Home Roses Ideas for a corporate calendar with an industrial theme. Corporate calendars. Walk away, crazy empress

Ideas for a corporate calendar with an industrial theme. Corporate calendars. Walk away, crazy empress

Corporate parties and other events are held on many occasions - the company’s birthday, the opening of a branch, the celebration of general holidays, and so on.

For employees to enjoy the event and benefit the team, it must be interesting and fun, and also have a well-thought-out scenario. Holding various competitions will help with this.

Advantages of the chosen location

Holding a corporate event away from the city noise, in nature, is an ideal choice for any companies and organizations. If we list the advantages of such an event as briefly as possible, we get the following list:

  • economical holiday– organizing a picnic, even a very large and long one, will cost the company less than a grand feast in a restaurant;
  • the freedom of action– no room or venue will ever have so many opportunities to spend time pleasantly and usefully;
  • team building by jointly solving the most complex problems.

Entertainment options depending on the time of year

A corporate holiday in nature can be held at any time of the year. The main thing is to choose the so-called seasonal games, competitions and entertainment that will bring the team many pleasant moments.


Kissing marathon

A competitive game for a company with a young, cheerful team.

Each girl is assigned a certain number, and each boy is assigned a letter. They stand in groups on two sides of the clearing, in the center of which is the driver. He loudly calls the code - a combination of letters and numbers.

The girl whose number is called must run up and kiss the host, and the young man does his best to interfere with this. If he was unable to intercept the girl, then he himself takes the place of the leader.

Engine Chukh-chukh

A team, sports competition for the title of the most dexterous and fastest team, of which there may be several.

Teams form trains in a certain way: the leg is bent at the knee and directed back, one hand is on the shoulder of the person in front, and the other needs to support his leg bent at the knee.

Thus, At the signal from the leader, the participants must reach the finish line first without breaking the train.

Forced dive

An individual, active competition for agility, speed and skill in the water.

All participants stand in a small semicircle in the water of the river, and the leader stands on the bank in front of them. He horizontally unwinds a rope to which a small ball is tied, gradually lowering the height of the ball.

The participants' task is to dodge the ball as long as possible while falling into the water.. The one who was hit is eliminated.

Friendly bonfires

It is carried out if at least two colleagues play the guitar. One fire is lit for each team, the participants of which sit around.

The task of the teams is to remember as many songs as possible - pioneer, lyrical, tourist, bard.

For the point to be counted, You need to sing one verse and chorus to guitar accompaniment. The counting is carried out jointly.

Grape harvest

The team is divided into several teams with equal number participants.

Each group is given a bunch of grapes (must be the same). One of the participants will hold the branch with their teeth, and the rest will carefully tear off the berries with their teeth and put them in a separate basket for each team.

Competition time is 2 minutes. The group that collects the most wins larger number grapes

Delicious drinks

You will need to stock up on several (up to 10) types of compote in advance - apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, currant, etc., as well as many disposable cups.

Participants are blindfolded and asked to taste what each compote is made from. The winner is the one who never made a mistake in the definition.. 500 ml of each drink is enough for 10 participants.


Everyone interested is divided into two teams. Two routes are designated - pins are placed (can be replaced with twigs or sticks), which the “caterpillar” will go around like a “snake”.

In this case, all participants hold onto the previous player with both hands, and everyone except the first one is blindfolded.

The team that reaches the finish line first and knocks down the fewest pins wins.

Loading relay race

We need two teams with an even number of players, for the convenience of splitting into pairs. The “loading” distance is determined, for example, 10 meters.

In a pair, one participant is the “wheelbarrow”, and the second is the “loader”. The first one stands on his hands, and the second one holds him by the legs so that the body is in a horizontal plane.

It is in this position that the pairs will need to go the distance as quickly as possible and return back, passing the baton to the next in the team.

Unicycle racing

Participants are divided into teams with a number of players that is a multiple of three. Each trio will need to cover the entire distance in a certain way and, returning back, pass the baton to the next trio.

Additional attributes: two durable volleyball ball. One of the players stands on the ball and rolls it with his feet, the other two must support it on both sides under the elbows.

Back you need to carry the ball while running.



It is carried out in those places where you can collect enough cones.

To conduct the competition, you will need two basins and two buckets of cones pre-collected by employees (one per team). The entire team is divided into two equal teams. After the leader’s signal, the participants throw the cones into their basin, taking one at a time.

The team that collects the largest harvest wins.

Leaf creativity

Best suited for small creative companies who decide to spend a holiday in a deciduous forest. There can be several teams, and they will carry out the task of compiling best composition

from colorful leaves.

Teams are given a certain time (about 30–40 minutes), during which they must independently collect the material and make ikebana.

Avid tourists

Two or three teams will work together to prepare any dish without prepared ingredients. You can only use what you find in the surrounding area.

Additionally, participants are given equipment - knives, dishes, seasonings, and water is obtained independently.

It is advisable to spend at least an hour for the competition. The taste of the dish, its presentation and, of course, the ingenuity of the participants, as well as the speed of teamwork, are assessed.

Herbalists Two or more teams can participate in this competition. The task before the players is this: a short time

(no more than 20 minutes) find and collect as many different plants and mushrooms that grow nearby as possible.

They receive one point for each name. It is necessary to know the name of the plant and provide the judges with a part of it (leaf, flower, mushroom), otherwise the points will not be counted.

Modern Tarzan

First you need to build two pairs of swings - “bungee”. All players receive 25 cones (5 attempts each).

While swinging on a swing, you need to throw as many cones as possible into a target (pan, basin), using your attempts and passing the baton to the next one.

Fruit Gatherers

The fruits will be the cones found by the players. For the competition, you need several medium-sized boxes (40 ´ 60 ´ 60 cm) - one per team.

The team that can do it the fastest wins.


Snow shooting

You can play in teams or arrange individual competitions. Several trees of approximately the same diameter are selected - separately for the team.

