond, topaz and onyx.

Everything famous women born under the sign of the lion, they are distinguished by refined charm, a wide range of souls and a really strong character. These are Jennifer Lopez and Sandra Bullock, Madonna and Whitney Houston, the legendary and unique Coco Chanel and the talented J.K. Rowling, Sofia Rotaru and Svetlana Savitskaya, who was the first female astronaut to dare to go into outer space. It is interesting that one wants to bow before the talent of the lioness. She proves to everyone that every woman can make herself. If, of course, he wishes.

Leo woman: how the stars see her

The lioness is a star in itself, therefore the stars see her in the appropriate image. A bright, business-like, independent and self-sufficient woman. Even if this moment she is living hard times, the lioness firmly believes that the sun will surely smile and illuminate her path. Yes, our heroine is an optimist, and she manages to achieve her goals mainly due to the fact that she simply believes in herself. Here is her formula for success.

Congenital aristocracy

Regardless of what kind of education the lioness received, she always strives for the best. In practice, this means that our heroine has great respect for the accepted rules and does not go to someone else's monastery with her charter. At the same time, the lion girl tries with all her appearance to show that she is a regal person who knows her own worth. This is not megalomania at all. She just adequately assesses her abilities and will not communicate with those who are trying to bring down the price.

Cunning is synonymous with mind

The lioness is well aware that the key to success is always in someone's pocket. And if so, then the most important condition for victory is to make friends with whom you need to. Enchant someone who can really help. Evil tongues call it commercialism. She calls it trick. Or a natural mind. Which is essentially the same thing.

Optimism without fanaticism

Yes, the lioness is sure that everything will be fine. She does not get upset over trifles, because she knows that you cannot take everything to heart. This is a very successful combination, which helps our heroine to go through life easily. On the one hand, she is an optimist, enthusiast, and generally a business lady. On the other hand, the lioness strives for harmony in life. She is used to distributing her strength between home and work, friends and family, relatives and loved ones. Our heroine does not go to extremes. This is what helps her to keep up wherever she needs it.

Attitude towards work and money

Frankly, the lioness loves herself very much. In hard, lonely times, this love can go off scale - after all, on such days she wants to get pleasure in double the amount. And in general, this girl loves to pamper herself. And all because she was not used to denying pleasures. However, the lioness will never lose. Firstly, she is confident in herself and knows that the next receipt will definitely come to the wallet. And secondly, she has many reliable friends and interesting fans who love to indulge her whims.

When it comes to work, the lion is a born leader. She is not afraid of difficulties, and she solves problems gracefully, as if she is playing a funny performance. It's just that our heroine is not a timid dozen, and any obstacle for her does not seem so difficult. That is why at work she either reaches leading positions, or remains in the old position, but she certainly receives the patronage of the strong. However, she is quite satisfied with this combination.

What kind of man does a lioness need

One word is definitely not enough. The ideal of a lion is a bright, strong, generous person with kind heart... Yes, he must groom and cherish his lioness, and also always sacrifice something dear so that the sun does not go down in her firmament for a second. It seems that there are many requirements. But in return, she offers her entire kingdom with the queen to boot. Therefore, the price is more than justified.

And to make it easier for the gentleman to go all this way, it makes sense to listen to free and invaluable advice from the stars:

  1. Show yourself like a gentleman. Be polite, sensitive, and considerate partners. The lioness does not like cold people, immersed in themselves. She's just not used to not being paid attention to. Therefore, your silence or worse than that- tactlessness - will almost always be interpreted against you.
  2. Give the lioness the most original and sophisticated compliments. She simply melts from flattery, although outwardly she may not show in any way - she is afraid to give away her secrets.
  3. Give the lion girl gifts - it's just that our heroine is sincerely convinced that a man should show his feelings with concrete deeds. In this regard, in no case should you skimp on gifts - this is a sure way to upset a lady and sow doubts in her heart about your intentions.
  4. Finally, energize the lioness with constant energy. She loves shows, shows interesting stories, bright emotions. If you only visit theaters with her all the time, she will clearly get bored. This lady wants variety - and that's it.