At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to make snowballs and throw them at the tree. The team (or player) that manages to hit the tree the most times wins.

The shooting time is 1 minute in the team version, 3 minutes in the individual version.

Ski race

Individual competition for the title of the fastest and most agile skier.

The race track is prepared in advance - they are marked with flags, targets are arranged that need to be knocked out, a prize is hidden in a place indicated by a riddle, etc.

Skis must be prepared for each participant, so the competition is announced in advance.

Hey cab driver

You will need snowy weather and several fairly large sleds. Each team has six players. One strongman is selected who will lead the remaining five on the same sleigh along a given route.

From time to time the “strong man” can be changed. The team that loses the fewest players in the fall wins.(the one who falls is eliminated from the competition), and at the same time came to the finish line first.

Relay race

Teams of 4 people. A sled is provided for each. When sliding down a slide prepared and decorated in advance, the first one must hit the gate (two sticks at a distance of 2 m) and, upon returning, pass the sled to the next one.

The second player, moving down, collects the flags placed along the way. The third must hit the target with a snowball, and the fourth must throw the rings onto a stick in the middle of the track.

Artistic modeling

Several teams of 3-5 people compete in their ability to sculpt a Snow Woman. Each chooses a section of the clearing/forest where they will take snow and other components for sculpting.

Since this competition evaluates not so much the speed as the aesthetics of the snow creation, Baba must be decorated carefully, using twigs, cones, bark, etc. An hour of time is allotted for completion.

Men's fun

Used in men's groups. A circle with a diameter of 5 m is drawn in the snow with coals. All participants (6–10 people) enter the circle.

The task of each is to push everyone else abroad, remaining the winner. In this case, you need to stand on one leg, holding the other with your hand, and the second hand is hidden behind your back.

The participant who fell, pushed another with his hand, or stood on both legs is eliminated.



This is not full-fledged badminton, but its team spring version for speed. Two teams of 4–6 participants line up in a column before the start.

The first players receive a racket and balloon and, at the leader’s signal, they walk with him, holding him in the air with the help of a racket, to the designated finish line. Back - just run.

The second, taking the baton, is already rolling the ball on the ground, the third - similarly to the first, and so on.


It is better to spend it in the forest, where there is dense undergrowth and many flowers. Participants will have to be the fastest to weave the most beautiful wreath from available materials.

Each team has a man and a woman. He collects flowers, and she does the actual weaving. You can make the task more difficult by instructing everyone to weave a wreath for their partner.

For this competition, a wreath weaving pattern will be useful:

Search for a prize

There are many (at least 50) hanging in a limited area in the forest. balloons, with a note inside.

One note says “Grand Prize,” another “Consolation Prize,” and all the others say “Good luck searching!”

The main prize is the first portion of kebab in sole ownership, and comforting - ice cream or pie.

Hat to the king!

Two teams simultaneously begin to fight for the title of best hat team. To do this, they need to build a semblance of a human figure from what was found in the forest - these will be the “kings”.

The main condition for teams is every king must have a headdress- hat or crown. The fastest and most creative team, whose hat is the most interesting, wins.

Give freedom to parrots!

You need to choose four to five trees standing in a circle not far from each other. They will symbolize the bars of the cage in which 4 “parrots” sit - a team of participants.

A rope is pulled horizontally at a level of a meter above the ground around the trees, above which the players must leave the “cage”.

The winner is the team that was able to leave the circle just above the rope without hitting it.


For the competition, you will need a wide, stable log and several narrow and long balloons. You can play out the whole action like a fairy tale.

Anyone can apply and participate in the tournament. They will need to fight with balls on a log, trying to make their opponent fall off it.

The winners fight among themselves until the main Knight of the Log is determined.

And in conclusion, we offer you to watch a video of a grand corporate party in nature:

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There are companies that vacation on the coast of Crimea, on the Golden Sands of Bulgaria, and some in the Canary Islands. But not everyone is so lucky. Most employees of medium-sized companies sit in stuffy offices, counting the days until vacation and grumbling at their colleagues sweltering from the heat. Needless to say, labor efficiency in such organizations is low, and corporate spirit is completely zero. In such a situation, it’s time to put everything aside and go outside the city - to the forest, to the river, to the sea, to the mountains, in general, to any pleasant vacation spot located not far from your city. You can leave for one day, but it’s better for the whole weekend.
Sample event plan
You can create scenarios for such events, but given that there are many other interesting activities in nature, it is best to create a program of long-term entertainment and small games to diversify your vacation a little and plan general order events. For a picnic without an overnight stay, the following program is preferable:
● Site inspection. For a short picnic comfortable spot need to be found in advance. You may have to clear the found clearing of debris and dry branches.
● Setting up camp. Includes determining a place for a fire, organizing seats, pulling the awning from rain and sun, etc. If the journey to the place took more than two hours, you can have a snack with sandwiches brought from home.
● Collecting firewood for the fire (if you went “savages”). In some cases, it is easier to bring firewood or coal for the barbecue with you (you can buy them in tourist stores). If you are camping, you receive firewood along with your campsite or buy it.
● Division into those who cook kebabs or bake meat, and also do housework - cutting salads, unpacking provisions, arranging the table, and those who play games while waiting for food different games, swimming, sunbathing.
● The actual picnic.
● Entertainment after meals: quizzes, joke and “hunting” story competitions. If some kind of performance was being prepared (a concert, a comic “cabbage show” on the occasion of a holiday, congratulations to birthday people), it is best to hold it at this time.
● Group game (like “Capture the Banner” or “Search for Treasure”). It is very important that everyone present is involved.
● Sports games (football, volleyball, rounders). At this time, lovers are more relaxing holiday They can sunbathe, pick mushrooms and berries, play cards, dominoes, and fish.
● A second portion of barbecue for the hungry or a sweet table. If your team includes lucky mushroom pickers, fishermen or hunters, you can prepare more exotic dishes: mushroom soup, fish soup or game baked over a fire. In addition, in nature, herbalists can collect and brew aromatic tea from herbs and berries.
When it gets dark, you can sing songs around the fire, dance under the starry sky, night swims or fireworks. Or just sit, look into the fire and talk about life.
If you decide not to return home in the evening, wait until it begins to get light, put things in order in your place of rest and, inspired by new creative plans, go home to sleep before work week, which after such a holiday will certainly be successful and fruitful.
What to do in nature?
Cooking. Besides the fact that food cooked over a fire seems much tastier than restaurant dishes, and even the most avid ascetics awaken an appetite in the fresh air, “cooking by the fire” is a creative and interesting process in itself. You can bake meat and fish in a pit under a fire, fry meat on a spit, or smoke it over the smoke of resinous logs. Teas made from flowers, herbs and leaves will be incredibly tasty and healthy. And from tree mushroom chaga and cans of condensed milk make a “coffee” drink. In general, the process of cooking can turn into both exciting experimentation with brought products and forest gifts, and into a fun culinary competition.
Bonfire. Collecting wood for a fire can be played as a game. If there are many experienced tourists among those present, it is interesting to organize a fire-making competition. The tasks in it can also be theoretical (who will list more types bonfires or will name the firewood from which trees are more suitable for a given case), and practical (light a fire with one match, boil a pot of water faster than others).
Games in the water and on the shore. In summer, in hot weather, the best place for a picnic will be the shore of a reservoir (lake, river, sea). The presence of a reservoir allows you to organize many additional entertainments - swimming, fishing, water sports (water polo). And you can build castles from sand on the shore. It's also fun to bury each other in the sand. You can make souvenirs from clay to remember your picnic and burn them over a fire.
Hut. If you don’t have a tent and are afraid of rain, you can make a canopy from brushwood and spruce branches. But even if the weather is sunny, you can still remember your childhood and build yourself a forest house, or several houses, or a new office, and then hold a competition of forest architects. Just please, take care of nature and do not cut down green trees.
Fishing, hunting. Fishing and hunting are activities that require special training and the choice of a special place. But if among the company’s employees there are avid lovers of getting their own food outside the store, they can be tempted by the opportunity, for example, to go fishing not far from the picnic site. By the way, you can specially go fishing or hunting with the whole company - this will unite the team and strengthen the corporate spirit.
Collection of mushrooms, berries, nuts, herbs. Some inherited a passion for hunting from their ancestors, others for gathering. It is only important that the enthusiastic gatherers be led by a real forest expert, who will make sure that no one puts toadstools or wolf berries into the common pot.
Sport games. Volleyball and football are favorite games for picnics. You can try something more exotic: bandy, rounders, gorodki, water polo, even golf, baseball or cricket (especially if you invited your foreign partners on a country trip).
Sports competitions. By dividing into two or three teams, you can have fun starts, including running over rough terrain, crossing rivers, jumping over bumps, walking on a log, etc.
Orienteering. The main difficulty of this event is the need for a fairly detailed map of the area. If you have such a card, detailed entertainment is simply necessary. The best way to do this is as follows. Several sets of terrain maps are produced (according to the number of teams). For each team, five points are determined where a snack is hidden (this could be, for example, candy and cookies or chips and nuts). These points are plotted on each team's map. The final, sixth, point is common to all teams. Next to it is the gathering place for all competition participants. At the final point, “drinks” are hidden - thermoses with tea or stronger drinks (depending on the composition of the teams). The first team to reach the final point takes the main prize. However, after the end of the competition, all the food found is laid out on the common table.
Robinson competition. For people who rarely visit the forest, a competition in which teams quickly light a fire, set up a tent, cook food, and chop wood will seem exotic. Experienced tourists, who are best served as judges and spectators in these competitions, will also have a lot of fun.
Nature quizzes. If you have time to prepare for the holiday, you can draw up questions aimed at identifying the knowledge of its participants in the field of flora and fauna. Questions (with subsequent explanations) about poisonous mushrooms and berries, first aid methods, signs of bad weather, ways to determine cardinal directions, etc. will be useful.
Songs. It’s good when on a trip you discover that your accountant plays the guitar well, your boss has a luxurious baritone, and the girls from the customer service department demonstrate such abilities as if they were all work time All they do is rehearse. Live music is more suitable for gatherings around a fire and brings people together well.
Dancing. A disco in the forest is an unusual and fun activity. The music here is more melodic and romantic. In any case, unless you have climbed into the remote taiga, think about the comfort of people relaxing nearby.