How not to behave with a lioness

I must say that it is very easy to hurt a lioness. This lady is used to a gallant attitude towards herself, so any violation of tact, elementary rules decency affects our heroine depressingly. And along with resentment, she often generates just anger, which she is ready to bring down on the head of the offender.

That is why it is so important to play only beautiful music for her and not to confuse the key. In behavior with a lioness, you should pay attention to several important nuances:

  1. Never be rude to a lioness. Even if she explicitly provokes you to do so. Most likely, she's just testing your nerves and tact. Therefore, you just have to be more cunning.
  2. Do not command the lioness. Look for diplomatic moves - subtle tricks, hints, logical reasoning... She is tolerant of advice, if she is convinced that the interlocutor wants all the best for her, and therefore offers her invaluable thoughts. But frank decrees and orders are the sure way to lose the lion girl.
  3. Finally, do not criticize the lion, because this way you drive her into certain limits and literally lower her self-esteem. Yes, on the one hand, criticism can be justified. But in the case of such a delicate girl great importance has what sauce it is served with. Learn diplomacy - this is the only way to establish contact with our heroine.
  4. In no case do not show rudeness to the lioness. It will simply multiply all previous efforts by zero. She is convinced that a man is a gentleman who shows strength only in relation to enemies. But not to his lady.

Who is suitable for a lion woman, and who is not very

A typical lioness prefers to revolve in the company of people convicted of power and influence on our sinful world. It is not without reason that she considers herself an expensive diamond that needs an equally precious setting. Yes, she is interested in the really strong bright men for whom the word is never at odds with the deed. Simply put, we are dealing with a classic situation: a queen is looking for a king.

And in order for the search to lead to visible results, the omniscient stars are happy to reveal their secrets. Here's what the picture of the compatibility of a Leo woman with representatives of other signs of the zodiac looks like:

  1. First of all, the lioness should turn her regal attention to fire men... A pair of two promises to be challenging, but incredibly bright. These people will certainly have quite a few points in common - from joint hobbies to similar views on life. A side effect is that everyone will start pulling the blanket towards themselves, which will cause irreconcilable arguments to arise a little more often than they would like. A wonderful union awaits the lioness with. Thirst for adventure, love for thrills and excitement - that's what will accompany this couple for a good half of their lives. And the accumulated emotions will be enough, perhaps, for several decades to come. The union with. But partners need to immediately agree on some important things and not try to rearrange each other. An assertive Aries and a domineering lioness can break many spears, trying to teach the other half of something important. But the downside is that long-term arguments lead to discord, not unity.
  2. The union of a lioness with earth signs is interesting. In particular, our heroine should pay attention to the ambitious one who knows how to go towards his goal as long as necessary. A lion woman will feel very reliably with a man who can surround her with real family care and at the same time will not dominate her personality. Finally, an alliance with is rather a marriage of convenience than a family idyll. But you never know what circumstances are. Therefore, the stars considered it their duty to mention this representative.
  3. The lioness will be very pleased to light up with the men of the air element. But she is unlikely to wait from them strong character, iron will and the ability to bring what has been started to the end. She simply will not tolerate the pressure that a lioness likes to put on her partner in a moment of irritation. And with the changeable, our heroine may be uncomfortable because you rarely guess what is on his mind. As for the man, the union is seen as very promising, since both partners are connoisseurs of beauty, classical aesthetes. Nevertheless, the stars advise them to carefully organize the everyday side of life, otherwise, in the pursuit of great things, they may miss something very important.
  4. Finally, the aquatic men are not the best part of the lion girl. As you know, water extinguishes fire. In life, this is expressed in the fact that, for example, he will often irritate the lion with his indecision. will win her heart with natural flair and artistry, but strong material bases these people rarely offer. As for, the union is seen more promising, because this man belongs to classic type... But he is often inclined to suppress the freedom of his partner, because every scorpion is an owner. As, however, and the lioness. Whether the partners will be able to agree is a question for them.