Hunting tales. Many people have such stories in stock - about huge fish, an incredible size mushroom found in the thicket of a forest for a hundred dollars, meeting a beautiful green-haired girl near a swamp, etc. When the stories are over, you can tell jokes.
Forest fashion. Why not have a fashion show? Skirts made of reeds, mysterious branched staffs, wreaths and garlands of flowers. Of course, it’s easier for women to choose outfits, but men will be grateful spectators and picky experts.
Fireworks. In the dark sky, above the surface of the river, in silence, this spectacle is magical and unforgettable. But in order to leave only positive emotions from it, always remember the fire safety rules.
Throwing cones
Participants find five cones for themselves, and then take turns throwing them, trying to hit the indicated tree. If several participants have the same number of hits, a final round is held between them, and the distance to the tree increases. The winner receives a prize point.
Search for food
The players are given the task of finding something edible in the forest in 10 minutes (if there are really a lot of edible berries and mushrooms around, the time needs to be reduced). The one who copes with the task better than others receives a prize point.
In the competition, the important thing is not whether the player actually brings something edible, but how he argues for its edibility.
Treasure Hunt
For the competition, a platform with sand (approximately 2 x 2 m in size) is required. The leader buries several small objects in the sand. The participants' task is to find these objects. The winner is the first participant to find one of the items.
Knife throwers
A target is drawn on a tree trunk with colored chalk. Participants are invited to throw knives (or darts from the game “Darts”) at a target. For the competition you need to choose an old tree with thick bark.
dragon tail
Participants stand in a row one behind the other, and each holds onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. In this case, the chain should not be broken.
Another version of the game is when the participants stand sideways to each other and hold hands. The game requires a large space.
At will or with the help of a rhyme, two drivers are selected. The remaining players scatter, and the drivers join hands and try to surround one of the players. If they succeed, the caught player joins the chain of drivers, and now the three of them run around, holding hands, trying to surround another player. Each player caught joins the "net". The last player not caught is declared the winner.
If two leaders fail to surround anyone for a long time, choose a third leader and limit the space of the playing area.
It’s a child’s game, but with the right attitude it goes off with a bang. adult company. Participants sit in a circle. Everyone chooses an animal and comes up with a movement to represent it. Participants then take turns demonstrating their movement so that others can remember. The game begins with one of the participants showing his animal and the animal of any other participant. The one whose animal is shown must immediately react and show his animal and the animal of any participant. The game is played for fun, you can play for elimination or forfeits.
Examples of movements depicting animals:
Giraffe - a raised hand with a bent palm.
Crocodile - clap with straight arms extended forward.
Snake - wave-like movements with one hand, forward, in a horizontal plane.
Hare - place your palms pressed together on the top of your head.
Hedgehog - raise both palms above your head with fingers spread.
Bird - several strokes of the arms (like wings).
Orangutan - make several blows with clenched fists to the chest curved like a wheel.
Horse fight
Players are divided into pairs. In each pair, the lighter player, the “rider,” climbs onto the back of the more massive and strong player, the “horse” (can be divided into riders and horses by gender). A horse fight begins, in which the task of each pair is to knock the riders off the other horses. The last rider remaining in the saddle and his horse are declared the winners.
In addition to this game, you can hold competitions between horse riders:
who will run the distance faster;
who will push the opponent out of the circle;
ball games, etc.
It is safer and more interesting to conduct “horse fights” in the water.
Ball in a circle
The players form a circle. The driver with the ball stands in the center of the circle and tries to knock the ball out of the circle (with his feet). And the players prevent him from doing this by hitting the ball. If the driver still manages to knock the ball out of the circle, the player who missed the ball becomes the new driver, and the previous driver takes his place.
Players in a circle must stand at least an arm's length apart from each other.
You can choose not one, but two or three drivers. In this case, the game can be played with either one or two balls.
A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the ground. Two people participate in the competition at the same time. Each participant stands on right leg holding the left leg by the ankle right hand. Left hand hides behind his back. The goal of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle. The one who succeeds is declared the winner. In addition, a participant who lets go of his left leg or uses his hands during the fight is considered a loser.
For the game, it is advisable to choose a referee who would ensure that all rules and safety precautions are followed. Players must be of the same weight category.
Balloon battle
Each player has a balloon tied to their right ankle. After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce the balls of other players and protect their own ball. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. Last Man, remaining in the game is declared the winner. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.
The game requires 12–20 people, who must form two circles: outer and inner, with the same number of players in each. One person from the inner circle and one from the outer circle form a pair (everyone must remember their partner).
At the command of the leader, the participants in the spring circle begin to run clockwise, and in the inner circle, counterclockwise. The leader will give commands that each pair must carry out, and very quickly. The pair that comes out last is out of the game (or gets a penalty point).
For example, if the leader commands: “Back to back!”, then the couples should connect with these very parts of the body. The winner is the pair that remains last in the game (or the pair that scores fewer other penalty points).
The presenter's commands can be as follows:
palm to palm;
ear to shoulder;
knee to palm;
heel to heel;
knee to shoulder;
elbow to heel;
back to back,
heel to toe;
elbow to shoulder blade;
back of the head to the lower back.
Transmission of motion in a circle
All participants, including the leader, stand in a circle. All players except the leader close their eyes. After this, the leader begins to transmit some movement or sound signal to one of his neighbors. A participant who receives a signal transmits it to its neighbor, maintaining the direction of propagation of the signal (that is, if it received a signal from its right neighbor, it transmits it to its left neighbor).
The presenter can also try to confuse the players by sending one signal to his right neighbor and a completely different one to his left neighbor. The presenter first waits for the signal to travel the entire circle and return to it before starting a new signal. Over time, the pace of the game increases and several signals are simultaneously transmitted in a circle. different sides, which gives the game additional excitement.
The game is played for fun, without determining winners and losers.
Examples of signals transmitted by the master:
pat your neighbor on the shoulder;
pat your neighbor on the head;
pinch your neighbor's hand;
grab your neighbor by the nose;
transmitting any sounds or phrases to a neighbor’s ear;
hug your neighbor, clinging to him;
pull your neighbor's hand several times;
shake your neighbor's hand;
kiss your neighbor on the cheek;
tickle a neighbor;
hug your neighbor around the waist;
hit your neighbor between the shoulder blades;
give your neighbor a massage;
push the neighbor.