Lioness in bed

A lioness often becomes a femme fatale. Her sexuality is captivating. And it's not about the model appearance, which, of course, is not typical for all girls. It's just that this lady has a natural, inner sexuality, which manifests itself very brightly, but at the same time it did not go well. It seems that it was she who found the very line that separates passion from lust, pure instinct from dirty desire. That is why it is the lioness that makes many men dizzy. Actually, therefore, she can become that very fatal lady, whom even the most cold-blooded representatives of the stronger sex cannot forget.

The lioness prefers sultry nights, she is a natural maximalist and does not hide it. If you really indulge in earthly passions, then you need to light it to the fullest, but without losing your face. Yes, this girl clearly cannot be denied nobility. The hotter the nights spent with her. And it is all the more surprising that Leo is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Therefore, if she is faithful to you, this is direct proof that her heart is in your hands.

The lion woman is a royal person, crazy empress, diamond queen. Perhaps comments are superfluous.

Passion and tenderness, pride and fragility, greatness and modesty - all these qualities are inherent in the Leo woman. Representatives of this sign are always joyful, cheerful, attractive and satisfied with themselves. No one and nothing can convince these women to abandon their decision. However, more about everything in our article.

Character and temperament

The characteristics of the Leo woman are quite diverse. And although not all representatives of this sign bear resemblance to the king of beasts, all of them have his ambitions.

Leo women are fiery passionate, refusing to participate in secondary roles. Consider themselves the center of the universe, even if others are convinced of the opposite. Such ladies are eager to lead, rule, inspire, protect, give joy and have fun.

Quite often, Leo women can be magnanimous and generous to the point of recklessness. Do not feel danger. Frank, loyal, open, they simply cannot exist in moral denial. Leo women demand an explanation even with the smallest amount of doubt. The secret of their power is truth and faith.

What else can a horoscope tell us? Leo woman does not like the dark. She lives in harmony with light, fire, struggle, wars, cataclysms, which most often she creates herself.

Leo women do not respect pride, especially if it is completely unjustified. They love to draw attention to themselves and worry if they are not noticed. To attract male attention, they prefer to show not their intelligence and inner beauty, but clothes, silks, jewelry and bright makeup.

The Leo Woman (Tiger, Dog, Dragon) does not follow fashion, she introduces it herself. If possible, the representative of this sign will spend fabulous sums on clothes and jewelry, and if there is no money for such purchases, then she will prefer to replace an expensive wardrobe with a cheaper one, acquiring all kinds of fakes and jewelry.

The characteristic of Leo woman is like a torch, because this person is quite hot-tempered, temperamental and impulsive. She has huge inner strength, however, quite often she is characterized by vanity.

The Leo woman is sometimes naive, childish and often falls under the influence of another person. Such women have almost no psychological instinct, which is why they can be trapped, which sometimes leads to irreversible consequences.

Zodiac sign Leo (woman) is distinguished by her love of life. She never despairs, even living a black streak. Leo women hate betrayal most of all in people.

Friendship, relationship

The Leo woman is rather fickle. She is generous, loves wealth and luxury. That's why long time is in search of the very man who will provide all this to her. In relationships, she is very sincere, generous and impulsive. Does not tolerate betrayal.

Despite the fact that she really loves to have fans around her, she does not dare to make casual connections.

Leo woman (compatibility with other signs is almost perfect), does not appreciate female friendship... She is more inclined to be around men. Best friend considers her husband.


The characteristics of the Leo woman in professional terms fully correspond to her royal representation. From the very beginning, she realizes the importance of choosing a profession, thinking that society has great hopes for her. The stake is the whole career. Leo women are not ready to work for someone, preferring to rule and lead. They never go into details, so they "make their way" to their goal, not paying attention to anything.