A corporate event in nature is a great way to unite the team and raise the team spirit of employees, which will only have a positive impact on their work. This is why the leaders of many modern companies

They do not ignore this informal event and organize a field trip every year.

In order for a corporate event to be successful, it must be aimed at achieving the ultimate goal - to create a single team of like-minded people from the company’s employees, which in its work will be aimed at a common result. And for this you will need to think through the program for its holding, as well as resolve all organizational issues regarding the time and place of its holding, menu, competitions and outdoor games. It is important to ensure that the participants of this event do not have time to get bored; they should be as busy as possible. And this is only possible if they are created for comfortable conditions

. Our company can help you organize a corporate event in nature and will take care of all the hassle of organizing it. Our regular customers There are many capital companies, holdings and corporations. We can organize an interesting corporate event both in summer and winter, both within Moscow and in the Moscow region. The one we provide is especially popular.

This place is perfect for a corporate event.

What is an outdoor corporate event? A corporate event outside the city, organized according to all the rules, is usually called sports team building. This term refers to a series psychological techniques aimed at uniting the team in order to develop team spirit and individual responsibility for the overall result. IN We are talking about including sports and adventure team games in the program of a corporate event, in which company employees will take part. These can be a variety of quests, the favorite mafia game, elements of the Fort Bayard show, etc. You can coincide your corporate event with the following holidays:

  • company birthday;
  • successful completion of the next project;
  • professional holiday;
  • any of the secular holidays (New Year, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.);
  • gratitude to employees for the good performance of the company.

Corporate events in nature help newcomers integrate into the team and do not allow experienced employees to relax. Gone are the days when all such events were held in restaurants. This establishment requires a certain dress code and generally accepted rules of behavior.

A corporate outdoor event does not require a new dress, hairstyle and impeccable makeup; you can leave your boring business suit with the same tie at home. It will be enough to have clothes and shoes in a sports style, a good mood and activity. Correctly chosen venue for the event, delicious menu and excellent organized program will make this day memorable and unique.

The company, organizing your event, can offer you a choice of interesting places to hold a corporate event in nature. These can be forest glades, Moscow parks, country beaches, and much more.

An excellent corporate event at any time of the year can be held in a tent on the water provided by our company, which is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region - the village of Pirogovo. At your service will be a well-maintained beach, comfortable gazebos, beautiful scenery, clean air, and wildlife.

Holding a corporate event in nature and its advantages

Since a corporate event is an informal event, the advantages of holding it outdoors are obvious. These include:

  • free style of clothing for all its participants;
  • rich entertainment program;
  • great amount team corps and sports competitions;
  • unusual place its implementation;
  • non-traditional menu;
  • clean air and wildlife.

Holding a corporate event in nature guarantees magnificent photos and most interesting video fun competitions and games.

In order for the corporate event to be exactly the way you see it, you need to carefully work through all the organizational aspects.

  • The right choice would be to contact a company specializing in this - Emerald Hall Banquet. We approach the organization of such events professionally, developing in advance not only the entertainment program, but also general issues of their conduct. Namely:
  • choice of venue, its equipment and design;
  • developing a suitable menu and preparing dishes;
  • provision of services of waiters, head waiter, animators and the main host of the event;
  • installation of lighting equipment, protection from rain and wind;
  • full musical accompaniment of the event;
  • provision of sports equipment and, if necessary, suits;
  • insurance services for all corporate party participants;

transfer to and from the event venue.

Corporate outdoor events held in tents are extremely popular. These structures provide excellent protection from wind, rain and other vicissitudes of the weather. You can even hold a winter corporate event in a tent. We use heat guns for heating, and we organize a dressing room for participants’ outerwear.

Choosing a place to hold a corporate event in nature

  • The first issue that needs to be resolved when organizing this event is outdoors. It is best to do this in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region, surrounded by wildlife. This choice of venue will allow employees to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy clean air and birdsong. The company is pleased to offer you the following places for corporate events in nature:
  • a tent on the water with an adjacent site in Pirogovo;
  • fully equipped glades with tents of any capacity 15 - 30 km north of Moscow;
  • country houses or recreation centers, guest houses and hotels;
  • wooden gazebos with sports fields, perfect for team building;
  • motor ships with a capacity of up to 600 people, for a walk along the Moscow River;

The northern direction of Pyatnitskoye Highway is considered an environmentally friendly area of ​​the Moscow region. There are excellent places to hold corporate events in nature. We can install a tent in the location you choose or offer you a number of our already equipped sites. For example, a tent on the water in the village of Pirogovo. It is distinguished by its closed territory, the presence of a pier and its own beach. Its capacity allows you to organize an event for 300 participants. And the territory of the site is perfect for any team games or sports competitions.

Organizing a corporate event in nature: main points

You can try to organize a summer corporate party in nature yourself. But if you do not have experience in such matters, then it is better to turn to professionals. Our company will organize this for you corporate event, which you and your employees will never forget. We will also take care of all the hassle of organizing it, serving guests and providing entertainment. We guarantee high-quality catering, including:

  • delivery of restaurant dishes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to the corporate event venue;
  • table setting;
  • waiter service;
  • cleaning after the event.

In addition, by agreement we can organize food preparation on site. This is very convenient if the event program includes culinary master classes or a competition for the best kebab.

Spartan outdoor recreation is in little demand these days. More and more people are choosing landscaped areas with a tent to hold an outdoor event. Organizing a corporate event in nature involves renting it, which includes:

  • decor of the tent and adjacent area;
  • bio toilets;
  • organization of security;
  • parking;
  • cleaning service.

For an additional fee, you can also rent sound and lighting equipment, equipment for sports games, sun loungers, sun umbrellas, etc. You can also order professional photo and video shooting in order to get high-quality pictures and a fascinating film about your busy day - the company’s corporate event.

Corporate event out of town: menu and service features

Many people still naively believe that the menu for a corporate event in nature will consist of traditional kebabs, kulesh cooked over a fire and potatoes baked in ash. But our company can offer the real thing. Freshly prepared dishes will be delivered directly to your corporate event outside the city. Or, as an option, organize their preparation right on the spot.

We develop the menu at the stage of preparation for the event. The final version is subject to your approval. We can offer dishes of national Russian, Caucasian, Mediterranean or Japanese cuisine. Fusion menus and food cooked on the grill are in particular demand.

We will also professionally calculate the required amount of alcohol for your event. We use a simple calculation according to which 150 g of champagne, 150 g of vodka and 450 g of wine are consumed per person. This is quite enough for a 4-hour corporate party.

Corporate events in nature and their entertainment program

Organizing a corporate event in nature presupposes the presence of a dynamic entertainment program, the lion's share of which should be taken up by team competitions and games. They are intended to strengthen the team spirit among company employees and their awareness that they are engaged in a common cause and its result depends on them.

When developing an entertainment program, our company pays Special attention his organization. That is why we suggest turning to the services of professional presenters who will act as event managers. They will not let corporate party participants get bored and will ensure that all employees are involved in team games and competitions.

What kind of entertainment can there be at a corporate party? All of them, of course, will be directly related to team building. We can arrange:

  • exciting quests;
  • game of "mafia";
  • the real “Fort Bayard” with its dangerous tasks and intellectual questions;
  • rafting;
  • cycling competitions, etc.

We can make a real show out of an ordinary tug of war or arrange a team championship in bandminton. Our possibilities are endless. Corporate party participants will enjoy all kinds of master classes - culinary, creative, artistic, followed by a competition for the best dish, drawing or craft, funny quizzes, pantomime, dance lessons, etc. All entertainment events held will fully comply with the rules of team building.

Winter corporate party in nature

It’s hard to believe, but an outdoor corporate event in Moscow can be organized even in winter. And the place for it will be closed tents installed in a forest clearing, near a pond or surrounded by snow-covered pine trees. Dense, airtight tents will protect event participants from the chilly wind, and heat guns will prevent them from freezing. We can offer hot mulled wine at the table, which will go great after team games in the cold. The menu will include restaurant hot dishes and steaming kebab cooked on the grill.

A entertainment, organized by us in the spirit of team building, will make an outdoor corporate event in Moscow as exciting and eventful as if it were held in Dombay or at any other ski resort. We can offer the organization of team competitions in winter sports in the style of a complex relay race, cross-country skiing on forest tracks, cheesecake skiing and snowball fights. Or, as an option, an intellectual quiz, a costumed masquerade ball, Board games


As a venue, we offer ours, which is located at the very edge of the forest near the water and has a spacious area, perfect for holding team competitions and games.

Organizing a corporate event outdoors in summer In the warm season, we spend much more time outside than in winter. Therefore, the question of where to hold a corporate event in nature is especially acute. After all, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are so many good places , where everything is conducive to active recreation

and complete unity with nature.

Let's take Pirogovo, for example. This picturesque village is located in an ecologically clean area north of Moscow. It is easy and simple to organize a transfer there. It is surrounded by wildlife. There is a dense forest, a reservoir, and sandy beaches nearby. We set up a huge tent right on the water, designed for a huge number of guests. Before each event, we decorate it with fresh and artificial flowers, balloons, lanterns and garlands. The tent will protect the event participants from bad weather.

There are a lot of ideas for holding a corporate event in the summer. They will be limited only by your imagination, and we will help bring them to life. This event can be combined with an educational excursion to local attractions, wine or young cheese tasting. The feast usually makes up only a fifth of a rich and varied program, with special emphasis on team building.

Corporate events in nature, the organization and holding of which are entrusted to our company “Emerald Hall Banquet”, are bright and memorable events, full of interesting, exciting moments that will be passed on to newcomers for a long time. They will become part of the company's history. And this event will allow its employees to get to know each other better and even make friends.

Corporate events are an important element of organizational culture, one of the main parts of non-material motivation of employees. In my opinion, August - September are the most the right time for corporate outings: the holiday season is coming to an end, most employees have had time to relax and are already at work, the end of the year and the pre-New Year deadlines are still far away, and the weather is still quite warm. It's time to get together and raise the team spirit over a barbecue!

I offer my version of a corporate event in nature, which was adapted and held for a commercial organization on the occasion of Trade Day. I would like to note that in addition to prizes and souvenirs for the winners of the competitions, cardboard stars were prepared in advance and given to all participants, and active employees who scored the highest large quantity stars, received valuable gifts at the end of the event.

So, ready script. Unfortunately, I do not provide links to the original sources of the competitions.

Arrival at the clearing. Arrangement of the territory.

Leading: announces a traditional competition for the “Best Find”. Findings could be, for example:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • a handful of berries;
  • mushroom;
  • log (as the most needed item at the moment);
  • cone (in memory of the holiday);
  • unusual tree leaf;
  • stick-staff (to confidently walk through life).

After everyone has gathered, 3 winners are determined (1st, 2nd, 3rd places). The main prize is awarded for 1st place, mini-prizes (souvenirs) for 2nd and 3rd places. Awarding stars to all competition participants.

Congratulatory words from management.

Leading: The competition “Dedicated to the company...” is a competition for the best ode in honor of the company or the best toast. The contestants take turns reading their poems or making toasts throughout the holiday. At the end of the holiday, the audience chooses the best authors and they are awarded prizes. All participants in the competition are awarded stars and mini-prizes/souvenirs.

Leading: Let's work up an appetite. Competition "Great Gray-Green Limpopo".

Required: two ropes of 3-4 meters each.

The Limpopo River is represented by two ropes, the width between which is 1.5 - 2 meters. One of the players (preferably a man) is designated as a “crocodile”. All the rest are brave “explorers” who cross the river, trying not to fall into the mouth of the “crocodile”. If a crocodile touches a player, he is automatically included in the "crocodile" team and is included in the process of capturing the "researchers". In this case, all “crocodiles” must hold hands and remain with at least one foot in the river. The last player not caught is considered the winner and receives the main prize. All competition participants receive stars.

Leading: Kangaroo Racing Competition.

Required: 10-12 balloons, two ropes.

Players line up along the starting line (1st rope from the Limpopo River), holding the balls between their knees. On the command “March!” they begin to move with kangaroo jumps to the finish line (2nd pitch from the Limpopo River) and back. If the ball falls, the player must stop, pick it up, again hold the ball between his knees and catch up with the rest of the “kangaroos”. A burst balloon will disqualify the player. The first one to make a circle with the ball intact wins. He gets the main prize, the rest get stars.

Break between competitions.

Leading makes a toast: There are four levels of intoxication, and each is named after an animal, beast or bird - what a person becomes like at this moment.

Thus, the first level is called the peacock level, because at this stage a person becomes important and even arrogant, like this bird.