As leaders, Leo (Dragon Woman) does not accept poor assistance, interruptions in work, and ineptness of their subordinates. Therefore, it is better for the representatives of this sign to do something for themselves (entrepreneurship, art, intellectual work), or achieve a high position in administrative activities.

Leo women are also good at politics, show business, culture, jewelry. They make excellent actresses, directors, administrators, presidents, directors, decorators, directors.

What else can this zodiac sign tell us? Leo woman loves to earn a lot, but she likes spending even more. She often lives beyond her means.


The Leo woman, as a rule, is looking for such a man who could elevate her to a pedestal. She is sure that this is exactly what she deserves.

Most often, this woman gets married too late, for a long time in search of a stately and wealthy man who would allow her to look great and spend money left and right.

But soon this marriage comes to naught - when she finally meets the one whom she truly loves. The horoscope tells us about it.

Leo woman considers love to be a holiday. She is desirable, anxious, persistent, sensual, often capable of cruel acts for the sake of love.

If a Leo woman falls in love without reciprocity, she can reproach herself for a long time for her choice.

At work she is strict and domineering, at home she is affectionate and loving. This rule is respected by all female Leos.

If she makes a choice in favor of love, then family conflicts, quarrels and problems will be resolved with its help. This is how she is - a Leo woman!

Compatibility in love is good with Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, Libra.

She is completely incompatible with Taurus and Scorpions.


This zodiac sign (Leo woman) is incredibly resilient. Such people excellent health... But an excessive overestimation of one's strength sometimes leads to irreversible consequences.

The most vulnerable place is the heart. Stress, emotional shakes, depression, various obstacles affect the state of this vital organ. Hence the anemia, arthritis, gout, nervous breakdowns, phlebitis, spasms, etc.

The illnesses do not last long, but the symptoms are usually the most severe.

The main thing for this sign is not to waste energy, as well as avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.


She is far from a lion's temperament in this regard, although she is quite attractive and capable of turning the head of any man. Her feelings always remain calm and reasonable. She shows these qualities in all situations.

Even during intimacy, the partner feels her impassive gaze. This is partly due to the physical coldness of the Leo woman and a weak interest in sex. She is quite practical and assesses each sexual partner as a future husband. She is by nature written to be a wonderful mother and a great wife. It is in this that her lion nature manifests itself.

Her sexual indifference haunts her husband, which is why many problems arise in a couple, including infidelity. Leo female traits this case unambiguous. As a rule, she does not forgive cheating, even if her husband still loves her.

Leo Woman. Compatibility with other signs

Union is absolutely unfavorable with Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio.

Love and friendship can be with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

Aries has quite a lot in common, especially with regard to character and temperament. Between them, as a rule, love arises quickly, but it just as rapidly fades away.

A lasting union and marriage is possible with a Taurus. Despite the fact that Leo woman is most often annoyed by his stubbornness, she still tries to smooth out conflicts and reduce the problem to nothing. Due to the tolerance and wisdom of the Leo woman, feelings can arise between her and the Taurus man that will not fade away for the rest of her life.

With Virgo, relationships practically do not add up, both in love and in friendship. The fact is that Virgos are rather picky and soft men. The Leo woman does not accept this at all.

Leo women have a lot in common with Sagittarius, but the similarity of their characters often leads to a break in relations. In this tandem, one should learn to yield to each other.

With Capricorn, Leo women are unlikely to succeed. Only friendship and professional relationships are possible.


As you can see, Leo women are quite versatile personalities. In the profession, they are domineering and occupy the highest positions, and in love they become affectionate and gentle. How to understand them, of course, must be figured out by the man who met this beautiful woman.