The second level of intoxication is the monkey level. Having already drunk a fair amount, a person feels relaxed, and there is a desire to joke and play tricks. Life seems wonderful! This is the best stage of intoxication.

The subsequent stages - the level of a ferocious lion and the level of a pig - are, of course, completely unattractive.

So let’s drink so that we can quickly reach a pleasant intoxication! And also for staying in it!

Leading: Quiz “All about barbecue.” The most active participant who answers the largest number of questions receives the main prize. Everyone else gets stars.

Examples of questions:

  1. Shish kebab is the national dish of which countries? (Caucasian)
  2. Name the mandatory and necessary condition cooking shish kebab ( Good company)
  3. The most terrible threat (I'll make a kebab out of you!)
  4. Name a movie in which the hero says: “Kebab does not tolerate women’s hands” ("Moscow does not believe in tears")
  5. What is the name of the country walk where barbecue is usually prepared? (Picnic)
  6. Is shish kebab the first course or the third course? (The only thing)
  7. Which kebab finishes faster - long or short? (Delicious)
  8. Where does one of the heroes of the film “Operation “Y”, or Shurik’s New Adventures” eat kebab? (At a construction site)
  9. What kind of meat should be for barbecue? Which part of the carcass is best to take it from? (Fresh, not frozen; for lamb, the loin is preferred; for pork, the neck is preferable)
  10. What drink goes best with barbecue? (Dry red wine)

Leading: Pantomime competition.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. You can guess individual words, phrases from famous songs, proverbs and sayings, catchphrases, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictional) people. Then the teams change roles. The game is played on stars.

A private version of the “Pantomime” competition can be the “Mute Telephones” competition.

Those wishing to take part in the game (6-8 people) line up in a column one after another. The last participant standing in the column turns his back to the column, facing the leader. The presenter shows him and the audience a trading concept written on paper ( for example, a cashier, a grocery store salesperson serves a customer, a senior salesperson accepts goods). Task: in turn, from the last to the first player, tapping the shoulder of the one in front, without words, only with facial expressions and gestures, explain the trading concept. When the next participant nods that he understands what is being said, he turns to the next participant, pats him on the shoulder and tries to explain. And so on until the end. Then all participants in the game are questioned in reverse order: who understood what. Everyone receives mini-prizes (souvenirs) and stars.

Leading: After such an intense exercise for the mind, let's try to check and prove to each other that here are not only smart, but also creatively gifted, creative people. I want to announce that we will now conduct a selection for the roles of the three little pigs in the play of the same name. But, since we are no longer children, our performance is not for children. First, an anecdote:

Once upon a time there were three little pigs - Nif-nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf. But there was also a fourth. He didn’t hide from the wolf, didn’t build houses, but walked through the forest and sent everyone away. And his name was Nah-Nah.

In our production, the piglet Nif-Nif is an intellectual, Naf-Naf is an athlete, and Nuf-Nuf is a musically gifted person. Those participating in the selection (or they are appointed by the leader) choose a suitable role for themselves (3 people for each role).

For the role of Naf-Naf, the presenter gives a task, for example, whoever jumps further or does more jumping rope wins, for Nuf-Nuf - whoever performs a better song from a fairy tale and plays the pipe:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Where do you roam, gray wolf, old, stupid wolf!

For those performing the role of Nif-Nif, they ask any question (only a fairly complex one!) with answer options. One of them will choose correct option. For example:

1. How is the French culinary term “grill” translated?

  1. fry
  2. burn
  3. bake

2. In the series “Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot,” Poirot, seeing a certain product, said, “How can I eat them, they are so different in size.” What is he talking about?

  1. About quails
  2. About kebabs
  3. About tomatoes
  4. About eggs

All participants are awarded stars, the winners receive mini-prizes (souvenirs), and the presenter announces that, unfortunately, there will be no staging of the play, since a suitable sponsor has not been found. This is for the best, since we can finally fill our glasses again.

Break between competitions. The employees make toasts.

Leading: Cone Throwing Competition.

Required: two ropes, cones.

Players are divided into two teams of 8 people. The ropes mark two targets. Participants take three cones each, and then take turns throwing them, trying to hit the indicated targets. For each hit, a star is awarded. Members of the winning team receive mini-prizes (souvenirs of the same type).

Leading: Competition "Lame Pirate".

Required: two ropes.

Two pairs of participants are selected. Each pair's legs are tied (the left leg of one to the right leg of the other). Couples must walk a distance from the site along the lake and back. The first couple to arrive receives mini-prizes (souvenirs). Everyone gets stars.

Leading: Competition at the “Eloquence” table.

Participants in a circle list the characteristics of the named concept. Anyone who cannot answer is eliminated from the game. The last participant to name the definition wins. For example, “Trade Day” is... a corporate event, a trip to nature, summer, etc.” The winner receives the main prize, all participants receive stars.

Leading: Let's role-play the scene. For example, the script “A movie is being made” is prepared in advance, and the characters are given props. All participants receive mini-prizes (souvenirs) and stars.

Leading:Competition “Statue of a Trade Worker”. Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is invited to build its own composition-figure of a “Trade Worker” as follows: one person comes out and takes some beautiful pose in his opinion, suitable for a “Trade Worker”. The next person approaches him and tries to “complete” the composition by taking some kind of complementary position next to the first person. It can touch the first one, it can stand close or far away from it, the main thing is that they create an overall composition that fills the space. Then a third person “adjusts” to them, a fourth, and so on - until the very last participant. As a result, each team should get a beautiful multi-armed, multi-legged figure of the “Trade Worker”. Teams can play simultaneously or take turns, watching each other’s successes from the perspective of spectators. All participants receive stars.

Leading: “Bring it to me” competition. 12 participants are divided into 3 teams. Each team receives a list of things that it must bring to the presenter in 5 minutes. The team that brings the fastest or the largest number of things from the list wins and receives mini-prizes (souvenirs). All participants receive stars.


  1. 10 kopecks
  2. Stone
  3. Trouser belt
  4. Comb
  5. Something wet
  6. Anything red
  7. An object that can be used to write
  8. Flower
  9. Knife
  10. A piece of tree bark

Leading:Contest story “How we celebrated Trade Day.” Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group receives the task of writing a story in 10-15 minutes on the topic “How we celebrated Trade Day.” But at the same time, empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions. Then the groups get together and take turns writing into their stories adjectives that are randomly told to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Then the finished stories are read out and the funniest, most original work is determined. Participants are marked with stars, winners - with mini-prizes (souvenir products of one type - 4 pieces).

Leading: We count the stars (3 winners who scored maximum amount). The winners receive main prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

Closing words from the management and presentation of a special gift to the employees who were responsible for the barbecue at this event.

In addition, a wonderful addition to any corporate event would be the presentation

Quite often, the organization of a corporate event in nature is entrusted to professionals, but it is quite possible to do it on your own. To implement the idea, you will need to resolve many issues: choose a place where the corporate event will take place, find the necessary equipment, purchase drinks and food, organize musical accompaniment. But, perhaps, the most important thing is to come up with and conduct fun contests, games, competitions and quizzes. We offer some competition options for outdoor corporate events.

Competition for a corporate event in nature

"Water Sprint"

This competition is perfect for an away corporate event if it takes place on the shore of an open body of water.

The competition consists of several stages. Three participants are selected and run, competing with each other, in ankle-deep water. At the second stage, these same people are already running knee-deep in water. Then waist-deep, and finally the sprint is chest-deep in water (you can’t swim in this case - only run). The winner is determined by the least amount of time spent in all stages.

Game "Edible-Inedible"
This game from our childhood is quite suitable for corporate holiday.

The leader stands in front of the players lined up in a row or in a circle. He throws the ball to the players one by one and at the same time shouts out the names of the objects; if it is an edible product, then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, if not edible, then return it. If the player makes a mistake, he must perform some pre-announced action (sing, dance). The winner is the one who makes the fewest mistakes.

Competition "Cross the swamp"
For this competition, participants must split into two teams. An area approximately 3-4 meters long and 2-3 meters wide is cleared in front of them - this is a “swamp”. Each team is given two small cardboard circles (so that both legs fit within its boundaries). Participants, one by one, must cross the “swamp” with the help of these circles, moving them from place to place and using them as “bumps”. After the first participant crosses the entire field, the leader passes the “bumps” to the next player on the team. The first team to cross the swamp in its entirety wins.

Competition "Collect the rain"
Two or three people take part in the competition. The presenter stands in the center and sprays water from a bottle in different directions around him - “rain”. The players hold plastic glasses in their hands and try to catch droplets of “rain” with them. The participant with the most water in the glass wins.

Competition "Potato"
To conduct this competition, participants are divided into teams of 5-6 people each. Teams line up in front of the outlined line. At a distance of several meters from this line, an empty bucket is placed in front of each team. And near the line there are containers with potatoes. Members of each team take turns throwing potatoes into a bucket. The winner is the team that throws the most “shells” at the target.

Relay races
For a corporate holiday, various relay races are perfect as competitions, where team members must run (jump, crawl) a certain distance at speed and come back.

Relay options:

  1. "Jumpers". Competitors must jump on one leg to the post and return back in the same way. To make the task a little more difficult, you can hold the competition on a gentle slope, in which case the participants will jump there - up the hill, and back - down the hill.
  2. "Skiers" ("Scuba Divers"). Participants put on skis and pick up poles (or put on fins and swimming masks) and run to the control mark. There, a slingshot and “cannonballs” await them, with the help of which they must burst a balloon hanging at some distance. If the player misses, he must run to the ball and burst it with his teeth.
  3. "Candle". Each team is given a candle, which is lit before the start of the race. Participants must run with a lit candle to the post, run around it and return to the team, passing the candle to the next participant. If during the relay race someone's candle goes out, he must return to the team, light it and run the distance again. The team that finishes the relay first will win.
Three Legs Competition
The players are divided into pairs. Participants from each pair have the right leg of one tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, the pair on “three legs” must cover a certain distance. The fastest hobbled pair wins.

Back to Back Competition
Several pairs of participants are also selected, who stand with their backs to each other and join hands. On command, players must reach the mark and return back. In this case, you cannot tear yourself away from your partner’s back. Not everyone manages to immediately cope with this task, despite its apparent ease. One player has to pull the other towards him, and the second has to back away, while synchronizing his steps.

Competitions for corporate events outdoors in summer Competition "Skillful Hands"
It is held among the male half of the team. Participants are given wooden sticks, the ends of which are pre-painted with red paint. Each man is also given a piece of sandpaper. With its help, participants must wipe the paint off the stick. The first person to completely complete the task is declared the winner.

Competition "Own Burden"
Participants are divided into pairs: guy + girl. The man puts the girl on his back, in the girl’s hand is a glass filled to the brim with water. The players' task is to run with the "burden" to the control mark and return back, splashing as little water as possible.

"Guessing" competition
The presenter calls a famous character (actor, singer, politician, athlete, movie/book hero) into the participant’s ear, and he must imitate him using gestures. Everyone else is guessing. The one who guessed correctly takes the place of the one showing.

Competition "Battle for the Balls"
Each participant is given an inflated balloon, a push pin and a plastic plate. The ball is tied to the belt of each player. After which everyone runs out onto a limited area (the size of the area depends on the number of people participating in the game). The task of each player is to pierce the balls of other participants with a button, while trying to protect his ball by protecting it with a plate. Players whose balloons burst are eliminated. The winner is the one who kept his ball intact.

Competition "Water jump ropes"
Two people hold the ends of a rope (2-3 meters long) in their hands. Participants in the competition take turns approaching the rope, which they begin to unwind in the air, and make several jumps over it. At the same time, the participant holds a glass of water in his hand. The one with the most water left in the glass wins.

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