People with the Moon in Leo are usually seen in the crowd. They demonstrate their independence and irresistibility to those around them, they have a regal gait and the habits of a ruler. These people seem to be on the stage and constantly assess themselves through the eyes of other people. They are usually sociable, love funny company, holidays, external brilliance, convenience and applause in their honor. These people have good taste, they are talented and literally glow with optimism, they strive for a secular lifestyle, they are often engaged in social activities, they like to be in the midst of the people. They have the gift of suggestion, are convincing in their speeches, they know how to persuade them to their point of view, express concern about other people's affairs (not forgetting about their own), which win the love and appreciation of others.

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People with the Moon in Leo are distinguished by nobility, generosity and magnanimity, they are easy to pity - they are impressionable, and their feelings prevail over reason. They are open, sincere, sometimes naive and expect the same from others. They hate falsehood and deceit, because, despite their external brilliance, they themselves are not devoid of a sense of responsibility. They are too proud to stoop to deception. Their weakness- increased desire for the opposite sex.

The favorable configuration of the Moon with other planets and elements of the horoscope enhances cordiality, sincerity, fidelity and devotion.

When damaged, the negative traits of the essential nature of the sign of Leo and the Moon are noticeably enhanced, such as unhealthy pride, excessive vanity, arrogance, insolence, arrogance. The individual tries to show himself from the outside, giving his personality an artificial, false shine, filling the time with undisguised boasting, empty chatter, stories of fables. There will be many love affairs in life.

Characteristics of the Moon in Leo

in - neutral

  • Fire + Air = increased combustion.
  • Feeling + decoration = emotional image.

keyword: emotional drama

Positive qualities of the Moon in Leo: self-confidence, self-esteem, pride, generosity, courtesy, cordiality, ardor, a sense of responsibility, striving for independence, hard work.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Leo: the desire to put oneself in the foreground, an addiction to luxury, a thirst for pleasure, lust for power, a thirst for waste, overestimation of oneself, arrogance, a desire for speculation, false, often unconscious pride.

Breaking the Moon Aspects: slightly arrogant and boastful.

Health disorders: heart disease, spinal cord disease, blood disease.

Moon in Leo in the natal chart:

Since you are a self-sufficient person, relying only on yourself, you only do what you are personally interested in. The moment you make a decision and take action, do not let someone interfere with you. You are emotionally attached to everything that belongs to you or supports your ego.

You have keen senses and are able to quickly and accurately assess other people and their intentions. You have a fiery temperament and, if necessary, you will quickly put anyone in their place.

You are selfish and a little arrogant, sometimes not objective enough and are incompetent if it comes about an emotional perspective. In order for you to truly enjoy life, your heart must also be involved.

Usually such people are not very curious, but they learn quickly and accurately, although all this is too strongly colored by your personal feelings and impressions. Leo attaches great importance to emotions, however, this position makes it difficult to reach a compromise or accept someone else's opinion. It's hard to convince you of anything, but when you open your heart and mind, you learn the fastest.

You need other people's praise, you want to be admired and applauded. Despite your dedication, you leave to seek recognition and satisfaction elsewhere if you feel that you are being forgotten.

People with the Moon in Leo have magnetic sex appeal and charm, but they can also tend to be dominant and overly arrogant. In a man's horoscope, such a position evokes romance, it makes him funny and sexy, but also narcissistic, dominant and arrogant. Both men and women with this position of the Moon are very attractive and interested in the opposite sex. A man will look for a spectacular woman, with good taste and full of energy.

The Moon in Leo gives you an authority that you take seriously, but without any difficulty. You are ambitious and attach great importance to social standing. Want to become a famous and respected person. Strive for unquestioning respect and have clear organizational skills, but try not to go overboard when managing other people.

The moon in neutral indicates the ability of Leo to worry about being in the shadows, worry about their popularity. The moon also says that Leo hides the intimate sides of his life. Home, the family plays an important role in the life of Leo.

Moon in the decanates of the sign of Leo

Increased ambition, strong desire to carry out their ideas and plans. Gives scope to activities in all areas of life. With negative aspects to the Moon - sad love, betrayal, disappointment.

High intellect and spirituality, high ideals, love and materialistic interests play an important role.

Significant energy, determination, diligence, research propensity, diligence, empathy, compassion. With negative aspects of the Moon with Mars and Saturn - the threat of drowning or poisoning, with Saturn and Uranus - frequent purulent tonsillitis.

Historical persons with the Moon in the sign of Leo

Charles VIII, Louis IV, Franz Joseph I, Gustave Flaubert, Paul Gauguin, Paul Verlaine, Marlene Dietrich, Otto Martin Pfefferkorn.

Moon transit through the sign of Leo

The Moon in Leo makes people active, more optimistic, sensitive to signs of attention and compliments. They tend to embellish reality, see everything in a rosy light, they have a strong craving for pleasure, they want holidays and entertainment. I want to draw attention to my person, make an impression, fall in love, flirt. Feasts during this period are fun and large-scale. Money is spent on luxury items and all sorts of little things. it the best time for entertainment and relaxation. Things are going well during this period, since the Moon in the sign of Leo enhances organizational skills and a thirst for action. The head works well. People easily grasp ideas, suggestions to do or organize something. Excitement is often manifested, a person is ready to take risks if he feels that he can win. Relations with colleagues and bosses are good, everyone wants to like each other - so it's a sin not to take advantage of the right moment to address bosses with requests and suggestions. Your bosses usually offer advice and assistance, both personally and in your work plan, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. People are impressed by the dynamism in contacts and deeds, they gratefully accept the manifestation of kindness and nobility.

Favorable time for classes with children. At school, children are proactive, creative, praise and encouragement help to intensify work in the lesson. But at home, children often rebel against the despotism of their parents.

Tense aspects evoke a desire to show themselves in all their glory, which can be expressed in boastfulness and arrogance. This entails erroneous conclusions and rash actions. People become more sensitive to how others treat them. They are offended by inattention to their person, which they perceive as neglect. At the same time, they themselves can also be arrogant towards others. The desire for pleasure that appears during this period generates extravagance, so people are easier to part with money - for example, buy things that they really do not need, fall for the flattering advice of sellers, or lose them in gambling.

Good time:

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for admission to a new place of service, entry into new position, development new topic work, the beginning of construction, especially on the 10th, 20th, 27th, 30th Lunar day;
  • for the artistic and social activities, legal and official affairs;
  • for speculative activities, buying lottery tickets;
  • to appeal to the authorities, authorities, institutions and departments (7th lunar day), increase and expand the authority, prestige, reputation;
  • for new acquaintances, tying friendly relations establishing useful contacts;
  • for events to strengthen the prestige and authority in the immediate environment, presentations, exhibitions, auctions, social events, visits, receptions, shows, demonstrations, gift giving;
  • for cultural events, visits to theater, cinema, stadiums and other public places;
  • to visit gambling halls, casinos, restaurants and other places of entertainment;
  • for hunting and sports;
  • for purchase jewelry, jewelry and jewelry, gifts for your loved ones and loved ones;
  • for hair cutting;
  • for the treatment of vascular and eye diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

Bad timing:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for financial transactions, exchange transactions, capital investments, conclusion of contracts, execution of monetary documents, valuable papers, wills;
  • for commercial transport and cases related to working together, cooperation, co-authorship;
  • to criticize the authorities;
  • for moving, apartment exchange, buying real estate;
  • for purchases of anything other than jewelry, jewelry, gold, prestigious items and luxury items;
  • for the trade in animals;
  • for operations in the back, chest cavity, heart, spine;
  • for planting and transplanting plants, salting cabbage.


  • from sharp objects - the possibility of injury;
  • monetary losses due to adventures and wastefulness, a large loss in gambling;
  • heart failure, heart attack with increased physical exertion;
  • exacerbation of sciatica, osteochondrosis (lumbago);
  • blackmail, gossip, intrigue.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbols"

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